
Rosetta - Part 14


A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Rose learns the Secret of Pope Hill and the origin of her powers. The gang undertake a mysterious mission at the request of someone Rose doesn't know. They don't even know where it will happen, or when. They do know that Rosetta will play an important part. And when they are done, they still won't know where they were.

Part 14

Groans From Timbuctoo: 3. The Easy-Bake Oven

"I've been told that my face would scare a dog out of a butcher shop."

He tilted his head and looked at my face — as if considering whether it might be so. It sent a chill through me.

"Do you know," he said, "I might be able to help you."

18 - Legacy of the Seven

Legacy of the Seven

When a super hero team is destroyed by an enemy, their mascot survives the attack but is drastically changed.
Soon afterwards, he uses everything his friends left behind to seek revenge.
This story takes place in the Legacy Universe.

Gettysburg - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

Distraught womanYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

- Rod Serling


By Anon Allsop

Eric Van Vleet wanted nothing more than to learn all he could about the Civil War, the society could help experience the sights and sounds of battle as they played out their reenactment in a quiet room, but Eric wanted more. He made an offhanded wish to an old man that was about to change a young teen's life forever. Eric is about to find out what happens when you become another little pawn in a Chess game known as...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Yankee Belle - Part 3

Southern Belle

The Yankee Belle
Part 3
By Anon Allsop

Set in the backdrop of Tennessee during the American Civil War, a young, underage soldier is separated from his unit after a fierce battle. While trying to locate them, he inadvertently stumbles into mortal danger on a very dark and quiet evening. With nowhere to run, Jeremy must learn to accept the changes that have been wrought upon his body... changes that may prevent him from ever returning home again!

Groans From Timbuctoo: 2. Would You Kiss Her?

"Well," I said gruffly, blushing, "I'm not sure that I came up with it, but I call it the Kissing Test."

"Everyone seems to think it came from you; you might as well take credit. It's rather elegant... cuts through self-deception, political correctness, through what people believe that they believe..."

"Basically," I said, chiming in and warming to my subject, "it shows whether a person really considers Sammy to be a woman. While they might like to look at her, while they may want to touch her, while they might even want to have... ah... intimate contact with her, the one thing that *really* shows whether they regard her as a woman is if they say *yes* when you ask, Would you kiss her?"

the Nativity Miracle

The Nativity Miracle



I don`t know what happened, one minute I was lying in a stinking cellar with a couple of broken ribs, arm and leg and several stitches in my head thanks to my ever loving parents and the next I`m living a totally different life.

I might be better if I explained what happened over the last couple of days.

17 - Kaboom


Derek is a young man who hates his life longs for the glory days of high school.
However he soon finds his life changing in aways he'd never imagined.
This story takes place in the Legacy Universe.

Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be such as this. Kendra finds out what happens when you open the pages of a wondrous book...a book that should have been buried deeply within the walls of...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Yankee Belle - Part 2

Southern Belle

The Yankee Belle
Part 2
By Anon Allsop

Set in the backdrop of Tennessee during the American Civil War, a young, underage soldier is separated from his unit after a fierce battle. While trying to locate them, he inadvertently stumbles into mortal danger on a very dark and quiet evening. With nowhere to run, Jeremy must learn to accept the changes that have been wrought upon his body... changes that may prevent him from ever returning home again!

What I did over my summer.

I hate school uniforms.

4 months ago I didn't have a uniform. I had just graduated from middleschool, no fanfare, no ceremony just you have finished grade 6 here is your report card. I was also a normal male boy, loved soccer, wanted to learn about football, basketball, and softball. Girls were starting to look interesting in my classes. I never wanted to be one nor even had once thought about wearing anything remotely feminine.

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 4: Phase two

The Dead Kid Returns: Chapter 4: Phase Two

Beth decided that it was time for Phase two of her plan to help the new kid. One Thursday, as they read together in the park, she asked, “Could we get together on Saturday? Maybe you could come over to my house?”

“Or I could come to yours.” She added.

“I’ll ask.” the new kid said softly.

The next morning, the new kid said to her, “You can come over Saturday, if you want to.”

“I do.”

The new kid gave her the address and a phone number, and then retreated a little.

Mares Tales 4

Here is chapter 4 of Mares' Tales.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

Mare Tales - Chapter 4.

Dr James had no sooner left us to our own devices when the door opened

16 - The Knight is a Lady

The Knight is a Lady

Joshua is from a family of super heroes and must deal with a drastic transformation
and his family legacy if he is to find a way to save them from a mysterious enemy.
This story takes place in Morpheus's Legacy Universe.

The Wrong Side of the Bed 1

The Wrong Side of the Bed

Chapter 1

By Anistasia Allread

A full two seconds later, Nick flinched. Then the world seemed to snap back into real time. Sounds suddenly roared. The radio seemed to blast. Nick jumped out of the car, not even taking time to turn off the engine. The car rolled forward and bumped into the curb before it stopped. As Nick raced towards Vic, he fumbled out his mobile phone and punched in 9-1-1.

The Magic Swing Set - Part 2

This story gives a glimpse into what happens after a boy's life has been dramatically changed by a magic swing set. It is a continuation of The Magic Swing Set.

The Magic Swing Set - Part 2
Copyright 2011 by Heather Rose Brown

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 3; A Quiet Beginning

The Dead Kid Returns:

Chapter 3: A Quiet Beginning

Beth felt one thing for sure - Time was running out.

She could feel the spirit of the new kid, the bright female spark hidden inside a male shell getting weaker. She knew she had to act fast, if she was going to help the new kid, so she steeled her courage, and waited until classes got out.

This might be difficult enough without an audience.

She followed the new kid for a block, and then said, “Hay. Wait up!”

The new kid turned, and looked at her.

Christine's Love - Part 4 (The Conclusion)

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

They were good friends through their early years in college,
until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation.
"The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival.
What will happen when he learns of her secret?
Will he spurn her? Love her?

Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo.

Christine's Love
Part 4
(The Conclusion)

by Anon Allsop

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.


The Crying Spirit - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling

The Crying Spirit
By Anon Allsop

A lonely man makes an incredible find in a small antique shop. How could he know that within the confines of the ancient cabinet was a portal into another time? Come with us as he enters... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

13 - Infiltrator


A dangerous group of super villains is up to something and only one man can infiltrate them and discover what they are up to.
This story takes place in Morpheus's Legacy Universe.

My Super Secret Life-14.

My Super Secret life-14.

Chapter 14

My powered leap takes my up into the air and clearing nearly the fully city block. I’m starting to like the feeling too. It’s got almost this reverse bungee jump kind of thrill to it.

But that’s not the big deal right now. The big deal id the Silver Cross Bank and the cops hiding behind their cars as these three guys in exo-frames are loading ATM whole onto the back of a truck while this suit of power armor is providing cover fire.

12 - Marvel and Meyhem

Marvel and Meyhem

Gavin is a photographer who specializes in taking pictures of developed super heroes. Then one day, he is kidnapped...but for what strange reason?
This story takes place in Morpheus's Legacy Universe.

FTL-9...Faster Than Life.

FTL-9...Faster Than Life.

Chapter 9

The rolling thrum of the grav sheer is running through of all of us like the breathing of some great unseen monster breathing down our necks. I’m reading scans on my section as thorough as I can I’m feeling the sweat building under my clothes and running down my spine.

It’s really tense and scary so quiet you can hear the sheer hitting the shields in what I imagine that waves would sound like.

Christine's Love - Part 3

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

They were good friends through their early years in college,
until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation.
"The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival.
What will happen when he learns of her secret?
Will he spurn her? Love her?

Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo.

Christine's Love
Part 3

by Anon Allsop

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.


A Change in Lifestyle chapter 5

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 5

I couldn’t hide and I just stammered ‘Yes Miss’ in reply. She sat on the seat opposite scrutinizing me. I don’t know why I was so bothered since I’d left school years ago.

It seemed like yesterday and she spoke to me as if I was still in her class.

‘Robyn, what has happened to you? You are such a good looking boy so what have you done to yourself? Are you trying to look like a girl?’

What could I say. I was like a rabbit trapped in a car headlights. I couldn’t speak for a minute or so that felt like an hour.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 19 of 22

“I do need you,” she said, beginning to tremble. “I said — I said I didn't want to change back, and I don't, but I want even more to be with you, to make you happy. If the only way I can do that is to change —”

“Shh,” he said. “No, you don't have to change for me.”

10 - The Dark Legacy

The Dark Legacy

A young man's life is overshadowed by his father's dark legacy and his mother's obsession.
This story takes place in Morpheus's Legacy Universe.

Christine's Love - Part 2

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

They were good friends through their early years in college,
until one day Hunter asked Christine to go along on a family vacation.
"The worst blizzard in 20 years" hits while they are waiting on his parents arrival.
What will happen when he learns of her secret?
Will he spurn her? Love her?

Take a little trip with these two friends as they sort out a brief encounter with the Medallion of Zulo.

Christine's Love
Part 2

by Anon Allsop

Copyright © 2002, 2003, 2011, 2015 Anon Allsop
All Rights Reserved.


A Change in Lifestyle chapter 4

A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 4

Was it a deal?

I thought about it for a few seconds and I wondered what Helen might say. But she’d annoyed me so much that I didn’t really care.

‘OK if you need my help then I’m happy to come around but no word to Helen about this please. I’ll have to fit it into my part time job though.’

Fran said she’d match the hourly rate if I’d help her for at least 2 or 3 hours a day and maybe I could give up the job. That made me think a bit but I still wasn’t sure.

09 - Grendel and Beowulf

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 6

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 6


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

The Pale Deer - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling

The Pale Deer
By Anon Allsop

A young brave defends a friend from the verbal attacks of his sisters' friends. Hear-ka is angered by their inability to look beyond his friend's stature as a warrior, seeing that through his kind ways he can also be a respectable leader. They laugh, but the Spirits do not. Hear-ka is sent to the mountain, there in the circle of the ancients he will find and bring back 'La-Ana-ha, the Pale Deer' to become his friend's willing squaw. A willingness that could only be contrived inside...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

A Change in Lifestyle chapter 3


A Change in Lifestyle
Chapter 3

It was our next door neighbor Francesca looking over the fence and holding her young daughter who was crying.

‘Robyn is that you?’ I stopped to look up and immediately thought how stupid I was to assume nobody would see me.

‘Robyn can you help me please I’m at the end of my tether.’ She seemed to ignore how I was dressed and the fact that I was wearing some make-up. She was obviously very close to tears.

The mysterious case of the missing manhoods. Part 5 the replies


though I admit to using drink as balm to my soul I implore you to abstain. At least moderate your indulgence. I understand the need. I miss my son grievously but we do not have that luxury. Clear heads are needed at this portentous moment. I will bring you some of that excellent vintage you requested but we must indulge sparingly.

06 - The Vengeance of Lady Hexx

The Vengeance of Lady Hexx

A man is caught in the middle of a superhero battle and suffers a horrible accident, causing his body to mutate and him to lose everything.
Afterwards, he seeks vengeance on the person he holds responsible.


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