My Super Secret Life-35.

My Super Secret Life-35.


I shoot her the occasional glare even though she’s out of it she still shot over a dozen people despite my and Champion’s best efforts.

I didn’t realize how hard I was holding my breath and clenching my jaw until the EMT’s got here.

Sunny kind of surges a bit inside of me because there’s a lot of blood and then I see the cover some people up…like fully up.

I want to cry somewhere…for what? For money?

Everyone there looks at me as I scream and boot one of the garbage cans all the way across the tracks and imbeded it into the wall.

*And Now…

I think a few minutes passed with everything just happening and me just sort of watching with this sort of out of it thing and there’s a sort of fuzziness that lifts and I look at the police and the EMT’s. “What can I do to help?”

One of the cops looks at me and looks at her. “Stay with her, we need the EMT’s to check her out but we can’t really let them do that with how dangerous she is.”

“Okay…but call it in, we need someone to watch her because I should be backing up my team.”

“Yeah okay.”

I sort of frown at the attitude and stuff I mean we’re like seriously in the heat and I….I want a chunk of the monkey.

I look red-cat over and she’s still breathing and the EMT’s come over and they start to check out her wounds and her vitals and they’re using this spray foam stuff in the hole Champion put through her and some other spray stuff for her burns from the flash and I’m keeping hands on her… making sure she doesn’t try anything funny but she’s floppy like dead weight.

Sunny me inside though is livid…there’s this girl part of me that is so pissed beyond measure that she’s such a heartless bitch. That part’s been asleep for the most part lately but I can feel it, not like a sentient side of me but something in the core of where I started is really offended.

I know it’s sexist and stuff but part of me inside just can’t get over that sort of utter disregard for the lives of others.

My jaw’s clenched and I’m breathing a little forced calm and evenly but I’m keeping my cool.

It’s really, really hard when there’s no one that they can spare here cleared for this kind of thing here in Paradise City. So I have to go with her and into the ambulance with the EMT’s and make sure that she’s secure as we head to The Tower.

I almost leave…we’re in the aero-ambulance and lifting off when I see and explosion a few blocks away on the roadway.

I don’t though as I see a flicker of white and blue that’s Champion catching a car in midair.


I leave the girl with Taylor/Titan and hope he can deal and I lift off and I head down the subway tracks after Mongo.

He’s good and he’s fast…but I’m very fast with my flight powers and it’s only a couple of minutes before I catch up with him and he’s going at full ape style run and I pour on the speed and I overtake him and hit him with a double palm strike to his back sending him into the ground and the rails flare with current and I hold him down and drive him through the gravel and the heavy rail ties for at least twenty feet with him screaming out a roar the entire time.

It sounds harsh and I guess it is and I’d have hesitated really if Mongo wasn’t a meta-anthro…yes some of these anthros that came out of the labs that spawned them and such these first generation ones are far more sometimes that just an anthro-mutated animal some of them are exposed to other things…and some of them take.

We’ve also fought before and he’s tough.

Tough enough he rolls his shoulder and goes from being dragged to a sort of roll over and he kicks me off of him with his feet and I swing a fist as he’s coming up to his feet and he’s fast enough and he’s strong enough that he catches my arm and wrist and slams me into the concrete wall, into the floor and he throws me at the far wall and I fly-stop and I crescent kick him and he swings a punch and I block another punch and I fly-tilt out of the way and I slap down that punching arm and use that opening to punch him hard ringing his bell.

He staggers and I press my advantage flying in close and tight and using slip angles…that’s tilting my flight body at different angles as I’m moving my body and all my enhanced strength and reflexes and my training to work the body six or seven hits and he’s winded and he drops and I do a flight loop kick upper cut slamming him into the side of the tunnel wall.

He rips out a chunk of the cracked concrete and throws it at my head and I blast it to bits with my energy vision and then he’s on me… literally he jumps and he lands on me all fours and his full ton of weight and his first two hits art these heave martial art palm strikes to my head and I feel the ground explode up from the force around my head as he drives me into the ground and it does hurt…I won’t say that it doesn’t but it hurts a lot less than most other supers even.

It’s part of my powers…my skin or the area of my skin contains the “Platinum energy.” And like all good reactors my skin is now made to hold all of that power inside…it’s some kind of force field that’s in my skin.

…..His second palm strike drives my torso into the ground hard and then it’s a barrage of fury as he monkey fists me. You know that enraged display behavior when a primate slams they fists and bash things…that to me a lot.

Enough pain tilts me towards anger and with that comes a rush of adrenaline that ties right into my powers. You want to know something, you really can’t keep a flier on his back not with my strength and I fly-roll us over and hammer him with repeated fists and then her rolls us over again…it’s hard to keep any meta being with super level strength down…I might be stronger than him and can fly but my weight is normal and my flight power can’t over-ride the inertia of the roll over his strength and weight has.

So now we’re a couple of seven year olds rolling around over the tracks in the subway system bashing on each other and slamming each other into the walls and the live rails and the ground and then I smash him into the landing of the next stop and Mongo throat punches me sending me staggering back and choking.

Armored skin or not it’s still my throat and a cheap shot.

Followed by another cheap shot as he reaches behind him and he pulls a very large bore weapon and he fires several energy beams into me.

I’m dazzled by the beam breaking up into flares of light and sparks more that I’m actually hurt and he takes the time to jump and to run through the on looking people causing them to scream and panic and bolt.

He’s smart enough to not to bother and take a hostage opting for speed and escape.

Honestly it’d be such a cliché gorilla thing I think he’d rather be arrested than do something so beneath him and movie like.

Dammit though, I was really hoping to keep him below ground.

Out here his variables and his weapons of opportunity just went up a hundredfold.

I fly after him and up and out through the subway entrance to see him shooting out several plate glass windows on some upper floors and I push it to get there and over people doing a combination of using my strength to pick them up a little and just move them out of the way and to use my cape to shield them from debris along with my body.

I give them a quick glance over and I see they’re okay and I give them a nod and take off after Mongo.

People cheer or at least a few of them do…it’s part of the whole “super-hero.” deal and it’s a good thing as much as it’s a bad thing. Honestly people they just will never stop looking and you can’t stop all of them from getting too close to the action. Mind you that’s why we work with the police…barricades and stuff and crowd control is only manageable with help…but as much as it’s a bad thing there is this whole psychological home field advantage to it too when they’re cheering you on.

Mongo’s making a dash for it but he’s grabbing vehicles and he’s throwing them at me or in the air and he gets off the main street and into the alley streets and as I’m following he fires a shot at a falafel cart and it’s fuel tank.

I can’t stop the explosion just fly in and block the area where the shrapnel is going to fly the most towards where people might be and I take off again this time up. Up because that where Mongo will go, he’ll climb and head across the roof tops in this area.

I seriously want to slap whoever taught the big boy parkour.

I catch up in no time again but he’s hard to actually catch with him in his element and me trying to not crash through things and cause all sort of property damage going after him. My best thing I can do is use short bursts from my eyes and sting him, burn him and push him.

“Ric I need you up here can you get over to Adams Drive it’s the closest to where we’re at.”

Ric is Ricochet, he’s one of the junior members and a mutant unlike a lot of us on the team and he has the ability to absorb and store and re-use kinetic force. He takes his name because he literally bounces and this acrobatic parkour stuff is right up his alley.

“Careful he’s got an ion gun and it’s not a lightweight.”

“Loverly so how good a shot is he?”

“Well he’s not missing so be careful.”

“Dude you’re a tank your evasion is low.”

“Ric this isn’t a video game.”



“Uh-huh sure grandpa.”

“I’m not that old.”

“Actually dude you are.”

“I am not, and it’s not my fault.”

“You’re the original Champion hell you’ve retired three times if you were human you’d either be dead or crapping in a baggy.”

“I am human.”

“Yeah and so am I.”

“You’re just as human as I am.”

“Tell that to the HRA’s (Human rights activists.) or to the Federation or Red Star Or who knows how many places.”

“I will and have and likely will again, you know that’s why New Haven is an actual haven.”

“Mmmm…sure and that’s why The Feds invaded thirty years ago and why the New Haven gov decided to play ball and round all the meta’s up.”

“It’s really distracting trying to fly and shoot and try to catch Mongo as it is without having a meta rights debate going on.”

“You’re right let’s shelve it for after with beers!”

He comes out of nowhere…well somewhere and he connects with Mongo and a big kick to the head and he sends Mongo and himself off the edge and into the street below.

I follow as fast as I can and Mongo’s swinging a small hatchback at Ric trying to flatten him and he throws it at me when he sees me and I end up catching it.

It’s best I catch it before it hits someone or lands on someone causing even more damage. I check inside and it’s empty thankfully and I wait and watch as he and Ric are duking it out. Every time he hit’s Ric the energy gets absorbed as he’s knocked down only to bounce from the pavement back up to his feet and lash out with a punch or a kick and he evades really fast as Mongo tries and go for a grab and grappling style moves with his enhanced reflexes.

The big guy’s flagging again and I get some more height as he aims his blaster at Ric and opens fire and Ric’s dodging and trying not to get blasted and That’s when I have the opening and fly down hard coming in to sort of land behind him but slamming the car engine first over Mongo’s head as hard as I can wrecking the car.

There’s a grumbly-rumbly-groan as he collapses in a heap.

Ric gets the blaster and I wait a few seconds just to make sure and then I go and check on the big gorilla.

He’s breathing and his eyes are dilated some so I think I knocked him out and maybe gave him a slight concussion.

I take out the restraint wire we use and I tie his arms and legs good. We use the wire because it’s sharp and incredibly strong being made from like carbon filament it’ll hold in most cases of meta strength and unless you’re armored or something it will cut into you if you try to break free.

These will hold until we can get the heavy transport here.


I drop into the scene and slow my breathing using One Breath and slow things down in my head…There are some police down, and Mrs. Champion is in a fight with two anthro-cheetahs and they’re doing really well and then I sort of see the flicker of the other two as they hit her with some kind of batons with an electric charge.

“Nazareth can you see the two that are fading in and out?”

“Uhm…that’d be a no sorry.”

“Okay use your darkness blasts and be fire support get the attention of the two cheetahs and I’ll handle the other two.”

“Other two and how?”

“I’m shinobi.”

“Riiiiight….okay then.”

Then I’m on the ground and I close my eyes…smell, hearing are all important but the truest way to fight an opponent is through their chi, feeling out the flow of energy in their bodies and when that chi comes into contact with mine…attack, purpose and intent all comes into play here.

First thing I do is to reach in and flick out handfuls for shuriken.

And yes handfuls I know that they can be deadly with enough soft chi tossed into the motion of them to increase the spin but that takes power and it’s much more a one of a time thing and I’m going very traditional ninjutsu use of them.

Four in a handful one layer over another slightly spread out and I flick them at my foes or where they should be and it’s to throw them off…and having anyone throw small bladed things at you does that to most people.

And it does with them and they flicker in as they’re shocked and getting cut. I slip sideways and do a criss-crossover with my footwork closing with one as Kyle fires down around me and Mrs. Champion with his dark blasts at the cheetah women. They have breasts or the swells of them so I’m going to assume that they’re females.

I close in on one and shift from ninjutsu to the more tried and true taijutsu because it’s more effective from not really having been that well known a thing.

I’m at the advantage as I’m striking they can’t fade out and the other thing is they’re using taser batons of some sort and they’re trained in some form of self-defence but nothing that is more that the whole store brand version of something.

Focus and focus and breathe…it all flows together, spear hand thrust, he goes to block, palm drive the blocking arm in the elbow… (Crack)…he drops the baton…step side ways slip ahead of him and combo ankle sweep and chop to the back of the neck and he goes down on top of the taser baton.


I fall and catch myself like a push up as his partner swings his baton for my head from behind. I feel the wind as is passes over my head and I pivot after my self catch and stomp kick his knee…. (Crunch.)… he screams and I push up hard enough to lift off from the ground and another burst of chi to my rotation and I crescent kick him in the jaw.

It sends him sprawling and I’m still me…Kai…Shane enough to use a bit of chi and her and the old me to do a pommel horse sort of street body spin and flip thing up to my feet and as soon as I’m there I open my eyes and flick another hand full of shuriken at one of the cheetah girls.


I swallowed hard as I jumped out the transport with Shayne and Terri and…Shayne has a plan already in place at least with us. And I release my wings and catch a lifting breeze and bank? Yeah I think it’s banking and get a look at the cheetah girls and Mrs. Champion.

I sooo don’t want to hit her…friendly fire and stuff like that’s kinda a bad thing.

Not that I’d do much to her or anything.

The cheetah girls are fast…like with powers fast and sure they’re not like some super speedsters and stuff but that animal trait has been magnified by their mutations. They’re cats and supple along with super agile and the speed.

I choose one and open fire swooping and trying to get her attention and it works too she’s watching me and dodging my shots on her and I’m getting better or closer with each one and stuff but it’s not about me it’s about me…

Get it?

She’s focused on me she’s not backing up her partner or sister and I didn’t catch what was going on but I’m seven shots in and there’s a scream snarl as her partner gets sent flying into a nearby panel van so hard she dents the side of it.

She staggers and hit’s the ground.

I look back at mine and Shayne already has her two down and she’s throwing…how does she thrown that many throwing stars at once?…but yeah mine dodges those and I blast her with both hands.

She gets blown off her feet since there’s impact with it and does that cat-person-girl shocked scream and then she does her own angry thing using that speed and reflexes and she start quick drawing knives and throwing them at me hard and fast from sheaths she’s wearing on her legs.

I’m trying to dodge the and it’s not working out so well at this point and two hit me in the special suit they gave me and I’d be dead is it wasn’t for it being bullet proof but they still hurt…like professional baseball pitcher nailing me hurt.

I dodge three, two hit my legs but they’re armored with the suit and one I even shoot out of the air and one hits my wing…it hurt…but not…it went right through…

Her last knife get’s blasted out of the air by Mrs. Champion and she does that impressive cape billow fly not fly thing eyes shimmering.

“Give up you’re out numbered and Mongo’s in custody.”

She looks like she might fight some more but she changes her mind and raises her hands and spits on the ground.

“I give up.”

There’s a crash that follows as the rhino falls to the ground and Terri’s shedding crystal bits and is panting but gives up the thumbs up.

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