
Angel's Tale - part 19

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Angel and the gang defuse a confrontation. Sanura checks out the Spa. David's family is attacked. Angel is attacked. Mrs. Tabor takes extreme action. Pope Hill takes adverse action. What pieces of the puzzle have Angel's father and Dr. Miller figured out?

Part 19

Angel's Tale - part 18

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel gets some recognition. Unfortunately, she also gets drugged in a kidnapping attempt. Robin gets her favorite breakfast, and almost gets an unfortunate code name. We learn more about the mysterious attackers.

Part 18

The Book of Fate

The Book of Fate

Case Number 1

Jason Martin Reprobate

The book of fate appears in many forms. It can reveal itself as a book, computer game, physical place or some other variation. Some believe it is a product of an organization established to right perceived wrongs.

Angel's Tale - part 17

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Life gets exciting for Angel and her friends. Angel gets burned protecting her friends. Armed men break into her house. And who is this mysterious Dr. Miller, and what does she really know about the Pope Hill gang?

Part 17

Angel's Tale - part 16

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel is attacked, and framed, then abused by a "Pure" school official. Tables are turned. David and Robin work on a new trick, while Lena keeps a close eye on them.

Part 16

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 7 of 22

Launuru said little in the carriage on the way back to the wizard's house. She was thinking about her reaction when Kazmina had suggested that she change back into the man she'd been when she hired the room. It had been as appalling to her just now as the idea of becoming a woman had been when Kazmina suggested it two days ago. If that were so, how could she ask Tsavila to marry her, promising to become a man again soon?

Angel's Tale - part 15

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel confronts a dangerous plot at a theater. Later, she gets a secret girl lesson. In her "spare time", she learns a couple of new tricks with her powers. And why does Lena call her an "Evil Temptress"?

Part 15

Angel's Tale - part 14

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel gets a taste of luxury, then returns to her ordinary life. Pope Hill shifts from testing to operational mode. There's a new stud at Cassandra's school. And Robin surprises everyone - even Radar!

Part 14

FTL-6...Faster than Life.

FTL-6 …Faster than Life.

Chapter 6

I wake up feeling well…I’m not sure? I’m in the tank and I feel Patrick’s arms around me still and him pressed to me still holding me, still floating together spooning. My breather mask is still on my face and I …sort of feel at peace.

Which is a welcome thing from the replaying of everything that has been going on in my head since the battle against that Technarch killing machine. The girls sent Patrick my way and while it wasn’t the way that I pictured losing my virginity…it was still better than I had imagined.

Angel's Tale - part 13

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel faces some limits, and some new beginnings. The Pope Hill Gang strikes again. And what is she doing that is so sensitive it has to be way off the books?

Part 13

Angel's Tale - part 12

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

A nice, quiet weekend? What's that? Saturday includes work, her first visit to a swap shop, and a shopping trip with her mom. But Sunday makes Angel wonder whether she will ever have a nice, simple meal out again.

Part 12

La La Land

La La Land


I've always wondered what would have happened if I never had went to the shop to get that juice box....
I probably would have dehydrated and died.
But that's not the point, because it was that juice box that changed my life.
It was apple, by the way.

Angel's Tale - part 10

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Angel has a confrontation with the police. Radar has a boyfriend. Angel has more work to do. And the party plans are coming together.

Part 10

Incompatible: Birth of a Spellbinder

Of A    Spellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising
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The world is not without irony, as evident by my life. I was born Thurston Olaf Steenberg and grew up hating the Spellbinders and all that they stood for. It was only by becoming what I hated most that I was able to transcend my humble beginnings and do good in the world. The following is the story of my origins. It is not the story of my birth, but of my rebirth. It the story of how I became Aryanna Morgana Le Fey.

Angel's Tale - part 9

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

Angel really earns her microburgers. Closer to home, she works her "magic" on parents and learns her way around the school. And she actually gets to spend some time with family and friends.

Part 9

Santa's Gift to the World

Santa's Gift to the World

by shalimar

Note: I wrote this little story because of things that I have observed at the end of 2001. I don't usually write Christmas
stories. That is why I wrote it after Christmas.

My Super Secret Life-9.

My Super Secret Life-9

Chapter 9

I take a deep breath and try a smile. “Hi…everyone…”

Dad’s looking at me. “Sunny we need to talk…”

Yeah that happened already, but my mind just had to replay the whole thing because the next thing that he said was. “Now Young Man.”

I’m taking a seat at the table and my Mom’s serving out coffee and she’s giving me the strangest of looks. She pours me a cup and I’m looking at her and Dad and Overdrive and Mrs. Champion…. “You had to tell them?”

If Wishes Were Horses

If Wishes Were Horses
by Maeryn Lamonte

Nothing to do with Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge for a change

Life is tough, then you die. Sooner rather than later if you really can't cope. That is of course unless you're run over by someone who has already had a magical encounter, and hasn't been corrupted by getting everything she wants.

Angel's Tale - part 6

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

The boy on the sofa takes a startling direction. Angel learns that theater managers come in a variety of tempraments - the good, the bad, and the ugly. She also meets David's parents.

Part 6

Reaction, Unexpected

Reaction, Unexpected

One side of a conversation. Caution... very dark.

Author's note... this is something that has been rattling around my head for some time.
please understand that this is a) my first attempt at a short story and b) very dark.
Warning, contains references to mental illness and suicide... use caution!
Thank's to Bailey and Darkice for the beta read.

The Nightingale's Song

The Nightingale's Song
by Armond
Anuvar, a glistening jewel in the sea, gifted by the Goddess to Her people. Yet their ears have become deaf to Her song, and a doom hangs over the Isle. The famed singer Orlando typifies their plight; the Goddess gifted him with the most amazing talent to stir men’s souls, yet he squanders it for wenching and wine. An horrific crime sets the troubadour on a different path, but will it lead to the redemption or damnation of the Isle?



This one has some strong themes including forced femininization Please read with care, and comments, as always, are appreciated.

The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated.

Red Shoes - The Shoe Interlude

The Shoe Interlude
by KaylaKayKee

The Red Shoes had slowly started to remember. At first the memories had been vague. The only thing they had remembered was its purpose, and just barely at that. But now the memories kept coming back.

Rodric and Melisande, part 2 of 3

“I will have to make a pilgrimage to one shrine or another, first to the nearest and then to those of the greater saints, and as far as the Holy Sepulchre if necessary.”

“That will be difficult for a woman traveling alone,” he said.

Rodric and Melisande, part 1 of 3

She was dirty and sweaty from working in the garden, but not much less beautiful for that. But it seemed odd that he did not recognize her; the wizard hired his human servants from among the peasants within a few miles of Harold’s farm, and Rodric knew everyone living in that region.

When she raised her eyes from the bush and saw him, she called out, “Help me!”

Angel's Tale - part 1

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay

When Angel O'Connor and his family move to Colorado, he changes more than his address. Driving across the country with his mother, he comes down with MORFS.

Part 1


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