A Wyld Come True - Part 2 of 4

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Come True

by Saless
Part 2 of 4

Elizabeth get's everything she ever wanted out of going Wyld... with a few surprises thrown in. Nothing's ever simple when you're Wyld!

September, 2011

Knocking at my door woke me in the morning. Groaning, I crawled out of bed and headed for the door. The weight of my wings reminded me of what happened, and that I couldn't wear most of my clothes. I turned aside to find something I could wear.

"Come on, Liz, open up!" Jenny yelled through the door. "I'll help you with the clothes issue!"

Sighing, I carefully opened the door so that nobody would be able to see me from outside. Despite being a girl's dorm guys did come inside occasionally. And not just family.

"Hey Liz, how you doing?" Jenny asked, sailing into the room with a plastic bag in each hand.

I just grumbled in response. I'm not much of a morning person. Jenny breezed past me into my room and upended the bags on my bed. "Here, this should last you until you have time to do some proper shopping." she said.

There were a couple of thin strap tank tops and several halter tops. There were also some halter top bras, something I hadn't really thought about. I felt behind me and confirmed that most of my bras would interfere with my wings.

"Thanks, I was wondering what I was going to wear today." I said as I picked each item up to look at it. They were clearly Jenny's, but not so form fitting that I couldn't manage with them, I hoped.

"That's what friends are for!" she said, holding one of the tank tops up to see if it was too high in the back. It was, so she stuffed it back in one of the bags. "Most of these probably won't work, or very well. But we should be able to put something together."

I ended up trying everything on, even the one she put away. Three of them worked, two halter tops and one of the other tank tops. I would have to pull it up like a dress, but the back was low enough to allow for my wings. The halter bra would also work and was a halfway decent fit. Certainly better than any of mine since I was apparently a couple sizes larger than before. That was a plus, mostly.

Being September it wouldn't get too cold during the day, so I'd be okay for now. But I worried about how winter was going to be. I wore the halter bra and one of the tops with some shorts. Paired with some sandals I was ready to go. Jenny insisted on brushing my hair again.

"You have a fetish for my hair or something?" I asked with a grin. She wasn't one to do things like brush her friends hair usually.

She shrugged, "I just thought you could use the help. And I don't want to be late for class."

I had to concede that one. We didn't have all day and my wings could get in the way. As it was she was having to work to keep my hair from tangling with my feathers. She finally went with a braid to solve that problem.

"You know you're shattering my illusions here? Angels are supposed to have long, full hair that floats around them, not get tangled up in their feathers!" Jenny whined.

"Hey, how do you think I feel? It doesn't exactly feel good to have my feathers yanked on. Nor my hair." I said.

"Sorry." she said.

My turn to shrug, "I wasn't blaming you, just saying. I suppose the reality was bound to be less glamorous than the fiction. Besides, I'm not really an angel. I just have wings."

"Chris might argue that one." Jenny said, walking around me to see her handiwork from all sides. She was grinning, as usual.

"He's biased." I said, blushing.

She snorted, "He better be! Come on, we need to get something to eat before classes start!"

"I haven't even taken a shower yet." I said, just then realizing the fact.

"Yeah, and how is that going to work? Wings, remember?" she said.

I groaned; she was right, of course. I wouldn't even fit in the shower stalls with these wings and how would I ever dry them? Being Wyld really sucks some times.

I followed Jenny out, marveling at how easily I got through the narrower doorways. Maybe I was getting used to these wings already?

As expected I drew a lot of attention. It wasn't too bad in the dorm, really, but everything seemed to stop when we stepped outside. That wasn't really true, though. It was mostly just the guys.

"Psst! I think they like what they see!" Jenny giggled.

I elbowed her, "Quit it! Let's get something to eat, I'm starving!"

She giggled again and continued on towards the cafeteria. Normally Jenny drew the bulk of the male attention, but I was understandably more interesting to both sexes this morning. Wyld with obvious physical changes aren't seen around campus much. Most of them do online courses if they go to college at all.

So far the only reaction I was getting was stares. Mostly of surprise or incredulity. I knew that would change. There were bound to be people who reacted negatively. Even in the Lake States the obviously different get hassled. I was just glad I didn't live in Texas!

We got to class without incident. A class which, thankfully, we had in common. It was the only one.

Once again everything stopped as everyone stared at me. I did my best to just smile and ignore the stares as I headed for my usual seat, Jenny right beside me. We were early enough that half the class hadn't arrived yet. I thought it interesting that most of the people who came in after I was seated either ignored me or simply didn't notice. I suspected the latter.

Class was stilted and confused as even the teacher was distracted. Eventually everyone became aware of me simply because the teacher kept staring at me. I did my best to ignore that and focus on the material. What there was of it.

"Well, that was a waste of time." Jenny grumbled as we got ready to go to our next class.

"Yeah, I hope all my classes aren't like that." I said with a sigh.

"Everyone on campus will know about you in a few minutes. By the end of the day it will be old news." Jenny said, shrugging it off. I hoped she was right but seeing as how she's one of the worst gossips around she probably was!

We had to split to go to our classes after that. She hugged me and whispered, "Good luck!" before hurrying for her next class that was on the other side of campus. I sighed again and turned towards my own class which wouldn't start for thirty minutes. But there was no class going in that room before hand so I could sit and work while I waited as I always did. Or at least, that was the plan.

Nobody gave me any trouble beyond the stares on the way to my next class until just as I was about to walk inside. "Hey, what are you doing?!" a man's voice demanded.

I turned to see Mr. Greenwood, the teacher for my next class, standing there. He looked furious. I glanced around, but there was nobody he could be talking to but me. "I was just going to go in early and wait for class to start, like I always do." I said.

His eyes nearly bugged out of his head, "You're in my class?!"

I nodded, "Yeah, Elizabeth Cole. I manifested last night."

"Well I don't need trouble makers like you in my class!" he growled, blowing past me into the room and slamming the door in my face.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Sighing, I settled down to wait on the grass. He would have to open the door when class started.

A group of four approached the door a few minutes later, staring at me curiously. But it was still locked. "This door is always open early." one said.

"The teacher seems to have issues with me." I said, smiling weakly.

"You're in this class?! I don't remember you..." another guy said.

"That's because I manifested last night. I'm Elizabeth Cole." I said, waiting to see how they would react. I wasn't friendly with anyone in the class but I didn't hide in a corner, either.

"Oh yeah, I remember you. I'm Tammy." a short girl with spiky black hair said, holding her hand out. I shook it gladly. "Guess you can do worse than angel, huh?"

I smiled, "Yeah, it could have been much worse. The wings are a pain, but otherwise it's all good."

"Can you fly?" the guy who tried to open the door asked.

I shrugged, "Haven't had a chance to check yet."

"So what's Mr. Greenwood's damage?" the second guy asked.

"I don't know. He took one look at me and got hostile. Once I told him I'm in this class he said he 'doesn't need trouble makers like me in his class'." I said with a sigh.

The fourth member of the group was a tall girl with dirty blonde hair. She sat next to me and gave me a quick hug, "Don't worry about him. He can't keep you out of the class. Heck, he can't keep all of us out of his class." The other three all looked at her like she'd grown another head; not an entirely impossible prospect, come to think of it. "What?" she said, looking at what I assumed were her friends in confusion.

Tammy shook it off first, "Sorry Em, you just don't usually take to new people so quickly."

Em smiled shyly, "She just feels good, that's all."

"Huh?" I said, looking at Em.

She blushed, "I'm empathic. I sense emotions. You radiate good emotions, even when you're not feeling them. It's nice."

"Oookay..." I said, wondering what that meant.

The guy who had tried the door checked his watch and decided to try the door again. It was unlocked this time. "Come on guys, time for class." he said, holding the door for the rest of us.

He even held it for me after Em helped me up. I was a little surprised at that, but obviously at least one of them had already gone Wyld. I smiled my thanks at him as I stepped inside. Mr. Greenwood glared at me, but didn't say anything as I took my seat.

Em and her friends sat at the side of the room whereas my usual seat was in the middle. But at her urging I moved to sit with them. I ended up between Em and Tammy with the guys in front of us.

There was a little problem at the beginning of class because my wings were getting in the way but a quick move of a couple of desks took care of that problem. Mr. Greenwood glared at me the whole time.

We managed to talk a little during class. Mostly introducing ourselves properly. The empath was actually named Krista but her friends had started calling her Em after she discovered her power. Tammy hadn't gone Wyld yet, but hoped to soon. She said the suspense was killing her.

The polite guy who held the door was Scott. He hadn't gone Wyld yet, either. The last guy, who had said very little the whole time, was also Wyld. His name was Bobby. He was strong and fast, but that was about it. I felt there was something more there but didn't push it.

After class Bobby and Tammy had another class while the rest of us had a break before our next class. It was about the right time, so we decided to get lunch. I called Jenny and we all met at the Taco Bell on campus.

I introduced everyone and we headed inside. Jenny was bouncing on the balls of her feet wanting to know how my day had gone so far.

"Can you believe Mr. Greenwood actually tried to lock her out?" Em said in response to Jenny's questions.

Jenny gasped, "No way!"

Em nodded, "Yes, and he glared at her all through class. He feels very bad."

Jenny looked at me questioningly, "Em's an empath. He must have been really mad or something."

Em nodded as Jenny turned back to her, "Yes, very mad. He feels..." She broke off, glancing at me.

"Go ahead." I encouraged.

"Okay. I think he feels that Wyld that are different like you are less than human." Em said.

Jenny cursed under her breath. "Do you think he'll be a problem? Other than glaring?" she asked.

Em shrugged, "I don't know. I only know what he's feeling, not what he's thinking. I don't like him, though."

"Don't let her simple speech fool you, Em's a genius. Just not so good with people. Her power being what it is doesn't help much." Scott said.

Em blushed. It was obvious she didn't take compliments well. "So what are you studying?" I asked her.

She brightened a bit at the change of subject, "Well, I'm really..." she began, before Scott covered her mouth.

"Don't get her started! When I said she's a genius I was totally serious. She's taking every advanced math and science program the college has." he said hastily.

He took his hand away and she pouted with her eyes turned away from him. He didn't seem too bothered, though.

"So, what do you think will happen with Mr. Greenwood? Won't he get in trouble for locking you out?" Jenny asked.

Scott shook his head, "Probably not. He unlocked the door before class actually started so he could claim he just wanted to get ready for class before opening up or something. He'll probably just keep glaring at Elizabeth every class."

The conversation switched to majors and what kind of jobs we wanted after that, though Scott wouldn't let Em get involved. She just pouted the whole time. I had to wonder how talkative she'd really get if Scott weren't there?

We got our food and ate. Before we knew it we had to leave. Scott didn't have another class until three, but the rest of us had classes to get to.

I thought it was funny that manifesting had gotten me four new friends on my first day. Just when I was thinking it was going to be horrible.

I didn't have classes with any of them for the rest of the day, so we split up with promises to see each other later. I headed off for my third class of the day wondering what would happen there.

I wasn't too worried about the teacher for this class since she's Wyld, too. She's beautiful in an oddly severe way. With her pointed ears she reminds me of an Elf, but she calls herself Sidhe. What the difference was I didn't know, but she could get very annoyed at being called an Elf.

As expected, all I got out of Ms. Jennings was a raised eyebrow for a moment before her attention returned to her notes. The students were another matter. Far fewer of them showed surprise at my appearance but there were also some hostile looks I could have done without. Though they seemed to soften when I got closer to them.

My usual seat was near the front of the class but after my last class I decided that sitting in the back was probably best. Even folded up as small as I could make them my wings still took up a lot of room.

The only seat left in the back was next to one of the guys that had been glaring at me. He looked even more unhappy when it became apparent I was going to sit next to him.

Nothing much happened in class, though. People glared occasionally, but nobody said anything. I was able to concentrate on the class better than in Mr. Greenwood's class, but then Ms. Jennings was concentrating better than he had.

After that class I only had one left for the day, but there was over an hour until it started. Not knowing where my new friends would be, and knowing my old friends would be in class themselves, I decided to go for a walk. I knew I'd draw a lot of attention but figured I needed to get used to it.

I did draw a lot of attention, but it wasn't as bad as I feared. A few people approached me to ask if I could fly but of course I hadn't tried yet. I'd thought of doing so between classes but decided to wait until I had more time and less of an audience.

My last class was a breeze. Most people looked once or twice and then concentrated on the teacher. For his part, the teacher hardly even seemed to notice.

After class I headed back to the dorm to drop off my books. I had a little homework to do, but I wanted to find Chris to walk back with him to his car. Though I realized I'd still have the problem of how to get back myself. Though perhaps I'd fit in the back if there was nobody else there...

Jenny found me when I was coming out and she already had Bobby and Em with her. "Hi Liz, look who I found!" she said.

"Hi guys." I said, looking to see if Chris was nearby. I didn't see him, though.

"What are you looking for?" Em asked.

"Her boyfriend, probably. He had to leave his car at the hospital last night 'cause feather-brain over hear didn't fit in it." Jenny said. I slapped her with one wing, nearly knocking her over. "Hey!"

"Sorry." I said, "I didn't think I'd hit that hard."

She shrugged, "No harm, no foul. I already called TJ and he and Chris will be here shortly."

"I texted Tammy and Scott; they'll be here soon, too." Bobby said.

"So, how are we all going to get back after we walk up there? Liz still won't fit in the car." Jenny asked.

I shrugged, "I was thinking I might be able to squeeze into the back seat if it's empty, but that isn't much help with this many people. I guess I'll be walking again."

Em smiled, "That won't be necessary. Bobby has a van. Most of us will fit in that and we should even get Liz in on the trip back if some people ride in her boyfriends car."

"Sounds like we're all set then." Tammy said, surprising all of us. Scott was right behind her.

It wasn't long before TJ and Chris arrived. Tammy and her friends joked about the way we greeted each other, though Em looked a little subdued. I guessed she was getting a little intimidated by having so many people around. Especially if she could feel all of our emotions. That would have to suck in a crowd.

Everyone but Chris, Em and I ended up going in Bobby's van. I was surprised Em chose to walk with us. Then again, a lot less emotions to feel and she did say she liked what she felt from me.

We got to know Em a little better on the walk. Chris made the mistake of asking what her major was and she proceeded to prove Scott right with how talkative about science she can be. I didn't understand most of it but she was clearly very interested in just about every branch of science and far more knowledgeable than the both of us combined.

Em quieted as we approached the hospital until she was only responding in nods and grunts while looking over her shoulder. "You okay Em?" I asked.

She turned back to me, frowning, "We're being followed."

I glanced behind us and didn't see anyone. "Where?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I can't see them, just feel them. They're weird."

"How many?" Chris asked.

"I'm not sure." she replied.

"What are they planning?" Chris said, glancing over his shoulder.

Em shrugged, "I don't know. I only feel emotions and theirs are muddled. But they're focused on one of us."

I groaned, "That's probably me, then. I was wondering how long it would be before these wings got me in trouble."

Chris tightened his grip on my hand reassuringly, "Just pretend like we don't know about them. Em, will you keep an eye on them?" She nodded, "Okay. We'll know if they're going to try anything ahead of time then. Hopefully nothing will happen. Once we meet up with the others we'll be safe."

None of us ever saw who was following us. When we got to Chris' car the others were there waiting and Em said our follower(s) split. That was a relief.

Chris let TJ drive his car home so he could ride with me in the van. Jenny, Tammy and Scott joined them. That left just Chris, Bobby, Em and I. I crawled into the back row of seats and wedged myself in as best I could. There was no way I could use the seat belt but I fit.

On the way back I thought about how much I was going to need to do because of my transformation. Besides needing new clothes I'd have to get new identification. Plus I needed to tell my parents. I was certain they wouldn't be a problem. They coped with me before.

When we got back everyone wanted to find out if I could fly or not. Since I did, too, it didn't take much convincing to get me to give it a try.

We went out into one of the big grassy fields around the college. They all watched me expectantly while I tried to figure out how to get started. Should I get a running start? Or jump? Or both? Or just flap my wings?

Shrugging, I decided to start with flapping my wings and see how much lift I could generate. If it didn't feel like I was getting anywhere then I probably didn't have enough strength to fly. Made sense to me, anyway.

So I stood there feeling like an idiot while I flapped my wings as hard as I could. I was really clumsy at first but once I got my rhythm down I started rising! I was so surprised I fell right back down, but I wasn't high at the time. Chris helped me up, made sure I was okay and then stepped back to give me room to try again.

The second time I was ready for it and got into the rhythm easier. Soon the ground was dropping away. As I got further from the ground I found it got easier since I had more room to move my wings. Before long I was at least fifty feet up. I was feeling nervous about the height but was determined to explore this.

Figuring out how to move forward and turn took more work. After thirty minutes of flying I had the basics down, but I was tired. That brought up another problem; landing.

The easy answer was to close my wings and fall but somehow I didn't think that would be a very good idea. I tried just slowing my wings and that worked pretty well. I started losing altitude but I wasn't plummeting like a comet. My wings brushed the ground when I was about five feet up and I lost control. My hands and knees took most of the impact.

"You okay Angel?" Chris asked as he knelt beside me.

I started to answer and stopped to take stock. My hands burned a little from the impact; partially because I slid a bit after I hit. My knees were sore, too but not that bad. The biggest pain was in my wings where they hit the ground and even that wasn't much. "Yeah..." I said with some surprise, "I am. Not bad for my first time."

Chris helped me up and hugged me awkwardly since my wings were still half unfurled, "Yeah, not bad at all."

Everyone was beaming at me. "You know you have to take me flying once you have better control, right?" Jenny said.

"Ooh, me too!" Em agreed.

"Are you going to want to fly, too?" I teased Chris. He's afraid of heights so somehow I doubted that.

He surprised me by nodding, if a bit weakly, "Yeah, actually. If you're okay with that."

"Really? I didn't think you would want to." I said.

He shrugged, "I can't think of a better way to confront my fear of heights than in your arms."

To Be Continued...

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