
Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?


Ever agree to do something, or make a promise only to regret it later?
Or maybe regret for only a little while!

Why Did I Ever Agree To Do THAT?

By Billiebob

Copyright  © 2010 Billiebob
All Rights Reserved.

Ponytails, Pigtails, Buns, and Braids

Kelly is restrained and turned into a gorgeous little Gothic princess. A so-very-detailed account of a crossdresser and hairstyle fetishist having his deepest fantasies fulfilled.

Night of the Werebabies


When the moon is full and babies howl, make sure you lock the doors and bar all the windows.
Most importantly, do not ever ever leave out any milk.


Night of the Werebabies

by Heather Rose Brown

Copyright  © 2010 Heather Rose Brown
All Rights Reserved.

A Trick ... or a Treat?

AToaT Cover/Image
 © 2010 Zoe Taylor

Sixteen year old Michael Brown hated Halloween because it always meant chauffeuring his younger sister around, but a chance encounter with the town's 'witch' may just change his life forever.

My Way

My Way
by Saless

I cringed when I saw Bill walk in. He was so hunched over and miserable looking! I've been watching him for weeks, and he's getting worse. And he won't talk about it! I'm probably his only friend, but he keeps a lot back from me.

"Hi Bill, how are you?" I asked.

"Fine." was his only reply. We used to talk a lot, but lately one word answers are the best I can get out of him.

Stricken Pt 7

Ryan felt good about how his day at school went and was full of energy as he met Christina at her locker to walk home.

"Hey babe", he said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh hi Ryan. How was your class?"

"It was alright...", Ryan began replying when he was interrupted by a couple of his buddies.

"Whoah dude, Ryan is that you?"

"Yeah, what's up Paul?"

"You're like a miniature version of yourself. Damn, sorry about that bro. You must be like totally bummed.", Paul rudely stated.

Self-made Man, Umm Person - 2

Self-made Man, Umm Person Chapter Two

By BillieBob

What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

Duty and Destiny - Part 7

duty and destiny
part 7
by armond


War between the Three Kingdoms is inevitable now, and events move to the invisible hand of the King of Arcum.
In Parasia the image of Princess Caden burns the mind of the slave-mage Faolá¡n, while in Glamorgan, the newly made woman reaches out to her sisters for support; her first steps toward new life.

Self-made Man, Umm Person - 1

Self-made Man, Umm Person - Complete Rewrite Chapter One

By BillieBob


There are so many questions I should have asked myself. Questioning my every thought, action, and reaction. Regrets? Some. Hopes and desires? Quite a few. What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

The Center: Patient Zero - Part 4

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 4

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 9

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 9 - Machines VS Spellcasters

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

We draw our 5 cards. Life Points are set at 8000.

Tanya Weston LP 8000 — Principal Sheppard LP 8000

Snakes and Ladders-4

Snakes and Ladders 4

Chapter 4

“Yes, yes you are Shaya. You are beautiful and brave and amazingly sweet….I want to take your pain away, I want to cast it away on the wind and replace your pain with sunshine and love.”

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 8

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 8 - Duel

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

August 29th 2995 — Holo-Diary Entry 2

Well it has been 28 days since I have arrived here in the 30th century.

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 5)

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 5)
Lilith Langtree

Have you ever woken up on a slab in the morgue and wonder how in the world you wound up there, with no memory, and with a coroner about to make a Y-incision in your chest? Neither had Gemma Saunders.
Revelations come at a price.

Monolith: Chapter 9

Barbra put down the phone and sat back in her chair. She let herself think about the idea that Lyra had lied. Plots of old science fiction movies made their way into Barbra's brain: Alien mind control, robot doppelgangers, and conspiracy.

The Sissy Farm 30

This is the final chapter in 'The Sissy Farm' It ends with Michelle marrying her Mistress Simone and simply describes the various outcomes of the various lives of Michelle's assorted aquaintances.
The ending is a bit of a cop out really but I'm getting stale with this story.
Hopefully there'll be some more coming along shortly.

Love to you all and a big thanks to those who commented.




Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 12

Rae Summers: A New Beginning Chapter 12

By: Desiree Jones

Well I actually looked at theis Posting and Saw that I posted the one with my outline for the Final chapter at the bottom which I have been unable to finish though I hope to do so Soon

Character's Rae, Lana and Valen Built from several source Books, GURPS by Steve Jackson, Robotech RPG Book Four: Southern Cross from Palladium Games and Champions by Hero Games. This is a work of fantasy. Special thanks to stanman63 -Editor in Chief, Maid Joy, Faraway, cyclist, and Erin for their suggestions. Love you all so much your help has made this so much easier. Thanks also to my Military adviser David Jones USNR.

Been so very busy I am sorry for how long it's been since the last post.

Thor-girl: The Wrath of a Thunder God


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Thor-girl: Wrath of a Thunder God
Lilith Langtree

Banished to Midgard almost five hundred years ago, Thor Odinson's punishment has finally ended... only to be renewed.

asor esse rosa

asor esse rosa
by armond
The rules of the Challenge were simple: first to grasp the scepter wins the prize, the crown, a queen.
Sir Asor thought it was too simple; it didn't make sense that the King of Sarras was chosen so.
But then the Hags of Anona got into the mix, and everything turned backwards, inside out and upside down.
Pleh! Pleh!


Cat Scratch Fever

Cat Scratch Fever


The events detailed in this story take place in the three hours after the events in "Catching Up" and "Big Trouble 3"

Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. This is a retcon of the story of Catwoman's furhter adventures. Detective Comics owns the character of Catwoman, Lex Luthor and Lena Luthor.

Duty and Destiny - Part 6

duty and destiny
part 6
by armond


Acrum’s gambit was all too successful: the Glamorgan-Parasain alliance is no more, and chaos reigns in Ceyln.
King Rhys has fled to the highlands to grieve for his lost son, and Caden sinks into darkness over her change.

Yet all is not lost; help and hope may come from an unexpected source.

Catching Up

Catching Up


Just a word of note. Lilith and I co-wrote this one. She took care of the parts involving Jon, I took care of Catwoman. The ideas didn't gel just right, but I couldn't pull all the Jon stuff and still have some of the story make sense. So, consider this a look into one character who can have an impact later. There is more, but it is the section I pulled out. At some future time I or Lilith will finish it out and then you can see Batgirl. Until then, enjoy.

And yes, I'm going to continue with the "Cat" puns for titles.

Author's Note: A Retroactive Continuity, or Retcon if you will, is the altering of previously known facts in order for the universe to conform to new story lines. This is mine. This is a retcon of the story of Catwoman's life. Detective Comics owns the character of Catwoman, and Lilith owns the copyright to Jade of the Green Lantern Corps. Catwoman in the photo is Michelle Pfeifer.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 6

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 6 - 3 Gods

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

"So, you think she'll like me? Miss Pegasus I mean?"

"Well she should, I would like to see the look on her face when you match her on knowledge of the card game though."

Healing Mishap -12-

Healing Mishap
By LanzaQ

Klaus pointed at the angry red glowing runes etched above the door. “whom ever enters this portal without permission cannot leave without permission.” Klaus read aloud. “So until I say you can go, you are kind of stuck.”

After Winter

After Winter
by armond
Owain wanted to die. Everyone he loved was gone, and now he longed to follow. No, more than that, he dreamed of death, hungered for its endless black. On a bitter winter's day, his dream was set to come true ...until the tale went badly off-script. Or maybe, the seasons happen exactly as they should.

Heart Like a Lion-1

Heart like a Lion-1

by Lynceus

Cat didn't believe in superhumans or ancient gods; she lived in the real world, same as everyone else. She was doomed to grow up and have a boring life, same as everyone else. She couldn't have been more wrong!

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 4

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 4 - I'm WHAT!

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

"You only said that, 'cause it's funny."

"Well yeah I did, but as far as we can tell on a level 1 diagnostic, she's 100% female."

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 3

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 3 - Congrats, it's a Girl

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

“Oh, boy.”

“EVA, tell security and medical personnel that it is safe to come into the stadium.”

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 2

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 2 - First Duel

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

As soon as I entered into the blackish, purplish, sphere of screams, I see a large area of the same stuff.

Duty and Destiny - Part 5

duty and destiny
Part 5
by armond

Prince Caden has been transformed into a young woman with midnight hair and blue sparkling eyes. King Coel plans to humiliate the new princess before all, and then ship her to Arcum in a prison wagon.

But the spy Jaussen and the Glamorgan princesses form alternate plans…

Wildfire -1-


by Tanyalynn

Ever since I was a kid, I loved comic books. When I was in high school, I took a creative writing class and our term paper was to write a novelette. I wrote a series of comic book stories with each chapter being what would be an issue of the comic book. I was dressing up by that time, but had never heard of transgendered fiction. I wonder if the story would have come out somewhat as what follows. I have adapted the story, but because of the intervening years, current comic book fans may see some discrepancies. My knowledge of the more current X-men comes from watching the X-men and X-men Evolution cartoons, so there may be some discrepancies there. Please don't email me with these- just go with the stories. I also loved the Firestorm character and that is the source of some of the ideas of blending the characters. I figure give credit where it is due. As always, emails and comments are welcome, as long as they are not abusive.

The Sissy Farm 29

Where Michelle finds requittal for what was done to her in the brothel (lucky Michelle,) and starts on the slow road to recovery from the rapes.
This is the penultimate chapter of Sissyfarm. Truth to tell, I've got rather stale with it.


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