Fantasy Hero: Game Changer

Fantasy Hero Game Changer

By Desiree and Jasmine

October 13 2022, we had just finished our weekly Thursday night quest run. Ginny asked, “How about this years costumes be based on characters we have played in the last year instead of all time favorites?” All of the guys were agreeable. I was amazed that we were still gaming together eight years later, even now as we started our second year at SC. We were so different than our peers, using our imaginations instead of holo-tech games.

Bunny complained, “Sure, you guys just want to see me next to naked. The Game Master's (GM's) keep messing with me, Except for Aahz, but he's my Brother.” Our parents loved Robert Asprin's Myth series. Guess I should be happy I wasn't named Skeeve.

I should be telling you more about our friends though. Ginny and Ron lived next since birth according to our parents. Jeremy, Kevin and his twin brother Wayne moved to the neighborhood when we started Junior High. Back then we were all about the same height at five foot three Ginny and I were tallest. Bunny was an inch shorter, Jeremy was two inches shorter and Kevin and Wayne were five foot even. little did we know that was as tall as Ginny and I would get. Which was just fine with me, though the guys always kidded me about being a girl. Back then I was hiding my true self.

One of the quirks of our group is the three sets of twins, two sets of fraternal twins, and one set Identical twins. Of the fraternal twins Ginny was the younger sister of Ron and I was the younger brother/part time sister of Bunny. Yes part time sister, I've felt like a girl for as long as I can remember.

The GM's would destroy the armor that the females were wearing, and push the limits of each player to see how far the players would go in role-play. They even sex changed the Male character's that Bunny, Ginny or I started, well most of them, as Ginny's new male character was only played on nights that Bunny and I would GM. Of course the last male Fighter Bunny started was now female and wearing Bikini plate armor. Of course once they figured out that I'd role-play just about any kink, they pretty much left Bunny and Ginny alone. I suppose the fact my voice sounded like a 'wet dream', according to everyone that ever heard me use my Tananda voice, was what made me Fantasy Slut choice.

Of course the guys didn't need one of the skimpy costumes from the characters to see Ginny in something skimpy, as she always seemed to be in next too nothing. How I envied Ginny and my sister wearing what they chose too, and so many wonderful choices. I played my two favorite female characters slutty, to keep them from messing with my sister too much. Also because I dreamed of being that woman.

After some thought I came up with a way to stack things so there was a better chance to get a female character to Cos-play. After all now I only have four characters that are still male, and eight female characters. Only four of which started as Females, “How about we pick our two favorites out of the last two years worth of campaigns, then put the names in a hat and draw.” The girls liked that idea but the guys, well not so much. I had not played any male characters since Graduation and had come out to my friends.

That's when I created Tananda the red headed, green skinned, Trollop Sorceress. I also designed and made a silk robe in green that was form fitting to just below the hips with eight overlapping ankle length panels. After all she had to be able to run, and shoot a bow. So When I introduced Tananda as my new character, I had taken a picture of me dressed as her with the MythSkin at the default shape. I had my hair braided and wrapped around my waist, borrowed a long bow and an empty quiver. Once I had the photos, I added some magic arrows, and some other magical effects with photo shop. The thing is I had worn ten centimeter high heeled sandals. Yes I was trying to find more height, and the GM's used them against me. The heels kept sinking in the ground when I was not careful. The costume has changed a lot since then, with lots of GM input. So I was really looking forward to being Tananda. Especially since Bunny helped me make an updated Cosplay costume based on my Trollop Sorceress Tananda. I promise more about that later.

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Mom was the first who found out about my inclination when she caught me wearing Bunny's old clothes that she thought had been dropped at the goodwill as she asked me to do. Well not actually me, as I was wearing my sisters old MythSkin suit that Mom and Dad had designed and grown for her. To help her skin heal after a really bad second degree burn over sixty-nine percent of her body. That had been back when she was twelve. It gave her the chance to live a normal life for the sixteen months she'd had to wear it, but once she was through with it, she took it off and forgot about it. When I discovered it in the back of her closet as I was (cough, cough) putting away some clothes. Okay I was returning the clothes that I had borrowed, and since my sister was not using the MythSkin I took it and found my own uses for it. I found it could be programmed for a variety of different shapes, within limits of course. The suits come in generic male or female forms with plus or minus ten percent adjustment from the default and the cost for them starts at around a thousand dollars. Most of the generic ones were used for helping in healing skin diseases, or burns. There were other, Custom made suits, but those started at ten thousand and with options added they could go up three times that. For the most part they were mostly looked at as a cheap form of plastic surgery. Back when they first started it took them 3 weeks to grow a MythSkin, now it could be done in 3 Days.

I have been wearing it ever since we turned fourteen. The rush I felt when I was in it was so addictive, the way it felt was so erotic. But my time in it had been limited to when Mom and Dad were not around. They went on romantic getaways every other week, which is probably why they loved each other so much. Just after we graduated high school they were killed on the way back from a special two week getaway. A logging truck blew a tire and the trailer full of logs destroyed their SUV. Daddy had only met his Daughter 'Tanda' just two months earlier. With Bunny's approval I went to their funeral as Tanda as I found more comfort in it.

Since then, in the last two years, I have been Bunny's sister much more often. Since then in the last two years I have been Bunny's sister much more often. I had even shown up to the gaming nights as Tanda a few times, in the original costume. Though I played a little less provocatively on those nights. So the group knew about Tanda, and seemed to accept me. Though just Bunny new the hot trollop I did my best to hide from them.

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Jeremy complained, “But then I might have to dress like a girl.” Everyone agreed that might be a bad Idea, but I thought we were all taking the same chance. I shivered at the thought that I could end up as a Male character. Sadly my fear was well founded as I calculated the odds. There would probably only be 5 female characters in the hat versus 9 male. I'd figured 5 because Ginny had only 2 characters one of each gender, while I'd only played females in the last year, and I knew Bunny had female characters, their own fault of course as three of her six had started as Male.

Then Ron suggested, “We could each pass our characters lists to the right and pick 2 from those lists that you get.” Again the girls agreed with that, and I quickly added my agreement, as did Kevin. Jeremy and Wayne didn't like that idea at all. Because now all us girls had control of all the guys character sheets, and we had just run an all female campaign. Of course since I had been the GM, and Wayne was sitting in my usual spot between Bunny and Ginny.

Wayne moaned, “Great 'no Relation Ahhz' only played female characters in the last two years. Now Bunny and Ginny end up with My List and Jeremy's.” I remember Ginny begging to play Stoli, my Barbarian that rides a polar bear. Of course she wanted to play Tananda also, who was now wearing a Hooker's(not the kind you're thinking of) green leather halter topped mini-dress(okay ,so with what the dress covered it may as well be). Of course Tananda had gone from a 32B to a 34E. Yeah, that's what I was saying, Lots of GM input. But I really did love acting the slut so it was okay, even though I had to manipulate the last photo to make the picture reach the new GM input. Though sometimes the GM's were just a little too crazy. At least I had fun making the costume, of our group only Bunny has seen me in it. I always made sure that the Character Drawings and Pictures were up to date so everyone had seen
the costume designs.

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Bunny and I had a lot of work ahead as the MythSkin defaults were 32B-26-32. The settings ranged between 28A to 36C for the breasts, the waist from 23” to 29”, and hips from 28” to 36”. Yes, that was the normal range, but Bunny and I had been able to crack the limits on the suit, so we could set the Suit to match the character. So we set the suit to a 34D about three cup sizes smaller than what the character sheet says. A larger bust than
that made it hard to balance. Got the waist down to 20 inches and set the hips to 38 inches which made the balance a little better. It would be two weeks later that I would learn that all the limits of the suit had been cracked. There were some I didn't even know were built into it. We are still big fans of Myth Adventure Books, by Robert Asprin our favorite character is
Tananda, the Trollop from Trollia. So Bunny called me Trollop when I was in the cracked MythSkin.

Funny story about that, 'Bunny' had been talking to a friend from her Programing class about a trollop she knew, because I'd told her my fantasy. He looked interested and it started from there. After a little special work on my makeup, Bunny and I went the address she was given. I felt so good in the Suit, so electric. Every touch was unlike any before, and I had always loved the way I felt as a girl. So as I was saying, by the end of the evening I had done an entire frat house and a legend was born, and just the two of us really knew the truth.

The one thing I never understood was where the vagina fit in with my male anatomy. But it felt like it was gushing as I danced. Stripping off the Hooker's green leather halter topped mini-dress, which left me in the matching pumps with 12 centimeter heels. This Trollop became the slut of legend. The legend of a mysterious sexy girl that had shagged the entire frat, plus their ten pledges. Damn why did I enjoy being the slut so much, the MythSkin still smells of sex, but I love that as well. I had never expected to have that much fun and was looking forward to another chance at being the Trollop Tananda, praying I would pick Tananda for Halloween.

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So after the big Draw, the break down was a eight Male and six female characters. We numbered the character sheets, and tossed fourteen numbered tiles in a hat. Now I knew that only four of us would look good as any of the female characters, just Ron, Bunny, Ginny and I. Ron was rather slight but not as thin as me but taller at five foot nine inches, same as Bunny. Funny thing is Ginny and I both had red hair. Bunny had raven hair and Ron was the blonde.

Jeremy, Kevin and Wayne were all six foot five inches tall, but the twins were so much larger than Jeremy. Kevin and Wayne were broad shouldered and weighed about 275 the starting tackles. Jeremy was slender because he weighed 225 and was a white guy that could jump the up and coming point guard.

We each rolled three six sided die, highest going first with ties rolling a fourth. My lucked rolled out a three, so my chances looked good to get one of the females. Wayne rolled an eighteen, Jeremy seventeen, Bunny and Ron rolled fourteens, Ron rolled to a win with a six over Bunny’s two, then Ginny had an eight and finally Kevin rolled a six.

Wayne’s pick turned out to be his Paladin, he groaned, “It is going to be rough to find the armor for that, but that's okay.” I could easily see he was more happy, than worried from his choice.

Then Jeremy went and got his Archer, he cheered, “ALL RIGHT.” So two picks and both gotten what they wanted.

Ron drew the number that corresponded to Tananda, I was heartbroken, as Ron paled. Taking a chance I offered, “You can trade with me if you want...” I stopped as Jeremy and Wayne's heads turned and I could feel their eyes bore into me. Feeling my face flush my mouth moved before I could stop it. “I already have the new costume made for Tananda... which I have worn already.” My voice coming out in a whisper as I finished. That was how the Trollop came out.

Ginny and Wayne looked at me wide-eyed, both saying, “That was You,” Wayne continued, “but the MythSkin limits...”

Kevin blushed as he realized what was going on, “I belong too that frat, how, I mean your um...” He never did finish, but I knew what he was trying to ask. So I whispered in his ear how I was able to perform exactly like a woman even though I still didn't understand how the vagina was formed. All I really new was how good it felt

Bunny stopped them from asking any other embarrassing questions, “Yes she was the one, and it does not need to be spread around.” I still blushed even though I felt proud, it WAS very gratifying, wow. “After all people will probably figure it out when she goes out in costume.”

My courage increased as I felt the flush of how good it felt to be that Trollop, “Yes I was the Trollop that did the whole house, and loved it. Thank you Bunny for tying to keep my secret, but face it I am a slut. I have been a girl in my head for so long but... Well I am sort of happy that my friends now know about me, 'The Trollop'. Sorry if it shocks you all. If you don't want me to stick around I'll not come around anymore. Because I am going to be the Best Trollop I can be.”

Jeremy shook his head, “Well that explains your Role-playing with so little shame, I just kept pushing the limits to see where you'd stop. But you even made the troll gang bang sexy,” I blushed, “Without a flinch, damn, that I won't mind, especially if the Trollop shows up every so often.”

Bunny spoke up, “My sister, I love you, but you may hate me for what I did. As a joke I set the libido, and sensitivity to ninety-nine, Please forgive me.”

I laughed, “We said we were setting it to match the character sister. I, um, sort of felt like that before putting the cracked suit on, and I, um, really enjoyed every moment. I have been wanting to slide under the gaming table and do the things that Tananda was supposed to be doing.” I pulled my long pony tail out of my shirt and pulled the my hair out the red scrunchie and pulled the braid out. It was so very wavy from being braided, my dark red hair. Once it was free, it reached past my knees.

So Ron agreed to trade as I already had the right hair for Tananda as well, Bunny and Ginny both got their favorites as did Kevin. Then I nervously drew my tile that would be Ron's costume, It turned out to be Stoli my female Barbarian. Ron shook his head, and pulled the rubber band from his hair, “Well at least I am closer to her blond hair than you are.” His semi long hair had wave in it that the girls were oohing and ahhing over.

Bunny complained, “The best hair in the room belongs to a guy and a girl that was misidentified as a guy.”

We spent the rest of the evening making lists of what we needed. There was a lot of discussion on making sure we Role-played our characters properly, the toughest challenge being for Ron as Lady Stoli.

We grew, still have Mom and Dads vats, a Stoli Suit for Ron. As he was not comfortable with us cracking the limits on a generic skin. The guys insisted that Tananda get set to the character stats. So I was really top heavy with a 34E-18-34, which made it really had to breath, as well as throwing my balance off. I was wearing the Suit everyday to get used to the changes.

During those three days, Bunny and I noticed it was shaping my body which was okay with me. We were quick to tell Ron about that so he wouldn't spend too much time in his MythSkin. We had a lot of fun finding parts for everyone's costumes. For Stoli's top we bought silver metallic fabric, and sewed together a fitted crop-top with satin lining. Finishing the costume with black satin Bikini bottom and Black leather knee high boots with a two and a half inch chunky heel. I really got to stretch my Design and sewing abilities.

I have know idea where Bunny found the Bikini Plate mail, it shined and looked like plate but was soft to the touch. She had silver Gladiator sandals with a three inch heel to wear.

Ginny's gossamer thin dress hid nothing, she had a g-string and a set of pasties to keep her 'legal'. She even found a nice staff, and a pair of silver flats. She was happy as a very petite woman, 28B, 22, 30.

It took several days to get my Hooker Green Dress refit, it probably would have been easier to start from scratch. My old matching shoes were a lost cause as well all scraped up from kneeling on so many different floors. On the way out of the frat house Bunny had found the dress on the floor as she left. I had wrapped a towel around me. I guess I was lucky to still have my shoes as I stumbled out of the frat house. I was so weak in the knees from so much pleasure still vibrating through my body.

Bunny had a big surprise for me though, three days before the first Halloween party. Coming out of the shower I saw she had a few new things set out with my MythSkin. There was a set of leather cuffs and collar that matched the dress, yes all in Hooker's Green. So after putting on the Suit touching the tab with the sealing wand to make the seams disappear. It felt a little different, I tingled as pleasure flooded over me. The cuffs and collar, made me feel even better as I remembered the submissive side of Tananda. Also noticed the mint coloring of my skin being a very nice complement to the Dark Hooker's Green outfit.

Bunny came in, “Very nice pet, now the final piece.” She opened the box she had, pulling out a hooker's Green thigh high boot with the highest heel I had ever seen. I tried to stand, but the pain in my calves and feet was excruciating. I fell back on to the bed, “I'll never be able to walk in those, I can't even stand now it hurts so much.” I felt lost and a bit scared and looked up at my sister, “Bunny...”

Mistress,” she said back to me in correction, but with a loving smile.

It felt right so I asked, “Mistress, why do my feet an legs hurt so much to stand?” looking down at the offending appendages.

Bunny smiled as she put my new boots on me, “My little pet I wondered if you would remember Tananda being subby my perfect Trollop. Now stand pet, I did a little research, and I think you'll find you love your new shoes. We can take turns if you wish, I like playing the sub as much as you do.”

I did as she asked, and they were so very nice now instead of Mistress towering over this one by nine inches in her heels, this one was just three inches shorter. “Thank you Mistress the boots are wonderful. Turns, maybe next time, but this weekend I serve you Mistress.” I twirled and knelt before my dear sister.

Bunny smiled, “Well my pet, we both remembered your character's Dis-ads. Not to worry pet We will have fun with it this week and swap after the last party Monday night.”

My legs felt wonderful in the boots. I found that I moved like a ballerina so very gracefully. “Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress for the boots, they feel wonderful.” The satin lined leather hugged my legs making me gush.

The other costumes came together pretty well. I was used as payment for some of the pieces, I was a little shocked, but I was Mistresses happy Trollop. The weekly gaming night became reenactment of the troll gang bang of Tananda. Everyone was in their costumes, the three other females, each had a strap-on that were bigger than Wayne's ten inch and rounder than Jeremy's six inches. At first I was a little scared, but I ended up being very well pleased. Mistress kept telling me I was having fun and wow did I.

We won first place Group Costume on Friday and Saturday nights of the Halloween weekend that would finish on Monday the thirty-first. Ron took First place in the individual contests as well. Everything was a blur of sex for me, it was enjoyable, that the Trollop did not bother with a bra and panties after the first night. The Trollop's skirt was generally around her waist even when standing.

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It's Monday night and this Trollop is reading things from a Diary Mistress gave her. Mistress says it belongs to this Trollop, but that seems so strange. Ever since waking this morning things have been strange.

On Sunday the last thing I remember was a group of women being upset we had beaten them in the group event and that Jeremy, Wayne, and Ginny had placed First, Second and third in the individual. This Trollop sort of remembers kneeling on a pillow between my Mistress and Lady Stoli, when two women that were so angry came up.

We were waiting for Lady Stoli's sister to return with her security team, when they told us, “Your men won't be returning, we sent them off with the other whore. You three will live as Mistress, Lesbian Lover, and Trollop slave that you appear to be, as we say,so shall it be.” I didn't understand why they were so angry, or what they meant. This one was pretty sure that Lady Stoli's sister was not a prostitute, a healer or Doctor I thought. This Trollop can't remember anything else from Sunday night, as I woke early this Monday morning.

This Trollop felt as if there was something this one was forgetting. This one prayed that it was not something Mistress would punish her Trollop for. It was difficult to get out from between Mistress and Lady Stoli with the dildos filling this Trollop, but did so as this one has done so often. Haven't I, hmm, Something was changed, Mistress will know.

Went to make breakfast for Mistress and her guest Lady Stoli. This Trollop brought the tray of food back in knelt next to the bed acting as a table for Mistress and Her guest. Still felt something was not quite right but Mistress will figure it out.

Mistress and Lady Stoli woke with a start, they were screaming and weeping for some reason. Mistress said something strange, “Ron, I can't... I'm so sorry the wand isn't working. Why won't it unseal? OH GODDESS, What have I done my poor sister.” Why is she calling Lady Stoli, Ron. I did not understand. Maybe that's what Lady Stoli was crying about, being called Ron.

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