
Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 20

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 20


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 4

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Greg dives into the deep end of the pool and comes up gasping for breath. Hector senses something amiss with his buddy Greg.




The Taylor Project - Part 22

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 22

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.

The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix - Part 10 - Chapter 15

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?

Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.

We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-27

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-27

Chapter 27

We’re into the second batch of blueberry ice cream that old Mrs. Anderson had made for us when the cops showed up. Kaylee’s sticking close to me enough that I’m holding her and trying to sort of radiate comfort and that I’ve got her and its safe now, to her with my powers.

She’s leaning right into me with her weight right into my boobs pressing them into hers and it’s so on purpose too. and jeeze I really want to be with her and yet I want to be with Shy after what happened and her being that amazing and there’s another part that’s upset that I kinda froze and got scared and all girly about these guys and the way they seen me sexually and wanted actually wanted me freaked out and scared by that and that well…had me… freaked out.

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 2

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Hector discovers an alien woman in his garage while Greg learns a few things about himself and the strange device.




MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 1

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Greg’s humdrum and normal life as an accountant takes an unexpected detour when his construction worker roommate brings home a strange metal box.




The Heir

The Heir

When 16 year old Josh's aunt dies, he is surprised to be named as her sole heir. He is even more surprised to discover exactly what that means. This story was originally written and posted in 2005.

The Taylor Project - Part 21

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 21

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 1/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 1

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

This author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible. Though the story may seem a little harsh, it's real life, and as such, a perfectly valid theme to be exploring.

I have had the pleasure of working with the author in taking a concept through to an edited story. It's been a journey for both of us - dealing with subjects that are not exactly pleasant, but do happen and overshadow some people's lives, and doing so in a setting that I created, but hasn't yet seriously touched these issues. I applaud the author for being brave enough to come face-to-face with some harsh realities in the story, knowing that they may dredge up unpleasant memories for some. I look at the work as a further exploration of the human condition, flawed as we all are, and possibly an opportunity to give people who've had to face situations like the main character a chance for an emotional release, a recognition that others understand your pain and that you are not alone. I want to thank the author for working with me to make sure that Bikini Beach guidelines weren't violated, and that the characterization of the side players was accurate to my vision. I hope you find something that touches you in the story.



A Boy and his Dog, Chapter 11

When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
Chapter 11

by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 19

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 19


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

The Taylor Project - Part 20

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New Years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 20

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

Whisper - Chapter 42 - The End

by Sleethr


Whisper learns what her friend Sara is and starts gathering intel for her Whateley mission. The plans for her ride on a Air Force dropship are modified and Mrs. Carson is not what she expected.

Marked Target - Chapter 12

Marked Target
~ Chapter Twelve ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Lex's mettle proven, she gets a job offer. A family emergency erupts out of nowhere and Lex shows just what kind of person she is.


The Taylor Project - Part 19

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 19

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

Naming a Doll

Naming a Doll.jpg
Naming a Doll


A needle weaved in and out of the fabric creating intricate designs that only a master of their craft could achieve. Nimble hands carefully painted the eyes adding fine details. He slowly assembled each piece of the porcelain doll; each time the pieces clicked together it was like finishing a part of the puzzle. This was to be his final doll, a compilation of all his skill, imagination, and years of experience. It would be the perfect doll, his greatest masterpiece.

The White Wolf Chapter -25-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 25
Cross Examination

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

The Taylor Project - Part 18

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 18

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

Sunshine...Part 6

Sunshine…Part Six.


It was really one of those firefighter right down to his soul things... him coming over to talk to me or rather talk me down out of this funk memory not memory kind of freak out sort of thing.

He calls me Sunshine.


He makes me smile when I think smiling is the hardest thing to do in the world.


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