
The Center: A Damper Day (Part 1)

The Center: A DAMPER Day!
Part 1

By Blackout


Have you ever wondered the origin stories for students in The Center. Most of them went through a pretty weird and amazing adventure all in the matter of a day or so that might be classified as the most exciting and terrifying time of their young lives. This is one of those stories. The life of Charlie Sherwood as he discovers his new self. This is a short tale based on Claire Evergreen best friend of Rachael from The Center: Tester.

The QT Diaries -- Episode IV -- A New Hope

The QT Diaries

Episode IV: A New Hope

by Denise Miles

Detective Grant Stone is forced to take vacation after years on the Space Patrol. On the way home his cruise ship is attacked by pirates and he's forced to escape in a faulty rescue pod. As his life support fails, he prepares for death. Little does he expect what happens next.

Extreme Makeover

The following all started by accident.

“By accident?” I hear you say. “How can something like that be accidental?”

It’s simple actually.

It all stems from that old adage: “be careful what you wish for” and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e’er spake.


Bridging the Veil (Part 3)

Bridging the Veil
by Kristin Darken (aka Chaosdancer)


Keeping track of the occult mishaps of unsuspecting college students can be a full time job, even if its more of a personal mission than any sort of official post. Unfortunately, there are times of the year when a little 'mishap' can lead to far bigger problems. One of those times approaches...

Part 3 of my contribution to this season's Samhain competition. It starts to get a little dark here. Considering its part of a Terror contest, it may not be necessary, but I thought I'd offer warnings anyway. If you have PTSD issues from wartime situations, you may need to approach this with caution.

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 3

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 3


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 11 of 22

“You're probably not related to her, either.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I don't know who my mother was. She was a wizard, and probably not from Setuaznu or Niluri or anywhere in between, but my father never talks about her.”

Bridging the Veil (Part 2)

Bridging the Veil
by Kristin Darken (aka Chaosdancer)


Keeping track of the occult mishaps of unsuspecting college students can be a full time job, even if its more of a personal mission than any sort of official post. Unfortunately, there are times of the year when a little 'mishap' can lead to far bigger problems. One of those times approaches...

Part 2 of my contribution to this season's Samhain competition.

Bishop: Keeping The Faith

Bishop stands just outside the food court in the Renaissance Mall. Two hours have passed, and she’s frustrated and just a bit angry about how totally wasted those hours turned out to be. She’s wandered through six women’s clothing stores plus an upscale department store, and so far she’s managed to come up empty.

‘Not for lack of trying,’ she thinks bitterly. ‘Or of choice. How many different kinds of clothes do women wear, anyway? It’s crazy. And when I did take something to the dressing room to try it on, it didn’t look right. It all looked too old, or too young. Some of this stuff makes me feel like a clown. Worse, some of it makes me look like I’m for sale. God, I HATE this. I feel so helpless ... useless. Bateau said I used to walk into a room like I owned it. Now I can’t even pick my own clothes?’

Bishop: Keeping The Faith

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2011 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.
This is a sequel to Bishop: Baptism, which can be read here.
However, Bishop: Baptism is a sequel to Bishop: Born Again.
So if you want to go all the way back to the beginning, click here.



Originally published on in 2001

So, here is another of my whoppers. I do hope that you all enjoy it. I had hoped to get other work done but this old yarn just kept niggling at the back of my brain and at my age, I have none to spare, jolly good then.

Here are some reading instructions: I write using the Queen’s English and the proper spelling for it. I am sorry that my knowledge of the Queen’s English is inferior but I am endeavouring to get it learnt my best speed. It is my hope to visit the UK to for further education in time. Full stop!

Bridging the Veil (Part 1)

Bridging the Veil
by Kristin Darken (aka Chaosdancer)


Keeping track of the occult mishaps of unsuspecting college students can be a full time job, even if its more of a personal mission than any sort of official post. Unfortunately, there are times of the year when a little 'mishap' can lead to far bigger problems. One of those times approaches...

Part 1 of my contribution to this season's Samhain competition.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 27: Feedback Loops

Terri has a destiny, one that is still in the works for her, but already cemented in the past... or is it?


Accidental Magic
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Feedback Loop
By Allystra Krane

Transfigured: Rise of a Spellbinder (original version)

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Ragnarok Image
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NOTE: I have posted a heavily revised version of this story. I highly recommend skipping this and reading the newer version. This version has several flaws that have been fixed with the revised version.

As I seek to find a means to halt Ragnarok I learn of the cruel experiments
performed by the mad Doctor Mengele. He claims he can grant men the ability
to use magic, but at what cost?

The secret of the lamp

The secret of the lamp

by Misrah

Hank picked up the rusty saber. "This comes right in time." They had to act quickly and skilled if they wanted to get this ugly big harem guard down for good. "Try to get behind him." he yelled over to his friend Jules, while he had a hard time fighting of the first massive strike of the ogre's huge war hammer.

Starstruck! -6- Hero Worship

A Built-In What? Really?


by Erin Halfelven

"Help me," Vicki asked Dan'l. The big man shook off part of whatever effect had left him out of sync with reality. The most beautiful, most desirable woman in the world wanted his help and he would help her.

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 2

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 2


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

Notification Service

Notification Service

In every age, in every war, there have been casualties. And along with casualties, there are the loved ones left behind. In recent times, there has been a recognition that those families need help when the news is brought to them of the loss of the one they loved, and so each conflict had its own way to give the sad news, and help the families pick up the pieces afterwards, and have made a service to meet that need.

And now, with a new war waging, that service is needed again. The fact that the war is secret, that neither side is an official combatant, and that the casualties are mostly civilians is not a concern to that service. They are needed, and so they are on duty, for as long as the war lasts.....

My Super Secret Life-10.

My Super Secret life -10

Chapter 10


It’s so strange…I’m getting into this little red sports car having the door opened for me to go shopping of all things by this drop dead gorgeous blonde with these incredibly blue eyes and this warm sexy killer smile.

And I’m just a bit taller than her boobs.

The Most Precious Treasure

The challenge was to steal a rare gem, one that could be the most precious treasure any of them had seen. Nobody was supposed to be in the house that week. Anyway, they each had enough connections to get off if they did get caught. What could possibly go wrong?


Fade to Black-2

Fade to Black-2

Chapter 2

It’s still raining out I can smell it. Even before I open my eye’s I can smell it, hear it so clearly and feel it on my face…no… those are tears.

I don’t want to move. Dom and I finally made love and we crashed soon after that and I didn’t even dream, I felt nothing and no one and just pretty much passed out. I hurt, I hurt inside in ways I didn’t know people could. It’s not from fighting or from the sex it’s just…I just hurt from everything? I know that the soldiers in my pack get it…heart sick, soul sick.



Chapter 1

The feeling of the slip under the dress I’m wearing is so strange but in this really good way that still surprises me. This silky glide of my legs smooth now when something I never thought about losing is now forever gone. No, I was never really a transgendered person just a soldier, dying years ago diagnosed with lung cancer from too much toxic stuff on the battlefield. Transformed by the Silverbite I went from a mid fifties old soldier to this sweet young thing…Her Majesty’s age, seventeen in body.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 9 of 22

“Maybe he did as the servant said, maybe not. Either way, I fear he did meet with some misfortune, for the last I heard his family had not heard from him either. But wine can't be pressed into grapes. I met Itsulanu when I was angry and sad, and he comforted me. Now in less than three days he is to be my husband, and that makes me happier than I can say. I wish my sometime lover may be happy wherever he is; I forgive him.”

A jinxed night on halloween

A jinxed night on halloween

by Misrah

"Eh, man this was one hell of a party!" Stan laughed and raised his beer can into the night sky.

"Word, man!"Alex answered. "Just too bad we were not invited. But I think we've given the event a little touch of Sigma Sigma Alpha I'd say! And we're up for more!"

"Yeah!" his friends loudly bawled out their agreement. They didn't even care that it was raining a bit. The alcohol in their blood kept them warm.


Alandira’s Song - Chapter 4 - The Closing Ritual

James turned 15 and his life is about to change in more ways then one.. hes about to find out hes not really who he thought he was and his parents are from another demension.

Sorry fixed a title error;)


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Alandira’s Song - Chapter 3 - Shopping

James is 15 just turned 15 actually, today is his birthday, celebrating it with his family.. but what he doesn’t know is that his family isn't from this world, they are from another.. and he doesn't belong here.. and things are just about to start getting very interesting.


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


On and Over

On and Over (1st draft preview)
by Cleo Kraft


Small soft hands opened the door and a cute little blonde girl's head peeked in the room. She bit her lower lip as she looked around for any sign of people around. Her breathing was hurried and panting a bit as she had just ran from the park all the way up Forest Avenue to Dr. Jenning's place.

Cat and Mouse

Catwoman Cat and Mouse
By Maid Joy
Eneimes are everywhere. She can't swing a cat without hitting one or more, and that's a good thing since they will have been well and truly hit at that point.

Detective Comics owns the copyright to Catwoman. This is a retroactive contunity, or a Retcon of the same character.

Starstruck! -5- Turn It Up to Eleven

Elvis Shops at K-Mart!


by Erin Halfelven

Dan'l Broome did not get much done the day he found Vicki Starr sleeping in the pallet yard next to his shop. First there was getting acquainted and picking out splinters. Then there was finding something for her to wear. Then there was dealing with the fact that she wouldn't tell him where she lived.

"I don't remember," she said, her violet eyes large and innocent. "I don't know how I got here either or what happened to my clothes." She smiled up at him. "Must have been some party, huh?"

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 8 of 22

“Love is a thing holy to Kalotse, and...” Just then she heard a wailing, which got momentarily louder; one of the servants came in holding a fussy, just-woken Miretsi. “A thing with unexpected consequences,” she concluded.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-8

Don’t blame Me I’m A Martian-8

Chapter 8

I really try to shake off the funk that I’m in as we head to the theatre to see the movies. I have to because yeah it’s really messed up the way that I am but I can’t really do much about it. And If I let this get to me too much then it’s going to get to me all the time. I don’t want to live my life in a constant state of “Poor me, Pity me, Why me.”

Angel's Tale - Conclusion

Angel's Tale: A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Busted! Angel tells her parents things she had avoided admitting to them. The powerful and mysterious Dr. Miller confronts the Pope Hill gang with what she knows. A less than satisfied "customer" tries to take it out on the hill itself. Is this the end of Pope Hill and the Pope Hill gang?

Part 20


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