Pink? Why Pink? - Part 07

Pink? Why Pink?
Part 7
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro
Thanks to Hope Eternal Reigns for editing.

Somewhere in this chapter:

“Mark?” MJ said with a worrisome tone in her voice.


“Are you okay?”

“I'm having a few cramps this morning but it is natural after all I ate last night, other than that I feel fine, why?”




"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares?


In the end, my parents got the guest room, my sister got to share with MJ (talk about unfair) and I got the five star luxury treatment, my own very special sofa to sleep in. Fortunately it was big enough so I could lay down comfortably. I thought it would take me a long time to be able to fall asleep but I guess it came as soon as I got my head on the pillow because I don't remember anything after that.

Thursday, February 15 2007

You might notice that I put the date up now, because I just noticed that I didn't do it yesterday. I had too much on my mind and never thought about it until now. Thankfully it is just one day and I won't go back and add it. (yeah, I'm lazy like that.)

Anyway, MJ woke me the next morning with a kiss and let me tell you, what a great way to wake up, waaaaaaaaaay better than my heart attack inducing alarm clock.

“Good morning, beautiful.” She said to me.

“Good morning.” I said back rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “What time is it?”

“A little after 6.”

“Why did you wake me so early?”

“Because I have school today and you need to get ready for your powers testing.”

“What? I thought you were going with me to my powers testing.”

“I can't, I asked my mom and she said I had to go to school.”

“Man, that is so unfair.”

“I thought so too, but after she said we needed to know how things are at school, I decided to go. It’s especially important because your sister will be there too and my mom wants me to protect her if something happens.”

“But why does she have to go?”

“I'm not sure, but it seems to have something to do with maintaining appearances, making people think everything is normal. If she doesn't go today everyone will know something is up.”

“I'm still worried about her. Keep an eye on her for me, okay?”

“Will do.” She said and gave me a quick kick on the lips. “Now get up and get ready. I'll make breakfast.”

“Breakfast made by you? I'm up, I'm up.” I said jumping off the sofa, hoping today would be a better day than yesterday. I couldn't be more wrong.

“Mark?” MJ said with a worrisome tone in her voice.


“Are you okay?”

“I'm having a few cramps this morning but it is natural after all I ate last night, other than that I feel fine, why?”

She didn't say anything just kept looking at my groin area and that made me look down. The first thing I noticed is that my (sigh) breasts were even bigger than last night and I had to bend down a little to be able to look at where she was staring at. Let me tell you, THAT was a mistake as the next thing I remember was waking up on the floor with MJ calling me.

“W...what happened?” I asked.

“You passed out.... again” MJ said.

“Did I?”

“Yeah, it is becoming a habit for you, isn't it?”

“It is not my fault that things keep happening to freak me out. So what was it this time?”

“Are you going to freak out again?”

“I will try not to, but I can't promise you. Is that good enough?”

“That will have to do. Congratulations, Mark.”

“For what?”

“You are a girl. I think you are just having your first period.”

WHAT?????” I practically yelled and looked down and I was a bloody mess. Yeah, I was almost freaking out again when MJ hugged me and I started to calm down. (That means cry like a baby).

“Why does my life have to be so screwed up? What I'm going to do now?” I said between sobs.

“First you are going to take a shower and clean up this mess, then I'm going to get you something for you to deal with your period.”

“Oh God. I'm having a period that means that I have a... a....”

“A vagina, yes.”

“Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm not ready to deal with this yet.”

“Unfortunately you will have to. Now go have a shower.”

I reluctantly went upstairs and into the shower, and before you ask, yes, I did undress first. The shower water hitting my skin was very pleasant and there were several foreign sensations that I was trying very hard to block out and I just went through the motions. Let me tell you when I had to clean my nether region I almost freaked out again. I so miss my little friend, the new configuration feels disturbingly odd and that's all I’m going to say about it.

I was finishing up my shower when the bathroom door opened. I thought it was MJ but to my horror was my mother that came inside.

“Mark? How are you feeling?” She asked me. Thankfully the towel was wrapped around me.

“ What are you doing here?”

“MJ said you are having some problems.”


“Yes, female problems.” She said and I went beet red.

“Did she tell you? Why?”

“I saw the blood on the sofa sheets, went looking for you thinking you were hurt and found MJ about to come in here with a box of tampons. I made her tell me everything.”

“Oh. So what do I do now?”

“First, let me take a look at my new daughter and then you are going to have to put the tampon in, I wanted to give you a panty liner but there are none in this house, at least not the kind used for periods.”

“Is there more than one type?”

“You'll see.” It was all she said.

The next few hours (okay, it was only a few minutes, but it felt like hours) were the most humiliating in my life so far. Not only did she have me stand naked in front of her, she actually made me put in the tampon while she watched me. And to make matters worse she thought I had to get the ‘birds and bees’ lecture from the female perspective. Let me tell you, it was not fun at all and I was so hoping that I would freak out again to escape that, but I think that after discovering you are having a period on your first day as a girl kind of makes it hard to freak out about other things.

My next problem was clothes, because, let's face it, there isn't anything I own that would fit me anymore. I don't think I lost any height, at least I don’t think I did. My mom measured me and together with the other females in the house, managed to get me something to wear and I swear my sister wanted me to put skirts on. In the end I was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink t-shirt, MJ had in her closet. I just put the dammed thing on because everyone said, it was the pink t-shirt or go topless, at least it wasn't a Hello Kitty one. No, I’m not wearing a bra, because none of the ones available would fit me. Apparently I’m bigger than MJ or even my sister up top, but not as big as my mom. My sister seemed jealous, saying it was unfair that her brother had bigger breasts than she did.

Okay, I think I talked too much about clothing already and I am uncomfortable enough as it is. Of course I was about to get even more uncomfortable and I didn't know it.




“You look so cute in that.” MJ said when she saw me.

“I don't want to look cute.” I said and did something that looked disturbingly like a pout.

“Cute does seem to agree with you, sis.” Lisa told me trying to hold her laughter.

“I'm glad I amuse you so, sis.” I said angrily at her. I turned to the others and said. “So, what do we do now?”

“I guess we should think about your name, you don't look like a Mark anymore.” MJ said it.

“Melody.” I heard my mom say.

“What?” I asked.

“Melody, that's your new name.”

“I like it.” MJ said and my sister nodded.

“Don't I have a choice in that?”

“No, Melody was going to be your name if you were born a girl and now you are one, so I call the parental right to name their children and name you Melody.”

“B..b..but mom, I don't want to be Melody. It's too girly”

“No buts young lady. It is your name now so get used to it. You didn't have a choice the first time so you don't have a choice now. If you want you can change after your 18th birthday.” My mom said with her no nonsense voice and I knew the discussion was over.

“Come on Mel, let's get some breakfast before my dad eats it all.” MJ said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her.


“Yes, it is your new nickname.” MJ said and kept dragging me downstairs.




Downstairs things weren't much better. As soon as I arrived at the table, the dads' mouths looked like they were going to fall off and their eyes bugged out.

“M..Mark? Is that you?” My dad asked, not believing his eyes.

“H...hi dad.” I said blushing.

“Melody, you can sit at the same spot you did last night.” MJ said.

“Melody?” My dad asked and looked at mom that was just arriving.

“Yes, hon. Melody. That's the name we agreed on if she was born a girl, remember?”

“But changing his name already?”

“Why not, our daughter is having her first period so I thought I was appropriate for her to have a girls name.”

Hearing that, my father's face went green, probably more about the word period than the fact I was now named Melody.”

“P...period? Does it mean the changes...”

“Are complete? I think so.” My mom said interrupting dad.

“That was too fast. Thankfully we are already going to see a doctor right after breakfast.” MJ's dad said.

“I thought I was going to have my powers tested?” I asked him.

“That and a complete medical checkup. Don't worry, my friend has everything he needs in his private clinic.”




I don't think I need to tell you how much I ate, right? Let's just say that I have no idea how that much can fit inside my stomach as it looks physically impossible, but then again I could ask the same thing about MJ's or her father's. I think that my parent's and my sister looked a little sick seeing us eating like we did.

After breakfast MJ and Lisa went to school while my parents and MJ's dad went with me to the doctor.

Arriving at his clinic, it didn't look like anything special. We parked and went inside. The receptionist looked at us and then at MJ's dad recognizing him and said. “Good morning, the doctor is waiting for you.”

“Thanks Elaine.” He said and we went to meet the doctor.

Entering his office, a middle aged man greeted us. He had a full head of hair that was starting to go gray on the temples giving a distinguished look, he was also very fit and didn't look much like a doctor, he looked like he should be in Hollywood making movies.

“Good morning, so this is the young... lady you told me last night?” The doctor asked.

“Yes, this is her Dr. Paine.” MJ's dad said.

“Doctor Pain?” I asked wondering why would he have such a name, was he a super-villain or something?

“No, P A I N E with and e at the end.”

“Oh, sorry. For a moment I thought that was some sort of super-villain name or something.”

“Actually my old super-villain name was Dr. Pain.” He said proudly.

“You mean you are a super-villain?” I asked and glared at MJ's dad. How could he take me to a super-villain. I was worried I would be tortured now. I looked around and saw the same worried expressions from my parents.

“I'm retired. I got tired of having the law after me and frankly I make more money legally than I was able to when I was a super-villain. I just couldn't live up to my name. I found out that I hate to make people suffer.”

“Oh, okay.” I said with a sigh of relief.

“At least when I'm not dricking out.” He finished.

“Dricking out?”

“I am a Devisor and unfortunately I suffer from Diedrick's Syndrome, that's a fairly common syndrome among devisors but can be controlled using medication.

“Diedrick's Syndrome? What is that?” I asked.

“Think about the classic super-villain attitude, the megalomania, the paranoia, the delusions of grandeur and irrationality among other things. Those are classical symptoms of it. When I was a super-villain I wasn't on medication so I was constantly dricking out.”

“Oh, I see. So most master-minds are suffering from it?”

“Some yes, others just are like that. But enough about me, we are here to talk about you and your mutation.” With that, everyone but my mom and I left the room.

“I was told that you started to change yesterday and you were are a boy, right?”


“You seem to be changing very fast, faster than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

“I...I don't think she is changing anymore, Dr.” My mom said.

“You mean the changes are complete? How do you know that?”

“She started her period sometime during the night.” She said and I tried to hide my face behind my hands ashamed.

“Incredible. What other things happened to you during that time?”

I told him everything that happened and he just kept nodding his head. After I finished he asked. “When you picked up that toothbrush, did you have control over the hand?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you control it or it just did that on its own?”

“I think it did on its own. I was just watching what was happening, as surprised as my sister was.”

“And what about when you blasted that kid?”

“I just wanted him to leave me alone. I never thought about blasting him or anything.”

“That's strange. Most of what you told me sounded like the Typical TK superman stuff with external use of telekinesis with a good degree with dexterity but that requires a high level of control, something you don't seem to have yet. Do you hear any voices inside or head, see images or have strange feelings?”

“Voices no, pictures no, feelings? Every time I move I feel strange feelings but other than that no. Why do you ask?”

“I was wondering if you might be an avatar. Not that the fact you didn't experience those things yet means you are not one.”

“An avatar?”

“Mutants that host a spirit in a symbiotic relationship. Avatars maintain and feed spirits the energy they need while the spirits give avatars some or all of their powers.”

“What kind of spirit would give me pink powers? Or pink hair, or make me a girl?”

“I have no idea. Whether you are an avatar or not, it doesn't mean the pink aspect is part of that, it might be just part of your mutation. The only clue we have about it so far is that your external TK seem to be somewhat independent of you, just reacting to what you want and doing it independently. We will explore that more later, first we should go and have the physical exam.”

With that he directed me to the examination room and gave me a pink hospital gown for me to change into. (Yeah, I know. Couldn't he give me a blue one?)

So I changed, was measured (It seems I am still 5”10'), weighted (no I'm not going to tell you my weight) and made me lay down in a table that had something metal protruding from it at where my legs are supposed to rest and it was so humiliating, even more than when my mother explained to me how to use the tampons. I was completely exposed to a stranger and WHY DOES WHATEVER HE USED, HAVE TO BE SO COLD? (and yes, my mom was with me the whole time.)

Finishing up what I learned was a pelvic exam, he called a nurse and she took some blood without problems and the doctor seemed surprised at that.

The nurse was leaving the exam room with my blood when I heard a few pops and the nurse yelled.

“What happened?” The doctor asked.

“I.. I don't know. One moment the blood was in the vials and then it seemed to vanish and the vials just imploded.” She said nervously.

“Fascinating.” Was all Dr. Paine said.

He turned to me with a syringe and took some more blood, noticing that when the needle left my arm the wound appeared to heal very fast, not letting a single drop of blood escape. He looked at the syringe and waited for a few seconds when suddenly the blood inside seemed to just vanish and the syringe sort of broke inwards like it was imploding.

“Simply fascinating and very disturbing too. It seems we won't be able to do a blood exam after all.”

“Disturbing? Why?” I asked him.

Because it seems that when any of your blood leaves your body it simply ceases to exist after a few moments.”

“I don't understand.” I told him.

“I don't either, but I will figure it out.”


To be continued….

Please comment, give your opinion and suggestions. Your ideas might just end up influencing the path the story takes. If you have read to this point, you KNOW that Andrea writes REALLY well. Please leave a comment so she can see how well you write. (H.E.R.)

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