My Super Secret Life-25.

My Super Secret Life-25.

Chapter 25


I’ve been with a lot of girls, I have that kind of stuff used to be like easy for me and then it happened I started to change. And I became something that a lot of people hate and that they fear.

A mutant.

And right about the same time I met Shane or Kai…this short little hottie but at the same time this amazing martial artist and this really, really incredible person.

She didn’t just help me as this was happening to me but she got me to safety…she stayed by me when things were changing and hurting and even when I had this dream? nightmare? and blasted up the place instead of being scared of me she stopped me and she…she kissed me down.

Things didn’t fly to hell either even though I made a real mess out of the place. The head guy Champion was really decent about it but I was moved from the infirmary into a holding room. Not a cell but like a mini-apartment with really thick walls and stuff so if weird stuff did happen it’d have a lot less chance of hurting other people.

I hurt Shane without meaning to…I mean…my blasts had heated up my hands and forearms and when Shane had stopped me she had me holding my wrists in her hands and she burned her hands…She never even flinched or made a sound but instead she stood on her tip toes and she kissed me.

And like I said I’ve been with a lot of girls but I’ve never been kissed like that in my life. I don’t know why or if it was the intensity of the whole thing and just how real she is compared to everyone else that I’ve know but I had never been kissed that way.

I’ve never been kissed that I dream of it when I’m sleeping.

I’m still changing.

Dark elf they’re calling me, well that the whole sort of consensus. I still have those patches on my arms like black glass scars and the same on my back and at one point I had wings. But the darkness has spread but only in color over my skin in the last few days.

I’m sort of this skin colored deep black. Not Africanized but like black…and my body has changed too but it seems to have mostly stopped. Longer legs, and thin…long thin arms and fingers, hell I’m slender all over and I guess I can pass for female sort of but at the same time not at all.

I look like one of those anime guys where they are so delicate that they’re femme without being fem? God I don’t know…full lips that have a lighter shade like a deep grey and the same on my eyelids and the rest is ink black. My hair is really long and shiny black and really fine but it’s like I’ve got three times the amount of it and it’s just strange looking and feeling but as much as I have been thinking of cutting it Shane says she likes it on me.

And my eyes are this sort of grey/metal-silver tone that look so odd and ghostly.

I’ve been working with some of the doc’s on trying to generate blasts, to kick start things so I won’t fuck up and cut lose again. But so far zilch.

Three days since my freak out and I’m a totally different person. The blonde blue eyed guy I was is just gone. I don’t know who or even what I am anymore. I have bad dreams too, waking in shock or sheened in sweat. I can’t remember the dreams though…at the same time I’m not sure I want to.

I haven’t blown the hell out of things though…but it’s been close.

Shane’s been with me the whole time.

I move away from the mirror with a sigh and go over to where she’s typing away in this just a bit better than a two fingered style. That’s just one of her weird things. I mean who isn’t familiar with typing?

“You know that’s so strange right?”

“What is?”

“The way that you type. I mean it’s strange.”

“Oh, that is because I and not familiar with the computer.”

“This one?”


“Where have you lived under a rock for like…” I actually don’t know how long computers have like been around. I mean they had to be like invented the same time as the phone I think.

“Hai, a terra-cotta one.” She has that cute smile going on. It’s something she finds funny. Me? I’m not sure that I get the joke.

“So….what are you doing?”


“Studying what?”


“We have a test?”

“No. I’m catching up on history.”

“Uhm why?”

“I missed a lot of it.”

I look at her a little oddly and go and get a can of juice. “Shane?”



She looks up at me and she has this so intense yet cute studious hot Japanese girl thing going on. “I don’t understand?”

“Why me? I mean why did you get involved, why are you here? Why are you still here?”

“Fate, Karma, Destiny.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Honestly I do not understand either.”


“Hai, Kyle-san has a nice butt.”

I face palm a bit and roll my eyes at her. “Funny…”

“Thank you.” She smiles and gives me a hand clasped together bow.

“I’m trying to be serious Shane.”

“I am serious Kyle.”


She stares at me. “Not here we go outside. The walls have ears.”

“What? I mean you don’t want them to know?”

“Yeah…look…Kyle, it’s my business, our business not theirs.” She looks at like a few places really intently and not at the cameras. And her tone changed, she got really street.

“Okay but where? It’s not like I can exactly go outside?”

“Yes you can, it’s not like you can not be and look the way that you are.”

“Yeah but if you’re as paranoid as you’re being Shane then really there’s no where safe that’s close to get to. They’ve got long range microphones and stuff.”

She sinks back into the sofa and frowns and gets this thinking look on her face. Then she nods. “Hai….”

“Hai what?” And I’m getting confused again. As much as Shane’s like no girl I know she’s just like every girl that I know.


Oh dammit he’s right about the surveillance and part of me is being OCD in wanting to know about this stuff and at the same time there’s this sort of angry bit of me for forgetting that because I’m Shane but I’m so not Shane anymore…and kissing Kyle never helped that. The old me is drifting…for both of us but…the new me that is both of us seems so much more…

I feel real, more real than in a long time since kissing Kyle.

God it’s complicated.

But at the same time…Karma, fate, destiny.

I treated Mai so badly.

I hated Kyle and everyone like him.

Now I’m like this and he needs my help and there’s part of me that needs this, to have this new me make up for my mistakes. Honor Mai. And also…a new life, a fresh start for me and Kai…and all of those things.

Kissing Kyle was something I just did…I did it because I was really starting to like him. Yes as us…and girl like him. So it was part letting go my past and part stepping into my future.

And both halves…Kyle was the first boy we…I’ve kissed because it was something that I wanted to do.

But there is something…just something about Kyle that pulls me. He is not like that Parvati woman but there is something mystical about him. I’m a little scared by just how attracted I am to him.

But it’s time I think, I can’t keep things in and secret anymore. I get up and got over to the brewer machine and pop in a Macha cartridge and make myself a Japanese green tea I’m of course bi-persona even about this. Part of me doesn’t like the lack of tradition with the tea. Modern me gets and likes the convenience and then there’s me drinking green tea.

It’s hot and actually decent and takes me out of my bi-personality issues. I sigh and hold it with two hands and have a few sips before looking at Kyle.

“I knew you before this. I knew you in another life and I hated you unfairly.”

“What? C’mon Shane that stuff isn’t real.”

“Goddamn it Kyle yes it is! Look this isn’t fucking easy ‘kay.”

He looks at me like I grew another head. I really don’t swear much since the merge.

“Okay….” He gets quiet but goes to the closest living room chair and sits facing me pulling his legs up to him. It’s not a girl gesture but not a guys…fae? Yeah he looks fae doing it.

A slender dark elf boy hottie in scrubs.

Damn it girl focus.

“I was a guy.”

He’s just looking at me. Not saying stuff. I take another deep breath.

“I was a guy and we used to compete in the mixed martial arts ring. You actually beat me all three times. I was from south central, and I really hated you for beating me but also for being the pretty boy, semi famous rich little shit with the golden life.”

I hate that reminder of myself and stare into my tea. “I had a girlfriend and treated her like shit. She was Japanese…she was killed in a gang drive by before I could apologize for the last time that I crossed the lines and treated her like shit…My life got really messed up after that. I got in with a really bad crew to get revenge then after that into being a thug and a junkie.”

“We ripped off a bunch of historical stuff at one job and in this statue was this pearl. I was trying to figure out how much I could get from it when it showed me Kai…she was fighting this Englishman who posed as a merchant but he was really there to steal our magic, raid our holy places and other evils like infesting Japan with western cultures…he was going to bind her into the pearl forever…I…I wanted to be like her, to look at something so overwhelming and stare it down.”

There’s tears running down my cheeks…I’ve never really talked about this.

“Then…then something happened…the girl said yes to me wanting to be like her and the pearl sank into my palm and we…fused…and this…this is me now..”

He’s quiet, he’s quiet until he moves off the chair and picks me up and sets me on the counter. Stares cat me and I’m falling into those eyes…so exotic, hypnotic just…beautiful.

“So…. That’s why you’re helping me? Guilt?”

“No…That’s part of the karma thing.”

“So this is the real you?”

“No…I’m both, I’m melding into this combination of both?…God Kyle I really don’t know who the hell I am and how to feel about any of this…I was such an asshole and…and…”

He pulls me into his arms and hugs me…holds me.

I lose it crying on him. I haven’t been hugged, really hugged since I was really little in both lives and just the act of something that personal has this big emotional impact. I think we were like four or five.

I get myself under control and he kisses me. He tilts my head up and he kisses me long and softly and deeply.

I still have my breath caught in my chest when he breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. “I know who you are, you’re Shane…my Shane…”


“No…Shane…I don’t care…It doesn’t matter what you are or who you were all I know is that you have been the most amazing person I have ever had in my life…”

No one’s said that to me.

Not since Mai.

Never in my other life.

I mean I know it could be the hormones or the girl brain but the stuff he’s saying the way he kissed me and the way he’s holding me sinks so deep…and since I’ve changed I feel good…safe…and loved?

Me…just me.

I lean forward and kiss him back.

We just stay like that, that close and necking…I’ve kissed as the kunoichi on the job and as Shane but as a girl, as a girl just kissing a boy. Completely different…achy, wet, hot…alive…there’s this feeling like part of me can’t be still under my skin…and my hearts beating like a race horse and I’ve never felt so alive.

Me alive.



“Make love to me.”


“…………………..” Oh did I just freak him out?

He picks me up and carries me in him arms over to the bed. He lays me down and he starts to take off his scrubs shirt and I get up to my knees and undo the drawstring on the pants and I’m running sort of on autopilot.

I mean I was trained in being a whore…sort of there’s a lot of seduction training being a kunoichi.

I pull out his cock and he’s semi hard already and he’s big…huge to me…maybe a good eight inches but in my little hands he seems so big.

I wrap my lips around his head and kiss-suckle-swirl before I lose my nerve. Oh…I’m sucking cock…and…it’s not bad at all…there’s a sweat tang and there’s this strange flavor that even to my mind is not what she knows…kind of like a lingering flavor of iced tea….but maybe berry…instead of the lemon. Mutant Shane…he’s a mutant…I heard girls say different ethnic guys taste different like a white guy tastes different than a black guy…I’m not sure on that but Kyle’s very different, fae, angelic…jet black. It’s not unpleasant…and not even really gross it’s skin and flesh.

Watching him in my hands though, the sized…the difference between my skin and his is really erotic to me and spurs me on.

So does his fingers sliding through my hair and undoing it from the bit of braid/bun I was keeping it up in. God that makes me feel sexy…It’s a strange feeling being female sexy and it goes right deep into my psyche? “Oh, Shane…oh sweet god that’s amazing…so good…”

That’s good too and helps me really get into it and there’s all this stuff in my head about how to do this…god Kai…you really sucked a lot of cock back then? I guess that makes sense…fast and mission easy…but I take it up a few notches…I was a guy, and I know what it feels like…and I throw my self into pleasuring Kyle.

Like exploring under the ridges oh his cock with my tongue. To make a seal with my lips and stroke him off as I suck on him enough to pull my cheeks in…to use the plumpness of my lips not just to kiss but to softly drag my lips over his cock. It’s much more than just a fuck stick. Actually a lot more but it so often gets just treated like that and as a guy it’s not really acceptable for some reason to want things done like this.

I only break from it to say between kisses and suckles. “Look at me Kyle…watch me…I…I want to be that hot little girl you can’t stop watching suck your dick.”

Mai…she loved it when I’d watch her and oh…I get it now…the sexy feeling…the looks that light up about me in his eyes and on his face while I’m doing this just is amazing…I mean there’s the way that I want, that girls want to be looked at and treated…then there’s this way we want…maybe even need to feel from our lovers in the bedroom.

You ever do something that even as you do it you can feel it changing you? I have…the drive by…the first time shooting up and knowing I was falling…the first time you kill someone…good things too…learning to read and write and be good with numbers, those times when sparing with my masters and actually held my own and other things…but this is one of those moments that makes you.

When I can tell he’s getting close I slip a hand down my slacks they’re unzipped and unbuttoned so Kyle can see my hand sink under my violet lace panties and I try and time it so I rub one out as he cums.

With him watching me between him panting and cradling my face in his hands while I’m sucking him and my lose hair and I swallow when he does…that.

“Oh Shane…oh my god Shane…you’re so fucking hot Shane…suck me baby please suck me…god I’ve…no girl’s ever been this good, this hot…Oh…sweet heaven!…this…this isn’t a blow…it’s…ohdamnfuck Sha……ne…make love to me…please don’t stop making loooooooooooooooooove…ugnh!”

He cums and I’m still swallowing when I’m flooded by my own orgasm. I moan around his cock and feel it twitch and him sort of spasm as he shoots another good sized shot into me…and his wings explode out of his back and fill the room with this cloud of silky black feathers.

It’s that amazing and exciting that It sends me over the edge…like my body took a deep clenching breath….and with my fingers inside of myself…

Oh god…

I’m swept away in a climax…I’ve…Kai’s had them before but this is my first real experience as a woman getting to my peak. And there’s this rush of warmth and feeling and energy that bubbles up from within and it’s like.

It like having an orgasm like a guy but internally…I’m so used to the focus being in that one area but the female nervous system is keyed to skin, breasts, things to do with our reproductive system and it’s so much more all over our internal that when we hit that peak there is so much more going on with us…

I feel so completely different from having it…it’s like my soul’s really plugged into my body now and hey…Shane…guess what? You’re a woman!


Oh my god so very, very Yay!

I move back swallowing over and over getting anything there into me even the aftertaste…I actually have drool mouth…and I’m trying not to but Kyle kisses me and leans me back onto the bed and we’re not long getting my clothes off.

I’m glad I’m wearing cool underwear…dark violet lacey bra and panties I love the way that the feel but also the way they look on my little oriental body. Thanks the good thing about being Bi-persona’d is I can look at myself and with my guy side honestly say if something looks hot on me.

The look he has just gives me that shiver of feeling beautiful and it’s really so deeply something that I’m getting as being really, really a good thing…I…I feel like a flower finally getting sunshine? I’m…I’m starting to like myself? God…it feels like forever since I actually just liked being me…It’s something alien a little to Kai….being Eta is shame, she never felt anything like this until she was older and fighting to save Japan.

Kyle undresses me the rest of the way and we start making love.

He’s slowly takes me out of my lingerie, really slowly and he uses his hands and lips, there’s kisses and foreplay…oh…that’s so…good…so different on this side of things and part of me wanted him to kiss and suck on my breasts forever.

Then he sinks into me…

I made the little Japanese girl sex sounds… I “Aieeee!” when he broke my hymen…I was going to rake my nails down his back until I felt his wings and I hung onto them right at that bid bone and muscle part where the come out of his back.


I’m being made love to by this angel and I’m holding onto his wings and feel them move as we’re making love…there’s just nothing that can ever be like this…Kyle’s long hot hard cock sliding in and out of my tight little virgin pussy and it feels just intoxicatingly good…I like…love everything about it but even as good as that is his wings move…just every once in awhile but it stirs up the feathers he let loose when his wings manifested…so they’re falling and swirling and moving through the air…his long silky hair is falling past his face to tease and touch me as he sucks on my breasts…kisses me.

I love feeling so small and delicate and treasured yet coveted and taken…I love the fact he’s so much just larger than me and…I give…he want’s me so much and I give…and give.

And when we really get intense and loud he pulls me into his arms to hold me as he makes love to me and I feel him thumping this deepest spot as he bottoms out and it’s made all that more intense by the contrast of our bodies and again more intense as he drills into me and is getting close…he…he pulls me into this holding, hugging embrace and his wings mantle over me as I’m kissing him and crying and…

Just god oh god… “Hai! Hai!, Hai!”

I fall asleep tired, happy and bonelessly exhausted and Kyle is holding me and spooning me but he’s got his wings folded out front and around me like this feathery midnight curtain that is shutting out and protecting me from the world.

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