That's How the System Works - Part 2

That's How The System Works
Chapters 4-5
by Danielle Rose


“Amber, I work with David and Officer Samuels.”

My mouth dropped wide open. “You know about me?”

“Yes, Amber. Officer Samuels came to the cottage and told me while you were getting your medical exam. Like David told you in the letter, we didn’t expect you to be here. Or that you would become trapped in Amber’s body. I can’t go into many details, but I was placed here to help those who were somehow left behind. Not all the girls who come through here are like you, but there have been a few.”



That’s How the System Works — Part Two
By: Danielle Rose

Chapter 4

I woke up before Kim on Monday morning. Looking at my nightstand, I saw the letter I had received the night before. I decided to put it somewhere I didn’t want anyone finding it, so I put it in my nightstand under my bras and underwear. After showering, I returned to our room to find Kim was now awake. We began getting ready for school in silence. I was sure Kim felt something was wrong, but she didn’t say anything. After eating breakfast at the cafeteria, we made our way to class. Despite the silence, Kim never left my side. I couldn’t thank her enough for being there. During class, I was able to focus all my attention and continued my work as if nothing had happened, but during breaks and lunch, I couldn’t stop thinking about the letter. This David person knew about my transformation.

Shortly after school let out for the day, Kim and I were on our way back to the cottage when we were stopped by Stephanie.

“Hey girls, how are you today?”

“We’re doing okay,” began Kim. “But what are you doing here?”

“Actually, I came to talk to one of the group home representatives on your behalf. I know him from my own time spent in the system. His name is Steve, and he’s a good guy.”

“So, we’ll find out if we’re getting placed today?” I asked.

“I’d say that’s a good possibility,” said Stephanie, with a smile.

I turned and looked at Kim. “I hope we get placed together. I couldn‘t imagine not being together.”

“That’s actually something else I wanted to talk to the two of you about,” said Stephanie. “I made sure Steve knew to take both of you together. I explained to him how Kim has been helping you since you came into Orangewood. I told him that I didn’t think it’d be fair if we had to separate you. After hearing everything the two of you have been through, he agreed.”

For the first time that day, I was actually filled with joy. Kim and I would get placed together! “Thank you so much, Steph!” I exclaimed. “When do we leave?”

“Now hold your horses, you still have to meet with Steve. He’s in the front office. He’s going to make you an offer to get placed in Olive Crest, but the paperwork will have to be sent to the court first, and then have a judge sign off on it. Once that’s done, then you’ll legally be transferred into the custody of Olive Crest. It could take quite a few days, depending on the judge’s caseload.”

“So we’ll have time to pack and say goodbye to everyone,” piped in Kim. ”Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening! I thought the only way I’d leave this place was if I got adopted or I turned eighteen!”

“I’m still scared about leaving,” I said. “I mean, I want to be out there, but I’m also afraid of what’s waiting out there for us.”

“I’ll be there with you,” Kim said as she pulled me into a hug. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Don’t worry girls, you aren’t required to accept Steve’s offer. But I do think it would be the best thing for you two right now.”

“Wait a minute,” began Kim. “Doesn’t he have to interview all the kids before he makes a decision and offers the spots to us?”

“Well, that’s kind of my doing. I didn’t think it would be fair to keep the two of you lovely young ladies locked up in here,” said a gentleman, as he walked up behind Stephanie, “Besides, Stephanie put in a good word for you two. Sorry for butting in. My name is Steve Goclowski. I’m the case manager for Palm House in Olive Crest.” After shaking both of our hands, he turned to Stephanie. “Brenda said you were bringing these two up to the office. When you didn't come back, I came down to make sure everything was alright.”

“Yeah, I was just explaining to them about me knowing you, how the system works in getting them placed, and the fact that we wouldn't let them get placed separately,” replied Stephanie.

“Well girls, if you follow me, we can go over the details, and start getting things going,” said Steve.

After walking into the main office through those big double doors, Steve escorted us to a small side office. We sat down in the two chairs closest to the door, while Steve sat opposite us in a bigger chair behind a desk.

“So, how about you two tell me a little bit about yourselves before I go into what Olive Crest is all about. Let’s start with you, Kim.”

“Um, well, you know my name, I’m seventeen, but I’m pretty sure you probably knew that already too. I came here because my grandmother got sick and had to be hospitalized, then got put into an assisted living facility. Since I had no other family after my parents got killed a little over four years ago, I didn’t have any other place to go. I was only supposed to stay here just until my grandmother got better, but then she died.”

I looked over at Kim and could see she was about to cry. I leaned over and gave her a light hug around her shoulders.

“Thanks, Amber. Anyway, what else would you like to know?”

“Actually, I’m sorry, but I knew all of that. I meant, tell me some of your likes, aspirations, and so forth,” replied Steve.

“Oh,” said Kim, sheepishly. “I love to read. I’m kind of a horror and sci-fi novel junkie. I love music, mostly punk and alternative rock. I don’t usually watch a lot of TV, but I’m a fan of Jeopardy. I’ve usually done really well in school, except right after my parents died. And I’m not sure what I want to study in college yet, but I know that I do want to go.”

“What about you, Amber?” asked Steve, as he shifted his gaze to me.

“Pretty much everything that Kim said applies to me too, except I wasn’t particularly good at school.”

“Huh, that’s not what your file says,” stated Steve as he began flipping through pages in a file folder. “Look at this here; it says you were a straight-A student practically every year. It also says you were student of the month ten times in elementary, six times in junior high, and eight times so far in high school.”

I looked at the file as he turned it around to show me. Was I really that much better of a student than Darrell? Kim looked at me with shock in her eyes.

“I knew you were good, but damn girl! I didn’t even make student of the month that many times!”

As I glanced over the file, I saw handwritten notes scribbled neatly next to the typed report. From what I could see, Steve had interviewed at least a half dozen people about me. I saw the name of a math teacher I had as Darrell, Mrs. Ash. She was always a bit hard on me as Darrell, constantly complaining that I had the smarts, but didn’t use them to my full potential in my class work. Apparently in this reality, Amber was her prized student. Mrs. Ash had told Steve that I was the most gifted student she had ever had. I also saw notes from interviews with the high school principal, neighbors, former classmates, and even the parents of a child I had babysat for in this reality, all claiming I was a brilliant, outgoing, and caring seventeen year old girl. I also saw in these notes that I was in the Girl Scouts when I was younger. After I stared at the notes for several moments, Steve cleared his throat, which caught my attention.

“So, let me tell you two a little bit about what I do, the houses, and Olive Crest in particular,” began Steve. “I’ve been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSW for short, for about ten years. Seven of those have been with Olive Crest. Basically, I administrate Palm House. The staff report to me directly. I’m also in charge of your mental health. We will have weekly sessions, just to make sure things are going well, and you can tell me anything you want.”

Steve paused to drink from a water bottle before continuing. “There are going to be four other girls in the house. It’s a four bedroom house in the City of Orange, with one of the bedrooms converted into the staff office. There are two girls per bedroom, so we’ll shuffle the room assignments around so you two will be in the same room. Palm House actually has three openings right now. We just acquired two more houses in Olive Crest, and three of my girls were transferred to the new houses. Officially, Olive Crest started as a home for abused and neglected girls, but we've expanded over the years to include both genders, and children who don’t have a home to go to due to extreme circumstances, such as not having a single living relative to take care of you.”

After Steve finished describing Olive Crest and the house we’d be living in, he went ahead and made us his official offer to bring us into Palm House. Of course, we accepted. Steve neatly placed all of the paperwork into a briefcase, and then told us he’d be back later in the week. As we walked back to our cottage, we spotted Juanita Camacho being escorted by Carlos to the front office. I looked at Kim, who shrugged her shoulders.

Upon reaching the cottage, we stepped inside and were immediately greeted by thunderous applause from the staff and majority of the girls.

Papa Dave came over to us and put a hand each on our shoulders. “Stephanie told us you were getting placed. Congratulations! Now you can get back in the real world and not be confined by the brick walls here.”

“Thanks Papa Dave,” said Kim.

“Yeah, thanks,” I said, not very enthusiastically.

“What’s wrong, Amber?” asked Papa Dave.

“I’m just really scared about leaving. I mean, my whole world was flipped upside down the night I got here. I accepted the offer to leave, but it’s just a scary thought knowing I’ll be much more vulnerable.”

“That’s understandable, and I totally get where you’re coming from. I was in foster homes too when I was younger. I was taken away because my father had a drug problem. Orangewood isn’t a place that can prepare you for becoming an adult. Olive Crest can help you learn the things you’ll need once you are ready to go to college. They can also help you find jobs, and teach you things like time and money management.”

“And we’ll be together, we can help each other out!” said Kim.

“Thanks Kimmy,” I replied. Turning back to Papa Dave, I sighed. “Since you put it that way, I guess it will be better in the long run if we leave. But I’m going to miss you all so much.”

“And all of us will miss the both of you too. You girls have been a big help around here,” called Jen from the kitchen.

“Well, it’s a little after five, why don’t you two go let the others know it’s just about time to go to the cafeteria,” said Papa Dave.

I looked at my Minnie Mouse watch and saw that a little over two hours had indeed passed since meeting up with Stephanie outside the of school.

“Okie dokie,” Kim and I both replied, nearly in unison.

Chapter 5

“Ugh, please tell me we’re not having meatloaf again!”

I stood on my tiptoes and looked ahead to the food serving area. “Yup, that’s what it looks like,” I responded. “Oh no, it looks like they’re serving Potatoes Au Gratin with it too.”

“Well, hopefully there will be a much better menu at Palm House.”

I giggled a little as I lowered myself back to my normal height. “Anything is better than last Friday’s Tuna Surprise.”

“I heard that, Amber,” stated Louise, one of the serving ladies.

“Hey Louise, you don’t by chance have something I can substitute for the “Ugh Rotten” potatoes, do you?” I asked.

Louise chuckled, “Hang on, Sweetie. I’ll check in the back.”

A few moments later, Louise returned with a covered Tupperware. “How about some left over tater tots from the preschoolers’ lunch?”

“That’s great,” I replied enthusiastically.

“You want some too, Kimmy?”

“Please, and thank you!”

“I heard you two will be leaving us soon,” said Louise. “I hope you girls do good out there, and make us all proud! We’ll miss you.”

“Aw, thanks Louise. We’ll miss you too,” I said.

As we walked away from the serving line, I saw Juanita Camacho being led into the cafeteria by Carlos. I lightly elbowed Kim, and nodded my head towards the serving line where Juanita now was.

“I was wondering where she went,” whispered Kim.

“Me too, maybe she had an interview today too.”

“Maybe, but she sure doesn’t look happy. I wonder if she got rejected.”

We continued whispering about Juanita as we sat at a table. We didn’t even hear Carlos walk up behind us. “Hello, ladies. I hope you’re not gossiping about a certain Latina girl from our cottage. You know badmouthing another kid can get you put on basic for up to a week.”

Kim and I blushed simultaneously. This was the first time we’d ever been threatened with being put on a lower level. “We were just curious about where Juanita went off to,” I said.

“Not that it’s really your business, but she had an interview with one of the group home representatives.”

“Oh, we did too.”

“I know, I was going to take you to the office, but Stephanie volunteered.” Carlos sounded a bit apologetic as he lowered his voice and continued. “I’m sorry for threatening you girls with basic; it’s been a very long day today.”

“We understand,” said Kim. “We’re sorry if you thought we were badmouthing someone.”

“It’s alright girls, I’ll see you both back at the cottage.”

After Carlos walked away, I looked over at Kim. We stared at each other for a moment, then shrugged our shoulders and began eating dinner.


After dinner, we all made our way back to the cottage. Upon entering, we found several uncovered cardboard boxes placed along the wall where the computers were. Each box had a variety of items in them, ranging from clothes and sheets, to books and notepads. In front of each box was a small black plastic bag. On top of each box was a plain piece of paper. As Papa Dave walked past the boxes, one of the sheets of paper fluttered in the breeze, and I could just make out Kim’s name on it. When everyone had finally piled into the cottage’s living room, Carlos asked us to sit down.

“Listen up, ladies. The preteen girls’ cottage had a little mishap this evening. A pipe burst in their bathroom. There is going to be a crew out here to fix it tomorrow or the next day. In the mean time, half of the girls will be staying with us, while the other half gets to stay with the kindergarten girls.”

Papa Dave whispered something to Carlos, who nodded and smiled.

“We are moving everyone around so that you older girls will be on the west side of the cottage, and all the younger girls will be on the east side! Everyone’s stuff has already been boxed up, and as you can see, it’s right there along the wall. Don’t worry ladies, Dave and I didn’t touch your bras and underwear, we let Jen pack that stuff up.”

A few girls giggled, while others laughed out loud. “Kim and Amber, we know how you two love your quiet little corner over there in the east hall, but we’re moving you to the blue room,” continued Carlos. “We hope it isn’t too much of an inconvenience for you,” he said sarcastically. The blue room was actually the room that everyone sought. It was associated with the recognition that its occupants were the two girls that were on the blue level the longest. The blue room had its own 19 inch TV, a couple different video game systems, and a small stereo. Kim and I squealed as we hugged each other tight.

“For everyone else, as we call your names, you will grab your boxes and go down the hall to the next room. Now just in case any of you think you can get away with going into a different room, there is a piece of paper with your names on the doors of you new rooms. We didn't change anyone’s roommates, so you’re all still stuck with the same person for now. If any of you decide you want to change rooms, and can find someone willing to swap rooms with you, we will do that later.”

Carlos began calling names out, starting with Kim and I. We grabbed our boxes and bags, and made our way to the blue room. It was the first room in the right hallway after the staff desk in the connecting hallway.

After we got in the room, we looked around for few moments before we grabbed each other into a hug and squealed while bouncing up and down.

I’ve been here for four months, you’ve been here for two months, and we’ve both been on blue the whole time. I can’t believe we’re finally in the blue room!” said Kim.

“I know!” I squealed.

While we were unpacking our things, I noticed the letter was missing. I started to go into a panic.

Um, Kim, they didn't accidentally put that letter I got last night in with your things, did they?”

“No, I don’t think so, but I’ll look again.”

I started flinging clothes out of my drawers, then I started flipping pages inn my books. I looked around frantically. I even looked under the flaps on the bottom inside of the box.

Kim looked over at me and shook her head. “Sorry girly, I’m not seeing it.”

I started freaking out. “This is not good,” I said.

“You never told me who it was from.”

“Um, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Amber, we’re best friends, right?” asked Kim

I nodded. “You know we are.”

“You can tell me anything.”

I looked around the room and sat down on my bed. “Look, I don’t want you thinking I’m a crazy person if I tell you.”

“Honey, we’re both a little crazy already,” she replied with a giggle.

“Alright, well, here goes. It’s a long story though.” I looked over at Kim, who was still intent on hearing this. I sighed. “It kind of started the night I got here. You see, I was in a police station, and I met this police officer. He’s the one who brought me here. Anyway, the letter is from someone…” Just then, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” I called out.

Stephanie poked her head in. “Hope I’m not bothering you two.”

“No, not really,” Kim said. “We’re just getting settled in.”

“That’s good. Amber, can I talk to you outside, please?”

“Sure.” I got up off my bed and followed Stephanie to the living room. I noticed all the other girls’ boxes were gone, but now there were different boxes by the couches. I followed Stephanie past the couches and onto the patio. When we reached the patio, Stephanie opened the door and motioned for me to go outside. She had a very serious look on her face as she closed the patio door behind her.

“Amber, I work with David and Officer Samuels.”

My mouth dropped wide open. “You know about me?”

“Yes, Amber. Officer Samuels came to the cottage and told me while you were getting your medical exam. I can’t go into many details, but I was placed here to help those that kept their previous memories. Most of the girls who come through here are regular everyday girls, but there have been a others that, like you, have memories of a different life. I'll admit though, there haven't been many that have changed genders, but there's been a few.”

I sat down on one of the plastic patio chairs. “You’ve known this whole time, and you never told me?”

“It wasn't my place to tell you. David likes to keep things compartmentalized. But when Jen was packing up your nightstand, she found this.” Stephanie reached into her back pocket and pulled out the letter. “She asked me about it, and I told her it was a probably just a joke or something between friends. Since there wasn't a postmark or return address, she accepted my explanation. I was hoping to put the letter back without you noticing. Most people wind up never knowing about us, never knowing anything has changed. You need to keep a better eye on things like this.” She handed me the letter, but didn’t let go. “Unless you want me to hang on to it so this doesn’t happen again?”

I let go of the letter. “Maybe that would be best.”

“Listen, I understand what you’re going through. Not only did you change genders, but you remember being a boy. That has to be hard for you to deal with. I have memories of a different life too. That's why I'm here to help you get through this.” Stephanie sat down in the chair next to me and put her arm around my shoulder. “And just because you used to be someone else, that doesn’t mean you can’t be Amber. If we can fix things, we will. But you need to be patient and stay strong. I’ve seen you change a lot since that first night you got here. I’ve seen you grow into a confident young lady. You do things naturally now that identify you as a girl.”

I sat there and thought about it. Stephanie was right. “Thanks, Steph.”

“Anytime, kiddo. Listen, we’d better get inside before they send out a search party.”

“Before we go in, would it be alright if I gave you a hug?”

“Of course you can, kiddo. And I know how much Kimmy loves hugs. Why don’t you give her one when we get inside,” replied Stephanie. “She may not know what it’s for, but she’ll always hug you back.”

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