
The White Wolf Chapter -10-

Jesse has inherited his Grandfather's ranch. Now he must fight his father to keep and go on a quest to find Coyote and his spirit animal.

Thank you Hope for your help in editing and trying to keep this southern gal from embarrassing herself with improper English. All other errors belong to me.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-20

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-20

Chapter 20


Okay I’m seeing Kaylee and I don’t really know Shy at all and I’m just…well you ever meet one of those people that just impacts with you. Shy is so doing that with me. I’m not even sure what it is about her other than the fact I really want to say Him when I’m thinking of them.

To Die and Know It 1/?

To Die and Know It 1/?
Lilith Langtree

For over a decade Nathanial Romanoff has been attending the ultra exclusive Red Room to sate his crossdressing desires. However, when his wife decides to up the ante and participate, the situation changes, and the true motivations of those that own the Red Room are reveled.


A House Divided, part 4 of 7

“I can’t,” Arnie said. “Keith and Tara Saunders invited me to a party at their house. I asked if you could come, but they said it’s centaurs only,” he went on, looking vaguely embarrassed.

“Have fun,” I said. I felt weird about that, and wondered if things like that were going to happen often, and if so, if this was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

A House Divided, part 3 of 7

“I don’t like this,” Mom said. “I don’t see how you can keep it up, and the longer you manage to pretend, the more people are going to be hurt and offended when they find out you lied to them.”

I was starting to worry that she might be right, but I wasn’t going to back out unless she and Dad forced my hand by telling people.

The Changeling Chronicles

The Changeling Chronicles

When strange things begin happening to Shane, he soon discovers the truth about himself and this leads to an adventure in a world of myths and legends.

The Girlfriend

The GirlfriendThe Girlfriend
by Anon Allsop

I sat in the grass along the north side of the building and watched her walk past; I sucked air through my teeth at her beauty. My eyes followed her walk, swaying deliciously toward the little bench by the pines.

"Hey man... you even listening?" My friend Roger slapped my arm.

I glanced over at him and grinned, "Ever see her around here before?"

His eyebrows raised, "No... actually I haven't." He looked around me at the woman. "Why don't you go on over and talk to her... she looks like your type."

I frowned, "Now what the heck is that supposed to mean."

He smiled, "She's cute... not spectacular... just cute."

I looked again to see if we were talking about the same girl. "You're crazy. She's incredibly beautiful."

A Familiar Experience: A Dark Realms Tale 01

A Familiar Experience — A DarkRealms Story

Chapter One

Taylor Michaels sat in his room in Shrewsbury, England, reading one of his books. His very favorite author and personal hero was Dr. Angela Bernacci, a noted volcanologist. She had written several books on the subject, and Taylor was enjoying the newest as he pondered his future.

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

by Saless
This story is very loosely based on the Car Wars game universe by Steve Jackson Games.

The year is 2061. Global war has reduced the government to a shadow of what it once was. Individual cities handle most of the governing of the land, with the areas between cities lawless and wild. Travel between cities is fraught with danger, leading to vehicles being outfitted with armor and weapons for the journey. Most travel is done in convoys for safety. But these armed and armored vehicles have led to a new sport; auto dueling. A vicious and bloody sport, where the loser often loses their life along with their car. But new technology means that death in the arena is not necessarily permanent. But for some it is much more inconvenient than others...

What a good boy...Chapter 7

What a good boy…Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I sit and blink a bit and then I do what most guys do when confronted with this situation. I start to eat and stuffing my face. It’s like Gwen gets it and she starts eating too just after me. That breaks the others out of the new person and the weirdo being with the table and they start eating and I just slow down and listen and try and actually see if I can learn girlese.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 6

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 6


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Tell Me Your Secrets, Chapter 5

Tell Me Your Secrets
Chapter 5


The last Lore Keeper of the Weres disappeared without a trace, now thirty years later his legacy returns in the form of a young man named Michael Williams.

Vampyre 6.

Vampyre 6.

Chapter 6

Honestly I’m glad that I’m not in the same truck with Jill. I’m my vamped out state I’m really on an edge right now and it might have led to more of a thing than it’s become already.

Dammit I knew that she recognized me.

Donna’s driving and I’m doing what we vampyre’s do almost on instinct it seems and that’s brood.

I hate being a stereotype.



Chapter 7

I get my arms around Justin and they lead us to their vehicles. How is it that the bad guys can always seem to afford better vehicles than I’ve ever owned? One of them opens the door with a feral smile on his face showing some teeth.

There’s enough alpha bitch in me that it really pisses me off. And part of me would love to reopen the can of whoop ass I was serving up but I can’t. I’m on a mission for Stevie and I’ve got Justin with me so it’s a quiet, quiet hard stare no growl but all the hard female ire that I’ve learned or been learning to channel.

My Super Secret Life...Scarlet-10.


Chapter 10

You know when you’re really deep down exhausted and have nothing in the tank then something happens that if you don’t get off your duff something bad is going to happen.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-8 The Start.

Potentials-8 The Start.

Chapter 8

*Samantha Chase…

I sort of see the puff of Cody reappearing out under the bridge area and then another puff of him vanishing again. “Okay…I hope he’s okay and not getting himself in too deep.”

I feel a Zzzt feeling off in the distance. I say feel that because as a TM or Telemechanic I’m sensitive to electricity this was a serious discharge, and another and another. I hear a scream that goes along with it.

“Shit, shit, shit…that can’t be good.”

Origin Story

Origin Story

Author's note: The story that is referred to here doesnt actually exist, so dont look for it. But if enough people decide they like this, maybe the story will come ...

Dorothy sat at her computer, reading and rereading the message logs for the last couple of days, shaking her head.

“I’ve got my share of eccentric friends who send me messages. This might be the first time I’ve gotten a message from someone who must be actually insane.”

A Prince's Tale

Just a little ditty to keep my poetic license. Besides, all's fair in love and war.


A Prince's Tale
By shalimar
Copyright 1964, 2001

In days of old
This prince was bold
with women undercover

He had to confess
He'd wear a dress
If he fought another

A war broke out
There was a rout
He had no horse to ride

You could understand
Our prince he ran
He had to save his hide

He met a witch
No ordinary bitch
She saw our prince's fear

He lost his pride
"I've got to hide
Or they'll kill me over here."

And with a motion
She gave him a potion

Pink? Why Pink? - Part 09



"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares?


Dreamer Book 2: Part 9


Dreamer: Book 2. Part 9

By Tanya Allan

This part Copyright © 2012

This is the second chapter of the ‘new’ bit, written in response to those readers who requested it.
My thanks to PEGLEG for help with proofing

Philippa Stewart, international Movie Star and mother of two, looks back at her life.

She has cleared the first couple of hurdles, that of the legal question as to who she is and the medical question of what gender she is. Academic really, but she told the doctor that she has no interest in finding out why it happened, as long as she doesn’t change back.

Now she waits for the police to close the case, as long as her fingerprints match those taken by the police from her room at home and the school she left in a hurry.

Her mother is on the verge of a breakdown and her father is insisting she continue her education. She has yet to meet her family and friends as Philippa, and what about poor old Thor?

But what does she want to do?

Yet again, she feels that others are pressing her to do things to fit in with their plans for her, and not letting her choose her own destiny.

Find out what happens.... read on....

What a good boy...Chapter 6

What a good boy…Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Clothes make the man right?

No, not really. But having cooler clothes does seem to have set some of the assholes I’ve been dealing with back a half step or something. I haven’t been as abused verbally today. Looked at a lot but only the few real world classed assholes yelled stuff at me.




Julie O


By Itinerant

For testifying against the man who murdered his family, Scott Helms now faces a price on his head. However he is offered a unique opportunity of a new life.

My Super Secret Life-27.

My Super Secret Life-27.

Chapter 27

I’d been awake awhile and still pretty achy and sore after mom had left. I was in one of those snazzy private hospital styled rooms and stuff. I’m watching TV trying to sort of zone in on the whole being a guy thing.

“This is harder than I thought.”


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