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Book two: Avenging Angel
By SaraUK
Chapter Three of Fourteen
Alexis jumped as she was shocked awake by her mobile blasting out the latest song she was using for her ringtone. She’d fallen asleep on the sofa with Sarah’s head still resting on her knee. Sarah was just sitting up and rubbing sleep from her eyes as Alexis tried to focus on her phone and who was calling. “Sorry to wake you Saz, looks like Lana needs me for something.” Alexis said with a roll of her eyes when she saw Lana’s name on her phone. “Alice has probably got herself kidnapped or something.” Alexis giggled as she hit the answer button. “Hi Lana. What’s my sister gone and done now.” Alexis asked into the phone with a giggle. “I think she’s just been knocked unconscious by the bad guys, and they plan to torture her, to find out who she’s working for.” Lana’s frantic voice said down the phone. “Oh god I hope she’s just unconscious.” Lana added with fear in her voice. Alexis had stopped giggling and was on her feet and heading for her armoury to suit up. “I’m suiting up now. Do Bill and Ted still have her on tracking?” Alexis asked remaining calm. She was in full guardian mode now as she got ready to go rescue her Angel. Alexis had put her phone on speaker so she could keep talking to Lana while she suited up. Sarah was still sat on the Sofa waking up, but she was on her feet and wanting to help just as soon as she worked out that Alice was in trouble. “What can I do to help Lexi?” Sarah asked as she stood in the doorway to Alexis’s room where she kept all her cat suits, helmets and weapons. “Get up to coms and make sure Lana is doing okay for me, she sounded stressed out just now.” Alexis said as she pulled Sarah closer for a kiss before she took Sarah by the hand and ran her from the room so she could get to Coms while Alexis got in her car and then Alice before something happened. Sarah stood with Alexis at the elevators and watched as she slipped on the helmet. “You go and get your sister, and make the bastards pay if they hurt her.” Sarah ordered just before she kissed Alexis’s helmet where her lips would be if she hadn’t been wearing it. “”You can count on that sugar.” Alexis said in her southern slur that the helmet gave her to mask her real voice. Alexis was soon in the elevator heading up to her car, while Sarah ran to coms to see how Lana was holding up. Lana looked a wreck when Sarah got to command, she was shouting Alice’s name into a mike and getting know answer. She fell into Sarah’s arms and started sobbing the minute Sarah was close enough. “Lexi’s on her way to rescue her now Lana.” Sarah said calmingly to the shaking woman. “I feel sorry for the fool that did this; Lexi will give them hell for it.” Sarah added with some pride in her voice. “Good!” Lana snapped as she stood up and pulled herself together. “I hope she rips an arm off and beats him to death with it.” Lana added. “I could do that sugar, but then it would all be over to quick.” Alexis’s voice said over the speaker in coms. “I trust you’re all receiving me loud and clear honey?” The guardian’s southern slur asked. “Loud and clear guardian. The guys have cleared a path for you, so put your foot down and get going.” Lana said. “I already am sugar.” Alexis said as she put her foot to the floor and hit greens all the way to the location where Alice’s tracker was coming from. Alexi wasn’t worried about the tracker leading her to the wrong place because Alice had a number of redundant ones just in case the bad guys found one of them. Alexis was eager to get to her sister to make sure she was alright still, and also get a work out. Alexis was still angry over what she’d found out about this Mike McGarrett and what he’d done to Sarah over the past six years. She wasn’t mad with Lana and the old man because the sort of thing Mike and his dad did would have been under the table, so there wouldn’t be any trace back to them, so no paper trail for the old man to see. Alexis planned to vent some of her anger on these bad guys until she got the chance to do the same to Mike and his father. But first she needed to make sure her sister was safe. Alice woke and let out a groan as she felt pain in the back of her head where someone had hit her with something heavy. “Good, you’re finally awake.” A male voice said that she seemed to know from somewhere. “I was beginning to worry I might have hit you a little too hard there for a bit.” The man said as he stepped into view. Alice suddenly realised that it was Paul Davenport doing the talking. “Paul? What’s going on?” Alice asked trying to look innocent. “You can drop the act Alice, or whatever your name is. I know what you’re really doing here.” Paul said looking smug with himself. Alice let out a sigh just before she used the code word that let Lana and the others know she needed help. “Where’s a guardian angel when you need one?” “Guardian’s on her way to you now Alice.” Lana’s voice said in Alice’s ear. Alice smiled when she heard those words. She’d seen just how good her guardian was , and knew that she’d arrive soon and teach this asshole the true meaning of the word fear and pain. Alice just hoped that Alexis left him with a king sized headache like she had at the minute. “I don’t know what you’re smiling for bitch? As soon as my friends get here, we plan to torture the truth out of you just before we kill you.” Paul said trying to act all tough. “You’re new to this kidnap and interrogate thing aren’t you sweetie?” Alice asked with a pout, mocking the want to be bad guy. “No!” Paul snapped back. “I’ve got information out of lots of people.” He quickly added, but Alice could see he was lying. Paul looked really nervous about all this. “If that’s the case Paul, then I thought you’d realise that telling the person being interrogated that they will be dead soon, doesn’t make them want to help you very much does it?” Alice pointed out, treating Paul like he was a moron, which at the minute she did. “Didn’t you hear me right you silly bitch! I said my friends will torture the information out of you.” Paul looked smug as he said it. “They’ll have you squealing like a little piggy in no time at all.” He added with an evil laugh that Alice thought could use a little work. “You really are new at all this, poor baby.” Alice pouted, mocking him even more. “Don’t you know that torture very rarely works, as the person being tortured tends to tell the torturer whatever they want to hear.” Alice explained. “I also doubt that the people you have coming here are really your friends, but the people wanting the firearms you’re selling them, which is the second mistake you’ve made.” Alice added looking smug with herself. “It always works in the movies bitch.” Paul said looking a little unsure of himself now. “But this isn’t a movie.” Alice reminded him. She could see him thinking over what she’d just said about the second mistake he’d made as well. “You’re trying to work out what I meant by the second mistake aren’t you?” Alice asked with a smile. “I think you’re full of shit lady, and when my friends get here, they will teach you a lesson or two.” Paul said in a tone that told Alice he’d done talking to her for the time being. “Suit yourself.” Alice said with a shrug as she tried to work the crick out of her neck where Paul had hit her. She could feel a damp patch on her upper back and knew that he’d drawn blood with whatever he’d hit her with. Paul had tied her to a chair in a large warehouse, but it didn’t look like the warehouse she’d been working at. There were crates stacked up on one side of the warehouse, but apart from that the place was empty. Alice knew that the people coming to buy the weapons weren’t going to be happy when they saw what Paul had done. The type of people Paul would be dealing with didn’t like loose ends, and now Paul had been found out, he was as much a loose end as Alice would be. Poor Paul was to dumb, or blinded by greed to see any of that though, and Alice was nursing a monster headache thanks to him clocking her one across the back of the head, so she wasn’t about to help him stay out of trouble. Alice just hoped Alexis got there before the other bad guys did. Paul was soon jumping up when he heard someone opening the roller doors at the far end of the warehouse. “Now we’ll see how cocky you are.” Paul said looking at Alice tied to the chair. Alice was feeling a bit nervous now there were more bad guys arriving. She knew things could get messy with larger numbers of people with guns. It never used to bother her that much watching the guardian take down the bad guys, Alice knew how good she was, but all that had changed since she found out that her guardian was really her sister. Now Alice worried for Alexis’s safety as she did her little dance with them. “Why the worried look sugar?” Alexis’s voice said from just behind her as she felt the ropes being cut away from her body. “Did you think I’d let the nasty man hurt you anymore than he already has?” Alexis added in her southern voice. Alexis had been watching the two of them for a couple of minutes waiting for the right moment to get Alice out of harm’s way. Paul was too focused on watching the truck back into the warehouse to notice Alexis helping Alice escape. By the time he looked back to where Alice was tied up she was gone, leaving a pile of cut rope on the floor around the chair she’d been tied to. “Shit!” Paul shouted as he franticly looked around trying to see where she might have gone. “Shit, shit, shit!” He shouted as he stamped his feet like an angry child. Why Paul was having his tantrum, three men had got out the truck and were making their way over to where Paul was stood. “What’s got into you?” One of the men asked. “I caught some bitch spying on me back at the office, so I bought her here so you could find out what she knows.” Paul said as he kept looking around trying to see where she might have vanished to. “You got made and you brought her here?” The man asked sounding angry. “Are you a moron?” The man added just before he gave the two men with him a look that said for them to go and find her. “What do we do when we find her boss?” One of the other men asked as he pulled out a gun and made sure the safety was off. “Kill her, and anyone else you find.” The first man told the other two just before they went in search of their pray. “It’s just the one woman.” Paul tried to tell the man, but his words were cut off when the man slapped him across the face knocking him to the floor. “Those ropes have been cut away, so unless you left her with a knife and free hands to cut herself loose, then she was helped by someone else other than you, so that means she’s not alone.” The man said as he kicked Paul in the gut making him grunt in pain. “I thought you could find out what she knew before you killed her.” Paul groaned as he held his stomach where he’d just been kicked. “You idiot! You should have called and let me know you’d been made; now we’re all in trouble.” The man said as he pulled out a gun and checked the clip to make sure it was fully loaded. “It’s a shame you won’t live to tell them anything though.” The man added as he pointed the gun at Paul’s head. Paul looked scared to death as he looked up at the barrel of the gun now pointing at his head. He finally understood what Alice had been trying to warn him about with the second mistake. The man was just about to shoot Paul when he heard one of his men let out a scream of pain just before there was a thud next to him. The man looked to his side and saw the slumped body of his man on the ground.
Now the story continues...
Alexis had got Alice out the building and safely back to her car before returning to the warehouse to take care of the bad guys.
“Did he hurt you sis?” Alexis asked, but it sounded off coming out sounding like a southern bell.
“Yes, but I’ll be alright.” Alice said as she touched the lump on the back of her head and then looked at her hand and saw the blood on it. “Let’s just get out of here before the good guys turn up.” Alice warned.
“I can’t go doing that sugar. I need to go teach that nasty man the correct way to treat a lady.” Alexis said with some humour in her voice.
Alice knew it would be useless trying to talk Alexis out of going back in, so she just said, “Be careful sis.”
“I always am sugar.” Alexis giggled just before she closed the car door and then vanished into the night.
Alexis slipped back into the warehouse and looked for the power box, so she could plant a charge and blow the lights when she needed too. She didn’t need the lights to see, thanks to the night vision Bill and Ted had built into the helmet. This still didn’t stop her wanting to leave the lights on though to make it a little more interesting, and let the bad guys get a look at the person taking them down. Alexis could be a little vain like that at times.
She soon found her first bad guy when she was just about to step out from behind a wall. The man was quick to aim his gun at her, but she was faster and soon had his arm bent back painfully in the wrong direction, as he dropped the gun and let out a scream of pain. Alexi punched him in the chest and then spun around low to the ground knocking him off his feet. She then grabbed him and threw him back out into the open space right next to another man pointing a gun down at the one who’d hit Alice.
The man that looked to be in charge lost interest in the man on the ground as he pointed his gun around trying to find the person who just took out one of his thugs. “Show yourself! I’m sure we can come to a deal!” The man shouted, hoping to get a response and then shoot.
Alexis was beginning to wonder just how stupid he thought she was when she heard a sound from just behind her. “Watch it G, bad guy trying to sneak up on you.” Ted’s voice warned as he was watching her back from command on the rear view camera mounted into the helmet.
“Thanks Ted sugar.” Alexis said in a whisper. She still never made any move though, and she let the man come right up behind her and place the gun in the centre of her head.
“Turn around slowly and keep your hands where I can see them.” The thug said as he stepped back ready for trouble. “Tell your partner to get over here, or you take one for the team.” The man hissed as he stepped closer, pushing the gun in Alexis’s face.
“I’m all on my own honey, due to the fact I don’t play well with others.” Alexis pointed out to the thug.
“Don’t bullshit me lady. Someone much bigger than you did that to my friend just now.” The thug had seen his partner get thrown out into the middle of the floor where their boss was stood over the man that had taken Alice.
“I’m just much stronger than I look.” Alexis owned up, but before the man had time to react, she did the splits dropping to the floor just before she punched the thug right in the groin. As the man bent over in agony, Alexis spun her leg round from behind her and then did a backwards flip from the floor kicking the thug in the face with both her feet as she flipped over backwards and landed on her feet again looking down at the thug now on his back hold his privates and groaning in a lot of pain. “I’m much faster too.” Alexis added as she looked down at the man.
Before the thug had time to react, Alexis grabbed his leg and dragged him out into the middle of the room where their leader was now pointing a gun at her while looking at his second henchman being dragged along like he weighed nothing at all.
“What the fu...” Was all the man got out as he aimed the gun at Alexis a split second before he found a throwing star stuck in his hand. He dropped the gun as he let out a scream of pain.
Alexis had been ready for the man aiming his gun at her, she’d already palmed a throwing star ready to take him out, and she did with deadly aim. “Now now sugar, didn’t you mother ever tell you it was rude to point a gun at someone” Alexis asked as she threw the thug she’d been dragging right at the boss knocking him to the ground with the thug on top of him still groaning over the punch to his privates.
Paul, who’d been crawling back out the way of the trouble suddenly jumped to his feet and made a run for it, but he didn’t get far before he felt something wrap around his legs tripping him up, just after he heard a whooshing sound from just behind him. When he righted himself enough to look down at his legs, he saw that this weird woman dressed all in black from head to toe had used a set of bolas on him.
“Did I say you could leave darling?” Alexis asked as she walked over to where Paul was laying on the floor trying to unwrap his legs from the long cord now wrapped around them with some heavy steel balls attached on three ends.
Paul looked up at her and went to speak, but before he got a word out, Alexis punched him in the face making him see stars. Alexis then dragged him back to where the others were just starting to untangle themselves. Alexis worked fast to cable tie all their hands behind their backs, and then she used longer ones to do the same with their feet. By the time Alexis had done with all four men, they were all hogtied on the floor of the warehouse waiting for people from homeland security to arrive and take them away.
“You’re dead bitch!” The guy in charge said as he rolled around on the floor trying to get loose. “I’m going to find out who you are, and then I’m going to make you pay.” He growled at Alexis as she crouched down looking at him from behind her mask.
“I’ve never heard that one before sugar.” Alexis giggled as she slapped the man on the cheek. “You feel free to come look me up if you ever see the light of day again; I’ll be waiting for you.” Alexis said just before she heard vehicles screeching to a halt just outside the warehouse.
The man suddenly changed his tune when he heard the cars pull up. “Let me go and I’ll make you rich.” He said as he struggled even more trying to get loose.
Alexis just stood up again and laughed as she walked away, but she stopped long enough to give Paul another punch in the face, which had the added affect of slamming the other side of his head into the concrete floor. “You should never hit a lady you asshole.” Alexis said just before she was gone from their sight and making her way back out to where she’d parked her car and left Alice sat in it.
Alice had got the first aid kit out the glove box and was just cleaning up the cut on the back of her head when she heard a voice she knew over the car speakers.
“Are you okay Alice baby?” Lana asked in a worried tone.
“I’ll be fine once I’ve taken some painkillers and had a soak in a nice hot bubble bath with you.” Alice said with a sigh, glad to hear Lana’s voice and to be able to talk to her now she was safe. “I’ve never been happier to see Alexis turn up and save me though.” Alice added with a smile.
“You’re not the only one baby, but I think she cut it a little to close if you ask me.” Lana grumbled.
“You know how she liked to make it look flashy, and what better way than to rescue me at the last minute.” Alice giggled. “Ouch, it hurts my head to laugh.” Alice moaned. “I can’t believe that asshole hit me across the back of the head with something.”
“Trust me when I say that he’s hurting more than you are right now Angel.” Lana said as she watched Alexis punch Paul in the face just before she dragged him back to where the other three men were all lying on the ground in the middle of the warehouse.
“Good! I hope his head hurts as much as mine does right now.” Alice said with a pout in her voice.
“I’ll pass that on to Alexis for you.” Lana said. “She’s just getting things wrapped up for Homeland to turn up and take over.” Lana added as she watched what Alexis was doing using the camera feed in the helmet.
Alice watched as a load of cars whizzed past on their way to the warehouse where Alexis was with the bad guys, but before Alice had time to panic about her sister getting caught, the driver’s door opened and Alexis slid into the car behind the wheel and started the engine before driving away from the place.
“Are you okay Lexi?” Alice asked as she looked over at her sister driving the car still wearing all her guardian gear, including the helmet. Alexis found it hard to break the old habit of staying in character until back at base.
“I’m sorry sis.” Alexis said as she pulled over to the side of the road and undid the clips on the back of her helmet and removed it before turning to look at Alice and smiling at her. “Old habits.” She giggled. “I’m fine, how about you?” Alexi asked looking worried when she saw Alice holding some gauze over the cut on the back of her head.
“I’m feeling much better now I know you’re safe.” Alice smiled back at her twin, even if they didn’t look like twins at the minute due to Alice wearing a mask. “Lana said you gave Paul a headache to match mine.” Alice added with a grin.
“If that’s the name of the guy that hit you, and then tied you up, then yes I gave him something to think about.” Alexis growled. “It felt good to to vent some anger tonight after the day I’ve just had.” Alexi added as she thought about Sarah telling her about the rape, and then seeing the creep that did it talking to Sarah like they were still an item.
“Tough day at college sister dear?” Alice asked with concern in her voice as she watched Alexis put the car in gear and pull off again.
“You could say that. Sarah told me some stuff that upset me a little bit.” Alexis said cryptically. “I’m not sure she’d be happy if I told you about it sis.”
“Do you mean about her rape?” Alice asked looking nervous, not sure if she was digging a bigger hole for Sarah.
“You knew about that?” Alexis asked as the car suddenly swerved across the road when Alexis took her eyes off the road to look at Alice.
“Yes I knew about that.” Alice said looking scared for her life as Alexis nearly drove them into a truck coming the other way on the road. “Sarah told me some time back, she was asking if she should tell you, and I said to leave it until the time felt right.” Alice explained.
“I should have been told sooner Alice!” Alexis snapped as she put her foot down to vent some of her anger.
“We were all worried you’d go out of your way to track the creep down and try to get some sort of revenge on him for what he did to her.” Alice said trying to make her sister see sense.
“Don’t worry about that sis, he found me, well he found Sarah at college today.” Alexis growled. “He just doesn’t understand that he will now have me to deal with.” She added with an evil grin.
“He’s found Sarah here?” Alice asked, shocked at what Alexis had just said. Part of her felt a little sorry for the guy. Alice had seen what Alexis could do both as the guardian, and as an over protective sister. She couldn’t even start to imagine what Alexis would do to someone that raped the woman she loved, but she had a feeling she’d soon find out, and enjoy watching it to a point.
“Yes, he just turned up at the college acting like him and Sarah was still an item, and he was here to take her home again. I wanted to kill him, but I had to get Sarah to safety.” Alexis explained. “Bill and Ted got him arrested, and then made up some very interesting charges for him as well.” Alexis added with a smirk.
“What kind of charges did they come up with?” Alice asked looking worried.
Alexis went on to tell Alice about the drug’s charge and how he would end up being searched in places that would leave him feeling violated. Alice burst out in a fit of giggles when Alexis told her about the charges for doing obscene things with animals. Alice was soon telling Alexis to shut up though when the laughing made her head hurt even more.
They were soon parked back in the warehouse above the base, and Alexis pulled Alice from the car and carried her over to the elevator where Alice flashed her ID card over a panel next to the elevator and the doors opened to let them enter.
Lana was stood waiting for them when they got down to the right level, and Sarah was stood with her, both of them looked happy to see their partners back safe and sound.
“How are you feeling baby?” Lana asked as she threw her arms around Alice and kissed her before Alice could answer her question.
“I’m fine, just a sore head. I have told Lexi this, but she still won’t let me walk until I’ve been checked out by the doc.” Alice said with a roll of the eyes.
“I better check you out then.” Lana grinned. Lana was the doc, and did all the patching up work when Alice got hurt on a mission.
“I think you better give me a good check up to make sure I’m well enough to go back to work then doc.” Alice grinned back.
“Follow me then and we’ll get you to my lab.” Lana said as she led them down the hallway towards Alice and Lana’s room.
Alexis just started following with Alice still in her arms like she weighed nothing at all. Alice thought about asking to be put down, but she liked the way Alexis cared enough to carry her all this way, so she just held on and rested her head on her sisters shoulder and looked at the face she knew so well from the mirror.
“Thank you for rescuing me sis.” Alice said with a smile when Alexis looked down at her.
“It’s always my pleasure my sweet Alice.” Alexis said as she smiled back.
Alice noticed Sarah’s head poke around the other side of Alexis as she followed them back to her and Lana’s apartment. “How are you doing Sarah? Lexi told me about that weirdo turning up at college today.” Alice asked looking worried for her friends well being.
“I’m doing okay.” Sarah giggled at the fact Alice was more worried about her than the fact she nearly died tonight, and was now sporting a king sized lump on the back of her head. “He doesn’t seem to scare me as much as he used to when I thought I was alone in the world.” Sarah added as she looked into Alexis’s eyes as she smiled warmly at her.
“He’ll soon be wishing he’d never even heard of you Sarah, never mind coming all this way to find you.” Alexis said with a strange look in her eyes.
Sarah wanted to warn Alexis to be careful, but she’d seen Alexis deal with people far more dangerous than Mike McGarrett, so she just let out a sigh as she followed them back to Alice and Lana’s room.
They had just got to the apartment door when they heard the thumping of feet running down the hallway behind them as they saw Tammy and Melissa running towards them looking worried. This wasn’t eased when they saw that Alexis was carrying Alice in her arms.
“Alice!” Both girls shouted as they seemed to speed up. “Are you hurt badly?” Tammy asked as she skidded to a halt just before bumping into Alexis.
“I’m fine, just a bump on the head.” Alice smiled as she looked at the concerned looks the two girls were giving her. Alice had become just as close to the two girls over the past several months while they’d been living in the base. Alice had also become the home schooling teacher as well, but both girls loved the way Alice taught them. It was always fun. Bill and Ted were also helping to teach them, but only when Melissa wasn’t trying to crash the network.
“Does this mean we get an extra couple of days to finish our homework?” Melissa asked looking hopeful.
“No! I’ll be well enough to grade the two of you on the little project I assigned you.” Alice said trying to look hurt that Melissa was more interested in getting extra time with her history homework than she was about her being hurt.
“I’m only teasing you Alice.” Melissa giggled. “I’ve already finished it, and I’m really glad to see you back safe and sound.” Melissa added as she stepped forward and gave Alice a hug.
“I’m really glad to see you back safe as well Alice.” Tammy said as she also gave Alice a hug while Alexis held her in her arms waiting for Lana to open the apartment door to let them all enter the room.
If the injury had been anything more than a bump on the head, Lana would have got Alexis to take Alice down to medical, but Lana grabbed the first aid kit out the kitchen and set to work giving Alice the once over while she sat at the breakfast bar with Alexis keeping a watchful eye on her. Alexis had also grabbed the removal spray, so she could take the mask off Alice. Alexis smiled when she looked upon the face she saw every time she looked in the mirror now days.
“God you’re beautiful.” Alexis sighed.
“And you’re just vain sis.” Alice giggled before wincing in pain.
“What happened then Lexi?” Tammy asked looking excited to get all the details from her.
“Didn’t you see any of it from coms?” Alexis asked.
“No, Bill and Ted wouldn’t let me or Mel into to coms because of something they were doing.” Tammy pouted. “I don’t think they trust us still.” Tammy added in a sad tone.
Alexis looked at Sarah when she realised the real reason for Bill and Ted wanting them out the way. It had nothing to do with the mission Alice was on, but everything to do with the creep stalking Sarah. Alexis didn’t know what to say to Tammy and Melissa about any of this, it was up to Sarah what they got told, or even if they got told anything at all.
“Will you two be okay if Lexi and I take Tammy and Mel next to door to have a word with them Lana?” Sarah asked with a knowing look at Lana who was busy cleaning out the cut on the back of Alice’s head.
“We’ll be fine, but are you sure you want to do this Sarah?” Lana asked looking concerned with what Sarah was about to do.
“They’re like family to me now Lana, so I think they deserve to know what’s been going on, and if Alexis has her way, they’ll find out soon enough one way or the other.” Sarah said with a shrug. “Better it come from me, so they can ask all their questions in one go.” Sarah added.
Tammy and Melissa just stood looking at the two women like they were watching a tennis match as the two of them spoke back and forth. Both girls looking more and more eager to find out what they were talking about.
“I need you to go and get your mum, and then come back to mine and Lexi’s place so I can explain some things to you all.” Sarah said as she looked at the two girls.
Sarah and Alexis followed the two girls out the apartment belonging to Alice and Lana, then watched as the two girls ran off to get their mother, so they could find out what the big secret was Sarah had to tell them. Sarah found it hard to believe that Tammy wasn’t a real girl, but then she found it hard to believe that Alexis had once been a boy called Alex now when she looked at her.
“Do you think Tammy’s happier now Lexi?” Sarah asked as they watched the two girls run down the hall and vanish into their apartment where their mother would be busy sorting out dinner.
“Yes she is.” Alexis sighed. “Tim was just a mask Tammy was forced to wear. I’m glad she had an understanding mother like Maggie to help her deal with it.” Alexis added with a distant look in her eyes as she thought about her own parents, and how they just abandoned their son and moved away taking Alice with them.
“I’m glad she’s got you to help her as well Lexi.” Sarah smiled as she wrapped an arm around her waist and led her into their apartment. “As sexy as I think you look in that cat suit baby, I think it might be best if you slipped into something a little less... Badass?” Sarah added with a grin trying to snap Alexis out of her sudden gloomy mood.
Sarah knew that Alexis still struggled with what her parents did just over seven years ago. In the months since Sarah had found Alexis again, Alexis had never once spoke to her about either of her parents, and neither had Alice now Sarah thought about it, so she had no idea how they felt about their parents, and she was too scared to bring it up.
It was five minutes later when the apartment door opened and Tammy and Melissa entered the room dragging a worried looking Maggie along behind them. “Is everything aright Lexi? Tammy and Mel told me Alice got hurt.” Maggie said as she was dragged over and forced to take a seat on the empty sofa with Tammy and Melissa sitting either side of her.
“Alice is fine Maggie, just a bump on the head, but she’s smart enough to still make the rest of us look dumb.” Alexis joked to let Maggie know everything would be fine on that front.
“That’s good to hear then.” Maggie giggled. “So why did you ask the girls to bring me here then?” Maggie asked looking worried still.
“I trust that the girls told you about them being asked to keep out of coms earlier tonight?” Alexis asked.
“Yes they did, but I told them not to worry, and it was probably for their own good they were being kept in the dark.” Maggie said trying to make it look like she wasn’t bothered by it, but Alexis could tell that she was.
Tammy and Melissa had been allowed to sit in on all the other missions Alice and Alexis had been on since they started living on the base with them, but due to Bill, Ted and Lana trying to sort out details to do with Mike McGarrett, they didn’t want to risk the two girls finding out about Sarah’s rape unless Sarah decided to tell them, just like she was planning to do now.
“I’m sorry you both feel that way Tammy, Melissa. The only reason you were being kept out of coms was due to some trouble I was having.” Sarah started to explain. She then went on to tell Tammy, Melissa and Maggie all about her past six years including the rape and then all the trouble she’d had losing her jobs one after another until she was finally taken away from all that by Alexis turning up pretending to be Alice.
Tammy and Melissa were sat with tears in their eyes by the time Sarah finished explaining what had happened to her, and the fact that this creep had turned up at the college today. The two girl’s leapt up and then dived on Sarah to let her know they still loved her and wanted to help.
“Did you break his arms and legs Lexi?” Tammy asked with anger in her voice. “I bet you beat him up pretty good right?” She asked looking hopeful.
“No, I never touched him, but only because I didn’t know who he was, or what he’d done at the time.” Alexis growled. “I only just found out myself earlier.” Alexis explained.
“I bet you won’t go as easy on him next time.” Tammy said with an evil grin as she punched out at thin air. “If I was you Lexi, I’d make him fear ever laying a hand on another woman ever again.” Tammy added.
“I know what you mean Tammy, but sometimes doing the right thing means being smarter than the other person. Being the stronger person can sometimes just make you a bully.” Alexis hoped Tammy understood what she was trying to say.
“Does that mean you’re not going to beat him up for Sarah then?” Tammy asked looking a little shocked.
“I plan to do a lot of things to him Tammy, but beating him up will be near the bottom of the list if the other things don’t work, but I plan to make him pay long and hard for all he’s done to Sarah.” Alexis said as she pulled Tammy onto her knee so she could explain things in more detail. “The bad man that hurt Sarah thinks he can use his father’s money to get him out of trouble all the time, so we need to get him arrested on charges that his father can’t make vanish no matter what money he throws at it.” Alexis added with a grin when she saw that Tammy finally understood.
“I understand now Lexi, but what happens if all that fails?” Tammy asked.
“Then I beat him up.” Alexis giggled.
“Lexi! That’s not the proper way to teach my children to behave.” Maggie scowled at Alexis, but the look in Maggie’s eyes said she agreed with what she’d just said.
“Sorry Maggie, but it is hard to not want to go and find the creep and teach him a lesson.” Alexis said looking a little sheepish. “But I know that’s wrong, and the proper way to deal with all this is to let the law take care of it.” Alexis added when she saw the look Maggie was giving her.
Tammy and Melissa started giggling when they saw their mum use her stern ‘you’re in trouble’ stare with someone other than the two of them.
“How are you feeling about it all Sarah?” Maggie asked as she ignored Alexis’s comment and went over to sit on the other side of Sarah and give her a hug, once Tammy and Melissa had moved.
“I was scared to death when I first saw him back at the college, but now I’ve let it sink in that I’m not alone anymore trying to deal with this, I’m feeling much better about it.” Sarah had wrapped an arm through Alexis’s as she answered Maggie’s question.
“I think he’ll soon realise that he’s messed with the wrong girl when Lexi next sees him.” Maggie smiled as she looked past Sarah right at Alexis sat the other side.
“I could almost feel sorry for him, if he wasn’t such a creep.” Sarah shuddered. “I just want him out of my life forever.” Sarah added as she broke down, and let Alexis pull her into her arms.
“I’ll take the girls and let the two of you have some time alone.” Maggie said as she got up off the sofa and led Tammy and Melissa from the room. “I’ve done salad and baked potatoes for dinner, so come down to our apartment when you feel up to eating something.” Maggie added just before leaving the room.
“I promise you Sarah, he won’t bother you ever again after I’ve done with him.” Alexis said as they hugged each other.
Alexis and Sarah sat on the sofa wrapped in each other’s arms for the longest time saying nothing, just enjoying the embrace. Sarah was finally calming down after her rapist, and tormentor showed up at the college surprising her. Alexis was calming down after finding out about Sarah’s rape, and also needing to go out and rescue Alice, after she got caught nosing around in a want to be arm dealers files. Part of Alexis was glad for the rescue mission, because it gave her a chance to vent her anger over Sarah’s rape.
Let’s go and get something to eat.” Alexis finally said. “Maggie won’t be happy if we don’t show up for dinner after she went to so much trouble making it for us.” Alexi added as she got to her feet and then helped Sarah to stand up.
The two of them left their apartment and walked down to see if Alice and Lana wanted to join them at Maggie’s for some dinner.
To Be Continued Next Sunday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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I am glad Alexis got to vent
I think Alice may need to find some ways to mask her presence at her 'jobs' though as one day the regular law enforcement may very well find her fingerprints around. Hiding her face is one thing but with modern DNA analysis and fingerprint identification techniques, the authorities may start to spot a pattern, though granted it is not highly likely.
I look forward to her rapist and especially her rapist's family get taken down.
Project Guardian: Book 2, Chapter 3.
Wondering if any of the scum will return fr a rematch.
May Your Light Forever Shine
loverly to see the gang back
Wow Sara great to see the gang back i've been waiting on them to make a return , looking forwards to more great writing from you in this and the other stories i'm loving so much please please keep up the excellent work
thx Matt
I hate having to wait a whole week just to get the next chapter I want Now!!!!!!!!!! Lol I am wondering how is Melissa going to take to having Tammy being made to look like her twin or is something else planned for Tammy and Melissa? It would also be nice to see what Alice is teaching both girls and will there be more like Tammy and Melissa?
Yours Truly
I have a feeling
I don't think that Alexis' plans will work. I'm mpretty sure that she's going to teach him a lesson that might leave him neutered or without teeth or worse. At least, I hope so!
I look forward to seeing Tammy become Guardian 2 (or G2?). I hope she will be just as dangerous but more controlled. Which might make her even more dangerous.
I'm so glad you've continued this story!
Avenging Angel
I must confess I haven't read all of SaraUK's stories, but there seems to a common thread through the ones' I have read..Someone who is abused and unloved meets one or two people who change their loves forever by showing them more love than the abused thought could ever exist. And with the help of those one or two people, the abused are introduced to others who love and care for them as much their savers do. Seems like a big happy family is the result with so much love in it, that any member of the family will go out of their way to help another member when they need help.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm