
Horizons of the Heart - 15

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden learns some interesting things at the Convocation of Magi. Mirena and Rhyce enjoys a rare day without rain. Stann goes exploring, but digs himself too deep. Oleander and Jaden makes a disturbing discovery.

Flashback: A young Jaden waves his mother off as she goes on an important assignment.

Chapter 15: Sunless Sonata

The words of wordless may
sing a song to me
give me arms wide open

The White Wolf Chapter -34-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 34
Winning Her Heart

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

My Super Secret Life-32.

My Super Secret Life-32.

Chapter 32


Time seems to do funny things when you’re trying to clean your place up. It’s not like I’m a slob but I’ve been living the guy life and I’m not saying that all guys are slobs either it’s just sometime’s or in my case some how my priorities with training and stuff have sort of shifted.

Mind you I wasn’t that tidy and stuff as Sunny either but I still want to clean the place up for Alexis when she gets here…

The house screen rings with security checking in and showing me Alexis down at the main gate to The Tower and I tap the screen to okay her inside and leave and go down to meet her.

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 4 of 6

“If we can recreate this ‘Coke’ from materials to be had in our own world, we will do as much for the happiness of the speaking peoples as if we replicate a steam engine or internal combustion engine.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

The White Wolf Chapter -33-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 33
The Capture

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-14.

My Super Secret Life…Villain-14.

Chapter 14


We’re staring at each other…she’s ignoring her entourage and not willing to break the staring until I focus and focus on her eyes and I can feel that almost psi-touchy thing of this intensity coming off of her.

She’s not trying to read me but it’s more like I can feel her focus on me.

I…was going for that a little motive hidden in why I’m so focused on her eyes…I do a telekinetic brush of her lashes.

She twitches and flinches and rubs her eyes.

Then the glare when she realizes I got past her.

~You blinked. ~

“C’mon Link I’m done here. I never was one for playing with Barbies.”

“Oh…that’s a gang down here y’know.”

We’re walking and that, that made me laugh.

*And Now…………

Horizons of the Heart - 14

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


A new place brings a new opportunity, as Farcrest, the capital city of Alband hosts the yearly Convocation of Magi. The six friends all spend a national holiday doing what they love. What could possibly top a day like that?

Snakes and Ladders-27

Snakes and Ladders-27

Previously on………

Okay…I take a breath and built up my own power.

I hear them freak out and panic when those mooring things sizzle and pop and the boat starts to bob and move just floating on it’s own and I concentrate and let loose and slam my spell semi into the right side boat-wing thingy and the ship goes spinning in a fast circle in the hall hitting people, cargo falling off, people falling off before it gets wedged nose to tail sideways in the hall.

Then I’m in Final Fantasy meets Star Wars as spells are going up and off and arrows are flying and blasters are opening fire in the dark here from both sides.

Illisia casts some thing and this knights buckler made of energy and golden light with all these glyphs and symbols hit my arm and latches to it.

I pull my sword and fire it up and it does this energy whine as it does like a hawk cry at its prey and I run into the fight taking hits to the mage shield.

I’m not sure why but I yell. “Drop your arms in the name of the king!”

And Now……………

Chapter 27

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 3 of 6

“Being a woman is nothing,” Natalie said. “I’ve been men and women, male and female dwarves and camel-centaurs and even merfolk. But having to stay in the same shape for six days! I don’t know if I can do it.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

Horizons of the Heart - 13

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Events in Redwall comes to a close when the source of the strange sensations come to light. Jaden tells himself something he needs to hear.

Flashback: Jaden understands that his future among the Lacunai won't be what he wants.

Chapter 13: Embracing Change

Losing yourself, you did a good thing
Truth never hurts, you did a good thing
In spite of yourself, you did a good thing
Truth will be told

The Womanless Beauty Pageant – Part 3 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant — Part 3 of 11

The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby.

As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community.

The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written.
The second is our muse, Kelly Ann Rogers; her midcourse corrections were vital to the story's completion.

As the authors we hope you enjoy reading this bit of fun.
If anyone wishes to build off our FFL cub theme; you have our permission and encouragement.

Marina Joy and Monica Rose 

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-15.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-15.

Chapter 15

I take a few sips of my water and I check myself out in the mirror and try to ignore the looks for the other girls there. Honestly I’m sort of glad for the Scarlet super-heroine thing, I’m actually very comfortable in the leotard I’m wearing even though I’m still getting uses to the skirt they have us wearing with it and the legwarmers.

“Next!” The stage manager yells. “Thirty seven!”

Oops that’s me.

I go out on the stage and it’s bright they’re shining the house lights down on us and I can’t see the people in charge. I hear another voice. “Okay start!”

“Uhm…high I’m doing…” I get cut off by some woman out in the seats.

“We’ll figure it out, just start!”

Horizons of the Heart - 12

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and his friends make their way through the Ealbourne forest, and Redwall village that lies within. The Kuros Prelate Matrick in Rosehaven had told them of his bad premonitions while visiting his brother there, and they begin investigating what might be going on. Rhyce makes a surprising admission, and Jaden begins to feel something strange.

Flashback: Oleander roams the streets of Tarad after a happy turn of events that makes her sad

Chapter 12: Truth in the Mirror

I don't have to be cruel
Though I have a heart for cruelty
But you've made me choose
I know better than you do

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-9.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-9.

Chapter 9


It’s midnight and passed when we’re finally out from the game and it was kind of awesome to just let stuff go and play and be with friends well I was sort of too shy to really get to know them that well before but tonight it was cool it was different.

I never played a one shot RPG game before either.

I see Alex walking and I pull up. “Hey you want a lift home?’


He gets in the passenger side and he’s smiling at me and he’s so cute…and wow…I’m sitting really close to him too.

My car suddenly feels really small.

*And Now…………

Travel Agency: Scouts, part 2 of 6

“Dear body-borrower,

“I hope you have fun in my body and my world, but not too much fun, if you know what I mean.”

This story is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Travel Agency universe.

Horizons of the Heart - 11

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


After accepting a fellow priest's request to look into a matter in a nearby village, the group finish their preparations before saying goodbye to Rosehaven. Oleander sees something while poking around the inn, and Mirena tries to understand the Mystic tradition of magic.

Flashback: Mirena has received her first assignment as a knight, and brings along a new friend

Chapter 11: Roads for Thought

There are so many things
I wish I knew how to say
In a way that you'd understand
But I can't

My Super Secret Life-31.

My Super Secret Life-31.

Chapter 31


Breathe…even though everything is chaos around me I have to breathe, slow, steady let my breathing control my rate.

I block the pipe coming for my head with a palm and twist my wrist and arm as I do with a burst of soft chi turning it away from me and over balancing the thug with it I use him as he’s falling over to use him as a jumping block to get me into the upper parts of the warehouse. I combine my jump with a kick to the back of his head hard enough to lay him out.

Bonsai….Like the art for not Banzai the charge thing, that’s my code name. I’m on the team. I’m a junior member but at I’m active…not a reserve but an active junior Champion.

It’s Kai…me, I’m experienced and I’ve passed most of the tests they’ve put me through and I spar well enough that I’m on active duty being the team’s shinobi while Shroud’s away in Ark City

Once I‘m up in the shadowy dark of the ceilings I‘m in my element.

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 8 of 8 (conclusion)

"That's quite a coincidence," Tina wondered with increasing alarm. "Mom? Please tell me that it's just a coincidence!"

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 8 of 8 (conclusion)

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Horizons of the Heart - 10

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Jaden and his friends arrive at the town of Rosehaven in the kingdom of Alband, and they can finally relinquish the obsidian idol to the temple of Kuros.
With some distance between themselves and their troubles back in Tier, they take a much deserved rest.

Flashback: Rhyce is given the opportunity to turn his life around

Chapter 10: Unbroken Rose

Where do we go from here?
Time is nothing but time
I now have no fear of my fears
And no more tears to cry

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 7 of 8

"Oh darling ... I love you. I love you so much." James then opened one eye. "Erm ... how was that?"
Kent's eyes were red, and tearing. He had an anguished look on his face. "Yeah. That ... that's damn good," he whispered. "James, you want to know a secret?"

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 7 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Horizons of the Heart - 9

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Barely recovered from the events last night, the group sets out to deliver the obsidian idol to the temple of Kuros in a nearby town. Jaden and Kellen work together to ensure their safety.

Flashback: The cousins Winterheart are faced with an important decision

Chapter 9: The Lighter Way

I'm strong, I'll bear it all
But alone, even the bravest heart can fall

Horizons of the Heart - 8

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Having decided to try and break free from their captors, Jaden and Mirena are faced with the struggle for their lives. The rest of the group use their various means and talents to find them before it is too late.

Flashback: Jaden seeks to complete the last trial of his Mystic's training.

Chapter 8: Taking Breath

Faith will be tested as the truth will be denied
But after all, fate will decide

My Super Secret Life...Villain-13.

My Super Secret Life…Villain-13.

Chapter 13

This isn’t like the parts we passed through The Fringes, no this is Freaktown this is packed, really packed and my god.

If the humans above had any real idea, there’d likely be so much a panic it’d lead to war. I hear such a mix of languages here too.

And I spot members of the big three alien races down here too which isn’t surprising as they have made it clear they’re watching this whole thing unfold. More to think about really.

We’re heading into one of these tower buildings one of the largest within eyesight and its castle like a big square keep and there’s another square and another until just about ten feet from the ceiling. But the place is built from black spray painted riveted metal and has something familiar to it…box cars; it’s made out of box cars.

“This is?” I’m looking it over.

Shepherd walks beside me. “Welcome to Grand Central Station, home of The Underground Railroad.”

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 5 of 8

Kent's face drained of all color. "Tina ... you wouldn't ..."
"Try me," Tina growled. "Now, will you let me be with Mitch when we go home, or do I have to keep you in that short, weak, vulnerable girl's body?"

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 5 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-8.

My Super Secret Life…Diamond-8.

Chapter 8

And there’s all these people together either dating or married and stuff and I’m kind of feeling left out seeing how happy everyone is and everything together.

“Not that I’d have an idea of how to really be with anyone or anything even if I met someone.”

Yes…yes I’m talking to myself because you do that when you’re alone so much.

Alone, in a new life and way different body and things it’s still the same…hurt and lonely and that makes me feel all fat and ugly and what’s the point and that’s when it hits me.

I get my car and drive around after using my debit card to pay for the stuff at the beach and tip the valet guy five dollars. I’m driving and really trying to not go into a drive thru and just…It’s like this hurt that kind of sinks into that craving rush you get when you ear something good.

That something you like’s rush is what you use to replace the empty spot inside that I’m trying to fill.

I know all of this and yet.

Horizons of the Heart - 7

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


With Jaden and Mirena in the hands of the cult, their friends desperately scour the city trying to find them. The captured Mystic and knight face a terrible decision.

Flashback: Before joining her friends in adventure, Oleander took care of another group of people

Chapter 7: Treading Places

The quiet in your heart,
will mirror the same part;
and someone else in time,
in time you'll find

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 4 of 8

"Let me explain your predicament clearly: We'll let you out of this tree grove without harm. All you have to do is give each of us a quick favor. For me, I just want to kiss - your exposed left nipple."

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 4 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Horizons of the Heart - 6

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Knowing that the cult is on their trail, the group decides to try a time-tested tactic in evading the pursuit. Splitting up, they hope to evade the Sons of Husk long enough to escape the city.

Flashback: Back in the Northern Lands, Kellen tries to balance his own dreams against tradition

Chapter 6: Drawn Apart

A shrouded echo
Resounding waves that fall upon the shore
I feel you moving
To a place where I will see you nevermore

Vampyre 8.

Vampyre 8.


I walk to the place and it’s an old hotel…gothy lookin guard/bouncers and I can feel the touch of thrilling on them…

Dammit this isn’t just a Goth club but this is feeling more and more like a nest. I bare fangs and they open the doors without checking ID or asking for a cover.

The club is actually in the basement…it might have been the bar for the hotel and the convention room but now it’s all one big goth style dance club and there’s a lot of stuff going on and I’m feeling thralls I’m seeing bodies moving around with no electric spark to them at all and there is a definite feeling of…wrong on so, so many levels…I catch a glimpse of someone taking a hit of meth from a pipe but there’s a vampire blood hint to it…and I see the human’s eyes get infused for a second with vampire red then that clouds over and get’s washed away from this shimmer of green…

Oh this is not good.


My Super Secret Life...Scarlet 14.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet 14.

Chapter 14




“I want to take you out on a date.”


“Yeah you.”


“Yes, I really, really like you. Heck more than anyone I’ve really met before and…”

Nikki steps forward and kisses me.

Horizons of the Heart - 5

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


As the intrepid adventurers struggle to make sense of their contact's cryptic message, the death cult close in on them. They might not be as safe as they thought they were.
Kellen has a plan on how to make finding them more difficult.

Flashback: Mirena was born and raised in the golden city, and struggles with certain expectations.

Chapter 5: Lying Flowers

In stillness, no comfort
In silence, awash in fervent dreams
In stillness I see you, returning back to me

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 3 of 8

Okay - go down. Go down! Why isn't it going down? Think unromantic thoughts...

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 3 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.




“More scotch, some food and some new clothes other than that time and rest.”

“I’ll try to get all of that, this way.”

Tim leads us down a hall that’s attached to this room and into a large old library. I can smell old books, and lot’s of other things that has me on the edge of sneezing. I get a chair by this old oak table and take a seat and Justin’s staring and looking around after Tim leaves. It’s all very wolf centric in its designs and its art and stuff…this is a really old library.

“We better get started Erica.”


“This is the library of the Were here in the UK I’m guessing his highness let us in here for a reason so we’d best start looking for all the information that we can find.”

“Oh…right…well you’re the scholar where do we start?”

He points to shelves that are locked behind silver bars. “That looks like a good start.”


I really hope we can trust Tim and that he’s not in someone’s pocket.

*And Now……….

My Super Secret Life-30.

My Super Secret Life-30.

Chapter 30



“Thanks for this…for really, really trying….for making things right?”

“I had to…I love you whether you’re you or Matt I love you too much not to fight for you.”

She rolls over and looks at me. I get the look in her eyes, I really do even as Tyler…I was born a girl…and sometimes it’s the most important thing in the world to a girl to feel like she’s worth fighting for…worth it.

We kiss and she rolls me onto my back and we kiss as she straddles me and it’s really amazing. It’s like we used to be but reversed and the same all at the same time.

It’s maybe better? Like we’ve crossed some point with us and now we’re getting back to us but better? Experienced maybe…It’s just we’ve not kissed like this and just sensually made out like this for a long, long time.

We’re both smiling and holding hands fingers interlaced on the way back. I put stuff away and open her door and kiss her again. She smiles after the kiss like I hung the moon and it sinks right into my heart. It’s a new feeling. “I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day’s going to be like.”

Me too…

I think I’m starting to finally find myself.

Horizons of the Heart - 4

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


While the rest of the group remain behind at the Green Raven inn hoping to help Oleander, Stann and Jaden head out into the city on errands. Jaden feels he has to do something about his increasingly untenable situation, and does the first thing that comes to mind: he lies.

Flashback: Rhyce wasn't always an adventurer

Chapter 4: Other Faces

Tomorrow will come, no matter what Yesterday did
Worrying about one, and regretting the other
Only hurts Today

A Boy and his Dog, Chapter 14

When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, Little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
Chapter 14

by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

Ultimate Empathy Therapy. Part 2 of 8

"You mean there's not an escape clause in that waiver? I don't like this. I demand to be returned to my normal state of mind!"

Ultimate Empathy Therapy
Part 2 of 8

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

The White Wolf Chapter -32-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch.
Now he must fight his father to keep it while he must
honor his Grandfather's last wish of seeking Coyote.

The White Wolf

Chapter 32
Childhood Memories

by Barbara Allan

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Allan
All Rights Reserved.


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