
That's How the System Works - Part 4

That's How The System Works
Chapters 8-9
by Danielle Rose


One of the girls, a Native American, walked past our room. A couple moments letter, she walked back and looked in our room.

“Hello. Who are you?” she asked. Her voice was the second voice I had heard when the girls entered the house.

I pointed at my chest. “I’m Amber. That’s Kim.”

Kimmy waved her hand. “Hi. We’re new here.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured that one out,” said the girl with a giggle. “I’m Jessica. My friends call me Jessie for short.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said. Kim simply nodded in agreement.

“Likewise,” said Jessica. “So, when did you two get here?”

The Wyld Who Would Be God - Part 1

Wyld Logo
Who Would Be God

by Saless
Part 1 of 2

An Angelic Wyld takes over the small island nation of Kiribati and becomes their God. Convinced he will save them from the loss of their homeland due to climate change and the rising water levels, the people of Kiribati worship him. A young transgender woman goes Wyld and finds herself thrust into his world. The lucky girl soon learns that her luck is not so good after all...

Lost in the Mists of Time - Chapter 4

Lost in the Mists of Time
By Fiona Murray
I lost sight of Andrew and the soldier. I adjusted where I was pointing the pistol towards the officer who was drawing his sword and fired. As the smoke cleared, I saw Andrew coming out of a crouched run quickly batted the soldier’s musket away with his left arm and hacked him with his broadsword. I saw the officer lying dead by the door and fainted.

That's How the System Works - Part 3

That's How The System Works
Chapters 6-7
by Danielle Rose


“What I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room,” I said.

“You have my word,” replied Kim.

“I’m not sure how it happened. One night, I’m sitting in a police station after being taken from my grandfather’s house by the police, and the next thing I know, I’m not who I used to be,” I said.

"What do you mean by not who you used to be?"

"I haven't always been Amber. That night I came to Orangewood was my first night being Amber," I said.

"Who were you before?"

"I was somebody else. Somebody who didn't know the first thing about being a girl."

“If you’re going to sit there and tell me you used to be a boy, I’m going to hurl this book at you.” Kim said, with a look of amusement while picking up the novel I had been reading.

Pulling my knees up to my chest and putting my arms up in a defensive posture, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tight. “I used to be a boy.”

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 10

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 10


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Snakes and Ladders-23

Snakes and Ladders-23

Chapter 23

I push myself up to my feet and it takes a dozen staggering steps before I’m picking up speed and the soreness is going away from my muscles warming up. Dammit I’m just getting started I think and I know already that I’m going to be sore when this is over.

I snag a blaster from one of the fallen elves it’s bigger than the one that I had but I think I can use it. It’s this sort of a ceramic wheel lock looking weapon with a rectangular barrel instead of a round one and there’s a large red crystal set into the tech-magic circuits where a clip would get put in with a gun from home and it’s about six inches shorted than a pistol gripped style shotgun.

I go with that, I know shotguns pretty well.

That's How the System Works - Part 2

That's How The System Works
Chapters 4-5
by Danielle Rose


“Amber, I work with David and Officer Samuels.”

My mouth dropped wide open. “You know about me?”

“Yes, Amber. Officer Samuels came to the cottage and told me while you were getting your medical exam. Like David told you in the letter, we didn’t expect you to be here. Or that you would become trapped in Amber’s body. I can’t go into many details, but I was placed here to help those who were somehow left behind. Not all the girls who come through here are like you, but there have been a few.”

That's How the System Works - Part 1.5 (Interlude)

That's How The System Works
by Danielle Rose (Danileigh79)


You should always tell the truth.


This is a very short entry. I have wanted to work on this story for sometime, but life has a penchant for getting in the way. Now that I'm ready to work on this story again, I wanted to post this chapter and get a feel from the readers if I'm going in the right direction before I start writing more chapters. One of two things can happen. I can continue in this direction and expand on Amber's connection to the still nameless Society and why she's so important to them, or I can make it to where Amber will never have gotten the letter, and she would be in the dark about her true purpose and the events that led her to becoming a 17 year old girl.



My Super Secret Life...Villain-11

My Super Secret Life…Villain-11

Chapter 11

Jeff’s sort of recovering and Holly is shocked and wiping her coffee off the table and her face but she’s got this look there too that is all OMG this might be interesting going on.

“Rikki, my daughter’s right fricking here y’know.”

“So, it’s not like she’s got virgin ears I’d say since she’s not that freaked out and I think she’s old enough to get that two consenting people can and do have oral sex.”


Softly Zephyr, oh Come Softly chapter 5



I had to really work at keeping the 'predator' part of me from showing too much though I knew I couldn't hide all of it or all the time. So the people in that shelter, or whatever it was knew I was dangerous and potentially deadly.

But they took me in. Even knowing that they took me in.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 9

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 9


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

17 Painting over the Fireplace

“It was a dark and stormy night...”

“Aw Jack, you start all your spook stories out like that; least you have for the past five years. You gotta make this story different. You know, jazz it up or something. Make it seem normal, like it could really happen.”

“Normal? You want normal the day before Halloween?”

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-7.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-7.

Chapter 7

It’s been a couple days since the Jakeisode.

It was a bit upsetting at fist but sitting with Parvati while doing my practices and talking about stuff like dealing with being a woman, and being aware of sexism and the whole meta backlash thing and the other complex stuff about being a woman and Mom’s there too which brings two lifetimes of real life experience and dealing with things like…well Jake.

Walking through Hell...Chapter 2.

Walking through Hell…Chapter 2.

I lead the others as fast as we can go or dare to go through this place. Strange colored skies with browns and streams of toxic colors.

Vampyre 7.

Vampyre 7.

Chapter 7

Oh…my eye’s shift involuntarily as I feel Donna’s hot fingers slip into my panties and into me…I’m horny and excited enough from the fighting but for her to have her body temperature hot fingers in me and feeling her pulse in those fingers as she’s fingering me…

I’m not long in kissing her hungrily…needful…

Bloodsenses are kicking it and driving me deeper into the erotic nature of being a vampyre…



I walk through the doors but actually slow up enough to take Justin’s hand and use him to sort of shield me from the aura thing the mana boosting thing I’d been doing that fang has obviously been using as well.

None of the other Were’s I’ve met have been even close to this either and he’s ding this slow inhale through his nose thing that is obviously him doing some kind of magic or wolf magic.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 8

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 8


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

My Super Secret Life-29.

My Super Secret Life-29.

Chapter 29

I’m the one to leave first and I’m actually right in between that place where I’m happy because I’m getting a chance and this whole oh shit so big shot what do you do now thing.

Alexis is Matt and Matt is Alexis and they’re the same and they’re different. (Big deep breath.) The point is that Matt is guy enough and has been around enough that he knows all the usual guy stuff that guys well would do on a date.

I get in my car and drive out but I wave at what feels like Matt again in the store window just so it doesn’t seem like I’m taking off.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-12.


Chapter 12

I’m getting stared at and Chris and Ryan are looking at me like I’m a bit crazy. “No seriously guys it’s alive.”

I see something inside it swirling like mist or water then there’s this shape like a head there but it’s semi triangular and there’s the flare of stormy blue eyes.

They’re all looking at it now and Chris is frowning at it. “That mage character that mixed it up with the students had this thing.”

“It’s full of negative chi hon.” Sasha/Saber says with a thoughtful expression on her face. “Demon?”

FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

FTL-14...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 14

I can’t help but wonder if we’re being watched?

Command has shown me they’re fond of tests for things and even if this party was one of those military personnel only things and approved escorts and Elle’s people…if we’re being watched as to see just who’s going to say the wrong things. I noticed Elle had glanced at several people in a strange way and I didn’t know those people.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-10

My Super Secret Life…Villain-10

Chapter 10

Jeff’s actually cute as he’s glaring at me and then the money and then the spiked mace. It’s actually a little bit funny even as he’s trying to turn over all of this in his head and I can almost see that trying to be a logical, reasonable, normal person about this.

He actually does come over after making me another cup of coffee and we sit and after a minute or too of quietness he says. “Pass the black bean beef please?”

Game Theory: Learning To Play

Game Theory-Learning To Play

Synopsis: Randy invites two friends up to his new vacation home for a long weekend of cards and beer. When he breaks out some magic rings, things take a turn that threatens to effect them long after they return.


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