
Blood, Dust, and Silver - Chapter 3

Blood, Dust, and Silver - Chapter 3

Tanson walked out of the Alchemist's with a swing in his, now wider, hips and a smile on his, now fuller, lips. He spent three bars worth of gold, but his body now felt right to him and that's worth more than all the gold in the Wastes.

Ithycca- Chapter 7: Guardian Demon?

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 3

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 3


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Minion Eighteen - Chapter 2

I woke up about twelve hours later, and felt immensely better. There was a care package on the stand next to the bed. It had a note from Ichor on it.

'A little something to help you out. Even if you don't join us, keep it. I feel I owe you for not being able to help you more. - Captain Ichor.'

Ithycca- Chapter 6: Swimming from Myself

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Minion Eighteen - Chapter 1

Dave Indigo was the son of Francis Indigo, better known as Doctor Infenso. His father was the most dangerous and cruel villain to ever blight the earth, Dave has a liberal arts degree. He is known simply as: Minion Eighteen

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part Three)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

Part Three


After being away from home for several weeks, young Ian returned and faced Micah’s parents, divulging all of what had happened to their son. They were quite upset, but with additional information they redoubled their efforts to find Micah.

Embarrassment for his own involvement in Micah's disappearance, Ian packed his backpack and set off to find his friend. His searching led him far and wide, but the boy found no clue as to where his friend had gone. Sadly, he returned home after being gone for several weeks only to find that Micah's parents had moved away during his absence.

Ian graduated high school, moved after the sudden death of his parents and began living with his Grandmother. He started college in the town where he was living, up to that point, there had been no contact with his former friend...but all that was to change on a warm and sunny day at a nearby college campus.


Ian had been studying the young girl for several minutes as she sat in the grass reading a college book “This seat taken?”

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 13)

When the bright light dimmed and my vision recovered, I saw a... beautiful man... standing next to the body of a woman, where only moments before, stood the werewolf that was about to kill me. The woman was lying on the ground, unmoving, though I could tell she was still alive. Call it Death's instinct.

"Where's the werewolf?" I blurted at this beautiful man, whose skin glowed in the darkness of midnight, whose fingers long,slim and perfectly formed, whose silvery white hair shone like the light of creation.

He didn't answer. Instead, he took a few steps forward before stopping right in front of me. For some reason, I felt like I needed to thank him, so I extended my hand to his. The next thing I knew, there was a short whistling around my ears and I found my body sliced in many different places in less than a second after.

"You are the new queen," I heard him say as I fell to the ground. "Pathetic. Uriel's adoration for that primordial creature will be his undoing."

The Half Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 13)
Last Chapter

By Shinieris

A Titanic Dilemma

On April 14th 1912 one of the most luxurious passenger cruise ships ever built struck an iceburg. Many people lost their lives that night. Even more people's lives ended with the sinking of that ship. But there was one who's life really began with that ship's sinking...

Ithycca- Chapter 5: Fish Sandwiches

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Blood, Dust, and Silver - Chapter 2

Blood, Dust, and Silver - Chapter 2

After four days of travel Tanson was starting to regret the whole cloak idea. It was heavy to carry, hot to wear, and the colour clashed with his boots.

Dreamer Book 2: Part 8


Dreamer: Book 2. Part 8

By Tanya Allan

This part Copyright © 2012

As this section is new, written in response to the many comments left, (for which I thank you) I will endeavour to maintain a similar style, albeit from a different perspective. To be honest, I have no idea where this is going or how long it will take me to get there. Bearing in mind that I started this section yesterday, and I do have many other projects that need completing, I cannot promise to produce this much each day.

Introducing Philippa Stewart, international Movie Star and mother of two, as she looks back at her life.

Flashing back to that day she was reunited with her parents, this chapter deals with her struggle to be verified by the medical profession, the law and her parents.

Just because she's now a girl, will anything really change?

How will those who knew Philip deal with her?

Find out.... read on....

Once again, my thanks to PEGLEG for catching my mistakes.

Ithycca- Chapter 4: Legs?

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part Two)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

Part Two


A young acne-laden teen sat beside his bike and watched the workers run the slip scoop at the water's edge. At 14, he looked forward to the day when he could get a job like the one he was watching. A local crew had been contracted to dig out a portion of the river so a suitable structure could be erected to span its width. The bridge was heralded to become a gem for the city, grand and gleaming for all visitors to see.

Micah was well out of the way, positioned high above the working machinery. He was seated on the edge of the sidewalk which actually spanned the entire work site. He had always held a fascination with the heavy equipment, but as yet, never dared to venture down near its operation.

Dreamer: Part 7


Dreamer: Part 7

By Tanya Allan
Original Version Copyright © 1972
Revised version Copyright © 2012

Pippa has come to a crucial crossroads in her life. Forced by a feeling that if she doesn't contact her parents, then her life may well revert to the way things were, she has to make some tough decisions. Her boyfriend is also an issue, and circumstances force her to tell him more than she intended.

Follow her as she makes decisions that could mean disaster or something else.

Does she make the right decisions?

The Patient

The Patient

by shalimar


Is this reality, a patient's delusion or a page from The World Wacky News?
Note: ignore the timeline error.


"Dr. Anderson, I am finally glad to meet you, sir. My name is Carla Grucci. I'm the new medical student assigned to

Ithycca- Chapter 3: Good Ol' Auntie Gaia

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Blood, Dust, and Silver - Chapter 1

Blood, Dust, and Silver — Chapter 1

Tanson, a dark skinned Verandi Shaman, leaned against the wall of the town saloon. The shade covered most of his upper body, which he kept bare.

Dreamer: Part 6


Dreamer: Part 6

By Tanya Allan
Original Version Copyright © 1972
Revised version Copyright © 2012

Philip Coates is seventeen and convinced that he is not only trapped in a boarding school for boys, but also trapped in the wrong body. He spends most of his time lost in a world of his imagination. In this world he is the girl he always wanted to be. The girl who screams at him to set her free in every minute of every waking hour, and most of the sleeping ones as well.

Trapped in a social square hole, he becomes simply what everyone - parents, friends, teachers - want and expect him to be. He knows that he wants to be a round peg, but will, in reality, never make it.

Well, he wakes up one morning convinced that his dream might just be coming true.. or is it?

The signs are there, but then again, are there other explanations for what he is going through?

After a rough few days, the girl is set free.

The future is now gloriously uncertain and fresh, as she sets out on a journey, turning her back on her school, her friends and her old home.....

........or is it?

My thanks, once again, to PEGLEG for proofing.

The Journal of Greg Adam Clarke

The Journal of Greg "Adam" Clarke

Monday, May 18th - When injecting Subject Alpha with the nanites, he asked me if he would be beautiful as a woman. I told him that I didn't know.

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part One)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out inside...The Twilight Zone!

Ithycca- Chapter 2: The End and a New Beginning

A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly war over each other, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Birth of a Shena part 2

"Subject UX1 day 90. Subject woke up suddenly this morning and made a straight line to the mess hall. Subject seems to be abnormally strong. Normal containment will not be possible. Subject walked through walls to get to mess and then proceeded to devour large helpings of what was supposed to be our meals for the next week. both pork and beef approximately 3 cows worth where devoured, 5 15 pound turkeys, and every pickle jar instock approximately 5 cases of 12 jars 1 liter jars each. subject then fell asleep. We have moved her to one of the training room apartments that her niece X4 shared."

"WHAT THE ****** ******* ********* ******** ****** **** IS GOING ON!" I screamed.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 9

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 9
By Julie D Cole

For several minutes I just tried to catch my breath. I’d never experienced anything like this in all my life. I wanted to pinch myself in case I was dreaming. Jacs just lay beside me leaning on her elbow playing with my hair. She removed the band holding it into a pony-tail and used her fingers as a comb to bring it forward over my ears.

‘Sorry that I got you excited so quickly but let’s see if you are ready again soon. Would you like to clean up a little bit and maybe we can come back to bed soft and refreshed?’

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 9

Lady Margrette Ansbach-Stewart,

I regret the haste and poor quality of this note written with a pencil upon scrap paper but needs as must be.

Read this as far away from Coleen as fortune permits. If Coleen's talents are anything like mine she might be able to see though you eyes or overhear you read it out loud if you are at all near her room.

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 8: The house of Grief

The Dead Kid Returns chapter 8: The House of Grief

Someone once said,”Crying is all right in its own way while it lasts. But you have to stop sooner or later, and then you still have to decide what to do.” Once Bethany had cried for a while, she realized the truth of that statement.

She resolved that no matter what it took, she’d help her friend recover from whatever had happened to her to make her what she was.

If only she could figure out how.

Carla appears.

I hate waking up. I always wake up in a bit of a daze till I get my morning drink of Pepsi. I know its not healthy and bad for yadda yadda. I don't drink coffee so this is my coffee live with it. I could already feel the tang at my throat. I almost wondered about my alarm and then remembered last night. Wow what a night.

Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

wedding.jpgYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. -Rod Serling


Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Lee Parker loved hearing about his family's roots. His Grandmother has decided that Lee's interest should be rewarded, so she gives him the wedding gown that once belonged to his Great, Great Grandmother, Leeah. What Lee doesn't know is that his life is about to take an unsuspected turn, especially when you visit a relative in... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

Here comes the Troubleshooter! Part 4

Here comes the Troubleshooter!

Part 4: The circle closes

Once we landed in the Middle East, we got ushered to a converted army base, where a bored looking guard called out our names without even looking at us. “Captain Andrew Mays and Sergeant Carl Ryan?”

“Actually, I go by Andi, now.” I said gently, “And we lost our ranks.”

He looked up, and did a double take. “Oh. Sorry.”

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 8

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 8
By Julie D Cole

Jac’s gently unclipped my bra as she kissed me and soon her warm hands cupped by breasts. How strange that I was in bed for the first time with a girl and the girl was actually playing with my breasts.

Jac’s turned on her side and moved me over so I was laying on my back and she continued to stroke me.

‘Sammy did you know that when it comes to breast or nipple fondling, women have two major complaints so I’m going to teach you how it feels to enjoy the experience.’


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