
A Love So Bold - Chapter 61 - 63

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Sixty One-

Their wagon rolled on, the land had begun to level out during the past few days. Tall pines crowded the trail; Hannah was smiling more as the snowy landscape was turning green with vegetation that had yet been touched by winter’s icy grasp. Within her heart was an anticipation that seemed to grow with each rotation of their wheels. Gideon and the children too weren’t immune to the excitement of the trail’s end. Theirs was a journey that had taken months, but like those who arrived before them, much would need to be done!

Best Friends Forever - not just for girls

Best Friends Forever is not just for Girls

Paul gave Bethany a birthday present – just a little gift. Would it have made any difference in the long run. He gave her a little heart which could be divided in two – he thought it represented how the two of them were for each other. Well, yes, but not the way HE thought. Oh dear.

The Promise (Part 3)

Charlie’s small, delicate hand slowly touched the soft, smooth skin of her cheek; letting it brush aside a dark lock of hair that had fallen into her view. Her wide, almond eyes stared back at her in a bewildered expression, barely feeling the cool draft that tickled across the her sensitive nipples. Each one stood one end, fully erect and sending small spikes of pleasure through her.

The Other Half of My Soul, part 02 of 11

“Shall I go and turn him over to the guard? Or castrate him myself?”

“Take him somewhere else first,” one of the other women pleaded. “I can’t stand the sight of blood.”

The Enhanced: TRI - 37

A Love So Bold - Chapter 58 - 60

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty Eight-

From a great distance away, it had been lost in the clouds. The closer the wagons neared, it loomed over the treetops and could be seen for miles and miles around. "Mount Hood," Gideon whispered in awe.

"That's a huge hill, Pa!" Cade chirped as he looked on between his parents, "Are we going to have to cross it?"

"Oh dear, I hope not," Hanna sighed fearfully.

"No son, we will skirt the south end of it and move on from there." He glanced at the both of them, "Next big stop will be the Willamette Valley!"

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 6

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 6”

By = Fayanora


Chapter Six: Snakes and other slithering things


Note: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.


In all the chaos, Mrs. Weasley had forgotten to be uncomfortable with a girl sleeping in one of her boy's rooms, but when Iliana came downstairs that morning for breakfast, her appearance seemed to remind the Weasley matriarch of it.

The Other Half of My Soul, part 01 of 11

My psychic link with Serenikha had held steady all through high school, growing no stronger but no weaker, ever since my first trip to her world. I still shared dreams with her, and I still had occasional moments of aphasia, where I couldn’t think of a word in English, only in one of Serenikha’s languages. And then, my first semester in college, it suddenly seemed to get a lot weaker — I shared no dreams at all with her, and had much less aphasia than usual.

Mercy Chapter 5

Mercy Chapter 5

Once Faith got outside the testing building, she found Talia waiting for her.

“All taken care of?” Talia asked.

“Yeah, for now. I ... have a lot to learn, though.”

“Well, you are at a school. Come on, you must be hungry. Let’s go eat.”

When they got to the cafeteria, Talia noticed a white-haired girl waving at them.

“Oh, look!” She said to Faith, “I wanted you to introduce you to Arwen anyway.”

A Love So Bold - Chapter 54 - 57

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty Four-

"Hannah..." Gideon called out softly. He was standing at the end of a wagon with Charles behind him. She looked up from her project of wiping mud from Emma's hands and face with a wet cloth, and then handed the cloth to Rachel to finish.

She stood and looked toward her husband who was standing still. "Are you coming in for breakfast?" she asked, moving toward him. "Em found out that mud was pretty fun to squish in her hands and..." she had a puzzled look on her face as he had remained slightly hidden behind the wagon.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-20.


………………………….And then Settler’s Day or NH Thanksgiving comes up pretty fast.

Nikki’s going home to her folks place and…so am I.

I mean my home not her home and I’ve wanted to sort of do this for a couple of weeks now.

I need to have a family talk and see where they are about all of this and about me and I’ll have to talk to mom first since she’s the only one that I know of out of the family that was in the running. She’ll hopefully be okay enough with things that we can hash all of this out and help me with the paper work that Victory has given me so that she and dad can sign off on Darcy so there’s an official if needed paper trail.

Now do I drive and go as Dale or do I pack a bag and things and fly there as Darcy/Scarlet?

*And Now…

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-12.

We actually just sort of gather together around all the unconscious meta-animals and sort of wait a few minutes for the aero-cruisers and armored aero-transport get here and are landing and the prisoners are getting put away and Mrs. Champion looks at me. “C’mon we’re going with that ride.”

“Really? Me?”

“Yeah you you’re one of our heavies and it’ll look good too. The public likes it when we reassure them that we’ll keep an eye on people like them.”


She nods. “Now armor up as we’re getting in and give the press a little wave as we get in.”

The Promise (Part 2)

Charlie Roberts has tried to be a good friend to his long time buddy Joe, but after a horrible break-up, his friend seems to have lost the will to live for himself. Wanting to help his friend out at any cost, he makes a promise with his friend's infirm mother. It’s from this point on that Charlie starts to live two different lives. One as the caring, supportive friend and the other as the loving girlfriend. But how long can he keep these two lives separate? How long can keep the truth from his friend? Which one will he ultimately choose?

The Promise (Part 1)

Charlie Roberts has tried to be a good friend to his long time buddy Joe, but after a horrible break-up, his friend seems to have lost the will to live for himself. Wanting to help his friend out at any cost, he makes a promise with his friend's infirm mother. It’s from this point on that Charlie starts to live two different lives. One as the caring, supportive friend and the other as the loving girlfriend. But how long can he keep these two lives separate? How long can keep the truth from his friend? Which one will he ultimately choose?

Alex & Chris Chapter 36

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 36 The children of Poseidon

“Triton you think she has gills but cannot swim?”

“She should not be but she is and I am not responsible.”

“Triton have you any sons who might be responsible.”

“No only Poseidon & he lives his life as a porpoise.” Later that evening Alexis got an email about the work Triton commissioned.

The Many Faces of Adira Potter 5

“The Many Faces of Adira Potter: Chapter 5”

By = Fayanora


Chapter Five: Stones, Snakes, and House Elves


Note: Text in 'Italics and British quotes' is Parseltongue.


Note two: A little canon-y dialogue and narration in here, too. The Dobby scene in canon just has so much that's still great that works here, too. Again, I try to avoid it as much as possible.


A Love So Bold - Chapter 51 - 53

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Fifty One-

Hannah had prepared breakfast for them all; while the children were eating, Gideon was seeing to their animals. “Once you are finished, put your dishes in our bucket and I’ll wash them.” She called out, “I’ll take care of them as soon as I’m done with Em.”

Cade quickly dropped his empty tin into the bucket and went off in search of his father. Watching from the back of the wagon where she was changing Emma, she saw Rachel kneel next to the bucket and begin to wash off the tins. Hannah smiled inwardly, as without being asked, the young girl took it upon herself to assist her.

Alex & Chris Chapter 31

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 31 Titans

Astrid noticed two very tall girls crying. “Hello I am Astrid & this is my home why are you crying.”

“We are so tall none of the other children want to play with us.”

Astrid, “I will give my sister Samantha a call & we will play with you.”

“Hi Astrid, Oh we get to play with giants. Can you pick us up and carry us so we can look over the hedges. Our sisters have water pistols and have tried to soak us.”

What's in a name?

Back to comedy.
I dedicate this story to Licorice who inspired it

It was Monday morning the second week of Fall term. We had almost finished changing for gym when a naked boy stumbled into the girls’ changing room. Well, actually he was pushed into it. In his hand he had a pink leotard and a towel. He immediately tried to exit but someone outside made sure he couldn’t open the door. Failing to open the door the poor naked boy turned around and gave us a frightened look.

My Super Secret Life-36.


Sunny me inside though is livid…there’s this girl part of me that is so pissed beyond measure that she’s such a heartless bitch. That part’s been asleep for the most part lately but I can feel it, not like a sentient side of me but something in the core of where I started is really offended.

I know it’s sexist and stuff but part of me inside just can’t get over that sort of utter disregard for the lives of others.

Horizons of the Heart - 27

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2015 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and her friends spend an evening among the high society of the elven city of Ral Sona. Some are more prepared than others for what it entails, and some surprises occur along the way.

Flashback: The Winterheart cousins head out with the warriors of Strom on one of their first real voyages

A Love So Bold - Chapter 47 - 50

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Forty Seven-

Ever closer to their crossing point at the Snake River the small wagon train came. Meanwhile, Rachel was becoming better at reacting with those around her; it was evident that she was slowly mending her broken heart.

Hannah wanted Rachel to keep her family's Bible, because it was about the only link that she still had with the family she had tragically lost. Often she would sit alone and slowly look at the pages, tracing her tiny fingers along the words her mother had written.

Freya's Gift Chapter 1

An aging overweight man who plays too much online gaming receives a gift from Freya, the
goddess of love, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war and death.

Freya's Gift

Chapter One: In the Beginning

When you think you know everything there is, life always has a way to prove you wrong!

Alex & Chris Chapter 21

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 21 Marjorie Thorne in Leeds.

Alison, “Well Jenny have you decided if you want to spend the weekend with us?”

“Well I have packed my case & the girls have been pestering me.” Jade was holding Astrid’s' hand.

“Alexis did you see us we did better this time?”

“You certainly did and we saw Jade in all the other dances.”

Jade, “They have decided that Jenny can be an honorary big sister to them.”

Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes: A TG Mixed Tape


A TG Mixed Tape

(Curated by PersnicketyBitch)

A young woman is singled out of superherodom, but is having none of it. A group of teenagers disturb a malicious spirit. A radical plan to improve the American political process. Hit play on the last TG Mixed Tape for 2015 for all these stories and more, featuring contributions from Efindumb, Ellie Dauber, Desert Willow, Misaania, Jenny North, Callie Messenger, Person42, Hikaro, Shauna, Trismegistus Shandy, kandijayne, Desert Willow and Anon Allsop

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 28

Drew & the Half Term Break
A Gabyverse fanfiction
by Sharp

Chapter 28 India.

Amanda, “Gaby I was wondering if we could go to India.”

Gaby, “Have you detected more of us there?”

Amanda, “No but the historians here would like to visit the famous historical sites & then perhaps take Zita & her sisters for a visit to their father.”

Gaby, “In that case we had better take the Guards. Inform Princess Zita to prepare for a visit to the Indian sub continent.”

A Love So Bold - Chapter 39 - 42

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Thirty Nine-

In deep slumber, Hannah lay near Gideon, soaking his warmth as the air had cooled overnight. Her dreams that night were enveloped in warm sunshine as she walked across a sea of beautiful blue flowers, with her long red hair drifting in a gentle breeze.

She stood upon a small knoll overlooking the wagon train. Her feet were comfortably bare. Below she could see Gideon and Cade hitching their mules for the day's ride. She didn’t know where Emma was, but assumed she was safely tucked away inside the wagon.

Like an ancient goddess of Greek lore, she stood like a sentinel on that knoll. As still as a statue, the long yellow skirt drifting in the breeze, her fiery tendrils seemed to have a life all their own. The stark white bodice she wore seemed to carve out the sky, its bow with the long ribbons floating just off her shoulder. Next to her beauty, the landscape around her appeared barren and desolate.

Shattered Glass 8

Ruth walked with Rona to Doyle after class, the doctors were going to start removing the tattoos that night, and they'd be able to tell her how soon she'd be tattoo free after they were done the first treatment. She rubbed her arms wondering what she'd look like with unblemished skin.

Her friend opened the door for her and walked to the nurses station. “Hi, my roommate, Ruth is here for an appointment,” Rona said.

Sunshine...Parts 9 and 10. The Finale

Sunshine… Parts 9 and 10. The Finale

Part 9


It’s sex, its great sex and not a huge marathon but somewhere between a quickie and normal sex. It’s always good. I get a triple play this morning one for her by oral and two the old fashioned way before she gets me to my own home run.

Alex & Chris Chapter 14

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 14 Linda & Linze in Scarborough.

The Manageress, “We never got to introduce ourselves properly. I am Doris & my sister is Dora she and Christobell have been friends for a in time. Come let’s get to the shop as I need to deal with the mail & find some staff.”

As they were speaking young woman came in and said, “Excuse me do you happen to know if the owner is hiring as I am looking for a job and so is my twin sister?”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 24

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharp

A Gabyverse fanfiction
Chapter 24 Claudia & Celeste.

Both couples looked shocked. Ariel, “My daughters you should remember this is our annual party in the village.”

Claudia, “I clean forgot & last year we had some christenings also.”

Liza, “My Children will be named, Aura, Calista, Demetria, Easter, Frea, Gertrude, Hermione, Imogene, Leda & Myrtle.”

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 31

What the rescuers find when the morning comes. Probably some more campfire tales!

This chapter ends this second book. The next one is being written. I want to thank Bill and Asheligh for their help and to those that PM'd me. I also want to thank everyone for reading and your comments.

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 23

Drew & the Half Term Break
by Sharp
A Gabyverse fanfiction
Chapter 23 Milan again.

Ellen, “Gaby in that case can we all go to Milan for a change.”

Nicole, “Actually that would be a great idea as there is a fashion show starting tomorrow.”

Sarah, “Will they need models.”

Nicole, “I doubt it but I know a late entry designer who might.”

Gaby, “Nicole are we bailing you out yet again”.

Nicole, “It is not me this time but I did promise Miriam & Myra that I would find models for them.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 13

Alex & Chris
Chapter 13 The disabled children.
By Sharphawlad

Alexis, “Is Astrid OK?”

Alexis she is taking the sleep she needs. She was up early this morning to check up on me. Alex's covered the two of them over & said it looks like we have lost the tour guide. They showed all the footpaths around the grounds and the recent extensions they were doing. Finally they got to the temple and there was considerable squealing as some of them got wet.

Christobell “Alex will you have to wait for us at another entrance?”

A Love So Bold - Chapter 34 - 38

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Thirty Four-

Hannah and Cade watched Gideon and Charles stand off to the side and discuss the fee for the wagons to ride across the Green; from the looks on their faces they were not happy. She removed her bonnet and held it in her hand, quickly looking back toward a sleeping Em. "Papa doesn't look too happy, does he?" Cade whispered.

"No honey, he does not." She sighed, as the man continued to gesture toward their wagon. Gideon shook his head and waved him off, then turned and stormed back toward the wagon, Charles and the man exchanged words before he too headed back.

Gideon's expression was of a man who didn't like what he had heard. He climbed up into the wagon and sat staring at the man, his jaws flexing in anger. "Well?" Hannah, asked, breaking the sullen silence.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 18

I woke up without any pain.

My body was numb, not like I was drugged, but like what happens when you stay up too long and your body craves sleep. Slime encrusted my eyes, making it impossible to open them. From the cold, wet feeling, the slime covered my face, even opening my mouth didn't seem possible.

Mother's Child - Chapter 11

Leah is having problems adjusting, but then she meets someone unexpected. Will this meeting help or hurt? Leah's adventures continue.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 17

Crier rested on my lap, almost humming with power. Mrs. Jones was still asleep on my bed, she must have stayed up most of the night. My hand barely hurt, although my fingers were stiff and my skin still cracked and bled if I moved it too quickly. It had been over two hours and Calandri still hadn’t come to see me, that had me worried yet happy. It had looked like she was ready to kill me just before the fight. I hadn’t gotten a look at her afterwards, so it was possible she had been mollified.

Not likely.

“I must thank you, Alex,” a deep voice said.

Alex & Chris Chapter 11

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 11 Another Alexis,

Astrid came into the room, “Mummy we have another big sister Alexis, but she needs your help we are going looking for our big sister now.”

Chris was shaken when she saw the girl, “She looks like an identical twin of my Alexis.”

Seeds of Evolution

Seeds of Evolution

Alien spores have spread across the planet, causing those infected to evolve. Bryan learns that he is one of those who has been infected, and that soon, he too will become an evo.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 16

I woke up in pain.

My leg and hip felt fine, but my right hand was icy cold and cramped. Mrs. Jones was sleeping at my side, blood smeared on her clothes, still she was smiling peacefully. Easing myself out of bed, I found I was dressed in a nightgown. For at least the tenth time I wondered what was up with people constantly putting me to bed and changing my clothes every time I was injured. Raising the hem, I saw my leg was perfectly healed without even a mark. My hand wasn’t so lucky.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 30

Where-oh-where can Atalanta be? The school and the Reservation is in a panic looking for her. Another exciting chapter as our heroine goes missing! LOL! Melodramatic yes but it is a lot of fun.

Slave of the Fae: Chapter 14

I was resting that afternoon cleaning Crier, trying to control the anger that filled me, when a whisp came to the garden. I looked away from the images running over it’s surface that reminded me of home tugging at my soul. “Lead the way,” I said, looking at the light beneath it.


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