Pink? Why Pink? - Part 10

'Too much pink? Girl, that's heresy. There is no such thing as too much pink, and you promised me.'


Pink? Why Pink?
Part 10
 ©2012 - Andrea Ribeiro




"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares?


Okay, that was a surprise, I should have seen that one coming miles away, but I was so excited and having fun with my powers that I didn't. I can't believe my powers make me look like some sort of the pink equivalent of the green lantern. I can already see the copyright infringement lawsuits coming my way. There is no way I am going to have lantern in my codename, I don't want to give the DC corporate lawyers even more ammunition.

"That's just great, I'm a freaking pink lantern. I can't f****ng believe it."

"Watch your mouth young lady." My mother admonished me.

"Sorry mom. I'm just so pi... I mean peeved right now."

"Whatever for? From what I heard you got some handy powers."

"The problem is that my powers looks like they came from a second rate comic book superhero."

"The Green Lantern isn't a second rate superhero, just never was as popular as Superman or Batman, and his powers were very nice too." The doctor added.

"That's true, but I can already see all the pink lantern jokes."

"Maybe you are thinking it is worse than really is, your powerset basically puts you on the powerhouse category, most mutants doesn't have powers as strong or as versatile as yours."

"That's true I suppose." I said.

"Also, if you hear any pink lantern jokes, take it in stride, if you don't mind then, they will go away as fast as they come."

"I know. I guess I'm just still trying to process everything that happened to me the last day or so. I didn't even have time to be a girl yet, and that's not something I can come to terms easily. I never freaked out so much in my life before and for some reason, every time I freaked out since yesterday I just lost consciousness, before I would get angry, yell, do something, anything but no, I just stand there petrified or just faint."

"I think I know what happened and I believe it won't happen again. Your changes came very fast and those changes affected your entire body, including your brain. What probably happened when as you said 'freaked out' during the rewiring of your brain, the shock you received at those times made your brain misfire making you freeze and lose consciousnesses. Now that the changes are complete I don't think it will happen again."

"That's a relief, but what do you mean with my brain rewiring?"

"The changes imposed by a BIT, are complete, the rewiring of the brain is common and helps the mutant to get used to a new body shape, helps you to control your powers as the rewiring create new neural pathways responsible forbthe use of them and also helps to adjust in case of gender swaps. Most of the difficulty you might have adjusting to be a girl will be due to your upbringing, because your brain is already female."

"So you are saying that I should go with the flow and stop trying to hold on to my manhood?"

"It will be the best thing in the long run. The more you fight the change the more miserable you will be and in the end the result will be the same."

"I think I understand. It won't be easy but I have the impression that I won't suffer from a lack of volunteers to help me adjust."

"You got that right. After we leave here we will be meeting Your sister and MJ at the mall. You need a new wardrobe."

'Did I just hear shopping? Oh gosh it will be so fun. We can try all the cute outfits.'

'Don't tell me you expect me to try some cute outfit.'

'Of course I do. That's what I was planning on doing when you agreed to cheer me up.'

'And if I don't?'

'Then I'll spend a lot of time saying why Hello Kitty is the cutest cartoon character there is until you do.'

'You wouldn't dare.'

'No, I believe you.'

I sighed and said to mom: "You just had to mention shopping now Mary Sue is all excited and wanting me to try a lot of cute outfits."

"Who is Mary Sue?" My mother asked me.

"She is the is the spirit that is joined with me. She is also a very lively girl and loves cute things."

"Don't worry about that sweetie, we won't make you try out anything you don't want to."

"That's easy for you to say, she haven't been shopping for almost 40 years and now I am the only way to do so. To get me try things is the closest thing she can get from actually shopping. That and the fact I got her mad at me earlier and promised I would cheer her up."




"I hate to interrupt but did you choose your codename yet?" The doctor said interrupting us.

"I don't have a good one yet, I thought it would be easier to choose one after knowing what I can do, but then I got stuck on the pink lantern thing and that one there is no way I can use. Also I don't want to use any variations of light or lantern."

"You said you create solid illusions, right?" My mom asked me.

"Yes, I create pink magical illusions given substance by a telekinetic field embed in them. At least that what I understood."

"That's a fairly accurate description." The doctor said in agreement.

"Can I give a suggestion for a codename?" She asked me.

"Sure, I am a little stuck at the pink lantern thing at the moment and don't seem to be able to think about any codename."

"What do you think of Mirage Rose?"

"Mirage Rose? Why?"

"A mirage is something illusory like your solid illusions and rose is one other word for pink, also both are French words and have the same meaning, actually rose is the French word for pink I believe, and I believe Mirage Rose sounds better and classier than Pink Illusion and that's what the name means. Of course it doesn't hurt that the name doesn't sound like a fighters name."

"Actually that's not a bad name, I would rather keep the rose away and keep just the Mirage but someone is bound to have registered the name, and it does say something about my powers without being too descriptive. OK, I'll go with Mirage Rose for now. It can be changed later, right?"

"Yes it can, it's not very easy after you are 18, but it can be done."

"Then Mirage Rose it is. Thank you, mom. I was really stuck in the codename department. Every time I tried to think of one the pink lantern thing would pop up." I told her and then did something completely out of character for me. I hugged her. Maybe the girl thing is getting to me already.

In no time at all the doctor came with a few documents saying that we could take those to any MCO office to be able to get a temporary MID. That would also mean the MCO wouldn't be able to use the detaining for evaluation spiel they seem to love so much.

In the end we thanked the doctor for everything he did and went or way to the mall and my impeding doom. (Insert Jaws theme song here)




We got to the mall and quickly found a parking spot. I'll tell you, sometimes I think mom is a mutant with luck powers, she never has problems finding a parking space, even during the holidays. Anyway, we got out of the car and went to the food court where we found my sister and MJ waiting for us. Boy they were eager to know how my tests go, so we talked while we ate and they thought my powers were cool and loved the codename. When I told them the green lantern comparison they just gave me that look that said they had no idea what I was talking about so I let it drop."

"You know, your powers are so much cooler than mine. All I can do is build stuff and power them myself and you can basically make anything you want to appear." MJ told me.

"True, but you can sell your inventions and make money out of them, as soon as I get distracted my illusions disappear, also every thing I make is pink."

"That's not a problem for me, I love pink."

'I love pink too, it's my favorite color. You HAVE to try some outfits in pink. With your eyes and hair color it will look so good on you.'

'Do I have to? Don't you think there is enough pink in my life already?'

'Too much pink? Girl, that's heresy. There is no such thing as too much pink, and you promised me.'

'Okay, I'll try whatever you want if that makes you happy.'





"What is she doing? Did she freak out again?" I heard my sister ask mom.

"No, I think she is talking to the voice in her head." She answered and giggled.

"You mean she is going crazy?" My sister asked.

"No, dear sister, I'm not going crazy, the crazy one is the voice inside my head. I'm the sane one. Seriously, I'm an avatar and I host a spirit that talks to me and in exchange for the energy they need, I get whichever powers the spirit might have."

"So, what is this spirit you host like?" MJ asked me.

"I don't know her too well yet, so I'm just going to give my impressions. She seems to be a upbeat, a little hyperactive, talkative girl that loves cute things and pink. She can also be very bitchy when angry."

"Sounds like the kind of girl I would love to have as a friend. I wish I could meet her." my sister said and the others expressed similar reactions.

"Anyway how did your morning at school go?"

That set MJ off and she started: "It was awesome, Steven and a half dozen kids weren't at school today and no one seemed to know you were the one that knocked him off yesterday. There were a couple MCO goons that went to the school looking for the 'dangerous mutant' that their sources said attacked innocent students but they were chased out by uncle Bart."

"Uncle Bart? Who is he?" I asked her.

"You know, the vice-principal."

"Isn't his name Daniel Simpson?"

"No, that's his middle name, his first name is Bartholomew."

"Are you telling me that the vice-principal name is Bart Simpson?" I asked trying not to giggle and failing. Yes I giggled, so sue me.

"That's the reason why he use his middle name at school. He heard all the Simpsons joke there is, but even so it's not as bad as my aunt's initials."

"Which are your aunt's initials?"

"My aunt's name is Phoebe Marie and she is married to uncle Bart. She never used her initials after she got married."

"Phoebe Marie? Why would that be a problem?" I asked her. My mother and sister were giggling already. Me? I'm lost.

"Think about it, Mel. What is my Aunt's name?"

"Phoebe Marie Simpson?

"And her initials?"

"PMS.....Oh...." as soon the penny dropped I started giggling with them.

"Now she got it." I heard my mother say between giggles.

"Anyway, you said the MCO went to school?"

"Yes, but my uncle chased then off the school grounds."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"He said that they were looking for you and they wanted to detain you for further evaluation to make sure you are not a threat to others. He also said they called you a dangerous mutant that attacked innocent students in the school without provocation according to their 'sources'."

"As sources you mean the H1?"

"Who else?"

"We don't need to worry about the MCO. We got all the documentation to get Melody a temporary MID. Now let's go shop." My mother said and the 3 girls looked at me with an evil glint in their eyes and an even eviler smile on their faces.

Oh yeah, I'm sure I heard an evil laugh inside my head the the sound system at the mall started to play a nightmarish Hanna Montana song. I am soooo doomed.




I'm not going go tell you the blow by blow of my trip down the rabbit hole, yes that's how I decided to call my shopping expedition. I'll tell you, girls are scary when shopping in groups and unfortunately yours truly was the main attraction for the evening. Their own personal Barbie doll, and the nightmare didn't end after we left the mall, it went on even after we got home and I had to do an impromptu fashion show. It was pure hell.

'Come on, it wasn't that bad. You had some fun. You can't lie to me you know? I can feel whatever you feel and I'm sure that goes the other way too. I noticed you getting almost as excited as I was during the shopping spree.'

'And that's what made it pure hell. It felt like I was losing myself. Come on I even bought a Hello Kitty pajamas, not to mention the skirts and shoes, and oh gosh! A pair baby blue Tweety panties. What is happening to me?'

'You are adapting, probably also being influenced by me too, after all we feed our emotions to each other, and that has an effect on the both of us.'

'I guess so, but I'm feeling like I'm losing myself and it scares me. I spent over 15 as a boy that's all I knew. Now I got changed into a girl with pink hair, eyes and powers and had my manhood ripped out from me, so yes I'm having a little problem letting go.'

'I don't think you'll lose yourself, people change over time, yes, but all that made you who you are, is still inside you.'

'You really think so?'

'Yes, I do. Some things will change but the core of who you are will always stay the same. And I think you have your parents to thank for that, they did a great job raising you.'

'You know, I think you would make a great therapist.'

'Not really, I got bored easily and even though I was dead and had no idea why I hadn't moved on, I was still around and had to find ways to keep myself occupied. At first I kept watching my high school classes, went to the senior prom and watched everyone have fun. I even went to what was supposed to be my graduation. It was a very hard time. There I was watching all my friends having fun and moving on with their lives and I couldn't even talk to them. I wanted to cry but I couldn't even do that, there were no tears that could be shed. I was slowly going crazy and I was scared. In the end I started to go to the university and watch every classes I could just to keep myself occupied. That worked for a few years but in the end I got tired of that too. The hardest part was to see my mother growing old and she was so sad after my death. Before my death she was always and upbeat, I looked up to her and we did so many things together as we were alone. My father was killed in Vietnam 5 years years before, but even to become a widow with a 10 year old daughter made her as sad and broken like my death did.'

'How did you manage to stay sane all these years?'

'Who said I did? Being alone for so long I ended up in the ditsy state I was when you first heard me. I was in a state where I cared for nothing, did whatever I wanted and went wherever my fancy took me. After I got stuck inside you I started to feel the world around me again. I was trapped with nowhere to go, but I could feel the sun and the wind on your face, taste the food you were eating and so many more sensations that I thought I had lost forever. When you finally heard my voice I knew that I wasn't alone anymore and that is priceless. Even though we been together for less than 2 days I can say that I am feeling more and more like my old self. Don't worry about losing yourself, I won't let that happen and will be with you all the way.'

'Gosh, I didn't know you had it so rough. It must have been terrible, I could feel your sadness when you talked about it.'

'It was, but it's in the past now. My only regret is that I never got to say goodbye to my mother.'

'I can imagine. I would want to do that too. How old were your mother when she died?'

'She isn't dead, she is 73 years old and lives in a nursing home a couple miles from here. You know, she never smiled after my death, not even once in over almost 38 years.'

'Why don't we go there tomorrow to see her, maybe you'll get your chance to say goodbye.'

'Would you do that for me?'

'No, not for you. For you and your mother, you two deserve the chance to get some closure, and after hearing that sobbing story I knew I had to do something to help you.'


To be continued….

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