
The Rusted Blade, Chapters 18 and 19

The Rusted Blade, Chapters 18 and 19
A collaboration by darkice and kitn

“Rana... He’s toying with you...” In spite of the noise of the dead girl’s screams and the chaos of the fight, Greta’s raspy, sick-sounding voice rang clear in Rana’s ears. She couldn’t see very well, with her eyes teared up from the pain and shock of the blow to her face, but from her voice Rana was sure Greta was barely clinging to life.

Protean Dilemma: Emergence - Chapter 1

Protean Dilemma: Emergence
~ Chapter One ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Brandon Lange is your average college student trying to find his way in the world. Thinking he has issues focusing with girls around, his parents strong-arm him into an all-male college. In his freshman year, things seem to go smoothly. In his sophomore year, he has to move into the dorms and starts to notice things are changing for him. Brandon's life will never be the same.

In this installment: Meet Brandon Lange and get a feel for who he is. How did he end up in this situation? It's all here.

[Possibly the start of a new universe, folks. We'll see how things turn out as the story progresses.]

Protean Dilemma: Emergence


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Protean Dilemma: Emergence

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Brandon Lange is your average college student trying to find his way in the world. Thinking he has issues focusing with girls around, his parents strong-arm him into an all-male college. In his freshman year, things seem to go smoothly. In his sophomore year, he has to move into the dorms and starts to notice things are changing for him. Brandon's life will never be the same.

[Possibly the start of a new universe, folks. We'll see how things turn out as the story progresses.]


Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 5 of 22

“Kazmina,” she said, gently shaking the wizard, “you've got to change me back now... Or tell me what's going on.”

Kazmina wasn't fully awake. “What's wrong?” she mumbled, propping up on her left arm.

“This doesn't feel wrong, that's what's wrong! I'm forgetting what I'm supposed to be, just like when we were geese. By the time we go to see Psavian, I'm afraid I'll have forgotten why I came back to find Tsavila!”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 4 of 22

“We need something better,” she said. “We need to make a good impression, as a pair of fine ladies — ”

“What?” he exclaimed.

“I'll explain in a little bit; I've figured out how to disguise you when we meet Psavian and Tsavila.”

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 3 of 22

“There's a haunt; do you make away with it, you'll have sweet supper and soft bed.”

“A haunt?” Kazmina asked, dismayed.

“A phantasm, a ghost?” the woman said. “In the barn yonder.”

Are Those Yours? -1-

Sometimes my muse ambushes me with odd little things like this. I hope you'll like it.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 1

"Here's your tea, love," the girl said, putting the mug down on the table.

The man carried on eating his Full English breakfast, only nodding briefly to thank her. After a short while he became aware that she was still standing beside him and he paused, knife and fork in mid-air.

"Do you mind if I ask you," she said softly, "are those yours?"

He knew exactly to what she was referring and nodded again, keeping his head low.

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 17
A collaboration by darkice and kitn

“Don’t you recognize your best friend, Arron?” He stared at her again and she bared her teeth at him in what could, possibly, be taken for a smile by the truly unobservant.


The Angry Mermaid 39 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 39.

Chapter 39 describes the Angry mermaid's adventures on passage from Cyprus to Rhodes during their voyage to Constantinople to pay their respects to the Byzantine Emperor.

The Angry mermaid 39.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 39.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.

On Magically Changing Genders

On Magically Changing Genders

Poof! You’ve just magically changed genders. What’s next? Well, what happens next can vary a lot, depending on a number of factors. (For the purposes of this essay, we will only deal with male to female transformations). First, did you want this to happen? If you were a typical guy, and happy being one, this transformation represents the biggest challenge of your life.

A Change in My Life’


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A Change in My Life

By Julie D Cole

My name is Sally Crewe and I am 28 years old and until recently I lived with two friends in a shared apartment close to the university that I’d graduated from in the North of England. I’m more than 200 miles from home in the South of England and don’t have much contact with my family these days since my parents were divorced. Both have found new partners and I’ve no brothers and sisters and only one cousin who lives in Scotland at the moment.

Magnetic Personality - 4

Magnetic Personality-
Part Four


“What did I just do there?” She asked quietly, as she stepped from the cage. Walter fished out the lump of copper and set it on a scale. “Well, Lorna, it looks like you somehow reduced its mass,” he frowned for the first time that morning, “and unless you vaporized it, then I think you affected the metal on a molecular level. Lucy, you and Lorna go take off those electrodes and go to lunch,” he looked bemusedly at the lump on the scale with Leonard and Sheldon looking over his shoulders, “Gentlemen, we are down the rabbit hole.” Sheldon kept his mouth closed for once.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 2 of 22

“I'll be lucky if my father even attends. He doesn't have much time for those of us who didn't inherit his power. But my brothers and my cousins on my mother's side will be there, they're fun to be with, and some of our neighbors I know well... and my sister. You'll like her; she's pretty.”

She was, and he did.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-7

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-7

Chapter 7

I wake up feeling stiff and sore body wise but inside there’s this lighter than air feeling going on. Honestly I’m feeling better inside than I’m used to noticing. I guess it’s kind of…It’s kind of like humidity and weather, I had so much going on emotionally inside from me and Hill’s stuff and the release from last night was like the thunderstorm that clears the air.

And the Winner is

James Thompson was more than just a bad boy, and the government used that to good affect. He wasn't proud of his past and went to great lengths to hide it as best a person can. Now a civilian, he hoped to forget it all, but the past hasn't forgotten him by any means. Vengeance and justice seldom go hand in hand and the burden of truth will fall squarely on his back. Can he escape the evil plans laid out for him and his partner? Read on and lets see.

'Daydreams Can Come True' Chapter 4

‘Daydreams can come True ’ Chapter 3
Julie Dawn Cole
If you could only just see me now.

I decided to go to the Harbour shopping centre that was close to the Langham hotel. Something inside me was taking me there. I knew she hadn’t arrived yet bun I couldn’t resist to go to the reception and ask if she was expected later. She was so no chance she’d been joking with me.

She’d booked a late arrival.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 74

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 74 Family Dinner

Julie and I left mum and dad and went to prepare for dinner. I thought it was a simple matter of changing our clothes and freshening up a little bit but then I realized we had to try on different outfits that we’d brought along and hung in the closet.

I tried on two of Julies along the way and a skirt and top that Kate had put in her bag of goodies.

A Change in My Life’ ~ Chapter 2

A Change in my Life.
Chapter 2
Sally Crewe
Julie D Cole

My relationship with Chrissy has developed a lot because he/she has helped me since I had a big argument with Jessica.
As we’ve spent time together I’ve been able to get to know her and I’ve realised she is definitely more girl than boy and I’ve been amazed how she has grown in confidence since she started working for Kate.

It’s just like she’s been a girl all her life and whereas she was quiet as Chris she is very assured as Chrissy.

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes, part 1 of 22

Wine Can't be Pressed into Grapes

by Trismegistus Shandy

Part 1 of 22

The man had evidently been traveling on foot for a long time. His clothes were rags that barely covered his nakedness, and his cheekbones, ribs, and hips stood out against flesh from which all the fat and too much of the muscle had been burned off some time ago.

Life is for Living - Another short verse

Life is for Living
by Julie D. Cole


Life is for living, for fun and for joy,
So we shouldn’t feel sad if born as a boy,
But some of us do ‘cos our feelings aren’t right,
Not all of us boys play football and fight,

Some are just gentle and quiet, like a mouse,
And others like dolls and to join girls to play house,
So why can’t it be that when we get to eight,
We just visit the doc before it’s too late’

Team Player

Team Player
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration!
SynopsisFormer Men's Figure Skating Olympian Robin Kelly Leeds has just announced his transition to United States Pair's Figure Skating with her husband Sebastian Gerrold Wilkins. Now Robin Kelly Wilkins and her husband have consented to Sebastian Gerrold Wilkins to tell their story.

Magnetic Personality - 3

Magnetic Personality-
Part Three


Sarah opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Heather from the doorway, “Well good for you two but I can see we are going to need a pr team on you,” she sounded annoyed, “Ms. Hallowell, I think you and the government will have to work closely together on Ms. Dane’s file from now on... you should get a team together.”

Snakes and Ladders-13

Snakes and Ladders 13.

Chapter 13

I lower Shaya’s hand and I smile and pull her into a kiss. I really love kissing this woman. So I make it long and slow and sweet just kind of pouring all that lover, and that whole soft sexy girl on girl thing into it. I’ve had a long time with the fantasies that have been in my head most of my life and while Shaya’s had them too there’s a lot of her buried under the hammering that being Illian had done to her soul.

“Come on let’s go find Bhlaze.”

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 70

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 70 My Lois Lane debut

I can’t have been fully unconscious or maybe the shock of falling in the pool brought me straight around. The first person who came into focus was a complete stranger and then over his shoulder I saw Julie.

The stranger was the pool attendant who was placing a folded towel under my head and he put his finger up and asked if I could see it clearly and to follow it as he moved it sideways. I was wet from the shower and also because I’d fallen in the pool.

My Super Secret Life-8.

My Super Secret Life-8

Chapter 8


Withdraw completely sucks. Especially getting off of smack. There’s these shooting pains that come out of your guts like a thunder storm and then the pain spreads through your limbs and makes you want to curl up and die.

Then there’s the dreams and the nightmares.

…………….Japan, 1642 A.D…………

New Girl in the Band Chapter 4 - Final Chapter

New Girl in the Band Final Chapter
By Princess

Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!!

Synopsis:David submits to the bands demand that he be a girl for them and some interesting and uncomfortable situations develop.


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