I Need To Remember. Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.    The morning after.

I woke up to a weight pressing down on my chest. The dawn light filtering through the curtains revealed Wishes curled against me with her head on my chest just above my boobs. Her face was hidden beneath her copper hair and I longed to move it so that I could look at her sweet face as she slept.

Last night I had been nervous at the prospect of making love to this incredible woman, this morning I was terrified. I was afraid to wake Wishes, afraid that when she remembered what we had done last night she would be disgusted with me. I knew in my heart that she loved me, but in my head I couldn't get rid of the thought that she was a straight girl not a lesbian and in the cold light of day she would think this was some kind of huge mistake.

I don't know how long I lay there almost afraid to breath and wake her. It was a strange mixture of feelings, my lust was tempered by the fear inside me, keeping me just on the edge of excitement. But more than anything I felt a deep feeling of love for this woman, it is so hard to describe how she affected every moment of my day awake or asleep.

Wishes moved in her sleep and I froze for a moment hardly daring to breathe as her head settled further down onto my breast. I could feel her warm breath on one of my nipples, the alternating hot breath followed by the chill air as she breathed in caused my nipple to harden and ache. I could feel my need for her beginning to overwhelm my trepidation.

Suddenly Wishes giggled and moved her head forward enveloping my right nipple in her warm mouth. Her teeth gently grazed it's surface bringing a soft moan from my throat. Her tongue was teasing my tip slowly increasing my need for release.

Her hand slid down across my belly towards my trimmed bush. Wishes cupped her hand over my pussy and pressing down onto it gently massaged my hot puss. The heel of her palm was pressed firmly down trapping my clit under my labia and rubbing my moist lips over it's sensitive tissue. I groaned when Wishes slid a finger through my moist channel before slipping inside of me.

"Oh, yes baby, that feels so good," I breathed as another finger joined the first.

I moaned loudly as Wishes fingers fucked me, each time her fingers plunged into my body the heel of her hand ground into my clit sending lightning through my tense body.

"Faster love, please fuck meeeee!" I screeched as Wishes pounded into me.

"I'm cumming, oh shit yes, oh Wishes!" I cried as my body convulsed under her.

Wishes lifted her face to mine and kissed me with a hunger that surprised me. Her tongue thrust into my mouth to entwine with mine.

"Morning lover," Wishes murmured breathlessly when she pulled back.

"Wishes I love you," I found myself sobbing softly, the depth of my love for this wonderful woman overwhelming me.

"I love you too hun," she held me tightly as I recovered my breath before slowly moving her way back down my body, trailing kisses as she moved down my throat and slowly tracing her way between my breasts. Each kiss burned my skin as she tasted my hot flesh.

Eventually Wishes got to my pubis, she hesitated for a moment just looking at my wet sex before I felt her move closer to my pussy.

I felt a soft contact from the tip of Wishes tongue as she carefully sampled my taste, this was followed a moment later by her tongue travelling from just above my opening then up between my labia until her tongue reached my hard clit. I heard Wishes moan softly as her tongue slid deep into my vagina.

Oh God those sensations, her tongue was so soft, yet firm and sure in it's movements. Every touch from Wishes sent me higher and higher to that peak of ecstasy that my body craved.

"Oh Jesus Wishes, that's so fucking good," I cried as she slid two fingers inside of me and danced her nimble tongue around my engorged clit. "Oh, yessss. Fuck me Wishes. Fuck Meeeeeeee!" I yelled as I came for a second time, my body couldn't take any more and time stopped.

I must have lost a minute or two, when I opened my eyes Wishes was looking down at me with her eyes full of concern.

"Are you ok Linda?" she asked, my attention was drawn to her lower face which glistened with my juices.

"Oh Jesus girl, I've never felt so good." I closed the gap between us and kissed Wishes deeply, tasting myself in her mouth before slowly lapping up the musky treasure from her face.

I rolled us over so that I was on top of her and began kissing her neck, sucking the skin into my mouth and delivering tiny sharp bites to her beautiful skin.

"Linda, l-l-love." Wishes groaned into my hair as I loved her exquisite neck. "God, love, please stop, I need to pee, off quick," she begged me.

I reluctantly rolled away from her and stared after my love as her cute butt ran towards the bathroom. Shortly I heard the flush and then the shower starting, as soon as I heard the toilet flush the inevitable urge hit me and I dashed to the bathroom to relieve myself as soon as I heard Wishes step into the shower.

"Linda, c'mon wake up lazy bones," Wishes Voice seemed to come to me from afar, then someone was shaking my shoulder and I was forced to open my eyes.

The effort was well worth it, Wishes stood in front of me wearing my robe, her wet hair turned a dark red as it lay plastered to her head.

"C'mon you, out of bed and into the shower. I'll go and start some breakfast."

I pulled myself out of bed and followed Wishes out of the bedroom, I couldn't help pausing at the bathroom door to watch her cute rear as she walked down the stairs.

Ten minutes later I entered the kitchen wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Wishes was standing at the cooker and I just had to wrap my arms around her slender waist and bury my face in her damp hair.

Wishes moaned slightly and pressed back into me as I nuzzled her sweet neck again.

"If you don't stop that I am going to burn your breakfast. Why don't you pour us both a coffee and sit down, it'll be ready in a minute."

I reluctantly left her alone and did as I was asked. We ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence then sat with our coffee looking at each other over the table.

"What do you fancy doing today?" I asked eventually.

"Well I will have to pop home for a bit and change, I've only got that dress you bought me. After that we can do anything you like."

"Well it's a nice day, how would you feel about a walk on the moors this afternoon and then maybe dinner at a restaurant this evening. Does that sound good?"

"Mmm, yeah I'd like that," Wishes came around the table and sat on my lap. We kissed sensuously for quite some time before Wishes went to the bedroom to dress.

I followed her and found a summer dress of mine that would almost fit her if she wore it with a belt.

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