
Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 13

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 13


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Nightmare in Elm Grove - Clara's Christmas.

Cliff woke up and rolled over not yet wanting to open his eyes. He did not know what had woken him up and he did not care in the slightest. It was Christmas today and he should be getting out of bed all excited like when he was younger but he was too tired. The small amount of whiskey he had had at the family gathering last night might have had something to do with it. Being newly 11 by a month he was almost a man, well a teenager at least, and his father had allowed him to have a small shot. It tasted awful and burned going down his throat.

Whisper - Chapter 40

by Sleethr


Whisper squeaks her way out of a sticky situation at the grocery store. The MCO grows frustrated, but gets a break. Aunt Julie goes undercover and Sara pays a visit.

A Weird Christmas Journey - Jane Frost

Jason Frost was your normal college student, except he grew up looking like a girl. He never got over five foot five inches, and weighed 110 pounds wet. His mother always made excuses saying that he would someday grow out of it, but face it, he was 19 now, and things would never change.

And no matter what Jason tried, he was always mistaken for female. Cutting his hair short just made him look silly - and other boys hit on him using the short hair as their ice-breaker! When they weren’t just trying to hit him, anyway. It wasn’t as though he dressed, or acted, feminine. It was just his lot in life - his curse, as he came to see it. There was something “off”, and he could never figure out what it was.

Gift Exchange


Gift Exchange

by Beyogi

Chris has been friendzoned just again. Christmas is coming and as he doesn't want to spend it alone he's returning to his parents. Yet he's not destined to arrive.

Copyright © 2012 Beyogi
All Rights Reserved.

Thanks to Janet Miles for editing.
Thanks to Draflow and Sleethr for proofreading and their suggestions.

The White Wolf Chapter -20-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.


The White Wolf
Chapter 20
by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2012 Barbara Allan

Thank you Hope for your encouragement and help in editing.
Thanks to all who have commented or left Kudos.

Christmas Wishes

Christmas Wishes

The Carson family has a yearly Christmas tradition of asking Santa for what they really want. This year, Santa decides to give it to them... but makes a slight mistake. This story was originally written and posted in 1998.

Twas the Night


Unfortunately, this year I was miserable. All of my gifts from the first day onward, were gifts for a boy and not for the girl, I should be. The girl I had been for almost two and a half years. At least then, the underwear would have been several pairs of matching bras and panties, rather than plain, unadorned white T-shirts and those stupid tighty whities. Instead of the boring shirt and tie I got on day two, I might have gotten a flirty blouse or camisole.

Twas the Night

by Rami

Copyright  © 2012 Rami

The small issue with my family.

My name is Vincent J Wiggs. I know it sounds corny for a last name but that is really what it is or was. That's gonna take me a bit to explain. Alrighty then, first off I come from a family of witches. Magic really does exist and I have known about it all my life. There is a problem with that though. Magic comes at a price it is not free.

The White Wolf Chapter -19-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.


The White Wolf
Chapter 19
by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2012 Barbara Allan

Thank you Hope for your encouragement and help in editing.
Thanks to all who have commented or left Kudos.

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 12

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


Going home.

The last thing I remember was walking into my cheap apartment after a rowdy night with the guys. This is pretty much the same as every other night when one goes to a university in which your parents are paving the way for you. I was to graduate from university in another month or two. My grades were all top scores, which is kinda hard to not get when your two apartment mates have been various tutors in the subjects you were taking. My only escape from the horrid life dictated by my parents before I was even out of the crib was partying.

Facades: A Christmas Story




Daniela A. Wolfe

All his life Jake Melton hid
behind a mask. When he
returned home, upon learning
of his abusive mother's death,
fate intervenes and his life is
changed forever.

The Apprentice

The Apprentice

When Chase's Aunt Lori offers him anything that he wants for his 16th birthday, he asks for her to teach him magic. However, he has no idea what that really means...

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 11

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 10 – Love and War.


Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 10 — Love and War.

What leads someone to treason, rape, murder.
How deep can a man or woman fall into the trappings of self servitude and greed?

Of course these questions are important, essential even to an organized society.
But there are times when you must send it all to the depths and judge a person only by the consequences of his/her actions.
These times are always the darkest ones.

Anora the first.
Philosophical musings.

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 10

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 9

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


The Family Feud.

Its been 5 years since I left my family. It seems so much longer to me though. But that was the only way I could survive. It all started before I was born, actually even further than that if I understand the family history. It started with a feud over a stupid pig. A pig have made its way over the fence of some family yard into a neighbors yard and ate their turnip patch.

Change of Summer Camps – 6 Patti in the City

Change of Summer Camps — 6 Patti in the City

By Jessica C

Willy went to Camp ArrowHead, but got to be a Rainbow Camper after he got into some mischief... Now at Camp Rainbow, it's time for payback to those who ran out... Willy/Patti had given her word to try and make ehat he agreed work... But he never expected this...

A Boy and his Dog, Chapter 8

When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, Little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
Chapter 8

by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 8

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?


Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 9 – Expanding and Converting.

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 9 — Expanding and Converting.

Kids, you have a choice.
Not much of a choice some of you say, but you have it.
Forget the pressure from our society.
You know that your mothers will keep contact one way or the other.
Go to your rooms today.
Do I want to be a man, a woman or one of the tribe?
You had all your life up to this moment to decide, but think a little more.
You have one week.
Use it.

Linda Basteter
Discourse to the children of the Tribe at their thirteenth birthday.

A Boy and his Dog, Chapter 7

When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, Little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
Chapter 7

by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

Tribe of the Mountains Chapter 8 – How to be a Man.

Tribe of the Mountains
Chapter 8
How to be a Man

For centuries the Free People were the only ones able to survive in the space between the northern and southern mountain ranges. The poor yellowish grassland was full of weirdly shaped small hills, deformed beasts and poisonous plants. Not that the land was completely devoid of it's blessings though, it had a huge diversity of animals living both above and below ground and a kind twisted ironwood tree so strong that nowadays a few of the wagons made using it remain, as if untouched by time.In this land they not only survived but thrived. They killed the worst of the monsters, learned to shape the hard wood and learned the hard way what to eat and what to avoid.

For a while things seemed to be getting better, the land was less poisonous, the monsters were defeated and feared man. The numbers of the people started to increase. Their neighbors, the soft people of the cities, were considered weak and easy to plunder.

Pride really comes before the fall.

Merinda Anorier
Notes from Classes at the Mountains Academy

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder Part 4

Destiny: Legacy of a Spellbinder

Ragarnok Rising III


Daniela A. Wolfe

The final battle swiftly approaches and it has been given to me to complete a task so monumental that it may be the sole means by which the Jotun can be defeated. All of Midgard and the goddesses themselves depend on me. Am I up to the task, or will I fail and doom the entirety of human existence to total annihilation?



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