
Dream Come True - Chapter 2

Dream Come True
- Chapter Two -

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Ostracized by family and many friends, Melissa Sterling finds herself on the cold, lonely streets. Being transgendered, not many opportunities present themselves and too many people are overtly discriminatory. Like her family, the state safety net has abandoned her with no income and no health care. A modern American tragedy. In her own mind, she can't seem to catch a break and life doesn't seem worth living. That is, until fate seems to have another plan in place.

In this installment, we learn what has happened to Melissa and a few details. Also, Melissa's transformation begins to show itself.


Dream Come True


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Dream Come True
Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Ostracized by family and many friends, Melissa Sterling finds herself on the cold, lonely streets. Being transgendered, not many opportunities present themselves and too many people are overtly discriminatory. Like her family, the state safety net has abandoned her with no income and no health care. A modern American tragedy. In her own mind, she can't seem to catch a break and life doesn't seem worth living. That is, until fate seems to have another plan in place.

Dream Come True - Chapter 1

Dream Come True
- Chapter One -

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Ostracized by family and many friends, Melissa Sterling finds herself on the cold, lonely streets. Being transgendered, not many opportunities present themselves and too many people are overtly discriminatory. Like her family, the state safety net has abandoned her with no income and no health care. A modern American tragedy. In her own mind, she can't seem to catch a break and life doesn't seem worth living. That is, until fate seems to have another plan in place.

In this installment, we meet Melissa and learn of her fate, for better or for worse.


The Rescue 7

Two of Jalina's friends are murdered while she and Greeta, (her third hijra friend,) are kidnapped to be sold into prostitution.

The Rescue 7

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

Sinful Pleasures 2 - Opening the Store

Sinful Pleasures — Setting Up the Store
by Lesley Renee Charles

Christina (Chris) Martin nee Christopher came to his senses after his startling transformation into a woman, and also with his new found powers. He, make that she was not happy with the idea of being a female, she was happy with her old body and missed her old life. She also realized though that she could not change it now, but would try to find a way to get her old life back.

Data Transfer

Data Transfer
Rachelle Walker

Forward: I have re-written this story to correct errors and to silent the vocal critics who insisted this story was folly. "Duh!" It's fiction! Special thanks to Bill Hart for inspiring writers like myself. The characters included ARE NOT the original characters from the "S.R.U." series and are never intended to thought of as such.

Rising Dawn Chapter 12

Rising Dawn

Chapter 12 - Double Soul

Last time on Rising Dawn.

I get this feeling of warmness and a voice in my head.

"Emergency soul syncho initialised, secondary user identified as family. Full functions available, new souls available.
do you wish to commence soul syncho."



"Yes, Mary-Ann."

"Do not try to stop me."

"From doing what."

I get up to the back ambulance door, and open it.

"What you doing."

"About to have a new hero shown again."


"Soul Syncho."

Its then I Jump out of the Ambulance.

"Soul Syncho, Emerge. Secondary soul activate."

ChangeDay: Advent


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ChangeDay: Advent
Danielle Krieger
(c) 2010

How would you react if all of the sudden everyone around you began a fifteen-minute-long metamorphosis from one sex to the other, including yourself, only to learn that it isn't an isolated incident but happens worldwide? Then, exactly twenty-eight days later, the whole thing happens again, only in reverse. Over several years, humanity will adapt and this sort of thing will become common place. But, we witness this crucial advent through the eyes of an average American teenager, Micheal MacAllister, and learn how he copes with the fact that for half his life he will now be known as Mekayla.

ChangeDay: Advent - Part 1

ChangeDay: Advent
- Part One -

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2010

How would you react if all of the sudden everyone around you began a fifteen-minute-long metamorphosis from one sex to the other, including yourself, only to learn that it isn't an isolated incident but happens worldwide? Then, exactly twenty-eight days later, the whole thing happens again, only in reverse. Over several years, humanity will adapt and this sort of thing will become common place. But, we witness this crucial advent through the eyes of an average American teenager, Micheal MacAllister, and learn how he copes with the fact that for half his life he will now be known as Mekayla.

In this installment, we witness the first two events to soon be called "Change Day" and what could be in store for Micheal, his friends, his family, and the whole world.


The Wynter Lioness - Chapter 6

The Wynter Lioness


Chapter 6


by Tychonaut

Prince Henry Wynter was the Heir to the High Throne of the Heptarchy and prophesised to one day lead his people to unparalleled greatness. Twenty two years after he abandoned his destiny and his throne for the chance to be the person he felt he was meant to be, he finds that Fate has not yet finished with him. The events surrounding the proposed appointment of a new Heir to the High Throne have consequences that reach as far the remote farmstead refuge of the former prince and threaten to destroy the new life that she has built for herself.

The Center: Best Served Cold Part-14

The Center: Best Served Cold -
Part Fourteen


Becca has been having nightmares, all of them involving a certain Mr. Green and how he ruined her life. Now Green's whereabouts might be known and Becca will do whatever it takes to make sure that he doesn't get away from her this time, no matter what the cost.

Rebel to Good Girl

Ed is a nuisance in class and is frequently kept behind at the end of lessons. He is your typical teenage rebel which teachers hate, but Miss Taylor particularly despises the young boy and so has a few plans for him....

Mollies' Revenge 3

“I’m sorry Phil, I’ve got to go now,” I said regretfully, “that was my friend, I’m meeting her in a few minutes.”

I felt his hand gently touch my arm. It made me feel tingly inside.

“I’m sorry too, Mollie. I’d really like to see you again. Perhaps you’d let me take you out to dinner?”

I surprised myself with my answer, “Yes, I’d really like that.”


Mollies' Revenge 3
by Alys


Sandy Claws

Catwoman Sandy Claws
By Maid Joy

Catwoman acts as protector of children and finds some disturbing realities. Things only get worse the deeper into the investigation she goes. A simple thief, not any more. A Mercenary? Maybe if someone were paying her bill. Story threads start weaving together.

Becoming Kim Kardashian... Sort Of (3)

Chapter Three

A month has passed since Jessica Johnston completed training and she is out patrolling on her own route. The old man is pleased with her performance and that reflects back on me in really good ways. I am almost to my five-year mark as an officer for Finesse City Security and I am up for my annual performance review. Anything good will definitely earn me another pip and change in rank from lieutenant to sergeant.

You Meant it for Evil - 05

You meant it for evil - 05
by Maeryn Lamonte

“I was getting sort of concerned that you didn’t leave me a message or anything so I figured I’d call. Sorry of this is too early.”

“It’s no big, we were just having breakfast.”


“Yeah, Phil and I kind of made a night of it.”

“You what?”

A Walk in the Dark Chapter 11


A Walk in the Dark
Chapter 11

by Maggie Finson

Author’s Note:Dahlia has learned a few things about her new self. Now it’s time for coming to terms with some of those. And no, she is still not a happy camper.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 6

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 6
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

You Meant it for Evil - 04

You meant it for evil - 04
by Maeryn Lamonte

WARNING: This chapter has scenes involving a suicide. I have no personal experience of this, even though I remember once standing on a balcony at the top of a tall building wishing I had the courage to jump. I am glad now that I didn’t. I hope I have dealt with the matter sensitively and I beg your forgiveness if I haven’t.

The whole room was a swirling, gyrating mass of humanity and I looked around in the confusion for a familiar face. When I found it, the blood ran cold in my veins.

Sharon sensed my sudden stillness and leaned over to shout in my ear.

“Did you find her?”

I leaned back. This wasn’t going to be easy. I raised a finger to point.

“Yeah. Er, I er… She’s over there. Talking to Phil.”


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