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My Super Secret Life-2
Chapter 2
I stared at myself, and in the mirror. “Wow…I’m kinda hot.”
Annnnd, suddenly I kind of feel like a retard for saying that.
But, I look good.
And I’m huge.
No, Sonny…look later.
I sneak to the door and peek out. There’s three guys with those stupid stocking masks yelling for everyone to get down. They’ve got shotguns. I’m not even sure what I was thinking but I slipped out and moved between the aisles keeping as far out of sight as I could. I grabbed a big can of pineapple juice and hefted it, weird it kinda felt like Styrofoam?
I saw one of them.
I looked for the other two one was at the windows looking for the police. The other was raiding the cash registers and the 3rd was waving his gun over the crowd yelling still for everyone to stay down.
I hit the guy in front of the windows. I step out quickly and throw the can of juice in a perfect spiral that my boyfriend would be super jealous of if you could really see it.
It let my hand like I shot it out of a cannon.
“Whoa shit.”
It hit the goon in the chest and exploded and lifted him off his feet and back a dozen feet out through the plate glass window and into the parking lot.
Like I said.
Whoa shit.
Then the guy in the middle of the room starts to freak out and blows apart a stand of Layser brand potato chips. It’s a pump action and he goes to give it a stroke or pump…(Okay wow guns are phallic, no wonder women think so. The jerking off motion…, cocking, loading…Yeesh.)…Anyway there’s this instinct to move, and I run at him. And I’m like Chester on a cheeto fast. By the time he pumps a load… (Snerk) into the gun I’m there and take a swing at him.
And I miss.
Yeah, I’m a girl or I was one I’ve never been in a fight before.
I swing again.
He ducks it and drives the butt of the shotgun into my stomach. I don’t even feel it. Literally I didn’t and the force he hit me with and my resistance or whatever knocks him off his feet.
So I kick him in the ribs and send him flipping thirty feet away through the air to come crashing down in a display of bananas.
Super strength check.
Then something hits me hard and stings like someone wacking you across the back with a tennis racket.
“Ow shit!”
I hold my back a second and turn around the guy who was at the cash pumps another round and blasts me full in the chest. I react, I cover myself with my arms and turn kind of away and it hurts, it really hurts like getting wacked again. (Okay, maybe it’s me being a guy now but wow do I reference penile terms, pump, wacked…wow…just wow.)
But the shotgun pellets don’t break skin.
They don’t knock me down and there’s no blood.
It, I hurt like hell. I kinda feel like I’d want to cry right now, but there’s something else kinda bubbling up in me drowning out the normal if girly reaction to cry because I’ve been hit.
I’m pissed.
Angry and it’s not an anger I know, not that so angry you hurt anger. No this, this is different, seductive, heady powerful anger and I punch him in the chest. It breaks things and his chest kind of crumples.
I killed him…
Oh shit, oh shit, shit, shit, shit…
Then I hear him make this really sick wheezy sound as he’s trying to breathe. I nearly crap myself in relief.
I look around and spot Stacy and Amy on the floor looking freaked out. “Hey uhm…you two please call 911 this guy needs an ambulance!”
Amy has her phone out and starts to dial. I almost called them by their names. That be awkward.
I hear the blare of police sirens.
Shit, what do I do now? There are flashes, and there’s people taking my pictures with their damned phones, even frigging Stacy is doing it. Heck if I wasn’t the new Super on the scene and I was me I’d be doing it too.
When in doubt…Yeah I’m running away. I need to get out of here and time to think. I need to get a grip really badly. Unfortunately that’s going to have me go missing, Well Sunny go missing until I can figure out how to shift back.
So I take off and run out the door and down the street in the opposite direction that I’m hearing the sirens. I keep going faster and faster and faster picking up speed until I must be moving like car fast, not like hugely race car fast and stuff but I’m going at least 50mph or around that!
Taking turns is a problem, I’m sticking to side streets and stuff and there’s a whole lot more to this stuff than meets the eye. It’s hard to counter the momentum I build up. Then there’s hitting stuff under my feet like pebbles or gravel and stuff. I go down like three times because of that stuff it don’t hurt but It kind of throws me off my game and plus there’s getting me dirty. I end up bouncing off of like a dozen walls as I take alleyways and stuff. Quite by accident I learn that I can really, really jump. A stray cat got in my way and I jumped over it and crash landed crumpling like a pop can one of those meshed iron public garbage cans. It was over a hundred feet away…and yeah it was full.
You really don’t want to know what people throw away in those things and what it mutates to and becomes after four or five days in 110 degree F heat. Yeah, when I got most of the vomit inducing slime off of me I walked away, I felt like crap, my back and chest hurt and I smelled bad and looked worse. I walked if not stalked to the closest gas station and into the men’s room.
And walked back out immediately.
Holy effing Eeewww!
I made my way instead to another place that had the attached store and in store rest rooms. It was still kinda bleh but at the same time it was a far cry better that the other place. I settle in and start to wash up like a frigging homeless person. (No offense.) I wash with the liquid soap and the paper towels and do my best to get clean. This time I do slow down to take a look at myself.
I’m huge, six foot six at least, broad shoulders and long thick golden blonde hair and these golden eyes. I’m completely ripped and muscular, with these washboard abs and stuff. I keep going back to those eyes, not really human, and not that disturbing just really, really strange, And it’s an organic gold too so like the color of a golden crayon I guess with notes of like amber and little bits of brown in them to give them depth. I think I like my eyes but they’re definitely not garden variety normal.
I even check my uhm…Yeah; I’m uhm…By my girls experience huge. Yeah…I don’t really uhn check him out totally because well I’m not going to beat off in a public bathroom. But I’m a good judge of before and after and wow. By my own estimate it’s that most girls will be drool with want or be scared of it. Or both, the old me it would have been both.
And yes, yes, yes I took my first pee standing up and that’s a trip. BTW don’t start laughing when you do that. It throws off what you’re doing. And yeah you gotta aim it.
Even as I was doing the deed I really couldn’t help but go to this little fantasy place in my head where my girly mind was having these kind of prank fantasy images of all the tings that I could pee on to get even with some people now that I could just walk around and aim it. Kinda of like a pervey kid with a really Eeewww squirt gun. But I’d have never though of this stuff before.
I think being a guy is seriously messing with my brain.
Luckily I’ve a tenner in my pocket because I stuffed the bill in my bra at the coffee place. I leave and head down the street and stop in at a coffee shop and sit down and order a large black coffee. I really need to think about this. About how and why I changed. I really kind of get why. It was that stupid shot I took, that serum that the company that dad works for was concocting. But to change like this? Can I change back?
A waitress comes and brings me my coffee and I smile and thank her, she smiles back at me. It’s a kind of big smile. The one we reserve for hot guys. I look at her a second time and there’s…there’s this natural exotic artistry to her body, to the female form that I’ve never noticed before. Her smile, the shape of her face, the lush amazingly beauty of the curve and swell of her breasts, god she’s got the most amazing…oh…oh…oh it feel myself getting an erection…It’s kind of like getting a hard clit but more, well yeah more but it’s more…harder and I can feel that hardness that drives me juicy as a girl but it’s worse…it’s worse because it’s longer and god-dammit this is effed up! I can even picture the need for the relief that I’d get by sinking it deeply into her silky smooth sex. Oh my god I’m getting turned on by another woman…girl…but I’m a guy… but shouldn’t I still think like myself?
Okay, freaking out and getting all stressed about it just killed Mr. Woody.
I close my eyes and sip at my coffee, weird, it’s all so weird. Heck, I don’t even drink my coffee black. I don’t even know how to figure out how my clothes had changed. I’m just sitting there when I hear the news on the TV.
“This is Tina Hart down at the scene of a robbery gone awry at the hands of an unknown Super. As you can see from the various images that the Super in question appears to the camera as a large being of golden light or other unknown energy.”
I look up and sure enough there’s someone’s video of me doing my thing but I’m like all lit up and glowing golden enough inside my skin that it’s blocked my features some how.
I don’t remember glowing.
“Witnesses sat that he was a very large and very muscular man dress like he was a professional wrestler, or a biker from witness’s accounts.”
There’s a bunch of different people from the store in different spots each giving me a different description all of them close, none of them get the eyes though.
Then I see Stacy and Amy getting interviewed.
Stacy’s playing with her hair like she does when she’s nervous. “Like oh he was like all like totally hawt and stuff. I was like watching him the whole like time and he had like the cutest ass, and the like totally like deepest like blue eyes that were like the deepest like kinda blue yanno.”
Amy then chimes in with. “Oh yeah like totally and he like was so into us I like think because he gave us like this look and like he so like totally got us to like so call like the 911 people and like the lady on the like other line was all like rude and bossy and stuff yanno? She should like be like talked to or like something.”
Oh my god They just made my head hurt. I take my coffee and head outside and start walking down the street. I see my picture on TV’s in the windows of various stores and it kind of starts to hit me.
I might be like this forever.
I might lose everything I’ve ever know.
If I go back would my parents believe me? Or would I get arrested?
I gotta figure a way to change myself back.
I have to.
I’ve got a boyfriend!
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Lasughing my A-- off here!
I wonder if this is permanent, or if, like the Hulk, it only happens when there is some stress. He glows? Well, her name is Sunny...
Is he smarter, too? Some of the things he said make it seem like it.
I kind of hope she can change back, somehow. It WOULD be the perfect secret identity.
Way to go, Bailey! It's fun!
Secret Identity
Well I wouldn't say she's exactly non intelligent as a girl. She's just a card carrying member of the bimbo-culture-union :D
I guess s/he'll be able to switch back, because the title of the story kind of says so ^^
I hope she'll start to like beeing a guy more than beeing a girl. That would be interesting too. At TG websites you always get guys who like beeing a girl better than beeing a guy. Even if they're not transgendered to begin with. A girl that likes beeing a guy better than beeing a girl and having the story told out of his/her perspective is something I have never read before.
Most stories make somekind of cultural excuses. Girl has to dress as a guy because culture dictates females are only good for breeding and housework, but she wants to become warrior/artist/whatever.
I guess beeing a jock super hero might be vacation time to sunny, compared to her bimbo-socialite life.
Lol, I just love this story! Thank you for writing this Bailey.
It might eventually work into that.
But The story still is kind of following it's own arc and even in later chapters she's still dealing with the emotional issues involved. I might have some ideas from this though so thanks!
Bailey Summers
The glowing man
He should call himself, "Samson", it means "Sunman" and he has like the strength and long hair to go with, yanno?
- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine
- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine
I'm Laughing Too, Hon!!!
[email protected] I know I told you this in private, but this is seriously funny! I'm still laughing about 'marking' things!
I've still got a headache from trying to follow the girl's interview!
For My Bailey,
Always Your Jonelle-Elise
[email protected]
I gotta figure a way to change myselfback.
I have to.
I've got a boyfriend.
It was funny.
I love it!
She has to change back because she has a boyfriend? LOL! Sonny or Sunny just isn't the sharpest spoon in the drawer. Talk about the dumbing down of our schools. Case in point!
I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
It's great that you got a kick out of it.
Bailey Summers
I love that
I’ve got a boyfriend!
May be he's bi
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be