My Super Secret Life-29.

My Super Secret Life-29.

Chapter 29

I’m the one to leave first and I’m actually right in between that place where I’m happy because I’m getting a chance and this whole oh shit so big shot what do you do now thing.

Alexis is Matt and Matt is Alexis and they’re the same and they’re different. (Big deep breath.) The point is that Matt is guy enough and has been around enough that he knows all the usual guy stuff that guys well would do on a date.

I get in my car and drive out but I wave at what feels like Matt again in the store window just so it doesn’t seem like I’m taking off.

I need to think.

I head out and actually get on the expressway out of town and maybe take a drive out of paradise city and up into the foothills and maybe even the mountains. I put the radio on scan local and just let it pick up whoever is playing what as I drive into their zones.

What do I do for a date? For an all day date.

Hmm, this is actually a good idea really…this drive there’s one thing that Matt/Alexis and I both have in common and that’s we’re city kids. Maybe there’s stuff out here in “The Hills” that might be worth doing or seeing.

Okay there’s a few little places with signs posted with stuff for those people who like to do the drive out in the country and tour thing. I see a nice look out spot with this great valley view and another spot with a nice waterfall.

It’s a calming nice drive and with the wind in my hair shades on and stuff all kind of helps. I stop and I get H-gel and a pop at a gas station and do that at a few places that has nice views before heading back into the city but I come in from the far western side after coming down from the foothills.

I’ve never been to west side and this is first off farms then all these Hindu neighborhoods. Why because a few more miles in and driving through a wall structure is the Vishanti embassy lands. The New Have government gave them land and then brokered a side deal to expand the size of the embassy to a small sized walled town…actually a small city and it’s fully accessible to the public, the freeway runs through it but it’s way out here in the West side or what too many people call it “Bindi-town.”

I guess the best way to describe the Vishanti embassy it to think of class Indian architecture and then modernize all the lines to clean and precise and make thing in an alloys and glass and pale ceramics.

It’s really fascinating and clean and there’s so much high tech here just driving through. It drives some people up the wall really. The Vish are very for profit, they are also very secretive…not like spy stuff but take H-gel…their standard fuel. It’s stabilized hydrogen gel with oxygen bubbles in it that gets sprayed into the car and they ignite by compression. Lots of power, clear…but the secret they use to make the stable gel…it’s there’s. It’s like their organ cloning and biotechnology stuff with vat tissues…they keep those things to themselves.

There’s a lot of humans that don’t like that. Don’t like non-humans being over them. Add in a high cyber-rate and a high psionic rate of potential and the fact that they will hire Hindu persons first before others.

But unlike other areas in and around paradise city they have anthrosapien mutants here out in full view of the public. Well that just goes to show that humans and the aliens are really different and that they are respecting the rights of other sentients way more than what we do usually.

I’m kind of rubbernecking actually at the differences. I’ve actually only seen Anthros on television. I’m not sure if Alexis has either?

I don’t really mind any of that but in Diamond hills the money side of town where I come from the Vish are always bagged on because they’re scaring all the rich predominantly white folks home by starting to own so much.

I actually like it here in a way…This actually could be good…it’d be like a visit to a foreign planet or country right here in the city.

It takes me awhile to find the tourist information place and I park and head inside.

…………………………………………The next day…

I get up early and I get the things I need together and I start packing up for my date. I have a pretty good camera with full video and telephoto and wide angle features. It’s called a sacred eye and I got it at a shop in the embassy town. The advantage of galactic tech and an advanced race. The camera and a lot of stuff that’s super easy for them to make costs a lot less. I paid like a third of regular prices for it.

Inflatable cushioned picnic blanket, three extra blankets, and some towels. I pack in bottled water and juice and I even cooked. I mean it’s a big thing but not a big thing Sunny me can cook not like super duper stuff but I know enough that I made fried chicken.

Actually it’s got my own spin on it and I made Tyler’s friend chicken. And that’s buttermilk marinated chicken that I added egg yolks to after awhile to make the batter and added in some lemon pepper, onion powder and cumin to. Then I rolled it in honey graham wafer crumbs with some black pepper and dried thyme and brown sugar and salt.

It turned out really good…actually I made two batches because Liz and Parvati showed up sniffing the air and they ate a whole cut up chicken between them.

I made potato salad but again some thing I’ve made with red russet potatoes deep fried until brown and then added in red onion and chopped up and diced red delicious apples and a yellow beet and then capers but there’s walnuts added into it. I’ve a dill sour cream to mix into it instead of mayo.

I bought canolis for desert.

I take everything down to the car and I had it detailed by the motor pool guys and stuff.

I’m just dressed simply black dress/deck shoes semi casual, cargo pants and a deep dusky yellow t-shirt that I got in a surf shop while looking around yesterday.

Scent…I’m really not used to that side of things so I have this cedar hinted lemon oiled sort of body spray and Right Guard on.

I call Matt/Alexis as I pull out I’ll get coffee and gas/H-gel before picking her up.

“Mmm…hello…” The voice is sleepy and mixed.

“Morning are you ready to start our day?”


“Yes…did you forget?”

“Mmm….(Yawn)…no but it’s early.”

“I know so what would you like for coffee?”

“You’re brining coffee?”

“I am…”

“Uhm surprise me?”


“When are you coming over?”

“As soon as I get gas and coffee.”

“How should I dress?”

“Well for a car ride so comfy, and then good walking shoes and the rest I’ll get?”

“You’ll get?”

“It’s a surprise.”


“I’ll see you in twenty to thirty depending on traffic?”

“I won’t be ready, I can wait but I want to get you your coffee first.”

“Oh…good answer…”

I hang up and take the car down to one of the little galleria mini-malls in our area and I get gas and while I’m there getting filled up I get a jerry can and some extra. The mileage is great and stuff with H-gel but extra just in case gas is a good idea. I get the kid at the pumps to plastic seal the can because while not toxic, or even smelly the stuff likes to evaporate and my dad was always going for H-gel for our ride on mower because it’s just evaporate away.

That in the trunk I park and I go to a coffee chain place I like called Galaxy Espresso I order a New Kenyan for myself and a large carob and pea berry cappuccino for Alexis. That’s a good one the carob gives just enough chocolate hint to the coffee…double coffee shot and a bit of extra cream to cut the harshness.

I also get a box of brownies and cupcakes not for us but for her house.

It’s a short drive and I stop at a street stand and get a bouquet of micro sunflower. It’s about the size of a good daisy just a different breed…really pretty and not a usual choice. Honestly I think it’s a good flower idea for the mornings.

I pull into Matt’s yard and get my tings and walk to the door and ring. It’s so strange being here as me and not Sunny. I’ve lived here practically but their parents don’t know who I really am.

Alexis opens the door in these hot looking red satin Pj’s and she’s still looking just awake…there’s a little bit of ketchup or something at the corner of her mouth.



“These are for you.”

I pass her the flowers and her eyes light up. This is really her being her because I’m not sure Matt would have the girl response as openly. And there’s that body language thing too. Alexis isn’t pretending to hide herself away like this and despite it being the same body as Matt there’s this flowy looseness there that you just can’t fake without there being girl in your soul.

Matt’s five ten and lean muscle…Alexis is five ten and sleek with strong arms and shoulders. The same body but just huge differences. I still say it’s a lot like multiple personalities only you are both.

“And…this is for you.” I give her the coffee and she takes it and sips it and she closes her eyes and makes that face. You know the girl…this is good face. I’ve made that face as Sunny but seeing it on Alexis it’s beautiful.

Just shows to me that this VG thing is way more real than just being transgendered because Alexis is beautiful and really Matt…Matt too now that I’ve noticed he’s kind of beautiful too but in that guy way.

But back to Alexis…

She looks at me and takes another sip. “I’m going to go get ready…thanks Ty…this, this made my morning.” She leaves with the coffee and smelling her flowers and swaying up her stairs.

Was I ever able to do that as Sunny?

I’m waiting in the doorway when her mom comes in and smiles. “You’re Tyler?”

“Yes Ma’am.” This, this is weird I’ve know her for years. I’ve seen her naked, changed into bikinis together with her. And I’m supposed to not recognize…it’s so weird it’s funny almost.

I adjust the boxes a second and take her hand and actually shake it. She smiles a that, I get it. Guys don’t often actually shake that often. I pass her the boxes. “Here Mrs. Stevens this is for you folks.”

“Thank you, you’re a…you’re a very charming young man.”

“I am?”

She ends up laughing but I’m actually kind of serious in thinking the question out loud. “Come into the kitchen and I’ll get you a refill on your coffee.”

I follow her and you know there are some very similar things between her and Alexis. I suppose that she’s modeled stuff she knows a lot after her mom.

She’s making coffee and setting out the things and looking at me, then back to what she’s doing…then looking at me.


“You’re Titan aren’t you?”

“When I’m working yes Ma’am.”

“I see.”

“Is this a problem?”

“It’s surprising and I’m a little worried. Things happen around you hero types.”

“Well sometimes but honestly Mrs. Stevens it’s more like we go looking for it.”

“Looking for it?”

“It’s why I work as a Champion, I have powers but I’m not the only one and there’s a whole lot of them that think might makes right by that or guns or something else. But my everyday’s actually not as special or as dangerous as it all get’s made out to be.”


“Yes, I’ve had times when it’s just day to day stuff. We do that too only it’s hyped up a lot by the media.”

“So when you’re not being a superhero you do what?”

“School mostly but everything will be changing with both things soon I expect.”


“I’m heading to Halo for school and training.”

“Matt, I mean Alexis will be going too, the schooling we have been paying for isn’t what they need and their father and I think the wider range of exposure will be good for them.”

“And maybe she’ll get a grip on being enhanced?”

She looks at me surprised. “They told you?”

I nod sipping my coffee. “She did.”

“Okay then…” She smiles. “You look good honey.”

I turn and Alexis is there in a cute looking spaghetti strapped top and light blue jeans with a floral embroidery and sneakers. She looks great with those eyes and killer lashes and long tumbled black hair…

“Yeah, you look great. So are you ready?”

She has a shoulder bag with her and smiles. “Yup, got my stuff so where we going?”

“You’ll see.”


She hugs and kisses her mom and we head out and I open the front door to her house and then the car door. She’s smiling at both and even takes a look in the back seat. “Picnic?”

“Just part of the day.”

“Just part?”

I smile and pull out and smile at her and start driving and she powers down the windows and plays with my sound system. It’s just nice for a bit as we drive through the city but she’s getting this look on her face as we hit the highway heading north.



“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

I pull off the right over pass and she’s looking around and I stop at the top of the first rise and pull over. It’s something I noticed yesterday is the great view of the city here from this spot. It’s the closest highest of the foothills to the city.

“C’mon check it out.” I reach back and pass her the camera.

You ever see a woman with a camera, into the idea? Yeah sexy isn’t it.

We take pictures and just enjoy the view before getting back in the car and heading down the road. It’s a really great drive and this is the stuff that’d make you like driving. The city is so populated and spread out that the traffic is murder from the population but everything is really spread out so you kind of need to drive.

The foothills are at the base of the Starshine Mountains famous for their crystal deposits and stuff but the hills are almost small mountains really all clustered along the southern slopes and these were where the colonial farmsteads ad stuff started up for feeding all the mining towns. But the roads are all winding trails and stuff between all these great little places.

Alexis is grinning and really looking around now as we drive with the camera in her hands. “Y’know this is cool, I’ve never really been out of the city.”

“I know but there’s a lot of neat stuff that I want you to see.”

“You know about out here?”

“A bit enough to hope you have a good day.”

“Tyler…I’m already having a good day.”

Okay that made me smile and there’ this feeling inside that I’ve never really felt before. It’s like that did good heroic pride thing but different. Maybe it’s doing good as a guy?

We stop at a few other spots. You ever stop at a farm to sightsee? We did. It’s this small little place with goats and a mini-cheese place but why I scouted this place out…lavender. They have these fields of these different kinds of lavender ad they look cool even with guy brain. Alexis is so swept away with the pretty of the place as we get a friendly tour and take pictures and I buy stuff from here. Bags of the different kinds of the herbs, some scented homemade candles and some lavender goats milk soap.

Alexis even takes my arm in hers as we’re touring. That was nice.

From there we drive for awhile talking about the places and how really good it feels to get out of the city. It is really I like this as more today than yesterday because I’ve got her here to share this all with.

It’s close to eleven when I pull us up another place called Goodwell falls. It was a small village now kind of a tourist spot and it’s a little valley gorge that was a milling town but it’s big thing now here is the three little waterfalls here. There’s the mill museum and visitor center and a mill styled pub & grill and little stores here and there but there’s also a decent number of tourists here we check out stuff and learn a little too.

I didn’t know there were that many mines here in the area or that silver and zinc and copper were big things here during colonial times or that there was so much amethyst here the locals actually panned for crystals here. And there was jewelry in the gift shop Alexis buys some stuff on her own here too and I get her a nice shard on a necklace for a decent price and myself a ring with a lions head set with a pair of yellow garnet eyes that really looks like a bikers kind of ring and a deodorant stone which is pretty cool of a thing really and two geodes for my room just to have.

We head back to the car and I get the bags for our picnic. “Ready to hike?”


“Yeah there’s some trails they recommend and I figured a nice picnic up by the falls.”

“Oh…that’d actually be nice.”

I get the stuff but get some water out first and we start hiking. It’s really nice here, lots of pines here and some spruce trees and while it’s mostly all uphill the trail is nice and five or six feet wide with the bare wood rails and resting spots here and there and there’s little signs with tag for good viewing spots.

It’s walking and holding hands and just clean fresh air.

Alexis looks at me after a stop and her taking some pictures. “Matt’s going to have to step up his game going out with Sunny after this.”

“Maybe…I’m actually looking forward to us maybe exploring Ark City and stuff while we’re up there.”

“That’d be cool.”

“We could even just try other stuff.”


“Being friends while in matching gender modes.”

“You think you could handle that? It’s really something that I’d want though.”

“Yeah, I think I could I’m getting the VG thing more since I’m sort of living it.”


“Yeah, my brain is still learning being Tyler but yeah I really don’t feel very close to being Sunny at this point.”

“Scared about getting lost?”

“A bit honestly. I can sort of see where you’d be going through stuff when you can’t honestly let both sides of your soul out.”

“Exactly…sometimes it’s just not enough to be the gender I’m feeling in my head…I have to be me even if that part changes back and forth.”

“Actually I really like it.”


“Alex…you might be a bio-boy but you’re so much better a girl than some bio-girls that I’ve grown up with. It not the physical stuff either it’s that you shine out from under the physical stuff.”

She stops and turns and on tip toes she kisses me lightly.

Oh that was nice.

We get to the spot and it’s nice. No big grand me using my powers to show off either but just a nice spot by the fence where we have a nice view and some nice shade from some planted birch trees and I start setting things out and the one thing I do use powers for is blowing up the inflatable blanket. Super strength works with all the muscles in your body so it’s really easy and fast to blow up.

The rest is just…stopping…eating…talking and laughing and even napping…yeah after the food was done we just sort of spoon and lay there on the blanket with one of the other ones that I brought with us and just sort of listened to tunes off my phone while watching the falls and just even drifted off for an hour together.

I woke up with my arms around her.

It really felt as good maybe better than being held as Sunny. There’s something very satisfying about being the taker care of.

I move her hair and do this sweet slow kiss to her neck…you know that kiss you want to give your lover when you have all the time in the world. Yeah that soft slow sweet kiss to her neck and it’s so better than the heavy sex thoughts, it’s the whole guy brain romantic things.

You know how you love the taste of someone’s skin, their lips. I get that now…it’s an emotional taste.

Oh wow I really like the way she tastes.

She stirs and there’s that magical moment where you get that look of a girl waking up pretty and stunning even when she’s a bit messed up.

“You feel like continuing on?”



“Thanks for this…for really, really trying….for making things right?”

“I had to…I love you whether you’re you or Matt I love you too much not to fight for you.”

She rolls over and looks at me. I get the look in her eyes, I really do even as Tyler…I was born a girl…and sometimes it’s the most important thing in the world to a girl to feel like she’s worth fighting for…worth it.

We kiss and she rolls me onto my back and we kiss as she straddles me and it’s really amazing. It’s like we used to be but reversed and the same all at the same time.

It’s maybe better? Like we’ve crossed some point with us and now we’re getting back to us but better? Experienced maybe…It’s just we’ve not kissed like this and just sensually made out like this for a long, long time.

We’re both smiling and holding hands fingers interlaced on the way back. I put stuff away and open her door and kiss her again. She smiles after the kiss like I hung the moon and it sinks right into my heart. It’s a new feeling. “I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day’s going to be like.”

Me too…

I think I’m starting to finally find myself.

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