
The Manumission Game, part 4 of 6

“I’m not a woman,” he said in a low voice. “I’m a man, but a wicked alchemist did this to me. Can you tell me anything about the sorcerer who did this to you?”

A haunted look came into the eyes of the women for a moment, but quickly passed. “We have ever been thus,” one of them said.

I stand before the Alter of God

This story has a lot of my own feelings included. I would very hugely extremely appreciate feedback on some of what is written here. Alys P


A Quiet Strength - Chapters 1-3

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


The young man stretched out on his bunk, pulled deeper into sleep by the constant hum of the ship's powerful engines. As the welcome sleep began to claim him, a electronic beeping pulled him back into the land of wakefulness. "Shit!" he groaned as he swung his feet outside his bunk. "Hang on, I got to get some clothes on!" He called out to the unseen visitor outside his cabin door. Once he had himself covered up, he called out to the computer. "Enter."

The door quickly slid to the side, making a sound of air escaping as it moved. The man looked into the eyes of his visitor and took a step backward.

"First Officer Stockwell, the High Commander requests your presence immediately." The stoic security officer advised.

"Let me get dressed first." Park replied as he began to search for his uniform pants.

"Now, sir." The Officer stepped inside the room, "I have been ordered to bring you right this minute– just as you are."

"Did he indicate what the reason for this unusual request was about?" Park complained as he tossed the pants on his bunk, "I just finished sixteen hours on the bridge, I really need to get some sleep." He pulled on a thin robe and fastened it closed.

"Sir." He said as he motioned for the young officer to exit ahead of him. As he passed the Security Officer, he noticed him place a hand upon a phaser that hung from his hip.

Sky Goddess Chapter 1


What would you do if one day someone asks you, "Do you want to be a god?" What will your answer be? What if you said yes but the god you become wasn't what you expected? Will you regret it?

Sky Goddess Chapter 1
A story of adventure in a fantasy world.

By Shinieris

Horizons of the Heart - 22

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Intent on getting to the source of whomever is behind the trafficking of magical creatures, Jaden and her friends set out from the city of Farcrest with a far destination in mind - the capital of the elven nation, Ral Sona, deep inside the wildlands. Along the road they pick up another travelling companion that will make their journey more interesting.

Flashback: Rhyce returns home despite the consequences, and makes a discovery that put his life on a new path

Chapter 22: Hope and Rain

There are things we can find
If we just choose to see
Like a friend, like a home, like a heart

There are things we can reach
If we just choose to try
Like a dream, like a hope, like a kiss

The Manumission Game, part 3 of 6

“I know what it’s like to be a slave, and I don’t want you to be slaves. But I’ve run the numbers; I can’t afford to free all of you at once...”

For himself, he didn’t mind losing a huge sum; but he knew that if he looked like he was running the organization into the ground, his lieutenants would challenge him, and sooner or later he’d lose a challenge.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 24

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 24


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Life as a Penny

.Life as a penny

Written by Dauphin
The year is 2029. People are tired of criminals. They are regressed to children. Louis is one of these
Being re-written, to correct the spelling and grammer mistakes

The Manumission Game, part 2 of 6

In his years in Madam Esgara’s house he’d seen too many men who thought themselves tough and smart make fools of themselves over women and boys. He wasn’t sure if he would have become like that if he’d gotten his male parts back, but he suspected it was likely. It was probably best this way, having the appearance of masculinity without the vulnerability to women or the urgent need for them.

The Karma of Serenity

The Karma of Serenity

Dan is a school bully who frequently picks on those who are smaller and weaker than him, but that all changes when he undergoes his twist and discovers the existence of karma. This story takes place in my Twisted Universe.

The Manumission Game, part 1 of 6

Pengram ushered in a young woman, or effeminate young man, about fourteen or fifteen years old. She wore a man’s overcoat, threadbare and dirty, that concealed her figure, but the face and hands were feminine enough; her lips, cheeks and eyes were heavily made up in a way no respectable woman would decorate herself, but her hair seemed to have been recently and incompetently cut short.

Horizons of the Heart - 21

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright © 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


Due to leave for the golden city of Tier the coming day, the group take the time to wrap up their own affairs. Kellen spends some time with his magician friends, and Mirena get treated to lunch by a certain Albander nobleman.

Flashback: Many children of the mountain spend time learning the ways of other cultures. Jaden's aunt Sabel tries to show her nephew some things he'll need to know before he's leaving for a visit to the elven capital.

Atalanta's Story- Chapter 1

ATALANTA'S STORY Chapter One written by Katelyn and edited by William Durr. A boy and his mother move to New Mexico for a new start after her husband and his father goes down over Iraq. The "Land of Enchantment" gives him more than he bargained for.I copied and pasted this from word and the paragraphs didn't format with a space between. Any errors are mine not Bill's. This is my first attempt but I would like your comments. Also this story starts slow but the pace does pick up and it is complete.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 23

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 23


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Season of Change - Chapter 8

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


Twisted: The Milky Way

Twisted — The Milky Way

A young man, stuck in an orphage, suddenly twists into a girl, and not just any girl, but a girl with special powers and compulsions with infants. He's thrown out of the orphanage and taken to a women's shelter, where he makes two new friends,one of whom is also Twisted. Unfortunately, the clinic's doctor suspects that the girl's is Twisted, and now their lives are suddenly very interesting - and a bit perilous.

The author would like to thank Morpheus for letting me play in the sandbox he created, Sir Lee, Maggie Finson, and the other volunteers who helped me add some editorial polish and offered their suggestions. Your efforts are more appreciated than mere words can say.

Stark: Homecoming

Freed from her programming at last, Jo Stark thinks about her past and wonders about her future. And her first case since her release takes her team back to the US, to help a man in a trap from which there seems to be only one escape.


Stark: Homecoming

by Randalynn

Season of Change - Chapter 7

Season of Change


There were only a few things in Harry Potter's life that never changed, he was the son of Lily and James Potter and that he was born a male. What happens when he discovers the truth.


When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 5

"You're very quiet," Lane observed. "If you've got any more questions,
I urge you to ask them now, because I doubt I'll be willing to discuss these matters again."

"Why not?" I asked, more than a little irritated. "What does it cost you?"

When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa: 4

"I have never taken a mind-altering drug," Lane told me, "but I'm pretty sure
I know what it would feel like. After a night of listening to her crazy stories,
my brain would overload, and my head would spin like a top for an entire day."

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 22

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 22


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.


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