
They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 5

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 5
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Santa School

Santa School

Jacob Burrows answered the ad for a mall Santa, and was surprised to discover that one had to actually attend a class before you were allowed to put on the red suit and beard. In fact, he was sent to a day long “Santa School”.

At the class, Jacob spent the day learning how best to act “jolly”, even when things were not going well. Things like when a kid pulls on your beard or pees on your pants.

You Meant it for Evil - 03

You meant it for evil - 03
by Maeryn Lamonte

There was nothing left to say. She looked so alone and vulnerable I wanted to reach out to her, but that wasn’t going to happen now. With a slowness born of reluctance I gathered all my clothes and put them into my bag; it didn’t take long even so.

I put the door key on the coffee table and looked up at her stiff and unrelenting pose. It was already dark outside and cold enough that a wet snow was falling. I had no idea where I might find shelter at this time of the evening, but I had no more welcome here. I couldn’t blame her for that, I mean what had happened to me was farfetched. I gave the friendly tabby a last scratch behind his ears and headed for the door and who knew what.

Snakes and Ladders-8

Snakes and Ladders-8

Chapter 8

It was really faster paced than I wanted or Shaya wanted but at the same time oh my gods this was good. It was running up the stairs of this beautiful wood paneled mansion that I’m sure was all really intricate and everything. But Shaya’s and my lips are locked and we’re bouncing off some of the walls shedding armor and clothes well it’s easier for me but getting Shaya out of her armor’s like trying to get a three year old out of a ski suit.
It’s enough to set me to giggling.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 4

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 4
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 3

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 3
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

You Meant it for Evil - 02

You meant it for evil - 02
by Maeryn Lamonte

I hadn’t been walking long when a car slowly drew alongside me. Silver grey, a mid-range BMW and quite new; I guess no sense in wondering what this guy wanted. I closed my eyes and squeezed out a tear. And why not? I had to eat, to buy warmer, smarter clothes. If this guy was prepared to pay me enough to do that, what was the harm of letting him poke about for a few minutes?

Somewhere deep inside I felt a part of me die.

“Hello sweet-cheeks. How about a little bit of action?”

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 2
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only playing a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1

They Don't Need Any Rules: Part 1
Lilith Langtree

Commonly thought to be only a role playing game, D&D aficionado Harry Barcoy discovers what is common isn't necessarily the truth.

Rising Dawn Chapter 10

Rising Dawn

Chapter 10 - Soul Heart


Last time on Rising Dawn

"Dawn, you have never been my son for a long time, you have been my daughter. I think Mary-Ann figured that one out earlier on."

"Yeah I did."

"So Dawn, want to be my Daughter."

"Yes, Mummy it would make more than proud to be your daughter."

Then I Grip my Stomach and collapse on the floor.

The Mrs. 'Clause'

The icy wind and blowing snow cut through me as I trudged along the sidewalk on my way to my job as a salesclerk at 'Kringle's Department Store'. The job didn't pay a lot , but it kept a roof over my head and food in my tummy. I was also fortunate in that Kringle's was a friendly place to work for the LGBT community. The owner's daughter was among our sisterhood, having completed her transition 6 years before.Her name was Claire and she worked in the Accounting department.

You Meant it for Evil - 01

You meant it for evil - 01
by Maeryn Lamonte

Ken is having a hard time finding a girlfriend and his friends are tired of trying to help him only to see their best efforts end in disaster. They’ve decided it’s time for him to solve his own problems so, at their urging and against his better judgement, he goes to a new singles club where he meets a mysterious and astonishingly beautiful woman.

Perhaps there’s a reason why a beautiful girl is sitting alone in a singles bar. Perhaps he should have paid more attention to her warning…

You Meant it for Evil


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

You meant it for evil
by Maeryn Lamonte

Ken is having a hard time finding a girlfriend and his friends are tired of trying to help him only to see their best efforts end in disaster. They’ve decided it’s time for him to solve his own problems so, at their urging and against his better judgement, he goes to a new singles club where he meets a mysterious and astonishingly beautiful woman.

Perhaps there’s a reason why a beautiful girl is sitting alone in a singles bar. Perhaps he should have paid more attention to her warning…

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 8)

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 8)

By Shinieris
Thanks to Captain Normality for the proofreading!

"Are you always this difficult?" he snarled. When I didn't reply him, he acceded defeat and said, "I intended to give this to you when you're properly appointed as my new consort. But... since every angel in Briah and Assiah already know that you're the new 'Queen of Tartarus', I guess it doesn't matter anymore."

"You're speaking as if that was my fault!" I protested with a stomp of my feet.

"It is your fault. You shouldn't have let that pesky agent of the Thrones go that easily. Thanks to you, my mailbox kept flooding since Christmas. Now I hear I'm about to have a riot in my hands. You're the first of my consort who flaunt her new position within 24 hours of acceptance." He slapped his forehead, though no sound was heard.

"Hey, don't blame me. You're the one who tricked me."

"Oh, believe me. I have already regretted that decision."

The Center: Night and Day

Pad and Lil The Center: Night and Day
Chapter 1

Michelle and James have grown up together amazingly well even though they are not related and have had a semi-normal life. But what happens when they get taken apart and both start to change who they are. Will they ever be able to see each other again and what about the small family they loved so much?

Hungry like The...

Hungry like The…..


I woke up, sore…and mystified and still kind of upset. I felt, good, really good this itch scratched somewhere deep inside. I felt satisfied in a way that I’ve never known. It took me a few minutes to really get the willpower to move and tried to do it quietly so not to wake Dom.

Snakes and Ladders-7

Snakes and Ladders 7

Chapter 7

The air is so beautiful up here in the sky above Highwood. We bank and we soar and over the massive canal like sea. We pass by air-ships and over regular boats and ships and fly out of that canal over this cliff-side down to beach like city only about seven our eight miles from the palace and the whole canal opens up into this wide open sea.

Chicago Water Torture 1

Chicago Water Torture 1

(It would be torture for anyone else!)   (AquaGirl 2)

by mittfh

Copyright © Ben Norwood 2010

Creative Commons License

Ever spent an entire morning swimming underwater, the afternoon having an intensive workout,
followed by an evening trying to reason with an alien AI with an obnoxious personality?

It's all in a day's work for Rena...

With thanks to Lilith, Lynceus and EnemyOfFun - you know your roles in producing this!


Image credits:
  Original: DC Comics
(found @ ComicVine)
  Modified: mittfh

The Cat’s in the Cradle

Catwoman.jpg Cat's in the Cradle


Some decisions made mean that irreparable harm may happen to humanity, but will that stop Catwoman from actually doing it? And how much trouble will she be in with Jade?

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 7

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 7
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

The Office Building

Imagine if you will, just for a moment, that everything around you is not real. Imagine that you are sailing through the universe looking for something that eludes you. Imagine that the ship you are on is swaying with each passing comet. This is the story of one Gerald Bright, an architect who is building an office building, located somewhere in...........The Twilight Zone.

The Office Building
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - The plans.

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?

Everything Comes in Threes, Doesn’t it?
by Holly H Hart

This story starts just hours after the end of my story Ida The Spy.
Holly has just found out that a third daughter has become hers as a result of some black magic. But who dunnit? And why? How Shannon appear out of nowhere, (somewhere?), on the mountain above the house Holly is in the process of buying?

My Super Secret Life-2.

My Super Secret Life-2

Chapter 2

I stared at myself, and in the mirror. “Wow…I’m kinda hot.”
Annnnd, suddenly I kind of feel like a retard for saying that.
But, I look good.
And I’m huge.
No, Sonny…look later.

I sneak to the door and peek out. There’s three guys with those stupid stocking masks yelling for everyone to get down. They’ve got shotguns. I’m not even sure what I was thinking but I slipped out and moved between the aisles keeping as far out of sight as I could. I grabbed a big can of pineapple juice and hefted it, weird it kinda felt like Styrofoam?

Lulu - 2 - I Only Laugh When It Hurts




A Dark Comedy About Mistaken Identity

Chapter 2
I only laugh when it hurts

by Lulu Martine

When I first woke up I flashed back on that previous hospital awakening after the accident back in the fall. I hurt all over, just like before, but the pain was distant and dull, just like before, because of medication. My chest hurt, my face hurt, even my feet hurt but mostly, my groin hurt.

Last Full Measure

Last Full Measure
By Ellie Dauber  © 2010

This is another story of Jakov Pauli, an assassin who specializes in identity death.

* * * * *

For the third time, Mike Ryan stared up from his booth at the clock on the wall of the diner. “14:33 hours,” he mumbled under his breath. “He’s late.”

“In point of fact,” a voice said, “that clock is five minutes fast. I am early.”

Mike spun around. A tall, slender man — about 40, Mike guessed — stood looking down at him. “Are you Pauli?” Mike asked.

Rock, Paper, Scissors: 3



Once Stacia in his body left, Derek sprawled out on the bed and began trying to wrap his brain around what might have happened to cause this body mind switch. They had dinner at the restaurant then came home and got into the hot tub. The next thing he could recall was waking up in bed in his fiancees body.

“God! Why can't I remember!” the high pitched voice screamed.

I'd Do Anything for Love...But I won't do that.

I’d Do Anything for Love…But I won’t do That.

I can’t help but stare at the sight of the forty odd people kneeling before me with golden eyes flashing in the lodge’s firelight and all had lengthened canines.

I really, really should be freaking out right about now…

Force of Will

Will Slater wants to be as popular as his older brother John, the high school’s star quarterback. He thinks he’s found a way to make his dreams come true. The trouble with dreams is that they tend to go off in directions you'd least expect — and for most folks, trying to steer a dream can turn it into a nightmare, or take you places you'd never thought you'd go.


Force of Will

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

Pass On What You Have Learned - 7 - Confrontation

At Melanie's urging Laura finally goes back to confront her family. How will they react?
Pass On What You Have Learned
by Saless
Part 7 - Confrontation


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