My Super Secret Life-12.

My Super Secret Life-12.


I’m still kind of cursing myself out as I driving my car. I feel like a grade A spaz with the stuff I handled or tried to handle with Shane. I mean nothing has been like this since I was this gawky eleven year old flat chest little girl with braces trying and failing to be cool around the hot guys at the beach or at school.

I mean C’mon!

I’m tall, long legs, great body and I’ve been one of the hottest girls in my school for years. Okay the valley stuff aside I was even cool back then.

And I run into this short, tiny incredibly cute Japanese beauty in one of the popular clothing stores and I…god she was just so shy and sweet and when she let herself there was this little bit of a funny side there and this hidden streak of street.

God…it’s like I can almost picture her being so hot and wild in bed once I got her going.

I swerve out of the way of a car coming down one of the ramps onto the highway. Dammit…I really have to pay attention to the road and not Shane.

It takes about thirty five minutes to get to The Tower or Champion Tower. Paradise city has a few major zones. Diamond Hills, where I live and that’s the north-eat part of the city and follows the coast and goes down to the peninsula where the movie studios are in with the casino resorts. Then the entire city hugs the coast from east going west and spreads out. That’s majorly divided by the highway into Hills and Shore and Central as we locals call them. The closer to the peninsula and Diamond Hills you get the better the neighborhoods. Anything within like five blocks of the highway is called Central and that’s the business downtown metropolis stuff.

In the center of the highway is a two thousand or foot stretch through the city called The Heart, this is where there are some hospitals...three of them, fire department bases... two, City Hall, a few museums and stuff like that and of course the Tower and The Octagon.

The Octagon is a really big structure that’s police headquarters as well as some task forces and courtrooms and is central booking and the main city lock up/jail plus the fact there is an entire aero-fleet of stuff. Big place and really sort of politically fancy y’know the expensive designs and stuff.

Now Champion Tower is different, the place is this ancient design that was taken and revamped from Earth and it’s a 27th century version of this thing call The Empire States Building. No I’m not some Earth aficionado but there’s a bunch of books and files and stuff they gave me when I became a reserve member. I mean it’s bigger and stuff for one and there’s a change in the bricks and the glass too but it’s still a very impressive design and vintage too at the same time so it really looks pretty cool. I pull into the parking lot and show my I.D. to the guys at the gate they’re police that’ve been assigned to The Champions. I drive across the parking lot to the underground parking and there’s another guard post and he checks my I.D. then its drive onto the scanner and a quick buzz through with that and then once they’re sure I’m okay do they buzz open the blast doors into the underground parking lot/motor pool.

The place is kind of neat actually like the auto shops that you see some cops and stuff have in the movies.


We’re technically paid as SWAT being more on the Special and the Tactics stuff but we build anything we need in house because the really smart criminals…well they can learn who our contractors are too.

My boyness is getting all sort of yay about all the tools and stuff. Or just my IQ shift. I’d love to play around with welding lasers and stuff. I’d like to build something.

Okay there’s this really hot boy…guy…late teens to early twenties guy swaying over in mechanics coveralls and he’s got no shirt on underneath…Blonde shoulder length hair strikingly gorgeous in that…perfection, literal perfection and it’s hard to look away from his sexiness. I do and get out of my car.

“Ow, your ride sounds pretty sick there Sunny.”

Whoa wait a minutes he knows me? I look at him…? I’d remember someone as hot as he is. He grins. “Sorry, here this better?” he lights up literally like from within until he looks like a shiny energy being. Bodizafa…or Bodi he’s like me one of the junior members but he’s been with the team for quite awhile.

“Oh…Bodi, I uhm didn’t recognize you un-plugged.” I look at him and the jaw dropping yummy guy is sort of diffused by the lightshow. “Actually come to think about it I’ve never seen you powered done before.”

He turns off his lightshow and gives me this shy smile. “Yeah it’s part of why I don’t; I’ve got this messed up mutation thing called mimic advantage body imagery.”

“Huh? That’s a mouthful.”

He smiles and god it’s nice.

“Yeah well it’s this thing where I have this really low level latent psi thing that picks up what the best traits I’m supposed to have to procreate are and my mutation tweaks my genes to make me look or rather develop into what everyone else thinks is…”


He blushes but it’s an energy blush under his skin. That’s hot and really cute by I don’t really have the whole mutant or other species stuff. Just him doing that might send a lot of people running the other way and then there’s the loneliness of his looks.

There’s no way he’d not get judged on his looks. Which is likely why he’s down here in the garage sort of working and sort of hiding out.

“So...what happened to your car?”

“I tore the bottom of it running over a curb.”

“Car chase?”

“No, a girl.”

“Oh…but you’re…I mean are you…”

“Bodi honestly I have no idea what I am anymore right now only that she makes me feel like a gawky kid when I’m not and makes me ache just as bad as my boyfriend does.”

“Ouch, well I can take a look at it and fix it up for you and everything.”

“Really? That’d be awesome.”

I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Jeeze even with the garage smells he smells good. Damn that’s not an easy thing to live with I bet.

I leave heading up the elevator and get to my quarters and have a shower getting myself cleaned up and taking uhm…advantage of the really good shower head and then finish showering after I switch over and use the men’s body wash and stuff.

It’s so strange looking at myself and feeling like Titan, it’s not as alien as it was and there’s a part of me that really likes the feelings like this, the strength and the power in this body and I close my eyes and shift/create clothes onto my body. Too bad that I couldn’t do this as Sunny then I wouldn’t have to buy clothes ever again I could just copy them in my head and shift into them.

And yeah I tried. It’s a no go. I add some cologne something nice and not too strong and then slip on my Champion’s ring and my necklace badge, and com-watch then get my wallet. I have a few things in it now, my I.D. as Titan and my license for both driving and being a Champion reserve member and a debit card and a little bit of cash. Yeah learned the lesson about carrying a bit of cash the hard way when I first changed.

I head out of my apartment and head up to the hangars and leave through the hangar door. It’s a bit crazy and a bit of a beta test but I can jump really high and really far but I’m really tough and just something in my head is telling me to go for it. So I take a running jump.

I go out quite a ways and the fall in an arc then I hit the pavement in the parking lot and there’s a crackle as the blacktop spider webs under my foot and I push off immediately forward and towards the other foot. Like jumping if I was speed skating. I’m trying to shift the force of the fall into lateral movement to bleed off the kinetic energy like you see kung fu types do by bounce/jumping right after a long fall.

It sorta works…sorta not; it’s going to take a lot of practice with that jump. The skate jumping though. I can do that faster than I can run I think. It takes me no time to get to The Octagon.

Okay the level of respect I’m getting is weird. I go through the few check points I have to and I heard a bit of stuff of people telling the ones that don’t know who I am who I am and they brink up the day with the demon masked guy and the stuff in the projects. Its weirder still seeing some of those cops and getting nods and a handshake or two.

It’s humbling instead of ego growing. Actually it kind of takes that whole deal about high-school popularity and makes it really see as small and unimportant as it really is.

Oh and I am getting looks from quite a few females in the building. I know those checking out the hot guy looks and there’s some even predatory I want looks too.

I think there’s still too much Sunny in Titan me because those kind of women aren’t really doing anything for me but kind of creeping me out.

Still though…

And once I meet up with Overdrive in the wing where we’re holding the Barbie girls we go over stuff and they had a lot of stuff for gear that was very high end. Insulated Kinetic flex weave body suits. It’s called K-flex it looks like spandex and it’s made of nano-spring coils woven as cloth that react to high speed kinetic force by offering proportional resistance, serious stuff it can take even small to medium assault rifle rounds and will stop full metal jacketed rounds. It won’t keep them from massively bruising you or from getting broken bones from getting shot but it’s really good against small arms fire. Insulated too most stun weapons like taser bullets will just short out hitting them.

Masks with voice disguisers and gas filters aren’t too uncommon in the higher end crooks but full face featured movie effects style articulation is big money and resources. What I mean is you literally put on another face and it moves with yours.

The stun guns are blaster styled and custom jobs. Not from a weapons manufacturer. They use a metallic hydrogen battery to power them and it uses a non-visible laser to ionize the path between it and the target and it builds a massive discharge of electrical energy that hits you like a sort of silvery white beam. It’s only good for about twenty yards or so but it has a massive punch to it. And sometimes they’re lethal.

Once I’m up to speed I’m let in the eye in the sky room where I can see the interrogations and stuff and I have access to a tablet and actually start to use Sunny me as a means to get the dirt about these girls using stuff that I know and texting from girl to girl in the whole who knows who knows who of the gossip tree that high school girls get going so well.

Most of these girls aren’t in school anymore but they were. And they were part of the upper crust clique girls that didn’t fare so well once out in the real world and found out there’s always someone who is higher on the food chain than them.

It doesn’t take long before I have a whole bunch of dirt and notes on all of them and I actually go in with Overdrive and I get to be the bad cop.

He’s too stiff and cop’s cop to have them doing but I’m a cute stupid girl thing on him and honestly…I think my Sunny side really dislikes them and the way they’re still so self centered and vapid they’re attempts to flirt their ways out of trouble have gotten me ticked off enough that they don’t work either.

On actually called me a fag under her breath, just like some guys call women who aren’t remotely interested in them dykes. Kinda a funny reversal of things.

Me knowing so much about them and their lives really freaks them the hell out and they start to spill everything.

Apparently they were hired together by this woman called The Queen. Like the dark queen out of snow white but clad all in black k-flex and four inch calk high boots, big boobs that the all said were and awesome boob job and she had a smooth black plastic face shield on over her own mask and a black metal crown on with sharp points on it and a nasty black cloak and that she spoke in a British accent.

She had contacted them one by one and she had them pull a number of training jobs and stuff and they were just getting on a roll when they pulled this last job. They’re crying and freaked out because this Queen had apparently just as much dirt on them as I was able to get and maybe even a little more. We get the address of the place that they were using to meet up and break up the loot and the stores that they hit.

Just at a glance and the name brands and type of stuff that they stole in about seven jobs or so they stole about three hundred grand worth of stuff maybe a half a million. I’m just guessing at a glance I mean that’s another job for another department.

Drive and I are joining the team to go and hit this place when we see the cops bringing in this kid and their talking about maybe on of the samples only there’s a different number to it and the kid, one of the heavy nerdy kids called…shit I never bothered to know his name is getting debriefed. I hear him talking about Jake Stevens one of the real macho assholes on the varsity baseball team and comment about how much of an idiot he is and that he’d likely try and mod himself up. He’s one of those guys who really does think he’s swinging meat between his legs equal to that of his baseball bat.

He was that much of a macho dickhead I’d not have gone near him even before all this happened.

Shade’s there and he’s intensely interested in the black kid who sounds like he’s playing on our side of the street. I caught the name Damian but before I could ask too many questions Drive and I plus some officers were on our way to the addy we got where the Barbies had been based. It was so cool to fly there in an Aero-transport and still cooler to break into the place with the police guys rappelling in.

It was on the peninsula at this old movie lot. When we busted into the place there was no one there just some old stuff that had already been there I’m pretty sure and the swag that had been stolen was long gone and any trace of “The Queen”.

We did do a pretty thorough search though and there was a good chunk of procedure that I was picking up too. I think it really helped that Overdrive was a cop before he got his powers so he really knows what he’s doing. I mean all this stuff might sound boring but it’s not. I kind of dig the whole evidence thing and we both stick around for the crime scene guys to show up and everything.

It gets even cooler when Parvati shows up and she does these few spells that ley us see the images that where caught in the reflective stuff around the place like windows and stuff since the sun had risen.

I even felt her do it, I mean it was like I felt this hum like being close to a speaker turned way up but there’s nothing playing yet so it’s just that power hum? Around her and there was all these pitches and stuff changing and then it settled on the objects and sank in or faded?

We can’t use it as evidence, not even with the crime scene guys there seeing it too. Majik isn’t officially recognized as being real and even if it was there’s the thing about is the mage honest? So we use it to show us things and we look in the reflected areas for anything dropped or stuff like that there. All in all pretty decent stuff and kind of neat.

We do get a good look at “The Queen.” Oh yeah she’s as advertized like the Disney villainess if she had joined the Sith. Yes, some of the staples of stuff from the olden days are still around. Built and hardwired into the culture now.

Anyway she’s tall even in the heels, wearing body armor and she has what looks like a utility belt too and she has a staff with a round orb ontop of it which gets Parvati checking for majik but she felt none.

She had gotten away pretty clean and she wasn’t here for long once we stopped the Barbies like she had known it was going to happen or it had happened. I’m betting she had/has the girls gear bugged.

After awhile it was back to The Octagon to fill out our reports and paperwork and stuff like any other cop would.

Completely killed my day though.

I’m not physically tired when I get back to The Tower but it’s been a long day and mentally I’m kind of tired.

I’m out of the shower and okay this might be TMI but I really don’t get it. I never ate anything different and the smell…? Actually I ate as Sunny, so how the hell could it smell….?

Okay, new rule.

Whenever possible…poo as a girl.

I’m getting out of there as Sunny and I’m in the common area for like our apartments like a living room meets lobby and stuff when Matt calls me up.

“Hey…gorgeous where are you?”

“Uhm…just at The Tower.”

“Huh? What? Champion Tower?”

“Uhm, yup I’m interning here…it was kinda sudden and stuff and I’m like sorta on call too. I’m sorry I never got to tell you Baby it was just kinda sudden?”

“Uh yeah, I mean I heard what happened over at the store and stuff, it was on the news a bit and some listed blogger feeds.”

“Oh…yeah, I didn’t really do much just get mad and stupid but there was this new girl from the refugee/exchange dorms that I was showing around and Shane really kicked some major petutie.”

“I saw, she might catch a popularity wave and stuff, the guys think you both kicked ass and even the black shirts (Preppy-slang catch-all for Emo-Goth-Punk-ect.) are giving you two props for beating up on Barbie.” He’s chuckling into the phone.

“So I’m off I guess for now, what are you doing tonight handsome?”

“Well I’d like to pick you up and take you out for one of those parties that I was going to take you to.”

“Party? I’m not sure if I’m really in the party mood Matt.”

“It’s not the kind of place that I used to take you to; these kids don’t even go to our school.”

“Then how’d you get to know them?”

“I didn’t always go to the academy Sunny; I’ve known some of these kids since we were in Pre-K.”

“Don’t you mean daycare?”

“No…Pre-K, daycare was for the uncool toddlers.”

“Oh…so glad to know you where still cool when you were eating paste.”

“Yuck, I’ll have you know I never ate paste as a kid, we fed each other paint chips.”

“Yeech! Okay, okay I’ll go, what should I wear?”

“You got a suit?”


“I’ll bring you clothes to wear.”


“I’ll see you in an hour?”

“My house?”

“Yeah, Love you.”

“Love you too Matt.”

Okay…I hang up really confused now and make my way back to my room and get my things and head down to the garage. Bodi’s not there but he left a note. Ohh, I like what he did. My little red car is still red and everything but nice new racing rims I think and there’s a lift kit? Thing in the back giving it about four more inches and bigger wider times in the back as well.

The note said welcome to the team and this was a present. My little cute sports car just became this still girly cute street modified sports car like in the street-racing movies. It’s not all over the top but just enough to take it from cute and girly to girly and edgy.

“Yay…momma likes.”

I get in and it handles different especially when I give it some juice. I’m so going out sometime with this and the girls or something with the whole little red dress and some dark shades to match my car.

I wonder what Shane’ll think of it. I know there’s some hidden street in her or something like that. I’m still seeing her here and stuff because of some ganger thing.

I pull into home and go inside and Mom’s there. “Hey…”

She gives me a hug and a kiss. “How’d things turn out…?”

“Long, after I got done taking Shane home it turned into me getting waist deep into the job.”

“Shane? What happened to Matt?”

“Mom…Shane’s a girl.” Dammit I’m blushing.

“Oh so was Ty interested?”

“No, I’ve never seen her as Ty and I’m not sure about him and someone like her, I wouldn’t uhm want to hurt her.”

“Excuse me?”

“She’s really tiny Mom, cute but really tiny.” I indicate where she kind of just comes to my chest.

“Oh…good point so you…”

“I have no idea what the heck is going on with me really. I’m going out with Matt tonight if that’s okay?”

“Yes, it’s okay but don’t be too late and you two be careful.”

“Yes Mom, we use protection and stuff.”

“Well that’s good to know but you’re into a different life Sunny, just be careful for yourself and for matt too.”

“Yeah…shit, I guess I have to really take a look at everything differently.”

“You’re the one who drank the potion Alice; don’t complain about the rules now that you’re in Neverland.”

“Yes, Mom.”

I agree because really this is all new to me and everything still and new to them and me getting caught is all fresh and shiny in her brain. As much as I want to smart off at her like every other teen I really can’t because really…it was Epically Stupid.

The doorbell rings and I go and open the door and Matt’s there with a drycleaner bag and a suit and stuff in his arms.

And he’s got long black hair all sexy girl styles and even though he’s got nothing up top and stuff he’s in fishnets and heels and a little black dress?


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