Sarah's Key

Sarah’s Key


Permission granted by author Big Closet only


Sarah’s Key


History Lesson

The first two pages of this story will misdirect a reader into believing our story is about politics. Politics in a dysfunctional and dystopian world. As your narrator is aware a follower of this tome could be misled. Rather than present a disservice to you the reader, disclaimer is required. This is a story of self sacrifice and love. Politics of the era are included at the outset to inform of incidents leading to our character’s situation. Choices were forced upon a family causing sacrifices they came to make. In the end some are likely to conclude these were not sacrifices at all. Some would have embraced this opportunity while others would run from it.

In the year 2060 located in one strife laden corner of the world Kent Melson and his wife Eleanor gave birth to twin girls named Kristen and Sarah. The girls followed an elder brother born five years earlier. The boy named after his father grew up to be an ambitious strapping lad, one not without problems. Junior harbored enormous resentment of his father’s success. He became a product of state schools focusing upon values that opposed those held by a majority of citizens. His attitudes and actions drove a wedge between the younger Kent Melson and his family.

Kent Melson Senior rose from near poverty side stepping all roadblocks to build a large company earning a vast fortune. A fortune affronting his government, which preached fairness and equality while practicing the exact opposite. The elder Melson recognizing the shortcomings of public education through his son’s attitude shifted concerning the younger sisters. He provided a better education for his girls utilizing exclusive prep schools. He drew the line against boarding his twins out. Kristen and Sarah came home from school each night to the care of their mother. It is true the girls were daddy’s girls resulting in a deep bond one shared with their mother as well.

Eleanor Melson cherished her husband and children. In her eyes Kent Junior remained her son and she fought to help him see the light. That was not to be as Junior resisted more and more while pulling further and further away. Offered the opportunity to attend the same institution as his sisters the boy rebelled. The state is supreme regarding final say of children. Parent’s rights in the name of fairness were eroded daily. Kent Junior’s mentors convinced him by the time he finished college his loyalty belonged to the state. Family is passé, the state is supreme. No one knows what revelation or act by the supreme leader caused the breach in faith. No one knows if Junior ever bought into the propaganda in the first place. His actions suggested he had not.

The year was 2081 when Kent Junior broke into a government laboratory with two accomplices stealing genetic research. In the spirit of a tenant espoused by his teachers Kent willfully destroyed everything left behind in the lab. The Supreme Leader had long focused upon his goal of securing power by creating a civil crisis where he could claim a national take over. His second term nearly expired while he harbored no intent upon leaving. After all he spent his tenure weakening the rights of the people. The leader is about to unleash his genetically perfect followers to ensure his control.

Kent Junior learned of a place called by the resistance as simply Sanctuary House. The location though real is or was a way station. The insurgents falsely embraced a fable where upon entry one is greeted into a garden like utopia. The belief as all such fantasies prove to be is terribly wrong. Sanctuary House had been a hub providing access to different planes of existence where one could cross the divide into another world.

Sanctuary House sat deep in the woods at the end of an abandoned dirt track. The road, long ago deteriorated into a rutted impassible lane. Few vehicles could navigate resulting deep washouts and up heaved hillocks. The road’s condition is of no concern to maintenance departments as citizens long ago lost the right to own private transportation. This affect is a result of yet another war. Dear leader waged a campaign against the carbon spewing threat of oil. Raising the prices he effectively ended vehicle use forcing people into over crowded cities. It proved an effective measure to tighten controls.

The way station therefore is effectively isolated preventing intrusions. True to its designers the building appeared as an ancient Victorian two story house feeding into rumors of haunting and evil happenings. Anyone who ventured into the woods north of Saranac Lake knew enough to stay away. In reality the house was simply that a lone standing structure that once stood in a neighborhood among similar homes.

On a fateful late summer night a Junior Melson and his compatriots executed their plan. It set off a chain of events that spun out of control changing a family dynamic forever. Unknown to Kent and his associates security is ever present. The government lab may appear to be deserted on the dark night but it has eyes everywhere. This mistake proved costly to a small band of raiders who should have expected surveillance. One can forgive them as they are products of the government education system.

The trooper’s reaction is swift and without mercy. The three did not make it to safety in Sanctuary House. To be accurate, one of them did. As Kent dove through the door he did not find a promised garden. What he found is a lack of control of a revolving portal. Kent is pulled in swirling and spinning rapidly to land somewhere else. His partners were less fortunate. They no sooner set foot on a creaking porch when the drone hit. A resulting fireball evaporated everything within a hundred yards.

The troopers did not stop with the sanction of the misguided perpetrators who violated government rule. They swept down seizing the Melson family assets arresting the father, his wife and the girls. Trials in this plane are swift while punishment proves sudden and sure. Kent Senior and his wife were to be executed and the girls sentenced to become concubines of Supreme Leader. Thus ends a story of one family in this dystopian world. Or so that government thought.

Sanctuary House had been established by the council of governing witches to provide a place to meet. Each Governor is assigned to protect their side of the divide. One of these tasks is to close periodic accidental breaches. There are occasion intentional intrusions as well with the 2083 plane the most frequent violator. A Governor’s primary obligation is to not interfere with human development of the worlds. They must focus on repelling intrusions to protect the membrane separating each world.

The resulting hole in the ground nearly a half mile in circumference hardly settled when a replacement sprung up on the same site. The governing witch in charge quickly sealed the divide’s tear sealing the passage. During the trial of a distraught Melson family is in session the seven met. Audrey, the senior and president of the coven called the meeting to order. The ongoing trial plays on a wall sized screen behind her. “As you can see my sisters the evil one is again exceeding the level of common decency. It will be the final blow he strikes.”

A hush envelops the room as each sister is aware of Directive number one. ‘No Guardian may act in a such a manner as to disrupt the on going evolution of a plane in the divide.’
Audrey heard the whispers and questions of her sisters. She attracted their attention by striking her gavel. All eyes face her in silent stares. Each of the governing sisters knows better than piss Audrey Ramsey off. Audrey begins in a slow steady voice all listeners know she is serious.

“My sisters I am well aware of Directive one, however Directive two allows a reset when the President determines the safety of the worlds is threatened. This fellow has pissed me off and before the night is over a reset will take place. However, we need to relocate this family at once. Fiona, do you have the keys?”

Fiona is only one of Audrey’s sisters. All the Governors are members of the Ramsey family. Not all are equal in abilities but all are capable to govern their side of the divide. Fiona answers, “I have, one for each.”

The president accepts the keys. “I commend you Fiona for keeping your world in order. I understand this family indicated your world one-hundred-twenty years behind theirs is acceptable to them. What is the date in your technically backward place, nineteen-sixty-four?”

Fiona nods her agreement, “It is far more peaceable than Audrey’s. We have been spared that radical President Johnson who screwed everything up, while my sister had to deal with him on a daily basis. My plane is a hundred-nineteen years behind her’s. We avoided that man’s constant conflict it was one thing after another. Wars, civil unrest, propaganda, it never ended. Audrey’s world suffered one power monger after another enjoying very few periods of respite. You see the result of their progression.”

Audrey smiles, “This is not the time or the place to discuss petty differences.” Her statement settles the boiling anger in the eldest sister’s eyes. Audrey fought her instinct to defend her side by citing Directive number one. Audrey astutely shifts her focus on the current problem quickly adjourning the meeting. Each sister went back to her side of the divide.

The narrator stated earlier this story is not about politics or wars. What Audrey did in her reset is not relevant to our tale. We will save that for another time and telling. Our story is focused on two sides of the divide 2013 and Fiona’s world of 1964. An important event other than Kent Jr. escaping through a rip in the divide into the world of 2013 is the governing witch presented keys to the Melson family. One key each is presented to the parents and children, Kristen, Sarah and their younger brother five years their junior. These keys allow them to travel between worlds. Only they can activate their personal key. Transfers are limited once they make their final passage the keys evaporate. They chose Fiona’s world of 1964 because of its values.

The family has no knowledge which world Kent Jr. fled to. They have no knowledge Kent survived the drone attack. To them he is dead. It is unknown if the portal played a trick on Kent jr. or if it was simply coincidence he landed where he did. The world of 2013 is exactly the place to put his plan in action. One can assume another accident occurred randomly to seal the fates of the young Mister Melson and another poor soul. It is not difficult to understand why Kent would choose a world of 2013. The technology exists there to enable implementation of his stolen plans. It is simply not ready for his gift.

The trial of Kent Melson Senior and his family ended with their disappearance. The government could not know they fled into a dimension one hundred years earlier. They settling into a peaceful slower life found in 1964. All went well until twenty-three year old Sarah Melson married and went for a hike on her honeymoon with her new husband.


The Wraith

It is a late summer day in the northern extremes of a state known as New York. The cooler climes of this year 2013 present a satisfying sunny day. The weather has nothing to do with the mood of our subject. For him it is all economics and the forecast is anything but bright.

Wayne Huntington took the offered prospectus from Mr. Riley. He viewed the details of the technical position satisfied he could compete for the placement. The opening came exactly at the right moment. Wayne is presently broke forcing him to scramble to meet last months expenses. He struggled all summer to make ends meet ever since being downsized by Cyber Technologies. Wayne completed his graduate degree through an internship where he worked with Cyber’s security programs. His authorization allowed interaction with the higher end and experimental applications. The steady progression of excellent evaluations led him to believe a permanent position is a certainty. Facing Riley he now knew this belief is nothing more than a delusion.

“As you know,” Riley began, “We did not get the government systems contract. You are lucky not to be one of the hundreds who are about to lose a paying job.”

Wayne blinked, ‘lucky he says. What is the difference between not getting a job and losing one?’ He could only return a half smile thanking Riley for his referral. With fall rapidly approaching and his options of possible employment bleak he was forced to meet with Riley. Cyber Technologies graciously offered to provide placement assistance in a related field. He desperately needs a position, almost any will do. He swallowed his pride holding back his feeling of being used agreeing to their help. In Wayne’s mind he views Cyber as managing to get a year of free labor helping to design their successful system.

Riley smiles offering a hint of encouragement in his high pitched voice as he speaks. “Wayne with your qualifications I, don’t see how they can turn you down. Melson, at Micro Technologies can be a stickler. I understand the man is demanding and very tough. People who survive his martinet ball busting pressure often make millions. If, you succeed with his research position it is a virtual guaranteed bump on the corporate ladder.”

It is true Wayne’s career in software development lent itself to Micro’s programs in the medical technology field. They are not a competitor which enabled his old company to make the referral. Wayne stood focused on the detailed job description taking a deep breath. “You think I can garner this opening, Mr. Riley?”

Riley stands to shake Huntington’s hand gripping it firmly. “With your background and Cyber Tech’s recommendation you have an excellent chance. It is not a slam dunk as there are other people who are in a similar situation as you. Your chances are as good as any, perhaps better.”

Wayne thanked the man leaving the office with a cautionary ray of hope. Time is running out he is a thousand dollars short regarding next months obligations. He drove his ten year old compact car back to his apartment. The old brownstone house sat on a busy street on the edge of the city. It served for many years as housing for interns and other hopefuls at Cyber Technologies. It is a place for students between their degree and securing that plush job. A small one bedroom flat with cramped kitchenette, barely serviceable living room and narrow bathroom is what Wayne calls home. His single view from a small window provides a glimpse of Lake Flower a block distant.

It is his good luck he managed to secure the apartment with his internship. Now that Cyber Tech is downsizing he is no longer able to get reduced rent. Not because the landlord has made a negative decision, rather higher rent results from and end to a stipend paid by Cyber Tech. The direct transfer avoided his reporting the rent payments as income. He escaped those high taxes the government exacted. This ends with his termination from the program.

Cyber appears to be efficient with their instantly vacating the contract if the note nailed to the door is any indication. It read,

your stipend ended today June 23rd. You have one week to pay your rent in for July 1 plus one month in
advance for security, or you will be evicted. Signed Grayson Associates.

Wayne recoiled, sweat covering his brow. ‘I have barely enough to pay that. If I get the job fine, I’ll pay them but without the job I, can’t give them my last cent.’ He called the landlord begging for a few extra days. He gave him only two because the first is a Wednesday. Grayson Associates appreciated most paydays are on Fridays thereby granting a short extension. A conversation ended with a stern warning to expect finding his stuff on the curb if he fails to pay.

He ate his usual Raman noodle dinner while watching a meaningless program on the tiny television. Tomorrow he is to appear at the offices of Micro Technology to meet with a Mr. Anson. The pending interview for nine am purged his ability to concentrate on what he is watching. He gave up trying to focus on the sit com opting to take a shower instead. A restless sleep ensued, causing him to wake up exhausted.

Wayne had plenty of reason to wake up exhausted. He tossed and turned all night in a fretful sleep. He somehow became trapped in a loop of a dream climbing a mountain in snow and ice. It ended with him and some girl falling off a cliff. He deemed in his mind its roots stemmed from the pressure he is under. This dream is a reoccurring event having begun in conjunction with the announced pending layoffs a month ago. The man is within a week of being homeless. His continence bore into a round simple kitchen clock its hands signifying half seven. Another hour before he must appear at the offices of Micro Technologies. He fingered his cup swirling the liquid watching it seek a level as he is lost in his thoughts. Finally he exits in search of a job.

Wayne sat surveying the room making a mental note of three other people present. A short balding man sat across a table from him reading a magazine. He thought, ‘he does not look like a research assistant prospect.’ To his left, a middle aged woman fidgeted with a ball of yarn in her lap. Chairs consisted of those faux leather types made to emulate wing chairs. Clearly, the company attempts to signal success. Seating is arranged in groupings of five forming a pair of semi circles opposing each other. An ornate maple table with fine grain etchings sat in the center. Thick pile carpeting in earthen tones is both soft and warm to the touch. A receptionist’s desk, placed a comfortable distance away is facing the opening. The chair to his left is empty while the next is occupied. None of these people appeared to be of the type to be waiting an interview for the position he sought. The third person is one seat removed on his left. Wayne had watched the young woman enter the room shortly after him. She had exited from one of the inner offices with every eye focused upon her. Wayne noted the receptionist displayed a hint of distain while pretending respect. ‘That girl is no competition for my job.’ He relaxed after giving her the once over.

The once over focused upon studying perfect legs, legs he new well right down to dimple behind her right knee. Sarah he thought but he never met anyone named Sarah. At least no one by that name he can recall. She is a perky brunette perhaps a college student or recent graduate. Wayne guessed she is twenty-two at most. Her cream silk blouse, white cardigan sweater and delicate fine gold necklace suggest high ticket prices. The leather straight skirt resting well above her lap suggests something else. He could not help notice the finely toned legs enhanced by sheer hose. He is back to those legs again distracted by that dimple. ‘The one I tried to remove once.’ Where in hell did that thought come from? Her light brown almost honey colored hair is feathered forward hiding her brow under silken bangs. That too caught his attention. Disturbed by how this affects him he distracted himself with her eyes. Wayne watched as her emerald eyes returned a piercing gaze toward the receptionists. The message received transmitted don’t mess with me.

Still fifteen minutes or so before his appointment Wayne fretted over his early arrival. His nature is to worry about every detail. As his mother always told him, never be late for important meetings. He tried to avoid appearing nervous averting his gaze to not make eye contact. The pretty woman suddenly leans toward him speaking in a whisper. “You, don’t look like you belong to the freaks.”

Her comment startled him so much so he blushed. Curious over what she meant he tried to process her term, ‘freaks’ internally. Wayne could not help his subtle glance toward the overweight slightly unkempt man to his left. The girl noticed and smiled enhancing those green pools of hers seemingly to dance in deviltry. “I didn’t think so. You must be here to see to see Harvey.”

Wayne blinked not sure what to make of this, he whispered “Harvey? What are the freaks as you call them here for?” His eyes made contact with the girl’s hypnotic gaze. He felt a jolt of familiarity as if they met before. He took a deep breath, ‘don’t you dare try that line.’

“Harvey Anson, he is the martinet in employment. The freaks are waiting for their program instructions. There are more of them in the alcove.” She tossed her head toward a far corner Wayne had not noticed. She continued in a soft voice. “Glorified guinea pigs those guys in medical testing are always dreaming up ways to torture people. They are the puppets of Enos Slaughter.” She giggled before adding, “Slaughter is the perfect name for what he does. The boss here gives the warped experimenters a free hand until they go over the top.” She emitted another silent laugh. The girl suddenly averted her eyes directing them toward the front desk. “Jane how much longer?”

‘Jane, the receptionist’s name must be Jane.’ Wayne thought as he watched her turn from her typing to regard the woman. Wayne smiled determining the receptionists must believe the young woman is a bother. ’The woman is someone Jane is forced to deal with,’ he thought. Jane sighed before answering with a dismissive, “Not much longer. He is wrapping up.” Wayne narrowed his gaze at the woman’s desk scanning until he saw the triangular block of wood. A block shaped like those letter holders provided in Scrabble games except its color is walnut. A yellow inscribed etching spelled Jane.

His powers of observation are reinforced proving he deduced Jane’s name correctly, built up his confidence. Now daring to expand his mental gymnastics sensing a rare opportunity to flirt, he offered to the brunette a comment in response to what the woman said earlier. In a whisper, “I take it you are not with the freaks.”

She expresses an almost bored elongated sigh before answering. “I’m Sarah Melson my father is CEO here. Kent Melson, you must have heard the name. That is who I am here to see. I have another month or so before my bothersome purgatory demands my time. Daddy wanted me to come in so he could show off one of his new toys. Since I want him to pony up for a new car I have to humor. My obligations would have been finished this past spring but last year, well let‘s just say it was not good.”

He introduced himself believing it only fair as he now knows her name. His antenna rose unexpectedly producing a frightening thought. ‘How in hell did I guess her name?’ He felt foolish beginning by stuttering, obviously caused by that thought. “I’m Sar err Wayne Huntington in search of employment.” He flushed hoping she did not catch his stupid beginning. ‘I almost said Sarah. What is it with that name?’

Wayne stood being saved from his blunder when called by the receptionists. He turned to Sarah, “Good luck with that.” She gave him an odd glance with a knowing smile. He stepped away hearing the girl respond, “Same to you.” He reaches for the door to Anson’s office when he hears the girl calling him. Wayne turns to face her.

“I have a tip that might come in handy. Harvey is one of those hyper little guys who can never make a decision. He will stall you by giving you some crap about running it by the boss first. Then he will schmooze sucking up a bit while raving endlessly about your experience. The he will fawn over how good your application looks. What he does next is file it in his drawer spending weeks trying to figure out who to pick. Dad will freak out calling Anson. I can hear him yelling now. Harvey, I need that new programmer did you find anyone yet? Harvey will panic and call in whoever’s file is on his desk at the time. Usually it is the guy who just left.”

Wayne offers a bewildered gaze at the striking young woman. “What can I do about that?”

Sarah grins, “Have you heard about project 67?” She does not wait for an answer pushing forward. “The program is diving them nuts. Problem after problem is reported in Scientific American. Check the latest issue if, don’t believe me. Tell Anson you have the solution and will give it to my father. The solution is a new software program by Atlantis Corp named Trident. That software will make all the difference. It will get you the job, guaranteed.” Sarah turns to walk down the hall.

As his eyes followed Jane to the office door he thought of the pertinent beauty. ‘From what she said I am guessing spoiled brat college student. Not to mention she is nuts. Why do I recall that freaking dimple so clearly?’ He shrugged continuing his walk to the office. He watches Jane project an evil eye in the girl’s direction.

Jane directed her gaze at the girl not hiding her discomfort while clearing her throat. She nods to a door at the end of the hall, “You can go in now.” Sarah stands smoothing her skirt while offering a forced smile, “Thanks.”

He reached for Anson’s door to knock when his alarm buzzed. Wayne shook the cobwebs from his foggy head noting it is eight AM. It is just another nutty dream he’s had a series of them lately. He stares again at the clock in disbelief. He had been dreaming all along. The meeting had not taken place and he did not spend a half hour talking to a nutty brunette. He did not meet with Mr. Anson. ‘That dream was so convincing I swear it was not a dream. That young woman looked familiar. Obviously, I never knew her. She must be a composite of all the girls I’ve known.’ He shrugged it off as typical of crazy stress filled dreams he has been having lately. Wayne opens his closet to find his suit neatly pressed as is the shirt he wore to the employment interview. He scratches his head convinced he is going crackers. Convinced by the still clean clothes hanging there he really did dream the waiting room scene. Wayne downed the remainder of caramel liquid in the coffee pot. Even a full carafe seemed not enough.

In spite of his haggard feeling Wayne looked reasonably well as he entered the towering office building. His six foot youthful frame is adorned by a blue suit from a low end department store, Walmart to be exact. He could never afford The Men’s Warehouse even if they feature a never ending three for one sale. True it is a knock off mimicking expensive designer suits. He doubts it can fool anyone but it is presentable at least. His short dark brown hair and bright blue eyes signaled he met the profile of the average Micro Tech associate. Wayne is not one to be sought out by beautiful women, though he could be. His looks are better than average but his dedication to career never allowed the time it takes to pursue adventures. He entered the reception area with high hopes and great reservations.

Upon entering the reception area Wayne noticed the front office looked exactly as it did in his dream. It should have bothered him because he never set foot inside this place before. Wayne stood speechless staring at the reception desk thinking, ‘I have never been here before. I hope that woman’s name is not Jane.’ As he turned from the desk he saw the same semi circular chair arrangement and the same faces with one exception. Sarah Melson is not sitting there, that revelation upset him most of all. If any part of this dream were to prove real that is the portion he’s pick right down to the dimple. ‘Here I go again obsessing about a dimple. Even the woman with the ball of yarn is here.’

The receptionists broke his bewildered musing. “You must be Mr. Huntington, Mr. Anson is waiting you can go right into his office. No you are not late his meeting ended early. He told me to send you in when you arrived. It is the door to your right. Wayne almost said, ‘I know,’ but caught himself.

Sitting as big as life, the wooden placard on her desk in bold script screamed, Jane Bronson. Wayne wanted to turn and start running escaping from this nightmare. He relaxed noting no temptress named Sarah is anywhere to be seen. Again his countenance betrayed his disappointment. He wanted to see Sarah again. He broke his musing questioning, ‘who in hell is Sarah?’

Anson is standing beside his desk stacking a pile of loose computer print out sheets when Wayne entered the room. The man is short in stature about five and a half feet weighing not much. His thin short blond hair is combed forward to hide a receding hair line. The granny glasses illustrated a typical geek image. His motions suggested he is a man who cannot sit still. Wayne guessed Anson is in his mid to late thirty’s suffering from ADHD. Before Wayne can speak Anson motions him to a chair. A quick shake of the hands ends as he lightens to sit. The man begins his rapid fire delivery before Wayne can catch his breath.

Wayne never experienced anything quite like this. He hardly got to say a word as Anson did all the talking. He presented actual excitement over Wayne’s resume and references. “Mr. Huntington may I call you Wayne? Your papers are impressive, I am certain you can handle the analysts’ duties the job requires.”

Huntington almost flushed as he listened to the man. His hopes are rising as the interview progresses to the later stages. “Wayne I must say you are the most qualified that I talked to. You would start at two maybe three thousand per week with possible stock options. Of course all medical expenses are covered. All that needs to be done is to have my boss sign off. You should be hearing within a couple of weeks.”

Before Wayne attempted to stand he thought, ‘the guy is hyper. He can’t make a decision. I am more than qualified and he fawned over me like I am the second coming. Now he has to run it by the boss and wait two or more weeks. Who is hell is Sarah Melson? Does Kent Melson actually run this place? Should I do what the girl in my dream said to do? No that’s nuts, that is really, really nuts. What the hell do I have to lose?’ Wayne opens his mouth.

“Mr. Anson, pardon me but I have been reading up on your current issues with Project 67. Scientific American has an article in the latest issue. I designed software for Cyber Technologies to address exactly what you are facing. Based upon my research I can fix your problem with a new program and have you up and running in no time. Would you like to discuss this with Mr. Melson before I leave? It may save you weeks and countless millions.”

Anson appeared shocked at the brash comments this young man presented. He does not know whether to call security or humor him. ‘I’d throw him out but if he is on the level Melson will bounce my ass in a heartbeat.’ Anson hesitates, rolls his eyes upwards, says a little prayer and calls the boss. True to form, Harvey passed the decision to higher ups.

Kent Melson appeared in an instant. “Mr. Huntington is it? What Harvey tells me is rather outlandish. I looked over your resume which indicates you are anything but outlandish. I want to hear about your program.”

Wayne is now on auto pilot having no idea if this program will do the trick. He does know he is a damn good programmer and he has as good a chance anyone to figure it out. “I have studied your software issues. Quite frankly the program you are working with cannot handle your application. Atlantis has an innovative program called Trident that should be just what you need. I shouldn’t reveal this because there is nothing to stop you from buying the program and hope your staff can figure it out. I expect as Scientific American says you are a straight shooter you won’t do that.”

Melson smiles, “I don’t know if you are full of shit or not. Cyber says you are the best they had. That is good enough for me. Riley is not a guy who praises people without just cause. Tell you what, if you work your magic not only do you have a job in three figures you will get one hell of a bonus. Be here at eight sharp tomorrow morning. Anson will meet you at the front desk and show you to your office. Trident will be waiting for you.”

Huntington stepped outside not knowing if he should be elated or terrified. ‘I began the day with a dream about a beautiful girl. There is nothing abnormal about that but what followed should be a warning. How could everything that happened appear in real life and the girl the most important part be absent? What she advised is what got me the job and she had that dimple. That is another confusing thing because I have no idea what that dimple represents.’

Wayne drove the several blocks to his apartment excited he has the job. On the way noticing his tank is almost empty he pulled into a gas station. There he spent his last ten dollars for a few gallons. ‘It looks like I’m walking tomorrow. All I have left in the bank will cover the rent next week. Either that or leave me enough money to bail this town’ his thoughts are understandable. He almost has a job and he is not wasting the sum of his worth on rent when he has no prospect to pay the next month. ‘I will wait to pay the rent until I know more. No point in spending the last of my money I may need it.’ He is confident he can work out their software issue. He still worries questioning why he is so confident when the company’s experts failed. After nuking a TV dinner Wayne sits on the sofa to watch a movie. The title scares him, Sarah’s Key. ‘It is about the holocaust and too damn depressing. Yet again Sarah comes up. What message am I missing?’ He changes the channel for an even lamer program, all too soon he falls asleep. He only drank three beers though it still made him exceptionally drowsy.

On Tuesday Anson met Wayne in the lobby patting him on the back while escorting him to a rather nice office. There on the desk is the promised Trident. He carefully opened the package to find a PCI express card. ‘What in hell?’ Software programs do not come on PCI cards. He shrugged installing the hardware and loading the software disk. He is amazed at the result. At five PM the young man is confused but delighted having found the problem with the program easily. Melson spoke to him promising a bonus in the morning and a brand new job. He leaves the building almost bumping into Sarah at the revolving door. The girl is carrying a small bundle appearing quite satisfied.

“Wayne,” she chirps, “by your expression it went well.”

He nods admitting it went very well. He finished with, “Did you get your car?”

The girl beams suggesting she did just that. They stood talking for a few minutes with Sarah ending the conversation. “I have to go, see you around.” He watched her focused at those amazing legs almost not hearing her comment.

At the same moment Sarah turned Wayne began walking down the sidewalk. Due to the high cost of gasoline and his current financial status he decided to walk the mile or so unconvinced this morning will be successful. Now he regretted not driving the car. He had only taken a couple of steps when a downpour ensued. Sarah ducked under the buildings overhang and called to Wayne. “Get back here out of the rain.”

Wayne turned to see the girl waving to him and he sheepishly rushed back. “I did not expect this.” There she stood wearing an orange cardigan sweater over a white blouse tucked into a black short skirt. He stared shamelessly enjoying the view impervious to the drenching he is receiving.

Sarah smiled, “You should have, it rains almost every day here. Where are you going? Stop your drooling and get over here out of the rain”

The man broke his gaze at the woman’s sharp rebuke. It was a rebuke wasn’t it or a come on? He can’t quite figure it out beyond sensing danger. He rushed toward the brunette escaping the rain though feeling like a moth drawn to a flame. With a quizzical expression he finally answered muttering, “Home.”

“I will give you a ride. It gives me a chance to show off my new toy. Daddy had it delivered to the parking garage. We can get into the garage by going through the building.”

He followed her inside thinking, ‘anything is better than this downpour.’ An elevator off the main entry room led down to the underground parking garage. Sarah pressed her tiny remote to listen for the sound of the beep and see flashing lights. She spotted the car several yards to her left. A brand new bright red BMW convertible. “That’s it, just what I wanted. It looks sharp doesn’t it.”

Wayne shook his head observing the fifty thousand dollar car. Reagan wasted no time jumping in pushing the passenger door open. “Where do you live?”

He sat turning to view the young woman who looked like she belonged in this car. He averts his gaze upward toward those eyes answering sheepishly, “1021 Toliver Street.”

“You won’t believe this but it is on my way.”

She squealed the wheels pulling out of the garage causing Wayne to brace himself against the dash. The oncoming tractor trailer came to a skidding halt as Sarah stepped on the gas. Wayne is abruptly pulled back into the seat when the car lurches forward narrowly avoiding a green SUV. The Beamer moved into high speed ahead of blowing horns and curse words they did not hear. “Don’t, you look before pulling into traffic?”

Sarah laughed chirping, “What’s the fun in that? By the way dad is happier than a pig in shit. He said it took you awhile but all you had to do was write a line of code in Trident. All systems fired right up.”

Wayne flushes bashfully admitting, “It was something simple causing the problem. It always is and you find it after you tried everything else. The program they were using could not transfer the data fast enough. They were getting buffer overloads. You know, when overloads occur the program crashes. You have to start over again. It took awhile but since Trident has independent memory it is easy to increase the cache.”

“Whatever,” Sarah interrupts, “I know nothing about that geek stuff.”

It took minutes to arrive at 1021 Toliver. Wayne noticed the bemused expression worn by Sarah as she viewed the old brownstone. “Is that it? You got the job now you have to move. First impressions actually count you know.”

Wayne did not know what to make of this young woman. He had an irrepressible urge to chastise her while another underlying thought suggested the opposite. Instead of a sharp retort he stifled the urge ignoring it all together. He looked at the beauty sitting next to him. “Thanks for the ride.”

As he stepped out of the car, Sarah quipped, “What, you are not going to invite me in?”

He presented a long, are you shitting me stare. ’Her car costs more than my apartment and everything in it. I am tempted but I will pass.’ “That is not a good idea it has been a trying day.”

Her emerald pools blazed revealing anger. Sarah’s answer however, repressed any sign of her thoughts. “I know what you mean; my day was a lot like yours. You do have hope though more than I can say for myself. There will be another time.” She laughed as she shifted the car in drive peeling away with another squeal followed by more angry horn blowing. Wayne watched the car blow out of sight. ’The less I see of her the better. That girl is trouble.’

Once again Wayne is jarred awake by the alarm its red digits flashing Tuesday 6 AM. “Holy shit that was another dream, I haven’t figured out crap yet. I thought I aced the problem, scored both a job and a bonus.” He rushes through his shower, coffee and a bowl of cereal then runs out the door.

Wayne arrived at the office at seven and just like the dream Anson met him in the lobby patting him on the back while escorting Wayne to a rather nice office. There on the desk is the promised Trident. He sat there worried as Trident installed. He had never heard of a software program being built on a PCI-Express Card before. ‘Not true.’ He thinks while laughing, ‘I saw one in the wee hours during a dream and know it works.’ According to the box it has 2 gigs of ram on its own processor just like a video card. “The fucking card even has a fan.” He said out loud. Before beginning to explore this program he rocked back in his stuffed leather chair. ‘These dreams with Reagan are not right. Her advice in the first dream scored me this job. Now she tells me I fixed it because the problem was due to buffer overloads. Previous programs could not handle the processing speed required. She does not know about geek stuff but she is the one who told me how I fixed it. She is the one who located Trident. Come to think of it I never heard of Atlantis Software. Then again there is a bonus. My dreams tell me how the next day goes; lousy day and I stay home.’

Huntington swivels in his chair staring out the window becoming frightened. He turns quickly picking up the phone calling information requesting Atlantis’ number. ‘No such listing.’ An exhaustive internet search found nothing as well. Wayne examined the packaging nothing there either. He buzzes Harvey Anson. “Mr. Anson, where did Mr. Melson get the Trident program?”

Harvey’s answer nearly knocks him out of his chair. “He thought you ordered it. The program arrived by messenger a half hour after you left.”

Wayne cautiously activates the program clicking on the Project 67 file and Trident loads up. The purpose is to run DNA samples breaking down each individual file into its basic components measuring the intricacies of each gene. Then compare one sample to other identifying differences between samples. He told Sarah or did she tell him about buffer overruns? ‘What did she say I did to counter that? Right, increase the cache and write a line of code ordering the program to enter over clocking similar to video cards. The analytical demands are intense requiring increased memory and speed that is provided by the independent chips on the card processor. Wait a minute; I’m the one who told her that.’

Within minutes Melson bounds into Wayne’s office. “You did it by God you did it. Welcome aboard son. We will have your name on the door by day’s end. That bonus will be a good one. Take the rest of the day off. See you at eight in the morning. I will introduce you to the staff. I must say they are truly amazed.”

Wayne basked in his success as he stared out of the office window. Sitting in the leather swivel chair he thought, ‘check that not an office window, my office window. What did he say, six figures plus a bonus?’ The window glazed turning into a mirror. There he sat wearing a bra and panties with someone brushing his hair. Or should it be referred to as her hair? It looks exactly like Sarah’s only a touch lighter. The man kisses the back of her neck, “I love you Sarah.” He lifts her up effortlessly as she looks into his beautiful eyes she sees nothing else. She does not need to as she melts upon feeling his long awaited penetration. The release is nothing short of amazing interrupted by a voice. “Hey, good job today Wayne.”

The window is back along with the cityscape below. Wayne shakes his head relieved he is in this chair that the job is not another dream. Sarah and her encounter is the random vision he wants nothing to do with. He finally answers the voice. “Thanks, it was quite a challenge.” The man introduced himself as Bill something or another. Wayne is still shaken to hard to have processed everything. Bill rushes toward the door, “I just wanted to say welcome to the team.” He is gone as quickly as he arrived.

The confused man thought constantly about how that program magically landed in the office without anyone ordering it. The company to the last man believes Wayne placed the order. Not a one of them questioned how he could have taken it on himself to so such a thing. They were so happy that after many months of failure Wayne saved the day. ‘That would be terrific if it were true. At some point somebody is going to ask that question. I better have an answer. Perhaps I should ask Sarah.’ He laughed as he walked into his apartment determined to find out what he can about Atlantis.

Sitting at his computer dedicated to a deeper internet search, he fired up his computer. Long after the sun went down he found out a lot about the lost continent but nary a word involving software. He learned even less about the mysterious Sarah and the unseen man.



Wayne found himself walking aimlessly along the semi residential neighborhood street. He does not understand why but enjoys walking with no objective in mind. He passed a small pond in a city park when a thought struck him. ‘I remember when we were little Kristen and I would come to a place like this. She would tease me relentlessly about my dimple. She’d raise her leg laughing saying that’s a difference between us.’ Wayne froze, ‘what the fuck.’ Snapping out of his fog he turned onto a short side street. Within a few paces a quaint coffee shop came into view deciding on a whim to step inside. Upon entry he saw to his surprise Sarah sitting alone at a corner table. She waved him over to her alcove.

Sarah is blowing softly over her cup pursing her lips in a temping pose. “Join me the coffee is great. A disclaimer is required, it is hot.”

Wayne sat shrugging dismissively as Sarah filled a cup from a carafe on the table. He never inquired how a second cup happened to be there. He sipped from a mug sitting across from the woman enjoying the taste. “I’ve never been in here before. I’ve walked by it many times but never came in. Yes the coffee smells and taste great.”

Sarah leaned forward allowing her thin cami to reveal more skin making Wayne a bit uncomfortable. He averted his eyes as she spoke. “I hear your name is on the office door. You made daddy very happy.”

Wayne sipped his coffee listening to the girl go on about little or nothing. She broke his train of thought with what he determined to be a impertinent question. “How bad did you need that job? I‘m asking,” she teased “Simply because I am nosey as hell. I hear you really impressed them.”

He blinked not knowing how to respond. ‘It is none of this woman’s business. Lighten up she is a spoiled brat that likes to tease. Christ she is a pro at it. She did help me get the job even if she does not know it, or does she?’ Wayne broke from his thoughts to answer, “How would you know that? I mean really you must have something better to do than ask personal questions. Yes things were getting tight and I needed to pay my rent. How do you know so much about what happened today?”

Sarah issued a pouting smile suggesting an almost apology. “Don’t get your self all excited. I am just curious that‘s all. I told you my old man is a big shot there. I thought I’d put in a good word for you that’s all. Daddy told me when I asked about you. I mentioned we met in the waiting room and I thought you were better than the gang sitting in there.” Sarah lowered her eyes acting contrite. Giving Wayne the idea she is shamelessly flirting. “I did not mean anything by it. I’m just interested, I never recommended anyone before. I wanted to know if you did well.”

The girl stood and suddenly leaned forward placing her slender fingers against his cheek. With one brush of her nails she withdraws quickly acting as if her action never occurred. “Keep the faith everything is going great.”

He excused himself feeling an urge to escape. He is torn conflicted between a desire to take this woman right here on the table or one screaming run like hell because she terrifies him. At the same time he is certain she will die before hurting him. Wayne has no idea where these strong feelings come from. He just knows he has to go. Her expression when he makes his excuse transmits she knows exactly what he is thinking.

Wayne found himself walking aimlessly to clear his head. He had been lost trying to figure out this girl. She is like nothing he ever encountered before. After walking for fifteen minutes the man discovers he is standing before the entrance to Micro Tech. Curiosity insisted upon viewing his name on that office door. Glancing at his watch noting it is four-thirty he backs away thinking, ‘God Wayne stop acting like a high school kid you will see it in the morning.’ He turned from the entrance almost bumping into Sarah yet again.

“Hi any word yet?” Sarah is wearing a big smile as she gazes at Wayne. “I should rephrase my question. What I meant to say is have you taken a picture of your door? We know you have the job. The pay is six figures with a bonus to follow. Did daddy say how much? I get it; all you are doing now is waiting for the paint to dry on the door.”

Wayne stares at the girl not knowing what to make of her. She has a knack for appearing out of nowhere exactly at the wrong time. He smiles uttering, “No, don’t you have anything better to do than hang around here?”

Sarah laughs dismissively. “It is quite boring to be truthful. Classes don’t start for a few weeks and none of my friends are back yet. What are you doing? After saving the organization’s ass today you don’t need to hang around. Don’t you have anything better to do? While you are thinking about it, your answer no suggest two things. Do you mean no there is no word yet or no you have not taken a picture of the door?”

Wayne stares at her with a disbelieving gaze. ‘What the hell is it with this woman?’ “No I have not taken a picture of the door. I could ask you the same question. Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Sarah smiles brightly, “I will give you a ride home. That should keep me occupied because you are right I am bored.”

Wayne in no mood for another demolition derby ride shakes his head. He tells Sarah he will walk. “I need to clear my head. There is no hurry to get back to that flat.”

Surprisingly she did not give him an argument and simply said “later” to disappear inside the building. Wayne slowly retraced his steps walking back to the apartment. When he reached the front stoop his landlord is standing there wearing a wide smile. “Huntington it is your lucky day. I don’t know what you did but it is your lucky day.”

He hands Wayne a rent receipt marked paid for this month and next. “You are good for the next thirty days. Take my advice and keep that lady happy. Some guys get all the breaks.”

Wayne stood motionless staring at the two thousand dollar receipt. ’What the hell?’ He rushed up to his room flung open the door dashing inside. His cell phone is laying on the floor blinking. He picks it up to find one message on it. “Call me.” It is Sarah’s voice. That is when he woke up.

He found himself lying on his sofa the computer is in sleep mode on the coffee table. He stretches trying to shake the cobwebs clearing his vision. He leans toward the table jarring the mouse. Wayne uses a mouse with his laptop. His stubby fingers always finds the touch pad too difficult to control. ‘That’s true I have stubby fingers and my nails are long and thin.’ That random thought sobered the man. He holds out his hand staring at his nails, ‘just like any other guy’s’ The screen grows bright featuring a search engine page with Atlantis listings. ‘I never did find anything on that company.’

The clock informs him he has no time to continue this useless search. He closes the lid turning toward the shower. Wayne stops quickly trying to sort through events. ‘These crazy dreams have me confused. Did I really get that job or was that a dream as well? There is only one way to find out.’ He thought as he fingered his cell phone. Recalling his office desk phone seeing its extension 325 he dialed Micro’s main number. Shifting through the menu he punched in 325 to hear ringing. It rang four times with his own voice replying. “You have reached Wayne Huntington. I am not at my desk Please leave a message I will get back to you.” He smiled entering the shower. ‘At least that much is real.’

On his way out the door, Wayne picked up his lap top seeing a folded paper on the floor. It lay there a few inches from the apartment door. Curiously he picked it up almost stuffing it into his pocket without looking at it. Something in the back of his head told him to read it. His eyes flew open upon seeing a receipt for two thousand paying his July rent and a last month deposit. He sat in the closest chair he could find sweat forming on his brow. ‘That was a dream! I fell asleep dreaming that coffee shop bullshit with Sarah and when I walked home the landlord met me with the receipt. I have got to get to the bottom of this. Come to think of it every interaction with that girl has proved to be in a dream’ He narrows his brows as another wrinkle forms. ‘Is she real or imagined?’

He knocked on Sully’s door not worried if he wakes the apartment manager or not. He needs an answer and he needs it now. The middle aged man with unkempt hair combed over a bald spot answers. Wearing a bathrobe Brian Sullivan appears irritated. “It’s an ungodly hour to be rousting me what the hell do you want? Make it quick.”

Wayne, noticing the man’s agitation wasted no time pressing his question. “Sully, you said last night, take my advice and keep that lady happy.” Wayne caught himself remembering his purpose for bothering Sully. Uncertain what is a dream and what is reality he added, “Remember you said that when you handed me the receipt?” Wayne froze expecting Sully to come back with something like what the hell are you talking about?

Sully nods, “What of it? If you ask me it is solid advice. When a classy lady fronts two grand for a guy’s rent he’d be a fool to do anything else.”

Huntington is not a fool and isn’t about to ask who the lady is. He frames his question carefully. “That’s why I’m here, to keep her happy. You know how it is with women. They always nag you by claiming you don’t pay enough attention, bla, bla, bla. Well she got into it on the phone and I told her I do pay attention. She asked me if that’s true describe what she was wearing yesterday afternoon. I told her I had to work and did not have time to get into it right now. I promised I would tell her later. Can you help me out?”

“Is that all?” He rubs his chin. “You are talking about the brunette about twenty-three years old. Who else would you be talking about? Like you, have a harem lining up to pay your bills. What was she wearing? Ah legs, lots of leg sticking out from under a white skirt wrapped in black hose.” Brian looks up at the ceiling dramatically as if recalling the woman in his mind’s eye. “A yellow silk blouse, one of those sleeveless ones,” he again looks up with a broad smile recalling, “She showed a lot of skin. It had those narrow straps about the size of a string. Whatever they call em’. Sarah made an impression on Sully as Wayne knew she would.

Wayne grins, “Was she wearing a sweater?”
“No thank God; it gave me a good view of her, well she does not have much.” He laughs, but a babe like that can get away with it. What is she a tennis player or runner?”

“Both and she can kick my ass.” Wayne thanked the man then ran off to work. ‘At least she is real and I am not going completely nuts.’

He walked through the reception area to see Jane smiling. “Good morning Mr. Huntington.” He greeted the woman returning hers. “Good Morning, Jane” he replies. He enters the hallway beyond the oaken door. Another hand cut highly polished door plainly featured a plaque with his name on it stood boldly. Again shaking his confusion he entered his office. It is not a corner suite with expansive city views. It is not a bland cubicle either a modest office offers upscale appointments. A wood grained large desk fronted a leather cushioned swivel chair. A window overlooks a parking lot belonging to a supermarket next door while lacking any sweeping view of Lake flower. ‘You can’t have everything,’ he thought.

His e-mail is blinking rapidly signaling he has several messages. The first read simply, "Buzz me, Melson." Every employee worth his salt knows you answer the boss first. A voice answers on the initial ring. It is Kent Melson.

“Welcome aboard Wayne your work yesterday is impressive. I will send Mason over with a packet for you. There are a couple of problems I hope you can resolve. It is self explanatory. Get back to me if you have any questions.” He hung up before Wayne could get a word in. The next is from Anson scheduling a team meeting at ten. He replied via hitting the confirm button. His cell is now buzzing a text message landed.

He reaches for his phone but is interrupted by his secretary. “Sir, Bill Mason is here.” Inez enters the room ahead of Bill. She pours two cups of coffee squirting liberal doses of cream and two spoons of sugar handing it to Bill, “There you are Mister Mason.” Without skipping a beat she hands a cup with one dab of cream without sugar. “I took the liberty of finding out how you take your coffee, Mister Huntington.” She smiles swirling her short skirt as she leaves.

Wayne had barely gotten the words out, “Send him in,” when Inez had the coffee poured and a well dressed man wearing an expensive suit handed him the package quickly sitting down; cup in his hand thanking Inez. Wayne blinked, ‘I’m getting slow.’

“Huntington it is nice to meet you. Here is the project 67 review. The boss insists everyone have a hard copy. He is computer adverse afraid hackers can steal everything. That was great work, where in hell did you find that program?”

Wayne smiles reciting the lie he worked out to supply cover. He should not have to do something like that but he can’t say he has no idea. That Scientific American article mentioned nothing about Atlantis or Trident. He has to press Sarah on that one. “Oh that, a couple geek friends from college dropped out of school a few years ago landing in Silicone Valley. It is something they developed. I heard about it and the program sounded like the answer to your problem.”

Bill Mason shook Wayne’s hand again saying, “Awesome job, welcome aboard see you at ten.”

Finally getting to the text message Wayne read, “Call me,” Sarah did not say her name assuming correctly he’d recognize her voice and number. “Do not use the company phone or computer. I’ll tell you about it later.”

Before reading the review he punched out Sarah’s number on his cell. “Sarah, what’s all the secrecy?”

The girl listens to the anticipated question answering without hesitation. “Father has a rule that is etched in stone. I watched him chisel it myself. No employee shall go near his daughter. Instant firing is the result, no excuses. I thought I’d warn you it is the least I can do. Don’t even mention my name in the office. Jane hates me, Bill is no fan. Well he wants to get under my skirt. He’s the jealous type. You get what I mean. That brings me to why I wanted you to call. I know he gives employees a lunch hour. I have a reservation at Cattleman’s on route eighty-six. Do you know it?”

Wayne blinked, ‘first she warns me no fraternization with the boss’ daughter then invites me out.’ “I have never been there but have driven by it many times, why?”

“Those reservations are for noon today can you join me? I owe you a meal even if it is lunch. How do you like your steak, or are you a salad man?”

Wayne can’t help but laugh, “Wait a minute, you warn me to stay away then invite me out for lunch. What gives do you have it in for me or something?”

“It’s a long story I will tell you at lunch if you dare. I definitely don’t have it in for you.” She pauses wondering if she dares finish. ‘Oh what the hell, It will tell me a lot and I do not have the time to play around’ “It just the opposite.” Rather than give Wayne the chance to process what she just said she keeps talking. “It is a test, I’m fishing to see if you have balls or a pussy.”

“Wayne cannot help but laugh out loud, “Balls or a, perhaps someday you will find out. I like my steak medium and prime rib at that. See you at noon.”

“Really you promise to show me which it is, I like graphic visuals far better than words.” Sarah hung up exhaling slowly. “I am right, so far.”

A long highly polished conference table reflected its oaken grain as a large room is bathed in sunshine. At least fourteen dark tan almost brown deep cushioned wing chairs provide places for executives and honored guest. At the head of the table sits a tall well muscle toned Kent Melson. At he opposite end is a short stout graying scientist named Enos Slaughter. Others in the room were few only Anson and Mason are present.

Bill Mason is the lead designer for programming project 67. He is surprisingly young appearing for one holding a senior position. Wayne is knowledgeable of the movers and shakers in the computer industry but until today he never heard of Bill Mason. Mason presented as one pictures when thinking of a golf pro or gym trainer. He is the exact physical opposite of Doctor Slaughter, the Geneticist. Wayne took one look at the man and thought of a smart remark Sarah made on day one. ‘Slaughter is the perfect name for what he does.’ Her comment about freaks also came to mind.

Wayne had spent his morning reviewing the project paper provided him by Mason. The objective sounded to him like something out of science fiction. He suddenly understood why Sarah used the terms glorified guinea pigs and freaks. Wayne could not help but notice impatience written on the face of Kent Melson.

Melson’s eyes followed Inez Hernendez as she served coffee and bagels to each committee member. Wayne could not blame him as the woman moved gracefully with her long waist length dark hair flowing. Her short skirt, perfectly unblemished olive skin with minimal make up is likely to draw stares from any man. Huntington did not think it was lust driving Melson, no he thought, ‘This man is obsessed with this project. I have seen this look before.’

“That will be fine Inez,” Melson’s dismissal though subtle spoke volumes with his use of only five words.

Inez smiled as she exited the room. Melson spoke at once. ”Now for a review gentlemen, where are we Enos?”

Slaughter swiveled in his chair to face his boss speaking in clipped terms. “We took a giant stride with Mr. Huntington’s effort. May I take a moment to commend you sir and welcome you?” He did not wait for an answer or recognition though he may have noticed Wayne’s wry smile. Immediately directing his eyes to Melson Enos sifted his papers. “As you know we are working to separate the components of the genomes in the DNA chain. Our task is to replicate chromosomes creating an artificial double helix. Just today I was able to take the 23rd chromosome from one of my subjects and blend it with another subject. We are close to being able to engineer a complete set. Again thanks to the program provided by Mr. Huntington.”

Mason noted that even with the work of Trident they cannot data mine a visual of what a reengineered complete DNA structure would look like. According to Mason they are a long way from finding the protocols to create such a picture. He went on to discuss progress made by his team.

This is way over Wayne’s head. He smiled thinking of something funny. ‘It sounds like they are trying to recreate Cylon downloads.’ Wayne may have thought it funny but Melson caught his expression. Wayne suddenly realized how close he came to blurting that out loud. Melson interrupted injecting a question.

“Wayne you look like a man who just had an enlightenment. Is it something you think may be of value to the project?”

‘Caught,’ he thinks trying to plan a credible extrication from his screw up. Melson came across as one who has no sense of humor. Desperate, Wayne tried a bluff one that may sound as if it might be plausible. He needs something to avoid becoming the guy with the shortest tenure in company history. “Yes sir there is something to be considered. I have worked through Trident extensively. For all its processing speed it lacks what you need for projecting visuals. What you are proposing is to create visuals not of real people but possible people. Mister Mason and I come from similar backgrounds. Unless he has found something that can deliver what you require I propose the program does not exist. The best Trident, cad and data mining programs can give you is estimates and probables. They are only combining strings of data. If you are looking for a picture or video to produce an accurate rendition these programs cannot give it to you. Your best hope in my opinion is a wedding between Trident and some high end computer gaming engines. Many of the new 3d games and VR programs are lifelike. However, I cannot say such a wedding is possible.” He sat back hoping he dodged a bullet.

Melson sat upright not at all happy. He looked to Miller transmitting his thoughts which Bill somehow understood. Mason spoke. “Wayne is one-hundred percent correct. I have been saying all along probables is all you can hope for. Science is nowhere near that ability.

Exhaling slowly while looking to tiny dots on a tile ceiling Wayne is relieved. ‘Wow they bought my shit!’ He offers a suggestion. “I suspect we are talking years before technology allows realizing your stated. In my opinion we continue pressing forward to complete the project. Even if we cannot manufacture a designed end product we can replicate any of Enos’ subjects. If you want a duplicate, copy the original.”

“That’s why we hired you Wayne. You may have just saved us millions chasing a fool’s errand. Enos are you certain you can replicate one of your subjects?”

Slaughter nodded, “We are weeks away, a few months at most.”

“Then continue we will meet again when there is news. Wayne, can we meet in my office at four today? Nothing bad I have a project that might be right up your alley. Something you can head. We can discuss the details.”

A hostess led Wayne to a corner table near a rustic fire place where Sarah sat looking radiant. Radiant does not do her justice. Her mid shoulder length Brunette hair curled gently against the collar of a white silk blouse. Her tan knit vest enhanced the curve of delicate breasts. When she stood her floor length leather straight skirt kissed the tops of her pumps. She was an ethereal beauty delicately refined; the word exquisite far closer describes Sarah than radiant. “Hello,” her voice caresses the word gently. Wayne kisses the back of her extended hand.

“Don’t move” he said unexpectedly causing Sarah to blink. “Your gold cross reflects the light from your eyes and that chain is so delicate. The emerald glow radiates like a shimmering pool.”

Sarah blinks, having been caught off guard. She struggles to regain control. This man she knows so well surprised her. ‘He has a weakness,’ she thought. “I know what you are doing,” she teased. “You are trying to distract me. If you are so observant unlike most men you can tell me something from yesterday. Something you saw when we were together. Then I can be assured you are not like most men focused on only one thing.”

Wayne raises and lowers his head slowly in an exaggerated nod. ‘I can tease too,’ he thinks. “I did not forget what you were wearing. That is what you alluded to isn’t it? By the way, my dear Ms. Melson what is it you say I am solely focused upon?” He could not resist his last tease. Wayne sat anticipating how much trouble that tease caused.

She smiles, “So you say but I have not heard anything to prove it coming out of your mouth.”

A waiter wears a grin having over heard this part of their conversation. He serves steaks, salads and mashed potatoes. “I trust this is to your satisfaction.” He backs up after hearing their assent.

“Legs,” Wayne says with conviction.

Sarah tries to suppress a laugh she cannot manage. “Legs? What are you talking about?”

“What you were wearing, legs and plenty of them covered by the sexiest black hose you could find no doubt. You asked, what do you think would be the first thing I’d notice? I am not like other guys who talk to women’s breasts. Not that I, don’t appreciate them. I simply have more respect for women.”

Sarah is now laughing almost choking on her salad. “Staring at my legs is not chauvinistic?”

Wayne rolls his eyes flicking the end of Sarah’s nose teasingly with his finger tip. “Not when you go out of your way to advertise them. You packaged them well by the way. I’m not finished yet. That white pencil skirt cut at the knees blended perfectly with the hose. I like the way a buttercup colored cami rode just over the waist band of your skirt. There was enough color separation between the two. It was classy how you chose the length of the blouse. It is so tacky to see a woman’s belly button hanging in the air. That sends the wrong message. It is much preferable to lift the blouse for that view. I did miss something. I could not identify the scent. Was that a special perfume or is it a brand name?”

Sarah is speechless as she simply stares at Wayne. She made the mistake of locking eyes with him. ‘He is the one. He still shows no sign of remembering.’ “You pass now tell me about work. First I have to make an offer based on your eloquent description. Any time you want you can borrow that ensemble.” Her eyes sparkled with her latest tease. Wayne wanted to take her right here on the table.

“I will as soon as you answer my question about focus.”

Sarah winks taking his hand fingering his palm seductively with a finger. “Your answer of what I wore speaks volumes of your interest. I will say keep at it you might succeed.”

It was Wayne’s turn to blink, ‘I can’t win no matter what.’ He knew better than pursuing this topic instead chose to answer her initial question, beginning with a wise crack about her offer. “After seeing you wearing that believe me I could not do it justice. Work, you inquire about my work. It went well. I’m certain you know I cannot talk about it. I will say your old man is intense.”

Sarah reached across the table touching Wayne’s wrist whispering, “I know.” She looked away as if lost in thought. With a tinge of sadness in her voice she said quietly. “Project 67 will not work. I have a good idea what Slaughter said and he is wrong.”

Wayne felt perplexed sensing her inner turmoil but simply nodded at her comment about the project. “Your father is assigning me to another project. He is offering me the lead. I have no idea what it is. There are a few things I want to ask you. “Where did Trident come from do you have any idea? You mentioned classes next month. Are you in college?”

Sarah narrowed her eyes not wishing to discuss Trident, “Yes I’m in grad school one semester to go. I will be finished in January.” Deflecting from Trident, Sarah suddenly makes an exaggerated glance at her watch. “Oh my look at the time you have to get back. Daddy is a notorious clock watcher. Never mind the check I will get it. I am going to sit here and finish my coffee.”

Wayne begins to protest but Sarah shushes him. She stands leaning over kissing his cheek. ‘I dodged Trident and he did not ask about the rent. I wonder how he’d react to that. Does he know yet?’



Wayne arrived in his office by one PM. just making it on time he stood searching out his window. Not looking for anything in particular with his arms behind his back lost in thought he focused upon Sarah. ‘I think I am falling for her. That is a bad idea, like a moth to the flame caution is suspended. Melson will have a fit if he finds out.’ Wayne has no idea how much time has passed when a knock on the door jars him back into the moment. “How many mini vans per hour visit Colonial Markets?” A laugh follows Bill Mason’s comment as Huntington turns quickly to face his co-worker.

“Oh hello Bill what’s up? I was lost in thought wondering what Melson has for me.” Wayne cannot calculate how long he was frozen gazing into a parking lot seeing nothing. ‘At least I was not having a waking dream.’ He let out a sigh waiting for Mason’s response.

“The only thing it can be is a medical systems project. They are working on a digital program to enhance dream state responses.” Bill sits on the corner of Wayne’s desk considering before continuing. “I’m not sure if they said that right. I will let Melson spell it out. I just wanted to tell you the chief is freaking out about this latest project.”

Wayne turns from the window to face Bill raising a brow, “What do you mean freaking out? What is it about?”

Mason steps away to sit in the chair as Wayne returns to his desk. Crossing his legs at the ankles he leans closer speaking in a conspiratorial voice. “The guy you replaced, Heath Babcock, laughed in his face when Melson proposed it. Then could not get it off the ground fast enough to suit the boss. Melson fired him. Now with this Trident gem you pulled off he thinks you are a bloody miracle worker. Anyway I thought I’d give you a heads up before you thought the guy bonkers when you hear what he wants.”

Wayne begins to grow concerned furrowing his brows. “You are beginning to worry me. Can you give me a hint what it is about? I hate walking in there without a clue.”

Bill erms rubbing his chin, “I only know what Babcock said. He kept it close to his vest saying little. You know that test group funneling in and out of Slaughter’s lab? It is not just for Project 67. Enos is also inducing a sleep state they are trying to monitor people’s dreams. Record them to watch on the computer hoping to be able to interact with people who are sleeping. Who knows, implant ideas, plans, manipulation or whatever.”

Huntington’s antenna raises understanding without having to be told to grow wary. “They want to be able to watch people’s dreams? It sounds more like science fiction than reality. Thanks for the heads up. I can’t imagine how they could pull this off. At least Melson will not get a stunned reaction if this is what he presents. Why the warning?”

“You saved my ass with Trident. I know damn well if we did not have a break through and soon it would be a one way trip to the unemployment office. I feel I owe you. Good luck and whatever you do sound like you accept what he says.”

That is exactly what Wayne walked into when he settled into a soft chair across from Melson. As the boss went on about his latest ideas Wayne surveyed the room. It is what you would expect to find in a top executive’s domain. There were no shortages of the finest and most expensive furnishings. There were a few small things missing that troubled Wayne. ‘If he is so possessive, so watchful and spoiled Sarah the way he has, why are there no pictures of the girl on his desk?’

Melson finished his explanation of his problems with this project. “So you can tell as I said Trident can process the data fine. It will not render the data into a viable video format. We are certain the data is correct. Do you have any ideas how we can resolve this?”

Completely clueless Wayne fell back on his recent defense by reminding his boss what he had said. “Trident is not designed to interpret video. Like I said you need to consider the gaming industry. That is where the super video geeks reside.”

Melson shrugged surprising Wayne. “I wonder if your friends at Atlantis have any more tricks up their sleeves. I cannot seem to find anything about them. The project is yours with a raise if they do, get on it and let me know.”

Wayne did not return to his apartment until eight that evening. He is exhausted listening to Melson detailing his latest dream project. The man absolutely is convinced ‘Cloud Whispering,’ as he named it will allow recording dreams allowing government or corporate to interact during people’s sleep sessions. Thanks to Bill Mason, the new programmer managed to hold his reactions to himself. He did not give off any hint of ridicule or doubt. Wayne is convinced there is no way to pull this off. He prays there is no way to pull this off. Worse yet Melson wants his project fast tracked. Wayne now worries his new found dream job is soon to come to an end.

He called Sarah begging off for tonight saying that he just got in confirming he is heading a new project.

“I know Wayne, he stuck you with Whispers. Don’t worry you will figure it out. I will catch you later, sleep well.”

‘Whispers? Is that girl plugged into everything?’ Wayne shrugged accepting one thing he has learned in the short time he’d known Sarah Melson is she always surprises him. After skipping his customary Raman noodles he crashed hoping for a well needed rest. That was not to be. Raman noodles are still on the menu until he receives the first paycheck.

“How in the hell did you get in here?” Wayne almost shouted his voice irritated. He could not identify the shadowy figure hidden in the corner. He narrowed his gaze trying to focus when she stepped into the light. Wayne had decided his luck definitely turned the moment he met her. The problem is he cannot tell in which direction, good or bad.

“I can’t wait all night. Follow me outside and get in the damn car. If, I start screaming in this neighborhood the cops will swarm the place.” Wayne sensed by Sarah’s tone she is pulling his string. She emitted a soft teasing lilt the way she caressed words to sound anything but threatening.

“What do you want?” Wayne asks in a curious voice. “I am exhausted after your father dumped Whispers on me. “You talk about me not listening. Did you forget I said I am too beat for anything tonight?”

“I heard you but then considered this is not too taxing and it will help you relax. I want to help a friend. Get in the car it beats hanging around here feeling sorry for yourself.”

He no sooner buckled his seat belt than the car screamed reaching sixty miles per hour in seconds. “This baby has balls.” A soft female voice purrs.

“Do you mind trying to obey the speed limit? It is only thirty miles per hour.”

Sarah mercifully slowed as she drove north toward the hilly section of town. The drive took about thirty minutes before they reached an exclusive neighborhood more than one town over. She swiped a card to open a steel gate allowing entry to a two lane macadam road. It could have been one of those long tree lined winding driveways you see in the movies. She drove past a lodge or what looked like a lodge. The building is two stories perhaps a hundred feet in length with a porch covering the entire width. Several yards further along the road split at a y. She turned left driving slowly by three or four bungalows. At the fourth she pulled into a driveway parking next to the porch of yet another cabin. “We are home.” Sarah chirpily announces.

“Are you going to tell me what this is about? It looks like somebody is home.” Wayne says in a low voice.

“Nobody is here.” The girl answers softly as she opens the door. Turning to face him her eyes regard the other car parked in the drive. “You mean the Mustang. That is mine there is nobody here.”

Wayne stares in disbelief. “Wait a minute that is almost new. What did you need the BMW for when you have this?” He points toward the midnight blue Mustang.

Sarah presents a pout, “It is a year old, time for a new one.”

Her tone is such it presents her realty that anyone with a brain knows a year old car is passé. “This place is fifteen hundred square feet. I have two bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, dining room and living room. I forgot there is a computer room as well. Welcome to River Lawn Community Apartments and my private digs.”

He is still at a loss for words as they enter. Sarah points to a closed door on the left of the living room. “You can crash there for tonight. I am getting tired and don’t feel much like driving back to the city.” She removes her camel hair tan coat revealing a sleek black strapless mini dress and legs, lot of legs. Her gold cross sparkles again with a hint of green reflecting.

Wayne suddenly is aware he is fixated upon the dimple behind her right knee. He forces his gaze to regard the whole woman causing him to melt. Wayne resolved he is growing tired of this never ending tease. He focuses upon those green specks suddenly realizing this may yet be another dream. Unable to wake he decides to go along with whatever this dream presents.

“Sarah I am really, really tired I just want to sleep.” Sarah hears him but it is like she is not listening. The woman points to the sofa as if commanding him to sit. He does so and she alights next to him crossing her legs forcing a slight hitch up of her already short dress. He again sees that dimple. Sarah smiles, as she discounts his claim of being tired. “Plenty of time for that but first we have things to do.” Before Wayne can respond there is a knock on the door.

Sarah chirps, “Can you get that? It is dinner. I know father kept you late and you did not eat. You need your strength.”

A delivery guy hands Wayne two Styrofoam molded dishes that felt steaming hot. He shakes his head thinking, ‘what in hell did I fall into?’ They spoke quietly as they ate their prime ribs with Sarah shushing him every time he tried to inquire about what is going on. Finally, they complete the meal and Sarah clears the table. She does not seem to be in any hurry. Wayne decides to press feeling uncomfortable in this dream. Trying to gain a measure of control he attempts to redirect the conversation. “This is your place? Private digs at the most exclusive school in the state. Isn’t River Lawn a private College?

Sarah emits an embarrassed blush finally admitting, “I told you I’m finishing up my graduate degree this term. Father rented this place for the summer since I liked it so much. It keeps me out from under his feet at home. It works for both of us. Why move out in June only to move back at the end of August? No, River Lawn is a private community owned by the college.”

Wayne could not argue with her logic when money comes in bushel baskets, who cares how you spend it. This girl never ate a Raman noodle in her life. “You could have summered in the Riviera or some other exotic place. Why stay here? I am sure you have better things to do than tease me for your summer. You never considered those Latin hunks on the Spanish coast?”

Sarah laughs, “Believe me this is no tease. I have a lot to do this summer.” The woman quickly changes the topic not wanting to follow this path at least for the moment. Something told Wayne not to press and he sat back listening. “I told you I can help. I like to have people around that I can call on for favors if, I need one. An answer to Whispers should be on your desk when you get to work in the morning.”

He takes a deep breath averting her gaze. Wayne had long since decided those eyes of Sarah’s are dangerous. This girl is dangerous, ‘if, I had half a brain I’d run like hell but to where?’ Issuing a defensive joke he quipped, “More Atlantis software you mean.”

Sarah widens her brows gazing at Wayne. “Let’s not talk about that right now dinner is getting cold.”

Wayne gazes at the girl taking her measure halfway between five and six feet tall. Her brunette hair styled perfectly to frame her heart shaped face. She is wearing a killer dress begging to be undone and Wayne is completely hooked. “You said we have things to do tonight. Can you give me a clue regarding what those things are?” He touches her bare shoulder and his fingers feel intense heat.

Sarah laughs, “I guess you will have to use your imagination and think what you would want. It is almost ten and getting later.” She walks around the table standing behind Wayne placing her arms around him kissing the back of his neck. “Does this give you any ideas? I am thinking about a visual answer to my question raised a few days back. You did not forget? It was something regarding balls and,” she blushes, “You know.

Wayne turns and the expected kiss grows passionate out of control as a fire rages. True to dreams there is no awareness of moving to her bedroom. He is lying naked on her bed. Sarah’s light brown strands cover his face as she hovers above him. Again her cross sparkles reflecting moon light flooding through the window. She rides him hard; he nearly melts from one explosion after another. Everything goes black. He cannot determine how long he floats in nothingness.

“That was wonderful each time,” he hears her whisper. Before he can respond she shifts above him then sinks smothering his body. He floats away yet again sensing her taste as fluids sweet sensual fluids cover his lips followed by the words, “I love you,” and “Forever.”

His alarm is buzzing waking Wayne from a rested sleep. ‘Rested,’ he thinks, ‘I recall Sarah making love many times. I should not feel rested. It is too bad it was a dream. It felt so real.’ He rushes to the shower ignoring saturated sheets. Pouring his coffee he sits and a strange reaction causes him to spit it out. ‘It tastes like shit. I have this strange residue in my mouth. You can’t feel a dream but I swear my tongue has a sticky coating of,’ he drops his horrifying thoughts. ‘It can’t be that.’ Several minutes of gargling and brushing left a lingering hint of something strange. ‘I have got to get to work.’

Jane met Wayne as he entered the reception area. “Fed Ex left a package for you.” He thanked the woman walking to his office stopping to pour a cup of tea from the break room. ‘Tea, what is wrong is me? The smell of coffee is an aroma I thoroughly enjoy. Oh well must be some anomaly.’ He sits at his desk reading the shipping label. ‘Atlantis Software, Hong Kong. Ah ha we have finally located the mysterious company. What do we have here?’ He opens the small box to find a computer program. ‘Dreamscape, how convenient. Who knew I needed this?’ According to the instructions Dreamscape can create video files from data transcribed by Trident. ‘Dr. Slaughter will simply love this. The problem is we need to design a format to allow recording electrical impulses transmitted by firing neurons.’


A sister Enters

Earlier on this same day an event took place at a remote location unknown to most Micro Tech employees. There were no signs to identify the building that could easily be mistaken for a nondescript warehouse on the waterfront. The property is locked down behind high cyclone fencing topped by serious barbed wire. A single plate steel sign etched in red lettering reported ’Electrified Fence Danger.’ A second ring of fencing circumvented the complex after the first row is passed. In between the barriers sat a small concrete blockhouse. The single thirty by thirty foot square building sat between rows of fencing. They referred to the narrow area as the moat.

The gate opened for the black SUV as it slowed at the window. The driver flashed a card at the guard as he silently waved a lone figure through. Once beyond the second gate the car parked in the assigned spot in the back of the building. There is no card to swipe as entrance is restricted to an eye scan. The intruder wearing contacts stared into the electronic oval as it scanned each retina. With a mechanical buzz the door allowed entry. At six am few were about as a tall mysterious figure hurried toward the research department.

Another scanning provided access to the lab. After hurriedly placing a micro disc into a flat plate under what appeared to be a microscope, a series of numbers and letters are pressed by a gloved hand. Blue lights surrounded the plate bathing it dim light. A drone of electronic activity buzzed while a panel reports a scanner’s analysis. The disc is then placed in a small leather case. Turning to another machine resembling a large version of a standard kitchen blender a pliable gray glob resembling play dough is produced. It weighed only a few ounces. Quickly removing it from the glass enclosure it is placed into a leather case.

The stealth figure repeated this process using a single strand of brownish hair. The second hair is lighter brown in color than the first. With both small samples of the gooey substance Micro’s intruder turned to leave. Knowing systems record every action detailing exact weight of the product, the thief then placed an equal amount of generic play dough into the container praying Micro scientists would not notice such a small amount. Detection creates a real problem even if a thief’s identity remains unknown. The company would be alerted and will spare no expense to stop what they know the thief is attempting. A stealth figure shrugged believing the non active replacement will report the same total weight hiding this theft. Another disc is inserted into a mainframe followed by an issued execute command. It is time to get out before anyone comes in.

Across the divide on the 1965 side of the divide. Fiona Ramsey sat alone in a dark corner of a hospital room. She focused upon the young woman who lay in bed in a deep coma. ‘I am surprised to learn she has such powers. Her ability to project across the divide is astounding. Watching her actions trying to guide her husband is touching. She is growing weaker yet she continues her fight.’ Fiona draws close to Sarah releasing a sigh, ‘I will enlist your sister to help in your place. Kristen has the same powers, though she does not know it yet. Rest my dear, do not trouble yourself.

Kristen Melson takes her turn to sit by her sister’s side she reads to Sarah almost in a whisper. Startled, she looks up to see Fiona in the corner. “How long have to been here? I did not see you.”

Fiona smiles, “It is a trick I employ when I need to observe. She can hear you reading. It soothes her and she needs her rest. Sarah needs to know she is loved even if she is not there.”

Kristen stares at Fiona a fear in her eyes. “What do you mean she is not there? Are you telling me my sister is not going to come back?” Kristen visibly trembles waiting for the witch’s response.

Fiona takes her hand gently, “Don’t worry my dear there is a good chance she can be brought back but I need your help. It was the accident you know. Haven’t you wondered what happened to Wayne?”

“They fell and he is missing. It has been almost a week and they have found no sign of him. The authorities believe he perished in the snow. It won’t be until spring when they find his body.” Kristen begins to cry.

Fiona hugs her, “There, there my little one. Wayne is fine though he is out of reach of those looking for him. Let me explain, when they fell not only did they collide but Wayne fell through the divide. You remember the keys I gave you. You know about the divide so you can believe what I tell you. There is something else you cannot know though Sarah is aware.”

“How can Sarah know she has been unconscious since the accident?” Kristen waits on an answer no matter how improbable.

The witch takes a deep breath closing her fingers around Kristen’s hand. “When they fell they went through a temporary portal opening, While they literally flew through space they collided. It came with such force inside the portal their essence mixed. You see when one enters a portal their spirit separates from their bodies temporarily rejoining it upon exit. Their spirits turned at the point of collision each entering the other’s shell. Wayne’s memories and persona are inside Sarah’s body. Wayne is awake and functioning in the 2013 side. He has Sarah’s memories lying underneath a few of his own. He can recall only incidents happening to Wayne since the accident. We need to bring him across the divide to unite Sarah and her husband. Your sister has been sending her persona across trying to help him. She is too weak. We need you to pretend you are Sarah and help bring him back. Will you do it?”

Kristen jumps up pointing to her sister. “Are you saying this is not Sarah?” Her eyes flame in disbelief.

Fiona nods, “Sarah’s body is holding Wayne’s memories there is very little of Sarah in there. I warn you the longer Wayne remains away the greater the danger will become that Sarah will assert herself. Don’t be surprise if you find her mannerisms show through when you see Wayne. At some point Wayne will come to see himself as Sarah in dreams and if he crosses the divide he may appear as Sarah. The divide attempts to create a passing host with its appropriate shell. To the divide Wayne appears to be Sarah. I will tell you something else I learned.” She whispers the secret to Kristen who upon hearing it does not know if she should laugh or cry.


The Accident

Mason and Slaughter sit across from Wayne in the conference room. Slaughter spoke excitedly “I hear you may have an answer to our imaging problem? You have another miracle program?” Wayne nodded cautiously not knowing who his benefactor is he fears saying too much. “That depends on where you are in the process. This program will produce the video you need. It will not create the required data. I have no idea if you have the ability to retrieve data from people’s dreams. Without that this program does you no good at all.”

Slaughter smiled a guarded calculated smile. “We are working on it. I can only say a break through could happen any day now.” Melson remained silent throughout the meeting finally excusing Wayne. “We will let you know as soon as we can take the next step. Thank you and your friends at Atlantis. Their prices are exorbitant but they sure as hell deliver.”

Wayne exited leaving the boss and the doctor alone. ‘I would sure like to know what they are up to with all this cloak and dagger stuff.’ He went back to his office hopefully to find something in his e-mail. There is nothing at all not surprising Wayne who turns to his window. Out there in the parking lot he sees Sarah. ‘No she only looks like Sarah’ The woman looks up smiling mouthing something he can’t read. A shaken Wayne Huntington slumps in his chair.

“Enos, I have some disturbing news for you. The facility was breached early this morning. The good news is nothing was taken. Please tell me how much damage can an intruder do?” A distraught Melson demanded of his scientists.

Slaughter, shrugged not too disturbed trying to relax his boss. “The DNA research is readily available that is no advantage for a thief. To tell you the truth with that information the best they can do is harvest an infant. No science is advanced enough to produce a functioning adult. They need our research plus the knowledge to interpret the data. Even then an accelerator is required to create a duplicate and transfer someone into it. Only the government has such a device. Even they cannot successfully complete a transfer. The government lacks our research. We assume NASA is working toward the same goal we are. Micro Tech is ahead of them. Your thief has to be CIA or from some other alphabet agency. My guess is they are after our science. Was the data breached? That is the concern.”

Melson is somewhat placated but not convinced. “The computers indicate no disruption to the files. They have not been accessed since your last entry yesterday afternoon. Double security and order them to shoot to kill.” Enos blinks, “Are you sure?” Melson nods.

As Wayne leaves the office he calls Sarah getting her voice mail. “I’m in my office with a copy of yet another amazing program. Do you know anything about it? Give me a call when you get this message. I’m going to putter around a bit with it to see what Dreamscape can do. It has been a long day and I have been feeling queasy with stomach cramps.” Wayne had no way of knowing Sarah lay in bed listening unable to answer. ‘I am running out of time. Poor Wayne I hope everything goes well.’

He fired up his computer searching Dreamscape finding a grouping of default sample videos. Nothing interested him and he shut it down to discover he spent two hours viewing the program. Stunned at the lost of time Wayne reached to shut down the computer when his e-mail buzzed. He clicked open the message from a place called The Closet. It read, thank you for your order. Included is a receipt for two hundred forty nine dollars and a list including handy thumb nails. He clicked not able to resist. To his horror he found a picture of a white knee length pencil skirt and a camisole buttercup in color with the same narrow straps Sarah wore. Also included are the same black hose and a pair of pumps with two inch heels. ‘I bet they are in my size as well.’ He thought sarcastically. ‘What the hell is going on?’ He did not notice the note. “Thank you Sarah.”

Huntington ran out the door to drive home in a rush. Wayne has no interest for anything presently on the tube. With his feet propped on a glass covered coffee table he opens a can of lager. He set the can down quickly turning his head the smell tied his stomach into knots. “Nothing is going right,” he complains as he flushed the foul drink down the sink. Opening a second can produced the same result. ‘I guess it is not the brew it’s me.’ He called Sarah a second time. Still the answering machine, still she does not pick up. He did not leave a message. Instead he popped a couple Tylenol and went to bed. ‘Glad it’s Friday and I have two days off.’

Sleep came quickly but it is anything other than restful. In his dream, Wayne found himself standing near a frozen stream facing a two log width bridge thankfully with hand rails. The ice covered rocks peek above rapidly moving water. He is wearing an off color red nylon shell and by the feel of it underneath is a heavy wool sweater. Glancing down his lower half is covered with nylon rain or wind pants. He takes a second look to deny the color is a light pink or rose. Securely warm from the layers he crossed the bridge using one wool mittened hand to grip a wooden rail. Once across at a trail junction Wayne recognized where he is, he has been here before. Straight ahead is the W. A. White trail leading to the Great Range. To his left is the West River Trail traveling up and down the banks to the Lower Lake three and a half miles distant. Many spur trails lead up into the mountains along this route. He checked his watch altimeter noting it is nearly three-thousand feet of elevation gain to his mountain. His watch is blinking fourteen hundred feet. ‘That reads close to what it should.’ He balks at that thought. ‘Wait Altimeter watches were not invented until nineteen-eighty-nine or so. This is nineteen-sixty-three.’ At eight AM there is plenty of time. Wayne noticed the date September twenty-first. Wayne assumed this was when he and Sarah made this trip last year. That means he is twenty-two years old having just completed graduate school. His dream is recalling a real event.

Wayne pauses to collect his thoughts. ‘If this is a real event where is Sarah, why am I alone?’ Wayne decided on the direct route to the range. ‘I climbed this mountain before. I had used a different route and always wanted to check out this trail. Hardly anyone goes this way and I do not like crowds.’ Just as Wayne snugged his ski hat down over his ears a man approached. He is a state forest ranger. “Excuse me,” the officer begins. “Hiking alone is not a good idea. Where are you going?”

The solo hiker knows this is not a good idea agreeing with the ranger. ‘According to the dream this is something I have to do,' he thinks. “I’m just going up to the Lower Jaw, no further. I have climbed all the high peaks here and have the necessary equipment.”

A forest ranger must have heard this story countless times if he’s been in the business more than a week. “I am going down to lake and then hike back via the road. Where are you parked and what are you driving?”

Wayne raised a curious brow, “My car is back at the lot down by the highway. You know the legal lot not the one near the clubhouse. It is a blue 63’ Honda. There are only three cars in the lot. It is usually full.”

Ranger Jim Phillips, that’s how he introduced himself, presents his challenge. It is nine miles round trip plus 2850 feet ascent. My calculation suggests it should take you six hours not allowing for snow conditions. My route is much shorter and easier than yours. I will be back at the gate about four meaning noon. Perhaps later if some fool gets himself into trouble. You on the other hand won’t be back until two at the earliest. It is not going to get above freezing and it will be cold as all get out even if the forecasted winds do not appear. I will be here at two. If your car is still in the lot I’m coming up after you. If you were a couple hot shot jocks I wouldn’t bother. I, don’t care if you have a winter climbing patch or not this is no place for a young lady alone. What is your name?”

‘Young lady? What the fuck! This damn dream is twisting things around.’ Wayne’s mind is racing. He climbed this very trail in these same conditions while in high school almost ten years ago. Yes, he has climbed all the high peaks in the winter. But a girl, what the, then his mouth shocked him blurting out his name. “Sarah Melson.”

“Fine, Sarah I will see you at two and do not change your route.” Ranger Phillips smiled adding, “Be careful.”

Now in shock Wayne walks slowly with crunching snow slowing his pace. Using a single ski pole to aid his ascent, three legs are better than two, he pushed to Snow Mountain trail junction at nine tenths of a mile from his start. ’8:30 I’m making good time and it’s warming up.’ Off came his nylon shell. To his horror when he bent to shove the jacket into his pack he saw two protrusions forming mounds against his sweater. He almost turned around to walk back to his car. He recalled an event he completely forgotten. When in high school he climbed all the high peaks, on this same September day he hiked this route and found a kid almost frozen to death. A girl about his age he never learned her name and soon forgot the incident. It was no big deal people get lost in these mountains all the time. ‘But me a girl named Sarah at that. I’m not going to look somehow I know right where I have a dimple.’

Continuing uphill with a new determination Wayne dug into the steeper incline with his poles. He removed a second pole strapped to his pack needing it due to a steeper incline. Kicking steps into the crusty snow that’s becomes a few inches deeper with each hundred feet gained. He notes bare Earth pockets are less frequent with each step. She according to the dream snugs her wooly hat tighter around her face. At a mile and three quarters Wayne throws himself butt first onto a snowy rock at the edge of the first open ledge. Here he rests enjoying views of his old friends; Giant Mountain, Rocky Peak, Noonmark Mountain, Mts Colvin and Blake among others are standing out buttressing the cold gray horizon. The cloud layer and mild breeze signals it could get rough up there. No sooner than a notion of rough settled in it began to spit snow

Wayne in an attempt to steady himself begins to sing an old John Denver ballad as he continued upward. The sound of her voice aloud in the quiet backcountry scarred the hell out of him. It never dawned on him the song he sang will not be written for another ten years. In less than five minutes he cleared the second ledge still shy of the two mile mark. He began to worry about the time in his chauvinistic mind. The last thing he wanted to see is Jim Phillips’ smiling face mouthing the words, “Told you so.”

He welcomed the several stream crossings high up because they were running low though normally this time of year they are dried up. The flat stretches now appearing told Wayne he is near the Range Trail Junction where only one short difficult stretch waited. Having gained 2500 feet victory is in sight. Then he saw her or is it him? ‘This dream could have reversed this aspect as well. My God that’s, that’s me!' Rushing through snow ten feet off the trail where the depth reached a foot he found Wayne. Lying in the snow on his back with eyes closed Wayne recognized his face. He touched his wrist to find a pulse. Placing his ear to his chest he heard shallow breathing. He jostled him calling “Wayne, Wayne, slowly deep blue eyes opened with a soft answer, “What?”

Within minutes the person is sitting clearing the fog. The shocked dreamer did not want to hear confirmation of this nightmare but he did. The person sitting there reported his name is Wayne Huntington. ‘What the fuck, I look just like Sarah and my name is Sarah. Why not rescue myself?’ The dreamer removed his Svea stove from his pack quickly having it primed and roaring. Moments later the young man is drinking a cup of hot chocolate. “What are you doing here, where is your pack, Christ are you really wearing sneakers, all you have is what you are wearing?” The questions are fired rapidly too fast for his ‘husband’ to answer. He appears perhaps to be the same age as the dreamer. Finally an answer comes, an answer the dreamer did not expect. “I’m so sorry Sarah I should have waited for you. I got too far ahead realizing I shouldn’t have left you behind.” The dreamer feels a comforting hug as the man kisses her romantically.

Conversation is light as the couple walks downhill holding mittened hands. The dreamer hears a series of, “I’m so sorry Sarah I wanted to show you this magnificent view and walked too far ahead.” The dreamer no longer resisting his confusion answers simply, “I know we can always come back. The snow is starting to fall we should hurry.” ‘There is no point in bitching him out. We just need to get down the hill. Ranger Jim will be proud of me.’ “Look Wayne,” he couldn’t’ help himself this guy is the spitting image of himself. “I love you.”

They were nearing the higher ledge encouraging the dreamer to relax. ‘One more after this and it’s clear sailing.’ The wind increased blowing biting cold against their faces as they hunched shoulders covering faces with their ski caps. The mirror image of the Dreamer stopped suddenly wrapping his arms around his rescuer executing a passionate kiss. “I’ve told you before I love you.”

They turned toward the lower cliffs with our dreamer lost in fog. They descended slowly without speaking with the other Wayne in front. Sarah the dreamer followed through a nearly level area approaching the lower ledge. Here they decided to rest, “For a minute,” one of them said.

Wayne in his female persona wanting only to get out of here insisted they push below the lower ledge. “Once we get passed that it is easier going.” Snow and winds picked up causing a deeper chill presenting a white out. The dreamer could feel his feet slip as he is suddenly falling sliding out of control. It is like he is falling and spinning through a vortex. The dreamer comes to a hard stop feeling a sharp pain with his partner landing on top of him. They both crash against a rock and his partner is missing.

He woke with a start sweating from this weird dream. His cramps still gripped his mid section. He thought for a moment he is about to lose his dinner. When coming out of the bathroom he suddenly recalled an event from his high school days. He sat on the sofa at three am laughing. Back when he hiked that trail on day similar to his dream he did find someone nearly frozen and lost. ‘No,’ he thought, trying to recall what had happened on that hike. ‘Just like the dream it was September 21st. I remember now I crossed the flat area and at the last stream I thought I saw someone sitting in the snow. I rushed slipping on an icy rock falling against the bank. I nearly went head first into the cold water. When I looked again there was no one sitting there it was simply snow on a rock forming a shape resembling a sitting person. I did not meet any ranger nor did I rescue any kid. That’s why I had no memory of heroism. It did not happen. It is just another stupid dream.’

He paced from the micro wave to the table long enough to sip, swirl his tea, stare at the ceiling and think. Wayne repeated this downing ten cups of tea. Finally, after his fourth trip to the john he sat back on the sofa dozing off yet one more time. Another dream finds him at a senior prom dance at her Connecticut prep school.

Sarah is wearing an exquisite rose colored sleeveless prom dress with its flared skirt resting at her knees. Her shapely legs are adorned with nude hose. She appears to glide over the dance floor. Her heels offer an illusion they are inches above the floor. She feels a gentle hand resting on her hip while another regards a moist hand her head pressed against his shoulder. A soft voice whispers “I love you.” She raises her gaze to see Wayne’s eyes glowing. He presses her close as Sarah’s lips receive a warm sweet kiss. “I love you Wayne,” he feels his voice answer.

The dance ends with his strong hands guiding a girl in love back to a table where someone is sitting there are two people. One she should recognize, another senior with her boyfriend. The girl stands welcoming Sarah and her date.

The dreamer suddenly in terror recognizes her twin Kristen. ‘A twin, I had no idea.’ Wayne’s thoughts race toward a place between panic and a complete freak out. The Wayne figure in this dream pulls out a chair sitting Sarah. ‘I have to wake up.’ His twin whispers in his ear. “You are smashing tonight. Is this guy the one?” She giggles leaning in closer. “At least you will get lucky tonight sis. You really need to get laid.’

The dreamer rolls her eyes doubtfully, aiming them directly at Kristen. “Don’t push it sis, you know how I feel about that.”

She suddenly feels a tapping on her shoulder. “May I have this dance?” The young man who loves her leads the dreaming girl onto the dance floor. The ballad is a long one and Sarah is lost into the bluest most gorgeous eyes ever before seen. As the dance ends he says, “Will you step outside I have something for you?”

He follows the imposter of his dreams to a midnight blue BMW parked in the lot. He scoops the dream girl into his arms kissing her passionately, “Sarah, I love you.” One kiss leads to another each growing in intensity. She suddenly wants him more than anything. The dreaming Wayne opens the car door and she slides inside carefully smoothing her skirt the one this dreamer knows will soon come off.

Wayne snaps awake like a shot. ‘What in the hell is going on? These persistent dreams are driving me crazy. I have to get to the bottom of this.’ The clock is blinking five AM when Wayne rolls over pressing his face into a pillow. He is afraid to fall back asleep but knows he must.

He woke again at noon almost doubling over with deep cramps. He barely made it to john. ‘God what the hell is wrong with me?’ Wayne entered the shower feeling alive as hot water cascaded over him. He stood facing the mirror preparing to shave when his reflection appeared startling him. He is looking at Sarah wearing a towel covering her breasts. Long brunette locks wrapped atop her head covered like a bee hive by another towel. She is smiling looking simply radiant. He blinks in shock to discover when opening his eyes he is back. Wayne is staring at himself in the mirror. He is wearing a towel wrapped as it was in Sarah’s reflection.

Jumping back he turns to run into the kitchen his mind racing. He sits on the sofa panting in fear to see “message” flashing on his opened laptop. ‘I never opened the computer. I went straight from bed to the bathroom.’ Wayne accessed the message his eyes again flared. “You have to hurry time is running out.” It is signed your sister K.

Wayne frantically searched his e-mail and his phone’s text messages. He called Sarah, again being sent to voice mail without a response. ‘Where is she what is going on, does she even exist?’ In his panic Wayne ran outside jumping into his car to drive. He had no idea where he is going. ‘To Sarah’s apartment I must see if she is there and not answering her phone. She may be hurt or in some kind of trouble.’

He turns off route seventy-three onto eighty-six driving ten miles toward Saranac Lake. Wayne is doing this from memory having seen it only in a dream. He cannot be certain the place exists. Wayne considers Sarah only appeared in dreams. Now he is wide awake trying to apply imagined events to real life. The drive leads down a long blacktopped two car width lane to be blocked by a locked gate. There is a sign, River Lawn Community, ‘this is it.’ A man is standing appearing to be a security guard. Wayne rolls down the window, “I am here to see Ms Melson.”

A badge reads Leonard Fine on the guard’s shirt. He leans toward the window with an odd expression. “Sorry sir there is no one living here. This place has been abandoned for over five years. You are not from the real estate office I take it.”

Wayne’s confused expression must have been noticed by the guard. “No I’m not I am here to see a friend.”

“Like I said sir, no one has lived here for over five years. I’m here to meet the sales agent who is bringing a prospective buyer. The university is trying to unload this white elephant.”

Wayne turns his car thanking the man wondering what is going on. Then it strikes him, ‘I visited this place in my dreams. I’ve imagined Sarah she does not exist. How did Sully see her, how did she pay my rent? Are they keeping her captive behind that gate? What sense would that make?’ Wayne noticed a dirt road on his right as he drove toward this gated community. Once back on the main road he slowed looking for that lane.

Driving slowly on a dirt lane he watches his odometer click of tenths of miles Wayne comes to stop at a wide place in the road. He traveled about a mile, ‘that should be enough.’ He exits the car facing west to enter a stand of hardwoods. Estimating he needs to travel a quarter mile or so hoping there is no fence to climb, he moves briskly forward. As feared he reaches a fence. Beyond it a group of buildings can be seen looking very much like what appeared in his dream.

Once crossing the fence with little difficulty he stands on the blacktop. A Victorian style building is seen with multiple spires above the third floor. An ornate oak framed sign with elaborate script on the lawn identifies River Lawn Community. In a semi circle behind this central building are what appears to be three cabins of the same design as the main building. Only they are smaller in size. Two narrow paved paths resembling spokes lead along well manicured lawns between the three cabins. One is the lane Sarah drove to her cabin. Wayne turns walking along the drive. Before him is another circular drive with a driving lane turning to the left. The long blacktopped arm leads to a grouping of four cabins secluded in the pines. He recognizes the last as Sarah’s retreat. He rushes to it noting neither the Beamer nor the Mustang is in the drive.

Wayne tries the door finding it locked he turns to a rose bush reaching into his thorny stalks retrieving a key. ‘I knew it is here. Sarah kept a spare as she is always misplacing hers.’ Wayne nearly panicked at that thought not understanding how he knows. Even more unsettling is how that name keeps popping up. He stepped inside to receive a shock.

The room is empty not a shred of furniture anywhere save a mirror near what Wayne knew was a bathroom. He felt himself pulled toward the mirror. Wayne had no interest in a bland aluminum framed piece of glass that had been in Sarah’s apartment. Not fighting he looked into the glass where he saw Sarah sleeping in what looked like a hospital bed. A woman sat in a chair praying he recognized Sarah’s mother not knowing why. The mirror fogged to reveal his reflection smiling back. It was Sarah not him but somehow he could feel he is looking at himself. Fear caused him to jump back almost stumbling from a misstep. ‘Be careful you almost broke a heel.’ That thought startled him bringing a chill that only grew when he looked down.

He is wearing that outfit he ordered on the internet. His white pencil skirt cut at the knees blended perfectly with black hose. A buttercup colored cami rode just over the skirt’s waistband. His black pumps were supported by two inch heels and his legs were Sarah’s legs and the dimple that blasted dimple laid behind his right knee. Wayne stepped back feeling the sensation of his skirt as it moved with each step. ‘My God what is going on?’

The all encompassing urge of flight overcame him as his eyes found the door. He knew he could not go this room had more to tell him. Once again he went to the mirror and the old Wayne reflected back. He could see Sarah standing behind him and he turned. She was not there. Again facing the reflection he and Sarah were so close you could not tell where one began and the other ended. They were like joined at the hip. As he stared powerless to move a sheet of paper floated down from where he had no idea.

Wayne bent at waist lowering herself as Sarah would. His skirt and nyloned legs were back. He picked up the paper scanning the printed words. “Dear love, there is a lot to tell with no time to explain. Trust me as we are nearly one caused by the accident. I will send Kristen, our twin she can explain. Kristen will visit you both in person and in dreams to guide you home.

The man is back more confused than ever. ‘Who is Sarah Melson and her twin Kristen? Is there really a twin or is this some hoax dreamed up by a sick spoiled college girl?’ Wayne walked outside determined to get in his car and drive away, far away. Blocking his exit is a woman. Not just any woman but Sarah. Wayne blurts, “Where have you been? I have been looking all over for you.”

He studies the silent woman she is wearing a white sleeveless blouse and blue nylon running shorts. On her feet is a pair of white Nikes with a pink swoosh. She is pointing to her right knee as she turns her leg. The woman smiles as he sees there is no dimple. His expression tells Kristen what she needs to know.

“You are back for now Wayne Huntington you forgot something.” She handed him a card and continued to speak in that same heavenly voice. “It is Sarah’s key do not lose it for your’s and her lives depend on it. I will explain later there is no time now. In case you did not guess I am Kristen Melson your twin.” She giggles, “Sarah’s twin but you must have noticed sometimes you present as Sarah. Don’t let it alarm you it will happen again. I have a message for you from Sarah. As you appear as Wayne I can give it to you.” Another smile as she draws close. He can feel the swell of her breasts pressing against him followed by her passionate kiss. One he returns. “I can see why my sister is turned on by you. She loves you don’t let her down.”

She disappeared gone without so much as a flash of light or some other hallucination these dreams produce. The long walk and climb of the fence leads to his car. Wayne drives back toward the city trying to shake the odd events. Still frustrated, he has learned nothing of Sarah’s strange disappearance. ‘Who is Kristen and what did she give me?’ He has this strange feeling this is going to get more confusing before he wakes up.

He drove not paying attention to his route. Suddenly noticing Cattleman’s on his right. He pulls into their parking lot cautiously stepping out of the car. ‘I have an urge for breakfast. Do I really want to do this?’

Confused by his sudden urge, Wayne does not question as he steps inside. He sits at small table for two as the waiter takes his order. “Excuse me Sir, weren’t you the gentleman with Miss Melson I served a few days ago?”

Wayne brightened hearing confirmation Sarah does exist and he has been seen with her. He smiles relaxing as a second real life person has seen his dream girl. “Yes and the food was excellent. Why do you ask?”

The waiter answers, “She called to inquire if we had found her gold chain with the cross. She said I may give it to you when you come in Mister Huntington.”

“Wayne blinks, “How did you remember my name? I did not introduce myself.”

The waiter smiles, “Sir the way Ms. Melson talks about you I could not forget. You were with her a few says ago and she e-mailed us a picture of the two of you. That rock you bought her must have costs a bundle. It stands out in the photograph. I will print out a copy for you.” He left to return a moment later handing Wayne the chain and a photo. “You see it is there on her finger. Congratulations on your engagement.”

Wayne sat there drinking his tea after finishing breakfast. Stunned to say the least having no memory of how that picture could have been taken or of any proposal, he tries to wake up. ‘I’m not asleep,’ he considers. ‘We are engaged!’ Not that I mind though all possible explanations are terrifying.’ He drove home slowly still not receiving any answers about Sarah.

The longest day continues as Wayne sits staring at that message on his laptop. “You have to hurry time is running out.” ‘At least I found out who K is, I or Sarah have a twin named Kristen. Why am I having Sarah’s memories in these dreams? They began with Sarah flirting with me. I’m interacting as myself slowly shifting to where I am Sarah. Now she is missing and cannot be found. More importantly what does Kristen mean by hurry I am running out of time?’

Wayne stares at Sarah’s picture from the restaurant. He has no recall of an event where he presented the woman an engagement ring. His fingers play absently with a gold chain belonging to Sarah. Wayne notices delicate thinly woven strands of gold are intricately placed to form an exquisite braid. A dainty miniature cross is affixed adorning the necklace. Wayne discovers on the back a message is etched in dainty script simply pronouncing ‘Always, Wayne.’ Without questioning he reaches back to fasten it behind his neck. A flash appears where he feels gentle hands brushing his hair aside feeling it fall over his left shoulder. His own voice is heard saying, “Allow me.”

Then a breeze fills the room. It is warm and embracing as gentle lips kiss the back of his neck. He turns saying aloud, “I love you Wayne.” The sound is of Sarah’s voice. Wayne stares, the breeze is gone and no one is there. He jumps up in a panic. The cross dangling in the swell of his breasts. The breeze is gone and in the dark nothing remains but silence and the sound of his own breath catching. He runs to the bathroom mirror to see himself wearing the necklace. There are no breast and long brunette waves are missing. There is only Wayne appearing foolish wearing her bracelet. He pouted, pouting is out of character for the man. “What happened?”

He returns to his sofa with yet another cup of tea in his hand. On the table are two items he had not noticed. He picks up a key the one he used to open the cabin door. Next to it on the table is an electronic card like the ones you swipe to open doors, or gates. The card shows a picture of Sarah. Under it is the name, Sarah Melson and two words, Sarah’s Key.


More Questions Fewer Answers

The lone figure had long ago escaped the concrete block building with its futuristic security thinking, ‘penetration was relatively simple.’ No laughter followed the easy victory as the thief knew this operation is far from certain. There is one more stop to make before moving on to the next step. The figure dressed in black slipped in through a service entrance then followed a deserted hallway to a storage room. In the dark closet sized cubicle the thief changed into a uniform common to workers of this facility.

A nurse wearing a white cap with hair neatly piled under it adjusted a name tag identifying its wearer as a registered nurse and staff member. It is not difficult to navigate the busy halls to find an empty nurses station. The target is soon located housed on the fourth floor intensive care unit. During the early morning hours it is considerable distance in time to the next shift change. The stealth figure knew enough about protocols to allow easy changes to the schedule. A relief nurse who will soon enter the forth floor intensive care unit to serve for a half hour. The nurse is to relieve a resident nurse her lunch break. With a few simple key strokes the relief nurse is ordered to other duties.

The intruder walked briskly into the nurses station. Her starched crisp white skirt and matching blouse appears as clean as she is chirpy. Nurse Patricia Brown looked up in surprise. “Where is Gloria? I am expecting her to relieve me.”

A smiling imposter utilizing a happy voice quickly announces. “A last minute change some urgent care matter in the North Wing, I’m told. I’m Jill Covington from Saranac over on the west side. I’m filling in, enjoy your lunch.” Without waiting she watches Nurse Brown read Jill’s name tag and rush off waving, “I’ll be back in thirty.”

Leafing through the metal flip up nurse’s care chart she locates the name she is searching for. “Ah room 401, they have not moved her.” The notes reveal the young woman has been comatose since she was brought in thirty days ago. Vitals are borderline, prognosis for full recovery is fading. There is no order to not resistate. ‘At least that much is in her best interest. No one around to yell pull the plug.’

She stands at the end of the beautiful young woman’s bed uttering a silent prayer barely above a whisper. ‘Hold on love please don’t let go. I breached the divide more than once and I won’t give up not until you are whole.’ She thought she caught a glimpse of movement in darkened corner. ‘Is someone or something there?’ Afraid to turn around fearing the thief is finally caught she froze staring down at her twin. Turn around she must, when she did nothing is there. Relaxing she muses, ‘It is only daddy sleeping in the lazy boy. He won’t wake for hours.’

Wayne spent most of Sunday in bed recovering or trying to from a stressful Saturday. The churning in his stomach is bad enough. He has managed to keep his food down and he has no fever. Regardless to lacking any distinctive symptoms he feels like he is on death’s doorstep. This ailment, whatever it is presents enough discomfort to keep its victim is constant turmoil. Then there are the dreams. Those dreams are more than he can bear. He sat up in bed discovering he is still wearing her necklace. As he reaches behind his neck to release its clasp he stops. ‘Kristen wants me to wear it.’ His hands fall away as if compelled. An off the wall idea strikes Wayne and he freezes. ‘No I’m not going to do that.’ He fought the silly notion for several long minutes finally yielding. He sat back raising his right leg to see that dimple behind his knee.

Frustrated and scared he shook calming himself by drinking yet another cup of tea. Wayne is aware many men regard drinking tea is a sign of weakness for a manly man. He sighs, walking back to his laptop. Searching the drive he discovers there is virtually no personal information. No letters, no notes no files saved that were gathered over time. It is as if his life is a blank slate. He recalls working as an intern at Cyber Technologies after his degree at M.I.T. He recalls Mr. Riley setting him up for his current position at Micro. Wayne can recite every detail of those early meetings with Sarah Melson that cemented the job for him. He can describe completely how his magical and mysterious Atlantis Software works. But he has no memory of anything prior to getting this job.

He stares at that photo of Sarah mesmerized drawing a blank when trying to recall a single event during his four years at High School. Not a single name comes to mind. That is not accurate. He recalls Megan Campbell Sarah’s best friend and how they frequently spent many sleepovers when they were in middle school. He remembers how she and Kristen rebelled against that preppy school and lost. There were many times she and her twin switched identities to get out of something. Like the time their mother caught them because of that damn dimple. When he tried to recall his M.I.T. memories there were none. Not a single name or experience came to mind. He could not conjure up a mental picture of his room at school. Instead two figures appeared in his head that of a pair of cold tired bodies rolling through a snow covered slope in the mountains.

Wayne sat upright staring at the laptop. The time in the lower left of the screen reported ten at night. ‘I have been sitting here all day and most of the night. Where has the time gone’ He suddenly grabbed his stomach ran to the toilet fell to his knees throwing up.

He woke on Monday morning to call in sick. Wayne could hardly stand; he is running a fever of 101. Jane patched him through to Bill Mason. “Mr. Mason wants to speak with you. Are you up to it?”

“The next voice he hears is Masons, “You picked a good day to call in. The shit is hitting the fan around here. Slaughter’s project is blowing up. Nothing you did, it’s his DNA projections his data is way off and the strands are breaking down.”

Wayne takes a deep breath, “It’s not Trident is it?” He prays his miracle program wherever it came from is not some kind of planted virus.

“No,” Bill responds quickly, “it is faulty DNA samples. They mysteriously broke down. Something like that is not supposed to happen. Yeah if you came in you would only get sicker. Hey I’m going to bail for lunch for a bit. Feel like meeting at Cattleman’s for noon? Whatever you have isn’t contagious is it?”

Wayne answers “I, don’t think so it’s my stomach revolting against food. I will try to get over there. But don’t wait if I don’t get there.”

At noon a curious Wayne Huntington entered Cattleman’s to be ushered to Bill Mason’s table. Mason looks up to the approaching Wayne. “You are right you look like shit. I’m glad you did not get dressed up it would not have helped. Jeans and a tee shirt looks appropriate considering your condition.” He tried to force a laugh but it fell flat.

Wayne sat offering a simple, “Thanks. What is so Earth shattering you dragged me out of my death bed?”

“I’m having a bit of trouble with Dreamscape. The idea is to feed it Slaughter’s victims dream printouts and it is supposed to produce a video showing the dreams. The damn thing does not render.”

Wayne narrows his brows thinking or stalling trying to offer a possibility. “Did you bring a hard copy data printout?

Mason pulls out a couple sheets handing them to Wayne. They are labeled subject one, and two. “Here are a couple. Like I said you feed it the info getting nothing the program refuses to encode it correctly.”

Wayne stares at the pages raising a wry smile. He spreads the pages onto the table pointing to specific lines of code on each sheet. “Look at these the extensions are not correct. See those commands?” He points to several others, “These are bad commands. No program could interpret them. Did you transcribe them in Trident?”

“Bill scratches his head, “No these are the originals made directly from the recording equipment.”

“I hate to tell you this Bill but your initial data is screwed. The problem is your research is flawed.”

Bill nearly in a panic replies in a nervous voice. “First, Slaughters’ DNA samples break down and now the recordings are flawed Melson is going to meltdown. Be glad you are not in the office today.”

The waiter appears greeting the two men. “Are you ready to order?” He notices Wayne, “Oh Mr. Huntington, How is your lovely fiancée, Miss Melson?”

“Very well,” Wayne answers as he reads the name tag adding, “Michael.” They place their orders with Wayne selecting the gentlest soup on the menu with tea.

Bill stares at him over the selections and the mention of fiancée, Miss Melson. “Is your Miss Melson related to the boss? I thought he had no family, other than a brother on the other coast. I think it was Jane who said he had a couple sisters. He does not have any kids.”

Wayne nearly chokes asking with a blank expression. “No kids?”

“Not that he claims, the man is not married and unless there is a lady somewhere
we do not know about. How old do you think he is?”

If Wayne managed to keep his stomach under control to this point it won’t last much longer. ‘How old is he? Reagan and Kristen are twenty-three. He would have to be a bit over forty, even if he was sixteen when he became a father. No wonder there are no family pictures in his office’ Wayne opted for a safe answer. “I’d guess no more than forty-five.”

Bill responds with a blank stare, “You are way off he is only twenty-eight. He’s one of those tech gurus out of Silicone Valley. He started the company before age twenty-one. I’m guessing your lady might be a cousin or even a sister. I have no idea if he has any of those.”

Trying to come up with an answer, Wayne resorts to a safe response. “I thought about the coincidence but Sarah is rather quiet about family. When I finally pressed her because of the resemblance she simply said she did not know him. We shrugged it off as a distant relative.”

Bill appeared to buy that not pressing for more. Wayne excused himself admitting he has no idea about Melson’s age. Leaving the restaurant Bill’s comments clash with messages received from Sarah. He clearly recalls her using terms like father, daddy and dad. He drives home in a panic unable to square events. ‘Why did this girl come to me and how did she know so much about Micro Tech if she is not connected to Melson? Based on his age according to Mason it’s impossible for him to be her father. I went to where she lives only to find a guard claiming it was boarded up for half a decade. When I snuck in I discovered an empty apartment and a note. Some screwy mirror hanging on the wall made me look like Sarah. Wait a minute, I did look like Sarah. To top it off a look alike claiming to be her twin gave me a song and dance and a key. Appearing as a girl named Sarah really freaked me out. Is this all a figment of my imagination? No I’m wearing her cross, I have her photo the waiter gave me and sully has seen her.’ Panic is becoming his normal state.

He once again sends messages via the computer and phone text to Sarah without any responses. Finally he gives up going to bed hoping perhaps he can find what he is looking for in another dream.

Wayne’s eyes open slowly focusing to see he is sitting in what looks like a waiting room. The reception area reveals the obvious; Wayne is sitting in a molded single cushion chair. One of the exact types you would expect to find in a hospital or in a clinic. The magazine rack and the television mounted near the ceiling is playing the Cooking Channel. It is a sure tip-off this is a clinic of sorts. His discomfort increases when looks down to see he is wearing a pair of black open toed flats. His painted nails showing through his clear hose are another hint. So is his teal skirted lap with painted well manicured finger nails reflecting a light pink. They are laying one hand on the other in that lap.

A man comes into view pacing back and forth appearing to be exceptionally worried. He looks familiar and as Wayne’s eyes gain full clarity he recognizes Kent Melson. ‘Oh shit, Sarah’s non father is in my dreams too.’ Wayne leans forward trying to hear their private conversation.

The nurse is trying to calm the agitated man and he is having none of it. “She has been in labor for eleven hours for heavens sake. Can’t you people do anything to ease her discomfort?” The nurse says something else the man did not want to hear. Strain as hard as he might Wayne did not hear what is said. She did, however clearly hear Kent when he bellowed, “If you don’t do something you will hear from my lawyers.” He turned walking directly toward Wayne. The nurse fled the room most likely fearing for her life.

It must be a mile across this room because it took forever for the man to complete his rapid stride toward Wayne. It took him so long Wayne had the time to hear a soft voice speaking from his left. “He gets like that sometimes sis. Don’t worry he is not mad at us.”

Startled, not noticing someone else is here he turns to see a beautiful girl. She is wearing a denim mini skirt; yellow cami and leather flip flops. She is the spitting image of Sarah except she is young, very young. She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen other than himself. That thought almost causes a heart attack. He stares at her speechless worried the girl notices his blinking. ‘The girl must be no more than twelve or thirteen years old’ He thinks believing this is a nightmare not a dream.

It must be a mile across this room because it took forever for the man to complete his rapid stride toward Wayne. It took him so long Wayne had the time to hear a soft voice again speaking from his left. “He gets like that sometimes sis. Don’t worry he is not mad at us.”

A voice whispers to Wayne, “Thirteen and I’m not ‘The Girl’. I’m Kristen, your twin and you are Sarah. In case you have not worked it out you are thirteen too. This is not a dream by the way. Before you think nasty thoughts sister you need to know I can read your mind. I pulled you into the past to show you something.”

Wayne blinks; his soft identical voice to Kristen’s is heard answering. Her tone suggests there is not a care about who might hear her not even the man walking toward them in slow motion. “Yeah right.”

Kristen laughs, “You always have been a disbeliever which I find amazing considering what you can do. I’m surprised this little trick of mine is so hard to believe.”

Wayne glances to the oncoming Kent Melson then back to Kristen. “I found out yesterday he has no kids so he is not your father.”

Kristen shakes her head. “Jesus, will you please get it right. A correct way to phrase it would be to say, our father. That fall really screwed you up. Sis, I can’t hold him back any longer. I will have to bring you up to speed later. In the meantime just shut up and listen.”

The frustrated voice of Kent Melson lost most of its stress over his prolonged walk to reach his girls. “I’m sorry kids you had to hear me act like a wounded lion. I’m worried about your mother and these people seem indifferent. I called Aunt Jennifer she is taking care of your brother Kent and will be coming by to bring you home. She will stay with you. I know you are worried. Jennie will call the school so you can stay home tomorrow. I’m going to wait here until mom delivers.” Kent walked back to the desk and began asking tough questions.

“Do you get it yet Sarah my slow sister? Kent Melson junior is your brother. He is at home. Your sister, Jill is going to be born tonight. The Kent Melson your Wayne half works for is your brother.”

Wayne’s mouth drops open ready to challenge this crazy girl who claims to be Kristen. The girl shushes him. “There is no time to explain right now. I will visit you later. I heard the conversation at Cattleman’s and you needed to know this much.”

Before Wayne could respond he suddenly woke up to find himself on the sofa needing an emergency run to the toilet. It is still too early to get up though he is beginning to resist any attempt to sleep. An exhausted Wayne lays back down praying no more dreams visits him tonight he needs sleep praying Tuesday morning is delayed.

At the same time across an invisible divide. The unseen visitor remained silent as Kristen prayed over her sister’s bed. Kent Melson remains sleeping in his chair as the dark figure knows he will. ‘My spell will hold until Sarah’s sister leaves the room.’

Kristen’s senses a presence radiate causing her to rush in an attempt to reach through Sarah’s unconscious shield. ‘There is very little of my sister left. I fear I am losing her. Please brat you have always been a pain in the ass don’t change now.

Kristen’s intercepted thought almost caused the visitor to laugh. A thought forced into her mind breaks Kristen’s concentration. ‘It did not come from my sister!’ Alarmed, she turns looking directly into the shadows eyes seeing nothing. “Who is there?” She demands receiving no answer. A chill envelops her, no not a chill it is rather warming. Kristen relaxes understanding the intruder does not harbor an ill intent. The young woman processes that thought, ‘Remember, Mister Huntington harbors your sister’s memories and he is in the wrong plane. Wayne must be brought back from the year 2013 to this side in 1964. It is the only way to make Sarah whole and time is running out. Think Kristen where is the breach causing this mingling of personas?’

The woman reels to face an empty corner. “You expect me to climb a Goddamn Mountain dragging Huntington up an icy slope and push him off a cliff? Are you serious? I’d have a hard time pulling that off.” Her words filled the room shocking Kristen that she said it aloud, surprising her she did not wake father.

An answer returns swift and certain. "Calm down child remember what happened the day before the hike. Wayne did not stumble upon you sister sitting on a rock. It was Wayne on the rock waiting for her. Huntington’s dreams have mixed things up. He is turning into your sister. Time is fleeting and Sarah has grown too weak to influence his dreams. It is now up to you." The voice grew silent. Kristen feels the breeze fading she can no longer sense the dark figure.

Either his tormentors took the early morning hours off or the stealth figure casts a blocking spell to allow some measure of peace. Whatever the reason, Wayne slept soundly over the remaining four hours until his alarm jarred him awake. For the first time in days he did not run to the toilet to lean over the bowl emptying the contents of his stomach. He showered, shaved and found himself at the table drinking tea. ‘What is it with tea? Oh, that’s right the aroma of coffee makes me wretch. It is the same with beer or any form of alcohol.’

He arrived at the office receiving a strange glance from Jane. He sensed for no apparent reason it is one of those knowing stares sending a chill up his spine. The woman simply said, “Morning Mr. Huntington are you feeling better?” ‘What is it in her tone that sends those chills? Does this woman know something I, don’t?’ He answered, “I’m feeling better Jane, thank you for asking.”

Melson is waiting for him; a very agitated Kent is standing by Wayne’s door. “Can I have a word?” The word took the entire morning as Wayne squirmed in his seat trying to figure out what this man expects him to do. Then without any warning strange thoughts enter his head. ‘Jesus, Junior you turned into a bigger prick than I could have imagined. Daddy would kick your ass if he could see you.’

Horrified, Wayne tried to grow smaller avoiding Melson’s gaze. ‘Relax Wayne he did not hear that.’ Again the man is startled fearing he is losing his mind. ‘Okay Wayne sit back and enjoy the ride.’ Horrified, he leans back fighting to melt away. He wants to be anywhere but here. Having lost all control, he cannot lock his jaws together keeping his words from flying out. They are not his words and as he listens he can see his long walk to the unemployment office.

“Listen ass hole, I’ve sat here while you ranted about the program not working when the problem is that quack Slaughter. You know what they say, garbage in garbage out. Do yourself a favor look at the initial data. Compare it to what he is feeding into the program. It is not the same.”

Melson’s eyes fly open no one dares speak to him like this. “Are you telling me Enos is intentionally feeding faulty data into the program?”

Again, Wayne’s invading voice speaks. “I did not say that. I said bad data is being fed. Your boy slaughter is not bothering to check what he feeds the program. Now be a good boy and do your homework before dumping on me. I came in here from my sick bed because Mason told me you were having problems. You didn’t listen to answers I gave him. Then you come in here jumping down my throat. I’m not even working with Slaughter’s garbage. I have a doctor’s appointment at one and will be taking the afternoon off.”

Melson stared at a shrinking Wayne who cannot believe what just came out of his mouth. To Wayne’s surprise Kent Melson smiled, “I’m sorry you are right. I didn’t listen to Mason. I will follow up and get back to you. “You take all the time you need.” He walked out the door leaving Wayne speechless.

Huntington sat is his chair shaking, “What the hell just happened.” ‘Uh you grew a pair? A bit too late though, Sarah was right about the other part. Let’s see what the doctor says.’ Wayne blinks, ‘where did that thought come from?’ He listened, waiting for an answer. He needs confirmation he has finally gone over the top. Kristen did not disappoint. ‘You got it sis a fully functioning plumbing department.’

“Don’t you get it little sister I just gave you a spine. Get yourself ready I will get the car and drive you to you’re appointment. Meet me in the supermarket parking lot.”

Those words came from inside his head sounding like they were spoken aloud. He had no control of anything that happened today. If the truth be known poor Wayne has not been in charge since he fell off that mountain. ‘I don’t have any appointment with a doctor. Now a voice in my head informs me she will drive. It definitely sounded like a female voice.

Wayne walked into the reception area approaching June. “I’ve an appointment and will be taking the afternoon off. Melson is aware so please tell anyone who calls I’ll get back to them tomorrow.”

Jane nods answering, “Doctor Curtis’ office called a few minutes ago to remind you of the appointment. I was just about to buzz you. Melson was in there when they called and I knew better than interrupt. I hope you are feeling better. Something tells me you will do fine. Many of us have gone through this before. It is never easy but you can cope.”

Wayne stared at the woman listening to every word wondering, ‘Who in hell is Doctor Curtis. Cope, what in hell is she talking about? What does Jane know that I don’t?’ “Thank you Jane, I will call to let you know.”

He walked out the front door crossing over to the market parking lot. He is not expecting any driver waiting for him. He fumbled into his pockets feeling for his keys while walking through a busy parking lot. A blue Mustang pulled in beside him. Kristen without the dimple is driving. He could tell there is no dimple as she is wearing shorts. This caused him to smile relieved Kristen has finally come out of hiding. He jumps in leaning forward signaling a kiss is coming. She pulls back. Wayne’s eyes widen with surprise. “What’s wrong?”

The driver locks her greens eyes into a confused passenger’s. “Cool it sis, don’t you recognize me? It’s Kristen remember. What do you think? My calling your office for Dr. Curtis was a nice touch” She taps her rider on the knee with a gentle finger. “Come on I know you are in there Sarah.”

Wayne freezes glancing down viewing his skirt he, high enough to expose his knees. A cotton skirt felt as he presses his fingers against his sitting form. Startled he turns facing the driver. “Kristen, how did you get here? I thought you lived on the other side, wherever that is.”

Kristen shifts the car into drive pulling into traffic cautiously unlike how her sister performs the act. Sarah sits back, having replaced Wayne’s presence. Kristen appears calm she is anything but feeling under control. ‘That woman who intruded last night instructed me to be at the corner of Lawrence and Main Streets by twelve-forty-five. I have my doubts but it should deliver us to our side.’ She glances at Sarah, ‘It is hard to believe this is not my sister. That poor bastard must be close to freaking out.’ She places her hand on Sarah’s knee. “Relax Wayne I know it sucks but I am trying to get you back where you belong.”

Wayne finally speaks, “Where is Sarah?”

“You have not figured it out yet you are Sarah. Sarah is in a coma and fading. It happened from the fall. Can you remember the fall?”

Wayne lowered his eyes, “Sometimes it comes to me but it does not last. What do you mean I am Sarah and Sarah is in a coma? Spill fill me in slowly but only one thing at a time please.”

Kristen grabs the wheel tightly to steady her nerves. “Sarah from her coma sent her image to contact you. Do you get that much?” Wayne nods, listening doubtfully. Kristen continues, “She used dreams not daring to approach in physical form in case our brother heard mention of her or should accidentally see her. She does not want him to know she crossed the divide. The dreams could not be seen by him or attract his notice as a physical Sarah would. You see our brother crossed the divide to escape prosecution. He is five years older that is how he can appear to be the same age. I will explain all that later. It’s important but not regarding our current problem.”

Wayne’s head is spinning with this information. He does not know whether to laugh, cry or jump out of the car to escape this crazy woman. He does not simply because he is sitting here fully aware he is presently her twin. ‘How can I call her crazy?’

Kristen arrives at the designated corner driving Sarah’s 2013 BMW. The one created by the witches for her to interact with Wayne. Kristen feels the car move oddly. She cannot explain the noticeable shift she feels. Suddenly she recognizes a familiar scene they are back to where they belong even if it is temporary. The car morphed into a 1964 Corvette that should convince Wayne or drive him over the edge. The parking lot is nearly full when they arrive. “I hope we do not have to wait too long.” She offers to her nervous sister. “Hold it together go along for the ride. Eventually it will all be explained.”

Wayne sat legs crossed at her ankles. With a definite skirted lap revealing hose covered legs she cannot deny her feminine presentation. He either blocked the car’s morphing or is in deep denial as he made no mention of it. Kristen is holding her hand reassuring the frightened transformed male. The man known as Sarah takes a deep breath exhaling slowly, ‘get this over with.’

A smiling face exits a single pane door carrying a clip board with a stethoscope hanging around her neck, “Sarah?”

Kristen stands pulling her sister to her feet. The pair follows the physician’s assistant down the hallway to a weigh station. “115 pounds, very good.” They enter the exam room to undergo the blood pressure measurement and a hundred questions. Gloria’s chipper voice is heard, “Doctor Curtis will be right in.”

Wayne sits on the paper covered exam table legs dangling unable to reach the foot rest. ‘Even when I was six feet tall my feet did not reach the rest. Why do they insist on doing this?’

Kristen giggles holding her sister’s hand, “It is going to be all right.” Wayne returns her giggle with a doubtful stare.

A tap on the door precedes a tall woman entering. She introduces herself as Kaitlan Curtis. “Hello Sarah it is good to see you again. We have good news.” She sounds too happy for Wayne’s comfort. “I understand your wedding was lovely. I read about it in the paper.” She takes Sarah’s hand offering, “That is a magnificent ring. Your test came back and yes, you are about six weeks along. It looks like twins.”

“Wayne wants to scream. ‘How is this possible? Well wait it is a stupid dream and I have a woman’s body in this dream. No big surprise but next they will be telling me Wayne is pregnant with Sarah’s babies.’ “I thought as much, when am I due” he answers cautiously. ‘When am I due? The doctor says I’m pregnant and I simply smile saying I know and when am I due. Get a hold of yourself this is freaking nuts.’ His thoughts are broken by a squeeze of his hand from Kristen.

“My best guess would be the second week in May. I want to see you in two weeks. There is nothing to be concerned about. You don’t smoke, remember no alcohol and I will see you soon.”

Kristen leads a stupefied staggering Wayne to the car. She smiles hearing his panic as any woman would do finding a male in this situation. “Kristen, this is never going to work. Get me out of this.”

The car pulls up in front of Wayne’s apartment house and he steps out. Kristen rolls down her window. “Take it easy, breath deeply; I will keep working to figure out how we can sort you and Wayne out. You belong home with us Sarah and your babies need you. I guess the results answer Sarah’s question about balls or pussy. We are twins nothing gets passed either of us. I have to be going now. I will keep working to find a resolution.” Wayne kisses his sister’s cheek deciding he will go along with this charade. Kristen pulls away from the curb disappearing down the road.

Wayne is suddenly back. He knows this is yet another bizarre dream as he climbs the stairs. Wayne empties his pockets tossing the content onto the table. Tired from a long and frustrating day the man lays down expecting to wake up. An hour or so later it seems staring at the ceiling did not change a thing, he sits up. Wayne sorts the items on the table absently as is his habit. His eyes grow wide upon seeing an appointment card from Dr. Curtis’ office. Next to that is Sarah’s key and electronic card.


The Plan

Kent Melson meets with Enos Slaughter trying to sort through a myriad of problems with project 67. It is on the afternoon Wayne visited the doctor’s office. “What do you mean the data is deteriorating? Did you pick up a virus or something? We spent millions on security systems to prevent things like this.” Melson's outburst is the tip of the iceberg as he is livid fearing the collapse of his company. Everything is riding upon a break through. Melson already spent money he anticipated from sale of technologies. He counted on billions from a program allowing the military to produce super beings to fight their wars.

Slaughter had no excuses. He did not check his data as suggested by Huntington at their last meeting. Over confident his systems were fail proof, Slaughter did not check. “It appears the intruder inserted a wipe program to infect the data. It has to be some zealous shadow group against progress.”

“How long do you anticipate it will take to clean up this mess” Melson challenged his top scientists. “What of the duplication process where we can create clones of wealthy people for spare parts?” Melson's frustration is clearly bubbling over.

“That is on target but it is time consuming. As you know an embryo brought to term grows at the same rate as any other human. Once they reach viability to have parts harvested the money will roll in. I have several Hollywood types itching to purchase their own spare parts factory. That is why you are working to buy that private school. It is an ideal place to house them. ”

All the while Slaughter is rambling Melson is bobbing his head up and down. “Okay I get it eighteen years before a harvest. Is there anyway to speed the process up?”

Slaughter blinks, “Christ, you mean like the Cylons? Create an adult body and download the fools into it? It will not in happen in our lifetime, someday perhaps but not anytime soon.”

Melson desperate for any good news presses. “Dreamscape, have you been able to record your subject's dreams yet?”

Slaughter, nods admitting they can adding a qualifier. “The initial run on that Atlantis program suggest we can, however the data was corrupted by our intruder. I need another round of sessions to collect new data. Once verified we can go to stage two implanting ideas forcing people to act on what we tell them to do. It is perfect mind control with applications from elections to car sales. The conservatives will never win another election.” Slaughter laughed at his last comment.

Melson frowned, “What you are saying is we have been set back months at the risk of hundreds of millions.” The meeting ended with a resolve to push harder and further. Melson stops at Jean’s desk. “Jean, I left a message on Huntington’s desk about a meeting tomorrow. Remind him in the morning when he comes in I want to see him ASAP.”

That evening when Kristen visited her sister in the hospital she appeared exhausted. Dropping down in the seat she faces her mother. Eleanor Melson maintained her good looks into middle age. Don’t tell the woman she is middle aged it will not set well with her. She is for lack of a better descriptor a replica of her daughters only twenty-three years older making her somewhere in the area of forty-six. She appears to an unknown observer to be thirty something. She weighs no more than the twins and shows almost no sign of aging. Eleanor glances up to a frazzled Kristen. “How did it go with your sister?”

Kristen tilts her head toward the sleeping woman in the bed. “She is my sister. If you ask how my brother in law is doing I can report about as well as can be expected. This could be a family first. Wayne is six weeks pregnant. Beyond morning sickness and the usual paranoia accompanying pregnancy the boy’s not doing too badly. How in the hell do we undo this mess?”

Eleanor allows an elongated sigh followed by a shrug. “I have no idea other than have them climb the mountain again and try going through the portal one more time. Perhaps what was done can be undone.”

Kristen appears shocked at that idea. “Mother just how in hell do you expect her,” she points to the comatose Sarah. “To climb a mountain? Oh I get it; you expect I will carry her up on my back. Then when Wayne jumps I will throw my sister off a cliff. That plan will work. You have to do better than that.”

Eleanor shakes her head, “Don’t be that way Kristen we will figure it out. How did you manage to bring Wayne over here to the doctor’s office? Can’t we do something like that?”

Kristen considers the question rolling her eyes. She knows how taxing this is on her mother. ‘It is understanding she simply forgot. Perhaps even after experiencing shifting between worlds the tired woman simply blocked it out.’ “Remember mom, that lady gave each of us keys? We can open a portal when we need to until this is worked out.”

“I know dear this is so confusing. First your brother brought the government down on us. They took everything we had. Then that lovely Fiona came to the rescue and we found security here in the past. Sarah found Wayne and we were so happy until the accident.” Eleanor’s voice tails off into silence.

Kristen hugs her mother, “I know mom, Sarah is a fighter she projected her image through the divide to contact Wayne. She did it through dreams. The effort took all she had and now I am carrying the fight for her. Fiona asked me to continue acting as Sarah to help get Wayne over here.”

“You did all of that using the key? I don’t understand this at all. It is illogical.” Eleanor is clearly exhausted spending night after night sitting by her daughter’s bed fearing the worst.

“Mom I was able to cross the divide a few times and be seen by people over there. I brought Wayne physically across the divide to the doctor’s office and through a dream to the hospital the night Jill was born. That sounds crazy somehow Fiona was able to send us back for Wayne to see. Which reminds me I have to bring him over for another appointment in two weeks. That is unless, this situation is figured out by then.” Then a voice interrupted Kristen.

“There is a resolution but all must agree.” Both Eleanor and Kristen nearly jumped hearing a third voice when no one else is there. Sarah is clearly still in her coma. The figure who sat in a dark corner finally speaks. Slowly a young woman wearing a long denim pencil skirt is becoming defined in the once empty chair.

Both women relaxed seeing Fiona appear, her method of popping in can be unsettling. Kristen presented a hopeful look. “I know their identities are mixed up and I have two questions. How is it Wayne presents as himself and other times as Sarah? This is driving me crazy and him too for that matter.”

Before Kristen could continue Fiona held her hand up slowing the girl. “Let me answer one question at a time. Wayne has almost no memories of his own. They are all in your sister’s head. You sister is strong willed and,” Fiona is interrupted by Kristen’s laugh.

“No shit tell me something I, don’t know.” Kristen flushes, “Sorry.”

Fiona smiles continuing gently, “And her strength is forcing her persona to the forefront. In a short amount of time Wayne will present only as Sarah. He will be lost to us.”

Both women gasped at that with Eleanor exclaiming, “Does he know this? You said there is a resolution.”

Fiona answers in a steady voice. “Can it be undone, perhaps but not without a lot of work. We need Wayne’s cooperation or nothing will change. Kristen I need you to use your key to meet with Wayne face to face. Explain to him the situation and convince him to cross over with you. Bring him to your mother’s house. If he does not agree your sister will likely die.”

Both women fell back in their seats gasping. Eleanor blurts, “Why wouldn’t he? Wayne loves Sarah.”

The witch smiles offering a sobering answer, “You are forgetting Wayne has no memories of a marriage to Sarah. He did not recall your sister even when she interacted with him at Micro. He has no memories of his own prior to a few days before he went to that job. You must convince him though he is figuring it out. Self survival may drive him if nothing else. His insides are more Sarah than Wayne. If Wayne survives you will have twin girls. Bringing Sarah back eliminates a man’s biggest nightmare.”

Kristen laughs evilly, “That should do it. What about Doctor Curtis she works here at the hospital. How can she not know Sarah is in a coma? She is treating my sister through her pregnancy and has not asked how a pregnant woman wakes from her coma to keep a prenatal appointment.”

Before Fiona or Eleanor can address the last question, Fiona raises her brow seeing Doctor Curtis stepping into the room. “You are just the person to answer a sticky question. Kaitlan will you explain it to my friend here?”

Doctor Curtis leans over Sarah checking her vitals raising a concerned look. “That question is easy. I am Fiona’s sister and Guardian of the 2013 side. I have held back a little bit. I know all about Wayne but as his doctor I’m worried. I told you, Fiona sticking me with this job could cause a conflict of interest. I’m torn between doing what is best for my patient and what is good for the divide. I’m afraid the poor boy will have a nervous breakdown. It could happen you know. Men are so weak. I hesitate to do what I should. That is pick him up and drag him over here then casts a spell on him. Letting him think he has always been Sarah is easy enough to do.”

Everybody looked horrified. “But you won’t do that will you Kaitlan?” Fiona interjects, “So tell me sis you have it all figured out.”

Kaitlan ponders for a minute. “There are many problems. First there is no guarantee a memory transfer can be done cleanly. There is a great likelihood bits and pieces will be scattered. Second, Sarah is not likely to make it. She is far too weak to carry twins to term. She may be too weak to recover without this complication.”

Fiona expected Kaitlan’s response just like she expected the horrified faces of the women in the room. ”You must face the facts the girls will not make it, at least as things stand now. Even our powers cannot rectify that. If she were seven months along it would be easy but not with eight months to go. As much as I hate to say it Kaitlan you know what needs to be done regarding Sarah she is almost out of time.”

Again, both mother and sister display horror. Kristen, the fighter begins to object knowing where the witch is going with this. Kaitlan halts her.

“I’m not going to do that. There is still time Fiona, remember I am a doctor. My advice is to have Sarah transferred to home care. This hospital can do nothing for her and they are about to request the family pull the plug. Taking this act gets them off the hook. I know Fiona can keep her strong enough until Kristen can get Wayne over here. I may have a solution. In the meantime I have to deal with a certain Mr. Melson and his project.” Kaitlan suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.



Wayne’s phone is ringing at seven am. He had just managed to get sleep after a long night of tossing and turning. Events pulled him all over the map presenting images that seemed scattered. In his dreams he saw that snowy ledge, Sarah’s prom, that empty apartment behind the locked gate and that flirting woman who appeared from nowhere. He understands at some level he is deeply connected to Sarah Melson. The ringing continues and he jumps up feeling all manner of aches and pains.

“Hello?” he answers his voice sounding off. The reply he receives is rather odd.

“Excuse me I may have the wrong number. Is Wayne Huntington there?” The voice on the phone sounds familiar, it is Jane from work.

Wayne forces a scratchy weak but slightly deeper groggy voice. “Wayne speaking, is this Jane?”

“Oh my,” the woman answers you sound awful Mr. Huntington. I have some distressing news there is no need to come into work today. It is better for you, if you don’t. I went in early to find the door padlocked with a police notice. I just walked away not reading it beyond the words, ‘seized by order of the FBI.’ I know you did not have anything to do with what these people are up to. I’d thought I’d warm you. Good luck Mr. Huntington.” She hung up leaving Wayne speechless.

He sat staring at the phone letting the shock sweep over him not knowing this is only the first earth shattering event to befall him. Suddenly, he felt a swelling in his breasts and a pulling down below. Wayne jumped up running to bathroom knowing what is coming next. The cramping stopped his breasts swelling slowly eased as he faced that mirror. Sarah gazed back at him smiling. He realized it is his reflection not the girl who teased and tormented him at the same time.

Wayne turned from the mirror knowing what she has to do. Sarah’s key reflected light from the window beckoning him. He turned to dress deciding to wear a simple peasant skirt and white tunic. It is turning cold outside so he grabbed a sweater and rushed out the door. His ten year old Honda balked starting at first. Grinding the key while spitting various cuss words it finally turned over.

He drove the ten miles to that paved lane on route eighty-six not knowing what to expect. The gate is locked but there is no guard or for sale sign. ‘Perhaps they finally sold it.’ He thought while swiping Sarah’s key. The gate opened allowing Wayne to drive the mile long two lane road. The speed limit sign not present before read ten miles per hour. A strange feeling overtook him causing Wayne to obey the limit. He could not understand why because no one is in sight. He pulled into a wide shoulder of the road when he suddenly felt dizzy. Here, the car turned, morphed or transformed before his eyes. As Sarah he is driving a 1964 blue Corvette convertible. ‘Good thing the top is up, it’s damn cold.’ Sarah thought.

As he reached the circle he could see considerable activity with collage age people rushing about packing and unpacking cars. Some girls waved seemingly recognizing the brunette driving the Corvette. Turning into the spur leading to Sarah’s apartment a young woman jumps into the lane waving him to stop. He slams on the brakes grateful he is going only ten miles per hour.

The woman opens the passenger door jumping inside. She is wearing a bulky sweater and jeans sporting a wide smile. “Sarah, when did you get back I hear you got married? My God just last week they said you had a mountain climbing accident. Then I heard you were in a coma and not likely to come out of it. I’m so glad you proved them wrong, Doctor Melson.”

The car is not moving and Wayne can only stare at this woman. ‘Who the fuck is this girl? What is she talking about, Doctor Melson? I have finally gone off the deep end. Wait a minute she is my roommate Rachel Taylor. How do I know that?’ Wayne shakes his head wondering where these memories come from. It is a Sarah memory. “Rachel, I, don’t know how it happened. I just woke up like I had a long sleep. There are some things I am confused about but they should sort themselves.”

They hug like old friends for five or more minutes. Rachel finally pulls back, “My God Sarah, I forgot you got married and he err you are going to have a baby. Did he do this while you were knocked out?” Rachel begins to laugh until Sarah poked her.

“I have to pick up my stuff; mom told me they want me to clear out my junk. Somebody else needs the apartment.” Wayne has no idea where all of these comments are coming from.

They finally arrive at the cabin with Wayne dreading what comes next. It is Rachel who solves the new girl’s dilemma. “No worries, Kristen and I spent yesterday packing your crap. Kris took most of it home for you. There are only a few boxes left. Did you and Wayne find a place of your own yet?” Rachel lowers her brows, “Sorry I should know better than that. You were in no shape for house shopping.”

Sarah touches Rachel’s arm, “No worries I understand.”

While Sarah and Rachel load the trunk with the remaining boxes Rachel talked non stop. Sarah gazed at her diploma proving she did graduate from medical school. The girl, no woman is a doctor. The thought suddenly struck her, ‘we will lose the twins.’ She finds herself sitting behind the wheel with Rachel leaning against the car looking at her.

“You have my number you’d better call.”

As the new Sarah drives away promising she will she is terrified over where this road will lead her.


Going Home

“I can sense Wayne is on this side he,” Kaitlan pauses, “or she should arrive shortly. Is everything ready?”

The four women and one man all stare at Sarah’s nearly empty shell hooked up to tubes. Kent Melson who has been functioning in a fog since the accident speaks. “I have lived through some fantastic events ever since the upheaval in our time. I’ve gotten used to a lack of technology and my son betraying his family. This,” he points to his daughter lying comatose and her husband’s empty shell, “is beyond believable.”

Fiona tries to settle the man. We have worked out a solution thanks to a trip into the future. When Kristen broke into your son’s lab she stole a DNA sample of Wayne’s. We can use his DNA to solidify Wayne’s body when he arrives. That way Wayne stops transitioning into a Sarah double.” Kaitlan begins to explain the process.

“Wayne harbors your daughter’s memories and his body is transformed into hers. We halt that reversing the physical changes. When he arrives you will see Sarah. Our solution is to transfer their memories into their own bodies. Sarah will wake up and Wayne will be whole again. There is one problem when we do this alteration of Mr. Huntington’s body the twins will be lost.”

Kent scoffs at her solution. “Transfer the twins along with the memories. What you purpose is too fantastic to believe in the first place. If you can do that why not simply send the twins along?”

Fiona looks to Kaitlan who reaches for an answer. “I did not want to worry you but I see there is no other way. It takes tremendous power to pull this off. Your daughter even with her memories back and losing Wayne’s is very weak. Placing the twins into her womb will no doubt tax her system. She may not survive but the children surely won’t. It will take Sarah many months to recover. Without the burden of pregnancy she will be awake and able to care for herself. If we place the twins inside her she may not wake up. Her body will react in protective mode shutting down everything not essential. You must face the facts children will have to wait until a future time if at all.”

Trying to lighten the mood, Fiona directs a question to Kaitlan. “While I have been preoccupied with this project what is going on in the other worlds?”

“Sis haven’t you felt the tremors?”

Fiona nods, “Yes but I’ve been so busy I have not had time to examine it. Even my husband Hugo noticed and you know how wrapped up in things he gets.”

“Audrey had a meltdown a total and violent meltdown. You know Audrey and her temper. I’m surprised considering her love of all things technology brings. She has all the toys. Her world of 2180 whatever just went through a reset. A radical reset, for Christ sake Lincoln is the president.” She laughs, “Can you imagine Audrey parading around as Laura Ingles? She looks great wearing long calico skirts. Her world is 1865 now. According to Audrey the Progressives screwed the world up so bad it was time for a do over. But I’m not done yet. My software company, the one I named Atlantis completed its job.”

Kaitlan turns to Kent. “I will let Wayne explain it to you when he can. Atlantis did a complete purge of your son’s evil plan. The world is not ready for his scheme of power. This time he did not get away. All of his data has been purged and he is facing trial. The FBI has him nailed. So now we wait for Wayne to arrive.”

Fiona sits back quietly considering then suddenly she excuses herself. “I will be back in a few minutes.” She disappears into a swirling fog.

Wayne still looking very much like Sarah drives down the lane from Sarah’s apartment trying to recall Rachel. Sarah’s memories do not fail him as many pleasant places and times shared with Rachel come racing back. As she approaches the gate expecting to jump back to 2013 she notices the gate is open. ‘I don’t have to use Sarah’s key. Does that mean’ she smiles, ‘I think it does.’ She drives east on route eighty-six to the edge of town turning north instead of south east onto seventy-three. ‘I’m letting Sarah guide me and I remember where I’m going.’

The Corvette turns east on a county road driving up a steep hill where Jay Mountain comes into view across an extensive meadow. She turns into the long drive toward a house, a two story large Cape Cod. ‘Finally I am home.’

Her father, mother, Kristen and Kaitlan rush out of the house to greet the confused Wayne as he suddenly feels his Wayne presence begin to come back. “Welcome home Wayne.” The voice of Kristen is heard above the others. Kristen pulls him by the sleeve leading him into the bed room where Sarah sleeps.

Wayne stands there viewing his beautiful wife as tears fall. All the hugging received from those present does not help. He sits defeated on a sofa not taking his eyes of Sarah. “What do we do now?” He inquires defeated.

Kaitlan speaks advising Wayne of the plan. “Once we complete the transition Sarah will wake and you will both be whole again. Are you ready?”

Wayne hesitates he is sensing a message in his head. It is coming from Sarah. Not his file of her memories stored in his head but from the sleeping girl in the room. ‘There is something you must know.’ A series of pleas and desperate wishes flood his brain. Wayne suddenly understands what he has not been told. He knows what he must do for the woman he loves.

The half man half woman gazes at everyone in the room. “There is a lot you have not told me. Sarah opposes your solution. She tells me she will not come back under these circumstances. You must find another solution.”

Kaitlan sighs, “I’m sorry Wayne this is the best we can do. There is no alternative. Sarah is too weak to communicate. We have not been able to get through to her. It is almost too late. We must act now and I confess we did not tell you everything.”

Wayne suppresses his anger simply responding, “Then tell me now.”

The doctor and witch fills him in with the details including how the twins will not survive. She takes great pains to offer comfort suggesting they, Sarah and he will have a lifetime together. They will work through this and in the end things will get better.

Wayne still objects hesitant to fail Sarah and her dreams. “I don’t know, there is something wrong with this.” He almost jumps back when he sees a woman step out of the wall where there is no door.

Fiona has returned smiling broadly. “Wayne you are a wonder full of surprises. Kaitlan there is something I have not told you and I’m not revealing my magic now. Trust me I can fix this.”

Kaitlan and the others stare at the beautiful blond from another plane of the divide. Fiona walks over to Sarah’s bed placing her fingers on the woman’s brow. After a long minute she says to the comatose woman. “I thought so; we are going to take a trip.”

Wayne’s jaw fell to the floor when he viewed Fiona, Sarah and her bed disappear. Within seconds Fiona is back without Sarah. “Are you ready Wayne?” He nods suspiciously not completely sure but nods anyway.

Kaitlan burst almost screaming, “What are you up to Fiona and where is Sarah?”

“Don’t worry sister Sarah is fine she is in the diner with Hugo. Are you ready to go to Iowa Wayne?” She did not wait for an answer as both the witch and Wayne evaporated from sight. Those remaining simply stared.

Wayne finds himself in a room filled with computers. A man stands leaning over a console tilting his head toward Wayne. “Welcome to the mad computer operator’s office. I take it you agree with my wife’s whacky solution? You are nuts if you do, ain’t love grand?”

The man is laughing as the woman gives him a dirty stare. Fiona pops open a can of beer while pouring a cup of tea handing it to Wayne. “No alcohol while in your condition. You are sure you will do anything to protect your twins?”

Wayne cautiously responds “That is what Sarah wants. I will do anything for her.”

“Anything you say, do you know what your words imply? In other words be careful what you ask for.”

Wayne’s eyes grow wide and Hugo starts laughing. “When Fiona says be careful understand she means be careful.”

“I will lay it out for you then you decide.” Fiona says to Wayne as he nods his understanding. “As you know Sarah cannot carry your twins to term and obviously as Wayne neither can you. There is a way but not without great costs to you.”

Wayne blinks, “Whatever the costs Sarah is worth it. Tell me how much is it?”

Fiona shakes her head, “I think you are misunderstanding. I am suggesting you remain as Sarah until the babies are born. Are you willing to do that?”

The man shrinks at the thought considering how ridiculous this sounds. “How can you do that? I will do anything for Sarah so yes I will.” Wayne considers what he just said and the horror of it begins to set in as Fiona answers.

“Your body is slowly morphing into hers as we speak. I can stop that and you will remain as Wayne. Sarah will remain as Sarah. We then need to transfer your memories back to where they belong. If you agree I can also accelerate your body’s change into Sarah. You will remain pregnant and progress through the gestation process completing delivery. You may continue through the nursing period if you wish. We can through Hugo’s technology create a replica of your body Sarah can occupy. The question is how many memories do not transfer. We can’t be certain of this. Are you willing Sarah has given cautious assent?”

Wayne thinks, ‘What the hell, it is not like I have no experience with her body.’ and nods. Fiona wasted little time issuing her command. Wayne did not notice anything until he looked down to see himself as Sarah. That is when the panic set in, ‘What the hell did I do?’

Fiona smiles, “You demonstrated absolute love for another by giving of yourself totally. You are an amazing man.”

The new Sarah corrects, “No I’m an amazing woman.” Fiona giggles.

“I have another request from Sarah, she whispers in it in Wayne’s ear gaining his assent. Hugo upon seeing his wife’s nod activates the program.

Sarah now Wayne sits up dangling his feet over the edge of the gurney. “This is amazing and will take some getting used to. Come here my love.”

The new Sarah walks over to her husband who pats her belly. “I can’t believe you did this for our babies my love. It is especially so after how I tormented you these past few weeks.” Their embrace leads to a passionate kiss.

“Okay kids we still have work to do. You notice I left the memories alone because you both will need them to function in your new roles. I also fudged your degrees including the knowledge you will need. Congratulations, Doctors Huntington.”

Sarah and Wayne moved back to Sarah’s parent’s property building a small house on a lot cut from the main acreage. In just under eight months in May of 1965 Sarah gave birth to twin girls named Kaitlan and Fiona. Yes, they honored the two witches instrumental in their rescue. They sat on the back deck viewing a sunset as the girls slept. “It is almost feeding time Sarah how are you enjoying the experience?”

The new Sarah grits her teeth, “My breasts are so damn tender. I wonder how you women put up with this. At least the cramps and those horrid backaches have ended. The stretch marks have faded. Do you want to hear anymore complaints?”

Wayne, having clearly enjoyed his stand in wife’s misery kisses her tenderly. “You proved beyond all doubt your love. You did not have to do this. I would have understood.”

Sarah snuggles close to her husband. “I would have agreed eights months ago and I won’t lie with each freaking backache I cursed my decision. When I look at our beautiful girls I know I made the right decision.” She narrows her brows, “I even forgive you for getting me pregnant on purpose. You think I did not know? Now that they are ready to be fed with solid foods I can enjoy those great clothes of yours.”

Wayne laughs, “And the periods and the wet spot in the bed and,” Sarah places a finger against Wayne’s lips shushing him.

“I know so changing back will be done as soon as Fiona can find time to get back here. She said any day now. So let’s see if we can put another bun in the oven.”

Wayne blinks, “If we do that we can’t change back. Fiona said a change can’t be made if the subject is pregnant.”

“I know.”

“Are you telling me you don’t want to change back? If that will make you happy I will make the sacrifice and let you keep those legs and that dimple.”

The new Sarah kisses Wayne. “Are you sure? I’ve grown attached to this dimple. We can tempt fate let the Gods decide.”

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