
Another Side of My Life - Chapter 4

Another Side of My Life
Chapter 4
by Julie D Cole
Then he turned to me and said ‘Since I told you this is my sister Debbie and not some girlfriend how about you tell me a bit about this fiancé of yours?’
He took me back a bit and I must have looked surprised. So he followed up and asked how long I’d been engaged. I just said the first thing that came into my head and told him ‘ 3 months.’

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 14 of 22

“What's your custom here in Niluri?” Kazmina asked. “Is a woman normally allowed to ask a man to marry her? It's hard to judge from Tsavila or you what women are normally expected to act like here; even in Setuaznu, enchantresses are allowed more privileges than mundane women, and as for you...”

Death is not the End

Thanks to EOF for coming up with this particular bit of madness. Since I tend to have a weakness for vampires, when the offer came to do a story here I of course jumped right in.

I'l warn you the first chapter is a lot of the setting up, history and all the exposition that takes. Future chapters will be more personal where Carmilla is involved.


Death is not the End
Chapter 1

by Maggie Finson

The Library: Rewrite, Part 3


The Library: Rewrite

Part Part 3: Basement

by Roberta J. Cabot

So. Here I was. Alone in the library with my sexy, French-speaking ghost. I wanted to get out of there, but I wanted to find out what this was all about, too. I wanted to know. I NEEDED to know. Even if I had to ask the ghost.

My name is Mark. And this is the continuation of my Halloween story.







Ghost Wife

Ghost Wife
Maggie Finson

This could be a treat or a trick. Your choice there. I'm glad I got it done on the day it was meant for. There was some doubt about that given how RL has been with me lately. *grin* But here it is, my offering for Halloween and for the very first time, posted on the actual day!

I hope you all enjoy it.


Big Girls Don't Cry - Peeing in the Timestream

{Please read up to Chapter 10.1 of Everything’s Sunny with Sarah, and all 14 chapters of Boys Don’t Cry would help. This is the story as the Universe rewrites itself thanks to the some meddling old ladies. Don’t worry though: Sarah won’t forget her struggle, and some new ones may be on the horizon as a consequence... ;-)

This story contains an attempted sexual assault on a teenage girl; if that offends you please do not read any further (or alternately, press Ctrl+F in your browser and type “ March 6 ” (without the quotation marks) to be taken to the day after the incident. :-) - Zoe)}

Written by Zoe Taylor, Input by Darkkitten (Ashleigh)

Weird Voodoo - Chapter 2 - All things concidering

Authors Notes:

Thank you all for being supportive and reading my stories and what not, I also appreciated all the comments left, and took into heart as I finished this chapter the biggest complaint you all had, so enjoy reading :)

Also I'd still like to thank Zoe for letting me write this and giving me a direction to go with this chapter :) *hugs*



Chapter 3

I’m looking at that first text message and I can’t breathe…I can’t think…I can’t breathe…

“Kelly!!!” It comes out a scream, a shriek of pure denial and fear and desperation and I blank out.

Everything I’ve help sacred to my heart for over half my life is gone. The void is huge and it swallows me without so much as a fight.

I wake up and I hurt.
My heart…
Oh god my heart…

Nothing is supposed to hurt like this is it?

Its grey here, England…of course it’s grey, goddamned fog.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-10

Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-10

Chapter 10

It’s so good, I’m drifting in this haze that just is like this…I don’t know it’s that foggy place in dreams like you see on TV. I’m in this hotel room and it’s nice and it’s there’s some soft music playing and I’m in a silk teddy and I hear. “Hey beautiful…” it comes from Kaylee coming out of the bathroom in this skimpy sexy set of lingerie and that’s it.

Weird Voodoo - Chapter 1 - How it all started - Rewind!

True to Eva Crowley’s words, the part of Sally that she wanted to forget slowly started to fade from her mind. By the time they had finished setting up for Meghan’s party, almost all of Michael’s memories had faded, and what remained lingered like a dream at best.. The girls were having so much fun with the decorations that they completely lost track of time.

“Crap, we need to get home,” said Sally, looking at her lavender Hello Kitty watch.

Book 1 - Weird Voodoo


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Book 1 Starts off in the alternate reality that was created by Mrs. Crowley and goes from there.

Further (Miss)Adventures of Sally and Susan continues the the adventure and we get to see the twins get into more mischief then the original story, and we get to meet new friends along the way!

Further (Miss)Adventures of Sally and Susan


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

A Story based on Zoe Taylor's A Trick ... or a Treat.

A Continuation story of Sally and Susan, Hopefully it's more then one chapter *Giggles* But so far all I have is one chapter written.

The Dead Kid Returns - Chapter 1, Beth's Story

Author's note: Consider this a teaser. No idea when more might come.

The Dead Kid Returns

Part One: Beth’s story

The dead kid didn’t show up for class again today, and nobody knew what that meant.

When the dead kid first missed a day, the debate went up and down the schoolyard as to what might have happened to it. But as days went by, and still no sign of it, people started to forget that the dead kid had ever been there.

Except one girl..

Switcheroo Issue 10

Issue 10

By Melanie E.


This is mostly just a good faith gesture letting people know I really AM still writing. I had originally intended this to be a "Special Double Length Tenth Issue Spectacular" but it's taking me too long to write, so here's a normal length episode instead. We'll save the double-length issue for 25 or so. Sound good?


Rosetta - Part 10

A MORFS Universe Story
By Joreymay

Rose learns about her host and his rivalry with her father's company. He asks for her help in a delicate matter, and she soon finds herself translating in another unpleasant business meeting. Why does everyone keep telling her she's too young to be paid?

Part 10

The Registry - part 4

The Registry ...part 4 by Allexcited69

This is a work of fiction that deals with a simple future. In it, most people, if they were numbers, were now simple people with simple ideas and very simple needs. Harsh language is used and this story includes descriptions of sexual behaviour that may be considered disturbing to some.

It was now 10 am and the Sarah and her group were in the woods, not far from the road when they suddenly heard dogs. They started running away but the dogs ran faster and quickly caught up with them.

FTL-7...Faster Than Life.

FTL-7…Faster Than Life.

Chapter 7

By the time the second shot is into me Stillwater’s strapping my sword to my hip. I’m not used to drinking and these shots are this stuff called reactor core which doesn’t bode well for me. It burns and kind of sucks the breath out of me.

Home alcohol isn’t a popular choice having gone seriously out of favor with most people since we all started having On-Body-Computers it and most drugs don’t mix well when you live in the networks and stuff so much.

Here though it’s different, there’s a cultural thing with being in the military itself but also there’s all the other colonial cultures where it’s see and used differently. Home it’s a smattering of light beers and a decent amount of wines and very little hard liquor.

This stuff I’m drinking is some kind of hot pepper and agave fermented product from Aztekina colony. I’m not sure why each time we do a shot of it people are yelling “Ole!”



Chapter 2

I’m so not used to this; it’s so unreal running on all fours in wolf state and having part of my conscious mind trying to process that. Then there’s the smells too and then there’s the fact that well…I’m a wolf running through the streets of London.

I love the speed that I can go though and I have the advantage of being able to run through and around things that are slowing the Vicar and his three biker goons down. Honestly the traffic in this city is the shits.

And the place smells funny.

Bridging the Veil (Part 4) - Final

Bridging the Veil
by Kristin Darken (aka Chaosdancer)


Keeping track of the occult mishaps of unsuspecting college students can be a full time job, even if its more of a personal mission than any sort of official post. Unfortunately, there are times of the year when a little 'mishap' can lead to far bigger problems. One of those times approaches...

The final part of my contribution to this season's Samhain competition. If you have PTSD issues from wartime situations, you may need to approach this with caution.

The Library: Rewrite, Part 2


The Library: Rewrite

Part Two: Biker Chick

by Roberta J. Cabot

I used to be a boy scout. Yeah, yeah, you can shut up now. The only reason I mention this is because of the ghost stories that we told around the campfire. No, we didn’t roast weenies or marshmallows, but we DID tell stories. Stories about ghosts in the dark — scary-fun. But there’s no fun if you actually SEE a ghost. I saw a ghost. A French-speaking ghost, mind you. Pretty classy for a ghost, huh? Wonder if I’ll see her again tonight. Can you believe it? I have an appointment tonight. Well, at least she’s pretty hot.

My name is Mark. And this is the continuation of my Halloween story.

(an official story-entry to Topshelf’s
2011 October TG Terror Contest)

Gallagher Rising

Three boys have a fondness for MMORPG’s and for Fantasy books, by authors like Katherine Kurtz, Robert Jordan and Fred Saberhagen. Life was good and then MAGIC HAPPENED on a Magical Day.

Gallagher Rising


Paula Dillon

My Super Secret Life...Diamond-1.

My Super Secret Life…. Diamond.

*(This takes place between chapters 11 and 12.)

Paradise City, Orange-town, 4:22 PM

It’s after school and I’m coming out of my favorite comic shop having my chocolate milk and make my way to Galaxy dog so I can do my usual, escape from my life with food and the pages of my favorite comics. I know, super geeky but even in this day and age there’s tones of us.

Us being the overweight losers that life passes by. It’s not fair in the slightest. I’m smart, no genius but I’ve got good enough marks on stuff I’m scholarshipped to one of the best schools in the city.

I can’t transfer out because my folks would kill me. Why would I want to transfer out?

The answer to that comes from me getting hit by several milkshakes as two cars full of the elite kids throw stuff at me laughter and yells from the guys and giggles a squeals from the girls.

“You shoulda moved fat ass!”… “Freak!”…. “Geek!”…. “Loser!” Some of the guys.

“Eeeew stop being gross!”….. “You’re fucking disgusting!”….and of course they carouse “Loser!” with the jock guys.

It hurts really, I mean getting bullied and picked on hurts. Being this way hurts, you get shunned by a lot of people when you’re like me. Yeah I could diet and exercise and I’ve tried, but it’s too hard to do sometimes when you try to work out and stuff and run or bike or swim hearing the jeers from the people who bitch at me for not being just like them…It’s really hard to be motivated when you hear stuff like “Earthquake.” and “You’re crushing the frame.” and “Whale.” And honestly I’m not strong enough to work through it and work through the heartbreak.

Maiden of Magic, Chapter 4

Maiden of Magic
Chapter 4


Zane Zatara always knew there was something different about his life, a lot more than just being the son of a famous magician. Little did he know that he was right.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 12 of 22

Hadn't Tsavila said that he should be kind to her, for she'd suffered enough already? If she was compelled to act this part against her will, further probing could do no good; he had already learned enough to be sure she was no Vetuatsenu. Various moments of their conversations the day before came back to him: she had repeatedly changed the subject when someone brought up recent events in Netuatsenu, or asked more than a few questions about her family.

The QT Diaries -- The Lab Rats

The Lab Rats

The QT Diaries

The Lab Rats

by Janet Nolan Miles

There is sabotage on the Space Patrol Research Ship Ponce de Leon and the targets are a pair of researchers. Who is trying to stop research into the Quantum Transformation Syndrome? Is it possible to live forever?

My Super Secret Life-11.

My Super Secret Life-11

Chapter 11

I have a headache.

And the worst taste in my mouth in a long time. It’s like sweat mixed with lots of copper. I look over to the others and I’m watching Kai or Shane being led over the ambulance too.
She really kicked butt today. I’d have liked to have helped her out more but I got stun blaster by a Barbie-girl.
No I’m not joking.
We were shopping and there was an armed robbery at this ladies shopping store by seven girls dressed up as Barbie.
Like the dolls, the toys and the videos.
All talking in “Vale” and all of them with those synth-skin movie masks to look like Barbie…and voice disguisers to sound like Barbie…

Okay, so it might have hit a sore spot with me about the whole Barbie ditz old me thing.

You’re able to dress up in armor cloth, afford these custom disguises and grenades and stun blasters…..and becoming seven Barbie clones is what you come up with?!?

Fucking Barbie?....barf, retch…

From russia with love - part 1

From russia with love - part one

by Misrah

I walk down the hallway. My boots give of muffled noises on the this carpet with it's ridiculoussly old fashioned golden braids. I wear the black boots of a russian commander. No immitation. The real thing. Just to mention. Let's just say he won't need them no more anyway. As well as the rest of his uniform. The great grandparents on my mothers side of the family had been ukrainians, so thanks to them, even my looks match the role I'm playing right know.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-9

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian…9

Chapter 9

We’re all full of adrenaline as we’re racing up Old beach road to a lonely stretch of sand dunes the locals usually end up partying at. We just call it The Dunes or some call it Desert Sands but that’s like the name from back in Dad’s era and stuff.

Van Halen’s “Mine all Mine.” Is blaring out of the front of the truck and there a lot of wild yells and screams and stuff. I’m getting increasingly sore and in pain as the ride is going so when someone passes me a beer I take it. And when someone passes me the Jack Daniels I take that too.

The beer is beer but the whisky just burns it’s way down my throat and sets my whole mouth into searing pain as there’s all these cuts on the inside of my cheeks and lips and my gums from getting beat on by “Dick.” I might not have felt it then but I’m feeling it now.

Ghouls, Costumes and Perfume Part 2 Conclusion!

Ghouls, Costumes, and Perfume? Part 2

By Nikki Thong

This is a true Halloween story about eighteen year old twins a boy and girl Nikki and Ann, and their quest to win a costume contest that turns into an adventure that changes their lives forever. Will Halloween ever be the same for them or anyone who reads this? The story does contain a couple of hints at sexual feelings but no real sex, just the desires that normal eighteen year olds get at that age when bodies are close and lips are met. I didn’t want to have to break this into two parts but then thought I should. This is the big finish.

Ghouls, Costumes, and Perfume

Ghouls, Costumes, and Perfume? Part 1
By Nikki Thong Dark_Dolly2_ml_p2p_pc_badge_taller1.jpg

This is a true Halloween story about eighteen year old twins a boy and girl Nikki and Ann, and their quest to win a costume contest that turns into an adventure that changes their lives forever. Will Halloween ever be the same for them or anyone who reads this? Best read in the dark with lightening flashing.

The story does contain a couple of hints at sexual feelings but no real sex, just the desires that normal eighteen year olds get at that age when bodies are close and lips are met. I didn’t want to have to break this into two parts but then thought I should. This is my first time posting I just hope I do it right.

Hallo- what now?

Vic and Chuck are back ~ With a Special Halloween adventure!


Hallo- what now?


"Trick or treat!"

"Trick or what now?"

"Trick or... treat!"

"Ummmmm... ok, what's with the costumes?"

"It's Halloween...?"

"It's Hallo- what now?"


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