
Butterfly Girlfriend Part 1


In this world, there is a balance. When there are too many women, the world changed girls into boys. When there are too many men, the world changed boys into girls. If you are changed before you reached 12, you have 98% chance to emerge as the opposite sex. The closer you are to adulthood, the more dangerous the change becomes. By the time you are 18, 'change' means 100% death.

My name is Ahmad Zarif, 16 years old. This is my story, of the longest year in my life.

Butterfly Girlfriend
Part 1

By Shinieris

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 3

Mr. Lane drew an envelope from his pocket. "I have your birth certificate here.
I know you've never seen it, and there's a reason for that.
This document is yours, and I'm going to give it to you,
but we ought to have a look at it together first, because it needs a bit of explaining."

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 2

"Why would I do that?"

She scoffed. "Because you're a teenager! What do you think you'll be doing from now on?
Do you think you're still retired? Are you going to dig in the garden and play bingo and shuffleboard?"

"I never did those things!" I protested.

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 1

"This is way beyond strange," she said. "I don't think the impact of all these changes
has even remotely begun to hit us. It's awful having to tell everyone that you're dead
when you're sitting right there and I can talk with you."

"I know," I said.

"Do you?" she countered.

Crown or Tiara Chapter 10

So the Immortal Warrior Rentach Seld bellowed unto the hounds of fire, "Lo and behold, you dogs of Brimstone Pit, in the name of the God of War Raiken and the God of Eternal Life Lortus, these human hands shall send you back to the pit you were spawned from. And he swung his hammer so mightily, that it hit the earth and the earth cracked and split. While the hapless hounds that had eaten the world shrieked and whined as they fell into the split and swallowed up by the will of Felantris, the Goddess of the Earth.

The Warrior King Ferenath Orinias answered his companion's cry with his own thunderous bellow and it so struck fear into the hounds that they paused and was gloriously frozen where they stood by the God-Mage Ulneric with the raw magic that was forgotten by all but the gods. By the power granted to him by the Goddess of Magic Verinea, he smashed the hounds' icy prison with the great hammer of light from the heavens, the Arc Folfonas Verineas, and turned them into dusts that could never be revived.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 10

By Shinieris

No Rules | Chapter 4

The fourth chapter in the sequel to No Obligation finds the Champion chosen by Chaos still struggling to make sense of the magic Chaos gave her, while Becca and her kitsune mother answer the summons to a rare kitsune convocation ... and meet Inari, the kami of foxes, face to face.


No Rules: An Advocate Novel

by Randalynn

Chapter 4: Of Reflections, Revelations and Revolutions

Groans From Timbuctoo: 7. Too Many Marilyns (part three of three)

Stealing his thoughts, Oriel nudged van Els and murmured sotto voce,
"Tell me: have you ever seen breasts like mine? Ever?"

van Els' mouth was bone dry. "No," he croaked.

"Then if you never saw me naked, your imagination is crying out…
calling to a coincident reality, isn't it?" she purred.

Call you mommy, are you serious honey part 9

Note: I would like to apologize to all my readers for taking so long between chapters. I have had some serious personal drama that I had to deal with and I hope and pray things start to mellow out soon.

Again please forgive me and I hope everyone had a great Merry Christmas!!!

I hope you continue to enjoy my stories and thank you for your support and words of comfort.

Princess Pantyboy

Call you mommy, are you serious honey
Part 9

By Princess Panty boy

Arliss In Wonderland: 1. The Patent-Leather Attorney

"Mother bought a huge new mirror — and it's haunted!"
Arliss' sister had informed him on the phone.
"You'll see when you come home!"

Arliss In Wonderland (or Ten Years Before The Looking Glass), by C.S. Lewis-Carroll

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Epilogue

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Page has one loose end to try to tie up.

[email protected]


Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 4

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 4

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Paige is taking steps to overcome her past, but not everything is working out as planned. Meanwhile, her pregnancy is progessing well, and she has a new friend in her mentor, someone very familiar with what she's doing.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 3

[email protected]

Rosetta - Part 15


A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Yamai gets home, with help from The Lady. Rosetta and the gang learn that what comes after the mission can be even more exhausting than the mission itself. After an unexpected reunion, she faces something even more daunting: shopping!

Part 15

Groans From Timbuctoo: 6. Too Many Marilyns (part two of three)

Trubinger snorted derisively. "That's a rather far-fetched worry to have, isn't it? Let's cross that bridge when we come to it — if we ever come to it!"

"No," the security officer countered in a soft, calm voice. "I've already crossed that bridge. We were searching for an intruder before this happened, and by all indications one of our Marilyns doesn't belong here."

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 3

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 3

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Paige continues to struggle against her past, but with help, slowly starts to think about her future.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2

[email protected]


Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 2

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 2

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
Pete completes his surgery, and then has to start learning to not live in fear, while the staff has to work with Pete to understand what really motivates him, and what his fears are. A new friendship seems to be developing.
(Counting the prologue, this is part 3 of 8)

Note - for some reason, the Prologue isn't showing up on the story list. If you go to my stories under the authors tab, you'll be able to find the prologue. I suggest you read it if you haven't; it sets the stage for Pete's feelings of rejection and his running away.

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1

[email protected]

Groans From Timbuctoo: 5. Too Many Marilyns (part one of three)

"Maybe they’re for an alien Christmas tree," van Els joked. "They have no hooks because of anti-gravity.
Or maybe they’re ornamental. Maybe they’re pretty for the sake of being pretty."

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight - Chapter 1

Operation Rescue: In Plain Sight
Chapter 1

A young man, feeling totally unwanted by his family, runs away. He needs to find a way to survive, and eventually, he stumbles into an Op Rescue clinic.
The remaining chapters and epilogue will be released about one a day until this is done. Enjoy.

Note - for some reason, the Prologue isn't showing up on the story list. If you go to my stories under the authors tab, you'll be able to find the prologue. I suggest you read it if you haven't; it sets the stage for Pete's feelings of rejection and his running away.

Operatin Rescue: In Plain Sight - Prologue
[email protected]


A Christmas Story Squared

A Christmas Story 2

Desiree O'Hara

Special thanks to my Darling Daughters that have taken care of me.

Does not fit the Contest, tried too, but this is the way it wished to be written. Not that I ever seem to have a clue about stories. AS it is I ran out of muse before I got all nine scenes written. May the Season bring you Joy.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-17.

My Super Secret Life…Scarlet-17.

Chapter 17


He gets up and pulls a knife and comes at me and I switch my bolt to a ball of shield and think rubber and fire whacking him between the eyes with a “rubber” energy bullet laying him cold.

I lower the shields and say to the people here. “Every please just remain calm the police will be here to arrest this man and to take your statements.
The squad van isn’t too far behind either.

That’s something that we’ve got here that home you’d never see and that’s the police have an entire force of guys that all they do is come and take and transport the perps and log in the arresting officers badges and all the reports and stuff is filed at the end of their shifts and the actual officers on patrol go back on patrol instead of having to run in the crooks.
I just get my badge scanned in and leave them to it when I get another call of officer down.

I give the guys a nod and they just point go and I blast off into the night sky.

*And Now…

The Red Stilettos

Who can resist the lure of a gorgeous pair of red stilettos? Could you? Perhaps the bigger question is, how far would you let it go, and how would you deal with the consequences?

My Super Secret Life...Villain-16.

My Super Secret life…Villain-16.

Chapter 16


She leads me inside I look around and it’s stalls and some shops like a mini-mall upside but in the middle is more like a flea market and most of its tools and combat styled gear ranging from ganger looking stuff to old military surplus and even some new stuff.

“Welcome to Sassy’s market mate!” She puts on a horrible accent but she’s smiling.


“Aye like a play off the S.A.S. from the commonwealth colonies luv.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay let shop for some toys.”

“Oi luvy those kinds of things are sold somewhere’s else.”

“Ha-ha-ha very funny Link…oooh are those grenades!”

*And Now…

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 5 Part 2

The Maiden of Bronze

Chapter 5 Part 2

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to The Twins, Rae and Jess as they have stayed by me.

The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 5 Part 1

The Maiden of Bronze

Chapter 5 Part 1

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has been a most wonderful muse.
I am probably being over cautious on my Cautions, but due to my psychological Condition my views are probably a lot warped compared to most other people. Love and Light to You All.

Reality Storm: Ch 5

Reality Storm




Jake questions reality, but concern for the possible danger he and his friends might be in help him focus. Nick discovers how hard plate mail is to remove in an emergency and Emily discovers a possible game changer.

Snakes and Ladders-29

Snakes and Ladders-29

Chapter 29


I step between them and into his cell. He’s having too much fun to be a bad guy. He’s…just a little tarnished and bent I think. Actually I like him already.

“Thank you Ryann that’s kind of you.” I actually sit on his wall cot and look at him.

“My mother raised me not to be a complete hooligan lady.”

“Wren, you can just call me Wren.”

“Oy, well that’s an honor considering we just met. What can I do for you then?”

I smile at him and look him up and down. “I’m finding myself in need of a burglar.”

*And Now….

Reality Storm: Ch 1-4

Reality Storm




Jake and his friends looked forward to play Dragons Blood Online during their monthly LAN gaming session. It was going to be a big night now that their characters had finally all reached level 60. Sure, the forecast called for some rain and maybe a little thunder, but with an industrial strength UPS, who worried about the weather?


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