My Magic PDA part 4

MY Magic PDA part 4

The Conclusion

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

The question hit me like a ton of bricks. I blink nearly spilling my tea from the clattering cup. “What?’ Is all I can manage.

Eleanor’s fingers trace Sarah’s wrist signaling her support. She again speaks softly. “I know Sarah has changed. But your change has been too great considering the whoring drug user that was my granddaughter.” Her eyes narrow as she adds, “I sense you are an A3.”

I desperately reach for a response. Something to stall while I figure out what to do. I cannot slide my chair back to run. That is not an option.

“An A3 what on Earth is an A3! I have no idea of what you are talking about.”

Grams simply smiles “you are aware we are both witches. You should also realize my skills are far more developed than yours. I will tell you child we are not alone in the universe. You were sent here for a purpose. I, don’t pretend to know why my granddaughter is so important to the order of the universe for the Boss to intercede.”

I sit back listening realizing grandmother knows. What does she know? I have no idea what to say. I remain silent while Grams speaks.

“You know my daughter your mother tried to kill herself not too long ago? In fact it was not too long before you arrived.”

I shake my head stunned at this revelation. “I did not, what happened?”

Eleanor answered “I cast a spell on her to prevent her from taking further action. Then told her quite firmly things would change for the better. I told her to keep fighting. Child my spell cannot hold if there is anymore disappointment.”

I nodded. “Grams I am not going to let her down.”

“Not on purpose I sense,” responded Eleanor. The woman goes on “I am confused about why but there is no doubt you are not the original Sarah.” Eleanor offers a hard gaze upon whoever the granddaughter sitting before her is.

Trapped fully aware I cannot sidestep the issue and this woman will see through a lame story. I consider, ‘should I trust her? She will think I’m daft.’ I, shrug ‘what the hell this zany charade is driving me crazy.’ I set down my tea but before answering I stall repeating a question she did not answer before. “First tell me what is an A3?”

Grams smiles saying, “you don’t know? They did not tell you?” I shake my head. “Then you have no idea about past lives child?” Grams is unsure ‘is the girl is being honest?’ Eleanor pretends to accept that Sarah has not been informed.

“Past lives?” I question. “I know nothing about any past life.”

Eleanor processes this information before coming to a conclusion this a bit more of an oddity. She decides to go forward with a straight answer. “An A3 is a classification noting where you stand in your process to eternal reward or eternal banishment to the Underworld. When you leave this life the committee reviews your standing then sends you back for further growth. Or,” she pauses, “forward to your final solution. Hardly ever does returning involve placement other than that of a newborn. To do otherwise, requires an important task. That can only be assigned to an A2 or 3.”

I almost laugh at her saying “sorry but I did not die.”

Now it is grandmother’s turn to blink having never heard of such a thing. Touching Sarah’s wrist she says, “tell me your story child. Please leave nothing out.”

I relate the entire story leaving out the presence of Megan. Grandmother’s eyes widen providing only a slight glimpse that she is accepting it. I sense it is less doubt and more surprise on grandmother‘s part. I have no idea which it is. I breathe a sigh of relief when she does not call 911.

Eleanor almost shouted her incredulous disbelief of how this was handled. “What idiot turned you into Sarah why not your wife?”

I shake my head confessing no knowledge over what is going on.

“What are you going to do child?” Eleanor asks with a tone of seriousness.

I state calmly “I will do everything I can to straighten out your granddaughter’s life. I intend to give her a life to return to. What she does with it, I cannot control. I want to be reunited with Megan.”

Eleanor says, “you already have improved your life granddaughter. You saved your mother’s life. Gretchen is more relaxed and happier than I have seen her in years. She tells me all the time how proud of you, she is.” She leans across the table hugging Sarah.

I widen my eyes and my voice trembles. “ I am not Sarah just a place holder.”

“I, can’t imagine the terrible conflicting feelings you have my dear. It was not fair what the idiot did to you. I hope the powers to be are making him pay for this. You have done well. Until things change, you are my granddaughter. But you did not tell me everything did you?”

I pause repeating, “everything?”

Grams smiles, “yes Megan your soul mate. She has to be here and if I am correct she is a male and the reason you are here.” “Sarah, you are in love. I see it in your eyes and knowing the story it can only be with your soul mate. You are not about to look at another.” Grandmother laughs. “How long did it take you to figure out who he was?”

I giggle, “not long.”

Eleanor poured refills to both cups and lifted a package from the counter placing it on the seat next to her. Eleanor continued “you made a few mistakes fortunately only I noticed. Remember on day one you learned to apparate? When your father removed the trellis you did not use that ability. Instead you went along with the grounding. The old Sarah would never passed up that chance.” Grandmother sits back. “Then you cast off the clothing not wearing the short skirts showing off what assets you have.” She laughs adding, “now I know why. I do have this gift for you.” She passes the package to the girl.

I hold up a navy pleated skirt and discover I can now stand. Placing it against my waist, I gush, “Perfect I love it.” I examine a white camisole top repeating my sizing of it. “This goes great with the skirt Grams. You knew enough to buy pumps with low heels.” I raise my brows whispering “I love you.” I then felt an instant vice consumed by grandmother’s bear hug.

Eleanor whispers, “you have a feminine soul. I, don’t agree with what they did but I understand why.”
Grandmother sits back “try them your soul mate will like it and you will gain some understanding. I am not encouraging you to want to remain as you are. I must say you are my granddaughter. The one I prayed to have. And Sarah,” her tone turns serious. “You will have some hard decisions to make. Take your time don’t rush.”

I return to a serious tone. “Do you think I am being set up?”

The elder woman answers taking the girl’s hand. “No dear the Boss is on your side. I doubt he had a hand in how you and your wife were switched. I suspect he is quite upset. Just remember your new parents love you deeply as I and your soul mate do. With that amount of love you cannot fail.”

I hug grandmother again, “you don’t make things easy. You don’t know how hard this is. I find myself resenting the loss of who I was. Then I curse me for feeling sorry for myself. If I said no, Megan would be suffering in constant pain. How selfish would I be then?”

“Is it so bad? To be a beautiful young woman who has already found the man who will love her forever?”

I answer, “like I said Grams you don’t make it easy.”

The elder witch kisses Sarah’s cheek, “you can count on me whatever happens. The next time I will teach you some spells. Don’t tell your mother.”

When I get home I rush upstairs to take a shower and try on the clothes grandmother gave me. I walk downstairs enjoying the feel of the material. I stop quickly in front of the full mirror smiling at my reflection. My reverie is broken by a whistle from father.

He calls “Gretchen come quick it’s a girl and a looker at that.”

Mom comes rushing out to look just as I turn to run up the stairs. “You look nice did you buy that outfit?” I shake my head, “Grams.”

The one word answer says it all. Mom smiles, “don’t disappear dinner is ready.”

Gretchen puts down her fork. “Sarah, Claire called she wanted you to go shopping with her. She said to call her back when you got home. It slipped my mind I am sorry.” Gretchen tightened expected a tirade.

I simply nodded saying, “that’s all right I will call her after dinner.”

Mother relaxed thinking ‘she really has changed.’ It was then that Dad commented. “Your team did what I thought was impossible. They were the first to come back from being down three games to one.”

I beam, “I was never worried. Just imagine the bragging rights I can gloat all year.”

Gretchen suddenly exclaims “I almost forgot my program I will have to rush to get the dishes done.”

“Don’t worry about it mom I’ll get them.”

Mom’s eyes widen, “you will?”

As the parents walk to the living room Gretchen looks to Martin, “what happened?” Martin smiles, “don’t ask just enjoy.”

The voice was quick to speak as Sarah turned on her PA to do nothing really. “Sarah, how about an update” the Voice begins.

I almost shut the machine off instead I quipped, “an update? Nothing to report things are just going along. That is what you wanted wasn’t it? Why don’t you tell me what comes next. I have this girl on track when is she coming back?”

The voice answers “the goal is completed when you graduate.”

I again balk questioning, “no one has told me how the original is doing.”

He does not answer only a dismissive comment comes from the Voice. “Don’t worry about it do your job and you get what you want.”

“What about Megan is she ok?” I press.

The voice gives his same noncommittal answer. “You talked to her a week ago and everything was fine.”

I whine it is a trait I learned well along with the innocent pout. “she told me nothing you won’t let us talk. I bet you watch us non stop following us down the halls of school, don’t you?” I was attempting to discover just how far my handler could reach. Piss him off and he slips up every so often, I have been able to get him to reveal things unintentionally before.

With a tinge of stress the Voice replies, “follow you? We communicate through this contraption and I can talk to you in dreams. But I, can’t see you.“

I present a doubtful tone challenging that. “You are telling me you can’t see me.”
The voice replies, “I cannot so stop nagging me.”

“Stop nagging you!” I scream in all caps. “You turn me into a girl and cry because I ask questions? I find that hard to believe you are that limited in your ability.”

Frustrated, the voice grows more indignant. “I cannot physically see you other than on this PDA screen when we are communicating.

“So you can see me right now.” I press. I, Can‘t see you that‘s not fair.

“Yes but, he continues. “The Boss won’t allow you to see me until” he stops.

One of those eternal moments took place revealing I hit a nerve.

The Voice begins again. “For you to see me, I have to assume a human form. Only the Boss can allow that. He will not until the assignment is complete. I can communicate with you in this matter only. And in the dream state but I am not allowed to manipulate in that manner.”

“Then we will meet face to face when we are finished in June?” I challenged.

Grudgingly the Voice answers “Yes we will set up a meeting when it is time for you to choose your new host. Both you and Megan together then you will know who he is, not until then.”

Once the communication is closed I smile, ‘got him again. I still don’t trust him.’ I go off to sleep well satisfied. Again I am visited in my dream. A deep speaking voice confirmed. “You are more than a match for the voice. I am enjoying your sparing with him.”

The school year progressed steadily with little conflict as I proved to be popular. I grew more guarded as my abilities in witchcraft honed with little effort on my part. To me it seemed to be a natural progression. As I walked down the hall to class I could actually read some of the thoughts male students transmitted. One guy actually told me by thought some pretty nasty things he wanted to do. ‘God,’ I thought, ’that son of a bitch is dangerous.’ It was things like this drew me even closer to Hal.

Everyone in school knows we are a couple. It was clear I belong to Hal. It helps Hal six foot tall and ripped. It is clear Hal is no one to antagonize. I feel safe. What troubles me is the sudden desire to wear those new gold maple leaf earrings. Mother convinced me to not only get my ears pierced but a manicure as well. ’What’s next lipstick’ I thought. This girly persona is getting out of control and Hal is loving every minute of it.

I am rarely without Hal or Claire at my side. I need not worry as I know plenty of defense spells. I can immobilize an attacker with a single thought. I do not want to be in a position to explain it if seen. “I wonder,’ that guy who wants to do me in nasty ways. Could I cast a spell giving him a period?’ Laughing I thought ‘I’ll ask grams.’

Cindy Carlton catches up with Hal as he was leaving the school track. Hal had been running while he was waiting for Sarah to get out of her class for lunch. Cindy leans close to him whispering “I hear the Ice Princess does not put out.” Before Hal can react she presses her hand against his unit saying, “he feels like he needs attention.” Hal blinks gently moving her hand “what do you charge?” Horrified Cindy attempted to slap him but Hal stepped back. He laughs. “Whatever, you are not worth it.”

I saw the interaction and watched Cindy turn to walk away. I smile kissing Hal‘s cheek.

Hal flustered, “you heard?”

Grinning I say, “of course, if you want to go for it.”

Hal lowers his eyes, “Sarah you know I would never.”

Realizing the spot the poor fellow is in I giggle. “I am only teasing. I am as curious as you are.”

Hal’s eyes widen, “really?”

“Down boy,” I fire back. “It is not time.” I demonstrated my expertly honed coy smile. “I know you want to take that out on a test drive. Cindy is such a total babe I, wouldn’t blame you.” Leaning closer I whisper in Hal’s ear. “It is me the seventy year old Bob. I know what you are going through.”

Hal looks at her thinking ‘I was a woman for seventy years I know exactly what would happen if I acted on that. The female Bob would come out with a vengeance’ Being a guy though he could not resist. “What do you mean? I will never hurt you.”

Sarah replies “I know Hal, but I see you and everyday you seem to enjoy being a guy more and more. Do you know what the voice told me?”

Hal shakes his head “no what?”

I tell him about the face to face meeting in June when we can chose our new personas. “Hal will you be ready to return to skirts?”

Hal shrugs, “will you be ready to give them up Sarah?” He kisses Sarah again. “Babe, I love you more than life itself. We will do what makes both of us happy. No, the voice tells me nothing.”

I answer him. “I was only kidding about Cindy. You want to screw her go ahead. It might help you decide if you want to be a guy or not.”

Hal says, “are you serious?”

I nod and walk toward the lunch room.

Hal walks beside her thinking ‘I was a woman for seventy years. I know what she said but I don’t buy a word of it. Do I want to die? No! Then forget that idea.’ He pats Sarah on the behind, ‘but if she makes the same offer of herself.’ Hal grins as his hand rest on Sarah’s hip. ‘She is the best looking guy I have ever seen.’

I turn to Hal and his expression is confused to say the least. He suddenly wraps his arms around me kissing me with passion. I nearly melt my hormones rising. I think ‘he is not making this easy.’

On a Saturday afternoon I am sitting on the edge of Claire’s bed with my legs tucked under me. I am wearing the outfit grandmother bought me. The black haired girl sits next to me chatting away about her boyfriend Paul. “So Sarah how is it going with you and Hal?”

I smile. “It could not be better, but we have not crossed the line.”

Claire blushes “Paul and I haven’t either though we want to.” The conversation continued along that vein for several minutes until my gaze caught glimpse of a guitar in the corner. “Is that your’s?” I ask Claire.

The girl nods as she stands to retrieve it. “I tried learning but I’m not too good at it. I can play a few riffs.” She begins to strum not sounding too bad. She was pretty good as a matter of fact. “Did you ever try the guitar Sarah?” Claire asks adding. “I am struggling but not awful” she giggles.

I dismissively shrug, “I used to play some until people started to cringe. The hard rock screamed at them and my parents threatened to confiscate it. Dad cited something about violating the noise ordinances.”

Claire laughed offering the instrument.

I declined, “your parents won’t like the noise.”

Claire pushed “do something soft, come on.”

Holding the guitar I fingered it considering saying, “I don’t really know any songs that are quiet. I never listened to John Denver you know.”

Claire laughs, “fake it.”

I begin to play a verse of one of Bob’s favorites by Sarah McLachlan. The tune of Elsewhere begins to take shape as I sing,

“Oh the quiet child awaits the day she can break free
The mold that clings like desperation
Mother can’t you see I’ve got to live my life the way I feel is right for me
Might not be right for you but it’s right for me, Oh”

I suddenly stop as Claire’s eyes are wide. “Oh, my God Sarah where did that come from it’s awesome.”

I try to make myself small realizing the mistake I made. “It’s nothing that’s all I got. I don’t even know where it came from.”

Claire looks doubtful, “really you are not jiving me are you?”

I shake my head swearing, “no it is just something that has been kicking around.” Another shrug, “you know we all do that.”

Claire nods “I do that too but Sarah, your voice, those words”

With a blush I stumble forward. “Think of it this way. In twenty years when you hear that song you will remember me.”

Claire punches her “like I’d ever forget you.”

Later that evening I told grandmother on the phone about the incident reporting how I was in a cold sweat. Grandmother agreed not knowing the singer or the song she said to me “you need to control that spontaneity.” I giggle, “I know Grams. You know how many times in the shower I catch myself singing Starship’s song Sara?”

Grandmother smiles “Who’s song?”

I laugh again. “A rock group named Starship releases the song in 1985 and it goes to the top.”

Grams says. “When you come over you sing it for me. I don’t want to wait that long. You know child as a witch I have powers but you have a curse.”

I blink, “a curse?”

Grandmother explains the heavy responsibility I bear because I can remember the future. “It is not the same as predicting. You know the certainty. You must be careful child. You have the ability to cause major disruptions.”

I frown, “thanks for the reminder.”

Thanksgiving comes and goes along with it as the season morphs into the deep cold and heavy snow of an Adirondack winter slow transformations take place with Sarah and Hal. Hal often works out. He avoided organized school sports. As Megan he rejected the jock’s persona. Hal wanted nothing to do with that scene. To be expected considering who Hal was he recoiled each time one of the guys spoke about their sexual conquest. Hal rarely spoke to them of Sarah allowing himself to only say things like how cool and together she is. Some of the guys called him pussy whipped but not to his face. He often heard references to Sarah’s clown accompanied to the tune of the old Everly Brothers hit, Cathy‘s Clown.

Hal did not have it too bad though since he was regarded as a hunk and quite popular. He did question inwardly about what he was going to do. Hal certainly enjoyed being a guy. He liked working with his father on fix up jobs and was becoming a capable carpenter. Like Sarah, he had no siblings in this family and no ability to sneak into a sister’s room to try on her clothes. In fact he came to regard womens' clothing as something designed by men. He missed what he enjoyed while being Megan. This new world gave him more independence, more strength, more options. Hal questioned with apprehension ‘how are Bob and I going to resolve this.’

With six feet of snow piled up I look out my upstairs bed room window. I have too many questions. My everyday school uniform morphed to include black tights. The feeling of silken shaved legs are exciting. The everyday glances in my direction that I notice. I can feel them measuring my form. It pleased while at the same time threatens me. I feel the building desire emanating from Hal. My own curiosity grew each day. I am well aware eventually I will give myself to Hal. The unbroken white glare from below is interrupted every few moments by snow falling from the pines. The scene is enthralling even if it is minus ten degrees out there.

I thought about grandmother’s warning that I would have tough decisions to make. ‘Could Hal and I simply switch places? Would he even want to?’ I step into a tub to enjoy a bubble bath. ‘I wonder do we simply fire up the Sims on the Voice’s computer and build our new bodies? That is if the real Hal and Sarah come back?’ I sink myself into the warm water. Enjoying the feeling to the limit, I close my eyes, ‘like they are coming back. No girl you are screwed. Well at least I could not have built a better me if I had a choice.’

Martin Ryan spoke to his wife Gretchen one week before Christmas. He was holding a letter from the school. “They want us to come in for a review of Sarah’s progress on Tuesday.”

Gretchen frowns, “is that something they normally do or is this an exception?”

Martin answers, “it was not mentioned in the prospectus other than to say parental reviews are sometimes done.”

Gretchen’s eyes narrow, “shit! It is going to hit the fan isn’t it?”

Martin warns, “who knows she has been doing quite well hasn’t she?”

Mother draws defensive, “I though so but we both know she can be devious.”

Martin hugs his wife, “don’t you believe her?”

“Of course, I do Martin. But years of disappointment, lies, drugs and what else who knows?”

Mr. Rossi greeted the parents to his office. As they entered they noticed what some of the thousands they paid to send their daughter here provided. The plush thick pile tan carpet cushioned and warmed their feet as they crossed to the supple leather wing backed chairs. The hand rubbed highly polished oaken desk gleamed back at them as light shown through the arched cut glass windows. Gretchen smoothed her skirt as she sat while Martin simply crossed his legs. Mr. Rossi sat after shaking their hands. His expression did not betray any concerns or issue any warning about what he might say.

The Head Master opened a tan file folder laying it flat on the table before him. “I must say,” he begins. “Your daughter has created quite a stir among the staff.”

Both parents gulp clasping each other’s hand awaiting the bomb shell. “We have a concern Mr. and Mrs. Ryan which needs to be cleared up. I am hoping you can help.”

Gretchen and Martin look at each other puzzled. “Problem?” Martin begins, “what problem is Sarah causing trouble? If so why weren’t we told?” His expression relates his now defensive posture.

Rossi passes a single sheet of paper across to the parents. The letter head carries the public school’s mast head and logo. It is dated August 10, 1979. Gretchen and Martin view the impossible grades as they were listed mostly A’s and B’s. The letter was signed by the principal, Mrs. Quinn. The school seal was affixed. Both parents raised their brows. They knew this could not be true. But neither said anything.

“Now we get this one dated last week.” Mr. Rossi passes another sheet to the parents. Same letter head, same stamped seal with the same signature. The highest grade was a D.

Rossi speaks again. “I called the school they deny sending the first notice. It seems your daughter was absent more days than she attended. Can you explain this?”

Martin answers, “what you are proposing is either my wife or I sneaked into the school. We then intercepted your request, forged the school records and copied the principal’s signature then affixed the school seal. Can you even remotely explain how that is plausible?”

Surprised Rossi answers, “no I cannot and I am not accusing you of anything.”

Martin points to the attached envelopes. “Do you see both of these reports were made from the school. It looks like they made the mistake.”

Gretchen interrupts, “we never made any claims. We signed the releases. You requested the records and you accepted her. I admit we were surprised you accepted her. To suggest we did anything illegal in order to provide cover for an incompetent school is an affront.”

Rossi sits back reducing his posture to enable a calming answers “I did not mean to imply. I was only asking if you had any idea how this happened.”

Martin, in a cold voice responds, “we answered that question. You tell us how is Sarah doing in her classes and what is her behavior like? We have not fielded a single complaint.”

Rossi reaches for another file already knowing the answer. Straight A’s she is challenging for valedictorian and rumor has it, prom queen.”

Both parents blink, “what!” They say in unison.

Mr. Rossi smiles. “Whatever happened be it a sudden turnaround from rebel or a mistake by the old school Sarah is a credit to this school and her parents.” All three stand handshakes around. “Thank you for coming in,” Rossi finishes.

Gretchen and Martin walk outside stunned. Martin looks to Gretchen. “I did not expect that.”

After dinner that evening Sarah was talking on the phone with her friend Claire while her parents drank coffee in the kitchen.

Martin spoke first, “hon are you surprised by the school report?”

She exhales slowly, “shocked is more like it. We thought she was doing better, making an effort. But this I can’t explain.”

Martin smiles, “I think I can. It is because of you.”

Gretchen leans forward reaching for her husband’s hand. “How can you say that?” Her eyes fully tearing as he answers.

“Remember the night in the park when you found her buzzed, high on drugs? How you dragged her out with two guys threatening you and the kid screaming calling you every name in the book. And the time you dragged her out of a bar so drunk she could not stand. You actually struck a guy with that backpack you call a purse. He threatened you and you slugged him with that thing.”

“Then there was the time last summer when you drove one hundred fifty miles to overtake and drag her off a bus. She was running away with some hippies. How about the time you brought her to the hospital when you found her unconscious beside the road?”

Gretchen blinks remaining silent the tears over coming her. “Perhaps,”

Martin finishes “all of this had an effect.”

Gretchen shook her head, “I, don’t know. It was not me alone you know you were right beside me.”

Martin hugs her, “valedictorian, prom queen? Who would have thunk it?”
Gretchen adds, “we won’t even let her date.”

“Got that straight and I’m not changing my mind now.” Martin contributes before Gretchen stills him with a finger pressed to his lips. “Martin you can’t say no to the Senior Prom after what she has accomplished. You know that boyfriend of hers is quite a guy.”

Martin blinks, “boy friend? She is not allowed to date.”

Gretchen laughs, “have you looked at your daughter? Count yourself lucky there are not a hundred guys coming around. Besides we said no dating. We never mentioned boy friend. You know Hal Cowles don’t you?” “The guy from the outing club. He saved her life you know.”

Before Martin can comment Gretchen goes on, “besides Hal reminds me of you. Sarah cannot go wrong if he is like you.”

Martin presses, “saving her life? You forgot to mention this little matter!”

Gretchen answers, “I will let Sarah tell you. She tells that story quite graphically.

I hung up the phone after finishing my discussion with Claire. I heard her mother’s comment but did not wish to discuss it. I escaped quite nicely with the school report and did not want to push it. I turned walking up the stairs to my room. I Mumbled to myself complaining the initial Sarah did not record any of her dalliances in her journal. I questioned if the girl was too zoned out to remember any of it or if it was a desire to not leave evidence behind. I slipped into the bubble bath to soak thinking, ‘what an effed up broad.’ As I relaxed having avoided the Voice, ‘no I did not want to talk to him.’ I returned to my original thoughts. Looking down at those budding breasts noting how small they were. ‘I think it is a trait of athletic girls perhaps that’s why I climb mountains and run as often as I can.’ My fingers brush against the mounds raising a sense of warmth. I smiled imaging what experience may come from finally letting Hal try that.

The incident about Hal saving my life may have been a bit melodramatic containing more romanticism than anything else. I was climbing a slide on one of the mountains. We were forced to traverse along a crack about half the width of my foot. Hal led the way until we reached a corner with nowhere to go but up. Hal reached for a tree trunk about six or seven inches in diameter. I followed scared shitless but could not reach the tree. I am now four inches shorter than Hal. I cussed about my losing inches from my old self. My foot slipped and I started to fall. There was nothing but two thousand feet of air below.

Without turning around Hal reached back, grabbed yelling “hold on”. He pulled me up. Once on top of the ridge Hal hugged me tightly with all he had. His passionate kiss set me on fire. He suddenly stopped now that we were safely on top of the ridge. He began rubbing his arm as it was bright red from my grip.

“I told you to hold tight” he said. “I did not mean with your teeth.”

I laughed saying, “with my arms, my legs and my teeth. I will hold onto you.”

There were several incidents where we discovered each could anticipate what the other was thinking. We knew what the other needed at any given moment without speaking.

After describing this story to dad, during the ride to school the next morning I said. “Dad I do love him and I know how he feels about me.” Dad took it in stride saying “I have to meet this Adonis.”

Mrs. Ryan cautiously explores the issue of birth control with Sarah. Knowing full well an excusatory explosion could erupt. Gretchen had thought before speaking but plowed ahead thinking ’I am her parent, not her friend. Screw risking offending her.’

I found it humorous to see mom struggle with this. “No mom there is no need for that Hal and I respect each other.”

Gretchen exhaled slowly as she drops her daughter at school. ’Who is that girl? I love her.’ She, shrugs then drives home.

“Her name is Sarek” Dar’Fur the six and a half foot tall Vulcan says resolutely as he presents his report to the committee. The supervisor listens carefully while the Voice sits distracted at the end of the table. They were referring to the initial Sarah sent off because the committee could not control her. Dar’Fur reports the girl was resistant until he completed a mind meld. “

She harbored considerable anger which I was able to release. She is hosted by a Vulcan teenage female body and with some difficulty she is accepting of her new culture. We have completed the Affianced ceremony.”

The Supervisor questions “Affianced?”

Dar’Fur answers “that is the process of promising her in marriage. She will be united with an Elder’s son.” Dar’Fur laughs, “she is very distressed because her first pon farr is seven years off.”

The Supervisor’s brows raise. “You mean she won’t have sex for seven years?”

The vulcan nods. “It had to be done to reduce her human promiscuity.“ Dar’Fur levels a scolding glance to those sitting at the table. “I discussed this with the Boss before applying our methods. You cannot expect the girl to inhabit a Vulcan body and not be treated as a Vulcan. Nor can you expect the Vulcan body cycles not to occur.”

The voice, asks,” what you are saying is she will not be available to rejoin her old body.”

Dar’Fur nods, “that is correct unless you determine to undo what we gained. She is a Vulcan.”

The voice frowns, “whatever will I tell Sarah our agent?”

The Supervisor answers, “for now you remain silent.”

Dar’Fur stands, “we are done.” As the Vulcan exits the Boss enters the room.

“Voice,” he says with deep resonance “do not worry about Sarah or Hal for that matter. They will be given the bodies of their choice as promised. It is for the best we do not upset the girl at this critical juncture.”

The Voice nods happy to be relieved of the task of breaking the news. Conflict is not something he is good at. “What should we tell the original Hal?” The Voice asked the Boss nervously.

The Boss says “as we lost the original Sarah, I rewrote the fates. He is now in North Carolina with his new soul mate.”

The voice blinks not wanting to challenge the Boss. “Don’t mention this to Hal either?”

The Boss answered, “correct as both the original hosts failed.”

The Supervisor with a concerned expression says, “Boss you don’t want them to know because you believe they care about the originals because they are living their lives trying to repair the damage. The knowledge before finishing their assignments may cause them to give up in despair.”

“Something like that”. the Boss answers. The meeting was declared over and each began to file out.

The Voice remained seated alone in the room. He glanced from one corner to the other as beads of sweat built upon his brow.

The Boss returned, “Voice what are you doing sitting there?” “

Can we talk?” Came a sheepish reply.

The cheerleaders chilled to the bone were nevertheless jumping up and down yelling at the top of their voices. Perhaps part of it was because it warmed them on the cold April afternoon. Perhaps it was because Sarah was well ahead as she turned the final corner in the quarter mile race. The girl cut quite a figure in her brief blue shorts and White tee emblazoned with the Pine view logo. Ryan was lettered on the back with the number 21. She insisted on number 21 after her hero the Great Roberto Clemente. She wore a gold head band with her short honey blond hair billowing from underneath. As she crossed the finish line she bent over grabbing her thighs. The team surrounded her and Hal stood there beaming. She had just won the North Country girls track meet in the quarter mile. If her team mates win the relay, the school wins the section title.

I am so nervous I pace back and forth waiting for the next race. After I gulped for air to steady my breathing, I finally relax. I am happy not to be running in the next race. I won two races this afternoon having won the 100 meter dash as well. I happened to see Trish standing with the cheerleaders. She was waving at me. Trish called, “Sarah over here.”

I walked over “you were great,”

Trish exclaimed, “Congratulations.” Trish points to the scoreboard “you broke the state quarter mile record. We never won the championship before.”

I hug Trish happily nodding, “one more race to go and those Raiders are murder.” I point to the red uniformed team. “They win all the time don’t they?”

Trish now joined by the other cheerleaders who began to chime in. “They never had to go against you.”

I blush with pride mostly because I have been accepted.

Karen the captain of the hot girls club said. “The first time I laid eyes on you. I hated you.”

Her declaration catches me off guard and I widen my eyes, “why I didn’t even know you?”

Karen smiles, “because I figured you could have any guy you wanted. You would cut into my turf. Then you defended us when you did not have to. Now you are state champion and you don’t act too good to talk to us.”

Giggling, I look at Karen offering my hand saying. “Karen like I said I know how hard you guys work. I doubt I’d be able to keep up,” Now I am grinning. “Besides life is tough enough no need to make enemies when you don’t have to.”

Karen smiles back. “Where did you find that hunk? Hal is his name isn’t it?”

Trish answers, “remember that guy who sat with the geeks and you called him a loser?”

Karen blinks, pointing toward the approaching Hal, “that was him?” She flushes, “Oh my God.”

I turn almost leaping into Hal’s arms kissing him. While in the classic movie pose with one leg in the air sticking out behind I turn my upper body smiling toward Karen, “I did notice and he is a keeper.”

In a matter of minutes the school’s relay team came across the finish line first.

Gretchen and Martin had finally managed to work their way through the crowd they did not see the kiss. Sarah and Hal approached as did Mr. and Mrs. Cowles. Hal introduced his parents to Sarah’s while the adults exchanged greetings the pair stood quietly.

Mrs. Cowles turned to Sarah “so you are the girl who captured my son.”

I raise a mused expression as my eyes betray my joy.

That was an amazing run just before the final event.” Mrs. Cowles stated before turning to my parents. “You should be proud.”

Mom beamed with satisfaction this being one of the few times in the past several years she received compliments from anyone about me. The small talk continued for a short time before the families parted for their separate homes. But not before a few quiet “I love you” whispers passed between Hal and I.

For Hal’s part he was never into sports as Megan. With this forced assignment he did as requested, keep a low profile. As Megan, she went along with Bob in his rooting for various teams pretending to be interested.
In this life with her old personality she was not going to change just to please some voice on a PDA. She was Hal the love of her life remains that same person, her soul mate, even if he looks like a heart breaker.
To say Megan as Hal was confused would be an understatement. Just one glance into the mirror told the story. ‘I am six foot tall with muscles where I never had before. My old self would be panting to get closer to the new me’ She felt the rise of that troublesome unit when it saluted each time Sarah made an appearance. ‘It must be the hormones because the sight of a naked guy in the gym shower does nothing for me. When I see a girl everything is different.’ Hal takes a deep breath as he slides his fingers along the offending organ, while thinking of Sarah. He stops considering ‘I really am a guy.’ He grins at that thought ‘it’s not that bad there are certain advantages.’ Hal fires up his PDA to talk with the Voice but he gets no response. There are a million questions he needs to ask but ‘they will have to wait’ he thinks.

At that moment the Voice is sitting at the table looking doubtfully at the Boss after presenting the question he now regrets.

The Boss offers a stern gaze. “What is it you wish to discuss?”

“The assignment,” returns a nervous Voice.

The Boss rubs his chin thoughtfully, “what about the assignment?”

Gathering his courage the Voice in a small tenor, almost a squeak speaks his mind. “Now that the mission has fallen apart I request reassignment.”

The Boss raises his brows presenting a curious gaze. “What makes you think it has failed?”

The Voice blinks being uncomfortable speaking to his master in this way. “Sir the initial Sarah, we intended to restore because of the assigned fates is forever lost to her family. She will not return from Vulcan. You verified that by rewriting the fates.”

He draws a deep breath continuing. “The original Hal who died was downloaded into a new host and united with his soul mate. You admitted yourself Sarah was misidentified as his soul mate.”

The Boss begins to show agitation but the Voice continues.

“Instead of the original Hal and Sarah’s line of descendents producing some world saving event you changed it to Hal and another female. What are we doing? The faithful pair you sent to pave the way, are completing their task for no purpose. It no longer matters if they succeed or not.”

The Boss studies his underling for a considerable amount of time before responding. “You have summed up the situation accurately. Except you are missing several possibilities which I will not outline at this time. You owe it to the new Hal and Sarah to make sure they complete their task. Then you will present the choices to them and you will bring them here to choose their new bodies.”

The Voice blinks, lowering his gaze in submission.

The Boss adds as the Voice stands to leave. “At this very moment Hal is trying to contact you. I suggest you attend to it.”

A sort while later, the Voice was doing crisis control attempting to mollify the boy. There were many questions posed by Hal. The most concerning question required confirmation they will be united together in a similar fashion that existed before this intervention. There were no real answers beyond affirmation that required faith.

Hal exited the conversation with no more certainty than he had when he began. He sat in the den looking at an open school book without seeing the pages. He thought about the gender dysphoria he experienced. Hal relished in his ability to simply crawl out of bed, shower and run a comb through his hair to get ready. He loved not having girls measuring him as the competition but as an object to be desired. Guys are different. True they are competitive but not utilizing the catty rituals Megan had struggled with. He also reveled in the basic benefit of not having a monthly visitor.

Then there was the girls they noticed them and he noticed them. ‘I love Bob with all my heart but can I go back to being Megan? I long to make love to Sarah. Do I long to protect Sarah and provide for her as she did me for fifty years? What about Sarah what does she want?’ Shaking his head Hal tried to study but nothing was resonating from those pages.

Late in the spring, I was eating lunch alone when Claire arrived late in an excited mood.

The girl sat down hurriedly, “Sar,” she, eeps. “I just spoke with the Head Master. He called me in to give me the news.”

I tilt my head noting the excitement “news what news?”

Claire smiles, “I am in the top two for a full scholarship at Hillsdale College. Have you ever heard about that school?”

I beam excitedly, “yes they are in the Midwest somewhere, very expensive, very exclusive. Tell me what is that about?”

Claire tells me “It seems every year that college gives a free ride to the top student at this school. I, can’t go to college without a deal like that. My parents could not afford it.”

I finger my hair twisting a knot around my index finger. I say nothing letting Claire talk.

She continues “I never told anybody but I need a scholarship to go here. My parents could never afford this place. All of these kids here are rich. Haven’t you noticed there are only two or three that live in this area?”

Nodding I admit, “I never thought about it.”

Claire in a quiet voice, “you did not have to.”

That conversation bothered me all afternoon I silently prayed Claire would win. ‘I could ask the Voice He does owe me’ I thought. As I entered study hall a teacher sends me to the Dean’s office. Where I learned, I was the other student. “Mr. Rossi,” I begin, “what if I, don’t want it?”

Rossi’s eyes nearly explode, “don’t want it? Are you serious? Your parents would get very upset and we would have to include the third best student for consideration. Furthermore, you may not be allowed to withdraw.”

My eyes narrow as Rossi speaks further. “Ms Ryan you are our top student and the award always goes to the top student. Rarely does the panel select the salutatorian. It can happen but unless you egg the cars of the panel you will likely win.”

I leave the office completely depressed planning ways to burn down the gym.

I told Hal about it and he became excited then hesitated. “This certainly screws things up what are you going to do?”

I laugh “I could always get caught slashing tires.”

Hal grabs my shoulders shaking “you will do no such thing.”

I smile “of course not. I will drive the Voice over the edge with this problem. Let him earn his pay, he does get paid doesn’t he?”

Now it is Hal’s turn to laugh. “What about your grandmother you keep telling me how she seems to know everything?”

I nod absently “this may even be beyond her.”

Hal kisses me stroking my hair again driving me to the edge. “Take me now,” I wanted to scream. I end the conversation as mother’s car pulls up in front of the school. “Gotta go,” using my best chirpy voice. Hal waves.

The first thing I do is fire up my PDA. “Voice, Sarah to Voice, we have a problem.”

The distracted Voice answers cautiously with a bit of sarcasm. “Now what there is always a petty problem with you.”

My resolute voice gets to the heart of the matter. “Who won the college scholarship when Sarah was not there?”

The Voice balks scratching his head wondering what this is all about. “I have no idea and I, can’t bother the Boss with this because of the trouble I already caused.”

I scream, “trouble you don’t know meaning of the word yet.”

I remembered Grams' comments when she heard of the gender switch. Then considered all of the angst it presented to she and Hal when the light bulb went off. “It was you who switched Hal and my gender without orders. Is that it?”

Startled the Voice withdraws into a timid tenor. “How did you know?”

“Never mind that just get me an answer NOW!” I demanded. “I will hold on.”

In what seemed like an eternity the Voice returned, “it was a girl named, Claire Wilson.”

I explained the situation finishing with, “unless you want to screw up the Fates as you call them. Claire must win that scholarship We both know Sarah would not have won it and will not likely be here after graduation. There must be a plan for Claire and winning that scholarship is part of that plan.”

The Voice hesitates, “how do you propose we do that?”

Reaching the boiling point I explode on him. “Are you trying to tell me that you can take two senior citizens download them into teenage bodies. Then move the initial occupants to places unknown, but can’t commit simple voter fraud? Come on Voice unless you want me to bring a Cherry bomb to school or something more radical. You will figure it out. You don’t want this whole scheme of your to blow up in your face just when you are reaching success.”

The Voice agrees, “it will be done. The Boss does not like tinkering but I am sure he will overlook this slight indiscretion.”

In my best sex kitten voice I purr, “Mr. Voice?”

“Now what” the voice braces himself.

“While you are fudging the polls, make sure I am not the Prom Queen. Give that to whoever would have won it.”

The Voice laughs, “you don’t want to be the school beauty? You don’t want to be the envy of all the girls?”

Shimmering blue pools sparkle. “I am already the best looking girl in school. I, don’t need affirmation and I’m not entitled. You asked me to get Sarah though the school year. To keep her safe and to establish a firm footing for her life going forward. I did that, perhaps better than I should have. I, don’t know, but in my entire life, or Bob’s seventy years I never did anything with less than my best effort.”

For perhaps the first time the Voice understood, “yes you are right. Trish will be the Prom Queen.
What’s going to piss you off though, Hal actually did win the title Prom King.” The Voice laughs thinking, ‘take that.’

I go into near melt down upon hearing that news. Thinking of Hal dancing the opening dance, as a solo with the beauty Trish boils me. I then laugh thinking ‘at least it isn’t Cindy. No way, am I spilling the beans to Hal.’

Graduation and the Prom were the over riding center of attention through the last month of school. Claire confessed her concern to me once Paul asked her to the prom. “I can’t wait but I have no idea what to do.” Claire said in a soft voice.

“What do you mean?” I asked her concerned thinking something was horribly wrong.

“Sarah, I can’t afford a prom dress like the bitches will be wearing. It will be something frumpy out the Sears catalogue.”

I nod feeling compassion for Claire. “Did you hear about the promotion at the Deb Store?”

Claire shakes her head.

“They are looking for girls to model prom dresses. They get to keep the dress they model for half price. It is this Saturday so get over there after school to apply.”

Claire agrees to try saying, “but they won’t want me.”

My boney index finger pokes evilly. “Girlfriend you are one of the prettiest girls in this school. Cut the crap.”

What I left out was the casting a spell part. It guaranteed Claire’s acceptance and the exact dress the girl wanted. Grams gave me high holy hell because of that damn ripple. ‘What problem is a lousy dress when compared to the problem of the old Sarah?’

Claire had pressed me about my Prom date. I answered in the same way I always did. My parents will not let me date. “I am not going to the prom.”

Claire thought it odd that I took this most important event with such disinterest. Of course to me or should I say Bob. He is the driver of this organism. To him, he could not care less. To accept that easy answer or excuse would be to discount the raging turmoil I was under. Bob is not here any more and I meaning Sarah has just got to go. I don’t want to be a girl. I do not want all the trappings women suffer. I am Bob. So why in hell am I crying my ass off? Why in hell do I have a sudden urge to be held tightly in Hal’s arms?

A week before the big event Hal found himself knocking on the Ryan’s’ front door. Gretchen answered “Hal Sarah is not here.”

“I know” the young man answers. “She told me yesterday on the mountain she would be at her grandmother’s house. I came to see you and your husband.”

Mrs. Ryan widened her eyes, turned to the inside calling, “Martin we have a visitor.”

She motions Hal inside curious to learn what this is all about. She shepherds him to the kitchen table.

Hal decided to get straight to the point as he is suddenly uncomfortable under the parental glare. “You must know how I feel about Sarah.” He begins his certainty starting to fade. Both parent’s brows rise measuring the lad. Hal presses forward. “I want your permission to ask Sarah to the prom. I know you don’t allow her to date. But,” he turns his pleading eyes toward Gretchen. “You, of all people must know how important this is to a graduating Senior girl.”

Martin is taken back by the courage of this young man. He begins to speak but his wife’s hand steadies him. Instead it is Gretchen who answers.

“Hal you go ahead and ask her. I, don’t doubt what her answer will be.”

Martin then took the opportunity to establish his fatherly rules and to strike fear into the heart of any would be gigolo.

Hal breathed a sigh of relief. He said all the proper “I wills, and sirs and madams.” He turned to leave the table when Sarah bounded in. She was wearing her blue letterman’s jacket with the blue letter B. A short cotton skirt and black hose. Hal smiled taken back she was dressed like a girl.

“Hal,” I exclaim what are you doing here?”

Daddy says “Sarah, sit down the lad has something to ask you. Gretchen we have something to do.”

I sit smoothing my skirt satisfied I have become proficient in that act. Yes, I was wearing a skirt. It seems to be happing more frequently. Hal might have something to do with that. I am not going to tell him. I gazed at Hal in wonderment.

Hal blushing says, “Uh your parents said I could ask you to the prom. If you really, want to go with me.”

For some reason I leap into his arms kissing him answering with a resounding, “YES!”

Hal blinks as suddenly I turn hearing mom. Without skipping a beat I plead. “Mom we have to go to the Deb Shop, they are open until nine.”

The night of the prom Sarah stands with Claire as they watch the King and Queen dance a slow dance to some mega ballad.

“Doesn’t that piss you off having to stand here watching Hal dance with Trish?” Claire says with a sharp tone.

I giggle victoriously “I am watching and when his hands rest on her ass then I’ll be pissed.”

Claire breaks out laughing and I am caught up with the levity. I never noticed where Hal’s hands were. It did not matter in the least as we danced the night away. The last dance Seger’s We’ve Got Tonight found his hands on my rear which was perfectly fine with me.

Graduation went smoothly and yes Sarah was the valedictorian and to the surprise of all who attended Claire Wilson received the full scholarship. There was murmuring in the crowd questioning the oddity but there was no challenge.

I expected this result but mom and dad were rather upset. Hal knew all about how I engineered this. He supported me all the way.

“Claire deserved it and I don’t need it.”

Gretchen said “but you applied to the same school and were accepted why aren’t you upset?”

I held my ground “Claire is my best friend she could not go without the scholarship. I can.”

Gretchen turned to Martin when out of earshot saying, “is this really our daughter?”

Martin answered, “not the one we fought with but the one we prayed for.”

A few days later it was time to make a decision. Hal and Sarah walked hand in hand slowly into the park. They had talked about nothing other than this decision endlessly since graduation.

“I am scarred“ I said as Hal tightened his grip on my hand.

There was woman sitting on a bench. The most beautiful woman either of them had ever seen. She was wearing a blue power skirt suit and there was a glow about her. The couple could feel the serenity. The woman motioned them to her. She asked them to sit beside her.

Hal spoke first, “Voice?”

The woman shook her head. “No Voice is not coming he has been reassigned. You did not expect the creator of the universe to be a woman did you? I present as male in meetings with those who do my work. It is something they expect but this is my natural appearance.” Hal smiled as both sat.

The Boss hands us each a folder. “Here are all the possible host bodies. Take your time making your selection. As I promised you will be rewarded for your tremendous work.”

I thumb through the book seeing many possibilities that would satisfy Bob. Hal as well found everything to fulfill all of Megan’s dreams. Then I spoke, “before I choose I have some questions.”

“I knew you would.” Said the Boss. “Ask your questions I will do my best to answer.”

“What happened to the original Hal and Sarah, when will they be returned to these bodies?”

The boss raises a brow before speaking softly. “You did what was asked of you. You provided a stable base for the return of the hosts. But Sarah, your host could not be salvaged.” She turned to Hal. “Because of original Sarah’s grand failure, Hal had to be placed in another form. He too has moved on.”

My eyes widen “what does that exactly mean?”

The Boss responds “You and Megan. I will use your real names now. You are now A3’s. You know what an A3 is thanks to Sarah’s grandmother. You explain it to Megan, Bob.”

I nod noting the confusion on Hal’s face. “You did not answer my question. What happens to Hal and Sarah?”

The boss takes a deep breath. “When you select your new body,” The Boss pauses, “I will sweeten the pot. In addition to the option of a new body you can choose to go straight to Heaven. You can avoid another life here.”

Hal’s eyes widen, “Heaven?” I duplicate Hal’s amazement.

The Boss finishes, “after you make you choice there will be an accident putting an end to your present forms. After all, resolutions have been established for the initial owners of these hosts. They are no longer needed. What is your answer my children?”

I consider for a minute regarding Hal. “May I speak with Hal for a moment?” The boss agrees and I lead Hal to a quiet corner. A few moments later we meet with the Boss.

I begin in my softest voice. I am talking to God after all, soft seemed appropriate.

“The last fifty years of this adventure created a special bond between Hal and I. We discussed this so he knows what I am going to say. Do you realize the living hell my mother went though?”

She clarifies it is Sarah’s mother to whom she refers. “She waged a never ending fight to rescue her daughter from the girl’s reckless actions. She placed herself in peril more than once. I, don’t know how the Creator of the universe regards my mother but to me she is a saint.”

With tears in my eyes I continue. “I cannot reward my mother’s work and unconditional love by deserting her with such pain as she will endure. Boss I must reject your offers and remain who I am.”

I turn to Hal holding out my hand, “thank you for understanding.”

Hal blinks, “you are not letting me down. As usual you are making me very proud. What makes you think I will leave you now?” He leans over kissing me.

The Boss smiles watching this exchange. “It makes my life easier. I, don’t have to come up with new identities and the Committee won’t be barking at me.”

Hal asks “what about the Voice why isn’t he here?”

The Boss shrugs, “I suppose it won’t do any harm to tell you. He finally confessed to me the reason why he changed your sex.” Both Hal and I listen intently.

“You see the Voice wanted to know what would happen if he did that. Sarah was his experiment. It was his desire to be female but retain his present memories. He wanted to know if a fully non homosexual male could survive in a female body.” The Boss shrugs “there is too much of that going around these days. It gets worse when they invent the internet.”

Both Hal and I laugh saying in unison. “The Voice is back on Earth as a girl.”

The Boss nods then issues a warning. “I agree you can stay as you are, however, as this is your last life on Earth you will pass into Heaven as you are. NO changes. I determine that forevermore you are as you are now.” The Boss waves her hands nothing seems to happen. “Look at your finger Sarah Cowles.”

“Cowles” I question then glance down to see both an engagement ring and gold wedding band. Hal is wearing a matching wedding band.

The Boss says, “you are now man an wife under my authority. Until you, go through a wedding ceremony wear the bands around your neck. One more thing the wedding better take place in a church.”

Hal and I both smile. I ask a final question. Can we reach you with the PDA?” The Boss answers, “those contraptions are gone. You talk to me whenever you want. I will listen.” Suddenly the woman was gone.

I turned to walk with Hal. “Any regrets. Are you pissed at me for sticking you with that from Megan?”

Hal squeezes Sarah’s hand laughing. “I was going to make the same offer.” He laughed again.

I crook my brows ”what.”

Hal kisses my cheek, “now you get to keep your promise.”

“What promise I quip” with a gleam in my eye.

Hal whispers as his hand slides to my hip. “The one about having the kids sometime after I figure out how this thing I’m stuck with works.”

I blink thinking ‘we just talked to God how awesome is that?” I smile evilly remembering I completely forgot to tell Hal about the witch part.’

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