Pink? Why Pink? - Part 20

"Is that a Velociraptor?"


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 20
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro


"I give up. Yes, my powers make me look like a freaking Pink Lantern. Whatever I imagine I can make it appear, and with the TK field embedded they can lift almost 5 tons."

"Are you saying that the pixie girl over there is super strong?" Toni asked pointing at Sue that started to flex her harms, trying to show off her non existing muscles.

"As far as I know, yes." I said.

"And is she really controlled by your avatar spirit?" Chou, a very attractive Chinese girl asked.

"I never heard of an avatar that can do that." Nikki said.

"Actually we found out that I can do this by chance. I heard that some Avatars can let their spirits control their bodies temporarily and I also wondered if my constructs were linked to me somehow as I can control what they do, although they do seem to have a little bit of autonomy. Like the Hello Kitty I summoned earlier for Jade. I just wanted to make it act affectionate towards her and as soon as I summoned it..."

"It came running to me and jumped in my arms hugging me and snuggling. It as the cutest thing ever." Jade said finishing what I was trying to say. "I wonder if a 30 feet tall one would look as cute." She added looking upward and had this odd dreamy look on her face. "Maybe she could dance too."

"And make everyone think we just summoned Gozer? Are you crazy?" Asked Hank.

"Hank, do you really need to ask that?" Ayla asked him and he just looked back at her for a few seconds before his face made a 'Oh yeah' kind of look.

"Can you make something for us to see?" Nikki asked me.

"What do you want me to do?"

"How about a bunny? MJ asked. "I think it would be cute."

"Seriously? A bunny?" Billie asked. "Why not something like a sword or a light saber?"

"A pink light saber?" Asked Chou.

"If whatshisname could get a purple one, why not pink?" said Nikki.

I decided to do something a little bit different I made the light saber handle and threw it to Ayla. I also made a bunny that hopped towards Nikki who picked it up.

"Awww that is so cute." Jade exclaimed. "I bet Bunny would go nuts over it."

"Would I go nuts over what?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw a blond bombshell walking our way.

"Bunny! You gotta meet the new girls and look at what your girlfriend is holding." Jade said excitedly.

"What is she holding?" She asked and took a look at Nikki's lap. "Oh my gosh! Is that a pink bunny? It is so cute! Where did you get it? Can I hold it?" She said sounding even more excited than Jade.
"Bunny, these are Melody and MJ." Jade introduced us after Bunny got the bunny from Nikki and was petting it. "Melody is the one that made the bunny appear with her powers.

Ayla at that point figured out the handle and turned on the light saber. It grew out from the handle just like the ones from the movies and it even did the sound effects and she started to move it around.

"Nice to meet you, did you really make this bunny? How does it work? It looks so real. And why is Ayla waving a pink light saber around?"

"Mel is just showing off her powers." MJ said. "I'm MJ. It’s nice to meet you."

"I'm not showing off. I was asked to make them." I complained.

"But did you have to make a working light saber? Or a bunny that looks and acts alive?" She replied.

"No, but that's how my powers work. I imagine what I want to appear and it does. I don't know why the bunny acts just like one. I just wanted it to hop to Nikki and nothing else. I admit I was showings off with the light saber though."

"Wait, are you the pink lantern I just heard the others talking about?" Bunny asked me.

"What? They are already talking about me? Dammit I just feel like I chose a code name for nothing. Everyone will call me pink lantern."

"What's your codename? Asked Jade. "Mine is Generator and here we have Tennyo, Phase, Lancer, Bladedancer, Chaka, Fey and Bugs." She said pointing at at Billie, Ayla, Hank, Chou, Tonni, Nikki and Bunny.

"Mine is Mirage Rose and MJ's is... MJ, you never told me your codename."

"You never asked. My codename is Sparxtech."

"You used your last name as part of your codename?

"Sure, why not? Who would ever think that my last name is Sparx anyway? Also I couldn't think of anything better and it suits me. Heck, my last name already sounds like a codename."

"Are you sure this is just an illusion?" Ayla asked me after giving me the handle back. I just made it disappear from my hand.

"At least that's what the doctor that made my powers tests told me."

"It didn't feel like an illusion. Even with the TK field it wouldn't have weight as illusions doesn't have mass."

"What? I didn't know my constructs had weight."

"Can I take a look at the bunny again, Bunny? " Asked Nikki extending her hands to get the bunny.

Reluctantly, Bunny gave it to Nikki with a sad look who then started to exam it.

"Hmmm... This is odd." She said.

"What?" I exclaimed.
"This construct does have a TK field, but it isn't embedded, it's coating it." She said.

"Like mine?" Asked Hank.

"It seems so." Answered Nikki.

"What is the odd thing?" I asked.

"It's the magical signatures of the construct. It doesn't look like an Illusion. It resembles... No! It can't be right. The magic energies in this isn't..."

"Is there something wrong with it?" I asked worried.

"No. It just shouldn't be possible. But this... Shit, I have no idea." She sounded frustrated.

"What is Ungabunga saying about it?" Toni asked her.

"Ungabunga?" MJ and I asked together.

"How many times did I tell you to call her that? Her name is Aunghadhail." Nikki admonished her friend. "Aunghadhail is my other self. She is a Sidhe Queen and she isn't saying anything. There is something about this construct that disturbed her."

"Are you an avatar too?" I asked.

"Not exactly, it's complicated." She said.

"What do you meant about my constructs not looking like an illusion?"

"I'm not sure. It just didn’t feel or looked like an illusion to my eyes."

"And if she says it isn't an illusion she is probably right." Ayla added.

"Just what I needed, another mystery." I said frustrated. "First the thing with my blood, now this."

"What is wrong with your blood?" Asked Jade.

"Nothing, other than disappearing whenever it leaves my body. Apparently there is some sort of magic working there." I said.

"And you don't know where it comes from?" Nikki asked.

"I have no idea. That's the main mystery." I said frustrated. "Although it is convenient with my regen, but I can't understand why or how it happened."

"Are you a regen too? That's so cool, I'm one too. What level are you?"

"I'm not sure. The doctor classified as level 4 but thought it could be higher as there was no way to safely test for higher levels. It seems he was right though." I said and for some reason I had to sit down and started to shake. MJ sat beside me and enveloped me in a comforting embrace.

"Oh gosh. Did something happen? Is it why you came here now?" Jade asked looking worried.

"She was attacked last night. Six guys wearing power armors dropped on them. She was able to fight them off, but got the left leg blown at some point." MJ told them. "She woke up this morning in the hospital with her leg fully healed. "

"Got her leg blown off and she is already walking? How long did it take to heal?" Asked Ayla.

"According to the doctors, about 30 minutes after she got there she was fully healed. It took the ambulance 10 minutes to get to the hospitals and she was probably shot about 5 or so minutes before? I'd say somewhere between 45 to 50 minutes?" Answered MJ.

"That is impressive. I would think high 5 or maybe even 6." Ayla said.

"Definitely a 6. I'm a regen 5 and takes me about a day or so to fully re grow a limb. One-sama is a regen 7. It takes her no time at all.

"One-sama?" I asked.

"That would be me. Jade insists on calling me that." Said Billie.

"I thought regenerators were rare." I said.

"They are." Chou said.

"Wait a minute, did you two had regrown limbs too?" I asked Billie and Jade.

"Yeah." Billie answered. "A couple times." And shrugged her shoulders.

"Me too, it's no biggie." Jade added.

"Was that before or after coming to Whateley?"

"After." They said together.

"Oh great. I don’t feel so safe anymore. What about you, MJ?" I looked at MJ and she looked a little pale. She just shook her head without saying a word.

"Hey it didn’t happen on campus, you know." Jade said.

"Oh yeah, in here people tried to kill us a just a few times." added Toni.

"Stop scaring them." Nikki said.

"We better go to Dunn Hall quickly there will be no good food left." Hank said after looking at his watch. I think he was trying to change the subject.

"What time is it?" Billie asked and then looked at her watch. "Shit, we gotta go now." She said and flew away followed closely by Hank.

Maybe not.

"I guess we should go to before those two eat all the good stuff." Toni said. "Are you coming?"

"Sure, I'm starving." MJ said.

"Yeah, so am I." I added.

"Like they could cook a half decent meal using the Dunn Hall kitchen. I miss Crystal Hall." Ayla said.

"Don't mind him. He is such a snob when it comes about food." Toni told us.

"Ayla is a guy?" I asked Toni.

"Yep. He has a weird BIT thing going on. Looks like a girl but still have a massive tool. You should see the tent on his towel in the morning after he peeks at all the hotties leaving the showers. Oh, and you gotta try the shower heads special setting. You are going to love it. Trust me. Just make sure you are alone in the bathroom."

What does she mean about that? Wait... Ayla is a guy and showers in the girls bathroom? That makes no sense.




"Is that a Velociraptor?" I asked after seeing what looked like a dinosaur wearing shorts and a t-shirt carrying a tray full of meat.

"That's Razorback. He is a sweetie." Jade said.

"He is a very nice guy." Added Nikki.

"And what the heck is that?" I asked and averted my eyes before I threw up at the most horrifying sigh of my life, a pudgy and apparently blind black kid wearing an outfit that defies explanation. How can ordinary pieces of clothing become such a nauseating sight when combined like that?

"That's Jericho. He has the most nauseating sense of style ever. I swear he does that on purpose." Toni said.

"You kinda learn to almost ignore that effect after a while as long you don’t look directly at the clothes." Jade piped in.

The school cafeteria was an interesting sight you could see all kinds of people around. I saw from some exemplars that can put most Hollywood stars to shame to some severe GSD cases, like the velociraptor from before, sorry, Razorback. Hey, is that a cat girl? Those cat ears are so cute. Cute? What the hell am I thinking? Wow, did I just see a Naga? Now that is cool.

It wasn't overly crowded, but probably it was because it was Sunday. Still there were a lot of people there and the amount of food available was staggering. I guess there are a lot of bricks and energizers around here.

I was feeling a little uncomfortable at the food line because I kept noticing people looking at our direction and there were some whispering around.

There were a lot of choices of plates, a much bigger selection than in my old school. I think I got a little of almost everything there. I couldn't decide what to eat okay? And most things looked too good to pass. I do need to come back for dessert the chocolate pudding looks so good.

The food was very good, way better than in my old school, but Ayla did find something to complain about even though she got something special from the cafeteria. I though I ate a lot, but Billie? OMG! I've never seen someone to eat as much as her. I swear she was using the tray as a plate.

We were talking during lunch when I saw a girl, carrying a tray of food get tripped by something and instinctively I reached out to her, making a hand appear, stopping her from falling and another two got the tray. Other than some spilled liquids the food was intact.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes, thank you." She said and I let the hands give her tray back to her.

"That was a nice trick." She said.


"I'm Lightweight, by the way."

Seeing that she introduced herself using her codename I decided to use mine too. "I'm Mirage Rose."

She thanked me again and went her way. That's when I heard a voice say.

"Didn't I tell you? We have a pink lantern on campus."

"Where do you think she keeps her lantern?" Another one asked.

"Who cares? She is hot." Someone else said.

Now I must confess I did something that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. In my nervousness I raised my pink field and flew off, fleeing the cafeteria.




Dammit. Why can't I have a little bit of luck?

"Are you okay?" I heard someone say and to my surprise it was Billie standing at the door.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said. "Want to come in?"

"Thanks." She said coming in and sitting in mid air. "You are having problems with the pink lantern thing, aren't you?"

"It is so frustrating. You have no idea what it is like to be like a fictional character." I told her.

"Are you kidding me? If there is someone that knows what it is like, it's me."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't I look familiar to you?"

"Nope, not really."

"Don't you watch anime?"

"I never was a big fan, why?"

"You know, it is kind of refreshing for someone to see me for me. Believe me when I say I know how you feel like. You'll probably have as much trouble from the fan-boys as I." She said with a grimace. "I also know how it is to have your gender changed so quickly. Mine was almost instantaneous I think. One minute I was burning and the next I woke up completely female in a hospital."

"Was it difficult? To adjust to being a girl?"

"It is hard to say. It was strange at first, but after some time it felt natural. You don't really think about it. In the end it isn't that much different. You can still do everything you did as a guy."

"Except peeing standing up." I said.

"Who said you can't?"

"But if I tried to, it would make a mess."

"Exactly, but you still can. And seriously, you got some cool powers and who cares it makes you look like a pink lantern, who cares? You could even use it to your advantage."


"I have no idea, but I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"Maybe. I just wish everything wasn't so pink you know. I mean pink powers, pink hair, pink eyebrows, pink eyes. These is such thing called too much pink and I'm it."

"At least it looks good on you. If you were still a guy, it would look weird."

"That is so true. I almost got beat up when I manifested because my eyes turned pink and an asshole felt his masculinity threatened by it."

"And what happened to him?"

"I wasn't paying attention but I think he got a pink right hook that sent him flying a few feet."




MJ arrived at our room a few minutes later and sat beside me.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"A little better. Billie talked to me a bit and cheered me up."

"The blue haired girl?"

"Yes, that's the one. She is quite nice and she seems to know what I'm going through. She said she had some trouble with the fan-boys here." I said. "So how bad is it?"

"How bad is what?"

"Don't play coy with me. You know what I'm talking about."

"Oh. The cafeteria thing. Actually it wasn't so bad. A few students got excited and I heard a group of boys arguing about the existence or not of a pink lantern cop and a boy here at Poe actually asked me if you were recruiting."

"Oh boy, just what I needed."




During the afternoon, we had to go to the administration building to get our student IDs and our school laptop computers. I can say that this is the first time I ever see something like that happening. We were also told to format them and reinstall everything as the previous user might have left some surprise to the next one as a prank and it seems it is a regular thing if they are requesting us to do that.

So that’s what we did, we went to our room and started to work on the computer. Actually MJ did all the work as she is the computer expert between the two of us. After the computers were ready we connected them to the school Wi-Fi network and configured our email accounts.

As soon as I opened my email I saw a message from my sister saying she found a website that would cheer me up.

I don’t know if I laugh or cry because the website was hilarious and disturbing at the same time

If you are curious about the website, here it is:, but be advised. It can’t be unseen.

MJ saying how cute the Hello Kitty items were and was gushing all over them, I on the other hand was reading about the guy’s misfortune and laughed like there was no tomorrow.

My laughs attracted Billie’s attention that came in and started to read the guy’s posts and was laughing with me when Jade popped in.

“What are you guys laughing so much about?” She asked and looked at the monitor screen. “Oh my gosh! Is that a Hello Kitty Ferrari? That is so cute.”

“That is nothing, take a look at this.” MJ told her and showed her screen.

“A Hello Kitty bra? I so want one. That is the cutest thing ever.”

“I know, I found the website that is selling it and ordered a few pairs for me and Mel. They are going to look so sexy on us.” MJ said proudly.

I’m so going to kill my sister next time I see her.


To be continued….

Hi everyone. You know the drill, right? Comment, press the kudos button, blah blah blah blah.

Seriously, I love to hear your opinions. Even if I don't answer every single one of the comments I DO read them all and they CAN give me ideas for the story too, so they DO have an impact of how the story develops. It might also keep me from going into a serious case of writer’s block.

Hugs, Andrea.

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