My Magic PDA part 3

MY Magic PDA part 3

Bob and Megan, a married couple in their final years retired for the night. Just before drifting off to sleep Bob made an off hand comment to which Megan agreed with a slight twist. They did not know something was listening and granted their wish. How will this challenge work out when they hardly know the rules of the game?

Sept 20, 2011
Newly edited through the unforgiving seventh grade English teacher. There are a few minor changes but nothing to alter the story. You will notice a change from first person narrative to third person in some scenes. This is intentional. The primary focus is from Bob/Sarah's point of view. I shifted to third person when Bob/Sarah was not involved in the scene and for areas where scene setting is involved. With that in mind it should lessen any confusion. I trust this helps convince you there is a method for the writers madness and it is not a lack of skill. This decision may be a failure but I did it on purpose.

Rights reserved by the author with permission to host granted exclusively to Big Closet.

One week before Labor Day two days prior to Bob waking as Sarah a similar event was unfolding not too far away. Hal Cowles lay in a coma in the regional community hospital hooked up to life support machines. Mr. and Mrs. Cowles sat in the living room of their Victorian home a mile outside of town discussing the decision they are wishing they did not have to make. The doctors had advised there was nothing more that could be done. The chemicals inhaled had done severe damage and there appeared to be no brain activity. There had been an accident with a chemical truck that caused a spill on interstate 87. Hal was driving home when his car became bathed by the spraying chemicals from an overturned truck. He simply drove around it barely noticing the emergency vehicles present. By the time he reached his exit he had grown dizzy pulled to the side of the road and passed out. Mrs. Cowles in a tearful voice pleaded with her husband to give it more time. He, being a realist had determined that tomorrow they pull the plug letting him go. The plea that Hal had only been asleep for two days did not seem to sway. If one were to accept the medical data and the flat line on the monitor, one would be accepting the literal truth.

There was a steady red line at the bottom of the monitor providing a morbid signal that did not bode well. Dr. Seaman half closed her eyes recognizing the stark realty closed the door and walked to the Doctor’s lounge. She spoke in hushed tones to Dr. Randle who agreed to the only real choice remaining to them.

“Did you speak with the Parents Rene?” Asked Dr. Randle.

“Yes, they agreed to terminate life support in the morning. They should be here around ten. The puzzling issue is there are no outward signs of trauma. No physical damage to the exterior and the test show the chemical cocktail went right to the brain.”

Dr. Seaman’s measured response had illustrated her frustration, as she spoke with her colleague. She continued by saying “what is odd is the levels of the most recent blood test reveal almost no trace.” She pauses, “as if they were never there.”

Dr. Randle nodded considering, “and the response by CDC was even stranger. They sent some military type who at once wanted all our test results. We still have no answers.”

Dr. Seaman agrees. “It is good they did not ask if I made back ups to the files. I’d hate to have to lie to them,” she giggled. "It sounds to me like this is some kind of weapon. Well, I am going home to catch some zzz’s”.

Randle agreed. “The staff will alert us if anything changes. I hate this part of the job. I will leave instructions for another blood test on my way out. I am curious and expect the levels to drop even more.”

In the private room the silence was broken by a frequent steady low beeping as the line never wavering traced along the bottom of the monitor. A nurse entered not worrying about being quiet, after all it is not like she is going to wake the patient. She draws a vile of blood not noticing a slight rise in the monitor line. To be fair to the nurse after all it is barely perceptible. She is focused solely on her two days off after completing this task. There was no brain activity in Hal’s body as the Voice quietly downloaded the essence of Megan into the host. He knew that awareness was but moments away and could not use the PDA to communicate with Megan. He had no need to use electronic devices in this state he could speak with her directly.

Megan stirred slowly as her dream recalled the wise ass quip to Bob just before drifting off to sleep. “Yes if that is what it takes.” Bob had said. She smiled thinking of Bob in a maternity dress groaning about various aches and pains. She chuckled in her dream recalling how much she loved the man. The one who shared the last fifty years with her. She thought ‘he really does love me.’ The darkness of her dream suddenly lightened and she saw a meadow with a quiet stream, a picnic basket and a young girl, a late teen perhaps. The girl spoke lovingly as she held out her hand showing an engagement ring. “Yes Hal, I will marry you.” Then a voice entered her head whispering “Megan, Megan.” She answers cautiously, “yes?”

“The Boss heard your conversation with Bob and decided to grant you a gift.” The voice says to her.

Megan more alert, “a gift, what gift?”

The voice carefully says “a new life for you and Bob where you can begin anew. One filled with love and happiness but you must do something first.” Megan doubtful with a bit of suspicion listened ever more convinced this was a dream. But unlike other restless nights she did not feel any pain, not even the slightest discomfort. The voice went on to explain Megan was downloaded into the body of seventeen year old Hal Cowles. He told her the same story he will relate to Bob two days from now. Once they complete their tasks they will be downloaded into new youthful bodies of their choice and be together. He stressed they will not be allowed to reveal to each other who they are. They will be allowed once a month contact using the PDA she will find under her pillow when she arrives home.

Megan lay there absorbing this information as the soft voice reveals this tale to her. She is doubtful as she questions. "You say Bob is a girl and that I am this Hal fellow, a guy! What is the purpose of that what have I got to do and is this a joke?” She takes a deep breath expecting to wake up any moment. ‘Wait until I tell Bob about this dream. We will both have a laugh over it.’ she thinks.

The voice tells her that she has to do almost nothing other than take Hal’s place and wait until her husband completes his task. “It could take to the end of the school year” the voice instructs her. He also warns that she must keep Hal on the straight and narrow.

Megan, not convinced questions, “why not just leave me where I am if all I have to do is wait?”

The Voice tells her, “with Bob vacating his body he will have died in your time. You would be very distraught being home by yourself in even greater pain. In this way you get to share the adventure.”

Still unconvinced Megan listens. “You are soul mates, you and Bob. Soul mates find each other. You will be reunited” the Voice assures her. “Rest, we will speak later.”

Megan drifts off to sleep leaving the meadow, leaving the dream. She is silent resting comfortably in her darkness.

The voice like all low level bureaucrats hated those days he was required to file in person reports in the Supervisor’s office. The voice is of course a code name issued by the committee because as with all bureaucratic organizations they cringe at all forms of individualism. The voice’s name was actually Brent.
He earned his way into the higher plane of existence achieved by those who finally got a life correct. For many they are required to go back and do it over again or as with some who are defective banished to the underworld. Brent had his foot in the door of this higher plain. But still had to work his way into the land of milk and honey. Here he was explaining to his boss progress and actions he had taken in case number G48567. The Voice was in charge of special projects that the Boss believed were vital to the world below. The voice knew from experience these meetings could get quite hostile.

The supervisor speaks first. “How do you see case number G48567 advancing, are we achieving our goals?” The voice leans forward to answer as his supervisor shuffles papers from a manila folder. “Sir,” he began, “Sarah is advancing making good progress but her player, may I use the term player, is rather resistant to suggestion.” The supervisor pushes a form sheet forward, “as I understand it you downloaded Robert Owens and his wife Megan Owens into the hosts for the specific purpose of advancing the project. Why did you make the choice you made?” The Voice blinks at the question thinking it was rather easy. “Well sir as you are aware both Mr. and Mrs. Owens had achieved a high enough status to gain entry into this higher plane. It is clear based on their behavior this was their final go round. It was obvious they are quite capable to right this situation.”

The Supervisor took a deep breath emitting a frown. “The Boss is unhappy about your actions upon initiation of this plan. Do you care to expand on why you reversed them downloading Bob into Sarah and Megan into Hal?” He leans back waiting to hear the rational. The Voice suddenly appeared uncomfortable. “It was to add to the challenge. You are giving these two an opportunity not often afforded to people. Subjects are almost never given a free ride life. They will be given a fairly easy life as reward for doing us a service. A little extra challenge just adds to the game.” The Supervisor leans back into his chair rubbing his chin then exhales a slow exaggerated breath. “As I understand it you promised Mr. and Mrs. Owens upon success they would be given the bodies of their choice and placed where they wished to be.” The Voice nods his assent. “Did you study the principles of downloads and the inherent dangers?” The supervisor waits to discern the answer. It took awhile as the Voice hesitated perhaps realizing for the first time something he overlooked. “Uh sir it is just a theory and well uh I doubt it will be a problem.” The Supervisor stands shouting “You doubt! Fool” Without waiting for a response the Supervisor throws a blue folder at the voice then sits back down. “Page five read what I underlined.”

Sweating, the Voice thumbs to the page stammering, “underlined? Uh it says about downloads there is an issue with second and third downloads causing damage to the person downloaded and possibly harm the host. Fifty percent of all second downloads fail and nearly all third downloads fail.” His eyes grow wide, “but it is not proven.” The Supervisor looks shocked, “not proven! He wrote it. He is never wrong! He created the universe and you think it is not proven.” The Voice suddenly shakes and his eyes appear to open wide as his action becomes obvious to him. The supervisor says “we should review what we know. You download them into the host bodies consider that download number one which is harmless to humans and the host.

You promise them a second download which contains risk making it problematic. You know full well they should have been informed a second download presents grave risk. The intent was to give them the option to remain as they are if the host personalities could not be retrained. We both know the original Sarah has problems. Because you added a challenge to people who never gave a hint of preferring to be of the other sex the choice of remaining as is presents multiple problems. The Boss does not repay faithful service by placing people into potentially psychological threatening circumstances. Now you place the agency in a precarious situation. Because you promised a second download, the Boss must honor it. If the second download fails, they will be destroyed. If their host perishes as well, the whole project is a failure.” Listening to this the Voice becomes quite concerned. Not about his action but what the boss will do to him.

Not quite done the Supervisor continues. “New arrivals have to earn their way to the grand reward before going to the paradise area. Because of your action, they go directly to Paradise and the Boss will not like it. This is one way that Mr. and Mrs. Owens can earn their way directly to Paradise. What about the original Sarah and Hal, What do we do with them? If their bodies are destroyed, with a second download we have no place for them and the whole plan blows up. Wasn’t it the point to have the original Sarah and Hal continue because of the contribution to the world their grand children make? Then we would award the faithful who rescued this situation. That was the whole point and you wanted to add a challenge! You were to tell Bob and Megan there were risk. We could likely move them again but to reverse their sex twice causes additional danger.”

The Voice stands, “will that be all Sir?” “Sit” barks the Supervisor. “You better help the girl navigate through this. No games, she is essential. As for Hal his task is easier but still extremely important. The fates decided these two were destined to be together and when the snafu occurred the plan fell apart. We were fortunate to have two soul mates who could take their place. Until you tinkered with it, that is. If the original bodies are vaporized because of your promise of an extra sexual change just how do we replace those two bodies? Do you think replacements suddenly appearing after everybody knows they died will go unnoticed? I know some parents may not notice their kids dying but these parents will. These parents were classified as A3’s. Think about the problem you caused.”

“Sir they will insist on new bodies they were promised. What about the real Sarah and Hal, how were you going to bring them back?” The nervous voice asks. The supervisor shakes his head “the rules of downloads do not apply when you return an essence to its original body. The danger is to the replacements. That is why Bob was supposed to take over for Hal and Megan for Sarah. It avoided an unnecessary shift of sex that requires an extra download and there was nothing in there about sex changes. You missed that on your assignment instructions.”

The Voice says sheepishly “but their conversation before going to sleep was she did not want to have kids and Bob said he would do that for her. So I thought this would be a good twist.” The supervisor glances to the ceiling, “OH! may the Boss help us.”

A loud voice, sounding like James Earl Jones replies from above. “What is it what do you need?”

“Nothing, it’s ok your reverence,” the supervisor replies while glaring at the Voice. “Voice?” he asks, “have you ever been married, in any of your lives?” “Uh yes,” answers the Voice. “Then you should know when a tired wife in pain says she loves you and would be thrilled to live another lifetime with you but you have the kids. Any husband will agree to that because he knows the trouble he will be in if he says Hell No!” James Earl Jones is suddenly heard. “I, don’t allow that kind of talk.” Both men suddenly tremble.

“Now then Voice you convince our new Sarah, she likes being Sarah and wants to stay that way. Remember it is a long ride down to the Underworld. Oh and don’t you dare frame it in terms like, Bob you really want to be a girl don’t you? You really like skirts now that you tried them don’t you? Leave my office and pray you did not cause irreparable damage. You could be sent out for this.” The Voice stands to leave with his supervisor screaming, “Out!”

After the voice exits, clearly shaken the Boss appears in the Supervisor’s office. “That did not go well. I take it things are dissolving?”

The supervisor clears his throat not that there is any sickness here. It was nothing more than a learned reflex. “Well Sir as you know the real Sarah was sent to this level. The intention was to reeducate. Hopefully send her back when your agent straightened things out. The girl was impossible she created all kinds of problems and unfortunately was bound.”

“Bound” the Boss repeats what he heard.

The Supervisor points to a statue of a girl in the corner. She appears pensive with her head bowed while contemplating flowers that adorn her naked feet. “That’s she” said the Supervisor, “she is shut down completely, waiting your decision. We had hoped she could be sent back when Mr. Owens cleans things up. But her attitude is beyond repair. I am sorry to say it looks like the Underworld. We will be sending her soon.”

The Boss shakes his head, “that is rather harsh isn’t it. She is a child after all. You are aware the vampires and warlocks are in a full blown war down there? This kid has no idea what being a Goth is all about. I should have blown up Hollywood years ago. They will eat her up if we banish her.”

The Supervisor shakes his head. “we, can’t send her back to Earth. Her parents were A3’s weren’t they?”

The Boss nods his agreement “yes of the highest level.”

The Supervisor questions the Boss. “If A3’s can’t control her who on Earth can?”

The Boss considers before suggesting “you are right but we still must work to correct this problem. Bob/Sarah was elevated to A3 status and we owe her/him. I don’t ever double cross my children. Let me think about that for a minute.” As he stares out the window hands clasped behind his back the Boss ask, “what about the original Hal?”

The Supervisor reported “Hal is presently working for the bureau. He, of course is assigned elsewhere.
The reason he is here is because his body is on life support. We expected to send him back once the issue is resolved. But now that the Voice mishandled this I just don’t know.”

The Boss’s anger appears to rise when he calms himself he plans aloud. “Did you tell the original Hal any of this? He is an A2 you know that.”

The Supervisor explains, “no he thinks he simply died.” “Ok,” the Boss begins. Here is what I want you do. I maintain my belief or hope,” he, stutters. “That the originals can be returned and the Owens can be given their promised reward. I have my doubts. We may have to go to the back up plan.”

The Supervisor blinks, “backup plan?” “

Of course,” states the Boss. “I always have a backup plan. “It requires changing the Fate book. Who was that black haired teenage girl Hal’s age that we mistook for his soul mate?”

The Supervisor thinks a moment. “Katy Winslow, she is an A2 as well. She lives in a trailer park in Appalachia.”

The Boss shakes his head, “an A2 in a trailer park. How did that happen?”

“It was a snafu.” They both respond, “the Voice again?”

“I am getting pretty frustrated with this Voice fellow, how about a downgrade to Q Minus?”

The Supervisor’s eyes widen, “that is harsh.’

The Boss asks “again tell me where our replacements are in this?”

He receives his answer. “Our replacements appear to be doing excellent. I believe they will be successful.
We created another problem. What happens when they learn the truth?

The Boss nods ever calm answers. “I have faith it will all work out. We will review the Voice when this is done. I want you to bring Hal in and give him a full explanation. You then unite him with Katy back on Earth. Give both and upgrade to A3. If we cannot work this mess out, I will adjust the fates. The procreation line shift to Hal and Katy. I want you to unbound Sarah over there” he points to the statue. “You did not do a full binding wiping Sarah’s identity?

The Supervisor shakes his head, “on no sir only you are allowed to do that.”

The Boss smiles, “Very good contact El’Gronde on Vulcan have him straighten out the girl. If he fails, then we need something even more drastic.”

The Supervisor quips, “Vulcan is strict very conservative and controlling. And the constant playing of Ravel‘s Bolero is annoying. I, can‘t spend much time on that planet.”

The Boss smiles, “I believe our Goth over there will love those elfin ears though she may not like the music.” In a puff he vanishes.

The supervisor breathes a sigh of relief, “good thing the Boss has faith. It would not do to have him doubt himself.”

The Boss stands alone looking out over his universe expanding endlessly across space. He thinks, ‘mistakes, free will I should never have done that. The cause of all kinds of problem and Earth is the worst. At least the Vulcans respect order.’ The most controversial order was when the Boss designed the ranking system with A3 being the highest. Up to that point people upon termination either were welcomed into the Boss’s realm or banished into the Underworld. Due to the amount of citizens and the possibility of crowding, the Boss needed to set limits. He determined to reward people for their lifetime behavior creating a scale. Failure to reach the top two levels they were sent back to live another life until they got it right. Upon a person’s demise the agency would review then explain what rating a person had and send them back if they were below A2. A2’s were allowed to work for the Agency earning their way into Paradise. The A3’s went directly to the promised land. In some cases the Boss was forced to use Binding to wipe the slate clean. A radical washing of all memories forced a new start. After all this time, he was still ever hopeful of redemption. There were those who were considered not redeemable and banished to the Underworld. It was also established that citizens in Paradise were given some conflict because experience proved that without conflict and challenges his people grew bored. Especially after thousands of years without challenges. Some even petitioned to be sent back to Human life. It is issues like this current one that cost the Boss restless nights. He was frustrated with the Voice and considered what he should do about his trainee.

At nine AM Dr Seaman studied the latest test results from Hal Cowles’ blood sample. She starred uncertain as to how she should regard this. Speaking with Dr. Randle by phone she relayed the data Randle was equally shocked. “What do you mean there is no trace of chemicals and all levels are normal that is impossible?”

In a resolute voice he commanded, “run the test again and call me with the new results. When does the family arrive?”

She answered, “in about an hour.” “I will try to stall them by going over what we know to allow time for the results to come. But Dr. Randle I’m not going to give them false hope. It does not change the boy’s condition. It just raises a lot of questions.” She hangs up and goes to the nurses station to write the order.

The monitor continued the slow rhythmic beeping as Hal Cowles began to stir from his deep sleep. His mind reeled from his strange journey into a world of darkness. He could remember the Voice and the last words Bob had said to her, “dear if that is what it would take to spend another lifetime with you, sure no problem.”

Hal shook his head but there was no one in the room to see but he could hear the Voice. His thoughts grew confused, “Hal?” The question appeared to come from inside his head. “I am Meg where is Bob?” he answered. ‘This silly dream refuses to end,’ Meg tried to speak but nothing would come out as she heard the Voice. “Do you remember what we talked about?" The voice knew that a frightened Megan would cause problems if she gained consciousness in that state. He had to be certain she understood before presenting to the world she was about to join.

Megan slowed her accelerated rate. The beeping began to fade. “What is that noise?” Megan asked.

The Voice assured her. “It is just the monitors. The doctors will be in soon. Is Hal ready to face this world? Soon you will have contact with your Bob.”

Megan’s breathing steadied as she murmured her assent. The only choice she had was to play along so she could wake up from this dream. The woman did not believe a word of this hallucination. “Yes, she answers I am Hal Cowles just waking up from a coma. I have to pretend to be Hal until Bob completes his task. Why did you not give me any of Hal’s memories? They will think I am daft if I, don’t know anything about myself.”

The Voice sighs, just like her husband always asking questions. “It is part of the test. You will be given the information as you need it. Don’t forget to find the PDA under your pillow at home. We can talk further there. Oh, and one other thing, this is 1979 PDAs have not been invented yet so keep it out of sight.” The voice fades.

Hal considers, ’1979 I can’t wait to wake up from this dream. The further it goes the nuttier it gets.’ Just then the door opens followed by a nurse carrying a tray stepping inside. She closes the door and smiles. Hal watches thinking, ’she is cute. Wait a minute did I just say that? That is so wrong. Bob where are you?’

“You are awake,” a chirpy voice says to Hal. “I need to take a blood sample, some test I think.” The nurse looks at the chart, “Hal Cowles, and how are we today?”

Hal blinks, trying to get his bearings. “Fine,’ his eyes roll noting all the various things plugged into him and the monitor machine. “I just came in for an oil change nothing unusual. How long have I been here and where is the doctor?”

The nurse smiles then emit’s a blank expression. “Today is my first day, the chart indicates a couple days. This is the third to be exact.” After drawing the blood she winks whispering, “I am not supposed to tell you anything. Dr. Seaman is waiting to talk to your parents. After she reviews the test results, she will be in.” The nurse turns toward the door. Hal studies her backside as she leaves. He feels an unusual rise of something in his mid section.

Slowly with his free hand, the other being strapped down to a board with IV’s attached, his fingers regard the shocking object. Hal bolts upright eyes opening to their widest. “Holy shit!” He wonders if anyone heard that exclamation through the heavy door. To his consternation his fingers do not lessen their exploration. Feeling a bit warm Hal thinks. ‘So this is what Bob senses.’ Hal pulls his hand away lays back focusing upon the tile ceiling and he begins to count those 12 x 12 squares while considering further exploration.

Dr. Seaman waits in her office for the test results which for some reason appear to be taking an unusual amount of time. She looks at the round clock on the far wall, ‘10:05. ‘I suppose the parents and the lawyers are in the conference room already.’ She calls the lab to learn of an equipment failure placing everything on hold. “Send the results to the conference room stat!.” She then phones the nurses station inquiring if the Cowles have arrived. “Send them to the conference room the lawyers are waiting.” She hangs up feeling the pangs of regret knowing what the next hour will be like. CYA paper work to be signed, disclaimers and forced statements of sympathy from the lawyers and the zoned out expressions on the faces of distraught parents. Of course, a chaplain is present to mollify with platitudes. She enters the conference room with her rote polite greetings hating every minute of it as she gazes at the row of stern faces around the long table.

Bonnie and Dave Cowles slowly walked down the long sterile hall way toward the nurses station. It was a slow steady measured walk much like you would see in those prison movies. To them it was the same the execution of their son. Neither wanted to reach their destination. Mr. Cowles, a southern businessman who was transferred to this northern outpost by his company was filled with regrets. ‘If I only said no, we would not be here. Hal would not have been driving that road.’ He could not complete his regrets as nurse Debbie, the chirpy one intercepted the grieving parents. “Before you see your son, Doctor Seaman wants to meet with you in the conference room. The second door on the left I will bring you.” The parents turned silently to follow. Mrs. Cowles mouths a thank you. Her throat is dry and she did not wish for conversation.

Before they entered chirpy Debbie suddenly said, “I bet you are proud to have a son with a great sense of humor.” Both parents stopped walking starring at the nurse. Mrs. Cowles fights an inner rage wanting to begin with the B word but controlled herself. “What do you mean sense of humor?” She forces in a low dry voice. Chirpy Debbie beams as she says. “Hal isn’t it?” The parents nod. “He said the funniest thing to me a half hour ago. Told me, he just came in for an oil change.” “He spoke to you!” Mrs. Cowles exclaims. Nodding furiously chirpy Debbie “Yes, he sure did asked a lot of questions. “You did not tell the Doctor?” inquired Mr. Cowles. “Why?” asked the nurse “no one said anything about reporting to the doctor if he said anything.”

Not listening not caring what the nurse is saying both parents break out into a run toward Hal’s room. Chirpy Debbie’s voice is lost from behind, “but the conference room you have to see the doctor first.” Hal’s door flew open, Bonnie and Dave in shock frozen. Hal was sitting up in bed reading a magazine, Adirondack something or other. Hal glances from the magazine “Hi woke up awhile ago this place is boring.” Suddenly the monitor is beeping loudly as hugs and tears fill the room.

Two weeks later Hal Cowles sits in the school cafeteria eating lost in thought. Mike Davis across from him is chatting away about girls as he is prone to do. Hal does not hear a word his new friend is saying. He is reviewing all the information the voice imparted. How he is supposed to keep Hal out of trouble and remain as indiscrete as possible? Keep your nose clean, he was told. ‘Right Hal thought, keep my nose clean. That sounds like something my grandfather would have said.’ Talking or texting with Bob, two weeks ago. Hal thought he was clever passing along his general location by describing he could see the NO on Giant Mountain. Through the fifty years with Bob, she knew him like the back of her hand. Bob loved the mountains, the Pirates and was intelligent.

Hal thought, ‘I dropped some clues did he pick up on them? The voice is not clever’ Hal mused. ‘I know there are only three new seniors other than me. Only two, of them are girls. Erin and Sarah are both babes.’ Hal shrugs, ‘but there is no guarantee she is a senior.’ He glances over to the table where Sarah and Claire are sitting. Again he feels a stirring, ‘Bob, I am beginning to understand. I promise to cut you some slack when we become our new selves. You really can’t control this thing can you?’

A few days later Claire and Sarah are sitting at their usual lunch table at school. Claire had pointed out Hal sitting next to Mike Fenton mentioning Hal did not have a pocket protector. After laughing about that the girls listened intently to the boy’s conversation. Sarah whispered “they are talking about us.” Claire poked her friend “they are talking about you.”

Mike waves his hand in front of Hal’s face, “Earth to Cowles.”

“What!” returns a now alert Hal.

Mike points to the offending table. “You have been drooling for two weeks go talk to her.”

Hal blinks, “talk to who?”

Mike hits Hal’s elbow, the one holding the boy’s head up nearly causing him to pitch over. The girls notice and giggle. “Ryan you fool, Wilson is already claimed and her boy friend will beat you to a pulp. Didn’t she join the Outing Club?”

“I heard she had. There is a hike this week end,” Hal answers.

“That is your opening, start walking fool.” Mike pulls on Hal’s arm.


At the next table Sarah is thinking 'Claire and I are talking of course the topic is boys.'

Claire speaks softly, half teasing, half serious. “Sarah you have to get out of this funk. That guy is literally drooling.”

I glance up accidentally making eye contact with Hal quickly averting my gaze. In an instant I knew. ‘Meg!’ I wanted to shout. I almost burst out, but caught myself. Turning to Claire, I ask her, “that is the geek? He is no geek.”

Claire grins as she sees Hal approach the table. I stare into my lunch not looking up as my heart pounds. ‘I can feel it, keep cool, does he know? What is he going to say?’ To get an answer I am going to have to look up. I cannot hide under my plate.

“Hi”, a soft steady voice emits. “Hi”, replies Claire as Hal sits down. I tilt my head regarding Hal and mouth a silent hello.

Hal looks directly at Sarah. ‘I think I found her, go slow’. He engages Claire first. “You two ladies sit at this table every day.” ‘Clumsy’, he thinks. ‘This is not easy I sounded like an idiot. Get under control.’

Claire smiles, “Of course it is a ritual. The hot girls over there, the jocks very close to the hot girls, the geeks,” she catches herself. Turning suddenly she points in a direction away from Mike. “Over there,” she adds.

Hal laughs, “you have figured out the seating assignments. Aren’t they voluntary though don’t you have a choice?”

Claire shakes her head, “no it is predetermined you sit where you are supposed to. Free will is a myth.”

I laugh directing my statement toward Hal. “See what I have to put with day after day?”

Hal nods, Claire feigns outrage.


Meanwhile The Boss calls the supervisor into his office. The Supervisor sits cautiously expecting another dressing down. His eyes dart about the room nervously. The Boss turns on a monitor to view the scene at the lunch table. Without saying anything the Supervisor looks with astonishment. The Boss smiles “I told you. It took them how long to find each other?” The Supervisor blinks.

The Boss draws a breath. “It is only September nine months to go nine full months and they found each other. I thought Voice was not supposed to reveal enough information so they would remain apart.”

The Supervisor shakes his head “I instructed him. He apparently messed this up too. Should we bring Hal and Sarah up here and bind them?”

The Boss sits back “Voice did not do this. They are smarter than him. They figured it out that’s all.”

The supervisor relaxes “what do you want me to do?”

The Boss answers, “nothing for now let’s see where it goes. You can’t keep soul mates apart. The stronger ones always find a way.” The Boss laughs, “don’t let Voice know. See how long it takes for him to figure it out. Oh and don’t let him muck it up.”

The Supervisor gulps, “you don’t care if they get together?”

The Boss shakes his head. “It was the plan to reunite them. I over estimated how long it would take that’s all. They still have a program to complete. Sarah is still working toward completing it and Hal is doing as instructed. If they think they are putting one over on us, they will work harder to complete it. Hormones are one of my better innovations.”


Paul Miller sits forcing himself into a chair between Hal and Claire. “Hal isn’t it,” Paul asks as he leans to kiss Claire’s cheek to stake his claim. Claire leans into the kiss eyes flashing.

I avert my gaze sneaking a peek toward Hal.

Hal observes this male ritual of marking his territory thinking ‘this is amazing' as it unfolds. Miller here wants me to know with Claire it is hands off. When I was Meg I’d blush acting the girls part and feeling so important.’ Hal glances at Sarah while continuing his thought, ‘there she is feeling uncomfortable waiting for me to react. I have to think just the opposite to my life time learning’. Hal looks to Sarah with a bit more confidence. “Sarah then we have a date for Saturday?”

Paul suddenly turns his gaze reveals a bit of jealousy. He had actually been thinking this new girl may be better for him than Claire.

My eyes flash as I am startled by his question. ‘Did Hal just ask me out on a date?‘ I hesitate reacting in a cool manner. ‘I have to word this just right.‘ “I guess though as you know” I knew he did not know but Meg is quick she will pick up on it.’ “My parents don’t allow me to date. That’s why I joined the outing club for,” I hesitate for effect, “cover.”

Hal laughs, “so I thought. I will call you later.”

I nod as Hal walks back to Mike’s table.

The three who remain stand as the bell rings signaling the next class. Hal and Mike walk down the hall, “how did you do?” asks Mike. Hal grins, “I got a date.” Mike smiles, “good move.”

After doing my home work while mother fixed dinner, I called Grams. “Grams can we talk?”

Grams answered quizzically, “anytime dear anytime you want.”

“Not on the phone, can I come over Sunday?”

Grams quickly agreed. “Of course, you can my favorite grand daughter is always welcome.”

“Grams I am your only grand daughter,” I point out. “I have a lot of questions.”

“I know you do dear. I will see you on Sunday.”

I rushed into the kitchen where mother was working. “Mom grandma invited me over Sunday.
I told her sure it is ok isn’t it?”

Gretchen stopped what she was doing answering my question. “Yes, but what is it with your sudden relationship with your grandmother?”

I pour a cup of coffee before speaking. “I think she is cool.”

Mom laughs, “I never thought my mother was cool, strange yes, cool, no. I am glad you and mom are getting along. She is a terrific lady even if we disagree sometimes.”

I laugh, “that’s how I think of you. Funny how it works that way. With Dad it is different, he is just great.”

Before mom can react, I point to the cookie sheet “what’s that.”

Mom answers “salmon I am going to bake it for dinner.”

I stare at the fish, considering for a minute. “Show me how to do it?”

Mother stares at her me with an odd expression. Not odd in a bad way but odd as in astonished. “You want to learn how to cook?” The woman says slowly.

I, shrug “it is about time isn’t it? What I gather from hanging around here is if I wait for my husband to cook we will starve. Call it self defense mom.”

Gretchen stares gathering her composure fighting off a sudden urge to bust out in laughter. She simply points to the seasoning mix on the counter across from the sink. “Get that for me we start there.”

The phone rings, I quickly answer it. “Hi.” It is Hal and i quickly understands I can only return with my own, “hi.”

Hal begins to speak quickly unsure of himself. He is fairly certain who Sarah is but not positive, not assured. All the signs are there. The little signals seem to be the right ones. He cannot risk making a mistake. “What are you doing”, he asks.

I am almost certain Hal is Meg. I think he knows who I am. I can’t blow this. “I am listening the ball game.” I answer while fingering my Pirate hat. ‘A signal I am sending him a signal’, I think.

“what game the Yankees are on TV," Hal says.

My response comes quickly, “ The Yankees suck. I am listening to the Pirates and cubs. The Bucs are in first place with the Cardinals right on their heels.”

Hal laughs. “You are a Pirate fan?” He questions certain of the answer.

“Of course and we are going to the world series.” I answer with certainty.

Hal pauses for a moment thinking ‘in for a penny. I will throw out a test line. “Do you really think they will beat Baltimore?”

The question does not startle me as perhaps it should. I know they beat the Orioles. Meg knew that too. He could be a Baltimore fan and every fan believes their team will win the series. At least for awhile they do. Rather than a direct answer I question. “You are an Oriole fan?”

Unseen Hal shakes his head, “God no! Can’t stand them.”

“Then why say they are going to be in the series?” I fire back. “If you don’t like them why don’t you suppose the Yankees will be in the series? Everybody else does.”

With a voice of certainty Hal says. “Come on Sarah, we both know that the Orioles will be in the series.” Startled I blink “we do? Let’s suppose they are you doubt my team will beat them?”

Hal becoming somewhat assured Sarah is picking up on this and positive he is right challenges the girl. “Tell you what if the Pirates beat Baltimore you will go to the prom with me.”

I gasp gaining a minor victory. “what kind of a bet is that? If my team wins, I go to the prom with you?” There has to be more to this bet than that.”

“Let me up the ante,” says Hal. “Baltimore will win three of the first four games. Then Pittsburgh comes back to win the last three you will go to the prom with me?”

I turn white as my fingers grasp the phone. ‘Holy shit that is exactly what happened!’ There is a long pause and with certainty I know, ‘he is Megs.’

“Are you still there?” Hal asks.

“Uh sure I did not go anywhere. I am just trying to figure out where you came up with that.”

Hal laughs, “let’s say a little voice told me.”

Stalling I process the clues. ‘A little voice, interesting choice of words. He knows how the World Series plays out. I am almost certain now. “Ok if that happens and my parents let me go you have a prom date.”

Hal obviously happy with her answer pushes it. “Then can we call this a boy friend girl friend thing?”

“Maybe,” I answer. “Humility is more becoming you should try it. It is just a thought though I, gotta go. I’m getting the evil eye. See you Saturday.” I did not have to get off the phone because of my parents. I had to leave because Hal had rocked my boat. He just crumbled part of my wall raising my hopes that just perhaps I will be reunited with Megan.

I turned on the PDA to listen to the Friday night ball game when the Voice spoke. “I wanted to touch base with you. How are you progressing?”

Cautiously, I answer as I still do not trust this handler. “It is ok I am getting used to it. How is Megan is she progressing?”

The Voice reminds. “Megan is a he and doing just fine. You have not seen him?

I pause sensing a trap, “seen him? Most likely if he goes to my school but how would I know? You won’t tell me who he is.”

The Voice laughs, “I cannot do that. Do you have any boy friends yet?”

I am not interested in playing this game. My answer is sharp. “My parents won’t let me date and you know that.”

He presses further, “nothing important I just thought that curiosity would factor in. Like what does the other side experience in matter between people.”

I snarl at him “It has not crossed my mind.”

The Voice not ready to let go presses. “Do you know there are millions of men, who would love the opportunity share your experience.

Again I attempt to change the subject, “You know I am not millions. I hate to disappoint you but my bones are not going to be jumped just to satisfy your sick fantasy.”

The voice says, “don’t get short with me. I was just asking.”

“Fine, whatever,” I answer enunciating my favorite teen angst word, whatever, is there anything else?”

The Voice remains silent for a bit then remembers his discussion with his superiors and decides not to push it too far. “I was just simply asking to see if there is anything you need.”

I hesitate before responding. “I, don’t think so but there is a question.”

“Yes, what is it,” quires the Voice.

“You said when I accomplish my assignment. That Meg and I will be reunited. We will be a couple is that true?

The answer comes back as a certainty. “The boss promised that on that you can rely.”

I consider my next statement, “what of the old Sarah what if she is not ready?”

The voice’s defenses are suddenly raised as he knows the original is not likely to be ready. “Why do you ask?”

The tension in my voice is clear. “I just want to be certain if she is not you will not expect me to stay in this role any longer.”

The voice laughs, “worried you will get accustomed to skirts or what?”

Getting more irritated by the minute I comment, “I’d like to talk with your Boss it seems your word may not be good enough.”

The voice feigns hurt as he says, “Sarah you have the word of the Boss’s servant and you will not be forced to go beyond graduation. To make an informed decision you should indulge all aspects of being a beautiful young woman.”

I regard that with a jaundiced rebuttal. “No thank you Voice, I will do it my way. You just hold your end up.” I disconnect as the Voice says, “anything you need just ask.”

As I drifted off to sleep I remembered the resistance, I heard from the Voice and considered he did not answer my request to talk with the Boss. ’Oh well’ I get to spend tomorrow with Hal’. I frown thinking
There will be five other students and three teachers. Oh joy’ I slept well. If you discount a brief dream where James Earl Jones told me that he would protect me. The Voice did not have the final say on anything. For some strange reason I felt reassured but had no idea why.

My father dropped me off at the trail head and spoke with the teachers. Assured that these people had a good plan and knew what they were doing he went home. He would pick me up at four pm. Dad had all his hiking equipment in the trunk and was ready to go up the trail after us if he needed to.

The plan was to climb to a col between two high peaks. The col being the low point on the ridge top connecting two peaks. These peaks were two of the lower ones as late September can bring any kind of weather. There was a shelter at 3,000 feet where we could brake on the way up and back. Mr. Reynolds knew from experience the kids loved these shelters and they were the main attraction for a lot of them. I was the only girl other than Violet. Violet was with her boy friend so extra care was required to watch those two. At least I did not have a boy friend though Mr. Reynolds was certain the boys noticed me.

Hal and Sarah walked close together as he did not want anything to happen to her. ’It is funny, my acting protective of her. It has always been the other way around’. Hal thought. Hal walked at a steady pace enjoying his new found strength. After years of illness and chronic pain, Hal finally felt free and was loving it. When he noticed what he was doing an almost inaudible laugh escaped. Hal walked three or four feet behind Sarah for the first two miles his eyes constantly focused on her rear. He thought ‘I am really a guy, aren’t I?’ A soft laugh escaped at completion of that thought.

I heard that under the breath laugh Hal tried to hide. The second snicker caught my attention. I suddenly turned saying “What!” After seventy years as a guy, I knew what he was doing. What troubled me was I was loving it.

“Nothing,” came the reply from Hal.

Hal, one teacher and I were the only ones to reach the top of the second summit. The others chose to return to the shelter having had enough. Mr. Collins who went with Hal and I commented, “you two are very good. You have done this before.” We replied in the positive confessing we intended to do all of the high peaks. Several photos were taken including more than one of Hal and I, with my match needle camera. We soon headed down to the Shelter where Mr. Reynolds left a note explaining one of the students was sick. They decided to walk down early and will meet in the parking lot.

Mr. Collins came down with stomach cramps. He told Hal and I to wait. “I have to use the toilet wait in the shelter after lunch we will walk out.”

I looked at Hal. He was all smiles as we sit next to each other on the Deacons log. “Did you enjoy spending the entire day walking behind me?”

Hal feigns shock attempting to deny when I interrupted. “Hal for the last seventy years I was a guy. I know what you were doing.”

Saying that was a risk but I am certain it is Meg sitting next to me. Time to stop pussy footing around and take a chance. I, can’t wait for Meg’s reaction. I close my eyes praying I am not wrong.

Hal’s eyes widen, “then you know what I am going to do next.”

He leans closer taking me into his arms. When our lips met I nearly melted the rush was beyond anything I had felt before. His strong body against mine betrayed his physique. Especially the particular feature I felt pressed against my mid section. I kissed him back with equal desire whispering “I love you Megan.”

Hal answered back with the comment Megan had always given, “no more than I you bunky.”

I whispered, “it really is you.”

Hal nodded “your legs are awesome by the way Bob.”

He called me Bob. I suddenly knew for certain we found each other. I punched him playfully, whispering “Megs.” To which he feigned injury.

“I was only kidding when I said “you have the Kids the next time Bob.”

My eyes widen as I answered, “I wasn’t.

Though I admit the thought of ending up like this, scares the Hell out of me. Suddenly in Hal’s arms I felt comfortable and less threatened. “So let‘s just finish this,” I roll my eyes finishing. “This cosmic joke and get our real selves back.” He kissed me again passionately feeling the desire build as did I.

“You aren’t just a bit curious don’t you want to take these bodies for a spin before our grand return to normalcy?” Bob asked.

He brushed his fingers along my cheek. I shook my head in denial breaking our embrace just before Mr. Collins returned. I considered his question as I walked down the hill.

Hal assumed his position a few steps behind.

It was a relief to discover the others were safe when we returned to the trail head. The teachers made a big deal of Hal and I reaching both peaks. We dismissed it as aw shucks. Dad was already waiting as were Hal’s parents. I did not want to leave Hal as we went to different homes in different vehicles. My frustration increased having to separate from him and by my feelings of confusion. ‘Perhaps Grams can help’, I thought.

Early Sunday afternoon after father dropped me at grandmothers I sat at the kitchen table stirring tea with a confused lost expression. I was wearing a white turtle neck silk blouse under a tan and white flannel unbuttoned shirt. The shirt lay over a pair of faded stone washed jeans appearing as a light jacket. On my head was the cherished ball cap. Grandmother sitting opposite me was curious about what I had on my mind.

Grams could see the concern exude from my face. “Daughter what has you so upset? Is it love?”

I blinked, ‘she knows?’ I dismissed the question while searching for an alternative. “Everything is confusing Grams, that’s all.”

Eleanor Parks is a very astute witch. She is well aware that her granddaughter inherited the gift handed down though generations. She also understood Sarah’s mother was skipped over. Gretchen did not possess the gift though she has considerable intuition. Eleanor thought her granddaughter was at a crisis point. Perhaps shaken because of the discovery of her soul mate. She did not quite understand why this discovery caused conflict. In the past such experience brought with it a stability and feeling of security. Eleanor took a deep breath thinking to herself ‘it is time to rock the boat.’ She drew deeply into her powers projecting a spell that blocks escape. ‘I, can’t have her running I need to know.’ Grams gazes at Sarah asking, “where is the real Sarah?”

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