
Rebirth Part 16


Rebirth Part 16
By Cain129

Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!!

Synopsis:Sarah finely meets with Steve Granger, and has to admit he is not quiet the monster that Anna’s files said he was and over the next three months Steve trains Sarah and helps her hone her skills. The time has finely come for Sarah and Steve to take back their lives.

Falling . . . 3

Falling . . . 3

“Nick!” Izzy yelled sharply as a rock half the size of the car hit the pavement behind us.
More rocks of varying sizes crashed around us as I fought to escape the cascade. Screeching tires wailed in my ears as the smell of burning rubber filled my nostrils. Finally we burst clear then the car shuddered as if a giant had hit it. Metal screamed as granite smashed into Isobel’s side of the Mustang, pushing us towards the far side of the road and the steep, tree strewn cliff below. I had just enough time to grab Izzy’s hand before we plunged over the side, and into the abyss below.

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 8

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 8

A collaboration by kitn and darkice

Cale’s waiting paid off an hour after dusk. The lights on the third floor flicker out in the adjacent inn. Soon the two girls would be fast asleep; a few drops of crushed night weed and the two would never awaken. A painless death, it was the least he could do.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 51

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 51 A family chat

I didn’t say anything else for a while and soon as I stared out of the bus window I saw that we were approaching our destination.

Neither of us seemed to want to ask the next question but eventually as we reached Grans’ front door I turned to mum.

‘Mum my dad is my real dad isn’t he?’ She paused to search for the door key and passed it to me to unlock the door.

‘Yes dear he is. I realized today that you knew. Did he tell you when you met him’

The accidental change - Chapter 2

-The accidental change-

Chapter 2: "Decisions"

I sat on my bed, while I was thinking through my whole weird situation. Finally all the tranquilizers they'd pumped up my veins last night finally slowly wore off, but still remained active enough to not let me completely freak out again.

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (4/?)

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (4/?)
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

Onyx Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Walking to Mr. Tubman’s office was an experience, like the uniform skirt, this one felt too short, but unlike that one, I dared not try to tug it down. The movement of the top over my bare breasts soon had my nipples at attention, and due to the thinness of the material they were very visible.

Onyx Chapter 2

Chapter two:

Yet another girl came into the room and introduced herself. “Hi, I am Lilli, and these are for you.” I was honestly thinking that I must be the new attraction as so many different people came in to gawk at me. Not to say I didn’t gawk at Lilli, she was short, I mean real short, but not a child, not with those breasts, and shockingly bright pink hair.

I unwrapped the package, a pair of panties, sports bra, and sweat suit. All in pink, all bearing “Hello Kitty” logos. “You have to be kidding!”

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (3/?)

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (3/?)
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

The accidental change - Chapter 1

-The accidental change-

Chapter 1: 'Light-headedness can be a real bitch'

"The boys are back in town! ..." The stereo was set on max-level, as our car roared down the road. Free path. That would be cause it was saturday and most far out of town, so we had the street nearly to ourselves. And my buddy Mike welcomed tjis as a chance to drive his new car up to full throttle. "Yeah, dudes! This is the shit!" he yelled over to us against the loud music.

Ice Angel


Audience Rating: 



Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Ice Angel

By Stanman63

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for


Synopsis:A young man volunteers to become his best friend's figure skating partner, not knowing that immersing himself into his new role will bring out the girl within and lead to a decision that will end in happiness for both.

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 7

The Rusted Blade, Chapter 7

A collaboration by kitn and darkice

“Unsheath the sword, would you lad? Can’t be too careful you see, and you have held the sword already.” Rall did as he was asked, laying the naked blade back down on the bench. Were his eyes deceiving him, or was it a bit more polished now?

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You...


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You...
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (2/?)

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (2/?)
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (1/?)

Ceiling Kitty is Watching You... (1/?)
Lilith Langtree

After the metahuman sex change, she looked sweet and cute, like the girl next door with a cute little dragon tattoo. Once Kitty Pryde encountered an ancient evil thought dead, the cat's claws come out.

Die Sagen von Misrah 6 - "Man's best friend" (german)

Die Sagen von Misrah 6 - "Man's best friend"

by Misrah

Der Hunger schien sich durch seinen Bauch zu fressen. - Fressen... Ja, fressen wollte er, muáŸte er. Egal was. Er fá¼hlte bereits wie seine Krá¤fte allmá¤hlich schwanden und der ihm von der Natur mitgegebene Instinkt sagte ihm, dass das keineswegs etwas Gutes war. Nicht dass er wirklich verstanden oder gewuáŸt há¤tte warum, aber es fá¼hlte sich nicht gut an. Hunger fá¼hlte sich schlecht an mahnte ihn, trieb ihn und verlangte behoben zu werden.

The Center: Tester - Part 14

The Center: Tester - Part 14

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Thanks Zip for expert editing. I hope to get another chapter in soon to finish this story off. It's almost done but I am getting a new computer so I may not have computer access for a little while.

Chapter 14

Rebirth Part 15


Rebirth Part 15

By Cain129

Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:Sarah received a call from Steve Grangers sister Kelly. He is ready to meet Sarah but in a place of his own chosen, but Sarah must meet him alone. Sarah may have finely found an ally in her fight there is only one problem, can she trust him or is she walking into a trap, only time will tell.

Die Sagen von Misrah 5 - "Kiss 'em, they're irish" (german)

Die Sagen des Misrah 5- "Kiss 'em, they're irish"

by Misrah

Die Wanderschaft auf war schon eine beschwerliche Sache, dachte Misrah bei sich. Aber so wollt's die Satzung eben. "Auf Schusters Rappen" hatt' es da geheiáŸen und so hielt er's eben Wohl oder áœbel auch damit. Es galt die Tradition und Sitten ihres Handwerks hochzuhalten, ganz abgesehen davon das wohl nur der Deibel wissen mochte ob nicht sein Meister aus der Ferne ab und an auch ein Auge auf sein Tun haben mochte.

Rebirth Part 14


Rebirth Part 14

By Cain129
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:Having finely broken the security on Anna’s computer, Sarah learns that there is one other out there like here that is also in hiding and no longer being alone takes it upon herself to find him, but if the files on Steve Granger are true, Sarah could have just met her match but without his help she will be forced to take the enemy down alone.

Rebirth Part 13


Rebirth Part 13 - Revised

By Cain129

Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:Having finely broken the security on Anna’s computer, Sarah learns that there is one other out there like here that is also in hiding and no longer being alone takes it upon herself to find him, but if the files on Steve Granger are true, Sarah could have just met her match but without his help she will be forced to take the enemy down alone.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story ...Conclusion

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"So Lora, do you get this kind of reaction everywhere?"

"Well, only when I show up naked."


Rebirth Part 12


Rebirth Part 12

By, Cain129


Thanks to SuZie and Stanman63 For helping with the editing!
Without the help from both, I wouldn’t have been able to put out such a good story.


Synopsis: After kidnapping Dr. Picard, Sarah learns that he didn’t play a part in her dilemma, but gains a valuable alley in the fight. Sarah later with the help of Adam and Megan are successful with the raid on Anna Vandervolt’s home.

Rebirth Part 8


Rebirth Part 8
By Cain129


Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!


Synopsis:The Hidden pieces of Sarah’s Life are finely coming into view a dream leads her to a new discovery that she has the ability to heal herself but the more she learns the greater the danger, and is kidnapped by the same people that saved her life.--SEPARATOR--

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 10

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

She shook her head at me. "Honestly, Lora... you really are a guy inside that hot chick disguise, aren't you?"

The Center: Tester - Part 13

The Center: Tester - Part 13

By Blackout

Supreme Editor: Zip

Ok to show my thanks to Zip for editing I decided for this chapter to name Zip the supreme editor. Treat Zip like the supreme editor with thanks and applause! I have started writing part 14 and hope to have it up sooner or later. Like with other projects I need to get done. P.s. I am really hoping to get another Elemental Awakening up soon!


Switcheroo Issue 7

Issue 7

By Melanie E.



Chapter 14

With a groan I sat up in my bed and immediately regretted it, the swimming of my head telling me to lay back down immediately -- an order I was all too willing to comply with.

"Nuh uh, now that you're awake you're getting up," Dia said, dialling up the lights in my room to "sun going supernova" and pulling a scream from my lips as I covered my eyes with my arm. "It's your own dumb fault, you know. You should have known better."

The Center: Tester - Part 12

The Center: Tester - Part 12

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

As all ways a big thanks is to be awarded to Zip. Sorry its been a while. I finally got this out though. This is a chapter with both Rachael's and Claire's point of view. Chapter 13 is already written and should be coming out soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


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