
Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-19

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-19

Chapter 19


I’d sort of settled here for now in town and got myself a job at the local A&W place and I’m not that bad at the whole service industry stuff. Me and My people have been here awhile and we’ve gotten the proper I.D.’s through various means and stuff but all it just means is I won’t flag things when they go to run my social.

FTL-13...Faster Than Life.

FTL…13 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 13

There was part of me that wanted to stay in bed.
Maybe, just maybe get as far as the chaise out there on the sand.

But Patrick had started to massage me with coconut oil all over and was straddling me giving me this wonderful massage and it had gotten better…

Very surprising but better when he slipped back and he sank into me from behind and dammit he made love and he kept massaging me.

Worse yet?

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 08

'Too bad it is so black, if it had some pink and some gold details it would look cute.'

'Did I just think that?'


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 8
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro


What a good boy...Chapter 5

What a good boy… Chapter 5.

Chapter 5

I help mom with supper and help out with making the salad. Mom’s a really healthy eater and we do a lot of veggies and not just salads. But tonight we’re making chicken breast rolled in cream of mushroom soup and then Shake and Bake and put in the oven.

The salad’s actually good stuff or I think it is mixed greens that they sell in the plastic boxes and a dressing of olive oil and avocado with lime juice in the blender then we stir in really small diced cucumber in it and the pistachio nuts for crunchy stuff.

Derby Day Surprise - Chapter 4

Derby Day Surprise — Chapter 4

By Julie Dawn Cole

It wasn’t too eventful after that because I was engrossed in the sights around me. Crossing the river was amazing since I’d only ever seen New York on films and on episodes of Friends on TV. I used to look at Jennifer Aniston in wonderment and she certainly knew how to show her best assets. Oh if only.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-8.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 8.

Chapter 8

Flying is just so intense really and it’s getting more and more special to me. I head out over the city and instead of flying just over the city and the Super-Bridge I head out to Sanctuary out over the water.

I’d have enjoyed it a whole lot more but I pull up but slow down. There’s barges everywhere with protestors about the whole Sanctuary thing. Even from the height I’m at I can hear them chanting hate slogans and waving their signs. Everything from them saying God hates freaks, mutants must die, Satan’s creatures….and more.

What a good boy...Chapter 4

What a good boy…Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Uhm oh boy wow.

Gwen talked to me.

And kind of nice she didn’t treat me like a freak.

But she’s pretty…well better than pretty she’s stunning and popular and a jockettes. But honestly I don’t really know the jockettes that much so I can’t actually say if they’re assholes like the guys that are in some of the teams here at school.

But…honestly should my spider-senses be tingling?

My Super Secret Life...Villain-8

My Super Secret Life…Villain 8

Chapter 8


I almost rattled stuff in the diner.

So why in the world of don’t give a fuck am I so pissed?

I’ve been on the streets a long time. And in a city like Ark City there are over five to six hundred thousand kids on the streets. Some get out, some don’t stay and are just visiting, so go gang or become hookers and junkies, the list goes on and on…but you just think about the population and the amount of predators that come here for the camouflage…

Yeah run the numbers.

FTL-12...Faster Than Life.

FTL…12 Faster Than Life.

Chapter 12

I’m really focused on scan now that we have real live alien VIP’s on board I have visions of something coming after us because of it and thankfully I’m wrong and the one thing I do notice is.

Nav-Command didn’t treat us any differently than any other VIP shuttle. We’re treated with the same respectful indifference. I know one thing and that’s I’m glad I’m not flying. There’s a lot of pressure I can imagine.

Derby Day Surprise - Chapter 3

Derby Day Surprise — Chapter 3
By Julie Dawn Cole

As we walked towards the exit Carole made a call on his cell phone to ask his driver to pick us up and he took my carry-on bag with the other hand. I hitched my purse strap onto my shoulder and tried to walk with small steps one in front of the other which meant I was almost running to match his long stride.

The Pink ops 2

Look I have no interest in this type of story

Of course I have a choice..

Oh you think so do you..

Let that go! That's mine you can't....

Okay fine! But I am doing this under protest!

I was huddled in the corner of the room as usual. I heard the door open and someone entered.

"Jessie?" I know that voice.

"James?" hope beyond hope.

"Yes Jessie its me."came the gentle reply of my former dormmate.

I got up and looked for him. There was James Patterson just in the entrance of my prison cell. I ran to him and clutched him like a liferaft of hope.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-7.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 7.

Chapter 7

Sentinel had given me free tickets and while you’d think they’d be prime tickets or something they weren’t. They were good seats I’ll say that much but he had a lot of them in a pop out compartment in his waist.

Not a bad idea and not being in the rich seats seems somehow more hero…ic. Oh damn I like these people…

My Super Secret Life-26.

My Super Secret Life-26.

Chapter 26


I wake up and the first things that register in the deep sensation of having had sex. Then the realisation of all this stuff, tension and stress and something else that had been knotted up inside of me was gone and that I felt good, really good in fact better than I had ever remembered feeling in my life.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 8 (Final)

“She was just so adorable sleeping like that,” Michelle grinned, “I didn’t want to go any closer you know.” She took LeAnne’s hand again, leading her down the hallway to her room.

LeAnne smiled sheepishly. “I couldn’t help myself. She just looked so innocent and angelic. But at least those years of ballet finally paid off,” she added with a quiet giggle.

At that very moment the house froze in time, and Faith and Bethany both looked around the house. Faith had a big smile on her face as she looked at LeAnne and Michelle, “Now that’s perfect. Nature is balanced again.”

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 14

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 14

As the woman who was once my father was saying all this, I could not help but feel skeptical of her insights and motivations. I felt like she was saying these things but did not mean what she said.

“If your children's well being was so important to you, why did you make my journey into womanhood one way? What would have happended if I did not like it and wanted to go back to being a man?”

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-18

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-18

Chapter 18

I wake up with my eyes all crusty and eew from crying and a bit of a stuffed nose and a small headache. It’s late in the morning and I get up and drag myself out of bed to the shower and it’s already into the august heat so I start with a on the cool side of lukewarm shower and try to get my head wrapped around everything.


I have no idea of what the heck that means but I remember it just as clear as clear gets and the way that she looked.

She…her…My birth mother.

The first thing I do after getting dressed is walk over to the house and get a coffee and sit at the kitchen counter/island and look at my mom as she’s helping one of my Aunts shop for something online.

“So I remembered what she looked like.”

“Who honey?” she says absently.

“My birth mother.”

It went so quiet that you could hear the whine of the laptop.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 7

“I never would either LeAnne. Friends first sweetie, always.” Michelle smiled as they both went into the kitchen to scope out what to make for dinner.

LeAnne giggled a little. “Gawd, this kitchen’s amazing. I haven’t had a real kitchen with anything beyond a piece of crap stove and a 700 watt microwave in like, two years.”

“It’s a damn professional kitchen. It looks like something you would see in Gordon Ramsay's house.” Michelle giggled.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 13

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 13

After about fifteen minutes, my dad started to regain consciousness.

“I feel strange. What did you do to me Michelle?”

“I just gave you a taste of your own medicine, Dad or should I say Mom?”

My dad got up and walked over to a mirror and gave out a piercing scream.

“Michelle, let me see what you injected me with.”

I handed my dad the bottle.

“Oh my God, that is my original DNA. You have given me back the body I had 20 years ago.”

My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

FTL-11...Faster Than Life.

FTL-11…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 11

I sit back in the seat and I stare at the thing well…the ship that’s waiting for us as it comes into view.

I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not an expert but there are a whole range of things that are very similar about all starships.

This was sleek.

Now most people don’t do bother with sleek designs not for starcraft. There is usually anti-gravity gear in place and while there’s some streamlining it’s usually about function than being something pretty.

Star yachts the rich owned things are pretty.

Taylor's Modern Life Part 6

Michelle walked Taylor and the girls to the music store, pulling out Taylors iPod and getting it ready for her, then handing it over. “You know what we forgot to do Sweet Pea? I forgot to buy a wireless router for the new house, and order internet.” Michelle giggled.

“Oh yeah! The realtor lady said it was already wired for high speed. I guess that means we just have to get it turned on huh?” she giggled. “This is so cool!”

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 11

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 11

I made it back to my room with mixed feelings. On one hand, I was glad that I was going to have the body I always wanted, but at the same time, I was wondering why did my father want it permanent for me? Was it out of love for me, that he wanted what was best for me or was it just another way for him to control me? I did hope it was more out of the first but feared that it was more from the latter.

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 11

Jacqui and Me - Chapter 11
By Julie D Cole

I turned onto my side and pulled the duvet high over my shoulder. Jac’s leaned over me and turned off the light at the side of the bed and laid back. She didn’t pressurise me at all and instead she puffed up her pillows to make herself more comfortable.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-7

My Super Secret Life…Villain 7

Chapter 7

I wake up and smile last night went good and inside I turned a corner in my head. I went to the free clinic and I seduced the street doc I’ve been working with. I’m really new to this sex stuff and yet I’m sure he was pretty good.


I’m getting the big deal some people have about their first. Jeff’s a really decent person and yeah it’s sentimental as fuck but there’s no one that can take that away from me.


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