My Super Secret Life-9.

My Super Secret Life-9

Chapter 9

I take a deep breath and try a smile. “Hi…everyone…”

Dad’s looking at me. “Sunny we need to talk…”

Yeah that happened already, but my mind just had to replay the whole thing because the next thing that he said was. “Now Young Man.”

I’m taking a seat at the table and my Mom’s serving out coffee and she’s giving me the strangest of looks. She pours me a cup and I’m looking at her and Dad and Overdrive and Mrs. Champion…. “You had to tell them?”

“Yes I had to tell them. You took something Sunny and you don’t know what it’s done with your system.”

My Dad coughs. “Exactly and I’ll need to know exactly what you took and how much.”

I look at him. Then I look down, study the table top. “I think it was called was that stem cell formula that you were working on that was supposed to boost overall performance…well I took that. I took 50cc’s of it.”

Dad’s staring at me and he’s sipping his coffee. He does that awhile just adding to the way that I feel nervously.

“That batch was dangerous Sunny!” He gets up and he starts pacing. “It was a flop and it was creating dangerous and fatal mutations in the testing.”

“Why was it even in the house?” Mom looks at him getting up.

“Because I’ve got my lab here and I thought it was secure in there while I tried to figure out what was wrong with the cells that it wasn’t doing what it was supposed to do?”

“And what was that create superhumans?”

“No, Honey it was a stem cell variant we had discovered that would rewrite damaged or inefficient cell in a host body. We though we might have found a cure for a whole bunch of degenerative disorders.”

Mrs. Champion looks at Dad. “Did they tell you were the Alpha-Omni cells came from?”

“No, they had been presented to us as a discovery from another research project.”

“They’re from the Ark.” She says in very matter of factly.

“I don’t understand.” It’s triple stereo as Dad and Mom and I sort of say it pretty much at the same time.

Mrs. Champion takes a sip of her coffee and look at Overdrive.

“As everyone knows New Haven was double founded. When mankind first began experimenting with interstellar travel and things there were a lot of new technologies and new drives to get us out there.

Now on Earth there was a man by the name of Elias Dryvere and he created a new kind of drive. It was very hush hush and he had never revealed exactly how it worked but it was the fastest thing anyone had ever seen. He put together a huge space Ark and the wealthy and the adventurous came to him to book passage.

Twelve thousand people were on that ship and when it set out for here it hit full drive and vanished. It wasn’t seen again until regular speed colony ships got out here nearly two hundred years later. They were digging to set up when they discovered the Dryvere Ark.”

Dad nods. “Which is where they came up with the name Ark City. We know all of this stuff from history classes.”

Mom hits him. “Hun, shut up, she’s not telling us regular history here.”

Mrs. Champion smiles and nods. “Very much so. See while we were all amazed that they had lasted that long in cyro, there were a lot of things not said. Like there were thirty thousand people in cold storage not twelve and that the Ark was welded, fused on top of an Alien space ship the likes of which we had never seen.

This other ship was nearly two miles high and was roughly the size of earth’s continent of Australia. They did tests and so much was a complete mystery, the alien craft carbon dated at over several million years old…yes million. The Ark did as well.”

Dad sits back down. “That’s not possible is it?”

Overdrive nods and starts talking. “The best thing we can figure that Elias Dryvere created a kind of time displacement device that really was his fabled Dryvere Core. We think he used it to put the Ark in a kind of space where everything around the ship was slowed down.”

Mrs. Champion. “We think he screwed up and got lost in time and space but at some point in time he found the Alien ship and had to use it because of his own finite resources. We also think that he crossed to other space times trying to get home because the extra eighteen thousand people weren’t born on the ship, in fact even though they were human they were from places that no one had ever heard of until recently…there’s four colonies named now that match up with their interview notes from there.”

Dad looks stunned but I can also see his gears turning.

“There was also the matter of the alien ship. It had organic components, there were samples taken but also samples stolen as well. It wasn’t a good thing when they tried to clone or splice these cells.”

“We think that your cells are another attempt by those factions that stole some of the samples in the early days. Some of our better medicines and gene treatments were reverse engineered from this ship. But not everyone was scrupulous back then…or now.”

Dad’s playing with his cup staring at it. “So, what happened with Sunny was…”

“We’re not sure. Alpha-Omni DNA was found in a lot of the Arkers and they seemed to be okay. But lab attempts weren’t good…dangerous even, sometimes fatal not just to the test subjects but to the people in those facilities as well.”

“It’s the Arker bloodlines then, it’s the alien DNA there, My great, grandfather was an Arker…we though nothing of it.”

“So….?” I ask.

Dad looks at me. “Somehow you’re able to switch you chromosomes and when you do you change the genetics in your body to…”

I look at him. “Into one of whatever the ships crew used to be.”

He nods.

“But I change clothing too when I shift.”

Mrs. Champion looks at me. “We’ll have to study you at the base to see what you’re doing.”

Dad nods. “I’d like to be in on that.”

She smiles at him. “Well actually Dr. Harper with your company ever finding out about Sunny/Titan you could be in a lot of trouble. It just so happens we are rather short on genius grade Bio-geneticists.”

And Just like that my Dad’s working for the Paradise City Champions and more than likely he’s going to not just be my dad but one of my bosses too. I’m shaking hands with them both while Dad went to get the rest of the batch from his lab. He’s looking at me when he comes back. “Sunny, did you take any more of the 72?”

“No?, Why?”

“The case is gone, all 23 other vials are missing.”


Yeah, it didn’t take long for there to be a “Special team” here and they went over the place with a fine tooth comb and powers as well as well as majik. Parvati’s spells couldn’t reveal much because of the vibrations that I had sort of washed the house in during some of my changes.

Basically, Dad didn’t know they were gone and he’d been busy at work more than he thought and I was the last person to see the case.

And I have selectively stupid amnesia.

Yup, if I remember back to before I changed then I very strongly remember everything I seen and did and thought…exactly as I perceived them then.

Basically I just have this huge mental block.

It’s blonde, with big boobs and thinks steady streams of Valley Girl. So I like totally don’t like know what coulda like happened to the juice yanno… (add in vacant stared giggle.)

Parvati even tries hypnosis, trying to regress me ends up taking me out. I was good for five minutes and then the headache started and next thing I know I woke up someplace totally new.

I’m Ty or Titan and I’m on this really big bed that’s like one of those fancy hotel ones. There’s these great big huge windows along one wall each of the size of a sheet of plywood.

I yawn and stretch and get up, make my way to the windows and look out. “Whoa…” The view is pretty awesome. I’m somewhere up around three hundred stories up and just from what I can see I know where I’m at.

Champion Tower.

See there’s only one building here that’s like this one and that The Tower. It’s right in the middle of the Grand Expressway. Normally you don’t have buildings in the middle of the expressway but here in P.C. There’s a huge compound that’s got a hospital and a very large police station well more like a base for the police and of course Champion Tower; one of the tallest buildings in the city and home to the regions premiere team of supers and reserve members.

It’s quite the view.

“Sunny I heard that you were awake…oh…” Mom’s standing in the bedroom doorway and she’s staring at me wide eyed and mouth open wide and hand over her mouth.

And I’m naked with everything guy hanging out.

Mom’s checking me out.

“Mom….close your eyes.”

“What…oh, god shit sorry Sunny.” She goes beet red and spins and I look around and find my pants folded on the chair and quickly put them on.

“It’s Titan like this mom, Ty’s good though.”

“Uhm okay….” Wow, mom’s lost her composure…oh…

“I’m dressed.”

Mom turns and stares at me. “Holy Cow, you’re huge.”

I grin and she looks confused but just for a second and then she gives me that girl pissed with a guy look. “Oh Drole Titan, fun-my.” I smile back. She’s really cute, hot actually in just some of her stuff from last night.

No…I’m not horned up by my Mom, but I can really see her differently. Guy wise. Mom’s a hottie. Nice big Sunny sized C cups and at five eight she’s about a hundred and forty pounds, that’s good for any woman in her early forties with out a ton of gym time or having work done.

“Wow, Mom I mean I knew but seeing you like this is kind of cool. Dad’s a hell of a lucky guy.” She, ducks her head and get’s a serious blush going on. “So what happened after I blacked out?”

“When that Parvati women did her whatever to you… you were okay for a few minutes then you went into a seizure.” Mom’s biting her lip and her fists are clenched. She’s not happy. “They say that it was like an epileptic reaction….Dammit Sunny! Why the hell did you have to be so fucking stupid? You know your father works with stuff you never should go near! Now this you’re this….whatever you are now. What the hell were you thinking?”

“Mom, back then I didn’t think.”

“And that’s some excuse? Look at you!, For fucks sakes listen to yourself! You don’t act like my daughter!”

“Mom, look I wasn’t even thinking of any of those consequences. All I did was hear Dad talking about how this stuff would make you all kinds of better and I thought I needed that.”


“So I could keep my place at the top of the food chain. I did it to be the most popular.”

“But…Oh Sunny! Whatthefuck!”

“I know, but that was me Mom. I was a airhead and a typical Paradise City Bimbo and you know what Mom, I was ashamed at my entire fucking life once this stuff started kicking in.”

She’s crying and even though I was in Titan mode the whole emotionality of it hit me so hard I flared down to my normal self and fell to the floor crying. “I felt so fucking stupid mom! I wasn’t just stupid but I was a slut before that…I…I…I felt so damned dirty Mom…”

Mom sinks down on the floor with me and all of the stuff that’s gone on with me changing and becoming who I am now and just all the stuff that gets trapped up in being a guy just comes out of me in this huge, screamy-crying at first mini-breakdown.

I cry until I fall asleep in my Mom’s arms and I was really, really scared that she was thinking that I’d turned into someone who wasn’t their child.

It makes my heart ache for all those kids and people out there who find themselves of the bad side of the whole meta-being thing. Changing, having family turn on you or leave you and all those other things.

Though from what I’ve learned I think a lot of the mutants that are here, that have popped up over the last century are Arker descendants.

There’s been a lot of stuff in meta-human rights and the anthro-sapiens. Military bio-tech in the past saw the rise of animals spliced with human genes and stuff out in the human galaxies to replace heavy labor and foot soldiers after a virus in the computers turned a bunch of robots into killers. Now there’s only three places in the human planets that anthro-sapiens have rights. Earth, the first Nation Colonies and here on New Haven. I’ve never seen them down here in Paradise city though but then again I’ve never been to the poorer neighborhoods until the whole Titan thing. They mostly came here hiding out as illegal’s until the laws changed. you see them in Ark City on TV a lot and there’s a lot of them in the police force there.

“A little bit of Narnia in Metropolis.” it’s quote from a book I’ve been reading.

I ended up napping on the bed with Mom until she woke me for something to eat and from that to testing.

It’s part of why I haven’t been grounded. All day plugged to sensory, stabbed…and I mean stabbed like biopsies and bone marrow both times as I switch from one to the other and hurt…As Titan there’s something guy there letting me grit my teeth through the pain, as Sunny part of actually tried to tough it out too. Yeah, it was really a sucky day.

But we learned a lot.

As Sunny my brain is using more spaces that most people don’t. It’s only slightly different as Titan and they think that it’s how my powers are triggered and controlled and the gender switch differences.

As Sunny I can bench dead lift about three hundred pounds now and run at about forty four Kmph or thirty miles an hour…I say now because I’ve been checking my progress and stuff but getting actual numbers was kind of neat.

My endurance is another matter.

I’m not human anymore, not really I only get part of this but my skin absorbs ambient radiation mostly sunlight but it converts the energy I pull in right into my fat cells and stores all this energy in a super condensed way.

Dad thinks it’s what makes me so powerful as Titan and has something to do with hormonal thing to release it and that as me I never really get tired not in a physical way. I guess my need for sleep is more of a brain thing.

My bones are where the bulk of those Alpha cells are at, where they live and get produced and where the changes begin. The thing is my girl form, all that bouncy, girly boob and butt fat and everything is what absorbs the energy from me changing back.

I know, scary…I’m not human. Not by the medical definition at least.

Now as Titan we’ve found out my toughness is from the muscles and stuff that makes me so strong that if other stuff wasn’t tough enough my strength would tear my body apart. So that’s a good thing.

My strength is way past normal and has something to do with my energy is converted to those electrical signals that make your muscles move and my energy output is so huge that my body compensated. I can bench twelve thousand pounds at dead lift and can run twice as fast as I can as a girl and my standing jumps are about forty feet up or over and about half that again with a run.

I can take a taser with no effect, and I’m bullet proof to .45 pistol caliber which hurts, a .50 cal pistol will leave heavy bruising. Any bullet though even the lighter things leave welts. I’m not really that protected against high density rounds or energy weapons.

Finding all of that wasn’t fun.

Right up there with getting my but handed to me in the training room. I didn’t really get the danger room jokes until Ricochet leant me some books about the meta thing and comic books and a whole bunch of comics too because apparently there’s a whole sub culture thing in “Our” community.

Needless to say I missed going out with Matt. Heck I missed a whole week of school pretty much getting tested and trained. Overdrive’s the training instructor, or at least for me and the other reserves. Turns out he’s ex-military and he was a cop once before his powers kicked in.

I’m getting taught something called CQB or close quarters combat and wrestling and boxing in this style of mixed martial arts called Lockdown developed for law enforcement.

I know I’m just starting but wow tired of getting my butt kicked.

I got to call Matt and tell him we were going away on a family emergency. I do text Sonya telling her that everything was great, and that I got pulled into stuff with the tower. Both of them were really good about it only this led to me thinking a lot about me and Matt and Sonya…god it’s so confusing.


It’s been about a week and things are better.

Parvati the Towers mistress of majiks also turns out to be a licensed shrink and we talked over things while she introduced me to cooking and Hindu food and not that stuff notched down for white folks like me but that really good tasting blow your head off heat.

More importantly we talk out my stuff.

I think I’m getting a grip on myself, on the whole new me and my whole super secret life.


I was shopping after finally getting done at the Tower and I’m at Darcy J’s checking out the stuff on sale because as much as I’ve changed there’s still something about retail therapy.

That’s when I see those girls, the ones that I was like. The little cliquey types that like to feel superior by putting other kids down.

They were kind of doing that to this really beautiful Japanese girl, she was obviously really new to everything here and had this shy nervous scared look. Tiny, thin, but absolutely beautiful…stunning even which was one of the reasons she was getting some passive aggressive attitude.

Just watching her a few moments was bringing out this protective guyish urge inside.

God I know I’m already in over my head but I had to help, I had to talk to her.

I walked over. She was looking at a nice outfit. “That’d look good on you.”

………….. It turned into a very interesting day.

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