

The Center: Tester - Part 7

The Center: Tester - Part 7

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Give Zip a thank you for all his help with editing!


I am proud to present chapter 7 of The Center: Tester. This is a special chapter.

Red Shoes - Part 1

Red Shoes
by KaylaKayKee

These are the diary notes of a young man whom after taking a summer job experiences changes beyond anyone’s wildest imagination. It also suggests that there may be magic out there, not in the form of dramatic hocus-pocus but a more subtle one.

And sometimes that magic can come from something as inconspicuous as a pair of — Red Shoes.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 24

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 24 Building Friendships

Somewhat apprehensively I answered ‘Hi’

‘Where did you disappear to tonight we were just warming up?’

‘Sorry I was getting nervous and didn’t want to drink too much and be ill for work tomorrow. I said that because of the importance of my new job I was just being responsible.’

The Center: Tester - Part 6

The Center: Tester - Part 6

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Thank Zip for the editing!


Here is The Center: Tester - Part 6. So not much happens this chapter except introduction to some new characters. I decided to test out a new photo. Please tell me if you like this new photo. Enjoy!

Knowing Yourself - Chap-31

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Thirty One

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

I was sitting here waiting for our next client to arrive on the first Saturday I’ve had available in nearly a month while I looked at the few pages of my diary which Tan recently filled in. I need to find a better place to hide and secure it. I don’t mind him writing in it but sometimes I put stuff in it that I would rather keep secret for a while.

The Center: Tester - Part 5

The Center: Tester - Part 5

By Blackout

Editor: Zip

Please thank Zip for the help in editing. I know I really appreciate it. Also I would like to thank everyone else for the messages helping me improve the stories.


Here is the Center: Tester - Part 5. I hope you enjoy. In this chapter Rachael has some self discoveries as well as tragedies.

Knowing Yourself - Chap-30

Knowing Yourself:
Chapter Thirty

Lilith Langtree
T. D. Aldoennetti

Adversity, Love, Friends and Family define us.

When we finally returned home from our journeys, Tan seemed strangely preoccupied. Oh, we still slept together and we still... well, you probably know anyway, but he just isn’t himself. After a couple of days of my prodding and poking trying to learn what’s wrong without much success, he finally announced shortly after we were dressed to go in to the studio one morning, that we are going to see his sister... again.

You Meant it for Evil - 17

You meant it for evil - 17
by Maeryn Lamonte

It was raining now. I had the windscreen wipers on, but it was hard to tell if my blurred vision was caused by raindrops on glass or the tears which continued to flow. Suddenly there were lights ahead of me. Red lights and the tall yellow shape of a lorry, too close. I jammed on my brakes. An ugly laughter drifted across my awareness and one last phrase.

“You're mine.”

The Center: Tester - Part 3

The Center: Tester - Part 3

By Blackout

Editor: Renee M
Thanks Renee M for editing!


After the incident of horror with Liz, Kris and I got a ride to the facility. I was ready to see this center place, already. The whole way my boobs kept bouncing up and down in the hospital gown. “I really needed a bra…..uhg to infinity”. When we finally arrived, I leaped out of the jeep as fast as possible, ready to get my grub on.

The Flower

.The flower

Written by Dauphin
Everyone thinks a boy is dumb, but his life is about to change
"A simple naive boy is understood by a girl who turns him into a flower. One of the sweetest stories around" Diana
"This story always reminds me of Forest Grump. After many stories where there was an element of force, I wanted to write a sentimental one" Dauphin

The Center: Tester - Part 2

The Center: Tester - Part 2

By Blackout

Editor: Geekydee

Thanks to Geekydee for the help in editing.


“What’s happening? What’s happening? What’s happening to me?!?!” The pain was unbearable; it was as if my body was twisting shrinking and taking a new form. I heard voices all around me.

“Doctor, he woke up!”

“Quickly, sedate him!”

After that I felt a needle being shoved into my arm and fell back asleep.

The Center: Tester - Part 1

The Center: Tester - Part 1

By Blackout


Editor: Geekydee

Give a shout out to Geekydee for the editing help!

Ryan thought he had all the happiness in the world. He had his beautiful girlfriend Mattie but life is a roller coaster as Ryan would find. Here is his story as he goes through what can only be considered the biggest change of his life.

Based on The Center universe. Hope you enjoy!

Aurora - Chapter 2 - Trick or Treat?

Aurora Book Cover/Image
Aurora - Chapter 2 - Trick or Treat?

Somehow the woman at the door noticed, and said “Wow, what a wonderful group of costumes we have here, but I think your friend Sleeping Beauty there seems to have gone silent.”

Everyone turned to me at that point, and  my body took it upon it’s self to betray me and blush violently. Once that was taken care of, I smiled politely and said “Trick or Treat?” and even added a bit of a curtsy

Hi All! Sorry for the delay! Chapter 3 is with editors for the first round of "What were you thinking?!?!?!" comments. I hope to have it out next week.

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


The Lucky One (Part 4)

The Lucky One, Part 4

(Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, and all beings in between, this is the conclusion of the exciting origin of the Fantastic Fluke, “the luckiest person alive.” Without further ado, let's join today's adventure, already in progress....)

It was a dark and stormy night....

(Umm, Fluke? Dot here. Just what are you doing?)

(I got bored waiting for you, so I thought I would get started without you)

(Fluke, leave the writing to professionals, okay?)

(Fine. Should we catch every body up)

The Rebirth of the Phoenix (SRU)

Phoenix London was a woman abuser and needed to be taught a lesson, a lesson he'd never forget.

The Rebirth of the Phoenix (SRU)
©2010 — Foxxe Wilder

(Author’s note: This story was previously released but has been re-released here in total with a few very minor changes)


Aurora - Chapter 1 - The Plan

Aurora Book Cover/Image

Brian just wants to be normal like everyone else. His best friend helps hatch a plan that will make that happen. How will it all turn out?

...we both looked down at my torn pants and started to tell the story.

This is the first chapter, in what I hope to be a near novel length book. Chapter 2 is with editors, and work has progressed well on Chapter 3. Your comments and encouragement will help speed me along.

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


Changing for Gym: Fitting In

Migrated from BigCloset Classic...
A new story in Xoop's Changing Room Universe: High school is about learning who you are and how you fit in...
Fitting In

This is light little story inspired by Xoop's 'Changing for Gym' at Big Closet. It could be considered a sequel of sorts, but is actually more of a stand alone story set in the same place. I do make use of Xoop's setting, and a few of his characters (School officials, Jessica Woodruff(in a supporting kind of role) and of course, Hill Street High School.

I have also, quite shamelessly, taken Xoop's intro verbatim just to maintain continuity, with apologies to the original author. But I just couldn't come up with anything better. The rest of the story is completely my own and I'll take whatever blame or kudos come my way for it. Now, on to the story....

Bad Moon Rising-2.

Bad moon Rising-2

Athena/Andrea’s part…

Rick who I’d been undercover with for awhile now and had even had sex with and slept with, who had found out about there being real para-normal forces out there in the world and that I am a goddess.

Was kissing me…

He’s never kissed me like this before; on the job he was never this good. I’ve got the bible still in my hands and he’s kissing me. His tongue is playing naughty things with mine and he’s kissing me like he used to study scrolls with Venus.

Daniel's story

This is a try at MELANIE EZELL'S BIG CLOSET ULTIMATE WRITER'S CHALLENGE, the tenth week challenge:

10. Heaven's Gift

idea: Sometimes our prayers are answered in unexpected ways. Write a story in which the character's change is brought about by an act of the deity of your choice.

length: any

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 12

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole

Chapter 12 The shock

OMG she knows!! How? Why didn’t I go straight home or go to work as Chris and tell her before she sees me?

I sent a text to Julie and asked where she was and would she pick me up since I felt terrible and daren’t go home.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 7

Chapter 7
OMG - What a night!!

I screamed as if I was drowned in acid because the water was cold and it came as such a shock. The few moments that passed seemed like several minutes and I felt as if I was under a waterfall or in a cold shower. Sally told me later that my scream was ear piercing and very girly. The shock lasted ages because in all my life nobody had ever hit me or done anything so bad to me before. I was never a person who would cause trouble and I’d walk away from any confrontation.

Experimental Procedure

Waking up in a strange place with your arms strapped securely against your sides is a rather disconcerting experience. Even after you realize you're in a hospital.

Of course there are only a couple reasons why one wakes up strapped down in the hospital. Either you're a criminal or they're afraid you'll hurt yourself. In case you're wondering, I'm in category 2, and not in the "he might have a seizure" kind of way.

What's in a blessing?

Weekly challenge again. Let's see if I can give justice to MELANIE EZELL'S BIG CLOSET ULTIMATE WRITER'S CHALLENGE, the second week challenge:

2. The Uncomfortable Truth

idea: Write a story from the viewpoint of a non-passing transgender individual. This can explore any facet of the transgender spectrum, but try to focus on either the stigma of being one's self in a culture that values appearances or the difficulties of not being able to express ones inner self.


by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge — February — Where No (Wo)man Has Gone Before

Arthur Denton (parents had a sense of humour) has just turned seventeen. He's been waiting for this day for most of his life, because today he's old enough to apply to join the Fleet Scout Service. It's not just the thrill of adventure that attracts him either, you see they promise to turn him into the person he's always wanted to be.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 5

Chapter 5
The Night Goes On

We took 2 taxis to the bar that wasn’t the one we expected. In fact it was a big surprise because it was a famous and popular Gay nightclub called the Nightingale Club but I’d never heard of it. Jessica had been before with Mary Jo and Sally so it was their recommendation. We had the tickets and when I looked at mine I realized it was the same bar that James had mentioned with the discount tickets. They’d be there I was sure.

Healing Mishap -14-

Healing Mishap -14-
By Lanzaq
“I heard from a very reliable-”

“And drunk.”

“source that one of the last few remaining artifacts are located in this ruin.” Arric said with a small interjection from Raleigh. “And that it is only guarded by two golems and a gargoyle.”

“Stone creatures...ew.” Ash said feeling the blades on her sword. “Stone isn't nice to blades.”

“Gargoyle?” Kate said half lost in cloud-observation. “Its like a stone dragon right?”

Leaving Mars

This is a try at MELANIE EZELL'S BIG CLOSET ULTIMATE WRITER'S CHALLENGE, the February challenge:

February: Where No (Wo)man Has Gone Before

Idea: It is 500 years in the future, and mankind has finally begun mass exploration and colonization of our surrounding stars. What kind of adventures does our kind have, and what changes must we face to survive in this harsh new environment?

Length: 1500 words or more.

The Soul Does Not Perish (part 9)

The Soul Does Not Perish (Part 9)
Lilith Langtree

Chase Moynihan boarded the flight to Hawaii with his four friends with the intention to spend the summer at his parents beach house, just like every other year. When the storm diverted their flight fate, or something else, stepped in and made the experience a fight for his life.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 4

Chapter 4 A night to remember

It was 15 to 20 minutes before we found De Marcos and we were all feeling the cold by the time we arrived. None of us wanted to carry coats all evening since we would be drinking in a few bars. So trust Jessica to toughen us up expecting us to walk in the cold.

New Shampoo

New Shampoo

“Mom! What is this shampoo? Its in a pink bottle!”

“Just picked it up, by accident at the mall, Charles.”

“I can't use this! It's called 'Make me pretty'!”

“Come on. Shampoo is shampoo.”



“Mom, that had some side effects.”

“Side effects? What do you mean?”

“Well, for starters, you might need to start calling me Cheryl”


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