My Super Secret Life-3.

My Super Secret Life 3

Chapter 3

Okay, it’s been a long fucking day.

Sorry I normally never swear. It must be a guy thing.

I left the diner and just started walking and trying to sort things out. I was broke, transformed into a guy and was apparently some kind of super. That’s slang for Superhuman. I walk and walk still trying to think of a way to get out of this. If I can, to get back to being me. I liked being me, being a girl or…I think I do? I’m getting things in a whole different way right now. I actually think I’m smarter? Part of me inside is miffed?, ticked off about that. I really don’t want me being smarter because of the gender shift.

I take the bit of change I’ve got and get on the Mag-Bus. I normally don’t take the bus unless it was for like cheer stuff. I sit in the back bench seat and put my feet up and stare out the window at Paradise City as we skim through the streets.

I’m going through areas of the city I’d normally never go through. I’m or Sunny was a Greendale girl and that’s one of the best neighborhoods in the city. All the houses are big and worth several million dollars. Doctors and lawyers and big time professionals. It’s one of the best places to live on the entire colony.

Yup colony.

I live on one of the biggest of all the free colonies. New Haven. I guess for some of you that are alien readers I’ll pause my story to give you the setting. A long, long time ago in the 21rst-22nd centuries Earth was a mess. They used fossil fuels until the planet was screaming then they tried to use environmental means. It would’ve worked except for one thing.


The fuel empires didn’t go softly, no they bought and destroyed environmental power companies, went nuke and batteries that didn’t last for crap. It the end the governments tried to force terms out of the companies and couldn’t and everything went nuts and it started with some “terrorists” Hitting a power facility in a place called Bolivia, the Fyrebrande company was using geo-thermal energy to power it’s cells and the terrorists tried to take it back for the people. They held it for 42 days before the plant blew in an accident, it reality they literally pulled the plug and turned the thing into a volcano.

This came out and the people, like nearly everyone was fed up. Riots started, then more violent struggles and then the governments of several smaller nations decided to take back power for the peoples. The corporations fought back, they used other countries the developed nations that they pretty much bought and the poorest of nations declared wars and Earth went into global civil war. It lasted for eighty years, Nations crumbled and companies fell and the world turned to hell. It looked like it wasn’t going to get any better and then God or Fate or Nature intervened and a massive meteor shower hit, no one was really watching for it and to this day nobody knows where it came from or why it happened.

Earth was blasted for twenty seven hours and these hit making small craters to hitting with nuke like force, to tiny golf ball hailstorms that perforated anything in there path. Earth got it ass kicked. It stopped the war, changed the political history of earth, and a global winter hit lasting about thirty years. People learned to work together or die. The poorest southern and desert places became oasis like nations, the breadbasket of earth. The surviving generations were just done, sick of the bullshit kept those that’d try to take and control things by force from doing so. This was started by King Emerson Windsor of the United Kingdom who pushed through the winter to get humanity to a resolution, to peace and he was the architect of the United Earth’s Government.

It was during the reconstruction that humanity found it was not alone. Deep in the Antarctic ice We found a ship, it was found in a science expedition to study polar magnetics and power generation. It was the thing that hit earth they think that killed Earth’s dinosaurs. (Yeah, they’ve found two “Jurassic” planets.) Well that thing was almost fought over but the United Earth Government sat on it and used it and kept the greedy from trying to stake claims on it.

Humanity took a huge collective hit to all they’re religions. We were suddenly not alone, we are not the solely created people in the universe. There were massive riots, it almost sparked another global war. There were more religious terror attacks on that facility than in all the combined history of earth.

It took the awhile but the technology was reverse engineered and the people after being through so much got caught up in the reach for the stars. I don’t know all the little details but mankind had spread out to the reaches of the solar system to some degrees after just a decade. Twenty years after that the first FTL (Faster Than Light) Space flight had happened. Three year’s of test flights out exploring likely habitable worlds mankind encountered the N’Yai.

They’re these very human like aliens with huge pupils like three times the size of ours so they look off or odd but they’re intergalactic nomads. Gypsies, that trade and travel the universe. They opened up the secrets of interstellar travel to us and humanity began to spread out. The old nations, the old special interest groups that didn’t want to live under the UEG’s rules left earth for their own colonies.

The Communists were the first to leave Earth, They getting enough together to buy and build their own ships and settled two separate regions of space one is the Red Star People’s Republic, it’s like ancient communist China and Korea and the likes. The others are the Slavic’s who wished for ancient glory days creating the SSB or the Soviet Socialist Block. Other’s followed, and we met a few other species that had become entangled with humanity.

Aerosians, a humanoid people but evolved from avians, their hair is micro fine feathers so fine that they look like spiky hair, bird like eyes. And the tendency to have snake like tanned scales on their hands and forearms, shins and feet. Sharp hard nails too, they’re required to blunt them unless they have an permit here on New Haven. They’re as good as a knife.

They’re masters of anti-gravity technology, hence the bus I’m on. There’s even hover boards like skateboards and floating grocery carts and stuff. They’d been to earth a few times in our past with several explores watching our ancient cultures.

They weren’t the only ones. The P’hari a race of aquatic humanoids that look close to us, close if you consider tropical fish skin tones with fine scales, a fin like mohawk and tiny fin like ear gills, they actually had a base on Earth two actually Atlantis and Lemuria. Atlantis was an accident when ancient earth humans that used to trade with them murdered the P’hari there and stole technology for weapons to try to start an empire. In the fight with the security teams from Lemuria the base reactor went off by accident in the combat. They deemed it too dangerous to stay and left us.

Now they are in several embassy cities under our oceans, and they run massive aquaculture businesses and are great designers of Glass-steel and sonic technologies.

I guess lastly and most importantly are the Vishanti. They’re a blue skinned Hindi like people. Actually they are Hindu. They had lived on earth for a long time the result of a crashed ship during a battle in a civil war, religious war. Their religion was adopted by the natives as was much of their culture. There’s differences but there’s so much of the same that they are considered blood cousins to each other by the will of their gods. The Vishanti have accepted hindu humans into their society and planets and they’ve lifted the hindu people to unforeseen heights.

There’s a lot like a couple of million hindu in Paradise City and at least a hundred thousand Vishanti the largest number outside of New Calcutta. I see them all over the place as the bus floats through the city.

God I didn’t think I remembered anything from taking history last term. Wait I didn’t…I only passed because I…eewww. I remember being on my knees giving Mr. Tate a blowjob for a B grade. My stomach twists at the memory of it and I pull my legs up in the bus seat more mentally horrified than anything.

Before the injection, before my change I…I’d have never thought that this was a bad thing. I mean why be hot if you can’t use it to get everything you want.

God the things I thought kinda make me shake a bit. Was I getting smarter? I think I’m getting smarter? Part of me is scared, scared and wanting to go back to not being aware of what a stupid, vapid, stunned…My head’s hurting and I kind of just shut down there in the seat for awhile.

It’s when I hear the bus stop along with the distant pop, pop, pop, of gunfire. I look up and find myself in almost alien surroundings. Jacksonland…it’s basically what’d be referred to as the “Projects” and is the massive labyrinth sub city within PC where many of the blacks had established their own city in the early colonial days.

Yeah their own city, there were hundreds of thousands of groups trying stuff like this going on in the colonial era. Here was going to be the proof that black people of every ethnics type could live together and disprove all the stereotypes held against them. It started and was very successful for a long time until the base industries began to dry up slowly, and the other communities and cities grew up around it and it got absorbed into the main city. It’s been rebuild tones of times as it’s a very race based neighborhood, but it’s gotten bad with the gangs and the criminals and …well I don’t know the rest, The ditzy me never paid attention to things like this.

The place is like nothing I’ve seen before. There’s people on the Mag-Bus I’d never have gone near before, I’m the only white person there. I’m the only one really paying attention to the shots that were fired. They all look like they’re very serious about ignoring it. We’re not really out of that area that fast like maybe ten minutes…no police.

We drive through the place for an hour two before the Mag-Bus leaves the area and heads out to the closest transfer station. I get off there, and get another bus home. Dad, he might be my only chance to get some help.

I have to transfer like three times and go through neighborhoods that I’d just never have gone near before. Havana Beach, Viet-Seoul, Kali until we cross The Belt, It’s a superhighway that literally seems to separate the haves from the have-nots. I actually sigh once I’m back in my old neighborhood and Greendale just seems so nice right now. It’s clean and rich with the manicured lawns and all that clean quiet stuff I’m used to. It feels like I haven’t been home for a week instead of being gone all day and all night.

There’s a couple of police cars outside of my house. Oh yeah, shit technically I’m still missing. I cut through the backyards my new powers letting me literally hop hedges and fences with ease. I get into my backyard and slip into the gardener’s shed and try to figure out what to do, how to talk to my parents, to my dad.

I guess at some point I closed my eyes and fell asleep trying to get some relief from the headache that hadn’t stopped since everything started to snowball in my head while on the bus.

I get woken up by the sudden burst of sunlight and the gardener yelling in Mandarin that I’m in the shed. My back’s sore, my head hurts, I’m starving and feel like crap. I shield my eyes from the light and feel my breasts move. My breasts…I’m back to being me!!!

I’m crying because I’m so relieved to be me again. I step outside the shed to be swept into a hug by my dad and my mom who are crying and telling me how worried they were about me. There’s four police officers running up two with guns drawn in case of trouble.

It’s more stress from that point on. Questions from the police officers who brought in a detective.

“Can you tell us what happened?”

“Uhm, I remember the robbery started and I was in the bathroom.”

“Did you see, what happened in the store?”

“No, I heard the gunshots and I think I fainted.”

“You’ve been gone, all day and all night do you know where you’ve been?”

“No, but I kinda remember that I was carried?”

“By who, the vigilante?”

“I dunno, It was like kinda like a dream yanno.” That’s the ticket, ditz it up Sunny, act like the bobble-head, be the bobble-head, I give him my best kind of empty blue eyed look.

“So you can’t remember anything?”

“Nuh-uh, I was like all woozy and stuff. Ooooh, ooooh I remember like all these muscles against me, so was he like cute?”

“Uhm, I wouldn’t be able to tell miss, he wasn’t able to be seen clearly on the cameras.”

“It like Sunny, you don’t have to call me miss yanno.”


“Sunny….” That’s my mom. “Don’t be flirting with the young detective.” I dramatically roll my eyes. “Okaaay Mom.” But I shoot him a wink. He’s not long getting away from me and my dim sexiness.

He and dad take awhile to talk then we’re off to the hospital. Why because the Super, the vigilante was glowing so I might have radiation poisoning or something or I was drugged and about another hundred other things that might have been done to me including a rape kit. Yeah, what a way to have your dad find out you’re no longer a virgin. It turns out that I’m clean, there’s nothing wrong with me. Good news is that with all the (shudder) being free with myself I haven’t caught anything.

I’m not going to be the same girl as I was before.

Mom’s great, she’s right there with me and through the whole thing. The doctors tell her I might have a traumatic memory block from being so close to the violence but without anything wrong with me they’re not too worried. In fact they say that too many questions might trigger/push me into shock. I guess I lucked out with that one.

I get showered there when I’m done, mom having brought me my clothes from home. I also have my purse back with the girls having given it to my mom after the police had checked it out.

I’m not the same. No, I’m really not the same. One, my shower was turning me on. Touching myself turned me on. I’m not talking about the whole having a masturbatory fantasy in the shower but just touching my body felt sensual to my touch as well as my body. It was very surreally strange. Secondly is during my time there I was noticing just how very, attractive to me the other women around me were.

A little freaked? Yeah you could say that.

I took a time out in the bathroom while getting dressed and stared at the mirror for awhile trying to relive the feeling of getting hard…my skin started to glow from the inside, energy began to leak out of me. It was hard to stop it, I ended up actually playing with my breasts and start to feel good, start to feel like myself…as a girl, and the power sinks back inside of me.

Yes, sexual feelings. It makes sense right now just like being threatened brought on the shift. Would I have changed if the robbery hadn’t happened? I don’t know but at least I know there’s an aspect of control with this. It’s tied to strong emotions I think, I’m going to have to play with this a lot more but where I can do it in public.

As for my attraction to women? I spend part of the time checking out men too, letting my mind go to my dirty places. Yep, I still like guys so this attraction must be a guy form side effect maybe?

I’m definitely smarter. In the different waiting room/areas I read every magazine there. Mom thought I was just flipping through them but I read all the magazines and even the out of date newspapers and now my heads swirling with all this stuff I never knew before.

It helps me with my dazed look when the news reporter from the store thing was there outside to ask me questions. Dad took over and told her about my “medical condition.” I answer some basic questions like the detective asked and I play dumb and miss the cues and act really ditzy enough that I’m more of a pain than a story. I even yell a shout out to my girls, to my Mattie and try to get a sound bite about getting elected prom queen again. You know that big breasted blonde totally self absorbed bubble headed bimbo you hated going to school with? Yeah I so totally am her for the interview.

This could be a good cover for me.

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