
A funny thing happened on the way home...

My brother and I had just finished watching Interview with a vampire. We were staying with our grandmother for the night. As usual my brother was playing the part of the evil vampire and I was the damsel in distress. As the younger brother I was never allowed to be the vampire.

He was chasing me around and around the living room when Grandma walked in.

"What are you boys doing?"

"Playing Vampire and maiden. I'm the Vampire I vant to suck your blood." I squealed and ran to grandma.

"Boys sit down. I am going to tell you a story my mother told me when I was your age."

Snakes and Ladders-18

Snakes and Ladders-18

Chapter 18

I let Shaya lead me away and I’ve been here, that right after a really good scrap feeling only it’s different too. I talked her out of that toxic hole they shoved her into…but more than that or at least to me I didn’t lose my shit as Bear. I mean it’s not like I used to be nuts or a psycho and even when I had to fight like this I tried to keep it calm but once Bear got his claws out that’s when I was this person I didn’t like.

That part of me scared and made the girl hiding in me cry alone and often in the dark once things were said and done.

But today, as bad vas this got this was me. The real me. Wren Phoenix. And the fight ended the way that I wished all the fights I’ve been in could’ve been done. With honor and understanding and truth.

The stuff I’m really about.


The little girl with the auburn pigtails moved silently down the passage in the dark tower keep. She was noticably small.

Actually she is full grown its just that she is a gnome. She is dress all in dark leather that is well oiled. Her intent is simple she is hungry and she knows that the mage of this tower has some food. Not that conjured food like her sister makes. Its ok has no taste and you get hungry again after awhile. No real food like fresh sweetened goats milk, or Roasted talibuk. The thoughts of such foods made her almost drool.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 18 of 22

She undressed in the dark and stashed her clothes and shoes on the shelves, then looked inward at her structure, deciding what form she wanted for this purpose. She started making changes, reducing her size and altering her structure. Twitching her whiskers and sniffing gingerly at the door, she slipped quietly into the corridor and scurried down it towards the front parlor.

My Super Secret Life-13.

My Super Secret Life-13.

Chapter 13

Yep WTF was certainly the perfect term.

Matt looks at me and smiles and I’m…I mean he’s…oh fuck.

Okay I said what I saw but it’s really like this.

Matt’s wearing some kind of wig that fits him perfectly giving him this head full of shiny, wavy sexy tumbly black tresses that go all the way down her…his back. Then there’s the face his face is perfectly smooth, no stubble or anything and he’s got these incredibly thick long lashes and perfect make-up.

Shiny black lace metal choker and earrings and bangles.

Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Becoming Samantha -
By Anon Allsop

He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely. Unfortunately, a simple wish whispered, isn't as always as perfect as it may seem. At least, not one that has been granted inside the boundaries of... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

03 - Hardshell


After being abducted by aliens, Aaron finds himself drawn into a world of superheroes and alien invasions.
This takes place in the same universe as The Miracle Legacy and A Change of Heart.

Beware The Reaper's Wrath - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."

- Rod Serling

Beware The Reaper's Wrath
A Twilight Zone story

By Anon Allsop

Kenny Odholm was a thug. His entire existence rode upon the backs of the less fortunate. He was a parasite of the worst degree. Inside Kenny's cold, calculating heart beat the blood of pure evil. He murdered for the first time at the age of thirteen, and his second was at the age of fifteen. His gang affiliations had not helped his cause, as they too had become prey to Kenny's brutal lust for power.

Many thought Kenny would meet his demise at the business end of a policeman's revolver, or perhaps by the electric current at a prison in one of the many states where he was wanted. Unfortunately, Kenny wouldn't meet his fate in any of those forms, for life had a much more cruel form of punishment waiting for the likes of Kenny. A fate found only when he crossed the threshold of...The Twilight Zone.

The Guardian Princess 2: And Justice For All, Chapter 2

When Justice woke up, his surroundings were unfamiliar to him at first. *Oh right* he thought to himself, “This blows.” He finished out loud. Now comes the embarrassment.

Vampyre 4.

Vampyre 4.

*A quick note to my readers. In order to get more character time in the Evanescence plot I'm switching Alecia back to having her own storyline. I might end up doing the same for Jill as well. Let me know.

Chapter 4

Evening came way too fast for me, and I could feel it too. It was this thing, like when you feel a chill.

This deep chill settling into me and it was like the setting sun had changed and I could feel the light, the warm seeping out of me…

The Guardian Princess 2: And Justice For All, Chapter 1

He was being chased again. He was always being chased, it seemed. He was too fast for the store owner and eventually got away with his prize. As the crowds saw him pass, some saw, perhaps, a young slight boy. Others thought perhaps, a girl. He was 5’5, barely 100lbs at 15 years old. He had golden blonde hair, delicate features, and the most stunning purplish blue eyes that most had ever seen. His name was Justice Winters, orphan runaway extraordinaire

FTL-8...Faster Than Life.

FTL-8...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 8

I wake up to the sound of this low frequency vibration through the ship and through me. I get a flash on my implant saying. [Attention all personnel we are now entering a class two grav-front.]

A grav front is where you get two opposing forces of gravity or more too close together and the competing gravity sort of sucks space apart? It’s not really apart but it makes the stuff that makes up space sort of choppy. See the pull isn’t standard or constant there’s all these stellar conditions and variables that make ripples in space.

Chop (Shrugging).

Convergence: When Stories Collide

Through the near infinite reaches of space-time, a single shaft of power pierces multiple realms, connecting them so close to instantaneously that the difference cannot be measured by anything less than a god. And when something this powerful punches a hole through a group of realities, something is bound to get pulled into its wake.

Or someone, as the case may be ...

Convergence: When Stories Collide
by Randalynn
Featuring a familiar cast of characters (if you've ever read my work *grin*)
Copyright © 2011 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.


The Muse

The Muse
By Anon Allsop

For an author, a Muse is a guiding spirit or a compelling source of personal inspiration. Imagine if you, a struggling author trying to produce a story, would come face to face with your muse. This is a tribute story to the late author, Genni Smith. It is also dedicated to all authors everywhere.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 17 of 22

“Come,” she said playfully, “I have no romantic illusions about my own brother — I know perfectly well she loves you a hundred times better than you deserve. If it were any other woman, I would try to discourage her by telling her embarrassing stories about you, but Launuru already knows them all, so I'll just have to accept your good fortune.”

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 5

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 5


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

The Story's the Thing!

The Story’s the Thing!

I’m a writer.

I’m not super-famous like Grishim or King, but there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of my books in the paperback section. Based on my royalties, quite a few of you have bought one - “for a friend” maybe, because I’m not the kind of author people seem happy to admit they read.

I’ll take the money regardless.

My Super Secret Life-12.

My Super Secret Life-12.


I’m still kind of cursing myself out as I driving my car. I feel like a grade A spaz with the stuff I handled or tried to handle with Shane. I mean nothing has been like this since I was this gawky eleven year old flat chest little girl with braces trying and failing to be cool around the hot guys at the beach or at school.

I mean C’mon!

I’m tall, long legs, great body and I’ve been one of the hottest girls in my school for years. Okay the valley stuff aside I was even cool back then.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 16 of 22

Launuru hated herself for her cowardice as soon as she'd run away, but was too ashamed to go back. It was too late to fix things; she'd gambled her relationship with Verentsu, hoping to turn friendship into love, but now she'd made such a mess that there was probably no way they could go back to being friends.

Fade to Black-3

Fade to Black-3

Chapter 3

The reports take me awhile. It’s why I guess that armies really do run on paper. I didn’t really want to do this stuff but I need to. Mom keeps refilling my coffee and Dad’s still kind of surly; I can really start to see why he hates this, why he never wanted to be part of the life. He actually shot me a sort of sympathetic sort of look and then left after looking at everyone.

Athena/Andrea is sitting with Dorian and are talking is a very foreign language save for the names of people and places that don’t fit the language I mean what ever they’re speaking stuff like “New York” doesn’t seem to translate to. I think he’s getting caught up on current events.

Emmett/Elizabeth part 2...maybe

In another part of the kingdom a woman gets up from a deep sleep. She moves to her writing table, sits down and using the sharp tip of the quill blade pokes her thumb. She then allows 5 drops of her blood to mix with the ink pad which she then grinds for some ink for the quill. Choosing a suitible square cut vellum she draws intricate circles and lines which magically disappear into the vellum. Next she carefully puts runes and letters all over which also disappear into the vellum. Putting aside that vellum she chooses a new vellum and writes a series of letters. When done the extra ink is washed away and the two parchments are rolled one over the other. She then moves to the door and opens it a few inches to hand out the parchment to an asleep page who takes the parchment and moves on his way. Thus done the woman returns to her bed unaware of what just happened.

For all this was done without both the woman, who is actually a priestess, and the page ever opening their eyes once.

The Haunting – A TWILIGHT ZONE Story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."

- Rod Serling


The Haunting — A TWILIGHT ZONE Story
By Anon Allsop

Somewhere within the darkened hallways of the Steward Manor, lurks an entity seeking to claim his lost love, a love which can only be found by entering through a doorway into...The Twilight Zone!

The Gift

The Gift

By Anon Allsop

I sat alone on the little park bench and contemplated the chance that had been offered to me. Slowly rolling the golden wish coin between my fingers. It had passed into my hands earlier that week but I really had nothing I wanted, I was pretty successful, and fairly wealthy... even in my advanced age.

The only thing I could have ever improved upon is my utter loneliness, up until about 10 years ago that too would have been far beyond my needs. The day that I lost my beautiful wife of 63 years was the day that I died as well. I frowned and looked at the remarkable coin, If only it would have come sooner... maybe I could have saved my dear wife.

Transfigured: Ascension of a Spellbinder (revised)

Of ASpellbinder

Ragnarok Image

Ragnarok Rising    0b_part.png    II


NOTE: This is the revised and expanded version of this story and is my preferred version.

As I seek to find a means to halt Ragnarok I find allies in the unlikeliest of places. New enemies present themselves and I learn of the cruel experiments performed by the mad Doctor Mengele. He claims he can grant men the ability to use magic, but at what cost?


by Anon Allsop

A young man who uses a 'Linking Spell' on his roommate, trying to change him into his vision of the perfect female. However the spell backfires and he unknowingly casts it upon himself. Now he is uncontrollably transformed into April, the young female that his unsuspecting victim would lovingly desire.

Note: The Linking Spell is a trigger spell that is in an ancient book of which when invoked, creates an unbreakable bond of love between one person and another...a sort of love spell. If it were used on a person of the same sex, one of them must become the opposite to fulfill the magic within the spell. This person would possess all the embodiments of the spell caster's desires. The closer one is to the other, the faster the spell works.

Are Those Yours? -3-

And so this little Ad Hoc tale continues. There won't be any more for at least two weeks, I'm afraid.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 3

The name tag said Shirley. Underneath that, in smaller type, it said Foundation Fitter and underneath that again it said Supervisor.

"Dave? Dave Shepherd? You remember me, don't you? Shirley Boothroyd from school, only I'm Shirley Parsons now. What are you doing in here?"

The man standing in front of her reddened and looked extremely embarrassed, as well he might, since they were standing in the Ladies Underwear department of Maddens, a top department store. They had decided to travel to a nearby city so that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew, and as luck would have it...

Shirley decided that it was more than simple embarrassment that had upset an old school chum. There had been nothing between the two of them to cause any problem so why..? She looked briefly at the two young women with him, and then back to Dave, raising an eyebrow.

"I, um, need to be fitted for a bra."

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 15 of 22

“You said you were not betrothed to any man back home; do you hope that Verentsu will ask you to be his bride?”

“Yes,” Launuru said shyly. “But I am afraid...” The geas wouldn't let her complete the sentence.

Groans From Timbuctoo: 1. Like A Big Pizza Pie

If I felt uncomfortable before, once we passed the midway point... "Let me put it this way," I said to van Els, "If you look up the word uncomfortable in the dictionary, you'll see my picture next to it."

"I'm sure it would be a lovely picture," one of the doctors told me. It might have been a nice compliment if he hadn't had his hand inside me as he said it.

Just another christmas story part duex

Hey bat fans....oh wait wrong one.. In the last episode of days of ... oh darn wrong one again ...where was that ...

Various sounds of searching continue.

Hmm is this it? Nope oh hey Ive been looking for that! What was I looking for again Oh yea...

In our last episode Janice and Samantha come face to face and accuse the other of being the brother while in thier fancy dress finery.

Just another christmas story

Janice woke up yawning as she usually did, with a stretch and grin she hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom where she sat and did her business making sure to wipe afterwards. Next she took off her pjs and put them in the hamper and started her bath with a little bit of bubbly that smelled so nice. Today was christmas eve and she was to help mommy do the baking! She was so excited.

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Chapter 15

If you told me at anytime is my old life that women wake up just as horny as a man does I honestly would’ve doubted it. But it’s worse, it the first time for me but its worse…or…it could be who I’m sleeping with. My smooth female skin on Shaya’s and she’s not just a girl she’s Sylvan. The tiny pores in her skin make her so smooth, and she’s a warrior so as silky and soft and sensual I feel the muscle underneath.


Encrypted 8

Chapter 8

I wake but I don’t wake. I mean I open my eyes and the world is changed again. I’m not lost but I’m here…or rather there again in this place that’s outside of myself. I look around and see myself and Brandy still intertwined it bed.

I hold my image self’s? Hands out in front of me and I seem to look like myself but there’s this blue-white shimmer around myself. I try to keep calm and just try and record all the strangeness.

just a christmas story

I don’t know if there is a contest for this or not. It just came to me while I was about to lay down for a nap. May need a bit of editing, and maybe a bit more added, but this is most of the story.

It was late, very late. He parked his old car for the night. Although it was a silver car, you couldn’t tell as it was mostly orange with rust. You could hear the tinkle of the engine cooling, as he fiddled with the plug for the car. If it wasn’t plugged in all the time, it would not start.

Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks

Box Full of Badness: Being a Vampire Sucks
Lilith Langtree

Someone should really write a book entitled, Being a Vampire for Dummies, it's the only way Pandora will be able to make it in her new world.

Charlotte, part 1

I've never been the world's most masculine man- at 5' 5" and a slender 8 and a half stone- but this is just ridiculous.

When I went to bed last night, I was wearing my boxer shorts. When I wake up this morning, things are quite different.

Are Those Yours? -2-

My muse simply insists that I develop this tale. There will probably be five or so parts, and at extremely random intervals. But there's a solid tale there, and I have to write it. Enjoy.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 2

Pling Plong.

Dave groaned and forced one eye open. He had fallen asleep on the couch again, his head at a painful angle to the rest of his body. In the corner the television flickered and danced with some daytime quiz program he'd never seen before. He was lying at a low angle, obviously having fallen over as he drifted off. He attempted to straighten up, wincing as his neck assumed its proper orientation. The weights on his chest moved alarmingly, travelling around of their own accord as he sat up, finally assuming their normal hanging position. He yawned.


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