
My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-6.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 6.

Chapter 6

I get my things and head inside the house and put them away. The few groceries first then to my/Darcy’s room with my clothes and I start putting things away and trying to organize things into outfits, interconnected outfits and I turn on some tunes and try stuff out as I go checking myself out in the mirror and it’s so much more than just a girl playing dress up it’s me actually seeing and learning without people around to see me screw up with something kind of ugly looking.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 10

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 10

Upon entering the classroom I noticed besides the instructor I was the only other person there. Guess there are not too many women in my father's kingdom. No surprise there. We need to get my father into the new millennium.

The instructor introduced herself as Penny Brown and begin her lecture. I could see that I was not the only one who did not like this topic. I could tell her heart was not in it.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 9

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 9

The next morning I awoke early and went to take a shower in my private bathroom. Then I went to get dressed. “What to wear for my first day of lessons.” I opted for something casual and comfortable, so I chose a black skirt and a baby blue top to go with it.

Vampyre 5.

Vampyre 5.

Chapter 5

Donna and I get some pretty strange looks as we walk into the IHOP together we’re both pretty filthy, there’s dried blood and dirt from the fight and the ashes and torn clothes and if that wasn’t enough Donna’s holding my hand.

The few rednecks without the brain power to just let people be people are sort of choking on their remarks because yeah…go ahead be a redneck homophobe to an officer of the law.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-5.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-5.


It’s actually my name or the one that on my official papers. But usually everyone calls me Van or more likely Vana.

I get Vana the most.

And I’m not normal.

I’m sort of an orphan, I’m sort of not. I live here in White Star this big city on the planet moon of Coventry. That’s in the Federation if anyone’s wondering.

Gods…where do I start?

I guess at the first of stuff I guess.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 11

Lady Margrette Ansbach-Stewart,

from your devoted niece Francis.

I need assistance at once from whatever quarter you can raise it. Please pass this onto my father. I have paid the messenger well and he is instructed to carry any note from you or this letter to him at your request.

Colleen is injured. From her moments of consciousness I believe she is trapped within some packing case, one loaded most violently into a ship's hold, canal barge or even a freight wagon. It is nighttime so I cannot tell.

Don't call me that!

"Sir there has been an incident in d185 section 4 of a class 3 infringement."

"So someone jumped ship eh? Isn't it a little early for that sector to start blending?"

"Yes sir."

"I see. And the nature of the infringement is..?"

"Oh sorry sir. Lets see a girl hopped into this dimension here. But has not hopped anyone back."

"Balance must be maintained. Very well, influence someone from her home dimension to'retrieve' her."

"Yes sir!."

It went unnoticed that there was two souls on that planet that were virtually identical. Well the soul was anyways...

Taylor's Modern Life Part 5

Taylor followed along behind her sister the whole way, nodding. “I have some ideas, but I’ll figure it out later. Does your GPS know where the mall is?” she half-asked, half-teased.

“Maybe. I forgot to ask Ms. Smith if there was a mall in Alpine Springs.” Michelle smiled, looking it up on google with her phone, “I think I need to get us some laptops too. Mind if I do that with the card Tiffany gave you?”

“Oh, I forgot about that thing,” Taylor answered with a mild giggle. “Sure, I can probably use it for school stuff anyway.”

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 8

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 8

I guess I should fill you in on my family. I am the middle son, I guess now the only daughter of my parents. I have an older and younger brother who fit the more stereotypical role of male. I was always on the more delicate and feminine side which of course drove my father.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-17

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-17

Chapter 17

I actually lead Kaylee into the ladies room and we actually use the facilities when she does this cute sniffly. “I have to pee.”

I do the same and yeah I sat and I wiped.

Okay, girly stuff aside guys should wipe. Shaking it’s fine in the woods but even shaking there’s drips and more and more to me that’s kinda eeew. Not in my clothes. Okay I know that’s the new me talking but hey. It’s not a bad habit to get into.

I come out and get washed up with Kaylee joining me and she takes out her purse and starts to try to repair the damage. I reach out and take the wipe from her. “Hey, hold still.”

I cradle her face and start using the wipe to clear off her make up trying to do this in this slow caring romantic way. I’m kind of winging the whole lesbian romantic gesture thing. I actually love this…not just like it but taking my time, being gentle and the eye contact mixed with that bit of trust.

I love this feeling…

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 7

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 7

My group of escorts led me down the corridor to the dining room. We entered a great big room filled with heavy antique mahogany furniture. There was a great big table in the center that sat at least thirty people. My escorts told me that was for formal occasions. There were several smaller tables that were clustered around the big table.

Her Turn

Her Turn

At long last, it was her turn, and she woke the Body early, bursting with energy like a kid on Christmas morning.

She got up, and looked at the Body in the mirror, and frowned as she felt whiskers on the face. She went and grabbed the electric shaver, and put it to the face, but then the hands started shaking, and she cried to Him for help.

He sighed, and said, “Let me.”

He took the hand and steadied it, and then shaved the face with practiced ease, and then gave the hands back to her.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-6.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond 6.

Chapter 6

The last two days were really busy really in just getting settled down and unpacked into my condo here in The Tower and getting things the way that I like them and getting tips from some of the female members and staff here at The Tower.

Mom had actually the great idea of me having a housewarming shower here in a sort of open house sort of way here for the people here that worked in the building and the other members on the team.

A Ring Tailed Bandit - Chapter 1

A Ring Tailed Bandit Chapter 1

A young woman in her mid twenties stepped out back of “Teen Scene” to have a smoke. Hearing rustling inside the large green garbage can, she stopped in her tracks.

“Who’s in there?” the young woman demanded, “Come out of there right now!”

More thumping around could be heard from the can, but nobody came out.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 10

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 10
By Julie D Cole

Just a short chapter to see responses and decide if I should carry on'


I felt myself becoming limp again and even though she had a strong grip she couldn’t stop me slipping out as my little soldier shrank back to small size and I felt embarrassed. Jacqui cupped him gently in her strong hand including my testicles and she rubbed me gently.

‘Mmm where has he gone?’

‘I’m sorry Jacs but I can’t help it. I’m embarrassed. I’m sorry.’

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-4.

My Super Secret Life… Potentials 4.



My name’s Andrew, but I’ve always liked Drew better so there’s that. My last name’s Porter and I’m a mutant.

I have been since I was thirteen.

Tales of the Monkey Gods

Tales of the Monkey Gods
By Morpheus

This is a series of vignettes about the magic idols from the Monkey Gods stories. There is TG in this story, but it is not the primary focus of most of the chapters, which were originally posted as a serial story on my Yahoo group.

One of the Girls - Chapter 5

One of the Girls -Chapter 5

As we walked through to the bar and lounge area to join the rest of the girls Rachel walked behind me and she smiled. ‘Oh Bro dear I’ve not noticed before that you have quite a wiggle when you walk and those leggings really show off your bum and your legs. I’m quite jealous’

‘Rach please don’t tease me and embarrass me. I’m trying my best.’
‘Well you’re doing a good job and you’d better watch it when we get to Leeds.’

‘Why, you don’t mean I’ll attract boys do you?’

Taylor's Modern Life Part 4

“So we can check her out now then?” Michelle was a bit confused, but at least there was time left in the day to make it over to Alpine Springs to find a place; the afternoon was just starting to blaze on.

Heat, Chapter 1

This is a fan fic for Lilith Langtree's Comics Retcon Universe. As fan fic I have not asked permission from Lilith. There is no planned interaction between this and characters in Lillith's universe. It is I hope, a story of pain and redemption. I hope that it gives someone some entertainment. It is my first publication and written on an iPad by someone who has long forgotten their HTML. No more cavilling, story follows the jump.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 3

Later that afternoon, Natalie walked into the room, not realizing Taylor had a visitor. "Hey kiddo. I got that poster I promised you. Sorry it took so long but I had to drive over to Alpine Springs to get Robin ... to..." she paused, offering a sheepish smile.

Sitting by Taylor’s bed was a girl who couldn’t be much older than herself, with medium length blonde hair, and wearing a tight tanktop exposing a belly button ring to complement several earrings. "Sorry, I didn't realize you had a visitor. I'll come back later,” Natalie backpedaled.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 10

From the diary of Lady Francis.

Lady Margrette,

Forgive my breach of etiquette at the crudeness of this message but time is precious. Colleen has escaped as you must now know.

Once darkness fell it was as I feared and she did slip out as if a shadow.

Do not blame your servants. I kept vigil as well yet to no avail.

In her delusional mind she somehow tapped into the magical either and became all but invisible. I know not how I know this but is truth I swear.

Snakes and Ladders-20...part one.

Snakes and Ladder-20...part one.

Chapter 20

She’s well ahead of me as I’m trying to wrap my head around that last part. Thief? Shaya?

“Hey! Waitaminute!” I head up the stairs after her and she’s laughing and she does that elfin light-footed thing up the stairs like they’re not really there. Me I’m in better shape and with having two legs now it’s still a luxury to me but I can’t keep up. “Shaya!”

To Me at Sixteen

To Me at Sixteen

Hey, kid.

Its you, about three decades down the line. Okay, once you wrap your head around that, listen up, because I dont have all day here, and there are some stuff you really should know.

First, I know the last decade or so has not been a lot of fun. A lot of pain in our past, even by your age, and yeah, that kinda sucks.

But that’s the past, and right now I want you to look ahead a bit, and see what’s coming.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-2.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-2.

Chapter 2

Landon St. Pierre looked at Songbird of the Ark Angels and rubbed at the fur on his face. “You’re kidding me right?”

She shook her head. “No, we’re dead serious about this Landon we want you and we need you and we can pardon you and get you out of here.”

“But teaching?”

“Yes teaching, I know you’ve been in the life a long time since your mutation kicked in pretty much and but you have real skills that we need.”


One of the Girls - Chapter 4

One of the Girls -Chapter 4

As I dried myself off, but having to keep on my knickers, I found a quiet spot to try to get some privacy away from the frivolity and the banter that was going on between the girls. It wasn’t easy to avoid them since they were running around by now armed with wet towels that they were using to flick each other. It was amazing to see so much nudity and none of the girls had any shyness or concerns about showing everything in front of me.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 2

Taylor looked and in its original box was a Stacie doll, his blue eyes went wide at the sight, “Oh oh .. um.” was all he could get out.

Natalie giggled a little, completely misreading Taylor’s shock. “I know it’s not much, but ever since they brought you in we’ve all kind of been praying for you. It’s, um... Well, it’s kinda a miracle you’re even alive right now.” She trailed off for a moment then smiled, carefully setting a fresh glass of water well within the girl’s reach and range of motion.

Fresh tears ran down Taylor’s face, “You all are nice, thank you.”

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-1.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials

Chapter 1

Three years in the making. Three years with every step forwards been ten steps back sometimes because of just anger, stupidity, racism, politics but it’s finally done. Finally here.

Victory looked out over the campus while sitting on the roof of the stadium and smiled letting the wind blow through her long white hair. There was movement to her left and right as she was being joined by Sentinel in his power suit and Champion all the way up from Paradise City on the other side.

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Post-chapter aka Chapter 14)

"Vicky, put your hand on that wall."

"Why?" Vicky asked.

"Just want to check something," Tell replied.

"Hm, okay," Vicky put her hand on the wall, "Mind telling me what it's about?"

Just then I saw Tell's hand, the one holding the Hildegard's Dagger turned scaly and was too late to do anything when she raised that hand and threw the dagger at Vicky in one quick move.

"AHHH!!! What the hell you bitch!!!" Vicky cursed as the dagger nailed her hand to the wall.

The Half Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon (Post-Chapter)
Last Chapter

By Shinieris

My Super Secret Life-24.

My Super Secret Life-24.

Chapter 24

Darkness, it’s all darkness and pain and muffled noises and the sense of movement. I think that I hear sirens. Them I’m pulled down back into the darkness again.

I don’t want to die.

They say that your life flashes before your eyes when stuff like that happens and it’s sort of true. You think, I think before you die about all the stuff that you did and whether or not you’re a decent person. Did I do good with the life that I was given?


My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-5.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-5.

Chapter 5

“I think…I think that I might be a little excited about today.”

It’s the first thing really out of my mouth after the squeakle (yes my word) of surprise when I went to bed as Dale but had been thinking of the conversation between Nikki and me from before.

I really like her when I’m Dale and there were definite Hmmm thoughts when she told me that she was a lesbian. It was like there’s this part of me that was seriously yaying over the fact that she is and I can be a girl whenever I want to be.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 1

“Doctor?” an older girl’s voice called, startled. “Doctor! That kid they brought in the other day just woke up!” she practically cheered, rapid footsteps racing out of the room.

Taylor’s vision slowly started to come back blurry like in the ambulance. The young girl from the ride smiled from the doorway which was the the only thing he could see clearly, and she waved at him then turned around walking through the door, seeming to disappear into nothing.

The Change-room.

What do you mean I can't write another chapter of The missing manhoods?

But that has nothing to do with missing...

Hey I paid good money for those pots PUT THEM DOWN!

Ok fine but you had better let me get to work on missing manhoods soon..

My Super Secret Life...Villain-5

My Super Secret Life…Villain 5

Chapter 5

Thankfully I passed out at some point as I was crying myself to sleep and there was the distinct sort of feeling that someone had shot me up with something fizzyly and bubbly and hurt like hell.

Really hurt like hell and right now it doesn’t feel much better.

My guts hurt.

My insides hurt and it’s like someone is grabbing them and squeezing and twisting.

My Super Secret Life-23.

My Super Secret Life-23.

Chapter 23

Okay going to the mall with Terry and her Mom was a really good time and it helped me get my mind off of things. I even kind of had a few of these really cool moments where I could see Terry’s fledgling girl soul starting to flourish and come out into the foreground of her new self.

It makes me wonder because am I like that remotely?


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