My Super Secret Life…Potentials-12 the Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-12 the Start.


How do you explain the stuff you do, feel to someone? Especially to someone that’s been literally inside of you and living in your head. I mean Quinn wasn’t with me that long but he recognized me right off the get go and as strange as Halo is. And all of the other kids and students are pretty odd given everything and everyone it’s also not as odd as me I’ll bet.

It’s really not fair that Quinn can fly either. I might look like I’m in shape but I’m really not.

Because I’m actually a fat kid with super powers and not this tall girl with a nice bust and bum.

Yeah, well I’m a shape shifter. Well sort of I’m an elastomorph that’s the technical thing for me and I can stretch like a rubber person and I can shift stuff in me around.

Like my body fat. So yeah that’s where the bust and but comes from and I stretch my legs a bit and my body and neck and arms so I go from being five foot nothing and heavy set to being close to six foot and really curvy.


Why the heck would I do this?

One fat doesn’t equal muscle so me going all buff and bumpy well it’s all still going to jiggle. And even if I tried to go guy big and stuff well I’m five foot nothing it doesn’t stretch out to that kind of big without looking all mutant.

Two… Girls are awesome and they’re pretty and it feels good to get the attention that I get like this as long as it’s like me and me being anonymous.

Hey Mark you’re a babe just isn’t what I want to hear ever.

And I’m kinda winded and kind of feeling the boob running effect when Quinn lands in front of me.

He looks so weird, kind of scary too like all washed out and white like milky white with these eyes that are just a touch of blue so as not to be white and even his hair is like that.

“Hey, wait…look I’m sorry I really didn’t mean to freak you out.”

“Well…well you did.” (Pant.)

“I can see that, I mean…”

“Mean what Quinn?”

“Uhm…can I ask?”


I know, I know that he’s just trying. But I really, really don’t want to explain all of this and the fact that it’s all kind of a pity trip, an ego stroke.

He’s looking at me and it’s so strange too because he’s like there and not just this sort of white also plastic like stuff and yes he’s wearing clothes and stuff but still.

This place is so just weird.

He shrugs at me. “Okay.”


“Yeah I mean okay like whatever if this is something that’s you then who am I to judge?”

“You’ve been in my head…inside of me.”

“Mark…is it Mark like this?”

“No…it’s Amy.”


“I like the name okay?”

He raises his hands. “Seriously I am no position to really judge anyone…ever.”


He offers his hand. “Breakfast?”

I…and I sort of realize that there are people sort of looking at us out here after me trying to run away and stuff.

And I see Sam Chase coming with that girl…the Vanir girl only kinda sort of not a girl. I mean she is a girl but the way she’s coming in she’s like buff and built with like broad shoulders and muscular arms and just…it’s her but she’s like a female body builder or something.

Sam Chase is smiling and stuff but she’s been like that all the times that I’ve seen her and she looks like it’s kind of a common thing for her and stuff.

She does a little skip over and she extends her hand to Quinn.

“You must be Karma.”

“Uhm…” Quinn sounds like he’s lost.

Some people are just way too morning people.

“I’m Quinn; Karma’s sort of my code name.”

“You got named already? That’s pretty cool.”

I look at Vana and she’s all…like wow and stuff like super weight lifter girl instead of the busty southern belle.

I try a smile…. “I…uhm we were heading for breakfast you girls want to join us?”

Sam says for both of them. “Sure!”

Quinn does this head tilt and the after you gesture. “Ladies…”

Oh…he included me in that too.

I start and the girls come with me as we head to the food hall.

It’s…it’s kind of an amazing place really, it’s self-serve buffet but there are some stations. Like right now there are an omelet station, pancakes, crepes, and waffles all manned and a few other things here too from like other cultures or ethnics.


I’m lookin and this place is huge. It’s a place the size of a gym or like a stadium but with all these levels and dais’s at random for like seating and tables and stuff and they have like ones that are glassed in and ones with like wooden planters with like plants that those fancy restaurants have and there’s some that are just normal and stuff too but it’s like something right out of like some cafeterias of the rich an famous.

They have people cooking too.

Hey there’s a thing, I’m a darned good cook maybe a kin get some work to like help with things? The one’s cookin look like students well teenagers.

We all head over to the buffet things an get trays.

I’m actually hungry like this and I’m cravin stuff I wasn’t really allowed t’have before.

Home girls kinda ate certain stuff so like more than two slices of bacon was a no-no.

There’s this pop and this mist of black smoke that ain’t real smoke and Cody’s there and he smells? It’s weird because he’s sort of an anthro but he smells like shampoo. “How’s that work?”

He’s getting a tray and looking at me and passes the tray to me and gets another. “How’s what work, the teleport?”

Hmmm…now’s here where I should consider if I should ask about powers and stuff or if I should come across like a red neck and ask him about how he cleans himself.

“Uhm…yeah, you know yet?”

“Nope, wormhole I think.”

“That’s a physics thing right?”

Sam looks like she’s going to say something and Cody looks at her and points. “No…”

She blinks. “No?”

“No hard-core physics this early in the morning, there’s not enough coffee on New Haven for that.”

Yep, he’s into her.

And I’m not sure how I feel about that? Like ah mean Cody is cute and all but the whole not looking human thing is naggin at me.

Ah know I know a lot of different people now and all but there’s still all that stuff from home I hafta deal with.

I mean it’s like having this automatic bigot sitting in my brain.

I damned hate it y’know.

We hit the different places t’get food and I get bacon and one of those fancy omelet things and then a bowl of oatmeal and a can of juice and a can of milk.

Seriously milk in a can like pop comes in from home. That’s just so.

I’d feel guilty about my portions but I’m starved and there’s some girls there that are getting a whole bunch more than me. I’ll admit I’m staring at some of them… The seven foot girl built like me but more with those black people braids but she’s like sorta mixed race looking.

A black girl that looks like a super built model with muscles and this spic…Hispanic girl eating as she’s plating food so fast she’s blurring? Super speed? Yeah there’s others too but these were the ones that I noticed.

The black girl and the big braided one look at us as they leave together…we’re getting checked out? Me and Quinn and they sort of look at Amy, Cody and Sam but mostly just us two.

Then Quinn’s like. “They’re magic’s of some kind.”

Sam’s doing the eyeballs and numbers thingy that she does looking at files. She’s frowning.

“Bad?” I ask?

“Yeah, dad’s locked me out again.”

I look at her. “Locked you out of your house?”

She shakes her head. “No out of the school’s mainframe.”

“Oh…you can do computer stuff.”

She nods. “You still want to go shopping later?”

“I need to; I don’t have much for this form or my other form.”

“Great we can get you familiar with town here and stuff.”

I nod. “I’d prefer that actually t’going over to the mainland Ark City looks really nice and all but it’s also pretty scary.”

There’s some agreement from Amy and Cody as we’re eating good I’m kind of glad that I don’t just come across as some yokel.


I get up after an iffy night with lots of dreams about what happened with everything and then there was all the stuff that’s going on with me and my powers.

The very first thing that I have happen is me rolling over wrong and doing that boob press pinch thing…ow…it’s kind of that ow that you get when you sit on something wrong as a guy and pinch something down there.

I adjust and go fully face down into my bed which puts pressure on my breasts and not in a bad way just freaky and alien and strange…but good because they ache and they kind of itch so the pressure in actually kind of nice.

But the me having to experience the entire deal has my planting my face into the pillow.

“Gah…I hate this.”

Gulp…my voice…it’s changed again.

Softer and lower? Female and yet…I sound like a woman, not a girl but a woman.

I do a push up from the bed and have a face full of hair and I get it out of my face and I start to check myself over.

Boobs…yeah and they might be different…I check below…it’s still there for now. Hopefully forever…what they don’t actually know that I have in my pants is my business.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom and the bounce and sway of my new assets is very distracting and I get in and I take a look at myself.

There’s differences but not a whole lot of them…more hair I think it grew out a couple of inches and it’s darker sort of a rich chestnut color of brown and my face looks a little bit girl symmetrical but the difference I’m sort of seeing and stuff in my hips…they sort of look a little wider and I think some of my body fat that didn’t go to my boobs went to my butt.

I use the bathroom and then I go from there to having a shower and I’m really glad that I have my own bathroom in our new place. Then it’s trying to do something with my hair and failing since it just seems to want to not style of anything and just come loose but oddly it’s not all that messy looking.

More to get used to.

And y’know what I am going to get used to it so once I get a shirt on and my boxers I leave my room and I fly down the stairs and into the kitchen to come in for a landing and three steps to the fridge.

Nancy is staring at me and she’s stopped eating.

I can see the gears working in her head like she’s trying to decide if she’s freaked or disgusted.

Screw her…I wanted to do like grandma and make a difference after reading her journals and stuff and I took up her mantel and I didn’t want this and I didn’t think I’d be turning out like this.

I get some pineapple juice and I pour it into the blender with some lemon flavored yogurt and add a banana and then I buzz it up and I make a slice of toast.

She’s just about to say something as I take a bite of the toast and fly slip down the hallway and do a spin around the corner stair rail and I fly back up to my room.

No, I’m not in a good mood but I’m not going to let this mess with me without fighting back.

And fighting back right now is now letting Nancy get her way and her digs in and stuff.

Now then next step is to look for the positives.

Like I can fly.

Not fast or like super but I can fly.

I go online with my computer and I look up some things and I bring up the whole song thing for Peter Pan. You know that song for “You can fly!” and yeah that stuff still exists it really never goes away and I crank the volume just to get Nancy’s goat and I actually clean my room and make my bed but I fly while I do it.

It’s really easy to make a bigger bed when you can hover over it.

And it’s really not so much cleaning my room as it is unpacking my room and then it’s me going through things to see what fits me and what I have to toss out and stuff.

I lose a lot of clothes…I wasn’t small but I wasn’t a really big guy either just with the changes very few of my shirt fit. Oddly enough I haven’t shrunk instead I’ve grown into my feminine parts.

My hips and butt too have decided that they’re just too much for about a third of my stuff. Honestly most of it is older stuff and I haven’t worn some of it for a year or two.

I get a decent pair of black jeans on and a dark green t-shirt and after looking at myself I get my hoodie because I’m having nipple issues and stuff.

Then it’s flying downstairs to get myself some bags and I bag up all my old stuff and I bring it down and pass Nancy on the stairs.

“Fucking walk Jesus Christ Drew!”

“Why I can fly?”

“God you’re such a freak!”

“yeah well that’s not going to actually change Nancy so I might as well get used to it and maybe even enjoy it.”

“Enjoy It!”

I float the rest of the way down but backwards looking at her. “I’ll see you at school.”

“I’m not fucking going to freak central!”

“Have fun arguing that one out with Mom and Dad.”

“Fuck you! fuck you!, arrgh! Fuck you!”

She storms the rest of the way up the stairs and she slams her door with a scream.

I’m almost smiling…almost because as much fun as it is to just piss her off for all the bitchy things that she’s said and done recently she was with a bad crowd.

And she might get back into that unless something happens to change that.

I meet up with mom in the hallway and she’s looking at me and I shrug. “I’m adapting.”

“Good, and you’re going where with those?”

“Drop off center I think, I’d rather donate them then just toss them out.” I gesture with one of the bags. “They don’t fit anymore.”

“Aaah well we’ll have to get you some things that will fit you.”

“Mom…I can get my own clothes.”

“Do you have any idea what you’re going to need with the changed to your body?”

“No but I can learn.”

She’s looking at me and she nods and she takes out her personal tablet and she does a few things. “There I transferred five hundred to your account so you can go and get some new clothes just keep all the slips in case we have to take some things back.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” And I head out the front doors and I take off a few inches off the ground and down the side walk…I slow and I look back towards the house.

Did mom?

No…she doesn’t even really do that kind of stuff with Nancy.

Maybe I wanted?

I swallow a lump in my throat… damned hormones.

I turn back around and I head down the street and head to the HALO drop off center where all sorts of stuff gets dropped off to be re-purposed for those that need it.

I saw this on the school’s site for the students and stuff and it looked like maybe a good extra credit thing too since it’s all student run.

I stop flying and I get a look or two from people around the place but you know what most of those people aren’t regular people/baselines I mean one’s indigo skinned and Asian and he’s playing hacky sack with another guy? They’re like anthro-touched feline which mean he looks normal and yet has the anime cat ears and tail and these really big eyes…I’m just saying he because they’re flat but as things go they’re really androgynous.

But yeah they look and they don’t really say a whole lot except I think I’m getting checked out.

And yeah a kinda blush because that’s really weird for me.

I head inside and it’s really big actually like a warehouse and a shop combined along with what is a front counter and stuff.

I head up to the counter and there’s this girl there reading some really big stack of books and she looks at me. Asian…Japanese and very pretty with pink cyber eyes and matching bangs and she’s checking me out too.

It’s a whole other kind of blush when a cute girl is checking out your breasts.

“Uhm…Hi I’m dropping some stuff off.”

“Cool and thanks you need a slip for them?”

She says as she hops out of her chair and does this skirt tug thing and I can’t help but stare…it’s really short and she has those stocking things on and she’s wearing a belly shirt and she’s really cute.

“Uhm… I don’t really need one but I guess for like taxes and stuff.”

“No, it’s like campus credit rebates.”

“Huh?” Dammit…I said huh…actually said that.

She smiles at me. “It’s like there’s this system here that you can sign on and do like charity work and get paid in school credits.”

“Like course credits?”

She grins and she takes the bags and sets the on this thing that looks like a scale and turns out it is but it’s like some kind of scanner too. Okay that makes sense seeing that who knows what will/could be carrying what. “No like debit for stuff at school.”

“Isn’t that like getting a job for the school?”

“It is and it isn’t, I mean you could like sign onto one of the school charities it’s linked to and donate time and help and stuff and the school will pay you in debits even if the charity can’t afford to.”

“How can it do that?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know but I mean this whole Halo thing starts with really big pockets and stuff.”

“Okay then…sure I’ll take the slip.”

She nods and asks for my student I.D. and two bags full gave me about thirty debit dollars and that’s with the money Victory gave me and I… “Hey…thanks uhm…?”

“It’s not uhm it’s Pepper.”


She nods and she blushes.

Oh wow. “I’m Drew.”

I look at her and she’s looking at me and I…oh wow this is sort of hard.

“I’m headed over to the food hall and going to get some breakfast you want to join me…I mean if you like can?”

Pepper looks me over and nods. “Sure just a sec…” She does this sort of look…stare head thing and is spaced out for a second and then she’s going for her coat and a big black guy comes out front and looks at me.

Guy eyes right to my chest and the he’s looking the rest of me over. He smiles and I really don’t know what to do or feel because it kind of felt scary and eww and objectifying in this really freaky-bad way and yet at the same time I’ve been him and sometimes you can’t help but to stare and I wasn’t thinking crude stuff or nasty thoughts and stuff it’s just…really strange.

I look at Pepper and we head out together walking and stuff and she’s actually pretty well known and stuff and there’s a lot of people that wave and say hello to her and stuff.

I feel a telekinetic reaction happen as she calls out to this Hispanic girl in what I think might be Spanish and she’s lie twenty feet from us and she and pepper do this hand slap sideways high five and I hear this Spanish girls hand connect with TK force and they move on.

I look at her. “Wow…that was cool.”

“Yeah Anita’s pretty awesome.”

“You know a lot of people here.”

“Some but I’ve been here awhile too and stuff and got to meet a lot of people while I was helping out with stuff.”

I nod. “A lot of people come through the resource center?”

She nods. “Lots, since the island is a meta sanctuary community and we had a lot of people move here or settle here after they had their refugee status cleared and stuff. I did the center and worked for the food trucks with deliveries and even with the housing company.”

“Housing company?”

“Halo housing company it makes like homes for the homeless and refugees that we get here.”

“You’ve done a lot of cool stuff.”

“My mother was a Double A.”

“Really!?” Okay that’s kind of…. And she’s quiet now…. “Shit…sorry…”

She nods and rubs at her yes. “It’s okay…it happen a long time ago and stuff and she went out doing the right thing.”

“Who was she if I can ask?”


I’m drawing a blank…there’s been a lot of heroes and heroines in the Ark Angels and a whole lot of the public just seems to forget that sometimes heroes don’t win, sometimes they don’t come back.”

“I’ll have to look her up.”

She nods and she looks around and I see my “friends” and some other’s I don’t know waving me over and Pepper’s waving back.

“I suppose you must know Sam Chase then?”

“Oh yeah we grew up together and stuff. Her dad designed my cyber eyes.”

“Oh…so the pink was a choice then?”

“No, they’re multi-color shifting and stuff I can change them to whatever I like.”

“Okay that’s cool.”

It is and it isn’t I’m sorry cyber stuff as common as it is still is kind of freaky to me.

“So…buy me some waffles Drew?”

She smiles and she has her hands behind her back in that cute way and she’s… “Definitely.”

Okay she’s getting in a better mood as she’s getting like waffles made and she’s doing the whole whipped cream and strawberries and stuff and she’s getting candied bacon and stuff and putting it on her plate.

I’m smiling a bit more and having fun watching her and I get two things of savory French toast with like herbs and chives and some corned beef hash browns… (I haven’t had it but it smelled good) and I get a basket of bacon from the self-serve tables and our drinks and now I get a coffee and we go to sit with the others since she knows them too and I take the basket and set it in the middle of the table. “Community bacon.”

Cody grabs a handful. “Drew! You rock dude.”


And now Pepper and this girl and this weird looking pale ghostly looking guy are staring at me.

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