
Here comes the troubleshooter! Part 1

Here comes the Troubleshooter!

Entry 1: I cant argue with Carl, at least not about this. He thinks its a good idea to write down my cases, both for myself, and possibly as a way to get business. I’m not a professional writer, but I’ve done enough incident reports that I’ll give it my best shot.

So where do I start? Well, today’s case was pretty typical of what I do now. I had a client who wanted a drug den moved out of her neighborhood, so I spent a couple of days doing recon on the place, figuring out the best way to .... convince them moving would be a good idea.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 5

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 5
By Julie D Cole
We went under the water and I must have swallowed a bucket full. I was fighting for air as she held me up and I was trying to hit her on the chest. She was just laughing at me for being frightened and then she held me up so I didn’t sink again and just put her hand to my lower tummy, well my crutch really and whispered in my ear.
‘Sorry Sam I hope you didn’t have another accident.’

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

By Trapper Jock McIntyre

Chrissie Latham is an obnoxious teenage girl. All she ever thinks about is shopping and clothes. When her grades start to slip, her mother decides to send her to visit her Aunt Betty in a place way far away for malls and Limited Too. Can this place that is like night and day to Chrissie, change her from being a bad girl into being a good boy?

Weber: Just Because You Can ...

Is it right to betray the trust of a man, just because you’re smart and ruthless and will do anything to get what you want? Is it right to take everything from someone, just because you can? And how far can you push it before you cross the line between human and inhuman … and somebody notices?

Weber: Just Because You Can ...

by Randalynn

The Doll of Höchstenstein Manor (TG version) Part 1/3

The Doll of Höchstenstein Manor (TG version)
Part 1/3

The story of a boy, who fell in love with an old man
The story of an old man who was in love with a boy
The boy's father as an excuse
but fate works in mysterious ways
who knows what will happen?

Puppe the caged doll
sat on the floor
looking out the window
covered in steel bars
knowing she will never leave again.

Anke the doll
some called her
Doll of Rotenschloss
others called her
But all desires her.

For power
or status
or control
of a living doll
None denies her allure.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-15

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-15

Chapter 15

You ever get one of those times in your life when things are just that good that you’re hugging yourself just because it feels that awesome. I honestly don’t think that I’ve ever felt like this. I feel like I want to hug things, someone, or just happy roll on my bed or something I have these warm fuzzy dancing butterflies in my stomach and I know I’m completely girling out right now but I don’t care.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-4.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-4

Chapter 4

I exhale a long slow breath as I finish my second nice cold bottle of water and smile at the sort of stares that I’m getting from the two teenagers behind the counter of the 247-Mart I stopped at on my way home. I’m dirty and grimy and smoky and I likely smell to high heaven of the smoke and soot.

But honest to god they are still checking me out.

I’m not interested but it’s still oddly kinda cool.

One of them screws up the courage and asks. “Uhm hey…didn’t we just see you down town on like the TV with like all the other superheroes?”

The Punisher - The Birth of Angelica Part 1/?

This story is a Retcon and contains a lot of foul language, a questionable scene (non sexual) involving pee, the death of a minor and two adults, if any of this offends you please do not read any further.


Sixteen year old Frank Castle had just finished up his ROTC training and headed off to the Youth Center to play some basketball with some of the other kids, something he always enjoyed doing after school. He happily gave up a lot of his time to the guys over there who had nothing.

FTL-10...Faster Than Life.

FTL-10...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 10

*Two months later…

I’m in line up at the mess listening to people talking about stuff and sort of daydreaming in my own right as we’re heading into the Soleil system. We’re getting shore leave being here at the halfway point in out milk-run tour and we’re resupplying and we’re going to be doing a few things here.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-5.

My Super Secret Life… Diamond 5

Chapter 5

It is so unreal going shopping with Sunny and Mom. I mean I’ve never seen my Mom remade like this at all and after getting kissed by Dad like she had been she’s very much back to being or feeling like the girl that she was before me and marriage and work and bills and stuff.

It’s a strange thing when Sunny get’s us some bottles of water and some energy shakes in a can to take with us.

“Why are we?”

Mom laughs. “Oh Terry I think we’re shopping with a professional.”



Chapter 5

It’s almost funny enough to make me laugh even with every damned thing that’s going on is that. I might have only changed not that long ago really the first thought in my head as we took another turn and then another side street was.

I washed the man right out of my hair - Chapter 2

‘I washed the man right out of my hair’
Chapter 2

By Julie D Cole

We chatted for half an hour or so and she asked what I was writing and where she might buy one of my books. I was quite flattered so I gave her a signed copy of my first book ‘ All about women’ that received some publicity and some tributes but didn’t really take off. She promised to read it and give me her opinions. I’d really written it from a male perspective so I wondered what she might think.

I washed the man right out of my hair

‘I washed the man right out of my hair’

By Julie D Cole

A story inspired by Melanie E

Attack of the Beast - Part 6

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 6

Chapter 21

It had been almost three years since Parker was home. I studied the floor under the pew as the elderly Pastor gave his sermon. My mind had come quite a long way since that day when Park left, growing more and more accepting to the way my body was behaving. It had taken me almost three months to finally shave my legs. Once I had done it, I realized that there were several reasons why I should have been doing it all along. After that little step, another hurdle would come up.

One by one the little nuances of what makes a girl into a woman transpired over my life, each one taking me closer and closer to the result that most women learn when they are my age. It is almost as if going up a great long stairway, each step, closer to the final result. My mind reeled with these confusing thoughts when I should have been listening to the sermon, so drawn into these ideas and theory's that I was startled when the entire church stood with a thunderous roar. I glanced around; some were hugging, crying profusely while others were clapping and singing their praises toward the heavens.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 4

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 4
By Julie D Cole

I suppose we sat there for about an hour before Patsy complained that she was cold and that we ought to go inside for a sauna. ‘Coming Sammy?’
I thought about the complications and the possible implications as tempting as it sounded.

‘I’m not sure really. I can’t.’

‘Why ever not we know all about you now and it’s not as if you’ve got anything to hide. Why not make up for the lost years of girlhood and chill out with us in the sauna or the jaccuzi?’

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 2

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 2


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 3

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 3
By Julie D Cole

In truth I did wear lip protector in the cold weather so it wasn’t exactly difficult.
As I stepped out of the car Jacqui introduced me to some of the gang. ‘This is my close friend Sammy. I hope you don’t mind me bringing her along.’
She turned and looked at my face that must have been dumb struck. She was laughing.

Attack of the Beast - Part 5

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 5

Chapter 15

When I awoke, Park was gone. I felt a mix of emotions as I searched the house for him, realizing that he most likely was already on one of the hundreds of transport ships. A great wave of sadness washed over me, knowing that I would be alone for a long, long time. Then I felt anger, anger for him leaving and not saying goodbye.

I trembled as the fear of the unknown kept invading my mind, and a long shuddering sigh escaped my lips. I swallowed and gently wiped a tear away, a tear... for Park. I knew why he slipped away while I slumbered, his uncomfortable fear of leaving me behind... trying to say goodbye was bad enough last night, what would it have been like this morning?

A Wyld World - Part 1 of 3

Wyld Logo

by Saless
Part 1

If it cries like a girl, complains like a girl and throws like a girl it must be a girl, right? That's the logic used to torment Erin growing up; though now that he's in college most of his tormentors have lost interest. Finally free of the worst of the abuse he begins to feel like he might have a chance at a life. But everything changes for him when he goes Wyld!

Final Fantasy - New Moon Part 2

Authors Notes:
A bit of Fluffy stuff some action not much, Next part I promise more, some more characters introduced Enjoy.

One week before Summer holidays, Natali had been living on Cocoon in her parents’ big house for almost a year. She had been going to school via holo’s and Serah’s class so she didn’t have to go to the public school. She had also been doing a lot of practice with her gunblade, and learning how to shoot a bow. During the time away from her Aunt’s place she had been keeping in touch constantly with Alexa and Mindy though, and all three of the girls missed each other very badly.

Attack of the Beast - Part 4

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 4

Chapter 12

After two and a half hours of decontamination, I was trembling and shaking like a leaf. My nerves had been spent! I had been fearful of speaking and was holding onto Parker as we were finally approached by several of the doctors and military personnel that had observed us when we left the ship. As they approached, Park gently gave my hand a comforting squeeze, trying to let me know that everything would be alright.

At the front was Park's commanding officer, Major Doren... Roger. He studied me for a moment then turned to face Park, "First Lieutenant Parker, we downloaded your flight data from the craft, sounds like something gave you guys hell out there! Explain!"

The island

My name is Jack Marrow, please I've heard all the Jack Sparrow jokes to last two lifetimes, male age 22 or I was we are not entirely sure which side of the fence I currently fall on.

I had been flying a single prop airplane back to be serviced at the hanger I work at, it was due for regular service, something I did quite often. You see I'm a licensed mechanic certified for non passenger low altitude flight. What does that mean? Simple I have to fly low which in most cases is below radar level and never with passengers.

After the transformation

After the transformation

“I’m a girl now, mom. What do we do?”

“Well, there’s one thing I wont do hon. I wont be forcing you into skirts and heels.”

“You.... wont?”

“God, no. I cant even imagine how traumatic this has been. The last thing you need is me making things worse by throwing you into the deep end of girlhood. You can be a tomboy as long as you need to.”

“Thanks. Maybe I’ll try some skirts too, and see how I feel.”

“Sounds good. Lets go shopping.”

The Fourth Countess

The Fourth Countess


By Karin Beyaert

Kurt had always dreamt about having his own castle. And one or two other minor changes in his life as well, like e.g. becoming very rich.
As so often good deeds get rewarded and wishes fulfilled.
Kurt gets all he ever longed for. And as a real man he is prepared to pay the price for success. Or is he eventually not…?
Be careful with what you wish, you might get it. And, even worse, have to keep it!


Attack of the Beast - Part 3

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 3

Chapter 8

(Changing perspective slightly from Christian’s view to relay what he could not see)

Captain Donaldson held his plasma cannon up near his shoulder as he caught Margie's arm. "Damn it Margie, why couldn't you wait for all of us?"

"That thing killed my only friend here... I will not let it live another day!" She swung her arm in the direction she was heading, "Don't stop me, Captain! I'm going way or another!"

Enter the Darkness

Enter the Darkness
By Morpheus

A teenage boy wakes up in the middle of the night to discover that his mutant powers have manifested and left him drastically changed. Fortunately there is help in the form of a mysterious stranger and a school for mutants. This story is a pseudo X Men fan fiction that is the follow up/sequel to my X Men fan-fiction The Ice Queen Cometh.

Werewomen - Sensate

werewomen_0.jpg Werewomen - Sensate
Tim is a loser and computer addict. No woman would ever want him and he knows it. But one night he's dragged to a club by some of his remaining friends where he meets a mysterious woman. To his surprise she's actually interested in him and he can't let such an opportunity go to waste. The aftermath of this encounter will change his life forever - maybe for the better...
This story will introduce you into the new Werewomen Universe.

Copyright by Beyogi - 2012
thanks to Janet Miles for editing.

Attack of the Beast - Part 2

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 2

Chapter 4

After we had explained what was found on our short trip, the Captain decided that we should return back to the ship and bring it into the valley where the creatures could be examined thoroughly. It was close to the zenith of the twin suns again, and the air was becoming hot and sticky. While we ate a quick lunch, Captain Donaldson asked for any suggestions on what we should do.

Eric was the first to speak up, "I want to go back in there and run a few more tests on those animals, both the live ones and the dead." The Captain nodded.

"I agree with Eric, the more we know about whatever is killing those animals, the better I'll feel." Lunette added, "I don't like knowing that it's only the females being affected."

The Ice Queen Cometh

The Ice Queen Cometh

After the super hero group known as the X Men encounter a mysterious and unknown mutant, two of them are drastically altered. This Fan Fiction was written in 2003 and reflects the status quo in the comics at that time.

On the Run

On the Run

When Ethan and Jack are kidnapped from the orphanage by some strange people in dark suits, they manage to escape and go on the run...but not before the boys are given a strange shot which has shocking effects on one of them.

Attack of the Beast - Part 1

twin_suns.jpgAttack of the Beast
by Anon Allsop
Part 1

Their mission was a simple one, to see if the strange planet could sustain life and support a branch of their colony. A crew of six land on its surface... two women, four men. All begins innocently enough, until they quickly discover that something is hiding within the dense foliage of the humid planet.

Chapter 1

The twin suns broke over the little planet as we penetrated its atmosphere. Our mission was to see if it held potential for a small colony or mining operation. There were a total of 6 of us, including the pilot and copilot, but even they had duties besides flying the little craft. We all had been hand selected by our space station commander for this mission, and cross-trained so we could lend a hand, should the need arise.

The Book - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

book.jpgYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling

The Book - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Mark Faylor had an ongoing vendetta against his sister, he wanted to dig up dirt on her and make her life miserable at home with their parents. He thought he found just what he was looking for, when he uncovered a strange old book hidden under her bed. Unfortunately for Mark, he's about to find out what happens, when you snoop around the dark recesses of... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.


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