My Super Secret Life-10.

My Super Secret life -10

Chapter 10


It’s so strange…I’m getting into this little red sports car having the door opened for me to go shopping of all things by this drop dead gorgeous blonde with these incredibly blue eyes and this warm sexy killer smile.

And I’m just a bit taller than her boobs.

I can’t help the stuff going on inside of me. I mean I’m still Shane, I feel like I’m Shane at least most of the time in my head and all but there’s part of me like I’m possessed by the little jap that I’ve been turned into. Dreams and snippets of her life and then there’s these feelings. I don’t even talk street like I used to…Kai…me…She was a gutter rat back then, lower than I’ve ever been…Eta…untouchable.

I get that but even with the damned bloody mess going on “down there.” I’m feeling this warm tingle running through me that I’ve never felt before but Kai has…and it was sort of starting with Sunny opening the car door and being all chivalrous? But really got started with the amazing look into her perfect cleavage I got as she got into the car.

Sunny was turning me on.

I’m honestly not sure if I’m relieved to like girls still or freaked out with the whole fact I’m a lesbian. Which is really hard on my head because me…Shane me well even if I didn’t go to church and all that I was raised to be a good Catholic Hispanic boy.

And I’m girly soaking my tampon right now with something other than blood.

Sunny’s actually a pretty good driver but way too friendly for urban driving wavy people through and not cutting people off or anything. She parks at this almost a mall kind of place that looks pretty high end but I see posters saying that I can get deals off for newly immigrated assistance card bearers and there’s another discount for students.

Wait…what is she…?

I look as she opens my door for me with a smile and then she puts her debit card in the parking meter and for each meter along or way inside to the mall. Chivalrous and a Good Samaritan? Do girls like this really exist? Kai…Me…that part of me is feeling sort of impressed by the care and honor she’s showing others. Me…Shane me can’t believe that anyone’s that…is she waiting for me? She is and she holds the door open for me.

Did I just meet a white knight in Victoria’s Secret lingerie?

We go through the place and it’s really nice, there a lot of cringe girly shops and yet the scared hurt street rat girl is breathless. She/I would have been beaten or even just killed for going into a shopping district like this back then.

Sunny’s all smiles as she leads me into Hollebrooks which is a boutique story that has some really nice things. It’s all sort of business/college student casual and dressy kind of stuff and they have things there in my sizes. I’m a petite in everything.

I try on so many things that I’m…My heads spinning. I’m not really supposed to be into stuff like this and Kai is shy but loving it getting to wear these rare fabrics and exotic styles is such a thrill to her and I’m her so it’s kind of fun and a good time. Even if part of me is cringing at shopping.

Changing, with Sunny on the other hand is just as much a trip. I’m shy, small, skinny, and just this little Asian doll really. I’m very bashful about changing in front of anyone. Shane or Kai it’s something that we both have in common we’re both really bashful about our bodies.

Sunny on the other hand is a goddess, tall and tanned with actual meat on her bones that really appeals to me and Hispanic love of women with a little something, the fighter in both of us notices the trim muscle she has and the hit of ab’s all put together in this busty blonde bombshell of a body and…I was right she is wearing lingerie, this soft pink stuff with lacy bit of white that just make her look so sexy it makes my nipples hurt, actually my nipples hurt, my breasts sort of ache and by the time we get out of Hollebrooks I have to change my tampon which hit’s the garbage with a wet thud that’s not from blood soaking into it.

We hit Avanti which is this nice store for clubbing clothes and then to Indigo’s which specializes only in dark fabrics and the stop for lunch at the food court.

“Oh! Sunny-Kun…Sunny can we eat here? I’ve been craving food from home all day every since I started having my…” I blush and duck my head…WTF, effing ghost! stupid girl brain why am I just blurting that out?

“Sure thing I’ll try some too, other than some stuff at the sushi places I really don’t know a thing about Japanese styled street food. My treat.”

“No, Sunny-Kun you have been more than kind with me, I should pay for you.”

She looks at me with this smile and nods. “Sure, but I’ll by us dessert. Deal?”


I belly up to the counter and I start to order things that I’ve never tried but I’m drooling over because of being Kai, and there these darned cravings from my period. But part of that hunger is the same, that street poor kid thing where you might not be starving but you’ve just gone without for so long that it’s such a draw, and such a temptation.

First things first I get the Octopus balls…Takoyaki they’re so good and sunny gets them too two large orders and I show her how I like them drizzled with sweet soy and them a squeezy drizzle back and forth over them of Japanese mayo and a bit of finely sliced green onions and I get some packets of dried Kombu (Seaweed.) and Bonito flakes (Dried fish flakes/shavings.) I swirl the ball on a skewer in sauce the roll it into the two kinds of flakes before popping them into my mouth.

I’m eating stuff I’d never eat and I’m having a Foodgasm.

There’s other stuff too like these really good rice balls that are done with the savory sticky rice used for sushi but are rolled around a mixture of chillies and sweet red bean paste. And Yakitori…basically Japanese grilled chicken and chicken parts with lot’s and lots of really good sauces you can put on them. I’m not put off by the un-choice bits because of our shared backgrounds. Actually this kind of has me craving Menudo (Chiles with tripe soup.)

Sunny is packing it away and even tries everything and she doesn’t look like one of those girls that would actually eat. You know those cheerleader types that just have like half an apple and a bottle of water and they’re stuffed, or dieting. I always hated that. Mexican girls can eat.

We get ice cream at Chilly Willie’s this strange little penguin dude with these old school cartoons playing in the place on vid screens. I’m so unsure of what to get here because there’s so man choices and I go with a root beer float made with Dad’s? Old fashioned root beer and coffee ice cream. I’m Latino I like coffee and apparently so does Kai but…oh my god…Kai’s never had soda-pop or ice cream before and I get to experience it all over again for the first time. God it feels like about a hundred pounds of Shane’s crap just fell off my shoulders.

Sunny gets the Abominable Ice cream sandwich? Two of these things called Wagon wheels? Are use to sandwich cookie dough ice cream then the whole thing is dipped in fuddle cake batter then deep-fried!

I watch her wide eyed as she eats it in like five bites. “Oh you are a big eater Sunny-Kun.” I duck my head and blush; okay you don’t say that thing to anglo girls, heck you just don’t say that thing to most girls but apparently a good appetite means something actually good in Japanese cultures. But my brain is just so full of me and her and me and him…

Him!…Shane! See what I mean? And of course this in making me upset and I’m on my period so the damned hormones or whatever are out of control and I feel two tears run down my cheeks.

“Hey what’s wrong Shane?” Sunny’s got her hand on my shoulder and I look at her and honestly see she’s seems to actually give a shit and I’m so…effing lonely. I start to cry and she pulls me into a hug and leads me over to a bench. “Come on here let it out and you can tell me what’s going on.”

“I…I…I…am just feeling my time. It and the fact you are so very nice to me Sunny-K.., Sunny. Before I came here I was a very different person, I sometimes feel like I am losing the old me and this new me is taking her place.”

“I can get that, I’ve gone through some things that really changed me too.”

“Hai, I know you are very different than most girls that are like you.”

“I know, I was part of the Paradise City Blonde Bimbo cliché, I even come from a family that’s really well off. But I’ve seen a few things and been through a few things to wise me up. Look Kai…Shane, change can be a good thing, it can release a lot of the stuff that might drag us down in the end.”

I look at her and she seems to be thinking and seeing or remembering some things and me I’m remembering what it was like…being Shane, being a junkie at the end of things instead of the guy who wanted to use the fact he could fight to get out of the streets and poverty. Shane would have more than likely died either getting shot or from a drug overdose or from some disease related to his/my drug use.

Kai…Kai had died facing off against a really bad dude and she died with honor, more of it than I did. She didn’t want to die, I didn’t want to die. And Shane me was throwing my/his life away.

Then it kind of slowly sinks in that I’m warm, and fed and going to a nice school and I’m alive and clean and sober. I’m a girl now but I/Kai never had a childhood a chance at being a teenager either.

I close my eyes and I just breathe, I lean into Sunny and let her hold me and I breathe and let go. I me Shane and even Kai and we both let go of the sharp jagged stuff and drift together holding each other like two long lost twins I guess. Kind of curling up and floating together fusing together in my head like the Chinese Taoist symbol of Yin and Yang.

(Sniffle) “Thanks Sunny, this really helped.” I look up at her and smile. Okay this actually feels good, exciting, kinda has this thrill to it. I’m pulled close to this dreamy super hot looking blonde bombshell of a girl and she’s kind of the guy.

She smiles and she pulls me into this great big hug. Which feels as good emotionally as it does by getting the really nice boob on boob thing going on. Oh I’m such a lesbian. Period or not I’m getting turned on. Wait didn’t I hear somewhere that some girls get all steamy when that happens?

“I know, I kind of felt this big wave of tension leave your body Shane. You’re mellowing out with me a bit aren’t you? You’re not talking as formal as you were most of the day.”

Uhmmm…..okay, not like I can actually tell her.

“Hai, I mean yes, I was raised very strictly and I’m still getting used to having a friend that I can talk less formally with.”

“We’re friends? Cool.” She actually seems excited and happy by this and that kind of makes her really hot looking…no sorry beautiful…no hot, I can say hot. Sunny is really hot.

“Can you show me some more things? I really have no clue what I’m doing; everything is so different than from home.”

“Sure thing but first let’s fix your face.”

“Uhm that means make up right?”

“Yes it does Shane welcome to modern girliness.”

Sunny says it with a smile and takes me to this store that only sells make up and stuff and it’s stupefying really at the sheer volume of things there and the prices! Holy…oh my god being a girl is going to be expensive. I hope I don’t have to buy this stuff to often.

She takes me to this counter where I’m met by this sales girl who goes over my skin chart and she’s explaining how different things will work for me in different ways with my skin type and my complexion and the ethnic tones and it’s all quite technical in some of it. Actually it reminds me of shop class when we were covering auto-body stuff and I’m slowly catching on.

We both get our faces done by the professionals there and wow. Sunny looks just…I could so do things, want to do things and there’s this little pop of a memory in my head and I remember my girly lips on a pair of these swollen nipples and a Japanese skin toned set of breasts and the feeling of loving doing it.

Apparently me liking girls isn’t a new thing for me. But I’ve never had an encounter with a beautiful pair of them like sunny has. I’m so girl crushing right now. I kind of like it too, there this edgy deliciousness to these feelings. I so think I get why the drama around love and crushes and all that stuff is so… (Sigh). Whoa, I think sunny just checked me out checked me out…? Is she…?

Oh god I hope she might feel the same way about me.

I kind of follow her like a puppy into Vixens a sexy clothing store for young women and we start to pick out things and I’m really kind of getting into it. There this whole kind of a sort of kinky fun thing going on that’s me enjoying being actually pretty, I mean I think I’m pretty in that hot Japanese girl kind of way.

I like these clothes that I’d never have been able to wear before; I like even how pretty they are and just feeling this good with everything is making me smile a bit. I know it’s a huge difference so kind of suddenly but letting go, on both sides seems to have done that. I’ve got two different sets of memories and all of mine as Kai aren’t fully here yet but Shane’s old hurts are a little more removed too like some time’s gone past enough to dull it all.

It’s a little strange but it feels very good to just be me. To just be one person instead of two. It’s such a relief. Even if I was freaked out before about being a girl it’s kind of gone now. Instead there’s this mix of familiarity and wonder. Part the old Shane and part just the time difference between now and when I was alive.

I love how new everything feels now.

I’m just slipping into this short skirt that Sunny picked out for me and a kind of a cropped blouse that has a girl’s necktie with it and it looks good, very Japanese laid back school girl that’s so Japanese but it’s also so Shane. Ruffle collar on the shirt and knee high socks with these shoes that are like a really nice leather sort of ballet flat.

I’m turning in the mirror and showing and modeling for Sunny when there are these flashes of light. ~Flash bombs! gotta hide!~ I duck into this rack of clothes and the stores security doors are being swung shut and locked as these seven tall girls dressed in pink leotards with big boobs and they…they…are all identical with blonde hair and blue eyes and I mean identical in every way except for the numbers on their belts.

“Okay! Like everyone, wouldja like hit the floor we’re like the Barbie-Girls and It’s a Barbie World and this is like totally a robbery!”


You’re effing kidding right?

People are hitting the floor and these Barbie-Girls have these guns I’ve never seen before and a couple of people get shot by these beams of silvery energy and drop like stones and there’s a flash of movement and I see Sunny who was standing behind a mannequin step out and she hit’s Barbie Number Two with a really good…really good right cross and it sends her into mid air and spinning and part of her face comes off….? Oh…masks…some kind of high end ones.

They start shooting at her squealing like a rat crawled up their skirts or babbling. “Just yanno like shoot the bitch.” And “Oh puh-leze you’re like gonna get like sooo fried.” And Sunny’s letting out this yell of anger as she dodges through the displays and snags and arm off of one of the mannequins and hits Number Five with it over and over yelling.

“Barbie Girls, Barbie girls you have this kind of hardware and you’re fucking calling yourselves the Barbie girls?!!!.....You’ve got to be kidding me!”

The girl she’s hitting is screaming and covering up but despite getting quite bashed around she’s still on her feet so the leotard things must be armor of some kind even if they are form fitting.

I see Number One draw her gun on Sunny and shot her in the back and Sunny screams out a yell of pain and drops to the ground as number one is saying. “Shaa, like whatever bee-atch.”

I can’t help it I’m me, Kai was a fighter and so was Shane and I do a dive and series of somersault flips over to the one that sunny had punched out and grab these mini-grenades off her belt. I throw them to a clear space on the floor in the midst of them and luckily there’s a flash instead of a ka-boom and I run.

I run using this trained way of moving from my days as Kai, it’s more like skating where I’m more pushing off the ground with both feet like a speed-skater would backing each push of my legs with a burst of Ki or Chi or Chakra depending on your background. Hell yeah I’m fast.

I close on Number One since she shot my friend and she manages to get her blaster up right about the time I kick it out of her hands then let my whole body get carried by the momentum of the kick so I do a flip and land on my hands and do this pommel horse like move as my legs come down and I twist my body and shoot through and around in a leg sweep. Then as she hit’s the ground I do a one handed handspring up and tuck into a ball and land/roll over her mid-section dodging the blaster fire of the other Barbie girls who shoot their friend Number One.

I’m already back on my feet with another burst of Ki and racing at Number Three. She fires and I dodge slipping sideways and I head in a slide between her legs but shoot my arms up and grab her by both of her DD’s and pull with Ki enhanced strength.

Most armor is designed to keep you safe from impacts and stuff not from being grabbed. Shock and pain makes her scream and lose her balance as I pancake bulldog her to the floor.

I kick up from my slide as Number Seven is shooting at me and I do a few of my time as Shane’s hip hop moves and street dancing combined with my own memories of Tai-Jutsu and close on her. We start mixing it up her doing some kind of hand to hand that looks a lot like Tai-bo and I’m flashing through memories of training and fighting and sparing as I cut loose with Tai-Jutsu and Eight trigrams using my Ki to enhance everything.

If you are trained in the use of Ki you will know that there are five basic ways of Ki, Hard where you use the energy to put brute force through your body to either inflict or absorb damage, soft where you use the energy to enhance arcs of force great for throws and any circular type movements, then there is positive and negative energies and then there is spirit/body fusion where you use Chi or Ki to enhance something by sheer force of will or some call it bio-feedback or mind over matter.

Eight Trigrams is a very circular style of Chinese fighting and as small as I am it’s letting my spin and dance out of the way of most of her blows any those of Number Four who soon jumped into help and it also lets me add it the Ki boosted spin energy to spinning elbows, knees, and the Eight Trigrams palm.

Yes I know how to do sixty four palms. And no it’s not like on that prehistoric cartoon naruoo whatever. No this is a kata of pure rotary palm and footwork. Basically when you hit someone with the palm you use that to push off of the person you hit and put yourself into a spin to your other opponent. Even every block is a palm blow to generate this movement all enhanced by soft Ki and dance like footwork it’s a spinning dance between you and multiple close quarters’ opponents.

I’ve never fought this hard or this fast before not in either life. I spin out of the way after a minute as they both end up falling in a heap over each other and I’m being shot at by Number Five who is back up and Number Six and I’m sort of seeing the times I’ve had shurikens thrown at me or arrows fired or muskets even and modern guns too from my Ex-life in these almost micro-burst memory downloads and I’m twisting and turning and dodging as best as I can and I see Sunny get up.

Oh doggie she looks mad.

She picked herself only part way off the ground…into a football tackle stance and she takes off running. I’m small but Sunny’s not that big of a girl but her power was just explosive as she hits both of them in the stomach with her arms and shoulders and she tackles them right off of their feet through the air and smashing the both really hard to the tile floors…hard enough to bounce.

She gets up and they’re trying to as well and I kick Number Six in the temple making her slump and Number Five she hauls back with the arm of the mannequin and knocks her out cold with it in an uppercut swing.

I look around.

It’s quiet at first just some whimpering from the Barbie girls and the scared girls here in the store. Then the doors are opening that one of the Barbies had closed and the mall cops are pulling tasers and batons and running in and the store manager is yelling “Not those two! It’s the ones in the pink! The ones in the pink.”

The rent-a-cops are getting them together when PCPD shows up and with them in this blur of speed is Overdrive one of the super dupers here in the city. He talks to the biggest piece of bacon in the room and then he walks over and talks to Sunny for a few moments and then walks to the store owner or whatever with a smirk on his face.

Sunny’s led over to a chair by the EMT’s and she’s getting checked out and I go over too when one comes over to me. I look at her and she looks disgusted.

“Sunny-Kun? What’s wrong are you hurt?”

She’s frowning and looking at me. “No worse, are you okay? You’ve got moves like I’ve never seen.”

“Hai, I mean no. I am not hurt, just sore. What do you mean by worse?”

“I can’t get that damned Barbie song out of my head!”

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