
Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 1

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 1 - 1000 Years

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

Well the next bit of this story occurs over 985 years later, although I'm not sure how I got to this time.

The circumstances of my arrival were told to me by my adopted mother - Selina Kaiba. The following is from her point of view - some scenes recorded and transferred to this holo diary are not for the fainthearted.

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time - Chapter 0

Yu-Gi-Oh : Duelist of Time

Chapter 0 - How it Begins

Copyright: 1996 - Kazuki Takahashi

This is my story of how my life changed for the better.

It began in the year 2010, gosh it seems so long ago. But as a part of my acceptance of what happened, I'm writing this so I can cope with it, well that’s what my Therapist says.

Oh I forgot, I should have mentioned my name, oopsie.

My name is Tanya Kaiba, that is not my birth name, but that is what this piece I am writing now is about.

Duty and Destiny - Part 4

duty and destiny - part 4
by armond
Jaussen rides hard to Westfalon to try to thwart Arcum’s plots and avert war. But …is he too late? For the wizard Faolá¡n has begun chanting the invocation of unmaking …upon Caden.

Duty and Destiny - Part 3

duty and destiny - part 3
by armond
Caden and his sisters are trapped by King Coel’s men after he reads the forged letter. The king offers Caden a onetime deal — submit willingly to his judgment, and he will return Caden’s sisters to Glamorgan unharmed.

My Enemy, Myself-3


My Enemy, Myself-3

by Lynceus

"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, the blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere, the ceremony of innocence is drowned."

-William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

Duty and Destiny - Part 2

duty and destiny - part 2
by armond

The young lovers Caden and Avila plan their summer wedding.

But the schemes of King Grithra and Fermin, his agent, are about to bear fruit.

Jaussen uncovers the plot, but can he reach Westfalon in time to save the prince and his sisters?

Duty and Destiny - Part 1

duty and destiny
by armond
Prince Cadon is the only son to King Rhys, and heir to the Glamorgan throne.
His duty is to marry the Princess Avila of Parasia.
His duty is to unite the kingdoms against the plots and schemes of the King of Arcum to the south.

Seems clear enough.
Yet Selene's destiny for him is far far different.

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Chapter 2-Possibilities

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Kelly is given a very thorough scan to determine if she can have children as her family learn the good news about Debbie, giving them hope for Kelly, too.


The Wynter Lioness - Chapter 4

The Wynter Lioness


Chapter 4


by Tychonaut

Prince Henry Wynter was the Heir to the High Throne of the Heptarchy and prophesised to one day lead his people to unparalleled greatness. Twenty two years after he abandoned his destiny and his throne for the chance to be the person he felt he was meant to be, he finds that Fate has not yet finished with him. The events surrounding the proposed appointment of a new Heir to the High Throne have consequences that reach as far the remote farmstead refuge of the former prince and threaten to destroy the new life that she has built for herself.

The Center: Taking Wing, Chapter 5

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Chapter 5
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Cast Of Characters-0

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Is a list of people in Kelly's Journey Book-1 And Book-2.


Monolith: Chapter 8

A gentleman in the center of the table cleared his jowl covered throat, the plaque under him read 'Secretary of the Homeland Security'. “We are publicly announcing your existence-” He held his finger up to stop Theo from responding. “as a Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Despite Mr. Farris's report and testimonial we feel that a alien cover story will be more believable to the public.”

The Witches of Fairmont High


The Witches of Fairmont High
by The Professor (c. 1998)

Witches invade a school, and transform a teacher and a bad teen into girls. They go too far when a star basketball player is needed for the girls’ team. Unfortunately for Paul, he figured out what was happening and witnessed one of the changes.

Deity Arms 5: Mike

Deity Arms

Deity Arms–Mike
by Barbie Lee (© 2002)

Mike meets Bridget Tonue for lunch. It brings up memories of his own childhood and life as Susan Kalvers. Is it really important to be a boy or a girl, or is it because we are programmed from birth to be one or the other? Mike finds his answer as he dines with the beautiful Bridget.

The Sissy Farm 27

I'm now writing this story 'On the hoof'. That is with no following chapter written. I've got chapter 28 vaguely mapped out but who knows where this is going now. Get ready for 'an interesting ride'.


The Sissy farm 27.
Chapter 27

List of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.
Janice My Younger sister
Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.
Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy

Healing Mishap -11-

Healing Mishap -11-

“Boy, I can already tell you need more help than just dark studies.” Da lowered his hood revealing pale skin and multiple scars ranging from puncture scars to deep slices that had removed chunks from his face. “Rule one, Never tell someone your full name. Its bad ju-ju, and any ill wishes they can think of will follow you.”

A Reluctant Spirit: Inquisitive Spirit

By Ingrid Halb

Some questions should best be left unasked. Some doors are best left closed. What would happen if a man of science were to find the magical vessel? And how would he go about studying such an artifact? The only certainty, this will not end well.

Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 34- Ambush!

Quentin returns to the school to try to get the goods on Professor Ydde.
What could possibly go wrong with this plan?


Audience Rating: 



Character Age: 


Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)

Lilim Tales - Part 4 (Conclusion)
by Armond

In the conclusion to the tale, Cassandra's friends gather to try to rescue her from Luna, while Cassie learns what her fate will be as the lilim's Second Turn Srryn.

The Sissy Farm 25

This chapter describes Michelle and Simone's move to new York at Andre's invitation to learn hair styling at the Master's salon.


The Sissy Farm.
Chapter 25.

List of Characters

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.
Janice My Younger sister
Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.
Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady’s academy
Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist.
Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant.
Miss Stern Miranda’s mistress who owns the shop.

Born in a Watery Grave

Born in a Watery Grave

(AquaGirl 1)

by mittfh

Copyright © Ben Norwood 2010

Creative Commons License

Mark Foster is terrified of water.
So what's he doing on a cross-channel ferry... the bottom of the sea...

With thanks to Lilith, Lynceus and EnemyOfFun - you know your roles in producing this!


Image credits:
  Original: DC Comics
(found @ ComicVine)
  Modified: mittfh

The Center : Patient Zero - Part 3

The Center: Patient Zero -Part 3

In the language of epidemiology, patients are numbered sequentially. Once an epidemic goes public it is patient one who gets the news coverage or journal articles written about them. What is less known is that there are unrecognized patients who predate the first acknowledged case. Sometimes these people are carriers, like Typhoid Mary, but oftentimes they are merely the unsung victims who's stories are not tied into the whole until long after the papers are written. Jesse Lee was such a person, this is his story.

Story is a prequel to and is set in Lilith Langtree's 'The Center' universe.


My Enemy, Myself-2


My Enemy, Myself-2

by Lynceus

Duela Dent was a good girl. She got good grades. Never got in trouble. But all that was about to change, thanks to a new friend named Janice...

The Green Fog~16

I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. In the distance I could see the huge mountain range that included our destination, Ben Nevis. We were so near yet so far. I could not believe that after all we had been through, we would have this horrid green splodge of death in front of us barring our way…


My Enemy, Myself-1


My Enemy, Myself-1

by Lynceus

Harvey Dent. Bright new ADA. Beautiful wife and teenaged daughter. Family man. But also, a man with a secret. And something inside him that is about to break loose with a vengeance!

Monolith: Chapter 7

“How's life been?”
Theo was flabbergasted “You turned me into, I don't know what. They think 'Theo' died and that I'm a fake, am I a fake? I've been having a awful time.”
“I'm sorry.” it was the kind of sorry when some one says they drank the last soda or beer when you're looking for one.
Theo took a calming breath “Why did you turn me into this?” Theo waved her hands down her body.

Emerging from the Bushes: The first 'female' president of the USA?

Another, earthshaking scoop about US politics (a 2.5 tremor on the Rorschach scale occurred as Somer wrote this). Here you will learn about a secret society that created the Bush political dynasty, and about its plan to elect a third Bush as President in 2016 (or 2020) by countering the generalized feeling that the first two Bushes were too macho for the job.

Emerging from the Bushes: The first ‘female’ president of the USA?
By: Somer Knight

The Sissy Farm 24

The blessing for the wedding goes ahead and Michelle gets an invitation to become a hair stylist in New York.

Yeah!   In yer face and having a hell of a wild time!

Yeah!! In yer face an' having one hell of a wild time. Long live Sparkle, long live Manchester!

The Sissy farm.
Chapter 24.

List of Characters.

Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy.
Janice My Younger sister
Aunty Bev Janice and My mother’s Sister.

Deity Arms 4: Bridget

Deity Arms

Deity Arms–Bridget
by Barbie Lee (© 2001)

Set in The Professor’s Deity Arms universe, a businessman, ruined and disgraced by his partner and by his lover, is rescued from suicide by the mysterious Mr. Logan.
(With an introduction by The Professor.)

The Center: Taking Wing


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

RavenCenter.jpg The Center: Taking Wing
Jack was just an ordinary high school student, trying to get by the bullies and through his classes. But, all of that is about to change as a result of something that happened a long time ago.

Monolith: Chapter 6

The swarm was undeterred and doubled it's numbers, coming in from any angle behind them. They followed the knocked down trees until they reached the clearing filled with cacti. On the other side Theo could see the insects coming out of the tree line.

“Oh sh*%! I think we're surrounded!” Theo yelled.


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