
Avatar Me!

Nathan, a journalist, stumbles upon a web site for incredibly realistic female body suits while researching fetish wear. Convinced that they are fake, he goes along to a product launch to find out.

This story is intended to be the pilot to a series. It was mostly written before the movie Avatar came out, and has no connection to the movie.

Blue Moon


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Blue Moon
----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Do wishes made on the Blue Moon really come true?
Two roommates are going to find out...

Blue Moon

by Donna Lamb


Rising Dawn Chapter 7

Rising Dawn

Chapter 7 - Beast Vs. Beast

I leap from the ground back into a standing position. It moves back slightly, as if to study my new form.

It then leaps at me, I raise my right arm and extend my right fist straight into its face, it oozes into the face for just a split second.

Then its head falls around my fist, then spawns several more tentacles from its now split head and launches them towards me.

Spacetran 16

In this chapter. Khatia gets to know bennie better and things move forward as bennie proposes.


Spacetran 16

List of our children and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.
Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.
Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.
Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.
Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).
Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.

“What time do they finish serving lunch?” Khatia asked.

Snakes and Ladders-6

Snakes and Ladders 6

Chapter 6

I stare at the three of them my head going from one to the other to the other.
“Sword fighting?! I don’t know how to sword fight!”
Brennan just nodded as he made what looked like a tea. “Yes, this is exactly why they have asked for this.”

Shaya frowned as she was sliding into this dark blue silky dressing gown. “It is dishonest is what it is, they want to hurt her and embarrass us. Wren cannot be expected to perform well in a duel when does not have the training nor the years of experience that Kyte has.”

Rising Dawn Chapter 6

Rising Dawn

Chapter 6 - Second Soul, Beast Soul

Last Time on Rising Dawn.
"Soul Syncho Emerge."

A brilliant burst of light surrounds Dawn, within the burst of light Dawns entire body turns into light, retaining an outline of her 12 year old body - with no sexual features on it at all.

Then the entire body enlarges to the height and general body shape of Soul Syncho. Then the amulet appears on the chest between the breasts, and then from it the leotard portion of the suit appears as this happens the breasts grow to the size expected of her size.

Mollies' Revenge 2

............I raised my hand to instinctively brush my longer hair out of my face and of course the image in the mirror copied my actions.

I moved my fingers gently over my face, feeling the unfamiliar contours of my new, cute appearance.

“Cute,” I said to myself, “not a bad thing to be and definitely a lot better than being overweight and lacking in the looks department.”


Mollies' Revenge Sequel 1
by Alys


Rising Dawn Chapter 5

Rising Dawn

Chapter 5 - Monsters are real!

We arrive back at the mall, it is not that late. Me and sis get out of the car also not forgetting my backpack, the officer winds down the window.

"You be fine now ladies."

"Yes, I have my keys."

Sis jingles her keys.

"I need to head back to the Station."

We wave him off as he pulls away to head to the station.

I Can See Clearly Now 3rd & Final Song of the Kylie Warren Saga Part 3

Look all around, nothing but blue skies.
Look straight ahead, nothing but blue skies.
I can see clearly now the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.

Part 3

Rising Dawn Chapter 4

Rising Dawn

Chapter 4 - A Hero is Born

So I follow the police officer to his Police Car, the officer opens up the passenger side door.

"Well, little lady, you get to take a trip to the police station in the passenger seat."

I look up to him.

"Cool, thank you officer."

"No problem, little lady."

"I am not little, just vertically challenged."


Catwoman Catatonia
By Maid Joy
Things keep going strangely for Catwoman. But when an opportunity to grab some very expensive artifacts comes along, she just can't resist.

Unfortunately that is only the first herald of the changes to come.

One of My Teachers

One of My Teachers
By BillieBob
Ever get a crush on one of your teachers in school?
If you’re lucky, you only make a fool of yourself!
Another tale that’s a ‘little different’. Like me.

Rising Dawn Chapter 3

Rising Dawn

Chapter 3 - First Soul, Metal Soul

Last Time on Rising Dawn
But then I hear loud bang and turn to look out of the window and see men in robbing gear at the door to the bank, my sister is trapped in there and theres nothing I can do.

"My sister."

"Well I be, I think I never seen this happen here before."

"I want to help."

"The best thing you can do here is to stay here."

But I start to here this voice in my head.

"Do you want the power to help."

"Yes I do."

Then there is a bright flash of light.

Too Good to be True

Too Good to be True
by Maeryn Lamonte

Michael’s new apartment is too good to be true. Immense, beautifully furnished and cheaper than his last place.

Sometimes when fortune smiles you smile back and accept what it offers you. Other times, with Halloween just round the corner and a killer on the loose, it might have been as well to ask a few questions first…

Rising Dawn Chapter 2

Rising Dawn

Chapter 2 - Soul Syncho, A new Superhero is born

We arrived at the local mall's carpark, I am nervous as hell as this is the first time that I am outside the house in my Dawn persona.

I Can See Clearly Now 3rd & Final Song of the Kylie Warren Saga Part 2

I think I can make it now the pain is gone,
And all of the bad feelings have disappeared,
Here is the rainbow I've been praying for.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) sunshiny day.

Part 2

Heather went to school Thursday until 11:00 am when Linda picked her up to go to the hospital for the MRI and CT scans. DJ, Billy and Kylie were delighted to learn that the initial tests showed Heather was intersexed. Of course, Kylie had already known that from their astral chats.

Healing Mishap -13-

Healing Mishap -13-
By Lanzaq

The group stayed as quiet as possible as they trudged quietly down the path and eventually they came upon a landmark, however it shocked everyone, instead of a rock, or a tree or even an odd animal it was a town. Hands flew up in both excitement and horror. “A town! Yay!” Kate cried pulling the robe out and handing it to Cael before sprinting toward the town at full steam.

The Walking Wounded

In a shadow war waged by a top secret agency, an infiltration op succeeds — only to go horribly wrong once the mission is done. How can an agent keep his partner alive when the only future his friend can see is no future at all?


The Walking Wounded

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

Death: The High Cost of Living

Death: The High Cost of Living
Lilith Langtree

Jasper Pennybaker is about to encounter the personification of Death, because she seriously needs a break, and wants to borrow his body in order to do so. If only it was a simple as that.

Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?
By BillieBob

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” ( Read the story to find out)
No warm fuzzy creatures were harmed in creating this!
Who said a Halloween story had to be scary? TISSUE ALERT!!!

A Miracle Lost - A Miracle Regained



A Miracle Lost — A Miracle regained recounts the events Of Halloween Night 2010, when a young girl, who had formerly been a boy, reverts to his old self, because of horrifying events, and then through a new miracle and the assistance of an ancient hero who is commanded back into existence regains her lost femininity.

Self-made Man, Umm Person -3&4

Self-made Man, Umm Person -3&4

By BillieBob

What if it only took the power of thought to make things possible? Just imagine your future and make it real. If you have the tools to do it. Mainly, yourself, and only limited by your imagination!

The Swimming Pool

Warning this story has not been edited. So if bad grammar upsets your reading then don't bother reading, thank you.

Spelling should not be a problem cents Eye have checked with a spell checker.

The Swimming Pool

By Koalas

Chapters A - That Morning

Chapter A. John

Spacetran 9

In this chapter Beverly reluctantly returns to earth because mankind cannot make sense of the Anti-gravity science. She starts to realise that there may be hope for her returning as she learns that tolerance has moved a long, long way since her traumatic childhood. She also meets her only remaining older sister.




Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 12

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 12 - Rising Dragons

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

August 30th 2995

Well it's been rather uneventful since I got home last night. I was absolutely shattered when I got home. I had just summoned an Egyptian god card and found out I have a duel spirit as well in the same day, so this has changed my outlook on life if it has not already changed more times than not.

The Princess...

The Princess…

I take a drag off my smoke as I sit on the rocks and watch the new batch of idiots heading into Stonewood…It used to be this great, great forest, almost a small country really. In fact I used to live there as a boy. Then came the curse that turned everything in there to stone. Those of us who used to live there fled…except for one in the castle.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 11

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 11 - Friendship Born

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

"So this medical problem, you have it often?"

"Only after some physical activity."

Nature or Nurture

Like all inhabitants in the Land of Dalembrine, the Maker created Foulkes to serve a single purpose, to play his role in bringing harmony for all. But in crafting Foulkes, the Maker proved to own a sense of humour. How could a discordant note fit into the symphony of life?

A twist upon a familiar nursery rhyme.

Spacetran 6

Ruby is returned to earth to 'face the music' while Beverly departs for space again with possible suicidal tendancies.


Part 6.

After stepping onto the aircraft carrier deck, I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order.

“What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone.”

The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship

Shadowcraft: Aria Blade


Audience Rating: 


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"Shadowcraft" is a comic books universe within a universe. The actual Shadowcraft comic book is authored by the fictional character Margie Evans, and the series makes its debut as part of Book Two of my ongoing novel series, Becoming Robin

Vampyre 1.


*An Evanescence side story.

Chapter 1

I used to be human, I used to be a lot of things before the Sanguira came into my existence. I was a son, a good son…except I was the child of the devil.

“Alex!, Alex where the bloody hell are you boy?”
That’s my father and he’s pissed at me. I’m scared as hell because I’m dressed in Annabella’s things. Up in the attic. I hide like I always do but he finds me this time. I’m all shaved and such and washed with my mothers soaps in a basin up here.
He stares at me.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 10

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 10 - Duel Academy

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

I take in the applause which is still going on around the arena. Then I see my Mum and Maxine appear on the Duel Arena floor with the other exam passers in front of them.

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 6

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 6
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Snakes and Ladders-5

Snakes and Ladders 5

Chapter 5

I couldn’t help but to hold her tightly and to kiss her, to try to do something anything to keep her together. I’ve known people like Shaya, she’s tough and capable and strong and amazing and like a lot of things that are tempered to be strong if you hit them the right way…

They shatter.

Bear was a lot of things but one thing I was very good at being was the professional tough guy. There’s a lot of f-ed up hurt little children in us tough guys. And from what I’m seeing with Shaya there’s a lot of the same pains there.

Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be

‘Paul…oh Paulie, come in here, sweetie.’

It was Ellie, sounding a bit weird, all sort of enticing and come and get me...

Fangs Ain’t What They Used To Be

By Susan Brown

Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 39- Beasts, Do Your Stuff!

Ydde can't escape, can he? Q and I seem to have him -- right where he wants to be!


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Sangria: This is Where the Rubber Meets the Road (Part 3)

Sangria: This is Where the Rubber Meets the Road (Part 3)
Lilith Langtree

"You really should tell me what the heck it is I'm sensing. You know, just in case it goes into overdrive and you're about to get your soul sucked into oblivion or something."


Time of Renewal: Locus Guardian Teaser

ToR: Locus Guardian, Teaser.
Copyright 2010, by Arianrhod.

The Time of Renewal approaches, and the stirrings of magic long buried cracks the doorway to unimaginable horrors. A Guardian is needed to protect the lines of reality, but who will dare undertake such a task?


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