
Final Fantasy - New Moon Part 1

Nathen Micheals was an avid video game player who loved the Final Fantasy game series big time to say the least. When Final Fantasy XIII-2 was released he had already put in a pre-order a month in advance, and on release day, raced home from school as fast as he could.

“Hey mom did my package from Amazon come in yet?” Nat yelled at his mom as he came through the door.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-14

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-14

Chapter 14

It’s really, weird having someone stuck in your head like that. I mean I have no idea who they are or even what they are. I mean I can’t tell if he’s a pretty guy and all of that or if she was this really boyish and handsome girl.

Either way it did start occurring to me that I was being not a fair date to Kaylee. It wasn’t like she was saying anything about me being distracted but it was sort of like a vibe coming from her that I was making her feel a bit alone, like my mind was elsewhere…which it was but I just didn’t like the feeling that I thought was going on with her.

I reach over and lace my fingers into hers and smile at her. “Hey, sorry just some random weirdness I guess, I didn’t want to wreck tonight.”

“You didn’t Dylan, hey; I’d have a lot going on too if I was going through what you’ve been.”

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes has a reputation for very 'special' Halloween costumes so it should be the perfect place for Bryan to find the perfect costume for his school costume party.



Written by Dauphin
A Mannequin boy gets life due to his special hair. He learns that being a girl is something that he wants
"A story that is not about a human, but Dauphin manages the human touch in a special way" Diana
"This was an attempt to write a different type of story. Another twilight type song" Dauphin

I have Gynecomastia

I have Gynecomastia

By Terry Hansay

Chapter One of Two, Enjoy…

I am 19 years old and have gynecomastia. I just saw my doctor and she explained what I have. I am sick, emotionally sick to hear this. I can’t believe my chest has developed so much and the doctor says I will develop more, that I have this disease.

I am a little overweight and that is what I thought was my problem, why my chest was bigger than normal. I started hurting around my upper chest and went to my doctor.

One Way Ticket

Harold James Adams was smart beyond his years. To make matters worse for his captors there were nineteen more just like him. Freedom takes on a whole new meaning in this story, can they ever really be free, or is it just an illusion like the life they have lived almost from the start.

(Author's note)... The TG element of the story doesn't show up till well into the story and the main character/s are not directly affected by it. Hope enjoy.

Kombat Champion

Kombat Champion
Part 1 of 16
By Morpheus

I stopped at the door to my apartement and let out a yawn, then fumbled with my keys for a moment before opening the door. And the moment that I stepped inside, I called out, "Honey, I'm home...," just as I did nearly every day when returning home from work. However, there was no answer...nor had I expected one since I lived alone.

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 3


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 3 (The Conclusion)

Chapter 9

January snow blew hard against the cabin, building a thick blanket over the mountain, covering it in white. Kodiak had left the cabin and was heading to the smokehouse for meat that had been cured late in the fall. It was unmistakable that I was pregnant; there was no way to doubt the fact that our kicking child was growing inside of me.

Kodiak had become quite the caretaker of me. He wouldn't allow me to do anything physical. Though we had been forced to sleep in the same bed, only to stay warm...he never once had done anything to take advantage of our predicament...though, why would it matter now. I waited at the kitchen window for him to return, slowly sipping on my coffee. I too had grown accustomed to the fact that I would be a mother, slowly warming up to the undeniable truth that it would happen whether I liked it or not.

The Day the World Changed

The Day the World Changed
By Morpheus

I was crouched down in my garage, looking over the dirt bike in front of me. It looked like it was in pretty decent shape but I knew that it had some nasty problems that weren't obvious at first glance. For one, the gas tank had a small crack in it and that wasn't even going into the engine. I'd had a nasty spill on the bike a few weeks ago, and though my helmet and pads had kept me from getting anything worse than a few nasty bruises, my bike hadn't been quite so lucky.

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 2


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 2

Chapter 6

We continued moving downward for almost an hour, eased left onto a flattened area for several hundred yards and then sharply right again, taking us down at a very steep angle.

"There's a creek at the bottom of this drop, just past this line of trees. Slide here any further and you'd probably be taking a dip in the drink." He smiled, showing his white teeth. "Not that I'd mind seeing you take a swim."

I wondered to myself about his comment, whether he wanted me to fall in because he would be amused at seeing me soaking wet. Or was it that he was dwelling on the thought of seeing me wet, forced to have to remove my clothing and allow it to dry, putting me in a compromised position?

New Message from sexydater83- ch2 (revised and added to)

When Nick tries to find a date on the internet he gets more than he bargained for.

Please note that I am writing this as a form of fiction , understand that if some of the things written down here are unrealistic, they are meant to be. Throw away all thoughts of logic because there is no logic to many dating sites, this story will reflect that. Please note that time is illogical on them as well; so too in this story.



“Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive...”

You can blame my grandfather for the fact I know that line. Its from a TV show from the dark ages called “The Six Million Dollar Man.” He likes to tell me he worked on the show.

Over and over again.

Somehow, he ended up with a lot of memorabilia from it too. A whole pile of props, mostly examples of the “bionic” parts. He also has copies of all the scripts, and worst of all, copies of film he er... liberated from the set.

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 1


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 1

This story takes place just after Kodiak escorted Samantha down from his mountain where she would eventually meet and marry Quin. This story is Kodiak’s story.

Chapter 1

The short beady-eyed man reached back under the decking of the porch and dragged me out. "Let go of me, you asshole!" I hissed and swung at him. He pulled me up onto the steps and with a firm grasp of my hair and hauled me inside his saloon.

As we passed the bartender, he spoke as though it was any other day, "Snuff out the candle that this street rat had lit under my porch, I don't want this little shit causing a fire!"

Forcibly, I was thrown into a small room, knocking over a single chair. Behind me I heard the door slam shut and lock, with a very audible click.

Reckoning -1- Awakenings 1 and 2

The Earth has reached a crossroad. Destruction could be immanent. Can a Rookie band of newly created heroes stave off Doomsday? Chapter 1 of a collaborative effort by several Top Shelf writers will begin to explore this dilemma. Introduction of the heroes and their powers will be the first couple of chapters. Writers are: Catherine Linda Michel, Grover, Ariel Strickland, Erin Halfelven, Maggie Finson and Scotty, "Voice Of Reason" Bishop.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 7 (The Conclusion)


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 7 (The Conclusion)

Chapter 31

Sometime after 4:00 a.m., I heard a soft tapping at my door. I rolled out of the bed and quietly shuffled across the room and pulled the door open. It was the bar maid who had spoken with me, "How serious were you when you said that you'd help me get the necklace?"

I opened the door and ushered her inside, then looked down both directions of the hall to make sure no one saw her enter. "Do you have an idea on how to get it from him?"

She smiled, "I've already started." I glanced at what she was wearing; the silky sleeping gown was very provocative and sexy. "I've finally agreed to allow him to train me in the finer aspects of my sex, so he's supposed to come to my room in half an hour. You can hide out there and bash him over the head once he enters."

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 13

Chapter 13

I picked up a bra and pantie set and was looking at the price when an a
ssistant asked if she could help. ‘What size are you looking for Madam. Can I help you.’
‘I had absolutely no idea.’


A Mother's Love

A Mother’s Love

By TG Bear

Chapter One

“Mom, what are you doing here?”
“You wanted to talk Robert. So, I’m here.”
“Am I doing the right thing?"
"That’s a simple question with a very complex answer. And I’m not sure I have the right answer.”
“That doesn’t matter, as much as you’re letting me talk about it.”
“Then, why don’t you know this is the right thing?"
"I... look, I’m your son. But... I should have been your daughter. I know it my heart and mind, I’m a woman. That, this way, I’m living a lie.”

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 6


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 6

Chapter 26

I came inside from the barn, stood at the threshold of the door, and hung my hat. Grandfather was sipping his cup of coffee. The shaft of morning light split the darkness of the interior as I stepped through the doorway. Grandfather looked up at me and winked, at that same moment, Samantha stepped from the bedroom wearing the yellow dress that I bought her some time ago. "I trust you slept well?" he asked her.

She blushed and patted his shoulder as she passed, again he winked at me. "Yes, and I trust that you also slept as well, Grandfather." she replied coyly.

He almost spit out his coffee and began laughing, "Honey, it's been quite a long time since I've slept THAT well!" She shot me a smirk and I smiled back, it wouldn't take one of those big eastern college professors to know what had happened between us last night.

Pass It On Chapter 4

Pass It On
Chapter Four

When they broke the embrace, they wiped the tears from their eyes and Destiny reached into her pocket and pulled out the coin. It had changed since the last time they’d looked at. Only the words “Pass It On” remained, everything else was blank now.

Destiny nodded as she rubbed the coin between her fingers. “I understand now.”

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “So tell me because I don’t.”

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 1

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 1


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

A cry in the dark

A Cry in the Dark

Author's note. This is a sequel to "You", and has some tough emotional moments, including the allusion to a sexual assault. Read with care.

It was quiet in the hospital, with only the soft sounds of the machines to keep the girl in the bed company. Once in a while a nurse would come in, but otherwise, the girl had no visitors. This gave the girl a chance to think, especially about how she ended up here.

It started with one tragic fact. Although she knew she was a girl, to the people around her, she appeared to be a boy.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 5


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 5

Chapter 20

I was up before the sun had risen; I silently brushed my teeth using the light that was from glowing coals in the fireplace. After spitting outside, I carried two logs to the hearth, and placed them in, banking the red embers around them. I quietly stood and paused at her door, looking in, gazing upon the woman I treasured. Samantha was asleep, her golden hair fanned around her face like the warm rays of the sun. I caught my breath; her look was so serene and peaceful. It was all I could do to not approach her slumbering form and smother her with kisses. It was best that I left and busied myself with chores.

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 7: "I think I'm a girl."

The Dead Kid Returns; Chapter 7: “I think I’m a girl”

“I think I’m a girl.”

Beth debated how to respond to that. Should she act surprised? But that felt wrong, so she said, “I’ve... seen her in you.”

“You mean .... I’m not crazy?”

“I wouldnt say that....” Beth then looked at the expression on the new kid’s face. “I’m joking. You’re not crazy. I’ve seen her.”

“Really? But .... what do I do?”

“I .... I dont know. But I want to be your friend, regardless.”

“Thanks.” the new kid said, and then they both became silent.

Mermaid First Class, A Twisted Princess Story

Author's note: I'm messing with another princess! "The Little Mermaid" meets "The Hunt for Red October"


I was not really looking forward to this deployment. I had just found a girl that I liked, and quite possibly loved. And, living for six months in a metal tube with 140 other men was not my idea of a vacation.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 4


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 4

Chapter 16

When I got back to town, I fell into my routine and kept putting off going back to the homestead for nearly a month. Finally, I felt a great void in my heart, seeming to draw me toward the old farm. I bid Grandfather goodbye and headed back out, sneaking some food and a crate containing a few chickens from our own large stock.

I pulled the wagon into the barnyard and sat still upon the high seat I listened, trying to identify whether she was still there at the farm. I climbed down and unhitched the horses from the wagon, slowly guiding them into the corral. Once done, I closed the gate and carried the crate of chickens toward the coop.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 3


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 3

Chapter 8

"No kidding? You saw him naked?" I whistled, "What did you do?"

Sam glared at me, "I did just what anyone would have done..."

*I screamed in surprise, as he realized that we were facing each other. He spun quickly, placing his chiseled backside toward me. I felt my heart race, as my eyes drank in the vision I had been so afraid to witness!

He quickly dashed behind the steps, "Damn, Samantha! I didn't mean for that to happen!" He hid himself behind a small chest of drawers, "It ain't like I planned that! I just forgot!"

532 Part 7


Author's note:
This is the last story in this series, but not necessarily Belle's last story.

Chapter 17

Marta was astonished. “Brian? I-I-I don’t understand. Where’s Belle? What’s going on?”

“Who’s Belle?” Brian searched the room as if trying to make sense of his situation “I don’t know how I got here. Did I get away from the people who kidnapped me?”

Tears began trickling down Marta’s face. “Brian? Is that really you?”

My so called (Un)LIfe Chapter 5: How to make a Monster

Olivia-Munn as the real Danielle.jpg

“Now, please tell me what just happened.” I asked her. I was not happy that she made that decision for me. I may be new to being a vampire and a woman, but I wasn’t exactly a toddler either.

“Well... He was a hottie and if I’ve got you pegged right, you were kind of digging him.” Damn. Did she read my mind or something? “That’s okay, but you need to be careful. You don’t want to know what happens if we get attached to our food source.”


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