
White Witch Chapter 2

White Witch




White Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Fountain.

My Friend, the Witch Doctor

My Friend, the Witch Doctor

“Ooo,” I feel so strange.
“Eee,” I'm getting dizzy.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Something must be happening.
“Ting, tang.” Now, I can’t stop--the song is singing itself!
“Walla, walla,” and I’m shrinking.
“Bing, bang!” What just happened? It felt like something disappeared.

The White Wolf Chapter -28-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 28
The Back Forty

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

White Witch Chapter 1

White Witch




Witch Sigil

The White Witch is the most powerful spell caster on earth, Rachael Aurora and her Apprentice will be pushed to their limits. Satyr, undead, shape shifters, Magic users, and a host of Mythological creatures will befriend her or Attack her which is friend and which is Foe. The fate of all life on the planet hangs on The White Witch finding the Green Mother's Scepter.

Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 3/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 3/3

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

The author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible.


Mother's Day Morning

Mother's Day Morning
Copyright 2013 by Heather Rose Brown

A little girl 's past crosses paths with her present when she tries to create something special for Mother's Day.
(This story was written for the bestest mommy in the world, Holly H Hart. ^.^)

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 12

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Hector finds a few key items missing from the house. Greg does not handle the news well, but Hector comes up with a plan. The Agents have a plan of their own.



The Taylor Project - Part 25

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 25

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

The White Wolf Chapter -27-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 27

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Mind, Body and Spirit

note: This is an unfinished story I have hung on to for two years.

Mind, Body and Spirit


Paula Dillon

Fifteen year old Charlie walked into Kim Young-Soo’s Karate Dojang, carrying his forty five pound gear bag. The gear bag, which had seemed so heavy years ago, he gave no notice to these days. Charlie was five foot seven feet tall and one hundred and forty pounds of muscle and bones, with less than five percent body fat.

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 11

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Michelle and Greg enjoy their ride together. Arcee attracts some extra attention at the convention. Mrs. Hollingsworth makes a surprise call.



Dress Up Day - Chapter 2

Logo.jpgDress Up Day- Chapter 2.
Julie D Cole

She turned and smiled as she pulled up at the school gate. Then she giggled and reached over to kiss me whispering ‘Not tonight Josephine. Not tonight. - Go have some fun and you can tell me all about it later.’

The Taylor Project - Part 24

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 24

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 10

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Agent L has a wheel good time. Greg and Michelle have something important to ask Hector. Greg has a reason to play a theme song to a movie.



MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 9

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Hector gets his truck cleaned by a friendly elf. Michelle says pretty please and who can resist that kind of pressure?


The White Wolf Chapter -26-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 26
Going Home

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 2/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 2/3

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

The author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible.

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 8

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Natalie does not like being punked. Greg and Michelle's relationship grows a little stronger. Agent L hates changing tires.


The Taylor Project - Part 23

Scott Taylor Miller is tired of being known as Snotty. On New years Day he resolves to take control of his life and make himself into Taylor. However, Scott is unaware that his new asthma medicine will change him in ways he cannot foresee. Forces both within and without will try to define him. If he doesn't want to be Snotty any longer,
...just who exactly is Taylor?

The Taylor Project
Part 23

by Tracey Willows

Copyright © 2013 Tracey Willows
All Rights Reserved.


Edited by S.L.Hawke
Image Copyright © 2012 Tracey Willows

Fifth Avenue Transit

A boy is depressed when his best friend Joey finds a girl,
and plans to get married to Elise.
Grandma comes to the rescue with
a magic shopping trip down 5th avenue,
that transforms him into Pamela

so that he can steal Joey back!

Fifth Avenue Transit

by Pamela

Copyright © 1998,2013 Pamela
All Rights Reserved.

A Study in Satin - Part 2 - Chapters 1 - 4

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part II: Veni, Veni, Vici
Chapters 1-4

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002,2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 5

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Greg makes a very important phone call. Hector works out a few issues with his skeleton, but has a crazy idea. The Agency opens a case file.





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