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Book two: Avenging Angel
By SaraUK
Chapter Four of Fourteen
Alexis and Sarah sat on the sofa wrapped in each other’s arms for the longest time saying nothing, just enjoying the embrace. Sarah was finally calming down after her rapist and tormentor showed up at the college surprising her. Alexis was calming down after finding out about Sarah’s rape, and also needing to go out and rescue Alice, after she got caught nosing around in a want to be arm dealers files. Part of Alexis was glad for the rescue mission, because it gave her a chance to vent her anger over Sarah’s rape.
Let’s go and get something to eat.” Alexis finally said. “Maggie won’t be happy if we don’t show up for dinner after she went to so much trouble making it for us.” Alexi added as she got to her feet and then helped Sarah to stand up.
The two of them left their apartment and walked down to see if Alice and Lana wanted to join them at Maggie’s for some dinner.
Now the story continues...
Alice and Lana were on their sofa seated pretty much like Alexis and Sarah had just been sat moments earlier, when they entered their apartment.
“Hi. How you feeling now sis?” Alexis asked as she knelt down in front of her sister and looked up at her.
“Head’s still a bit sore, but Lana gave me some pills for the pain, so it’s going off a bit now.” Alice smiled as she put her hands on Alexis’s. “Thanks again for saving me Lexi.” Alice added with a grin. “Thank you for all the times you’ve saved me.”
“You’re welcome sis.” Alexis smiled back. “This one scared you a bit more than the other times didn’t it?” Alexis asked seeing a strange look in Alice’s eyes that she’d never seen before.
“Yes it did a little sis. That asshole could have killed me with that blow to the head.” Alice said raising her voice a little too much, making her head hurt again. “I should have been more watchful of what I was doing, and never let him sneak up on me like he did.” She added, angry with herself for getting knocked out.
“We all live and learn sis. I’m sure they won’t get the drop on you again.” Alexis pointed out. “Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up so we can go and get something to eat. Maggie’s done salad and baked potatoes.” Alexis added as she pulled a groaning Alice to her feet.
“How did the talk go with them Sarah?” Lana asked as she started to follow Alice and Alexis from the room as she wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist to offer her some comfort like Alexis was doing for Alice.
Sarah soon had Lana and Alice giggling as she explained about Tammy wanting Alexis to go and beat the guy up, and how Alexis had started to teach Tammy a valuable lesson in self control, until she blew it at the end when she said if all else failed, then she would just beat him up.
They were soon entering Maggie’s apartment and taking seats at the table while Tammy and Melissa ran back and forth bringing things to the table. Sarah and Alexis offered to help, but the two girls wanted to do it while the others relaxed for once.
“Do you think Bob and the boys will be joining us for dinner?” Maggie asked Alexis as she brought the bowl of salad to the table.
“I’m not sure, they could still be busy sorting out the clean up at the warehouse, and also looking into the creep that’s after Sarah.” Alexis said as she slipped her mobile out and made a call to Bill and Ted. “Hey Bill, Maggie wants to know if you, Ted and the old man will be joining us for dinner this evening?” Alexis asked Bill when he picked up. She listened why Bill told her what they were doing, and then she rang off to let Maggie know.
“Will they be joining us?” Maggie asked as she stopped to find out from Alexis.
“Bill and Ted are on their way, but the old man is still trying to get things sorted out with homeland security.” Alexis explained. “Seems they weren’t happy that all the bad guys were wrapped up ready for them when they arrived.” Alexis added with a grin.
“I thought they’d be happy just to have them all sat waiting for them when they arrived.” Maggie grumbled, not happy about Bob missing out on a meal. “I’ll make him a plate up, and then Tammy or Melissa can take it to him.” Maggie added in her bossy mother knows best voice. “I won’t have him missing out on a meal and making himself ill.” Maggie was soon back in the kitchen making up a plate of food for Bob.
Tammy was soon wandering out the kitchen with a large plate with a baked potato on it, salad and cold cuts, and a large chunk of fresh bread on the side.
“I’ll walk with you Tammy.” Alexis said, wanting to see how Tammy was doing with all the changes in her life without Melissa and Maggie being around. Even though they had no secrets from each other, Alexis knew that sometimes things could bother people that they just didn’t like talking about with parents or best friends.
“Thanks for walking with me Lexi.” Tammy smiled as she looked up at Alexis walking beside her up the hallway towards Bob’s office.
“You’re welcome Tammy. I wanted to ask how things were going for you anyway.”
“They’re going okay.” Tammy said in a voice that sounded less than convincing to Alexis.
“If you plan to be a spy like me Tammy, then you need to learn to lie better than that.” Alexis giggled as she bumped into Tammy’s arm. “What’s wrong?” Alexis asked with a pout.
“Mel and I are sick of being stuck in this place all the time.” Tammy whined as she looked up at the ceiling. “We want to get out and hit a mall or two, just to get some fresh air and see other people.”
“You’re sick of my company already?” Alexis asked looking hurt, but she was soon grinning again, so Tammy didn’t look worried for long.
“Not sick of the company Lexi, just sick of looking at the same four walls, well not the same four walls, but you know what I mean.” Tammy tried to explain.
“Would you be happy with going to the mall with Sarah, Alice, Lana and me?” Alexis asked.
“That would be so amazingly cool Lexi!” Tammy said looking all excited about the trip out of the base. “Do you think Uncle Bob will let you take us out?” Tammy suddenly asked looking worried that Bob might put a stop to Alexis’s planned field trip.
“You just worry about what to wear, and let me worry about the old man.” Alexis grinned. “I want you both on your best behaviour though while we’re out, or the old man will never let me hear the last of it.” Alexis warned the grinning girl stood next to her carrying the plate of food.
“From what Sarah’s told us Lexi, it’s you that needs to be the one getting warned to behave.” Tammy pointed out as she gave Alexis a playful bump with her shoulder.
“I’m a grown up and know better, so it’s do as I say, not as I do.” Alexis pointed out trying to look wise beyond her years.
“The favourite words of all grownups.” Tammy sighed. She’d heard her mum say the same thing more than once when she’d seen her mum do something that she’d told Tammy never to do.
“You’re not helping to make me want to stick my neck out and get you cleared to leave the base on your first mission as an undercover girl.” Alexis pointed out. “I could just as easy take Sarah, Alice and Lana, while leaving you and Melissa hear at the base.”
“I’m sorry Lexi. I promise to be good.” Tammy said with a pleading look in her eyes as she looked up at Alexis.
“I know how you feel kiddo.” Alexis said with a sigh. “I spent over a year stuck in this place while they did all the changes to me. I just got used to wandering these hallways, but I won’t let them keep you trapped down here like I was.” Alexis looked determined to not let Tammy and Melissa feel trapped like she did back in the beginning.
“How did you survive all on your own Lexi?” Tammy asked as she wrapped an arm through hers while holding the plate in the other one.
Alexis giggled, which made Tammy look at her a little funny. “I use to spend my time watching Alice live her life. It was a little like that Jim Carrey film, The Truman Show.” Alexis explained. “I never got to interact with her like they did in that film, but I felt closer to Alice, just by watching her liver her life.” Alexis added with a sigh.
“Why did it take so long to let her know you were alive?”
“I was scared, so I kept finding reasons to keep it from her, thinking it was the right thing to do.” Alexis shrugged. “I guess I thought the missions we sometimes went on were dangerous, and I could die on any of them, so why put Alice through the pain of losing me all over again.” Alexis added after giving it some more thought.
“That’s a pretty dumb reason to not tell your sister you were still alive for seven years.” Tammy point out as she looked at Alexis with a goofy look on her face.
“I never claimed to be a rocket scientist. And it was only six years.” Alexis said as she threw an arm around Tammy and found a ticklish spot, making her let go of the plate she was carrying.
Tammy let out a gasp as she watched the plate falling to the floor, but just before it hit the floor, Alexis’s hand shot out and snatched the plate out of thin air without losing anything from it.
“How did you do that?” Tammy asked as she stood looking down at the plate as Alexis passed it back to her.
“Just another little perk to having these gifts.” Alexis grinned at her. “You’ll have quicker response times as well, once you’ve completed the course of treatments.” Alexis added as she started walked towards Bob’s office.
“I never realised that I’d have quicker reflexes as well as super strength and healing.” Tammy said sounding all excited about becoming just like Alexis. “I wish they could just inject me now.” Tammy added with a whine as she thought about all the time she’d have to wait before she got to that part of her new life.
“Focus on becoming a girl, then we’ll focus on you becoming a badass crime fighter like me.” Alexis giggled as she wrapped an arm around Tammy’s waist again, but had her other hand ready to grab the plate if Tammy dropped it again.
They were soon outside Bob’s office door, where they could hear him shouting down the phone at someone. Bob didn’t sound happy with whoever it was, so Alexis thought it best if Tammy went back to the others while she went in and found out what the problem was.
“You better get back to the others kiddo, while I find out what’s got the old man so worked up.” Alexis said as she took the plate off a grateful looking Tammy, who was quickly putting some distance between her and the shouting coming from Bob’s office.
Alexis watched Tammy run off down the hallway, she found it hard to think of Tammy ever being anything but a girl, and the more Alexis thought about it, the more she thought that Tim had always been more like a girl than a boy, a lot like she’d been growing up. The main difference being, Tammy had an understanding mother, and now an understanding family, all be it a very odd looking one, but still a family all the same. Looking down at the plate of food and then looking at the doorway where all the shouting was coming from, Alexis let out a sigh and then entered the room without bothering to knock.
Bob was sat behind his desk, but instead of looking red faced and angry, he looked quite calm, but he was still shouting down the phone putting on a good act. “I don’t care who you take this to you little piss ant! One of my men was in trouble, so they acted on it.” Bob snapped down the phone at the person on the other end. “You may be willing to let one of your men die, but I’m not like that with my men’s well being.” Bob added just before he ended the call.
“Good to see you working that interdepartmental co-operation old man.” Alexis giggled as she put the plate of food down in front of him. “Maggie says you have to eat it all or you don’t get any desert.” Alexis added in a bossy voice like a mother would use on a naughty child.
“I don’t know about homeland security, they should call themselves own arse security.” Bob grumbled as he looked down at the plate in front of him. “I don’t have time to eat that Lexi.” Bob added as he pushed the plate away and picked up the phone to make another call.
“Make time, and deal with it.” Alexis said as she took the phone out Bob’s hand and then placed it back on the base unit. “Or I could make you eat it.” Alexis grinned down at him as she slid the plate back in front of him.
“I’d like to see you try.” Bob said with a frown, but it soon softened when he saw the evil grin spread across Alexis’s face. “You’d enjoy doing it as well wouldn’t you? As for the own arse security, does it really make much difference, as they are both out to protect it and they are up it at the same time. ” Bob added as he picked up the knife and fork and started eating.
“What’s all the trouble anyway? I thought they’d be happy to claim credit for the bust.” Alexis asked as she took a seat in the chair facing Bob.
“They are, but the asshole that tried to kill Alice wants to make a deal for giving evidence against the other guy you took down.” Bob grumbled just before he stuck a fork full of food in his mouth. “How’s Alice doing anyway?” Bob asked after he’d finished chewing.
“She’s got a bit of a headache, but she’ll live.” Alexis said as she tried to not let the fact that the man who hurt her sister was looking for a deal bother her. “You know that they will make the deal, so why let it bother you?” Alexis asked when she saw how much it got Bob’s goat to just think about the man that hurt Alice get away with it.
“They wanted to know if Alice would testify, well the girl Alice was pretending to be that is.” Bob said between mouth full’s of food.
“Why not let Alice testify then, or me in her place.” Alexis smiled. “I don’t mind showing my face, if it keeps that asshole in jail that hit her.” Alexis added with a growl.
“No, we’ve done all we can to help them out, so let them do their deal and then they can let this Paul Davenport see just how much fun it is living in the witness protection program.” Bob smirked. He already knew that people like this Paul Davenport never lasted long before they missed parts of their old life, and Bob knew that the people he testified against would be waiting for him when he did. “He’ll be busy writing everything down for a couple of months anyway.” Bob grinned just before filling his mouth with more food.
“Why’s that?” Alexis asked looking puzzled.
“Turns out you broke his jaw when you punched him that second time.” Bob chuckled. “Remind me never to upset you, or raise a hand to your sister or girlfriend.” Bob added. “Speaking of girlfriends, how’s Sarah doing?” Bob asked.
“She’s fine, just a little shook up from coming face to face with the creep that raped her.” Alexis said angrily. “I still can’t believe you all kept this from me.” Alexis added as she slumped back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest.
“If Sarah or any one of us had turned around and told you about her Rape, what would you have done?” Bob asked as he stopped eating and looked Alexis right in the eyes waiting for an answer.
“I would have found out more about him and then tracked him down.” Alexis said, not bothering to lie.
“And done what to him?” Bob asked.
“I’d have killed him very slowly and very painfully.” Alexis growled as she thought about that man she’d seen at the college having his hands all over Sarah while she fought to get away from him.
“Now you know why we decided not to tell you.” Bob pointed out. “I was hoping he‘d let the matter drop when Sarah moved here with you and Alice.” Bob added sounding a little shocked that this Mike McGarrett had managed to track Sarah down all the way across the other side of the country.
“Do you have any idea how he managed to track her down in the first place?” Alexis asked.
“We have a couple of leads we’re looking into at the minute, but it looks like Mike and his father have some people in the police force helping them out. Bill and Ted found a couple of traces that were ran just after Sarah left your old home town.” Bob filled Alexis in on the details they had so far.
“Do we have any idea why this weirdo followed Sarah all this way?” Alexis wanted to find out as much as she could now she was in on the big secret.
“How much has Sarah told you about this guy?” Bob asked.
“He’s an A class asshole that needs to be put down, and she’s not the only one he’s got away with raping, thanks to his dad and his connections.” Alexis said using clip notes for what Sarah had told her earlier.
“That about sums him up in a nut shell.” Bob said with a raised eyebrow. “All his rape victims were moved away from where Mike was living at the time, and his father made sure they were settled down in new locations with plenty of money to keep them going until they were back on their feet. The trouble was, when he raped Sarah, she wouldn’t move.” Bob explained.
“Because of me? Well the grave she thought I was buried in.” Alexis asked with a sigh.
“Correct. She wouldn’t take the money Mr McGarrett offered her, and she then tried to get Mike arrested for the rape, but as far as we can tell, his father paid people off to fake the results. No one realised at the time just how unstable Mike McGarrett really was.” Bob said. “Sarah was the first girl to hang around and stand up to him, so it turned him on in some sick way only he understands. He must have thought Sarah wanted him.” Bob shrugged, not fully understanding what made the creeps mind work. He finished the plate of food Maggie had put together for him. “God that woman can cook.” Bob added as he sat back in his chair feeling better for the meal she’d forced him to have.
“Better than my cooking?” Alexis pouted.
“Not better, but just as good.” Bob said looking worried.
“I’ll let you off then, but she is a good cook, and it’s nice to come home to a home cooked meal in the evening.” Alexis smiled as she thought about growing up and getting home from school to find her and Alice’s mum had got home early and cooked dinner for a change.
“I’m glad to see you having some fun again Lexi.” Bob smiled as he looked at the silly grin on Alexis’s face while she looked deep in thought.
“Speaking of fun boss, I want to skip classes tomorrow and take Tammy and Melissa shopping. I thought it would be nice to get them out of here for a couple of hours, and it would do Sarah and Alice some good as well.” Alexis explained as she waited for Bob to start arguing with her over it, but she was left looking puzzled then bob agreed it would be a good idea.
“I think that’s a wonderful idea Lexi. Let me get some money out the safe for you to buy them some nice things.” Bob said as he got up and went over to a picture of some world war two bombers he had on the wall. He pushed a hidden button and then watched as the picture slid to one side revealing a wall safe.
“What’s going on old man?” Alexis asked sounding suspicious. “I’ve never know you agree to letting me get off going to college so easy before.” Alexis added.
“I just think you could all do with some time off to let your hair down.” Bob tried to bluff his way out of trouble, but he could see that Alexis wasn’t buying it for a second.
“What aren’t you telling me Bob?” Alexis asked using his name for once, which normally meant she was getting angry with him.
Bob stood with a stack of money in his hand as he looked to be trying to work out if he should tell Alexis what he knew, or not. “Mike McGarrett is already out on bail pending a hearing.” He finally said as he stood waiting for Alexis to blow her top.
“What? How the hell did he get out so fast?” Alexis asked looking angry as she stood up so she could look Bob in the eyes as he gave her an answer.
“A bunch of lawyers turned up and made a lot of noise about him being an upstanding figure in the community, or some bullshit like that, and the police had to let him go. It didn’t help with the made up drugs charges you thought up either.” Bob frowned as he looked across the desk at Alexis.
“I’m glad in a way, because now it means I get to beat on him if he comes anywhere near Sarah.” Alexis said as she cracked her knuckles.
“Just be careful what you do to him Alexis, and make sure he’s not getting anything on film to use against you.” Bob warned. “Last thing we need is you getting in trouble for killing some creepy weirdo.” Bob added with a sigh.
“Don’t worry old man, Bill and Ted will help keep me out the public eye.” Alexis grinned. She snatched the money Bob was still holding, just before she spun around and left the room to go and get some dinner herself and see how Alice and Sarah were doing. Alexis had also picked up the now empty plate from bob’s desk, so she could return that to Maggie.
Bob thought about shouting to Alexis and reminding her to get receipts, but knew he’d be wasting his breath. He had enough trouble getting her to follow orders on a mission, so getting her to save all the receipts from a shopping trip was going to be a big waste of time. The phone suddenly ringing again had his mind back on the matter at hand, but he felt better now he had some food in him, so he was ready to carry on the argument with the Muppet at homeland security.
Alexis was shocked to find all the others sat waiting for her when she got back to Maggie’s place. All the food was covered up in the middle of the large table, and Maggie was soon on her feet with Tammy and Melissa helping her to bring the baked potatoes to the table. Maggie had taken the plate of Alexis and smiled when she saw it was empty, and she could see signs of where the content of the plate had been eaten and not just thrown away. Being a mother had trained Maggie in the fine art of when someone was trying to fake eating a meal.
“You didn’t need to wait for me before you all ate.” Alexis said as she took her seat at the table next to Sarah again.
“Tammy told us what you were planning, so we all wanted to see if this would be a celebration dinner, or just another evening meal like all the rest.” Sarah said as she wrapped an arm around Alexis’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder.
“I’ll wait for Maggie and the girls to join us again, and then I’ll let you know what the old man said.” Alexis had a poker face the whole time she spoke, so none of the others could tell what Bob had said to her one way or the other.
Maggie, Tammy and Melissa were soon sat at the table again with the others all filling their plates up with steaks, salad and baked potatoes. Alexis was feeling really hungry, having just sat talking to Bob why he ate his dinner. So she soon had her plate filled up and was enjoying the home cooked meal Maggie had put together with some help from Tammy and Melissa.
“Well?” An eager looking Tammy asked once she was sat at the table again and looking straight at Alexis sat across from her.
“Well what?” Alexis asked just before putting a fork full of food in her mouth to hide the fact she wanted to start grinning.
“Did the old man give you the thumbs up on the shopping mission?” Tammy asked, using Alexis’s nickname for Bob.
“Tammy! It’s Uncle Bob to you, not the old man.” Maggie snapped at her. Maggie was smiling, so Tammy didn’t look too worried.
“Sorry mother.” Tammy said looking a little sheepish at the slip. “Well did he?” Tammy asked as she looked at Alexis now she’d finished chewing the mouth full of food and swallowed it.
“Oh that.” Alexis said just before filling her mouth again. She couldn’t help smiling when she saw the frustrated look on Tammy’s face when she realised that she’d have to wait for Alexis to finish yet another mouthful before getting an answer.
Tammy looked down at Alexis’s plate and thought about taking it off her until she got her answer about the shopping trip, but decided against that when she saw the look Alexis gave her when she saw what Tammy was thinking of doing.
“Lexi! Stop being such a tease will you, and just tell us what Uncle Bob said about the shopping trip.” Tammy said in a pleading tone.
Alexis finished chewing her mouthful and swallowed it before looking at Tammy with a sad look. “I’m sorry Tammy, but Bob said we had to go and have a good time.”
Tammy’s face had dropped when Alexis started speaking, but her head suddenly whipped back up once her brain processed what Alexis had just said. “He said yes?” She asked, so she could be sure she’d just heard it right.
“Yep, he even gave me some money to spend on you and Melissa.” Alexis said as she pulled out the stack of hundred dollar bills Bob had given her, or more to the point she’d snatched off him before leaving his office. Alexis had decided on her walk back to Maggie’s place that she wasn’t going to let Sarah know about Mike McGarrett being out on bail again so soon. She couldn’t see the point of worrying Sarah over nothing, and if they did bump into the creep while they were out tomorrow, Alexis thought she’d soon talk him out of bothering her, not that Alexis planned on doing much talking to him if they did meet up.
Tammy and Melissa spent the rest of the dinner time talking excitedly about the trip to the mall the next day. Alexis smiled when she saw just how excited the two girls were over being let out for a bit. Alexis looked at Bill and Ted, and knew what the look meant that the two of them were giving her, so she gave a little nod to let them know she knew that Mike McGarrett was already out of jail.
Lana had seen the way Alexis had been talking to Bill and Ted using nothing but their eyes and nods, she had a feeling that Alexis was keeping something from them all, and she planned to find out what it was.
Bill and Ted finished their dinner and thanked Maggie, Tammy and Melissa for a lovely meal before they left to return to ops and carry on checking into the McGarrett family’s past for Alexis.
“Will you be alright helping Maggie while I go and have a quick word with Bill and Ted?” Alexis asked as she helped Sarah clear the table.
“Sure, but don’t be gone all night again, or I will come looking for you this time.” Sarah warned her.
Alexis had gone to talk with Bill and Ted in the past, and Sarah had fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for her return, only to wake up in the bed the next morning having been undressed and put in there by Alexis when she finally got back to their place.
“I promise to be as quick as I can baby.” Alexis said with her hand on her heart. She wasn’t lying about that part; Alexis didn’t want to leave Sarah on her own for any longer than she needed to, even here in the base. Alexis never wanted to let Sarah out of her sight ever again.
Lana watched Alexis leave and then turned to Alice. “I just want to see if Bill and Ted need my help with anything. I hope you don’t mind?”
“No, go and see if they need your help.” Alice smiled just before she kissed Lana on the lips. “Just don’t be gone too long.” Alice added in a warning tone.
“I won’t be sweetie. I need to keep an eye on you.” Lana said looking worried about the blow to the head Alice took while on the mission. She thought Alice would be fine, but it was never good to leave people alone after a bump to the head.
Lana was soon running off to catch up with Alexis and find out why Bob had caved in so easily over the shopping trip and the day off college for Alexis and Sarah. Lana knew as well as Alexis did, that Bob would never say okay to a fun day unless it was to prevent something from happening.
“Lexi! Wait up a minute.” Lana said as she ran around a corner and saw Alexis half way up that hallway.
Alexis turned to see Lana running towards her, so she waited for her to catch up. “Shouldn’t you be keeping an eye on my sister?” Alexis asked.
“She’s fine at the minute, Sarah’s there to keep an eye on her.” Lana waved off Alexis’s worry. “I want to know what you; Bill and Ted were doing back there during dinner. I’d also like to know why the old man said yes to the shopping trip, and even gave you money to spend.” Lana added with her hands on her hips.
Alexi thought about lying for a couple of seconds, but already knew that Lana would just go and find Bill and Ted. Alexis already knew that Lana could get the truth out of them better than any truth serum could. “You’ll have to walk with me to command as we speak.” Alexi said as she started walking up the hallway again.
“What’s going on Lexi?” Lana asked looking worried now that she could see that Alexis was worried about something.
“Mike McGarrett is already out of jail, so the old man thinks it best to keep away from the college for a couple of days until we can come up with a plan to get rid of him.” Alexis explained as they walked.
“How the hell did he get out so fast?” Lana asked looking shocked to hear the news.
“Bob says the creep’s old man knows a lot of people in the right places, if you know what I mean.” Alexis growled. “I should just break his neck and put an end to it.” Alexis added as she stopped dead in her tracks and punched the wall next to her in anger.
“I’d like to see his father fix that one.” Lana agreed. “But it wouldn’t stop his father from wanting the person who did it brought to justice though.” Lana quickly added when she saw the lights come on in Alexis’s eyes at the thought of Lana agreeing with her over just killing this Mike McGarrett.
“It wouldn’t be hard to make it look like a mugging gone wrong.” Alexis pointed out still seriously thinking about it.
“You know as well as I do that Mike’s father would still look at whether or not Sarah hired someone to kill his son, and then other things could start to show up that we don’t want people looking at too closely.” Lana said looking worried that Alexis was even thinking like this. “Or you would if your head wasn’t stuck in hurting this asshole for what he did to Sarah while you weren’t around to protect her.” Lana added as she punched Alexis in the shoulder trying to snap her out of her dark thoughts about snapping McGarrett’s neck.
“Okay, okay, point taken.” Alexis said as she held her hands up in surrender. “Anyone ever told you that you have a violent streak?” Alexis asked with a grin.
“I have a violent streak? That’s funny coming from the girl that was just talking about snapping some assholes neck.” Lana fumed as she started walking towards command while Alexis just stood giggling at her.
Alexis soon caught up with her and they walked in silence the rest of the way to coms where Bill and Ted were now sat at a couple of computers scrolling through data on the McGarrett’s.
“Sorry we couldn’t keep him in jail for you dudette.” Ted said when he saw Alexis and Lana enter the room.
“You did what you could man, so don’t worry about it.” Alexis said as she walked over and patted Ted on the back, just before doing the same to Bill to thank him.
“Do we know where the bastard is now?” Alexis asked.
“He’s back at his penthouse suite. And we’ve got hotel cameras showing him going into his room ten minutes ago, and he’s not come out again yet.” Bill said as he brought up the camera on a hotel room door. “I’ve got a program running that will let me know the minute that door opens as well, so we won’t miss him leaving again.
“Is there any other way he could leave?” Alexis asked looking worried that they could miss him sneaking out.
“Yes, the fire exit, which is also covered.” Bill said as he brought up the image of another door with a camera on it. “And he could jump from a window, but as he’s on the twenty fifth floor, he could save us all some trouble and sneak out that way, but the first step is a killer.” Bill added with a grin.
Alexis looked at Lana with an evil grin on her face. “No!” Lana snapped at her when she realised what Alexis was thinking about doing. “You can’t make it look like he jumped to his death.” Lana added when she saw the puzzled look Bill and Ted was giving her.
“Sure we could.” Bill said, not understanding what Lana was trying to say.
“I know we could, but it won’t stop his father from looking into what happened, and a hotel has far too many things that can go wrong, or people to see you enter and leave.” Lana pointed out what she was getting at.
“Lana’s right guys. I mean look at the fact we’re now watching the two ways into his penthouse.” Alexis said as she pointed at the monitor with the two doors on it. “Add in all the people and you have a lot of things that could go wrong.” Alexis added with a sigh, not happy that she wouldn’t be able to throw him from the building.
“We do need a better way of keeping track of him though.” Lana pointed out. “I hate to say this, but we need to get a tracker in him.” Lana added when she realised this would mean Alexis going to his penthouse and injecting him with one.
“How do we get her in to his penthouse to inject him in the first place?” Ted asked as he looked up at Lana stood behind him.
“Just make me up a mask and let me worry about that part of the plan.” Alexis said as she turned to leave the room and go get ready for her mission. “You better fill the old man in as well, so he knows what we’re planning to do.” Alexis added just before she ran from the room.
An hour later a very different looking Alexis was sat in the bar at the hotel where Mike McGarrett was stopping in a penthouse suite. Alexis was wearing a mask to hide her real looks, or the one that Mike had already seen at the college earlier in the day. She was also wearing a very revealing little black cocktail dress that had all the single guys in the bar looking at her, and a couple had even brought her a drink hoping to get a little company for the night up in their rooms.
Alexis had taken some of the drug that stopped her getting drunk, so she had no problem drinking the cocktails she’d been brought before letting the men down easily. She was looking for a way to get up to Mike’s penthouse when she heard Lana in her ear.
“He’s on the move G, so be ready to follow.” Lana warned.
Alexis got up and was ready to leave the bar when she saw him walk into the room and head over to the bar to get a drink. Alexis smiled as she realised that he’d just made this way too easy for her as she walked over to join him at the bar to get another drink. She’d had Bill and Ted design a mask that made her look a little like Sarah, just in case she got a chance like this.
Mike McGarrett had just ordered a double whisky when he saw a woman step up to the bar next to him, he took a quick look and then had to look again when he thought it was Sarah stood there, but on the second look he realised it was just someone that looked like her. It didn’t stop him from talking to this woman though.
“Hi. Here on your own baby?” Mike asked with a grin looking hopeful that the woman would say yes.
“Yes I am. I was supposed to meet a friend here, but she couldn’t make it and failed to let me know until it was too late.” Alexis sighed as she waved the bar tender over. “Can I get another white wine please?” She asked the bar tender.
“Please let me get you that.” Mike said as he pointed to the bar tender to get him another one as well. “I’m here on my own as well, so we could sit and talk for a bit if you’d like?” Mike asked as he eyed Alexis up and down.
Alexis was fighting the urge to just punch him in the face and then snap his neck before running from the hotel, never to be seen again, but she knew that the fact she looked a little like Sarah at the minute wouldn’t work well for Sarah when the police showed up, or Mike’s father got involved. Alexis had lied to Sarah when she went back to their apartment at the base. She’d told Sarah that Bob wanted her to meet someone and plant a bug, but not who that person was, or that it had been her and Lana’s idea. Bob had given them the green light to do it, but not before making Alexis promise to do nothing but inject the tracking device.
“That’s so sweet of you, thank you so much.” Alexis said trying to look happy for the company. “I’ve been getting so sick of all these other guys trying to chat me up, but you look genuine.” Alexis added as she picked up the wine glass and took a sip from it.
“If you want to get away from all them, you can come up to my penthouse.” Mike said trying to look impressive when he said the word ‘penthouse’
“You have a penthouse? Wow!” Alexis said trying to act all giggly and excited about it. She was excited about getting up to his penthouse, but not for the same reason he was. Alexis planned to use a special needle hidden in one of her rings to poke him in the neck, and put him to sleep while she got the small gun out and then injected him with the tracker before leaving the room. Alexis was even going to undress him and leave a pair of panties behind that she’d brought with her especially for the occasion. This would make it look like he slept with her before she woke and left while he was still sleeping.
Mike ordered a couple of bottles of Champagne to be delivered to his suite along with some fresh strawberries, and then he showed Alexis up to his room. Mike didn’t waste any time coming on to Alexis once he had her in his suite, but thanks to Alexis being much stronger than the normal sort of girl he took to his room like this, Alexis was able to fight him off and tease him until room service arrived with the tray containing the things Mike had ordered down in the bar.
Alexis waited for Mike to pour the Champagne and hand her a glass before she wrapped an arm around him after pushing a small button on the ring with the sleeping drug in it. She pricked him in the neck as she thanked him for the drink, and then she stepped back and watched him fall to the ground, slamming his face into the hard marble floor.
“Oops, I should have tried to stop you falling I guess.” Alexis said to the now sleeping man lying on the floor in the middle of the main room.
“You just let him fall to the ground didn’t you?” Lana asked in Alexis’s ear.
“I tried to stop him falling, really I did.” Alexis said with fake sincerity in her voice.
“I’m sure you did, now get him on the bed and injected with the tracker before he wakes up.” Lana said sounding worried, but worried for Mike’s safety over Alexis’s.
Alexis picked Mike up and then carried him into the master bedroom and dumped him on the bed before removing all his clothes and then pulling the small injector out her purse and injecting him with the tracking device.
“Go for test on the tracking device.” Alexis asked the empty room, well empty all apart from her and Mike, and then she waited for an answer from Lana.
“Tracker working fine G, now get the other things sorted out and get out of there and come back to base.” Lana said, she wasn’t happy with what Alexis needed to do next, but it was all part of the larger plan they had come up with.
“Got it.” Alexis said once she’d finished playing around with the sleeping rapist on the bed.
“Good, now get the hell out of there.” Lana pleaded.
“I just need to do a couple more things before I leave Lana.” Alexis said as she took both bottles of Champagne to the bathroom and tipped them down the sink. Then she returned to the master bedroom and pulled a male chastity device out of her purse and set to work putting it on Mike’s sleeping form. “I wish I could see you trying to get this removed tomorrow.” Alexis giggled as she locked it in place.
The chastity device only covered his balls and penis, and was made of some form of plastic, but it was still going to take him some time to get it removed, and Alexis doubted he had the tools here in the penthouse to remove it.
“What are you doing G?” Lana asked sounding urgent.
“I just fitted him with a chastity device.” Alexis giggled as she gave it a good pull to make sure he wouldn’t be able to remove it himself without some tools and time.
“Where did you get a chastity device for a male from at this time of night?” Lana asked sounding puzzled.
“I passed a sex shop on the way to the hotel and called in to see what fun things they had for sale.” Alexis giggled as she made the room look like he’d had a wild time with the mystery woman he picked up in the bar.
Is there any way he’ll be able to trace the thing back to you or Sarah?” Lana asked with worry in her voice this time.
“No, I paid cash for it. I’m not that stupid Lana.”
“Good! Now get the hell out of there before he wakes up.” Lana pleaded in an angry whisper.
“I’m walking out the door now, so get Bill and Ted to do something with the camera feed.” Alexis warned them as she opened the door and left the room.
Sarah was sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket with Alice sat next to her looking tired, but Lana didn’t want Alice left on her own, so Sarah had promised to keep an eye on Alice for her while she worked the mission with Alexis.
“Sorry about having to pop out on you tonight, but the mission was an important one.” Alexis said as she pulled Sarah to her feet and then took her off to bed after helping Lana get Alice up off the sofa and heading off towards their own apartment next door.
Alexis had called in at coms to make sure they had a good signal on Mike McGarrett before Alexis had left to go and make sure Sarah was still doing alright. Lana had walked with her so she could collect Alice and also get some sleep before they had a busy day of shopping with Tammy and Melissa.
“I know I signed up for things like this Lexi, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.” Sarah said just before she leaned in and gave Alexis a kiss. “Just remember to come home to me at the end of every mission though.” Sarah added just before she kissed Alexis again. They were both soon asleep in each other’s arms.
To Be Continued Next Sunday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Poor Mike... Not!
Y'know, most of the sort of chastities that a sex shop is apt to carry can do some (minor) damage if fitted wrongly. Nothing permanent (unless you have it on for longer than he's likely to). But he's likely going to be more than a bit uncomfortable when he wakes up and the mark(s) and pain will take a day or two to go away. (Personal experience... )
Details available upon request :-)
Besides that, he's apt to wake around 4am if the drugs allow. That's when he'll get a nocturnal erection, and those are no fun at all even if the chastity is fitted right. Awwww.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Project Guardian: Book 2, Chapter 4.
What if she was videoed in the room?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Lexi was wearing a mask
So it wouldn't make a differance if she was caught on camera. She would just be some random girl with a kink for drugging men and leaving them locked up. *giggle*
The hard part for Lexi was not just killing him once she had him passed out in the room, but trust me when I say he gets what's coming to him in the end *insert evil laugh here*
hugs and Love
Pooooooor Mikey
Problem this is a two headed beast situation between Mike and his father and you have to kill both to get the job done. The first job is really to get rid of dear old dad and then Mike will easily fall on his own.
I wish these came out sooner then what they do. These chapters are a favorite of mine and you hint to so many things that are going on but seem to take forever to get to those hints that is why the devil face works so well because you are a devil for making us wait so long just to get to the next little hint that you put out there.
Yours Truly,
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