My Super Secret Life-6.

My Super Secret Life-6

Chapter 6

*Shane…Shayne’s part:

Fucking Kimono…

I get up and shake off the shock and grab the skirts of it and I try to run. One of the cops catches up to me and grabs me. I tuck into him and throw him over my shoulder and run in another direction. Or rather I try to run except for this goddamned thing around my legs and of course it fell back down when I flipped the cop.

Three of them are chasing me down and finally catch up with me and try to restrain me. Screw that and I lash out with fists trying to get past the body armor that they wear. All cops now a days wear this slim fit body suit that’s fitted with gel impact padding and plasteel armor plating that looks like shiny fibreglass. It can take several hits from handguns and stuff. I’m not doing much until there’s this nano-second flash of me…her…this girl punching bags of seeds, then rice, then sand, then pebbles and up to gravel and then striking wooden planks and then through them and sheets of ice and even stone blocks and it’s so fast…but it’s suddenly there and I’m lashing out with blows that are stunning and hurting them and one punch even cracks the breastplate of one of the cops. They go down and I start running again.

WTF was that!!?

Then there’s a sharp pain in my shoulder and I feel the taser dart hit. I’ve been busted and arrest before and it was by one of these things. It’s a dart like bullet designed to have a micro-generator turbine in it that uses the air speed of the round to generate a taser charge. The fan slows the bullet so it doesn’t fuck you up like a normal round but it hits you with a really hard and bruising impact then shocks the hell out of you. The cops use them because they can fire off as many taser rounds as there are bullets of that type in the clip. They cost three hundred and sixty four dollars to make each one and they recoup that cost by billing you for being shot.

It doesn’t drop this girl that I am. Then there’s another and another and I dodge three of them and then they’re all around me firing and I lose count at seven before I fall losing consciousness twitching like an epileptic at a strobe rave.

I wake up in restraints hearing voices. My chest hurts, it hurts really badly…

“Her eyes are open, we’ve got her back!”

I’m alive? I died?
Mai I’m so sorry…
I don’t want to live…

“Shit she’s coding again we’re losing her!”

Darkness comes with that long assed beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.


My dreams are strange so strange. I see my life through her eyes. Kai-Lin, Kai-Lin Tokugawa from Earth, from Japan…bastard daughter and orphan born in 1602 A.D.

My life…her life?

I know the feel of Japanese soil under my bare feet. I know the taste of the food and the misery of the poor and the changes that came to my homeland two years before I was born.

Orphaned I was cast aside and thrown away as a lowly female and lived like a rat in the streets for many years. I was seven when I tried to steal coins from a Geisha lady. She caught my hand in a grip like iron and stared right into my soul.

I saw deadly grace there and she did not look the least bit offended or shocked at my thievery. I was nothing… Eta…Unclean…Untouchable…but I lifted my chin at her and glared as defiantly as a seven year old girl can. She let me go and poked me three times hard with the single index finger of her beautiful hands they hurt then things got very dizzy and I fell down…

I remember hearing this soft sultry voice. “I will keep her, put her in my litter.”


I hurt, no I Hurt!!!

I’m no wimp and neither is she or whoever, this girl that I’m in or been turned to or whatever. But I hurt so much that I’m crying. I feel each place where they shot me, there must be huge bruises there and then there’s this ache, this ache like my whole body has been tensed up beyond, way beyond it’s norms and I hurt…it’s like post cramping, post convulsion weakness and if you’ve ever been seriously electrocuted you know exactly what I mean….

Hence the urge to curl into a little ball and cry my eyes out in pain but I can’t.

I wake up again back in restraints but in a hospital bed. There’s a nurse and a doctor and a cop there. I struggle and try to remember some of that Jap martial stuff but nothing. I’m still this Japanese girl but…they’ve got me in bandage shirt and pants, picture scrubs but made of gauze.

The doctor looks at me. “Do you understand me?” he says in Japanese but it’s strange sounding to my ears. I get what he’s saying but…his is different like a foreigners.

“Hai, I can understand you. But you sound like a Gaijin.” I say, whoa… is my voice ever light and small.

“What do you remember?” he’s got this bug up his ass look like my crack about his shitty Japanese offended him. I look at him then at the nurse who’s writing all of this down on a data-pad and then at the cop who’s giving me this sceptical look and…

Oh shit! He’s looking me up and down frigging checking me out. Not like a cop but like your typical horny asshole. It doesn’t just freak me out but I suddenly feel really vulnerable and very small (which I am) and kind of…dirty…I struggle a bit in the restraints.

“Miss, Miss Calm down.”

“No, he’s staring at me, he’s leering at me I don’t want him here I want a female officer.” I’m still speaking Japanese.

The doctor turns to the cop and switches to American. “I’m sorry but you have to leave.”

“The hell I do this chick’s dangerous and nuts. It took seven taser rounds to drop her and she injured three officers.”

“I’m well aware of the number of rounds that she has taken and that also are why she’s here in the hospital. She very nearly died officer from your valiant efforts against a small girl.”

“She isn’t normal she’s some kind of mutant freak or something.”

“Nurse, call security.”

“Fine, I’m leaving you’re funeral as…… doctor.” He storms out pissed off and the doctor looks at me and this time sits down in one of the chairs.

“I’m sorry about that.” He says switching back to Japanese. “We have a female officer on the way. What’s the last thing that you remember?”

Oh I could tell him all sorts of things but most of it would land me in for a psyche eval. I look at him. Then the nurse. “I will wait for the female officer; I would rather just get this over with all at once please.”

“Alright, is there anything that we can get you?’

“Out of these restraints, I hurt really badly.”

He looks at the nurse and she looks at him and he nods and hits the release button and as soon as I’m free I can’t help but to curl up in pain. He gives me a sympathetic look.

“I’d give you something for the pain miss but I can’t give your past history.”

He’s staring at my arms and the track marks from my drug abuse are still there. Oh…yeah that’s starting to explain part of it…I can feel the need for a fix already stirring in my brain…

“I have to pee.”

I do the pressure is familiar but different. I can feel it more, inside? It’s like it hurts more? Right, little and a chick my bladder must be the size of a walnut. The nurse helps me off the bed and to the bathroom and It’s embarrassing and humiliating as hell to pee like this and…it’s bare, not shave but bare like it’s been waxed or something. Just feeling that and having to pat myself dry and the whole thin is just freaking me out and I’m crying again as I’m washing my hands. Shock mixed with pain mixed with even more shock and withdrawals starting.

I look at myself in the mirror while I’m here and I’m great looking but too skinny too this and wrongly colored even for being Japanese. I’ve got the junkie look. Starved and sallow with dark rimmed eyes. Even now I look good and if I was healthy I’d be hawt…that’s a disturbing line of thought that brings more tears. Five foot even, I might weigh eighty plus pounds just over a hundred if I was healthy…It’s just so fucked up being a chick.

I’ve got vivid blue eyes though, like blue mixed with that grey steel color you see in good swords? Where’d that come from? There’s a part of me that is stunned and shocked and hates the way that I look.

…’s like back then, back there…it’s like I’ve fallen right back down into the gutter all over again.

It’s her feelings but it’s so much mine too. I’ve been a nothing useless piece of shit all my life and she was born and treated even lower as a kid, we were as a little girl and I remember that and it messes into my own childhood and it’s just too much I sink to the floor of the bathroom crying and bawling my eyes of and it hurts so bad…it hurts too much, I’m sorry Mai…I killed you and I’m sorry and …just unable to man up and not feel the things I’ve needed to ignore to keep going I fall apart.

I remember the sweet kiss of a needle though before getting dipped back into the darkness once more.

*Sunny/Titan’s part…

It’s been about a month since I’d taken the stuff and started to change. I became Titan and it’s been about two weeks since my debut as it were helping the fire department with the car pile up. What have I been doing?

Not much, just actually trying to get a grip on things. The Serum has really changed me. One aside from being able to shift from myself to this really big built guy that I’m calling Titan because it was the least stupid thing I could come up with on the spot.

I’m smarter now, not a genius or anything but I’ve gone from around one hundred on and IQ test to a very respectable one thirty and change I guess.

I think my powers as Titan are leaking over into my regular self too or the serum’s still changing me. I’ve got lots of energy and I’ve been running nearly every morning and even doing lots of laps in our pool at the house and even dug out dad’s bow-flex machine and have been working out. I’m getting really fast and strong too but it doesn’t show on me, I’d guess I’m as fast and strong as Mattie. It’s also got me seriously toned, my butt and my boobs haven’t looked better.

I know it doesn’t sound all that super hero like but this is girl me; Sunny I’m talking about and all of that is really impressive I think for a sixteen year old girl that’s five seven and a hundred and forty two pounds….

………………Holy… “I gained ten pounds.” I say looking down at the scales frowning. I step off then try the scales again. No change it’s still saying one hundred and forty two pounds. “Shit.” I walk out naked into my bedroom and open my closet door and check myself out in the full length mirror. I look great, I’m not just saying it to like make myself feel good but I do. I’ve got firm, even perkier breasts than I used to and like I said my butt is super toned. It’s so weird part of me, the old me, the usual me is kind of freaking out while Titan me is thinking I’ve never looked so good.

I bounce that little conundrum in my head as I get dressed for school today. I’m finding my tastes have changed a little bit and I like more vintage stuff and tend to dress down a lot more when I’m just at home but a lot of it hasn’t changed. I slip into my bra and panties I still like the boutique custom made stuff and its pink with lace and satin and there’s really nothing like it to keep me grounded in being me.

I nice top…no I go with a short dress something summery but as usual these days I tuck some money into my bra in case I have to shift and I’m stranded without any cash again.
I wear my flats but snag my heels too I have both to match my outfit and I head downstairs where mom is making breakfast and there’s this first instinct to just grab a bottle of water and go but instead I take a seat at the table and kiss dad as I do and start in on the breakfast that mom’s made us. Usually she’s a professional woman and doesn’t do that but where I’m doing the family thing more than I have since I was like twelve she’s really getting into it.

It’s not fancy and mostly store bought but it’s good. Granola with soy and flax and other good stuff added, a bit of yogurt to put into it and frit salsa to go with it too, a bit of crispy turkey bacon and a touch of scrambled eggs I eat on a slice of toast.

We talk a bit about classes and what we’re going to do today and small talk including stuff that’s in the paper and I even chime in a bit about stuff dad’s interested in and some of mom’s work. I kiss them both and take off out to my car and drive to go and meet the girls.

We meet as usual at the café and get our coffee. I’m leaning more and more towards either just black or with a shot of creamer in it instead of my usual mochachino’s and stuff I still get doughnuts and it still freaks the girls out but they’d really freak if they knew I ate breakfast too.

Actually I get a box of them every morning and where I’m dating Mattie I actually bring them for him and the guys on the team and I have one with them. I think part of me likes the way all the other girls stare at me for eating it and hate me because I’m secure enough to actually eat something like that in public and not hurl it up later.

School’s good but it’s really different at the same time. I’m actually getting much better grades and even applying myself to my classes and getting something out of them. I’ve actually dropped out of the homecoming queen and prom queen races. That was a major scandal and had my friends asking me for days what was wrong. It just wasn’t that important to me anymore. I did stay on the prom committee and I am doing my best there I just can’t get all worked up like I did over the popularity contests.

I’m even making an effort to get to know and talk to my other classmates including the ones that aren’t really on the popularity radar. I’ve got a lot on my plate as things go like dealing with my ingrained cultural bullshit like the fact I’ve put on ten pounds and stuff like that. Then there’s my sexuality shift.

I love Mattie, him and I are getting along better than ever because honestly I get him a lot more for one and I’m actually trying to be his friend and not just his girlfriend but our sex life’s getting really hot and steamy. Y’know when girls get a little bit of extra T. in their systems and they get all turned on and more aggressive? Well that’s me. Even as me there’s enough titan floating around inside of me that it’s doing the same thing. Only I’ve had fantasies when I’m Titan, just guy stuff when I see cute girls and the thoughts drift y’know and as Sunny, with Mattie I act them out but as the girl. I like sex any which way and yeah I’m even into butt sex. There’s this Titan in there getting it kind of taboo me as a girl watching gay porn kinda thrill to it.

Gee, see what I’m meaning about having messed up sexuality? If that was just all though it’s be a lot easier. I’m still on the cheer squad we still do the dance stuff too and I love it, I’m more in shape and have more drive I’m getting better at it than I used to be.

But…There’s enough Titan inside of me floating around inside me now I’m noticing the girls. I mean most girls not just my teammates and friends on the cheer squad but all the cute girls. Even the ones that aren’t really one of the hottie crowd but the shy cute ones, the nerdy ones, Hispanic, Oriental, Black…all of them.

But the girls on the squad I’m moving with, shaking it with, dancing with and showering with…I feel Titan stirring inside in the showers all the time. My clit gets so hard it hurts like a boner and my breasts ache with want and need. I just want to sometimes just make out with them so much I know I’ve come close to shifting….There’s days I use tampons to control the sticky.

So yeah when me and Mattie get together there’s this huge store of pent up sexual energy.

It was like that tonight. Great but so not so great at the same time. Mattie and I had gone out and ended up “parking” at one of the more secluded beaches and it was one of those cheerleading get me to that point of humping a tree days and I really was aggressive with him. He got off like three times before he was exhausted and me…I had gotten off too but it’s like having the male libido mixed with the female ability to have multiple orgasms I did just have great sex but I was still able to and wanted more. I whined even when he just couldn’t anymore and he looked at me.

“Jeez Sunny what’s been going on with you?”

“It’s just a growing up thing I guess? Hitting one of those sexual peaks?”

“No shit. Look this is really great…hell it’s never been better but I just can’t keep up with you you’re like a machine.”

“It’s okay. It’ll pass.” I hate lying to him but what guy wants to hear that I’m not sexually satisfied.

“It’s not okay, I feel like I’m like letting you down and stuff. I should be able to like keep up with you in bed and stuff.”

“Mattie, it’s not a big deal, I’m just getting more y’know than usual. It’s you actually that’s getting me this hot.”

It’s true but I’m not going to bring up the super thing. Is this why there are super couples? I mean do I need like some super stud to get right in bed? I hate lying to him though.

“I am? I get you this hot?”

“Shaa yeah, and I don’t know many girls whose guys can like go for like three times in a row. You’re like a stallion babe. I’m just trying to keep up with you and I just get carried away and stuff.” I lean over and I kiss him and we make out for awhile and stuff before actually going for something to eat because my stomach growled and he thought that was cool and cute and we drove to Holidays Burgers and nice drive in oldie kind of throwback place and ate. He’s a guy and always in the mood to eat and I’m hungry once the libido cools off and I get freshened up in the ladies room and stuff.

I like the fact that he doesn’t give me that crap that some guys give their girls about getting fat if the eat something. He pays and I’m not a cheap date either, a BBQ cheeseburger with coleslaw on it and bacon, a large order of fries and a chocolate milkshake that’s just for me and he orders his mammoth guy sized three burgers and fries and onion rings and his own shake.

“Hey Matt? Let’s not eat this here okay?”

“Uhm okay where then.”

I give him directions to this back road on the edge of the city that takes us through this dirt road and this area on the side of the hill where we have this take off and landing view of the colonial shuttle port. It’s really a different version of an airport nowadays with anti-grav tech allowing for normal plane like flight to escape planetary gravity. Dad used to take me here before I got too cool to hand out with my dad and I get to show something like this to my boyfriend. He gets a blanket out of the back seat and we cover up from the night air keeping warm with that and the warmth from the engine. I love the way his eyes widened when the first one comes in for a landing passing over us.

“Whoa…Sunny this is so cool.”

“Yeah I know, My dad used to bring me out here before I hit puberty and started getting messed up.”

“Messed up?”

“Yeah, Y’know there’s that point where you’re a kid that all the boy/girl stuff doesn’t matter and you’re just friends with whoever you’re friends with. To me it was summer I had boobs and then it became about boys and how pretty I was and how popular I had to be and I’m not sure if that was ever me or that was like peer pressure with a huge dose of cultural stuff tossed ontop of that. Heck Matt, I know I’m lucky I’m considered one of the good looking girls but there’s this expectation of what you’re supposed to turn out like when you’re like that too.”

“Oh…so you’ve been thinking about this stuff a lot then?”

“Yeah, like I think I look okay and I’m in better shape than I used to be in because I’m really working out more and stuff, but I weighed in like ten pounds heavier this morning and I had this mini freak out just because I’ve been taught that I should freak out.”

“Yeah I’ve kinda thought that some of the stuff you girls do and put yourselves through was kinda retarded.”

I look at him. He raises his hands like in surrender burger in hand. “Hey I know if there wasn’t jackholes wanting girls to be all like pretty and like unattainable and stuff you girls wouldn’t have gone through half the stuff that you do. But it’s the same thing for us guys too.”

“Yeah right.” It is? Is it? I… no I’m not going to just brush this off. So I ask him, sorta... “Really? I uhm never really thought of or tried to see this from the guys point of view.”

He actually gets shy which is weird-cute because he’s captain of the football team, Mr. hero and very big personality wise…oh…he’s playing a part for society too? He’s actually going off script right now. This is like the real Mathew, a guy I don’t know. The energy running through me is…this is…I shut up my inner voice and actually try and listen.

“Look at me for instance. I’m a good athlete, captain of the football team, in great shape and got a nice car and everything right?”

I nod.

“But if I liked comic books and didn’t mind dramas or romantic movies and didn’t have the cool car it’d be different. If I never ran my ass off and worked out all the time where would the attraction be? Girls as much as guys are really superficial and it’s enough to push some of us guys too. A guy wants the guy with the hot body and the cool car because of that world you’re talking about. It’s as messed up for us too. But girls have a bigger double standard really.”

“We do?”

“Yeah, even with most guys that are being dicks they’re pretty obvious about it and are the sexist jerks they are. But girls go on about all they want is someone who’ll be their best friend, who’ll love and will get them and stuff but so many of them just want the hot guy, with the nice car, be someone with status like on the football team or something else that’s big and to have a good job and make lots of money and stuff like that.”

“We’re not all like that.”

“I know but that seems to be the thing that we’re faced with and it’s the same for us guys. We’re told you gotta be tough and a stud and you need the cool car be cause if you don’t you’re not much of a man. If a guy makes more money than you and/or has a hotter wife/girlfriend than you than he’s a better man than you. So we do the same thing as you girls do and it’s really stupid y’know.”

I smile and give him a ketchupy kiss. “Yeah I know and I hate the BS, I see my folks and they seem so good in their weird way. They both work and they’ve spoiled me rotten but they’ve also been very into and supportive of each other all my life. After I was old enough dad took a teaching job with tenure so mom could focus on getting her career started and now that she’s doing well and they’ve made a lot of cash and stuff they’ve settled down a lot more. I see that and it’s so unlike my life at school.”

“Including me?”

“Yeah, but like in a good way. I’m really trying to drop all of this really hard on the head teenaged drama and stupid stuff long before I ever get to university because if I go to any kind of university…no one past the admission people or like stuck up sorority girls that’ll give a damn about if I was homecoming queen or not. I want to hit the real world and be I dunno…a real person not some dumb blonde who though she’d social climb her way through college to get a next to useless degree and hoping on bagging a guy with enough cash to take care of me in the fantasy of the style of living that I think I should be accustomed to.”

Matt leans over and kisses me and then sets down his burger and shakes my hand. “Hi, I’m Mathew. I like to read fantasy novels; I like comic books and romantic movies. My favourite color is sky blue and my favorite sandwich is fried baloney on almost burnt toast and a whole lot of cheese-whiz and cheap yellow mustard….oh and I hate football but my family has pushed me through the entire line up of leagues ever since I was like seven years old. I just want to graduate and get a scholarship that will let me study something that will get me the hell out of the whole jock thing.”

I blink kind of stunned…it’s not that he hates the thing he’s pretty much known for but it’s the fact that he’s being so honest with me…I want to tell him but it might freak him out, it might scare him off and I’m not sure if I’m honestly the sunny he knew or even the Sunny I actually used to be mentally, emotionally.

“Hi, I’m Sunny, and I honestly don’t know who I am yet. I’ve just starting to go on that journey and I just don’t want to be something I’m not anymore in my life. Uhm…uhm…I like to eat; I’m a sucker for French fries even as bad as they are with extra salt too. I like sweets and I’m a runner. I like the beach but more for the water than the tanning, I like football but just as a game and I hate cheerleading and I don’t want to do it next year. I want to take shop and rebuild my own car. I want to take shop and know how to do things for myself. I am a bit of a tech geek and I love my computer and my stereo and my music collection. I want to actually listen to real records and learn to play a guitar and I think that I’m bi-sexual…”

I stare at him and bite my lip. He stares at me and he slowly reaches over and gives me a light kiss before reaching down and feeding me some of his fries. I just said I loved fries….I think I’m getting so much more into him. He smiles at me and we snuggle up together. “I think being Bi’s got to be hard. I mean sure I think everyone has same sex fantasy moments now and then but real hard core real attraction…” He hugs me and the shrugs sort of. “Bi people get it like trans people there’s a whole lot of people who want you to fit into either one category or another.”
“Are you Bi?”

“No, not really.”


“No, but I know a couple.”

“Really, I couldn’t picture that.”

“I know, they’re part of my super secret life.”

“Your super secret life?”

“The me that’s kinda the real me that I don’t show anyone.”

“Can I meet him? You?”



“How about tomorrow night I said I might stop by Dani’s house if I could?”

“Okay…so what did you mean about being Bi and saying not really?”

“I mean that there’s a few guys out there that I know that I’m not really sure that I’d say no too if we weren’t together and I was offered.”

“Like who?” I ask playfully kissing him again and again.

“Oh no I’m not going to play who’d be the other’s top ten bisexual partners with you.”

“Why not?” I kiss him and pout. He kisses me back and laughs at me and kisses me again. “That’s why, that way too interested look in your eye about this.” He kisses me again and not really planning on it we make love under the passing shuttles on the hood of his car and it’s the best sex I’ve every had with Matt. Actually it’s closer to really making love for the first time. There’s no bullshit, no faking even in this and I actually tell him what’s good and better, what I’m not feeling and he does the same.

It’s the best blow to my ego in my life him being able to say no to my face and even my pout and even laugh at me and to “Gasp!” find out that I’m not the perfect lover…It was so clumsy at first but by the time we got into it… it was so, so, good.

He got me home after we fell asleep on the car under the blanket and Mom and dad were waking up for me in the living room. Dad went outside to have words as I came in with Matt, and Mom and I talked about tonight until dawn. Dad came in and asked us what we wanted for breakfast then left and got it from take out with Matt. Apparently he and dad stayed out all night talking too.

He might be in shit over that when he gets home but I’m glad he talked to dad because after finding out about the football thing I don’t think his own dad is someone he can really talk to. The guy’s and ass…the few times I’ve been over he’s called me sweetheart, babe and Matt’s little woman and ball and chain. And that’s when I’ve been there, I hate to think what he’d call me when I’m not there. No wonder I don’t go to his house, it must have been pretty bad if I didn’t like him pre-serum me.

We actually end up eating breakfast together and sort of as a family. It’s a little strange with my boyfriend eating breakfast here for the first time. There this odd awkwardness like he had spent the night. Considering we had made love and had a lot of sexy last night it’s not too far from the mark really. I kiss him goodbye after and said I’d see him at school.

Sleepy but still saying that I’m okay I go shower and change and have a couple of shots of espresso that mom made for me and I head off to meet with the girls. It’s the usual coffee and doughnuts and pretty much a regular day except for needing coffee more and an energy drink at the 10:30 break and a real grueling afternoon of cheer practice.

I’m more than ready to crash until I hear from Matt as I head home. I’m half way there when I seen the fire engines zip past and the aero-ones go over head in a small fleet with the ambulances. I pull after them I know I should leave this to the people that know what they’re doing.

I see it a full block before I pull up this Latino projects building with a hundred some stories on fire. I turn the car around and find a place to park out of the way and run down the nearest alley and shift to Titan. My super strong muscles take me jumping up onto the roof where I head from there to the blaze going on.

I was about to jump down and ask where I could help but there was a white and silver streak fly past me of Champion, the big man on campus super of Paradise City. I stop and stare in kind of awe as he flies into the fire. I’ve only ever seen him on TV. Another blur of flight and the same colors as Lady Champion his wife arrives from a different direction and she flies in too. I stare just like any civilian until there’s an explosion and they both come crashing out of the building with this huge jet black bastard with huge demonic horns and red leather hot pants? They start brawling with this big guy pounding them through vehicles and fire trucks and building and he’s brutal. I feel, hell we all feel him when he pounds Champion into the pavement after choke slamming him. He’s ranting as he pounds him. “Champion, of yes you’re such a champion aren’t you. Weak and worthless is what you are to me. It’s going to be all over the news! Champion murdered by Magog!”

Lady Champion tries to blindside him but he snaps around and hits her hard with a ball of solid flame? Whatever the hell it was it hit her and went boom like a military missile and sends her flying head first right at the building I’m on. I jump down and catch her but the force slams me into the wall so hard I/we make a crater like dent in the side of the building. She slumps, I look at him and Champion’s trying to take advantage of that fireball distraction to hit back. Magog fends off the blows and ignores some actually “Puny mortal! Is that all you got big man?” He actually sneers at Champion as he pounds away at him.

Mortal? Hmm that gives me and idea.

I look around and then see what I need and jog into this Santeria, religious supply shop thing you’d see sometimes in this neighborhood. The guy running the shop is crossing himself over and over as he’s watching the fight. I look at him and he stares at me and raises his hands and starts talking in Spanish like I’m going to rob him. “Hey! Stop it I’m one of the good guys!”

He stops and blinks at me. “What, what you want hefe?”

“Holy water, do you have any?” He points to bottles on a rack. I take them. “Are these really blessed?” He nods. “How much?”

“No, No you take them hefe, you go.” He’s shooing me out the door. I jog to the fight where the cops are diving for cover and the firemen too as he’s doing his fireball trick to blow up vehicles only stopping to pound Champion who’s still trying to fight his way back to his senses and sits up swinging only to get beat down again.

I mimic Matt and throw one of the bottles at his face. It shatters and he screams as he burns for a few seconds with whitish flames. He bats and wipes it off his face and I pour the rest of them out. Staring him down trying not to crap myself as I do the big ego point at him with my other hand and do that come and get me gesture with all four fingers on that hand. He gets off of Champion and charges me. He’s pissed but amused too because he’s laughing like a madman as he comes at me. “Nice trick boy! Now I’m going to rip out your spine and beat Champion to death with it! Ya never should’ve dumped the rest of that stuff out!” He swings and instinct tells me to catch his fist with my hand, move the arm, torso bleed off his force. I do and It hurts, I think he broke my hand doing that but he doesn’t bash me away or into anything or the other stuff. I glare at him pissed instead of crying, such a guy reaction. I snarl at him. “I had to, I needed to get my boot wet!”

I’m no pro super hero, hell I wasn’t sure what do even do and I’m not combat trained but I rely on what I do know in a fight other than clawing and biting and stuff like that. I stop him the fastest way I know of. I haul back fast and kick him in the balls with my holy water soaked boot.

Something real, biological on him, between his legs went pop…crunch and he pales to grey and falls over in a heap shifting and shrinking to this black guy in a funky mask and bloody boxer briefs making this keening whine.

Holy shit…! It worked?

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