
A Quiet Strength - Chapters 12 - 17

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


The comfortable days grew even hotter as time wore on for the young female, her predicament made all the more unbearable due to her condition. Smells made her stomach lurch, her breasts always seemed sore...was it this way for all women? She shuddered at the thought of thinking herself a woman, yet here she was in this form and getting used to it. Sadly, she felt it was something she would just have to do for the remainder of her days.

Often, she would make her way down the steep incline to crawl into the water, it's coolness helping calm the child growing within. Each trip down, caused her to Realize that as her middle grew, climbing up and down some of the more precarious rocks that were involved in moving about on her mountain, travel would soon become next to impossible.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 32

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 16

Round and Round part 16

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 31

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 15

Round and Round part 15

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 30

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 14

Round and Round part 14

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

The Manumission Game, part 6 of 6

“I come to play,” he said, holding up the cards and fanning the deck to show the faces. “Do you care for Six-Card Pitch?”

Their faces were suddenly avid. “Nay, Six-Card Pitch is a game for fools. Let’s play a round of Tentstakes,” said the dark-skinned tall woman.

“And the stakes shall be...” the most buxom of the shorter women said, frowning as if she were trying to remember something.

“Ourselves!” another cried.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 29

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 13

Round and Round part 13

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 28

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 12

Round and Round part 12

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 27

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Round and Round part 11

Round and Round part 11

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 26

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 8 - 11

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Each day the young female spent in her sanctuary, high in the hills, brought new changes to her young life. She had managed to create traps, kill and eat several types of the small creatures that dwell within close proximity to her shelter. As best as she could figure, it had almost been a full month since she was deposited on this planet by her body's former owner. Even though she was stuck with this form, she didn't have to like it. Unused to the small frame and appendages that seemed to just be in the way, she could only tolerate everything that seemed to come with being a female.

She cringed each time she had to respond with the call of nature, it was so degrading and hard to accomplish being that she had spent most of her young life with quite a different outlook. She wasn't naive, she knew that at some point she would have a monthly visitor, all females do, and now that she was one... she could expect it any day now.

It had become much warmer now, the heat of the day would build until it almost grew uncomfortable in the animal hide that she was wearing. Often she would remove it and slip into the water to bathe, but only when the moon was out and never in daylight.

Tonight was one such night, it was warm and she had just finished eating half of a small creature that she had caught. As the stars high overhead began to dot the sky, she slowly slipped down to the stream below her shelter. There, she carefully made her way to the edge of the stream staying within the shadows.

Pulling off the skins she slipped quietly into the refreshing water. She felt along the underside of her arm where the skin had begun to chafe her tender flesh. The cool water helped to take some of the soreness away. As she slowly swam, she heard several voices.

Round and Round part 10

Round and Round part 10

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.

Mystic Godfather

mystic godfather4.jpg

Things didn't go as James expected at a school dance and he finds a mysterious visitor waiting in his bedroom claiming he can help. Is it possible the magic potion he's offering will make things better? Or are the man's hidden motives of a different sort?

Havens Salvation Chapter 5 Pt 1 Morning has broken.


Havens Salvation 5

Morning has broken.

Any resemblances to any person living or dead is purely coincidental.
Copyright© 2014 Michele WhiteWolf

Previously in Havens Salvation

Betty is startled at how well her family fits in to the eclectic society of haven. She is delighted to find that one of the benefits of the protectors position is that her family gets a body guard in a wolf ware named James who was the previous protectors body guard.

Betty expecting a peaceful journey into the astral dimension is surprised to be deposited in an ancient past life battle to protect her families village from Roman tax collectors who were set to kill her parents and sister. Yanked out of that situation Betty is informed by the spirits of Ann and Maggie she was being tested to find if she could remember how to do the physical job of protecting Haven. This answered Betty is taken to the Ancient tower of Oaths where her taking the responsibility as the protector of haven is rejected by the Morrigan. They believe Betty not strong enough or women enough to do the job. The Morrigan allows for a test period until All Hallowed Eve its pass or fail. Fail she must quit her new home and move on.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 25

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Snakes and Ladders-30

Snakes and Ladders-30

Chapter 30


“Do tell.”
“Not here, we’ll talk more in my quarters. I just want to be careful.”
“Hmm…I rather like the idea of going to see your quarters.”
“Uhm…Ryann I’m with someone…I’m bonded to her.”
“That’s okay I’m good with ropes.”
I stop and turn and stare at him. “I said bonded not bondage!”
I’m blushing and he’s grinning and I slap at his arms. And he starts to laugh as he sort of defends himself.
~What! Wren? Are you alright!?~
~No…he’s flirting with me…! ~

*And now…

FTL-21...Faster Than Life.

FTL-21... Faster Than Life.


My watch commander stops talking as the mines I’m passing more too and then we see them change…mechanical bug like legs slip out of the body and so does a head with a semi-human face only with a mouth like a shark would have and it pops out pincer like arms but with some kind of weapons instead of claws and there’s these beetle shell like bug casings that pop open to free up better thrusters.
There’s a burst of blue weapons fire and my drone goes white and I switch to others and I can see the mines all shifting and all changing and turning around and coming at our drones and we’re losing them fast.
My last drone the last thing I seen on the cameras was one of these shark-beetle things eating the camera…looked like it was coming to take a bite out of me.
I’m answered by our main bridge instead as the alert for battle stations goes off.

*And Now…

Horizons of the Heart - 23

Horizons of the Heart

By Melange
Copyright© 2013-2014 Melange
All Rights Reserved.


After a arriving to the golden city of Tier, Jaden and her friends make a point of looking up the man who is most likely able to tell them a thing or two about the various smuggling operations working the midland area. Meanwhile, dark forces move according to their hidden design.

Flashback: Being the smallest and most agile of the group, Oleander is sometimes sent into unknown situations. This time she brought a friend along.

Chapter 23: The Unquiet Ones

I'm not afraid of the distance
my shadow left behind
I'm not ashamed to
look my fear in the eye

I will embrace the emotion
Pain will disappear
Holding your face in my hands
I will wipe away the tears

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 24

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

The Manumission Game, part 5 of 6

“I think they’re under a curse to remain like that until they sleep with a certain man. Probably the sorcerer who put the curse on them, or his patron — but something went wrong and they never did sleep with the guy, and they’ve been like that for decades, maybe centuries.”

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 23

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch



Chapter 20


I look at it and it’s her smartphone and she has music files on it. And I’m wearing sunglasses that are muting out a lot of the neon and the flashing screens everywhere too…I press play and I smile as music from the Lord of the rings starts to play…*Concerning Hobbits* from The Fellowship movie the music as you’re just seeing The Shire.
I exhale tension with the sounds of the music and she looks at me with this I love you Pi smile.
“You did this for me?”
“Yeah…and it’s all the fun and calm stuff nothing all aggro either.”
The time and the sheer fact that she took that time doing it for me and had all this ready for me and my moments it.
I am really close to crying.
She takes my free hand and laces her fingers into mine. “C’mon lady love I’ll teach you home to twirl.”

*And Now…

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 22

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 21

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Butterfly Girlfriend Part 2.5


In this world, there is a balance. When there are too many women, the world changes girls into boys. When there are too many men, the world changes boys into girls. If you are changed before you reached 12, you have 98% chance to emerge as the opposite sex. The closer you are to adulthood, the more dangerous the change becomes. By the time you are 18, 'change' means 100% death.

My name was Arif bin Mohamad Zafri. This is the story of the worst, most annoying year of my life.

Butterfly Girlfriend
Part 2.5

By Shinieris

A Quiet Strength - Chapters 4 - 7

Aponi.jpgA Quiet Strength
by Anon Allsop

-Part One-


Etu retraced his steps until once again he emerged in the area where the Sky Dancer spirit arose from within the cloud. As he passed the spot where she had been slumbering, he noticed a few of the tiny dancers as they flit and fluttered as though looking for where their queen had gone. Now, he didn't actually think 'queen' but the translation would be intelligible, however the meaning is quite the same.

Even at a slow jog, Etu was a half a day from his tribe, that return trip and his meeting with the Sky Dancer queen, gave him a great deal to think about. He replayed their meeting over and over again in his mind. Each time, he would pause his memory on her naked form. Almost unable to forget her beauty.

In nearly nineteen seasons, he had never witnessed such great beauty and feminine grace possessed by a single form. This pale Spirit, or as he would call her, Aponi which literally translates to Butterfly, held him transfixed as he watched her disappear right before his very gaze. He marveled at the speed of the beautiful nymph of the forest, eluding his pursuit as only one with the forest could.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 20

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 19

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 25

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 25


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Of Heroes And Villains Chapter 18

Of Heroes And Villains

Of Heroes And Villains

In which a superhero meets his match, masks are uncovered and a mad scientist just tries to get some mad science-ing done without getting distracted by the antics of her magical minion.

Fanart by the talented Ian Samson, creator of City of Reality and artist of The Wotch

Sky Goddess Chapter 2


What would you do if one day someone asks you, "Do you want to be a god?" What will your answer be? What if you said yes but the god you become wasn't what you expected? Will you regret it?

Miki met some familiar and some not so familiar people as she tried to cope with suddenly being a sky goddess.

Sky Goddess Chapter 2
A story of adventure in a fantasy world.

By Shinieris

Round and Round part 1

Round and Round part 1

After David is caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, his entire life changes in ways he never could have expected. This is a fan fiction taking place in the Whateley Universe.


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